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Show MEDICAL. J. M. At F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, j Offlce Over Calder Bro's Music Emporium, si W. F. ANDERSON, M.D. H. I. RiCHARDS. M.D. Surgeons and Physicians, Offices, for the rrent. at their respective residences in tho 13th and 17th W anis. .'q5 fSL DR. GROVES, Omcaiad BonlU St., Salt Ltk City. Three doors West of Revere Houao, half a block Eut of the Elephant Store. ojticb Hocaa yujm a a,.. to 5r.it. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUl'.GEON, Offers hia professional services to the people of Salt Lake Uity, ResidoDce at liolivar Roberts' brick bouse, opposite St. Mark's Church. jf-si 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. FHY3IGIAN. SUBOEON AND DHUGOIST, BlllOHAM CITY. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TQWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEHD PROPRIETOR. This House !b centrally and ploasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for ISO sum La. TUM PROPRIETOR Is now preparing to build large additions to his Hotel , whwh when finished, will render it the Most Complete Establishment in the ROCKY ItlOUXT.UN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONES BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. TermsS3.00 per day. Board without with-out roomi tlts.UO er week. Bntha free to gucili. J. C. L1TTLK, ju24 Proprietor. STOCK BOARD, (Formerly Rdd's, 3V A- X ""NT STHHBT, Two doors south of Wells, Fargo ft, Co'. Our liar it fiirnir-iieil with all itinl cm lie found i n uny flrst-class saloon. Attentive and polito bar-keepers to atlunU iipmi a II who may favor us with a call. ZABRISKIE & CO. f ii TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Side EAST TKMl'LE STKEBT, ROOMS BY THE S1XOLE NIGHT, WKKKLY OH MONTHLY, TAYLOR & CUTLEK, Proprietors. Wo havo routed our RESTAURANT to Moears. L,AUE GOODMAN. n'i Washington House -i-'liira HonlH fStrect, SAL T LAKE CITY Board and Lodging) per Week S? 00 Day Board " 5 00 French Spring Bed ' S S0 Ilels, per Night - B Mla - 'S jll FASHION CHOP HOUSE, (Noxt door to White House), Plain Street, Suit Lnlte City. Conducted fn Crst-class Eronch style, at mod unite prioes. NICHOLAS BEKXAHDIS. f I j Proprietor. Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON the European Plan, is now open and is sun lieu with overy dolicucy of tho rciiJon. Meals at all hours. Oysters in every style, tiuppor Parlies supplied on short notice Terms to suit the time. C1LADK Jt GOODMAN, jlti Proprietors. Sierra Hotel and Restaurant, East aide C o in in c rc lal street. Meals served in the best f lyle. Rooms fur-nithci fur-nithci and unfurnUlicd. t 1 Wm. UtCEK, Proprietor. M CommercM Loipi Rooms, Comnicrclnl street, Opposite Uoruiiin Bakery, ult L:.kiL'ily 0, W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. O 1 N A I, I, N 1 li U T. ..piliiR Bui-. 50 ct. i..T Myht. -iid l. 50 to SJ.UO per Yrek. Mnnle HooiiH, 1'f Mk'" nml !)J.0U to S-t.30 per Week. UTAH HOTEL, Main Street, 0(;i)i;X. J. oniy jini-class House in t'tt- City. Ouiuilu to aud fro in all tr,iir.. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, ;!7 Pro.rieUTi. CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COItONWOOP, T. F. Fuller. Proprietor. To the PuMic This hou.o is now rcfl tied sc. I iiori for traveler ;it reluccd r.Uc. Hoard and LU-inc. by week, SIS.iV. Mo!!, ioo. Bodj,76c. Meals at all houri, a JO LEGAL. JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Laki City, Utah. Office Over Firu Xafi.jn.il Bank. Residence Resi-dence on Eui sireot, betwoeu iouth and 1st South streets. si) T1I03. FITCH. CEO. I. WHITSKY. FITCH 4 WHITNEY, ATTOKXCYS-AT-LAIV, Firn S.imh Street. l'Jj tiAl.I LAKE CITY. If. SI. MORGAN, touimissiouer for Uali Territory. m CALIFORNIA SIEEEI. HAS K2ASC13C0. fe3 ATTOE.N EY-AT-LAW, Xn. 3.; First South Street, ty alt Lnke Citr. Utah. I). COOPKll, ATTOKNJSY A3D COUKSELLOK, Ofllce Kxclinnge and Renains ILooiu., up-.tali'S. )U28 SALT LAKI CITT. CASH FOR MINES1 Enquire of SJTH JM. ItLin. Atlorncy-at-Laxo and Mining Agent, OFFICE : Owr 07 KimLair Ulok, with C. M. lUwlcy. P. U. Box ISO. did P. L. WILLIAMS, LS QRASD YOHNO WILLIAMS & YGUNQ, A T T 0 H N E r S - A T - h A W , Office, half-a-block south of Theatre, Srtlt Lake City. jl2 GEOllGE C. BATES, A TTORNEY-A T-L A W. C. MYRON HAWLEY, Attorney-at-Law, Clerk of tlio Supreino Court and Territorial Librarian. J, W. ILVSKIXS. Oflico in'Kiuiball'a blook, noarU.S.Mftr-jU noarU.S.Mftr-jU sbal's oflice. WM. P. APPLEBY, At Lornoy-nt-Lnw, nAVTSCJ provided himself with suitable IJlAnlifi, is iroiJarod U draw up Declaratory Statements of Applicants Appli-cants fur IJceiU to City tOta. Office E-.is'. Temple Street, first door north of Commerce Building. dla JOHN B. MILNKK, A T T 0 l NHY-AT-LA W , Frovo City, Utali. Collections made iu tho 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts. . Special attention Kivonto Mtnine casoa-Ollico casoa-Ollico at rosidcnco, Cotro bt. Provo City, j5 Warner Earll. F- M. Smith. EAULL & S3UTU, ATTO H NKYS AT LAW, SALT LAKK CITY, Efut Tomplo Street, ono door south of Godbo's titora DAaMEL S. DANA, A T TORN JO Y - A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utali. Olnce west side of East Temple Street. K.M'ecial attention sivon to Mining -litigation. zl VVm. HAYDON, (Liito Jinlgo f UU Diotvict Court, Nuvudb,) AT T O II N K Y-.V T-L AW, Room No.it, tfust Tomplo Street, over First National D.iiilt. nl HAKNUM, A T TOUNEY-AT-LAW, UUico, Kimball's Bloclt, S, L. City. t Special attention Riven to Titles. Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Sales or Lit. nations in Mining Uaiu.s and Heal Kstalo. . Collections mado or business done in any part otthe United Slated by Association oi reliable Attotncys. d1' J. II. ilomiistoiid, M. K.Lrkpatriok HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, Attorucyn-at-KaWj Main Stroot, upposite Wells. Farso i Co., HAl,TL4KK CIJY, Z. SNOW. E. D. UOQE. a.xow hook, (Utornoy and Counioion at Law Salt UUq Cily, Utah. OIlhiMil Snow's corner, 1st liiulSlruet. jufi NOTICE. ViV. law iartncrship herolo'oro existing 1 between Thomas Fitch and S. A. Maun is this day dissolved. FITCH k MANN. Salt Luke City, February 2d, 1S72. ii NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, - Mining Ueods, Agrcowents and Bonds for Dood. MortKJces. Powers of Attorney. Leases. ContmcU and other mslrutnonta oi nritina drawn with accuracy and dispatCU. Jty SI in In K Conipantea Incorporated Incorpora-ted under lUe Law of Utah. C. A. GOULD, and COMMISSION Kit ')V DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Fcnnsylva-nia.Oliio, Fcnnsylva-nia.Oliio, Illinois, Iowa, Ncbra-ska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Onlilbmia, and other States and Ter-I Ter-I litoric;. I foist T-.r.iyk St., near H'Wi, Fargo j if i.V., Sail Lake, City. mil . Wv. Clvttun. S. J. JoNMSsoir. Notary Public. Conveyancer. CLAYTON TjONASSON 1)A1" strict attention to tho collection ol 1 money in H pni't" of tho world. They also draw or acknowledge all kinds of instruments in writing. Spu-1 nl attention eiven to the drawing f vill and Ti-.tniiiinioiy Docn-niriiii. Docn-niriiii. l,.nn uo,-. lia e-t. H-use and Hf.il Ivtate i all Winas b.niKht, sld or ; lc-c.l. Incoi immUmi mid l'nrl in r lit lp 'PrjirrK crj A - .-ri ft ;..n drawn in i MiUi mcovilHiiie nun the laws oi Lit ah-, ah-, , PKKir K-Koii i x It door ioutli of mid Ijc'b ( iitiici . ni United States Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Odi'oNo.lsTaylot'i Hotel, Su'.t Lake City j Liquid Blueing I CUes., ' -t in m-r);::. f':--r f l'.if taction jfuarAntte-i ur luonry re:.;aartl. Ccsh 1 ld lor im.1 conntry fcrSale 300,000 11. cmr" Sail, Tahl and Dairy. Sliinctef. 1 nnihcr airl ti--ncr.il Merchandise. Vh0lc5.ile Jobber. J. W. SXKI.L. Ualio t3rc, one block south Tlieitre. BANKERS. Robert Anderson. " Thos. P. Akers ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., BACKERS, b3, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Salt Lak City. jl3 Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner Eut Temple and Pint South Streets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - $100,000. BHIGHAM TOUNQ. President, "1 H. S. ELDREDGE, Viae Pre. WM. H. HOOPHK. WM. JKNNINOtf, Directors. JOHN SHAltP. FEKAMOKZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS. Cashier, GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANTS, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, Ac. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. l:i WELLS, FARGO & CO, Express Forwarders, Bankers, aud DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all tfe principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLEUTIO N S Promptly attended, to. Kamt Tempi St., Salt Lake City. TUEO. V. TRACY, AeenL mil SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is now and novel in Sowing Machines. They aro tho latest improved and lightest running shuttle mnchines in tho world. Beautiful ana compact iu model and unexcelled in material and finish. They sew everything from laco to beaver cloth in tho most perfect manner. Evry variety of Hemming, Felling, dullllug, Cording, Ruflllncr, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., easily pet formed. Straight freed!?. No Cog-wheels. NO VIBRAT1NU SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on Klrit Soutli Street Salt Lnke City, oppoilte the New Meat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, juylS Agent. Aflmiuistrator's Notice. HAVING bi'cn appointed by the Probate Court olS.ilt Luke county, Aduiinis-tralor Aduiinis-tralor of the estate of Bradlord Leonard, deceased, notico is hereby given to all persons per-sons indrbted to said estate to come forward si nd scJtlo iuimediatrly, and those having claim. .ig.i in? t the fame (o present them for adjusliucnl without delay. U.J. GOLDISH. AJ.uinistrnUjr. Ollice, Rouui .No. 1 Court Uouse. ifall Lake City, Feb. 19, l-7i tM COLLEGE SCRIP! pUKEMl-TOKiS will save $16 on X each quarter section by buying Apriouliural Uollcce Scrip. Ai'ply to THK B A Ai HL OF DESERET, S.."Or to Hnnr. MMredc A Co EV MEDICAL M'ORR ! "1 Hfc PHILOSOPHY OF NURhiAGt." For t lie Debilitated Nervous System. OH- JO II DAN. of the Anatomical Mn?e;im, 31S M-Ti'c"mery street inoar Califnr nii. S.il Francijco, California, has published pub-lished four of his most important ani instructive in-structive LoMure.- in a neat vvluuie ior tb.'-fe -bo cannot atteud the Lectures at the Mu-fcniu. Mu-fcniu. Kvery L'nmsrriei j'i I Married man should read and iindy tbese import-ar.t Lecture fur tho eooa of hiuiiell" and ofi-apring. ofi-apring. , , iiy addressing the Secretary of the Anatomical Ana-tomical Mu,r:m. ?an Frac:.'co. asd enclosing enclos-ing rwonly-Kivo Cents in Poftase Sl.impi to pay postac, the ll.:olt will bo forwarded to ar.y p.irt ot the Sutos or Trrrit orie?. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by letter. HARDWARE. SCOTT, CLMI11I & C0 Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING, AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. w LEGISLATIVE Proceedings ! WHEREAS Wo are to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowaaoo of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Seoseney & Co. are selling Stoves Cheaper than any other House in tho oity, for the reason they are Closing Out. Xo. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 " 0 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. SENSEHEY&CO Oppotiu W. F. S Co'i OffUe, SALT LAKE CITY R. A. KEYES, Agent C. H. BASSETT, NEW HARDWARE STORE AllkiDdiof HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stovas and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And mining Tools, At Lowtit Rti. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOC8I Dl6 Furaacemen Attention! A 1 Fixe Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAIYIi & CO. Ill IGKXTS FOE TBI OOLDE.f CITY FIB.K BRICK, ( "ffhh sr trjntl if not irjptrior to the SpkiiU met eiTMi bj ih cu loth tutl! TRAVEL, UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On Butl after January Ti MIXED TRAINS TILL Hi, XT 1ST DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central I.R. Depot, Salt Lake City at 7.10 a.m.; Draper 5.45 p.m., and bandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) ai 6.20 p.m. An extra train will 11 ii ii on $ u a d a y $ Leaving Draper at $.40 a.m., Sandv at 9.10 a.m., Salt Lake City at 4. JO p.m. Salt Lake to Bir Cottonwood Station, '.Nkl? Little " " k:is " Sandy " $1.K " " IWaper " 1 ii Twenty-five cents additional will be olfarsrd when the fare is collected on the train. D, O. CALDEH, .Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. FEKAMOKZ LITTLE SUPKRINTKNDKST. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAIJYV STAGE LINES THKOUGn Utah. South - vast iVevada & Montana. Mon-tana. Laving Salt Lake Cltj- Dally, running run-ning south to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. Georeo, Utah ; and Tioohe, Nevada ; Passing through Provo, SpriuRville, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Creek, Cliioken Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore. Corn Creek, Bnaver, Minors-villo, Minors-villo, and All the principal tmrms md mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Curl n tie, t'lali, dally, runnli.f; north to Virginia City, TJcIcna. Fort Benton, Deer Lodn Cedar Crck mines, and passing through all tlio principal towns and miu ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PHIKCIPAL OKF)CK, Wells, Frgo & Co. Building iun4 Salt Luks Oity UTAH CENTRAL ItAILiSO.W?. mr ..; .5iw PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and aftsr Monday, July IT, 1871 lUy Train Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Arrive at Ogdon 7 a. m. and 1:46 p. m. Leave Ogdon at 8 a. m. and 6.:'0 i. m. irrive at Salt Lake City IU a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above Will ma DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKPTED Leaving Salt T-nke City nt 5,30 p.m., and Ogden at i a.m. Passengers will picas. Purchase th.lr Tickets at th. Offices. Fifty ConU additional will be nharired wber the fare if oolleoied on tho train. For all Information ooncorninf freight oj paSKaue. apf ly Lo ' D. O. CAI.DKK, General Frnisrit and Ticket Ag't JOHN SHARP, BTJT-E R I NT K N D F N T Len Wines, 11. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic llllli? Stage and Express X.I3STE, RUN SI. NO DAILY KKOM HALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCK TO If AMD OPH1K TO TIKTIC. The rsul bn re-pt'iked nh n Undid Un-did C'.ncrJ Cii:bM, fine f-torr. ric'i! M Urilive Driver and errry attention i' im1 io th oo m for i an 1 convenience of t,a'.ei.-ieri. t,a'.ei.-ieri. Good acenmrnodntinn on the rwh THROUGH EY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OfD.ee at Wells, Fargo tt, Co.'a, Salt Lake City. WINKS & KIMBALL, oprietore. ; Salt Ms Sii-Wectly Mi I Pabiisbei rery WednwJay and Saturday a; tbe followinr nnprtcedenledly low rte$. jtrictlj in advance: I 1 corT. one year, 4 CO 1 cviy. sis Eonthj 2 i 0 j 1 eoj'V, three ie on ihs 1 tO i 10 cojmcj, one year ,V 0 i 10 pi m, six month IS CO , 10 eop;ea. three months .. y id I JOHN T. CA1NE, E. L. SLOAN ! W. C. DUNBAR. I Editor and Pnbliiher. i CHICAGO TRADE. i jTAGl KKO.Jk CO., t Imsrtra aud Dealers la LEaTrO AND FINDINGS. 33 and 37 outh Canal street, M. D. WELLS & CO., ' Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealers in Hoots and Shoes, 1 618 W.b.ali Ave, Chlro. ! M. D. Wells. 11. J. M,-f.rt.i4. ' K. liencitoL 4 S. P. M.-lnur. SLICHTLY SCORCHED I j VA1T SCHAACK, i STEVENSON & REID, j WHOI.KSALK ; DRUGGISTS I (Late of 0. 92 and 94 Like street. I Cor. Doarbcrn street,) HAVE REMOVED ! On account of the intense heat, ' To the Baptist Church Building ' K47, S10 4SM W.ImliAvt,, T2 a? IS. R T2 --QlLlU Jft I Whore we havo a luiyo stock of Drugs, J ClioniicaU, I'jiinL, Oils, Cilass and J (jlnsswaro, Druggists' Sun- j dries, i'titeiii limn bugs, Kte., Kto. 1 CALL AND CHKKK US. j (We only pay 100 cents on the Dollar.) CHASE, HAKFCRD & CO., 410 South CnuntSt., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, Ac, MAnufaoturors of the oolebrated WILSON OIL TA N K mi YORK TRACE. " L. M. BATES & CO., 4S1 . o3 Uroadway, MEW YORK, mixi aims aim josnias ia Fancy Dry Goods, HCMIKRY, willTK GOODS, WOOL-KlNg, SHAWLS, VAXKEJS XOTIOA'S, .f-c. J. II. Ut'LUEK. jui ROBERTS, READ i CO. AlaQuf.olur.i-h and Jobber, of ' H , 871 HJiOADWAr, rORK j Jn iFELIX CAMPMLL, 1 79 John ot, New York, I Manufacturer ot arid Dealer In I Wrought, Cast ml Out vaulted I t b- m ma I A'ul every vi-ricty tf fittings for I the Mam. ml7 HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co SucosHSorii to UriQoo, Henderson A Co., I U IJ BT l K AND JOBUKRS OF FiCY HOODS, KOTIOAS, M O tW I U MY, FURNISHING GOODS, KIC. 4VN A SOU UllOADWAY, Oi i.oslle SU McholM llol.l, "' New York. BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Mannfaulurcrs and Wholesale Dealeis in BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 J I mid I UO Ur.iid Ml., JVrtv York, Ci.mpr Crosby, ono block eon of Dro.dwt. .114 A y e r ' s Hair Vigor For rdtorln(r to Gray Hair llnat urnl Vitality and Color. f -r'"''y wliiuli is ni ',' 7 "L''1 HKrcea- ST-''- hU' l,,lll.V, ' .-W mid cH icIuhI , ' f'r iircfcrviiio; l V't". 'lio lmir. It V 3 , 1 1 " : ) V hair to ii or,:l. v V y innl color, with the glow awl Jreilnirn f yuuth. 'Jliin lmir ii UilcliQiH'd, fullinx lmir (.licck'td, nml l)iililnfr ot't"ii, tli"i.li ii"t nlways, I currd y its uf? N 'ftlii J c-nii rc-Uiro tho lmir wIhto llic i'.dliclf-K aro dotmy-od, dotmy-od, or tin- nd" 'id 5 Hr'idiici ;md divnyod; tmt fiii'di n r'-iiiiiin cun hn nivuj by tins ndk-hliun, mid t-liruulat.-d into iictivity, fo Vim L s. ntiw Kri'wld. of lmir is i priidmcil. iiloud uf (oulinj: tlio hair with b )iuly fecrl i in ent, it will kw it cli'fui mid yiK'Tout. its occulunal uso ( will jnuvout tlio lmir from turning gray or fniling oil', mid consfjuontly -irovont baldii'tFr. Tlie rctorution of vitality it Kivcs to tho tuiilji arrePta and prevonU lh formation of dandruff, wbiub, is ofltju i-o umdcHiily and ofl';ii;ive. ee from thoie deleterious s-ubi.Unce wbicbiuiiko j f-oini.- (jri'imrHtioiii, daiiK'Tous, nud injurious inju-rious to tlio hair, tlio Vior cau only 1 bencht bu- not burin it. If wanted j iuu, y for a JJAIii DJih.-jSlNti, nothing noth-ing obo ;i.n bu found bo d'j,.irabl. Con-tniiiiiiK Con-tniiiiiiK n':ithvr oil wr ilye, it does nt toil wLllu tumbril.', and yet lusts long on tlio Lair, giving it a rich, globi-y lubtre, find a graU'lu jiorfuino. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & o ., Practical and Annlyllcal Chemists, LOWKLL, MASS. J-'or Sulo ftt Z. C. M. I., DriiR Dep't |