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Show TRAVEL. I UTAH CENTRAL! KAIMtOAI). j PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Oa and nr Mouilny, July 17, I nil Dully TntEii Lsave Mall Lak C'ilT at ' la and il'i p.m. Arrio nt i.luit 7 . ui. and I. U p. in, Laava Otf lon at 1 a. in. uni nj p. m. Arrive l dull Laka City lu .ui. nud 7: Ut v.ia la Addition to lha abov Will run DAILV, SUNDAYS KXCKiTKD Leaving Salt I.nka City at 5.:t p.m., and Ojidcn tit ii-iii. Putiugtri will pleas I'urclii tltlr Tlckti at the Oma. IT lit 7 CflQta additional will be nhiirited whtc tho Uro U oullactad on Uio train. Vor all Information oonoernint freight or punauo, apply tu U. O. CAI.DklU, lienor aI Freight and Tioko; A'. JOHN SHARP, bUI'KIlINTENDENT Lon Winoa. II. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, oiuiin And Tintic - T-AXLXi Wn- Stage and Express IllNMNU UAILV KUUftI SALT LAKU CITY, vlit LAKU TOWN, TOUKLK CITY, STOCKTON AMU OPIIIK TO TINTIC. Tho route has been re-stookod with iidon-did iidon-did Concord C'imohos, fine Stock, oaioful iind ttteotivo Drivers, nod ovory attention is paid to tho oowfor' in. 1 o j n von ion eg of paoc ara. Good accommodations on the road. THKOUGII BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Uflloi at Weill, Kin-go A. tu.'i, Suit Lnki City. WINKS & KIMBALL, 4 I'roprictors. UTAH SOUTHERN 1 A I LIU) A I). On and after January lst, IS7J MIXED TRAINS WILL n XJIST DAIL Y Leaving the Utah Central U.K. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7.10 a. in.; Draper 5.45 p.m., and Sandy Station, (nearest point to Littlo Cottonwood Canon,) at ti.-O p.m. An extra train mil Kim on Sundays Leaving Draper at S.40 a.m., Sandy at 9.10 a.m., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. Salt Lake to Hi Cottonwood Station. (.r-Oets Littlo ' " sects Sandy 51 .n) Draper " 1..5 Twenty-five cent? additional will bo charged when tae lare w collected oa the train. O. O. CALDKU, lion, f reinht atd Ticket .Uont. S U I' KRl STUN V 1U T. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THIiOlUU I'tah, south -vast Aevatla Ac lon-tana. lon-tana. LcmtItik S.ili Lake I'lly tlly, u lining li-ning Miuih io Tuitic, Amene:in Fork, Mount Ncbo, tSevier, St. Uor-e. Uuh; and I'kvlu-. Novtvia ; fixating (liriiili Tunw Spri:'L:vi!!o, Spini-h I' -i k, liy-son, liy-son, Sa.it Crwk, t'i'iiktu Cr.ck, Hound Yalioy, Fiiiin -tv.Coru Crock. K-avcr, Miners-vi Miners-vi He, and AU tiu r;'n)tl t--icns mid nt-niriff c-imp-i in Ai;.vrt i i'.ri u.-t sou:htast A'tii.;i. Alto Otlniif, Knb, Ually, running north lo Virsinia City. !(c!en.i. Fort Bontoa, Deer L-:Jr-. Ldur Crvvk mine?, and p.i,-oiTb; thiuh ai! the l-noeipal town.- and min-in min-in camps in Me-o-uua. I'UlStlPAL OKKICK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building ins SaI'. Liit City. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. LOCKE & MOmiil'E, STOVES METALS, M.iN'.vtcTUiij'r'.i .ir TINWARE House Furnishing Hardware AND Tinner's Tools and Machines; j ACK.VTd Full j Agricultural Steam Boilers, 1 14 Kiiil 1 I I Unltery Street, iu7 san rnAN(;iS(;o. CUENERY, SOUTHER Si CO,, Imi.orterd und Jobbera of KUttKiaa AM) DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AM) Liauoits, 31 1 Clay Slrt, Sn Krauclitd. IilU WiLMEf!D!N9 & KELLOGG, luiporterd and Jublora of Wines and Liquors, 211 & 210 t'KONT HTKKKT, BAH fr'UAMClSCU. LAZARD FRERES, Imiiortors and Jitbbcra of Toroin and Do-uicetio Do-uicetio Fancy and Staj'lo DI1Y GOODW. Dcjiul of Goodn Manufactured at the Mission ami 1'ucijie Mills, CutisolidaUd. 55 Jt a-47 Market St., Sail Frn uyis Y,ra: 2S Rue Do L'Echinu J. BAUM & CO., luiliorLcra and Mncufiwturor9 of MEM'S & COY'S CLGTHING WA Sniixime St., San Kritnclico 43 Murray bt., Acvr York. MURPHY.GSANT& GO. Impurtors of Amcrifan and Kuropoan Mtuple ami Fuiicy DBY GOODS, CAJLIFOltKIA, Call tho attention of (ho Tnido to their large and cuuudoto stock of FALL: AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now rccoiving direct from. Euroiioau Manulacturcra, oomj.risinE in iiart French Merluoi, Wool Sntlucs, Wool Plaldi, French aud Liuriiiau, Irlah antl Freuch Po)llitit Kmirena Ctollia, Tniitlae, Dark and colorod, Velveteens, Aliincns, Hack and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Duck, Berlin (Ladies'. Misses'. GonU'J Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. II on I cry, cum. Me in id. iU Lrauclii Wliltc liuoili, llnnd kcrchlcfa, Sltlrdiig Lit u ens, limit, whito and coluu-.!,- Uninmki, Itowu loom anil lili-aclicd, Towtls, Uuck, DiapiT, Turkish. Aitgikiua and Uoj-ltes, j4 tic, Ktc, Ktc, 3m. G. HODGE & CO., I3IPOXi,XJLaiJS fturl Wholesale Stationers, Keep tho largest Block of Stationery, Blank Books, School ttooki, riHj lnK Cftrda, Wrap, plug 1'apera, Twines, Pocket Cutlery &c.t tfrc, On tho Pacific Coast, which ttoyaro prepared to sell either for Uold or Curre-ucy at pricoa thAt will offui itiducetiicnta for linjora anjwhoro west f th( Koct; Mountains, 327, 329 & 331 SAXSOMJS STREET, f '.i Francisco; IKON AND STEEL "WIX1JC3 HOPE, FLAT AU ItOUSD, Forluiirtin from miniiiR slnfl; and inclines, terry rojuv, Uuy roicd, i'or tranimittias wn or. c:c- Mamijaelutxdoany Lcnjth or Size. Wire Hope Is mui-U cl.cnpcr, lighter ami mmc limuLile limn any odker UlnU of Hope. HalHdie's Endless Wire Hope Way, (Wire Tramway). For the rai'il and coonomwal tmasrortilion ot Ures and oLhor mutcriils over uioantain-oas uioantain-oas and diiiicult roaii. Secured by U. S- Vatcut Grip Pulley, For tr.5mi;:inc tvwcr and bv whick tht rore u umajiirci and car.no: ilip. FOli ClttCl LAKS, A.;cEcy of the PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. lOi CALLVORXU.) Alt kind.- And of Win?, c-slantly ot jAd aud ua'a;ac;j.rcd ;o order. A. S. h'ALLIDIE. J'li'ront Sl, ban FrnciiCf t n'-' Caiilornia TOS1FJ, DAVISSOM & CO., liiiours: or y tmcA.. l:m;lisii, FiviL.cu AND GtK.'li.V FANCY GOODS, S::io;ur?j, Vrtss IVinvr.isigs, White Uvixis, J':;7jicry il-:sicnr, LL-ienHJkchs, G-.:i is' i r:t Uhi $ Goods, Etc Cur. Sullcr autl Sansom? Sis., Jaj SAN FRANCISCO. , GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. j TO Y CAN D I ES, j FANCY CANDIES.' CONFECTIONARY OF ALL A Large Stock, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT 1L WALLACE'S. If You Want Peanuts, Ca II Wo hzo JUST RECEIVED A lot i.l' TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Which wo will sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, IStist Temple Street. aug26 Grain, Flour& Feed DEPOT, lUuin Mlrcot, 5. JU Cily. A full supply of Slates Corn, States and Valley Oats, Ground Wheat, Ground Barley,Corn Meal, (yellow and white,) Cracked Corn, Middlings, Shorts, Bran, Graham, Buckwheat and Kye Flour, Utah Barley, Seed Wheat, Norway Oats, Beans, Potatoes, Etc. Agent for Allen's XX and XXX Family Flour and JIcss' North Cottonwood XXX and XXXX. GEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, West side Main street, S. L. City. P.S. Special induccnionta to wholesale buyers, or in small lots. oc6 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that he has a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sells tbcm AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PBODUCE Or all kind.. Houslit mid Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order. GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, flrit door north of Co-operative Grocery Department, GOLIGHTLY&HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Uuus, Cukes, Pies, Crackers, Elc. F;ao varieu of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale and Uatall. j Groceries, j Flour, j Feed, LL orderi for Cj1 Icti : A. S. Gould J J-"- ton's omcc, on jlite, will be prompUj attended to. Trice S per ton. delivered ii main rirt of the city. N. P. WOODS. A;cnt Rocky Mountain Coal id Iron Co. Mme De MEUDON DANCOURT, Teacher of Music and Pianist Speaks English, Ocrman and French. Address through P.O. Salt Lako City Emerald Hill Mining Company. LOCATION of Works. Salt Lako County, Utah Torritory. Notioo is herobyKivonth.it nt a mooting of tho Board of Trustees of snid Company, hold on tho elevonth day of January, 1872, an assessment of twenty-live cents per sharo was levied upon tho Capital Stock of said Company, payable immodiatoly, in gold and silvorcoin, to thj Secretary at tho Otlice of tho Company, Room No. Morchants Ex-chsngo, Ex-chsngo, California street, San Francisco, California. Any Stock lpon which Faid assessment shall remain unpaid on MONDAY tho Nineteenth Nine-teenth day of February, 1S72, shall bo deemed doliminont, and will be duly advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment shall bo mado before, will bo sold on THURSDAY, tho Fourteenth day of Maroh, 1872, to pay tho delinquent assessment, together to-gether with cosu of advertising and ox-pensos ox-pensos of tho salo- Hy order of tho Board of Trustees. F. MADGE, Secretary. Office No. (M. Morchants Exchange, California Califor-nia street, San Francisco California. jlli a- . r. B, " fl 3 ?! Ill S BG a- ' S3 3 S e i ..- s t 3s SoioO .16 s I O x 3 u. I 1 P.! CO H i i, ; SALT LAKE BRANCH OF THE , Great Western ! INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. THKU. F. TllAUV, I'rc.ldcul C. II. B S KTT, ) I1KNKV W-LAWKKNCK U1 recton C11.VS. L. DAIICKU, ) MARSHALL CAllTKK. A.iorney. U. K. IUU, a.,,.s.r , OFFICE: Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms A Unoch of this SOUSD and RELL ABLE , rf5,000,000 COMPAXY -1 Having been organized in our city, we , ire bow ready for business and earn-estly earn-estly solicit public paixonage, gmran. k teeing that all fire risks will be carried 7 it & fair rate. 3 i H. R. MANN, S1 HaBagra Z. C. M. !. COLUMN. ! Wholesale (DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buddings, A full, Srat-claij stock ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW PllltKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operativo Dealers please inspect. i GROCERYiHARDWARE UEPARTfllENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINUS, Parchmcrs aan hero find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH 81ANCH AGREAT VARIETY IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY i ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty I CLOTHING DEPT. HOrVSE-RslABE AND IMPORTED MANUFACTURED FROM HOME -MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, BNGXiiSil tuil AniEIllCANI FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings1 On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. FIKST-CL.ASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND 1SS0RTMEAT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families. ! DRUGr DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, i j PATEIST M K DieiA ES, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY KSULISU ALB A.SD PORTER, AVKKILL PAIST WHITE LEAD, OILS, COLORS GLASS. ETC. Hracriptioni from Physicians icUt have rpfdal attention. H. B- CLAVSO., Snpl, CHICAGO TRADE. CHASE, HAKFORD & CO,, 470 SootH Caunl St., CHICAGO, ' UeJjaixters fcr Oils, Paints, Glass, &c.( M&aahctaren or the celehnthl WILSON Oil. TjL N K.i L. M. BATES & CO., 431 453 UroaiUvny, NEW YORK, IXKMLJiS AND JOJJEEIli IX Fancy Dry Goods, UOSIKltV, WHITE GOODS, SHAWLS, TAXJCEJi XOTIOXS, l' c. J. II. U ILGER. Jul4 M. D. WELLS &, CO., ftlacuTuolurors of and Wholesale Dcalors in JJoots and Slioes, OIH Wabatb Ave, Chicago. M. D. Woll. II. J. Mnofarlantl, R. Benedict. mil S. P. .Molnlyre. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED! VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, W1IOLUWALE D11UGGIST8 (Lato of 90, 12 anJ Ell Lnko street. Cor. L'oarbora street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense heat, To the Baptist Church Building, 847, 849 &, S31 Wnbxsli Ave., is at jb cj:-.. Where we havo a largo stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass and Glassware, Druggists' Sundries, Sun-dries, Patent, ilimibugs, Etc., Ktc. CALL AND CHKtilt US. (Wo only )ay loo cents on tho Dollar.) HEW YORK TRADE-FELIX TRADE-FELIX CAMPBELL. 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Deal or in Wrought, Cait and Gnlvanlzed Atut every variety of fittings for the same. ml' 0. A. Lonsatreet. John Sodewiok. LOf.QSTP.EET & SEDGWiCK Manufaoturors of and Wholoaalo lfoalers in MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING 400 408 Brolwyi w York. HENDERSOPi, JUSTICE &Cc Suooessors to QritTon, Ilonderson Jfc Co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Of FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS HOSIH RT. FURNISHING GOODS ETC.. 4W8 500 BIIOAOWAY, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, lla Now Yorl BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dcalors in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one Mock east of Broadwa' d!4 ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers aud Jobbers of sh rear1 371 BROAD WA V, NE W YORK. JiiylO O , O O O SiiiS'er Scwiiisr Machines ivtvc Sold within Ihc past year. Scicntijic American, Juno lUtli, l'A, THE SIN CER 3Iamifac(urins Conijiaii', A.T THE WORLD'S FJLll Constituted by tho homes of lite people Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And havo left all rival fur behind them, h'on T1IKY Sold in 1870J27r8Machiaes I Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "The miiirnitudc- to which tho manufaeturo of sowIhr machines has attained is shown hy tho "worn'' returns (to which any ono cm have ae.'css) of tho manufacturers Vt tho year 170 to tho owners of tbo leading patents, on which they p.iy a royalty. According Ac-cording to tlicio returns iho number ol machines sold by ouoh munul'aoturor iu lbTij ii as follows: The Singer - - l'47,s:iJ Floreisco - - 17.71) Wheeler X. Wilson - S-VJoS (1-ld .Medal - - - s" -l? Ho wo - - - 7o.l."-i A'.ma ..... t,' Urover it llaker M.-bC K11 -;ro - s'.U'i, Weed - - - ;i'i,txi.i Finklo i Lyon - - 0 Wilcox .t llibbs - iS.S'.H) l'arbaiu - 1,7 AmerioauUmtonholeA Overscaining H.:73 Wilson .... Aud sovorul other oompanios who sold a few mnohinos. It will bo scon by this table that tho popularity of tho Siufier murliluei far tx-veetU tx-veetU Hint of nil ollieru, their Balo boine; out-Unlf (rrtnlcr than even that of tho famous "Wheeler & Wilson" machine. This is owing to tho fuet that tho Shiver Company havo lately commenced making, besides their old nnd well-o-itabliih&J manufacturing machine, what is known their "Mew Kwiully iiluchlnc," which In selling at I lie rule of nine to one better than their old utylr. Their total to-tal sates for lSd'J were So.TSl .nnchincs against tho 127, fU! of 1870, ihowlng an Inercnte ofonc-linlf In the latter year." "New York Suu." Ouc-IIalf of onr Gigantic Sales, KOW NEARLY THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION MactLines Sold, i 3U . JW " M& A J H j .A. JU U m M.1 m Were mnile within Hie pint three years. Hut tho Greatevt In reave or ! our Sales over all Other alachineii, Uclitg AVllhlti the l'nat Ye..r. TUU W InvoitlcMtlble 1'roof ihat Our Machines Are tbo llest in the World. THE JVEW FAMILY JSIAGEU iSEWliVGi MACiUiVE With attachments for all kinds of work, la lodt i-iinninn supremo favor in tho household, as 6hown by the rapidly Increasing sales, ovor all othor maelnoes. This tev Family ninclilite jg now capablo oT a rnnco and variety of work such ai was only recei.Lly thouKht impossible, to perform by machinery. We claim and can show that it is tho cheapest, inosi beautiful, delicately arranged, niuoly adjusted oasilv oiiorated.spocdy.and smoothly running of all tho Family riowinn .Maehiuos. It ia remark ablo not only for tbo ranfio Bud variuty of its sowing, but also lor the variety and Jif ferent kinds of toxturo which it will sow with ouuul facility and perfecli.m uninir silk twist, linen or cotton thread, hue or co.irso, making the 'iiitrlocked-cluMtlc-tUltch, aliko on both eides of tho fabric sewn; the only stitch which is universally approvod, or is at all adapted for tlmt-e limit work. Thus, beaver cloth, or Uitlier may bo sown with groat strenglh and uniformity of stitch, iind, in a moment ihia willing and novor-wcarying instrument may bo adjusted for fino work on gauze or gossamer gossa-mer tissue, or tho tucking of tarlatan, or rulllinn, .or almost any other work even by a clillil which dolicato fingers havo been known to porlorm. Kven the careleai n.ml tlioulilleii8 have little or no trouble on lhl machine, Send for Descriptive and Price Circufars. Wo manufacture our own needles, silk nnd twisU furnish linen and cotton thread and oil all of superior quality but which can bo relied oa only when obtainod throurh our Principal or Branch Oitloos, or Ajjoncics. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, V We Guarantee; every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE TII110UGII0UT THIS CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. IVo oxtend a cordial invitation to all to come and seo tho Machines, whother they wish to buy or not. See all others, but tlo not buy without you ciaiutue the Singer. Visitors always politely attended by competent nttendaotfl. Instruction frca, AL1 Machines perfectly adjusted before delivery at t SINGER SEWING- MACHINE DEP'T, Z. C. 1 1. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Wa.lt lattice City, Uttih. II. B. CLAWSON. Superintendent. Have on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock iu the City OP WAGON TIMBER &ND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer -A.T VERY Xj O "W P EI CE S , FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOOIC SOUTH OF THEATRE m25 . JAMES HAGUE. Jun. J. II. I1AUUE. aEOltOE UAUUi' HESigr GrXXXi Store ! HAGUE 13KOTHEBS, LATE JAMES HAGUE, Importora nnd JJoalora in. GUNS, Nigf PISTOLS, IMOA'ITION, Pm m istciciles., Harness AND WIUPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. a East Temple Street. Salt Lake City, Z. C. M. !. BOOT MID SHOE Department, nt Hie mkiio! s?S3:es "big- boot." Every ly!e nd quality or Hwls and Shoes MAJJ.'i TO OHDKR, eztbte tion guaranteed. ALWAYS OS EASD A LAB.GE A-ND CHOICE STOCK OP IME-MDE lmforted BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORT.MIXI OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather H IDES Wa INT THIIJ. |