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Show GRcccr.iES a pp.gyisiohs. DANIEL GRENIG, At !::- oM an-i, East sldu East Templa St., Wi.iic. (., i.,nu bi, nu.-r.,u. f,i,.i, ! i..r.i., l!, it he u i Kull Aorlmcni til' MEKCHAflDISL; i IJjuully j.l al. lj .-t l Store ;ui1 IJakcry, Ami -scll tliL'iij AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PHODUOB Uf nil kind. IloilKllt mill Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order- HAPPY NjW ll G. W. DAVIS Has a full Hock ol Raisins, Currants, I'rrl." Spire, Kl Kt SxilltHi Unlilitu, Choice GUNPOWDER TEAS, KIO AM) ill (H: II A COKKKH. Our fruit brim; olt'iuwd, imn.li.ucrJ will lave uiunoy and tiuio hi buyim.-. EXAMINE THE WINDOW S A. I ' Ti :i: . G. W. DAVIS, lco Doort'rom Kimlnill &lMWrences d.H COME AT LAST ! h'm.'ml thin P.ii;, TWO CAR LOADS Of FUKItillT. conMtiiu- ol' tlio followim- t-i;s, Oystt-rs, Lemon, Apples, 1'i-uiihri-rirs, Turkeys, I'oik, ( liU kons, Lunl, Hickory Nuts, Chctuul,, Cltlcv, Uultcr, Cuvu, clt-. Commission House, III Jiain 81. I. G. JAMES & CO. J:t GLOBE BAKERY, Knt Temple Street, flitt door northof Co-operative liroccry Department. G0L1GHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Huns, dikes, Pies, Crackers, Etc. Fino Yarieu of CONFECTIONERY, Wboltiiilo and Retail. Groceries, Flour, Vc?l, &c. C5 0IET an r : 0 BL lis FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD Oil It KT AM., THOS, S. JONES & CO., Uatr-a-blotk S.mlH of V. C. Depot. 1 DAY & CULMES, GENERAL MERI'II.INDISeJ dbv (;iuni. t.um Kit i ks, n kpv k I i;i)i)l'..Mll'XS1IIAT, l III'- liKli,Ln IV-i. ! l.t. V- AUK, .U-. COttt'M:K TVIK, uo i ;: auk, ( fA'i 1K I S, CK Vi'Kstl-i i;is( i i" I'OU.VCU'.ACSUAi-.! r m 3 OoL.-tialio" 03 a-isd o. ilii :'c:;i:s alaii t;nnpovnler - - $1.7"i tof j.Jj YnnuC liOi - l.l'O to 1 . 3 0 Tycoon - - - t.J-fc to 1 .t: 1S - to I.3.". Ffk - I-'' u l.l Soiulions - 'JO to l.l'H uixuaiia i.. - - - i.m mral Leaf - SO to l.Uu A-d :h :Vaou K:::ii'i mied Tea ... 1.7 3 Dealers ia Teaj w;il nil it ;::? a I-1 ci" cur bujl;s ciasct ue tsoeile-i ia SAM FRANCISCO TiiALi:. (;i!A:i!) in via JIJIINSON ft C')., IVil'iUMf.-. toli;., i CO., i'Ji'-jiiri.iid 07 ' . AJULltlCA-X, K.l.'LI.S!l, KIlK.NCil I A.U utli.1A 'FANGS'' GOODS, i 7 J'trar.u.y, Y;n':.:c N-jtLas, Sin 'ijtienj, iJi-ui Trimmings, White G';CU, Millinery Goo J, Lt'jcitn, . Llnm Jl'd;-rt, (Senta Fuini.ihinj G-k s, h'fe. Cor, Siilttr a n -J a:i uu;e C8AN PRAHCIICO, Ji0. G. JIODUJE & CO., iMi'ourj-iiw t::l Wholesale Stationers, i Mta I lottery, Hlank llnnk. School j Uuuki, 1'lnyliiK 'ariU, Wrap. ?iini, Pockd L'uUry, .tc , tt c. , On ttie I'm 1 Ac Cvo.it, which tlmyuro in-pftrec! to;t ithor rorUulii ur Currency tit iriri-i lliat will uller lu.liicuriiuiita for buyert bdj wliera tfMl . f lb 29 JL 3:11 SAN SO ME STKEJvT, mil S.lu rtiuciiico. LOCKE & MOXTICI'B, STOVES METALS, MAN C PJiCTCll tn3 OV i?)B DSiI.EP.3 JS House Furnishing Hardware A SB Tinnor's Tools and Machines; A(l KNT3 l"01l Agricultural Steam BoUers, lia niitl lit Unttery Street, iu7 SAX FRANCISCO. Jttiuon Sprtitiitco, Jolin Siirunuco, C. 0, Ctiajiman. J. 1 J. SPRUANCE, Iuij jrt. n W'joknlo Dealers fii WINES kM LIQUORS, JJ 415 KllOST STUkKT. MURPHY.GRANT&GO. ImporLors uf Amorioan tuitl iiuroppan Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, SAN FXtVINaiiOO, CALIFUUMA, Call llio attention of tiio Trmlo to llicir Initio cad complelg atvKk of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Wliioa thoy nro now rcceivinfi direct from huroiQan Manuf.icturers, c:ni. rising in pirt French Oirluoa, Wool Satlues, - - Wool Plaidi, 1'reucli anil Gcriuan, Irlib anil Frcucli Poplin, KinprM Clotlia, Tumi!, black aod coIoreJ, VelTtcuat Alacsf black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Mines', OcnJs') Gents' Underwear And all kiadj of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Ilsler-,f.-mrl.t in all 1U InXhcin llMiilkerchitfi, SUIrlliig Llutiti, tin 1 1 1 , w in te (iu.1 c-lor,Hl, ' Dmuntkri, l'rvwii'vniiui'.l MiMclieJ, Tv1m, Uucfe, Dial er, Inrkiaii. AniUlu ami Doylies, H t.ic., Ktc, Etc. 1HO.V ASO STKKL. FLAT ASU UOV.D, J-t ':oij:ir.A- from miain; sh ift.; anj imlines, torry wii, Uuj- ryjie.-, I'r trans mi; tin l'cnor. c.c- 3Unufuciu,d ,.:.. y Lc.i-jih or Size. Wire Hope i much clicnpcr, llijUtcr .-titil uioi 1' iLiiiixble than uiiy otJier ktutl of llojic. llallitlic's Kadi ess Vi'ireRopcfl'ay. V''t the rji i ir.J c.-nnii'ieat tras.'reriatioa ! PiUOut Cirii I'ii 11 ov, K.-r :rinpj:it;3c v.'tt.t r.r. 1 b-r whi:i the rope is ui.a.-ri!i r.i ii:iaot i SK.VU F01I ClllCfUAllS. j A;c-.oy cr lU ' " j P A 0 F 1 C Wira . W. R. KanafiicJuring Co. A. S. HALL!D!E. C.VV. STAY NER 5 COLUMN, ilponfAEif Discovery! rJ i j ! K K J; V len.Jcr u-7 sincere and hcart-IeI: hcart-IeI: :t .q;, t.. Lhc rtai lciitj of jU Laie L'ltv i tLu itflf:iaen'a from Qurlh lu iuuiLi i ot Luk rerri:.,ry.i-..r ihtir LIfii.Ii L l'ATHO.AA(iK i:tcu luil in u:o wuilt 1 have b;cn iioLin ai Anal lr i!,c Great Unknown's HAIR RESTORER .Ami fur tli o kind manner in which they liuve uuiVbr.-itlly Expressed their Satisfaction in its use. IVhcn I precntod this Prf iiaratin fur ?alo I wa." inTtootly L-onvinced of it cIliL-acy, but I hud no idou ii would so soon incut with PUBLIC FAVOK, And iu present roimlurity is a iroofjnot only of Lhe Intrinsic Value Of tho article itself, but of tho impartial trial which many patron.i havo bestowed uiion it. It is now pronounced A2 INFALLIBLE GORE FOR BALDNESS, An Elegant Hair Dressing, A Spsedy Remedy for Dandruff, A reliable Preventive for falling off of the Hair. In this connection I wish to say that in somo caies the beneficial cllecU of this preparation pre-paration would bo more speedily realized if tho blood was in a moro healthy condition, and having consulted soma of our best medical med-ical men, 1 take pleas a re in offering to the public, in connection with tho Hair Restorer, Resto-rer, the EPHKEAF BLOOD PURIFIER An article to be taken internally, containing contain-ing none but tho most reliablo ingredients for purifying tho blood and building up Ithe system, causing the action of the lite-ciring fluid to bo more invigorating on the bulbs oi the hair and liEMOYIXGr a many instances the Causes of Baldness entirely: tbu; enablinp the Hair Restorer to do iu work s pcediiy and permanently. lV-r fnlo, in connection with die Groat Unknown's Hair Kcstor er, a CALPKK BKO'S. I'rico. - 25o. and 50e. pcr.bos C. W. STAYNER, Lir.Jio c-ul Arizona. j. J. M. EUNED ICI, M.Dj ' SaULaC:....- ,l;i. 1 UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD NOTICE. FTKR January 1st. 1872. tho Coupons of i V tho Utah (Jontrul Railroad Bonds will be paid at the Bank oflicjcret. ..t, GEORGE SWAN. Secretary. Salt Lako City, U. T December Hth, 1S71. tilt) Madame Josephine Edmonds, INDIAN AND BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. 20 Years Practice IN tho treatment of diseases incidont to h enialc.', has placed Madam o Edmonds at tho head of u!l physicians mania? such practice a specialty, and enables nor to guarantee a speedy and pormancnt cure in t no worst capes of suppressions, and all other menstural deransomcnu. Ladies will find in Madamo Edmonds a skillful physician, and it is for thoir interest to consult her in all diaeases incident to women, before tampering tam-pering wittf poisonous nostrums, quack Doctors Doc-tors and humbugs. Madamo Kdmonds describes de-scribes disea?o without any information from tho patient, and cures without tho uo of mercury or experiments, thus saving from wrong treatment fur private, chronio and cancer diseases. Correspondence strictly confidential- OtTieo and residonco White House, Mam street, up flairs. Patients visited at their rsldence when desired. -Doctor Edraond?. Madame. Tosephino'a husband, will attend to inalo patients. . flyer's Cathartic Pills. For the relief KT -ina' euro of all j1 d e r nngemenis f in thosiowach, liver, and bow- V trf-'. iVl c ?- l'hey are 'liV amdd aperient W .- .f JS" - oni an cscel- vegetable, they iii contain nomer-Vj nomer-Vj enryor mineral h ever. Much Fcriao? ecl;nc-i3 aniI suffering suf-fering is i reveuteJ by their timely uii: nod every family ,-hould havo the on ban J for their praiecii jn and relief, when re-iuired. bnrg eiperieDee ha." proved them to bo the ;afe;t, surtrt. and best of all iho 1'iils with whioh tho market abounds. their occa- sicnal u-e, the blood is purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions of tbo system expelled, obstruct ius removed, anil tho wh'do machinery of iifo restored t its healthy activity. Internal ureans which become cbiercd and sluggish are oleinacd by A.'fr'n J'ilLi. and ?liiaula-ted ?liiaula-ted into action. lima incipient diaca?o is i-hanged into health, the value of whieti .'hange, when reckoned on the vast multi-:ude; multi-:ude; wio enj'jy it, can hardly be computed. Thcirsugar-coating makes them pleasant to take, ami preserves their virtuesuniuipaired for any lengih of tittc, so that they are ever iresb. and perfectly reliable. Although iearvhinj. they aro mild, and operate wi:h-jut wi:h-jut disturbance lo the confutation, or diet, sr tcoupaiion. Full JircLiiuCj are given en the wraprer !o each bux. how to uo them as a family I hysic. ad f. r the f llowinc comrlaints, ffhi;h these r;is rapidly r-rc: r Uj pi pla r,r Imllseitlon, Llst-letntis. Llst-letntis. Languor a.l Loss or Appetite, Appe-tite, they stuuM be u'icn iur Jerately to timuiiLc the . micb.an.i rcit.rc iu healthy t'.r.c j.n.1 ac:ii-n. Fuf Liver Complaint and i'3 v'inii: :mr- m?. Bilious II rail m-he, 'sirli lldiilaclic Janmllct r (irctu Slck-tics-i, Ullloiii Colic and unions l-'e-veri. tncy shou! J be udicioaMy taken for -acn eire, to c.Trect ;.lie di a;eJ anion or t'.ir Dysentery i,V "bi'aVrU oc'a, !,ut one j: l J(i--.-r: .-c-ctv:I'v rt'iuircl. t r l-lieumattiu, Uont, Gravel. PAtpsmU-ja or Hie Heart, Pain In lie Side. Back, aatl Loins, they 'haa',,1 tic co3U3aa;iy ta2en, a? repaired, to cha;e :he Jueaicd action of tiia system, Witii For Driir and Dropiical Sn inin'j, :hev ihon.d c talicn in iar.e and f.-e'iuen: ic-ic t rmdove :co oloc: oi" aiira.;tie p-ar-e t r Mii-rresilon. 3 iare d; e -.'ijli .e lakcn. as it prcdu.'ei the iesired eaect"by '. .- z lt.it tiff ", u':c one cr two r;n. : ...-uu.'.tiiL.a.fcii rnUsve "jc;t;m-Ar. "jc;t;m-Ar. -,.-!-:, -jj j-tc Ft;-ainUtc5 the stom- "i.wztiffC' aw;rc:o 5.;r;uj i'eViVement ;a.:: a io.c i tj-is-- J ,U makes hi, i--.-:: -7 :;cr. -"-a thtir clpani:-; Dr.J.C. AYKR&Co., Practical L'jiVLl.T. l 5. A. '. -AI.E Z'i ALL t'KUO'jrSTS ETEr.ITTnzSE Finnic at Z. C 31. I. Drug Dipl. Z. C. M. 1. COLUMN. z. cmI i j Wholesale 'DRY. GOODS DEP'T Up S'.atn, Emporium Buildings, j A fall. .-st-c'tus slock o! STAPLE DRY GOODS, XOTIOXS, BOOTS and SHOES, at low rnita-s. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect GSQCER Y I HARDWARE OKPARTMKNT, l.OHSTITUT10!f BUILDINGS, Purobaiera can kero fiod An Immense Stock AND IN EACH B3ANCH A GREAT VAHIEIY IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AMD MACHINERY ALL UN T11K PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specially 9- fr'IllST-CLASS FITTERS AXD WOHKHIES TO FILL ALL , ORDERS PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. AXD I M OETED MAmJFAOTtJRED FROJT ! HOME-MADE, ; FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGL15U and AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings' On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ti'i WHOLESALE.- This U the Department lor Families. ! 1 DRUG- DEPT. Fancy and Staple Bmss, PATi:.M' MEDICI.-SKS, i" o X" ". i i ci-y, ! ! ! ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, I AVEKILL PAINT , WHITE LEAP, OILS, CL'LORS GLASS. ETC. i Pr-jcrrptiont from Phficinra iziii '' KKt SrHunl n'.'t'i-.-Ti, U. E. CLAWSOA, SupiJ I CHICAGO TRADE. !m. d. WELLS & CO., I I WanuucturerJ t-f and Wholoa ale Dealers Iloots and SI1003, I 61!. WhIiu.Ii Ave, t l,l,go. ' M. D. ;s. II.. '. M-l-frh;!..!. j,,.l,o.u..:. Jt.-IalUv. I SLICHTLY SCORCHED 1 ! yaitTchaack, iSTEVENSON & RE1D, I DKUGGISTS iLme of '.'J, and "! L-l:e street, Cur. lA-arbiTu strci-!.) HAVE REIViOVED Utt account of (he intense he-it, To the Baptist Church Building, M7, b I'J vfc I Wall ash Ave.,1 Wlu'rc we have a lur'i? Flock of l)rug, Cht'iuiciils, l':iint-s Uil, Ciluss ami Li lu ware, UMiiriUs' tSun-ilii.'j, tSun-ilii.'j, l.itent luunlniT-, l-Ite., Etc. CALL ANT) CIlKKIt IS, iWo only pay liXi cents on the Dollar.) ju.v-'u THE EAGLE WORKS MANUFACTURING COMPANY Sin 111 j mills, ltock BiiakeiH, mid nil other latest Improved Alining Alncliltierj, Circular Saw .Mills, Stcatu Engine, ilrijt Mills, l.atlic'. Planers, Drills, una all other kind? of machinery ut lUnu lacltirei-H' Pi Jcen. Pluns and Jieciiieutionn for uiilLi and uiiv-cuiuery uiiv-cuiuery lurni.-died. D. M. HURLBUT, Agent, Hammer's Hoarding House, 1st East St. dlo CHASE, HAf.FOHD & CO,, itO South CnnnlSl., CHICAGO, Ilcudiiuarlors for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of tho colebrAtod WILSON Oil, U'NJf. d;e HEW YORK TPiAIiE. j. BAUM'a CO., Importers and Manufooturon of. KES'S & BOY'S CUTHING Sniiiouie St., Stin Frnnriaco 35 niurrai- bt., New York. ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers anil Jobber, ol' w a jia. ""ia.-' ?os 9 L371 BROADWAi; h'EW I'ORK. jujl'J t. IV3. BATES & CO., 451 & -1-53 Broadway, ' " NEW YORK, 1SIF0HTLLS i.VD JOECEHS 15 Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIEKY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SIIAVLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, A c. J. IT. BULGER. jni4 FELIX CAMPBELL 79 John St, Now York, Manufacturer of andDoalor in Wrought, Caal and Galvanized it ESLGOSTaj' 1B?ISE a?issz j Aud evei-y variety of fiitinys for the same ml' C. A. LonEstrcct. John Sedgwick. LOriGSTHEET & SEBSV1CR Jlanufaclurcrs of and Wholesale Dealcr3 in KLN'S Si OOVS' CLOTHING, 460 408 Broadway, Mew York. HENDERSON, JUSTICE SCo Suoooesori to Griffcn, Ilondcrson Jfc Co., IMPOKTEHS AXD JOULTEP.S 07 ' ;' FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS. - " E'ltV i98 A SOU BROADTVAY, Oi'jiosito St. Nicholas Hotel, liJ KAw York, MISCELLANEOUS. Nomrocii5i O' FIOfi 01' Tiie L"i-p.::ka Hixixg Cowus ov Utiii, Th.r. -,SlU L,1e C't7- Ul-lh' 2d. 1.-.71. lnctjrt annual lacc-.in; of tbc sKx-khold- lU v,-.r. n. WOOD. Secretary ani Treasurer. Fiimaceinea Attention ! iA 1 Fire Brick. SGOTT, DUNHAM & CO. j AF.E J.CKS73 FOS TUG UULUEX C1XY I'll; E BillCli, i I'WijI rates givn by the csr load, octli Vl STliiW UEWELM! O. L. ELIASOH, JJE'i; tr. :e rclJj- i cf jj: Lrie c" '"J i t arl umnte- - to rro, cr.y Uepilr.Cle.rj an.l A.ljn.t Wmclie. .,,! C Ii rououie le r., tu: he make &n ,c, Nn ! la..w,r!-r.aiiwarrir.t ll? I MISCELLANEOUS "TimouGn" We" BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Are now leceirinff u immou. gunntitj of Wintov Dress Goods. Dry Goods, , Kibbons, Furs nnd Notions, CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND PANCY Coiifectioucry, Fmits and Nuts. TUB BLEES SEWING MACHINE SALESROOMS Aro noiT 0en ninl roplo'e vili a full ui-Eortmcut ui-Eortmcut iu ull f lylci, ook now lodged by nil tu bu oho ot tbc boFt Muchlncf of the duy. , Cull and cram in e b-jore )urclrtsut. Teasdel & Co.'s FURNISHING DEP'J1, I, now open ono door south of tho Envl. liouso. Clothing, . ' Hats, , j. Caps, . Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Lndies will do well to oiamlnb our .took of SHOES, BOOTTKES, SLIPPERS, ', &c, Sec Teasdel &. Co., EAGLE HOUSE, 65, 67 & 69 East Temple St. WEST SIXJ33. Joj-12 RAILROAD SHOPS. Sacand South Street, Half Block Unit Rvcr Houn, SALT LAKE CITY. W A CON 1.KD - CAEPJAGE WORK. Of all Descriptions. BLAGKSMBTHINO Iu all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of F?acine, Wiscon. ; (01(11 PAINTING J AXD CARRIAGE FAINTING .1 SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARR1A0I TRIJI3!I"a. Horse Shoeing! In a Iril- to rait all. 18 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ,'.ri-:.- TUB GREAT CAIXFORNIA VEfJKTAliljE BLOOD PURIFIER. HIUU IN TUU SlEltltA NKYADA Moiiutfitr.s, in the wonderful State o OnlifurLiU, kr..v. mi herb I.-lk kn.nvu to ttto Indii.ua as nn ab.lutu euro fur 1U1KUMA-Ilrill. 1U1KUMA-Ilrill. UOUT. NliL'KAl.UIA. end nil tli-onsea tli-onsea in ny w:iy cprinu-iuit Iroiu iuiiurittM of l ho blood. Seiftu'c has :it lonutli brought to liifbt a virtuo.', mul of this iutont herb hue couiiu.un.lo 1 Y T.KKA SANTA, n ireia-ratlsu ireia-ratlsu fur ihu l'UKMANl-NT CVKK v( Strofulit, Snll tllitu in, nil all trujt, tlve and ('uitnccui Ulieaica. llivr luium llutp n:id nrnn:innt relipf in UVSl'ia'alA. KUVftM'KL.S. iiiurf Worm, TuiBor!. Htdls. Sim Id Heads, Ifloors una Stirt; pni'ii.-iiiue I'roiu tha .-yticiu all traoos 01 lUiTi'lirilll dl - fuse, IT IS PURELY VEGLTAULE, U is thorofuro in-nuliar!y full;. Ma fur use by feuiAlrs and ohildrcn s a I1LO0I) fUKI-VIKU fUKI-VIKU and K KNuVATOK.. : JlUTflKltS Who Mi.-h in fiul n oicJieino 'i-cculinrly a dm.ted to ibffircftl UU.MOHSnnd hlUH'-TIuNS hlUH'-TIuNS in tbolr ol.tldrorij will tiil a eafo and euro euro in V Lit 11 A SAM'A,- Vor said overywhero. KKDINOTU.V, HOSTETTEU . CO. AgouU, 6H9 and 531 Market St., Sun Krautilaco. redington" hostetter & co. Importers and Jobbers of POHKION AM) uornissTic DRUGS AND CIIEViICALS, Fine Essential Oils, Oiiihb, Rooti, Seed, Flowers, SpoiigcM, Skint, Poiundti, Jtc. And all othor Staidoa connected with th Wkolesalo and Retail Drug Bueinoas. Conetanlly in receipt, by diroct Importation, of Huropeaa and Aaiatio produota. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hoi tetter's Bittora. Druko's l'liinlation EittcrH. , Woir tfohcidam Schnripps. Ncwoll'a Pulmonary tiyrup, And all tho leading: Proprietary Medicinal Doth American and European. Ordera Promptly and Carefully Executed. Noa. 539 and 531 Market Street, Eolween First and Second, San Francisco, California. my .U ' FALL IMPORTATION, 1871 ROSENBAUM '''ft FRIEDMANN, 22 and 21 BaKory SIrecl, San Pranoieoo BEG LEAVE TO CALL TIIE AT-tcntion AT-tcntion of tho TKADB to their fp'en-did fp'en-did STUUK.coniprisins in part CUAIPLliXE hiNKaof firoche Shawls, Velveteeasj Alexaudei's Kid Gloves, Curt a til Nets, Liiieii Udkl'b, White gootlp, Tarlataus, Bareges, Guiiuiie ami Liueii Laces, Cot ton Kaces, JLace goods, made up, Ham burg Embroideries, Silk and Velvet Ribuous, 11' k and eol'd, Corsets, sewed ani woven, Hosiery nnd Gloves, silk, cotton and wool, Merino Underwear for ladies and children, Fringes, Gimjis nnd Ornaments, Orna-ments, Ladies' nnd Children's Heady Made bui(s : Which, tolher with llicir USUAL FULL Stock nf 'orr-ipn and Domolio SMALLWARKS and Funcy Hoods, they olTer at Reduced Prices. Purcha.-in sll our poods nt their various va-rious place? id" production nil over tlio world we are eimbid to sell the ?aine at prices to compare favorably with Uideo of tha leading houses in ew York or London. tW A DeirnMc 11 1 s. T li tc i: tie btf of ridicule, the hi( nf -rn. tbe hii.- of fa ike' in the cra.i, but liiu m -l dvlnlful hif tbat ot Tarrant'a ElTfrveicent Seltter Aperient In the Ppirklics r.-.Llct, firine .vruran.-o to tho in v.-lJi ; tint hi' tbir-: "ill be d- li-'iou'-ly affii.ntod: that hi' nouiach will be re-freihd re-freihd a:.d j.urij;e J: l.'il if I.'- fcvcri.'h hii body will be cold by hc.ilthi'ul evaporation; evapora-tion; thai if he i .--jn-i-iol ti,g dit:iculiy willpwj awny without a .. me: .m l that if thecoridilic.Q of hit -encr.il hoilih ii im-i-iircd it will be ? j col :'.y ret- red. Of cirie he will nko c.-tre lo procure none but Sold by all DraitKltti. |