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Show (" II K A I AOVEUTISIXG. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lincr, fifty cents for each aud every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ton cents. FOR SALE. AJ'INK YOUNU CW. CIV.XU MILK. Iniiiiiro ill llic 1'tah Feed Smblc, West Tftiiplo Street, between Urd and 1th South Street. d30 WAMED. Aunti, tu iKi orxniiAL Hul-Sl".-work. Apply al tho ollioc of Joseph A Vouna. dJl LililL Tel DO OEXERAIj I10USE- --- WORK. Kmmircnt lnj. 11 OOlVe leud , M South Street. Tliird bluek Eml of Main Street, Noi lli .-ide. d7 A GOOD COOK. WOO CAN ALSO 1)0 tho wa.-Uins and ironiag for a Email family. Apply tu Thomas i'ileli. dL; FOIt EEST. A GOt.il) llOOM, SUITABLE FOR A -v Store; nlso;ever:il Koouia on second tlour, well aduptcd for OtTu-ea and Bedrooms, bii'iuiro t jNo. If Commerjiiil street. d -l rJ1WO OR THREE PLEASANT ROOMS, I with board, in a new and nicely finished houfc. Koi'cronee aiven and rciuired. Apply Ap-ply al this Ollice, diy A NEW TWO - STORY HOUSE OF -ti. twelve rooms, elegantly liniaucd, in-cluUiDii in-cluUiDii bath room and cellar, with (rrounds S'.j irct front by ! feet deep, with large stablo and line orchard; iluatcd north, ud-joiuinjt ud-joiuinjt Wlo. Jenuiiiifji' reaidoneo cear tho depot. For iLirticuUr.? apidy to L- S- Hills at JJcscrol Bank, or at F. Litllc's otlico dS UTAH SOUTHERN R. R. fMlE Annual Mcetinpof tho Sh.ircholders I ol the 1 . S, R. R., for tlio Election of Oiiicr.s.will bo held on Sa'urJnv, January 1.STJ at lOo'olock a. in., at Preiiilcnt Vouue's Office. IJEOKGE SWAN, Secretary. Salt Lake City, l T., Dec. Su:b. is:. dil Emerald Hill Mining Company, Oniee. No. fil MerchinU' Ex-lifinc. California s.reet, San i'raucisco, Cal. NuTICE. Tho Annual Medics of the Stockholders of tho Emerald Uill Mining Min-ing Company will he held at iho Office of the Company ISo. tH Merchants EschanRe California Cali-fornia Street, San Franci.-co, California, rn Tuesday the I'th day oi" January. A. D.. S7J m 1 o'clock p. m., tor the purposeof JSlectisu Trualccs tostirvctho cn.-ainit Tear, and o! j transacting such: oiher bu,-ins3 aa may properly he broujjtit bei'oro the Meeting. JAMK8. Ii. KELLY, V. MAW K, President. .Spcreliiry. ' d31 il N t A CAUL C. AS31USSEX, Jewelry, Watches, i DIAMONDS,! Elgin Watches AT i FACTORY PRICES.; '-;!. Ltceh-eJ. a iir-c, aidiuotal stock of' jxteaat goods! I:'- rs..: var:;- ar.l ie i iati i.ocl tsL -ri-i '5 ca.!j CARL C. ASMU5SEN'S,: East Temple SireeL j Uslf a i.lfxrk north of the Eiie' Emporium. A, j MISCELLANEOUS. HO! 'FOR NEW" YEAR"! Toys! Toys! Toys! TOYS FOR THE MILLION ! TUe Lar?tsl aud Finest Assorl-' mritt of Toys ever brousht ; !0 (his City CALL AND SEE THEM ! FAMCY GOODS Ol'evcry description, sullablc for 1 C H li I S T M A Si PR K SEXTSil I I HOLIDAY GROCERIES, Camlifs, Nuts, kc FANCY DRESS GOODS , And Fancy Motions, A c'uuicc lt. ut W- B. WILKINSON'S, I No. S3 Kast Temple Street. j A Klue Lot of OIhss Shade a for' Wax Fruit or Klowi-vs. sit I j JLT COST. HARDWARE! -A.T COST. TINWARE "An? cost. For Thirty Days We -will offer Our Extire Stock -A.T COST. Now is your Chance for Bargains! tea?" All persons indebted to us arc requested to call and settle immediately immedi-ately and save costs. SEHSEIEI& CO Opposite IK F. & Co't Office, SALT LAKE CITf K. A. KEYES, Agent scott, mm & co., ! Wholesale and Retail Dealors IRON AND STEEL WKIUUT'S PICKS, IKON B.U1E0WS AND ALL KINDS OF MININS TOOLS. i ; Wrought Tuyers, l'ipc and all kinds of Futiogs for Furnaces and Mills, HARDWARE, BKLLOWS, ANVILS, j AND OTHER i BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IKON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL I.QV,- FOP. CASH. CflLDER ER0,S COLUMN. olidaY , PRESENTS ! . ' W'o eit in rooeiaot'llie now. anil cum-jjloto cum-jjloto ilition vi' tlio Standard Authors Just initio J by Lr-aviit. Tbi? news -eiiibrncos the works of Bioll, Millon, . : I'opr, SHuUipcnre, , , - Monir, Conprr, i:uni, ltj ron, Uuhrrr, Smollcll , " Field liii; JoHt-)hiii Ilollln, Kto., Krtch coinlfle in one royal octavo Vol., bound in tlio most, approved stylo, mid at tbe - nnpreceienteil Low Price OV - - Cloth extra - S-'.OO Library SIucp - 2.75 Alsn 11 fine slock of JUVENILE BOOKS .S'mirIo and in seti, nnd bound in tlio . j hvit clotli. TOY BOOKS L rioted on Liuon Cloth in lino Oil Colors ii lurgti variety to select from. 3 D 2r Kioelli 1 . . . Writing Albums ! Tho most conipleto, elegant nnd desirable de-sirable assortment published. Prices from $1.50 to $2.50 Each Wo have, to select from, the Im est' and largest stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into the country, cm-bracing cm-bracing tho publications of L. Prang & Co., T. Kelson & iSuns, American Tract Society, &c. Udr Stock of - - MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in ;mrt, of Uf the latest im proved iljles : Of tho best makers : From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, c-Harmonicans, c-Harmonicans, And a Ir.rKO lot or Cheap Instruments For the Boys ! Froiseth s New Sectional AXD TopopjMcal lap of Utali, Monntcil and lu pocket formj also MINING MAP, Sliowlng tlie several Mining Districts. Received and expected dailr. a largo and splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Enihracutg Tai D!j)'cfat Style., xchich kz otjer at Manufacturers' Trices Delivered in tins cit". FOR $125. Firo .(Ic-lnve, IJoublo J!ood, E'ivc t.-.p., ( iola, JJiriv.aon, Alol&d, i-'inte Tremulant,) with livo Sets vil.rator uinu,'!toiit, one of four feot pitch nnd MM ofeigUfittt: from prepared metal arid rivrtod with iron, and not merely tnmi.fd out of bra". Tremulant and Knee r.wr-11 ; ?1 f-adjuin reed valve--improved bellon-s. Solid blaek walnut eao lliroutruout, paneled front aud ides, wuhoarved DiouldinKS aud ori.a-nienu, ori.a-nienu, carved ante;. WAIillA.MKU IN LVEUr . I1KSPKCT -01t FIVE I VKAKS, a,l jOnly $125. t-J- V. c re.-j-cctiuily i,:tl.-i the pub- lie to call a;.J cxaruicc c-ir pnf 'h j Vor the floS.davsj Bazaar Universslle, is ' ' -'mow; open, -. 1 an'd WILL' COWTIITUE ri tu ' Saturday, Dec. SO, 1871. C. M. 1. Helall Vry UooiU II. II. fLAWSON, fni(. Christmas and lew Year . MOMPAYSy ,: Daily Arriving at Z. C. M. I. Clothing Department, Gentlemen's Suits, Youths' Suits, Boys' and Children's Suits. , OVERSHIRTS AND UNDERCLOTHING, . - Dress . Shirts, Collar and Cull's, A uroat rarioly of Men's, Youttu' ond Boj' HATS AND CAPS ! HATS AND CAPS ! Coinfortera, Scarfs and Neck Tiep, very suitable for Christmas and New l ear's Gifts. Particular attention directed to tlie i " "Globe" and "Extra" Prize Collars. UjLANK ICTS aiut IJUFFATO It OK ES A beautiful assortment uf Ladies and Gentlemen's Trunks. See the Novelty Trunk at $3.75. CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. Chinchillas, Beavers and Cassimeres Tbe larKost itoelc in Utub. AH kimls of Geiillemeii's nnd Hoys' CloUiins Made , to Oriler in tlie Newest Styles. A LARGE ARRIVAL OF GENTS' BOOTS AND SHOES. . . II. B. CLAW SON, Sm.triotendrat. JAMES HAQUE. Jan. J. II, HAQUK, GEORGE IIAOUF 23i.gr C3rX3.n Store ! HAGUE "BROTHERS, JJ A T I-i J A M K a H A O U li M, PISTOLS, Baddies, Sia-moss AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCBJPriOX. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. a2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, LECflTENBERG & CO., WHOLESALE AND HETA1L DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, FJqnors, Tobaeco, .S'e$ravs, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS! Parties desiring io purchase wHl do well to inspect our stock, which Is complete in every department. ra ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTINGER'S. mailo m SI u o9 Have on hand the - Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OP WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, I Wliicli lli.-y offer AT "V E LO-W PKIGES. flRST tAST STllKl.-T, UALl-'-A-BLOCIi SOUTH Of TI1F.ATKK |