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Show MEDICAL. W.F.ANHESON.M.O. K J, RICHARDS, M.D, Surgeons aul Physicians, Ofli:. ffr the present, it their respective rwidcncos in ibe IHh and ITlli WmJu. y?-" DR. GROVES, CCSrZt) Dontlst, Ortlce and SquIU St., Salt Lki City. Throo doors Wost of Revere II erne, half a block East of the Elephant Store. : urrici hours ron 4 a.m. to 5 p.m. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers hi? professional services to the people of pslt Luke City, Residence at Bolivar Robert' brick house, oppoill St. Mark's Chut oli . jyS 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. FUYdlCIAN, SUKGilOW. AND. DRUGGIST, imiUUAH CITY, UTAH. F. II. SIMMONS, M.D., Ihysician, Surpcon and Accoucheur Office Main Street, Over Taylor Jt Cutler's store. J, J, vS V, D. BKXKDICT, BURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Over Calder Bro'a Musio Emporium. tl . . . BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring Baths ! Private and Plunge. Tli(e celebrated bath, are open to tbe pnblio at all mivoos. Thru- mwiicinal properties aro w wide); knows that It la noedleds to enumerate them. -Bnldee the Private Baths, tbe large and handaoroe-1j handaoroe-1j furnkbed Flung Uatha for Ladle, and i.tniJemeii are now opan. II. ARNOLD. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL 7 - . OF UTAH., k ' ' JAMES TOWNS EN D PROPRIETOR. This Honso la centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, woll furnished, and has acoomtaoda-tions acoomtaoda-tions for 150 Bueets. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing- to build large addition! to nil Hotel, whivh when finished, will ren'-or it the Most Complete Establishment in the . ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION I nil- AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OKIB BLOC It EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terms S3. 00 per ilny. Board without with-out rooms 1.00 per week. Hatha free to gueltl. J. O. LITTLE, junlM Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, ON TUB EUROPEAN PLAN, EAST TEMPLE STREET, West Sltlc. Rooms with or without board by the day or week. RSSTAUiHNT OPEN AT AL' REASONABLE HOURS, Fresh Oysters lu evory style. TAYLOR & UUTLEli, rropriotors. to Commercial Loipi House, Noar foot of Commercial Street, fttaavB liaaBAO CJM y- OPKN ALL NIGHT. C. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. SirlK Beits, HO cti. per Ktgltt, or $-4.50 per Weokj single rooms, 75c 013 CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fuller, Proprietor. To iho Puhlio This houso r now refitted and open for travelers at reduced raiM. Kb- Hoard and Lnrigiiiff. by week. i:t.0O. Mmls. ;"Hk iiois, "03. Moals at all hours, UTAH HOTEL, MAIIV ST., OUDJEIV. The only ft rat -class House in the City. (Formerly kuown as tlio White How,); It la frrently eiitargrtl, thovousrlily rciiovnuil, iefiiiiluet nd provl-ilnl provl-ilnl iv 1 til Hnr lloom, Uurber Hliop mill Uatlt Kooma. Omnibus to and hum all twins. Pnwnirer irotnjc Kwt from Rait take City maj it-w amid the tinplpapatit task of an early morn-inn morn-inn riilo on tlio Utah Cant ml Railroad lij coming t tiOon the proiem Tning. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, oio 1'rppri.tora. Phil. Margetts jL-XcaiG closod bis place of bus-tne5. bus-tne5. on WooollCl SOTltll fct-and forlboruiure will attend to tlio iTiiTita of his friends at Uis NEW ESTABLISHMENT, GO First Soutli St. Whero be will kp constantly on hand Ibo best of ALE, PORTER, STOUT, . JOULE'S STONE ALE, WIIOLaSlLB AND 1KT11L. "Dicks" Celelirntrd Ale and Porter, Wnifufr'i Lnger Beer, CllOICli TOBACCO AND CIGARS. d!3 CALIFORITIA GHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, KKKXAltDrS & STEVEXS, Prop'rt, !ST Tt.WLE STRttT, Tliict doors below Scoond SoBtH ?t., SALT LAKE OFTY. OlJEiN DAY AND IN'IUUT. lS3 LEGAL j . DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y - A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. rffico Temporarily No. M Vint Sdnth St., West of Theatre. Especial attention liven to M Inlngr Htl-satkiru Htl-satkiru dJ7 Wm. HAYDOX, (UU JuJge of Jtb Dutrlct Court, NoraUa,) AT T 0 R N E Y-A T-L A W, Room No.l.TruwbrldBo Duildluf, East Tem-pltSireet, Tem-pltSireet, uppunito the Salt Lake ilouie. A. HUGGAN, Attorney an it CouuseIlor-nt-Lawt Ofllae, above Dafl'i old store. Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co.'s, Salt Lnke City, Utah. dl7 ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Offioo, Kimball's Blook, S, L. City. Special attantion siren to Titles, Negotiation, Negotia-tion, Sales or Litigations in Mining Claiiki and Heal Kstate. Collections made or business done In any part ofthe United States by Association of ruliable Attorneys. d!7 SETH M. BLAIR, Altorney-al-Law and Mining A gent t omcs : At residence of Col. Hojca Stout. J16 3. II. IIemp?toad, M. Kirkpatrlok HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATRICK, Attoiaeys-at-1-.aw, Main Stroot, opposite Wells, lfargo A Co., salt la m oitt, Z. SNOW. D. HOQE. SNOW At HOGE, Ittorneya and Couuaiora m.i Law Slt Lata City, Utab. Offlcoat Bnvw'a cOroar, Lit Kut8trL Ju5 Win. Y. LOVELL, A-XXOltJs'BY - A X - L AW, Will practice in the Courts of Utah. OFFICE Klmball'B Block, opposite Xownsend IIomBe. dti JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTORNEYUT.LAW,-Salt ATTORNEYUT.LAW,-Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Godbe Building;. 2d Floor. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East stroet, oetween South and 1st South streets. s2U 8. P. .oCurd. C. H, Morgan MuCURDY &. MORGAN, Attorn tys-at-Law t Ofpick Koom 5 up stairs, over Taylor A Cutler's Store. 29 ' SALT LAKIJ CITY. K I T O H iS; MANN, Aiturneys-at-Law, Office, Pirst South St., Fourtft dor east of Hoopor, Eloredge t Co's Bans.. Salt Lake City. 0. D. IUKDT. C. K. 01LCURI3T- HANUY." &- GILCHRIST, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, And Solicitors m Chancery, .Offieo Main Street. Salt Lake City, U.T. nl& . L . O O O P K R , ATT011KEY AND COUNSELLOR, Ofttofl Exchange and Reading Itoom, iip-stalrs. )U2S SALT LAK1 CITT. Warn or Karll, . . ff.M. Smith. EAltLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKI CITT. i East Templo Street, one door south ef aU Qodbo's Store NOTARiES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SON, COUVEYANCERS, tr Minim Dliod.. ABTeomolltJ P'' (or U.odi. Montages, foiiorl. of iiiling drwn with aocur.oy .ad dupaloh. Bllulug coinpanl. Inoorpor.-icl. Inoorpor.-icl. under or UtfcH. A. S. GOULD, WOTiLIlY 3EXTi3XsXO and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS Tor New York, Massachusetts, l'otrasylva-nia.Oliio, l'otrasylva-nia.Oliio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Oaliibrnia, and otlier States and Territories. Ter-ritories. i'jsf Temple near Weill, Fargo Jc Co., Salt Lake City, mil V. Cl.lTTi.V. S. J. JONASSON, Hotary Public, ConTCiancor. CLAYTON & JONftSSON DAY strict attention to the collection of 1 moccy in nli parts of tlio world. They also draw or ncltnowladno all kinds of instruments in writing. Spenlnl attention given to tlio drawing 0f vills and Tustaittciitory Documents. Docu-ments. Loans nogolUloJ. Mines, Houses and Real Hitato of all ktuds bought, sold or leased. Incorporation and Partncrslilp Papers of every description drawn In airict accordance with tholaws of Utah. OPF1CK FourtU door soutU of GodUe's Coiner. n29 UOKAOE i'OTTKK, REAL ESTATE AGENT- Coutjik-c. cL-,.fnlly drawn up for the le anJ UalaB or Homos aii.l Lola, Stores, Offlced and .awl. IMn nppotinted. OKFICK-So. T, Tuylor' Buildins, oppposlte Salt lAkc Uontc, Halt Lako City. dl CITY. LIQUOR STORE, Keep eonsUntly on hand. Wholesale aiul Utlnil, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Kates, ORUKSBKCK'S BUILDINGS, nil ICast Tempi Hlrsat. OHO I OS Christmas Meats! GARRETT & WOOD nAVB the Finest Display of Meats in the oily. BKKF, MITTO.V, LAMB, roiiu. The publio are inrltod to call and examine for themselves. Stall No, 1, City Bleat Market. d4 BANKERS. WELLS, FARGO h CO., Express Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Aurope, an( aU the pr in-cipal in-cipal cititt of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Kast Tempi St., Salt LaJta City. TliEG. P. TKACY, A.enL mil Thoi. R. Jones. A. W. Wbito BANKING HOUSli oy A. W. WH1TK 4. CO., EAST TEMPLE STKKET, a3ti Salt Lake City. niST lATDUAL BAIK OF UTAH; (Successors to Uussey, Dahlcr A Co.) Wabkkk Hujbkt, C. L. Daui.kr, President. Vice Prest, Akthukt Oodbi, Casbidt. Salt Luke City, Ululi ; Also conneoline ofEoes at Ogdon andCorinnc, Uuh, and irifiuiaand Uuleiia, Muuta:ia. Dealursin Gold Vtist, Coin anil Currency, Draw lixohance on New York, Chicago, bt- Louis, Uiuaha, Denver, ban LTancieoo, and all parts of Kuropo. Collections Prouiptly Attended To. mil . Bank of Deseret, (SiicceMor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Cu., Corn or East Temple and First South Snuet-i, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 8100,000. BHTQHAM YOTJNO.Prcaidsnt,! H. S. ELDKEDGE, Vice Pres. WM. II. HOOPER. WM. JENNLNGS, . V Direotors. JOHN SHAltP, FEKAM0H2 LITTLE, L. 8. HILLS, Cashier, J - Deal la GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANUB, LA5D WARRAXTI, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, .c. Collections made and prouiptly re-mitlcd, re-mitlcd, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. HARDWARE. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOB STOVES I NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOH ST O V E S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from. Including tile Old Favorites, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., Thoso'.aa woll as other variotios will be SOLD CHEAPER AT TUB Hardware Dep'nt or z. a. isL. x. THAN IN AN? OTHER HOUSE IN THIS TEHIUTOliY. II. U. CLAWSU.N, ,17 Sup.rintend.nt. C. H. BASSET!, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron ami SU-el, Stoves and Tin Ware ULACRSMIT11 TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And Mining Tools, At Lowest Rates. OPFOSlThl SALT LAHaC HOUSE 614 DISSOLUTION. partnership horetofjro existing; be-X be-X tiTucn 0. II. lliRBS. Paul Locbtcabors nnd Po'.or Nuboker, under tbo firm namo ol Kites, Lccbtonburg Jc Co., is this duy dissolved dis-solved by mutual consent- The business of tho lirin will bo curried mi by P:tul Lccntcn-bcrg Lccntcn-bcrg and Pater i-Joboker, who assume all tho nssctj and HabiliUoj ot tho lino firm. 0. 11. RICli-S, l'AVL r.KCHrEXrsEHi:, PKTKIl XKllKKKil Salt Lukeeity, December -XJ, 1S71, d9 WM. P. APPLEBY., Atloriicy-nt-Lnw, nAVTNO provided himself with Miitubie Ulunlts, it prepared to draw up Declaratory- Etatrmeutn of Apiill-I Apiill-I cauls for Uccda to city Lou. I Oll'tcc-Enst Temple Pircot. tlrst aoor iiurili I of Cuinmerce Uuildmg-. all' Monitor and Magnet Consolidated Consoli-dated Silver-Lead Mining Company. LOCATION of Works. Littlo Cottonwood, tall Lake County, Utah Torritory. Notice is hereby given, that a uioetiDg of the Uuaid ul Trustees of mid Compuuy, held on the 4th day of December, A. 1)., JaTl, tin lii'seismcnt t.No. 1.; of twonty-fivc k-) centt per sh re w;'s levied upon tho cupiinl stock ol siiiii Comnitiiy, p;iyble iaimoJiutaly, in Unite! Suites ttuld :oih. lo the tieoretury. .it tho oilice of the Company, Kootui ij and :i7. Merchants Iixchuinje, California Street, San tfniaciieo, California. Any stock upon which said aEFes?nierU shall remain unpaid on tho TWKNl'V- THiito kav ui' jam l' Ait r isra will bo deemed delinquent, nnd will be duly advertised adver-tised fur sale at public auction, and unices payment e Li nil bo mado before, will be sold on SAiUKUAY tho seventeenth day of U'cbruiiry.-lSTii, to p.iy the delinquent assessment, assess-ment, together with costs ol adveAUinK and expenses of sale. By order of tho Board of Truttacs. LOUIS KAPLAN, Secretary. Office, Rooms 20 and 27 Merchants Exohanie, California street, San Francisco, Cal. due New Year! THE MAMMOTH Boot, Shoe and Hat STOEE, DUNFORD i SONS Have on hsnd, and are cmrtnntly're-etiivinif cmrtnntly're-etiivinif n large and varied utock of! BOOTS AND SHOES Hats and Caps, gents' gloves, Gents' Furnisliiugs, ETC.. tVliirh tlit-y are Sollin? at a Small Advance on Eastern I Cot FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! LADIES' AND CIlILDREX'o FURS AT COST! jan :il OH nnn :roxj;Kr-D53 ZU.UUUlRON AND STEEL At C. IS. HiiwtV. OppoatU Salt Lab floui. Bit LU3BER YARDS. L T 1 II A I) ( A L I F 0 II Ml LUMBER COMP'Y,' Incorporated July 17, ISl. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Dclr, id .11 kuijtf of Building Material LUBinKlt, UOIUl. WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLITSDS, ALL KINDS MOULDINGS, (-11 ICO SL'CAU PIN!;, CK1L1.VG, OINU b" LOOKING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC, ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers prompt lj filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Mam St., fipe iloora south oC Walker's All business dono through tho President of iho Company. Oflleo Lumber Yard, one block south of Railroad I)cpot. K. II. BARRON, President. D. W. PAJtlCHUKST, CIIAR.LES D AHLKK, jny21 Treasurer. LUMBERYARD. DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. T. R. JOXES & CO., HalX-a-block south of U. C. Dapot. mj3 K13 Dl.MiTO.X'S Ay Two Dloclta soutUof lh U. CR.B, Depot, ami next to Wm. Jei-ritngs' Jei-ritngs' Tannery. Tho yar 1 if kept rnnstantly supplied by 'several saw-mills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. V. K. solieiU tho patronnco of his old friends, and by punctuality and diligence in businoss hopes to marit a sharo ef public support, KOK SAliK-In the 15th Ward, ope bbek and a b.ilf west of tho U. C. 11. R., a strnll bour-Oiind hnif lot, with flue orchard. For particulars enquire of auai) WM. EDD1NGT0N. The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SASU, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Price, Imported or llome-iuailc, IS AT LATIMER. TAYLOR & CO'S l'l.ANING MILL, Siifli and Door I'urtory, One block wet ofTabcrnacIc. (117 SPKCIAL NOTICE 70 Claimants of Real Estate in Salt Lake City. A. S. GOULD Si SON, Last Temple sU, '.Rcid'i building-,) A RK prepared to draw, in strict ftccrd- l inn n w:i'q law, the ncrc carr d-"lara-iLtc of it 1 1 per.'ons cla idling li bs t lit led t nny pf'rtir-n of the land included in the en;rr of tha town sita of P-ilt Late Ci'.y, isai lj Bbn, D. Li, Walii, ihiytr. MISCELLAKEOUS. FINE HOLIDAYMEATS. Jenniiigs & Paul, STALL NO. 7, CITY MEAT MARKET, Have ft large display of choice nieftt!, consisting of BEEF, MUTTON & PORK In the ftrealost variety Lbo market affords, af-fords, which they otter O AP, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Call nnd examine their TT1 T1 H O Gr fc4 . Bred and fed by Mr. ShBF Walktr, and Air. "W. Jekkixoi. d-i COALKOAL! Having jmrchaaed (he Spriggs Coal Mine We are nrcpnred to supply tlili Juatly celebrated Vi'SBER COAL by car load or retail. Depot nt U. C. K. R. Yard. Ofilcet Uiclunge and Heading Koom. BATEMAN & BUEL. 1BSJ V. II. UlllU, Aftut. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. .Opposite the entrance to the Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUIVG, - Prop. Admissiou, 60 cts. Children, 10 fct Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native mineral!, Petrlfnctlona, Con. cretlona and Cryatailaatlona. Homo Products. Kativ and Foreign Curiosities, Cu-riosities, C"0. Compound Klectro-Magnotic Apia-ratus, Apia-ratus, &c Prof. J. L. BARFOOT, BlKnagcr. : Schools s.nd Families by private nr-' nr-' raofemenu admitted at reduced rates. Utah Silver Mining Company LIMITED. To Coal Burners I WANIEDI IMMRPTATELY, VV 00,01)0 lliu, Charcoal, Clean and well burnt. To bo delivered tn quantities ef not less than 1,0(X) buthols at band? Station. Apply to N. P.Woods, agent, Sandy ?!a-' tion, or to PHILIP A. KAtiLE, Rest, iSooratary, Smelting Works, Bingham Canon. dZ7 LADIES. SPECIAL NOTICE FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Mrs. Colebrook HAS U PEN ED HER NEW STORE, With an onliro now slock of LADIES II ATS AND Soianots, Tho ehoiec.H doeds ever bronchi Into this citf ; also a very une assortment of Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Blonds, Collars, Aii FANCY NOTIONS for tie HOLIDAYS, 5 doors south of her Old Stand. Z. C. I. iV, m MEDICAL WORK! "THE PHILOSOPHY OF MARftlAGE." FoTlhe Ilebllilated fSe rrom KyUctn. DR. .T011 OAS. of the Annlomicnl Muslim, J1S Muntc'imery ftreel fncar Unhfur nia). fc';tti fr:tn-'icot Califnrnin, hv j.ub-lih"d j.ub-lih"d fonr of hn inoft imp'rrnnt an 1 instructive in-structive Lecture in a neat volume Ut lame whn cannot atfnd tbe Lctur': at the M u-pruin. u-pruin. Kvery TniDiirried and Married man should road and iludy these important Lecture fur the good of himself aad oil- lly addr!-inB; tho Secretary of IheArja-tomienl IheArja-tomienl Mutruta, Ban r'rnr:iF:o. and encloi'-ina encloi'-ina Twenty -five- Cent in PunUire HvnmpK to pny poilare, the liook will be forwarded! to nny psrt tn" the 5iates or Ttrrit orir. Ir. Jord.tn ran baonpnlted by Mitr. TRAVEL. 'GILMER & SALISBURY'S - " -'I'liS DAI L Y STAGE LINES Utah, So.iili -t'a!t .4'va5J;i &. 'Jou-ttssia. 'Jou-ttssia. Leaving Salt I.nkc t'lty Daily, run nlng iiuutli to Tiutic, Amencr.n Fork, ?lonat Ntlo, Scvior, St. George, Utah ; aad i'toche, NovaJ3 ; I'aialng throuRh ' lrovo, 8;-trinLTiilc, Spanish Fork,Paj-j Fork,Paj-j son, Salt C'rc-'k:, (Mticken Creek, i Round Valley, FJLpioiN;,Corn Crock, lioaver, Miners-villa, Miners-villa, kud AH the priiui'pt-d t.ncus tul mining ams in southern L'tah and south-east NcviJa. AUo leave Corlnnr, I' fab, dally, ninuliig north to Virpitiia City, Ilolona, Fort Eon ton, Door Loil.ce, Cedar Creek mines, ana p:isaine tlirouph all (lie principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PUIXCIPAL OFFICIO, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building inn ' Salt Lake City. UTAH. CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEEB LINE OF UTAH, Ob and after Jtl outlay, JulylT,tbfI JDaily TrtiZus Leave Salt Lake City at 5 n-m- and 2:4$ -,in Arrivo at Ocdon 7 a. m, and JiWi p. in. Leave Ogden at S a m. an-t i p. in. Arrive at Salt Lake Ca 10 a,ui.and 7:30 p,a kin addition to the aboo Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXGKPTED Leavinf Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m., and Ogdon at 5a. in. rJitnftn will pleaie Piircin4 thalr Tlcketa at tha OOlcei. Fifty Cent additional will be charged wbi thr furu is eollootnd on the train, Yor al? ii formation potiecrninB freiibt oi paiiage. apily to l (f. CAI.DKH, General Freight ani Ticket Ag't JOHN .SHARP, Snp RINTEN t)FN T Lon Wines, II. P. Kitnliall. SALT LAKE, And Tintic lanini , in . - -iiiriin Stage and Express llUJiNlKO DAII.V lltOJI ? ALT Lit:tI5 CITY, via L.AKK TOWN, TCOKLK CITY, STOCKTON AND OI'IIIK TO TINTIC. Tho route ha bern rf-nto.-)' oil with splendid splen-did UmicoM C'jMuhon. lino Stveit, eamlul and attentive Urivere- and every attention in pnid to tho oomfijr- .- i Cvnvtiimuoe of patellars. patel-lars. Good aco'inmorfnti'ms on the road. TUKOUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OOloa at Walla, Fargo A, Co.'a, Srtlt Eak City, WINKS & KIM HALL, aU Crnprietirs. UTAH" SOUTHERN 11AILKOAI). MIXED TIULNS K.XJ2ST BAILY. Leaving i ho Utah Central Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7. lua.m.; Draper O.'lO p.m., and 8at;dy Station, (nearcf-t point to Littlo Cottonwood. Cunon,) at 6.1U p.m. SajtLaJto to XJiit Totl'inwojd Stotioa, f'rts l.Ul!') " yioia .. ,, S'tidy " 1."J lJia; ir " l.a Twonty-Cvo venU n.i.itif,r.:il w.H he charged whoa tho uio ii coiicctvd o.- :Lc train. KKKAJlllltZ 1ITT1.IS PUPEHISTKNDKNT. D. O. CALUKM, Obp. Frciell TlcVl Arwl, |