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Show TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN ItAILUOAl). ! xm u'" 'w u ill j On ami after January 14UI, MIXED TRAINS WILL IR,TJ"ISr DAILY. L.;aviiiK the Utah Outriil R.ll. Depot, Sa.lt hako City, at 7.10 a.m.; Draper S.4.' p. in., ami Sandy Station, (iitiarctit point to Little Cuttonwoud Cariuu, at p.m. Ad ultra train will Kim on .Sundays Leaving Draper at H.-IU a.m., Sandy at fJ. U) a.m., Halt Lake City at 4.1U p.m. tinlt Laka lo Big CotlonwouJ Station, .r-)eU Littlo " " &WU " " Sun.iy " Jl.lW " " braimr " 1-jJS 1 Twontr-flvo cents aililitionat will be charged whoD Lha luro is col looted ua I lid l ruin. D. U. CALUKlt, '.lien, fc'roitfht t.d Ticket Agent. KHltAMUUZ LITTLK ' 8UPK1UNTKNDKNT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TIlllOUUH Utah, South -east Nevada & JH o n-(ana. n-(ana. Lvlng Suit Lake City Daily, running run-ning soul li to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, ISovior. St. Gconrc, Utah ; and Pioche, Nevada ; I'asalng tlirouglt l'rovo, Springvillc, Spanish Eork.r'ay-' Eork.r'ay-' eon, Salt Orcok, IMiickou Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Heaver, Minora ville, and All the prineipal toions and mining " c'linjm in southern Utah and touth-cast Nevada. ' Alio leave ('orluiir, I'm It, dully, ruiiulng noi t li to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, ,: Deer Lodo, Cedar Creek mined, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. '' I'HINUtl-AL OFK'CK, Wells, rgo & Co. Building , )un4 Salt Luki Citj UTAH CENTRAL SlAlL.iOAl). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and aftar Monday, July 17) 1871 lally Trains Leave Salt Luke City at 5 a- m- and 2:45 pJn. Arrive at Ogiten 7 a. m. and 4:15 p. ui. Leave 0iUo at 8 a. ni. and 5:30 p. ui. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m Id addition to tbe aloi THAINS Will run DAILV, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED LutIdk Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m., and Ofdon at 5a.m. Puingri will pleas Purchase their Ticket! at tlie OOlcei. Fifty Centa additional will bo charred waer the fare is collected on lie train. for all information concern ins freight or I'asiiise, apply to D. U. CAI.DKR, Gonor&l Freight and Ticket An'. JOM SHABP, STTBRIITTENUEKT Leo Wines. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPIUR And Tintic iisiiii Stage and Express UtSSLIU U A I L. V KRO.t SALT LAKK CITY, via LAKK TOWN, TOOELK CITY, STOCKTOS AID OPHIK TO T1.XTIC. Tie rente ha bn re-fto.-kp-i with rt-r-dii Concord CoschM. ane c-;k. :s;"al arj -it tenure Drivers, aad ferr -.f-Etioa i-' r.ii to the oomfor; .- t convenience of rai;-trs- Good acccmmcdaticns on the read. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Offlea l Well, Frr Co-'s, Salt Lama City. WINKS & KIMBALL, 4 Proprietor. JNO. 0. HODGE & CO., nt Wholesale Stationers, K-mi Iib I urinal stuck of Html tnnr ry, Iflausc Donki, StUool Uuki, I'lnylUK Card., Wlp. j.lntf li.er, Twintt, loc'ift Cutlery, tSrc, tfrc, On tlm Ps.-fl- C -n't. wWrrli tbsj ro prpareri IDJvlI iii.liirciii. iiu f..r Ijuts ikii) whore wuat f Uie :U7, Zl'i 3l :i SANSOME STRKLT, hi 1 1 ' -i Vranclieo: IHOS ANU STEEL -A7"IXl HI ROPE, 1.I.AT A SO KOIXD, I'or li'ii.-tiriK Trim ii-iriiitj, slnftd and iru: lines. Furry r.it-ei, Uuy rin'OJ, k'oi trjuiuiituaii puwor, otc- Mnnuj'ucturtd -J any Len-jthor Size. Wire. Hope Im nini li rlienjitr, llKlitrr itinl iiKiro (l(ii'ttl)le tlinu any oilier klltil of lloie. Halliilic'sKndlcss Hire Hope Way, (WiroTruiuwiu). For tlio riLiii 1 snd economical truaiportation ol "(Jrt.i uri-1 uthor ui.iterwls over iuhuhUiq oih ami diili'-ull ruiidn. (Sccurud by U. is-I'.UouU. is-I'.UouU. al.io, l'litont Grii ru.1103-, For triinimittinft power and by which the roio in uumjurod and cuiiuot slip. SKNO FOR CIUCI LAIIS. Agency of the PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OP CALIFORNIA.) All kinds nnd siisos of Wire, constantly on bund and manufactured to order, A. S. HALLIDIE. 51'J Front St., San Francisco, nl'J California-1 MtCHiiL Kanb. T. N, Wand. WAND, KANE & CO., ;(8ucceiMtri to Hunter, W find Co.) Importora and Wholesale Dealers in WINES AD LIQUORS. Propriolovs of Hunter's California Wlaoat "VCTliilX-oy. Also Aftonta Tor Josoph S. Finch's oolubralcd Ponnlvania RYE WHISKEY OUT ind GUU Kro.il St., near Jackion, SAN FIIAN1USCO. m:il .. KVEKIMaru & CO., COMMISSION MEP.SHAKTS 4 ClnySt., San Francisco, UlCALURS IX OHKOOS PHODUCB. Are coustantly In receipt of Oregon Uaius, Bacon, Lnr.l, Sulrnou, 4c. Stare)), of onr own and KAOtorn nutnoCactiiri tlwajs on liaiiil. lot'RE & mmm, I1IP0KTIR3 O?, 1 STOVES METALS, , MANUFACTURERS 0T AND D8ALKRS IS House Furnishing Hardware Tinner's Tools and Machines; A0ENT3 FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 114 ana 114 Battery Street, iu7 SAN FHANCISOO. CHENERY, SOUTHER a CO. Importers and Jobbers of KUltUIGN AMD DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Franclico. Jyifl WILMERDIM3 &KELL0G8, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 210 FRONT STKEET, SAM FRANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Fancy and Suple DRY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Miiswn and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 523 Jt 547 Market St., San Pra ujl3 Paris : 28 Rue Do L'Echiqa J, BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of HEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING S-i Suniomc St., San Franclaco 45 Jlurray St., Not York. MURPHYV6RANT& GO. Importers of American and European Staple and Fuucy DRY GOODS, CALIFORNIA, C&U the attention of tho Trade to their Iart aad complete stock of 'FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, I Whi.-h tl;ev are now rccsivini direct from European Miauiturcrs, comi risiss ui r vrt French JUrlnoi, I Wool Sallaes, ! Wool Platils, Frsaou audGcruiu, lrlelx and French Popllm, Kmprcli Clothi, Tamlic, tlav-k cJ cek rtsl, Vclve terns, I Alpcai, Mack aud colored SILKS, VELVETS, RiBBONS ALSO GLOVES, Kii, Buck. Berlin (Ladies', Misias'. denu'i Gents' Underwear Aad nil kiali of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ilolery.f -r'-:eia a!', it b:A3:;..s , White Good. I Handkerchief. I Shirting Llutni. j Unlit. jiJ ooLTed." !' Damask, trewa :.a 1 -I U-.vrhed Tnweli. U-icK P:;r, T-irkah. Atapkloa and Doylies, , ic. Ktc Etc- Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. '0. mi : E "Wliolesale l DRY GOODS DEP'T J t Up Stairs, Emporium Buddings 1 A full, first-class stock of STAPLE CRY GOODS, , A'OTIOXS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT VOW PllICKS. Wholesale buyers anil Co-operativo Dealers please inspect GROCERY-HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers can here find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH B1ANCH A GRfcAT VARIE 'Y . IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty CLOTHING DEP'T. HOME-MADE AND IMPOETED MANUFACTURED FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH aud AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for GontlemeB ordering their owd. - FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT I SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. , Tliis is the Department for Families DRUG DEP'T Fancy and Staple Drugs, I'AIEM MEDICINES JT c 1- Txi tjcl ory, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIET1 ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, AVERILL PAIX1 WHITE LEAD, OILS, COLOR! CLASS, ETC. Pracriptknu from Physicians vu have rptcxal attention. , H. B. CLAWSO., Snpt MUSEUM AND MENAGE HIE. lOpposit tho entrance to the Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, BO cts. Children, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Mineral!, Petrifaction!, Concretion Con-cretion and Crystallzatloii. Borne Products, Native and Foreign Curiosities, Cu-riosities, t'C. Compound Klcctro-Magnctio Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &o. Prof. J. L. BARFOOT, Manager. Schools and Families by private ar-' ar-' TanKomonts admit tod at roducod rales. BATHS BATHS I Warm Spring liatlis ! Private and Plunge. Tbew celeb rated bstba are open to tho pnlilio at nl! wuodi, Their medicinal properties aro so wldelj blown that It is owJIom to enumerate Item. Beeldea the Private Baths, tho large and handsomely handsome-ly fornUhcd PlnuR BalUa for l.mlits mi lenlleroeo new cipen. U. AllSOLI. -r m rv a J To tlie Farmers nod Traders oi Ijiati aud Nevada. I HAVE opened in Piocho a General Produce Pro-duce and Commission Ilmse. Will buj or sell, on commission, all kinds of Produce Flour'Grain, clc. Will cndcivor to givi satisfaction to those who may favor mc , witt their patroDBKC. J W MXON, Corner of Main and Dry alley streets Pioche, Nevada. f I CC i j '- j 2 PQ cc I - o j , .1 Pfl SAN FRASCISCO TRADE L. J. KIFFITII,f Dealer In all aiadi of J rlCKLKD 8MOKHD T ialmom m L HJ Waalilnirion Street. All ki-j'I of Prici, Sns UrJ and I'.ciloJ Fi-t )lUluLiy uu baud. Jl , L. SmuIv.v, Jtha Fi-r;:ai.oe. C. 0. CLi.iiiil Jj Spruanc, Stanley & Co., j m-.-c'orH to lI.WlsterlL.aiidJ.i J.?i maud-: , Importers anJ WuoItale Daalen Id iES m LSOOOHS. T, j4 10 FROST STREET. J, C. DIETZ CO. " PAINTS, OILS, r Varnishes and Lamps, No. 2iM FROST STRIIKT. W i r-i".'iil'' A i '!:'. . iii-i, San t'raitclicu j'- "' . . LI WliotalB Lipor Dealers, i: 10 S Front Street, San Frnnclm o Proprietors of , niLI.EIl'S EXTUA OLD IIOI HIIO! Aud solo atonb for l.f.CU i rkH'S EXFUA 13! 0 B lllrtUN WHfcK.fcS C'Hi t. iiuly on h.in I, a mil i; urtmoiit of rJl ho Sliiiiituril Diniiiti oT U lilnklca, Fine Uratidlca ' Foreign and Oouicatlc Wlnea, nt5 Hitter, Cordials, Ac. J-.t'.MEnJSIL? to, COMMSSSiCrJ f.P.C(IANT8 - 404 ami '100 Cfttirnrula St., 1 Sau Frnuclscu, - - California. 1 Particular attention paid to tho (Hlinc ol ordord lur every description ol merchandise, D'tf al of Ores, c, C. (JKAND UiW 30L On Market, New Blontnomery and Becond tiLraeU, r-: fit. A-crsco, cal. JOHNSON 4 Co., ruorniETORs, is THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. j s J vV-' 1IIE GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGIiTABLE BL00D PURIFIER. HH1U IN TUE SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful Stale o California, crows an herb long known to tho Indians as an absolute euro for RHEUMATISM, RHEUMA-TISM, (JOliT, NEURALGIA, and all diseases dis-eases in any way sprintinc from impurities of tho blood. Science has at Icnirih brought to liRht its virtues, and of thisjiotent herb has compounded YERBA SANTA, a preparation prepa-ration for tho PERMANENT CURE of Scrofula, Salt Illieum, and all Eruptive Erup-tive aud Cutaneous Diseases. Gives immediate and permanont relief in DYSPEPSIA. ERYSIPELAS, Kins Worm, Tumors, lioilSi Scald Uoads, Ulcers and Sores; eradicates from tho system all traces of mercurial disoaso. IT IS PURELY VEGLTASLE, It is thereforo peculiarly suitable for use by females and children as a LLOOD TURI-F1ER TURI-F1ER and RENOVATOR. MOTHERS Who wish to find a medicine peculiarly adapted to the cure of II U MORS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in their childron. will find a safe and sure euro in YEKUA SANTA, For sale everywhere. RKDINGTON, UOSTKTTER . CV Agents, 53 and 531 JUarket St., San Francisco. REDINGTONj HOSTETTER & CO. ' Iiaporterd and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS iXB CIIE31IC1LS r Fine Esseuilnl Oils, Gums, Roots, See ili, Flowers, Sponges, Skills, Pomades, Ac, I And all other Siaples connected with tka Wholosale and Retail Drue Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic products. I Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, . Hostetter's Bitters, I Drake Plantation Biticr?, Wolfs Scheidam Si-hnapps, Newell's Pulmonary syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Medicine both Afficricin and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. om. 549 and 531 JUarket Street, Between First and Second, ; mSan Francisco, California. TABLE. ; BURLING rON ROUTE. j M : J 10 IH: tr. SCBTil ASO S3Hf.i. : ' J o. 1. f STlII'iNS. ".'SLv MAIL. : Lut. OMAHA - - H'Ji'.m. ) ArrivoBUr.LlX'iTO.V "v'-'jui. '.a-r.m. j " itcnijta - - il---.a.m. ."jj.ui, ; " Chicie'C.E.iiJ ' J.Tir.m. 7::-.i.m. : " Pcma - - - J.j.ci. li.iui- " Ii;a'riL- LB.iW r-.tn. l";i.i.m. i Cinciocali - - llr-J r.ni.1 -l:;n ,..m " wTfti.,KM(,ul ! " ColumL.u.' : rt.m. ':Tp m. rj-Thrrnch Can from Mif-iori P.ir-- to Ch:cro. I-di i.u - lis, Cincinniii.LoBj.ns-port Cincinniii.LoBj.ns-port and Colucibu;.t Cotseciions at tbr;e poin's with l'nes leadiSbto the East, or:h ar.J v.h Tb : .' "ae Beit, shortttt, Hulckest and Cheapest Route. not be deceirej, but ob-ain Ticket via i the BnrUnstoa A Missouri River Railroad. ' A.E-TOt'ZALIN. C. E. PERKINS; Gea'l Iicket Agent. Uen'lS-jp't. I JJi MISCELLftNEOUS. CHAMBERS'S s :ncyclopedia( A DICTIONARY 01' NPcr.S.'.L KNOWLEDGE For tlie People. ovised KJition. Kc-k-uo ot'JS70-71 , with Jhips, Plates and Knsravings. o be complctc.l in Parts. making 10 Vols, of 6 paues cacb. t lustratcd wiih about Four Thousaud En-(trviuss En-(trviuss and Forty Maps. RICE per Part, Incluillni; Map! n.itl llluiirutlons, 00 Cents. PRIUKPKR VOLUME: trn Cloth. bcclod boards W ibr.iry Seeep. marblud odges ; ,rl", iu.li Turkey Morocco i M Mers. IT. U. KKYP A CO. are tho Agents r t'linmliti's't Kiicj-clopmdia fur tho 'a"iGo Ciast, nnd aro publishers and im-urlcrs im-urlcrs of othor American uud Ennlinh Ftan-ard Ftan-ard and illustrated works. CASS EL'S IKW POPULAR EDUCATOR, New Edition, Universal Pmnounrine Dictionary of Bi-KMi'liy Bi-KMi'liy and Mythology, by J. Thomas, A il., 1.. D. National Portrait Gallery of Eminont Vnii rii'iins. fKI parts ;il f-U cents each. II. II. KEY fe CO., r,13 Clay St., San Francisco. Mr. R, May is now in Utah ana will visit .ho different places to solicit for iho firm. Parties subsoribiiiK for any of their works nay rely upon bcinu faithfully sorvod every nonth. Godlie Oclnpon House, 87 SALT LAKE CITY. mCIIAltDS' IRON , WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Manufacturers ol PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made for buildiDg Furna ccs of Utah Fire Stone, Including Macliincvy, &c, set up in complete running order. References Eureka Mining Company, Com-pany, Salt Lake City) TJtftU Smelting Smelt-ing Company, Tin tic. Address J. C. RtcJiards, Cldcago. "LieoAWv. 1M and 106 FROST STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Offer the finest and most complete stock on the Pacific coast. Refer to II. B. CLAWSON. Sup't of C. IVI. X. m: A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction. " Harper's Bazar. Auficcs of the rrcss. It is really the only illustrated chronicler of fashion in ibo country. Its supplements alone are worth tho subscription price of the paper. While fully maintaining in position po-sition as a mirror of fa.-hion, it also contains con-tains stories, pocm, brilliant essiiys. besides General and personal gossip. "Boston Saturday Sat-urday Evening Gazette." There never was any paper published that so delichtcd tho heart of woman. Never mind if it does cost you a new bonnet; il will save you ten times tho price in the household economy il teaches. "Providence Journal." The jounpr lady who buys a single number num-ber oT Ll.ULi'HR'a IUzar is inailc a subscriber fur life. "New York Evening Post." Tho Bazar is excellent. Like all the periodicals peri-odicals which the Harper's publish, it is almost al-most ideally well edited, and the class of , rcjilers for whom it is intended iho mothers mo-thers and daughters in average families t can not bat prolit by iu good senseand good taste, which, we have no doubt, are to-day making very many homes, happier than ihey may have been befure tho women be-an be-an taking le.-sons in personal and house- , bold and sociil man. igouieat from this good-natured good-natured uitntor. "Ihe Nation, N. Y." SI BSIinil'TIOXS. ISTi " Tciius: ! HARPER'S BAZAR, one year U An Extra Copy of either the MAGAZINE, WEEKLY, or BAZA It will bo supplied srr.it for every Club of FIVE SUBSUR1B-hKS SUBSUR1B-hKS at SI UJ each, in one remittance; or. aijt Copies for sU lU, without ciira copy. Fub-riptions toUARI'EK'S MAGAZINE, WEr.KLY.and BAZAK. iu one adJrci f-.-r I i one year, Slo JK or, two of Harper'.- Periodicals, Period-icals, to one address for one year, s7 00. Back Numbcrj cm be supidied at sny j The fur v.i!u:;i..-.5 of II UU'EK'S I! A '. A R ! fr t-iu ji-iTi l- i. -). ', 1. cleantl) ' h..uu-i ui nrfu !:!., r-'x.'!'. rl-H . ivill b-; sent I Liy eiTt;.s, lron.ii: prcr.v,.!, I-. --7 VJ each. ThcPo-ticcn HAKI'KRa BAZAR is 20 ?riL - a yt.ir. w:,: -b uiufl be fin at the nub-.-;:b'. r ; u.-t oin .c. . A.ldrc- HARPER i LRuiUliK.-.Ncw York. n-J DIEECLO & KIENZLE, cn(-r,witi to Dutl'l, Estiinann k Co, L' KLKBR ATE I) CINCINNATI FIKS AND BURGLAR PROOF k3 J.A. 5? Ju4 k9 , And Sargent's Mariftio and Automatic Jnk ? . a B . PRATT & COVERT, Gpnral AaU i &tj WashinjfUn CiL, Chicago. 1 H. B. CLAWSON, Sunt. Z. C. M. I. Agent for Utah Territory. &3Q a. o 9 o o o bluffer scinsr Machines wtre Sold within the past year. Scientific American, June Huh, Jv,; THE SI RSCER 3Iaiuifactuiiiig Company, A.T TEC IB WORLD'S FAIR Constituted by t!.e homes of thopeoplc Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And havo L fl all rivals far behind them, I'.iU TUKY Sold in 187027.833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for IS70. "Tlio magnitude to which tho manufacture otsowing uiachmes has attnineJ ij jtunrn'i,. tl10 "sworn" re l urns (to wlm'ti any one cn have uocrrs) of t!.o ui.inuhi,-imera 'u.t the year IsT.l to tho owners 1 tlio lending p.Ueun, mi wln.'li tlioy pay a royalty, a.. cordini; to theso returns tlio number ol maohtiics soid by each mauulaoturer in u as follows: TlieSlngrr - - i:7,H;s:i Florence . i-,-. W heeler Wils,n - . (-d Medal - . . G rover A' linker - " i:'-1' .!M'rB , f S.'.l Wilcox A Gibbs :1!"UU l.T-o AmerieaurluttouIiole.tOvcTTcamiiig 11..HJ i Uson - And several othor ooniiauiC3 who sold a lew machines, It will bo soon by this tahlo that tho popularity of tho Singer machines far ei. ceeds that of all olliers, their sale hoing one-naif i; renter thnn oven that of tho Tamous "Whoolor Si Wilson" machine. This is owing to the fact that the SinBrr Company have lately commenced making, besides iheir old nnd well-ctubliAsd manufacturing maobino, what is known as thoir "New Family ainrliine," which Is selling at tlie rale of nine to one belter Mum their old style, Their tu-I tu-I tal sales for 119 wcro So.TSl uiachines against the I27,8J:i of lS7n, thowlnfr si lacrtui of one-lmiriii ihe latter year." "New York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, XllW KKAlll.T THREE-QUARTERS OF .A MILLION 3VEclxiiiOiS Sold, and A X JL W K.m Ji C --sV. ' " B. l; K B Were made wllhln Ihe past three yearn. But tho GrealeBt Inrreas 0f our Sales over all Other niaihlucs, UclnR Wlililn the IHt Year. This Is IncoiLtestlule Proof that Our Machines Arc the Rest in tho World. THE NEW FAMILY Sli(iEIt (SEWING MACHINE With attachments for all kiiuts of work, Is fast inning fcuprcmo favor in tho household, as shown by tho rapidly increuini soles, over all other machines. This Hew Family machine ip now capnblo of a range anil variety nfw.,rk cuch u was only recently thougbt impossible lo perforin by nrichioery. Wo claim and can show that it is tho cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely aujuitetl, easily operated, sioody,and smoothly running of alt the Family Sewing Machines. It is roiiinrk-ahlo roiiinrk-ahlo not only for tho rango and variety ol its sowing, hut alro lor iho rarioty ami different dif-ferent kinds of texture which it will sew with ogual facility and pcrl"Lvti , u(iQI silk twist, linen or cotton thread, lino or eoirso, making tho InterlocUcd-claitlc-stltch, alike on both si ics o! the f.ibrio smui; tho outy stiich w' ich is unii-orislly approved, or is at all adapted for nf.t-tls work. Thus, beaver cloth, or loAthcr may bo sown with great st rendu ind uniformity of stitch, and, in a moment, tou willing nnd nevor-wearyint in-trurucai may be adjusted for lino workong.iuio or gosii-mer gosii-mer tissuo, or tho tucking of tarlatan, or rulllmg, or almost any other work even by a child which dolicato finger havo been known lo poriorui. Kvtii the carelcn and thoughtless Have HUle or no trouble outliln runt nine. Send for Descriptive and 7V; Gircufart. Womnnufaciuroour own needles, silk nnd twist: furnish linen and cotton thread md oil all of superior quality but which can bo roiiod oa only when obtainolj ihroiKa our Principal or Branch Unices, or Agencies. OTHER SEWINS MACHINES BtPAiSED Q.M REASONABLE TERMS. I We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELTVEKED FKEE THROUGHOUT THE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. "Wo oxtenda cordial invitation to nil to oomo and see tho Machine-., whether the! wi.h to buy or not. nil ot.ierH, but do not buy without ou cxaiulu. tltc Singer. Visitors alwavs politely attontcd by comrotont attenrlnrts. luBtructlou fr. All Machine, .jerfecll ailju.led belore delivery at t SINGER SEWING- MACHINE DEP'T, Z. C. HI. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Twodoora south of Earfc Emporium, (Salt Im1.c- City, XJtali. ' 11 . B. CLAWSON. Superintendent. Have on band tho Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Wbicb they ofTer -A- T "V" E IFtT LOT PRICES, FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATHK mifi i JAMES HAGUE, Jun. J. H. HAGUE, GEOKGE HAUb'B ZOig- Grnn Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, LATE JAMES HAGUE, Importers and Xoalors in GUIS, XH PISTOLS. 1MOMTI0N, TACKLE. Etc. K P O Elc. Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. a2 East Temple Street. Salt Lake City, Z. C. M. i. BOOT AND SHOE Dopnrtmont-, at tlio sijxnot THE "BIG. BOOT." Every style and qualiLy of Boots and Shoes MADE TO ORDER, satisfac ; timi guaranteed. VLWATS ON BAND A I-ARGE AND CHOICK STOCK OP nOME-MDEiMLOOTSANDSIIOES A Fl'LL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather niiiBii wanted. |