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Show Commercial. Sai-t Lake City, Fsn. lo. lioi.n. Cuyinsr, 107; seliin?, T 10. Fun Santa Cr. iv. Imnif-" :. 3.-..iii.-r p.. f. V.. !,. Pickard's :M iuiiih, :t.d t--r:;-r :;j Wt.-t r.-U. Jiurr.e-.- (j to th CrvtJtl I':1nc-- 7S Mmti F'.r ''., fur i"'irn:;;iri, H.r.ldiiitr; Crock- it', 'hin:i, G!:i-.-,Siiverwnrc mid lioire-. ..ml I; Rtnerally. d!7 K;iii!'jnnble Jiu'-s at, Sieel Uru's. olO Cutting & Co' 3 California Ci'.nnrd 1 FruiLs and Jelii are the best in the .citrket. . Ask your grocer for tiifin. j Lnrpo 't ick of tine and Iicavy boots Siutful Bros. ui:l Fumr itcre. -lust received, nt Henry I Dinwoodey's, 000 CANK SKATED ! CJlAXKri. To ho sold very cho;t for cash. j 1 7 Overcoats, atcost, atSiegd Bro's. olO En. I Minis has just received a large' stock of Iho finest cigars and tobacco, i mid gentlemen's, notions. Ho hits th" hirgfst and be;t firsortmcnt of imported filers in tlio Territory. Ciiil L tin;, 'JiLlic Cigiir tSiOYH round the Corner'' and see. f II ;, I'll RENoLOGY. Prof. Fowler's l'ubli- ' 1 culions for sulo t Dwyer's Book store. 1 l'l. ! A Urkat Tonic. IIEGEMAN'c ! CiHiUlAL ELIX1K OF CALLSAYA 11 A K K. A pleiisjint cordial which i strengthens and improves Digestion, tin excellent proven livo of Fever?, Fever' a: id Ague, etc., and !i groat Kenovntor and Tonic tr invalids and debilitated p'T- I pons. J I mi km an & Co., New York. I Solo Manufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. s'2ti Two llUNDJiKD TIOAMS wanted. ' Apply to Durant & Cutting, j Fine Furnishing Goods at tJiogol Bro's olO Largest slock of clothing at Siegel Uro's. ylUi DttiKu Pk.u-mks. We shall give the I li i.sjhe.-l prieo for cb'.-ui, well dried I fruit, at our Provision Di'partnient, at.iiio.K. Clawjoa'?. we-t of Theatre. ! nugl H. li. Clwvson, tiupt. j 'I'll K "(tllK.iVT I' N lv NO N ' is CM pi is - il.'l .' perl'eiiiii.1.! and contains nolliiiitr in- i juiu-iw. Try il Imiio. 'j.J 1 jOGDEN DIRECTORY. t'lrsl-chiss Business Houses. ' MERCHANTS AValker Uroilif r, Zl oil's Cn-np. MrrcanllU lnit Uutlou, Jnmr Iliil-rockn, r. Wootliiinuxrr, K. Anerbnch A Bra. ' HOTEL. Ogilen Home, John MaIjou, Proprietor. LIVERY .STABLE. D. G. Kdion, Proprietor. I mo OVTHALMIC BALSAM, I Or Ky Dalra. I Valuable in m"ft DUcajes of tbeTTj-ep. Re-i Re-i tnr.vr I:ifiamjtt:cn. 1 1 rcTicthcr.s the isicht, and M eak nr Drocr-.ne L:K and is ccr.c.-airy ! Dealing and Pirencihonir.fi u ica flent. but cjafw no ptin. It is algj food for Tetter, Hiusworai aJ bad Sprc. j. K. JOHSOS St. George! Utah First National Bar OF UTAH, - A r LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY ANI ( FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wabrt UrssiT. C. L. Da it. KB, President. Vice 1'roat Axtkost Godbx. Cashier. PAID IP CAPITAL, - Sl.tO.0OO. EAR-TINGS, - Si 30,000, Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldtst Banking Institution in Ctah. -A. General Han Uin Uuaiiies-s Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTEND-D 10, INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. SALT LAKE THEATRE CROWDED HOUSES. GREAT APPLAUSE Piirdy, Scott & FostcIIe's 1INSTBELS! (Late Emerson's, of Sua Fran.) SIGHTLY GEEETED WITH TREMENDOUS ENTHUSIASM. 31-C3 KTIGElT. SATURDAY ETE,, FEB. 17. ENTIRE CHANCE OF mo (3- H -A. 3VT. IvCE. Conclu'tfn- villi tho iRtielitcr-proTokice. side-fjiiiiti&s nt'icmiec?, original iviti this Troup", TWICE- MARRIED, THIS AFTERNOON, 2 P.M., GRAND MATINEE. New Soi'gs and Dances, Acts, Burlesques, aud Orijiual Attractions. Miiay Nifflit Entire New Bill. NOTICE. ALL persons aro hereby forbid Jen and warned against I'urehasiiig or in nny way DegjiiniitiR villi any person whomto-cvur whomto-cvur Ior certain mining property sihmte, Ij-iiig, nnd being on Chloride Hill, in Oi.hir Milling District, Tooelo County, Utih Territory Terri-tory recently tiled for record as tho Jiiu tisk lode, or for any ores already extracted, or Unit may hereaiter bo extracted, thoro-rom; thoro-rom; or for any property whatsoever belonging be-longing to, or in nn;wie appertaining to, said mine, or lode: as the snmo is tho property prop-erty of tbo undersigned, who aro tho lawful ownora of said raining Property, under the naiuo of tho Chloride Queen, hiving been located March 15 JS71. by D.' W. otanton. George H rtuugbt. John Duvis, Rcoso Davis and Murray Al easing or, and roeorded in the utiiuo oi . ihe i Recor.'orr.f tho Mining District aforesaid, April 25, 1S71. D. W. STANTON. GEORGE li. R AUGHT. U..A. HULCOMB. FIRSTJITOCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITY, (Everybody says ao) at G. W. DAVIS'. ! Tho finost (lualitios of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS. Ac, at O- W. DAVIS'. (AWi-n (joniis, i.onsTrns hi. .nox. s.iiiiMMx vvr-:iii FrititM, fnuccf A l'icklvx ' AT G. W. DAVIS'. Tbd Largest and Bosl Stook of CHEESE, HAMS and BACON In Town, at U. W. DAVIS'. Our TEA TitADE wo take particnl-r pains to siu-ly, and from oijiericnco are enabled to luilour patrons with unrivalled facilities. Ho guarantco to sell ui chca as nay House in . uk. and will not bo undersold, G. W. DAVIS, Two doors north of Kimball A- Lawrence'e fl We hi s JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, Kogiish BreaUast Tea, Which we will tell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, JEVwt Tempt Strtet I ' tii26l C'C A LDER BRO'S Are in receipt of the new editions of tlio ' Standard Authors Esch eomjilotp in oue royal oelsvo vol.. bound in tho most spiTOVci style, anc at the Uaprecsasaloi Low Fries or Cloth extra - . 2.0 Library Sheep - 2.75 Our Stock of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in part, of Of the latest improved styles ; o :r, a-isr s Of tho best makers ; W H Bl, St M From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received nnd cxpectpd dnily, & larpo aud splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, whidi wc offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in th's city. FOE $125. Piro Octavo, Double. Iloed, Five Stops, (Viola, Dinpason, Meloda Flute Tremulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, one of "ux feot pitch and one of eight feet ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, and not merely Hampod out of brass. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves-improved valves-improved bellows. Solid black walnut' case throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. af We respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our Roods For the Holidays. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Grain, Flour & Feed DEPOT, Mnln Street, fr. JU City. A full supply of Slates Corn, Sluics and Valley Oata, Greund Wheat, Ground Barlcv.'1-- Meal, (yellow and ffhii ',n i'T Torn Mirl.lli- eked Corn. iHldJi- ASi Sl)0rt8) HraRi T -.lam, liuckwheat and Kye Flour, Ut.'ili IJarley, Seed Wheat, Norway OatH, licans, Potatoes, Kto. Ktnt for Allen's XX and XXX Family Flour and Ih'ss' North (,'ottonwood XXX and XXXX. CEO. H. KfiOWLDEN'S, Went side Miiin strcot, S. L. City. P.S. Speriil irdiiermonla to wholeffile buyors, or in Email lots oc4 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stan, East side East Temple St., Wishw to inform hip numcmus friends And patrons thai ho ha full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at bis Store and Bakery, PRODUCE Of all kiDdr, IJotiht and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order. MISCELLANEOUS. ' EDI)IXGTO.'i Two Blocks oulli of the V. C. R. R . Pt)ol, and ocit In Win. Jrti-nliigi Jrti-nliigi Tnntry. The yard is kopt .-onjtently FuprHed by Mevcrul sawmills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits tho p.-itronaco of his old friends, and by t unctu&lity and diligence in buEiness hopes to merit a share ef public support. FOR SALE In the 15th Ward, One block and a half west of the U. C. K. R a small houso and hiilf lot. with fine orchard For particulars enquire of ao"25 tt'M. EDDIXQTOS, FILL IMPORTATIONS! 1 ROSENBAUM FRIEOMANN, 22 aud 21 Battery Sfrcct, Sa,xa. Francisco UKO LEAVE TO CALL TI1K AT-toolioD AT-toolioD of thoTKADK to their spton-did spton-did STuuK.ODDjprisins in part CUMPLbTK LINKS of Broclie Shawls, Velveteens, Alexander's Kid ti lores, Curtain !Vet9, Lineu Hdkfs, Wbite goods, Tarlatans, Bareges, Guipure and Linen Laces, Cotton Laces, Lace goods, made up, Hamburg Kmbroideries. Silk aud Velvet Ribbons, bl'k and ool'd, Corsets, sewed and woven, Hosiery jukI Gloves, silk, cotton and wool, Merino Underwear fur ladies and children, Fringes, Gimns aud Ornaments, Orna-ments, Ladies' aud Children's Heady , Made Suits: j Which, together with thoir USUAL FULL Stock of Foreign tinii JJoinetic SMALLWAKES Hiid" i-Wy Guode they oiler at .Reduced Prices. Purchasing all our Roods at thoir various va-rious p luces uf production nil over the world we aro enabled to sHl tlio snmo nt prices to compare- favorably with those of tba leading houses in Jow York or London. 6:iq HEATH & MILLIGlT MANTJFAOTUUERS Of WHITE LEAD. Zinc and Colors, 103 Randolph street, cinc.uvo. SELLING OFF 1 Now Is 1 lie l ime Io gut Ititi giiiii" ! Our remaining slock oi' LADIES' FURS! Will bo Hold regardless of cost. FANUY PKES3 GOOHS, LINSErs, 1'XANNKJ.S, JKANS. WOOLEN GOODS, 11OODS, NUBIAS, B0AHK8, I10SIEKY, ETC. TogMbsr wl(b . .l.n.!!d MrtmMii of WINTER HATS and BOfflETS MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, which will be sold at cost to make room for a lare stock of Spring 'and Summer Goods. W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. 85 Ert TcmiJc Street :fl.V.STAYNER'3 COLUMN !,cTrT lots! j .Hurry up and File your Statements J for Ciy Lots. C. W. Siayner Attends to it At Colder liro's every day next week. l ; ..-if- ; I f- ... ,v,5i & I Figures Don't Lie! Lailics aiultiont'ouion would nnt testify 'that this lNUKMOl'S l'KKl'AKA- Tl 0 N had presctved the .Hair i'rom Falling Off! HAD Beauilfied Iho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy I i j UhJ removed all DAiV.ORCFF 1'KOM THE ! HEAD I DaiJlu-adcd persons WUU 1-11 NOT D ECLAliE tliat tho UOUHLE S 1' H E N UT II hat produced from j one to three inches of ! Hair on a Smooth and Shiny I Surface ! j If it were not the c isc. T,. 1-a'licv-. a., j.ni vn'uo rour Ilonittiful H.or.cc..c ;.... OILS n,l DVhs wl.ioh drmoy he hrtir and injure Ibo hcnlth, but tifik for tb. I GREAT UNKNOWN! AND Take no lh r! for inlf nf Cnldcr II. o', Z. C M. I. Iti iiK Morr, Anil mom nil l)r ugfilit a. 1 1'ri -e for H'nil.'f, - . .((, Hfi't for Lndips u.r. Oouble strenp'li, - - !ji'2.(K). For Duliln.fa. If You Don't Feel Well Tak k o untie: bottle OK THE AM unite in Faing tbi li AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE 10H USB IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD KOK THE CHILD OK HIE l'AHENT. It curt. Catarrh, Dyspepsia, ,'PUIJIFJES TJIE JJLOOI) .nil Builds Up the Whole System. For unit mt C;ldrr Ilro's, and Mt Victim Co-op. Inil'n. Price, - 6fjCt aD(J (, rcr botdo. C. W. STAYNER, OcnaraJ Agent. |