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Show Otstkkh. California transplanted and shell oysters received fre?h daily at tho Grand Jieuaurant. Booth's fresh ov?lcrs in every style. Open day and nip tit. E Kabk Business Chance. For sale, the California Store, Alain street, with lot twenty-live front, a hundred and siitv rive feet deep. Apply to E. li. Siioobridgf. on tbo premnes, or at the Herald uiBco. s'2 Light Spring Wagons, euitabla for frrocers and provision dealers; jut tho thinff for running around town delivering deliver-ing goods. adv UuTTiNa & Co's California Cunned Fruits and .Jellies are the be.-t in the market. Ak your grocer for them. i'J Exi'RKss Waqons fur r-tile L the Council Hoiho yard. Warranted a tiist-class article. Timber and work-i.mnship work-i.mnship guaranteed. adv IIried Peaches. Wo respectful ly call attention to tho advantageiof drying the- surplus stock of PEACHES. Wo shall give tho highest price-fur price-fur clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of Emporium Empo-rium Buildings. aug4 H. B. Clawson, Supt. Diamond Sprino Wagons, suitable for family carriages, good timber, well ironed and first-class workmanship. FOIl SALE CHEAP, at tho Council House yard. adv Persons wuo are U.u.d, or wiio are troubled with thin HAIR, should seo mo nt Caldor Bru's Book Store. C. W. Staynkr, Agent. Phom'KCTous should exnminfl tho STUUEBAKEKSPlilNG WAGONS, ut tho Council House Yurd, boloro pur- i-lmsing olsowuoro; they are just what they want. adv The Cheapest and Best Houso to buy Furniture is at Bnmton'a Furniture Warehouse, M Eolith street. Spring Mattrasscs a specialty. aug- Sunday School Rewards in groat variety just received at Calder Brothers Repository of Music and for sale at publishers pub-lishers wholesale and retail prices. sl9. Studk baker SPRING WAGONS. Timber and workmanship warranted. For sale cheap at tho Council House yard. adv good prices were realized on the part of Government for the material sold. , Old maxim: "In time of peace prepare pre-pare for war.1' Furniture, Crocker-, Glass and Silverware, etc. Tho largest stock west of Chicago at tho Crystal Palace. ; auglj Barratt & Co. II a rper' s for October, leaves all cut, ready for reading, a splendid number for salo at Dwycr's Book Store. slf. Peaches. Wa are prepared to purchase pur-chase any quality of woll dried PEACHES, for which wo will pay in casti tbo hitrhast prico paid m Ihii market. To those who have from 5O0 to 1,000 lbs., we can offer special inducements induce-ments through our Colorado and Nebraska Ne-braska connections. Kiqgs, Lkchtenderg & Co., s!3 Main Street. Proclamation to the Public I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to tho traveling public . Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going oust on the U.P.R.R-, will find it to their advantage to leave Salt Lako City on tho evoning train and remain over at Ogden at night, thereby hav-, ine a Rood night's rest, and so bo fresh for travel at b o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves this depot. At tho Ogdon House wo oifer as good accommodations ac-commodations as any house west oi Omaha. Freo busses at overy train to and from tho depot, adv Joun aIahon, Proprietor. WATtHKS &JEWLLUV! b. I. eliason; i 1-EilS lo inform tho resident! of Salt Lake City and Tleiriitr. that ho not or.lT ' i k-nrante, to nronorl,- llp.lr,CL. ...! AJJn.t Wntcliea .ml Clironomet era, I but ho will mk them or am rt of j ihom, to ordor. and warrant tho work. I V ssvf si-rrr.Y of Kl.GIN nd SVIS WATCHES just rcco.vod, which ho will guaranloo M rcliaMo limo-kMiwrs. l'nca to defy competition Romomhcr llio ddr;". Two iloor. of lh Dcacl-Cl Uaitkt FAUST'S HALL! Second South SI. THE GREAT CARROLL FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT. Opening Night, Friday, Sep. 22, With a Programme of unusual ability. Mr. R. CARROLL, Tho Irish, Dutch and Ngiro Comtdiaa tf tho profession, and tho' SoonoiL" Uuncer in the country, Whose Father Sonld Charcoal.' LITTLE DTClv, TUB JUVENILE WONDER I Singer, Dancer and Dialect Actor. MASTERBENNIE, The youngest Ch.irnotcr Bins or extant. MASTEttEDDIE, Tho Original lojin Ruhbcr Jjck. ORCHESTRA Uaiior the supervision of CHARLES W. LILLY. Amission, - - - 50c. Reserved Scat!, - - Sl.OO. Doors opon at 7 o'clock; performanca to commence at a quartor lo 8. Seats secured at Salt Lako nnuse.Golorndo Houso aud at Daj-ccs & Co's Mubic ritore. CARROLL FAMILY MATINEE On SATURDAY. Fept 23. at 2 p.m.. forLadios and Children. Performance on Friday night, 2nd ; benefit, In aid of the Pioche j sntTci'crg. ' Piano u?ad for entertainment from Dayncs i k Ou's Musio Sion -l THEATRE. Change of Time. Commencing with tho cnstiKcmont of Mrs. Lander, the door will thereafter bo opon at 7 o'cloult and performance per-formance will begin at 7-10. Friday Evening, Sept. 22, 71, Will bo repeated by special request, the laughable sorio-comic drama in ihrco acts, entitled MIRIAM'S CRIME! To oonolnde with tha laughable farco entitled, a DUTCHMAN'S DIFFICULTIES.' Monday, Sep. 35, lint appearance In this city of the dUUnguUhed tragic tra-gic artlit, Mn. F. W. LANDEH, (Jew Davenport). HO! FOR CONFERENCE! TAYLOR & CUTLER Have just received a new Choice JiEj uOTUr Cheaper than ever sold in thia Territory. Coffee, Sugar, Lye, Etc. DRESS GOODS, DHK3S FLANNELS, SHAWLS, MERINOS, DELAINES, Etc, HATS, CArS, BOOTS, SHOhr1. j j A large variety of 'clocks To he ?old chesper thn the cheapest. jhlore Unfile Sail Lake Hou MISCELLANEOUS. PLANTATION BITTERS WILL Purify the Blood and Invijorait: Ihf Bodr. The Wood is to tie flesh what rain is to the grass. Why is it that Plastatios Bit- ! ters ouuell all others ? Because it promotes digestion ! BeOtlTlSe it is the best appetizer ever discovered ! BeCaUSe it purifies the blood by removing the acrid secretions of the stomach ! Because it imparts vigor and vitality vi-tality to the whole circulatory system, and thus cures dyspepsia ! BeCaUSe it puts new life into a lazy Liver ! Because the most delicate ladies can use it ! BeCailSe those la-lies who have used it, all agree that, by cleansing the blood from all impurities, it at once imparts the "rose-tint of health" to the cheek, and does away with all cosmetics, emulsions and lotions for the complexion ! BeCaUSe t bestows a fresh and spotless complexion upon both sexes, simply by freeing the blood from all impurities ! Because it is a strengthening morning tonic ! Because t will cure chills and fever! Because t is a gentle alterative ! Because t corrects all the defects in the gastrio functions, and cures nervous constipation ! BeCailSe it U always kept at its original standard ! BeCaUSe all of the Druggists and ! Wholesale Grocers know this, and i rccommand it ! BeCailSe all of its ingredients are pure ! Because its spirit base is pure Santa San-ta Cruz Rum ! Because Calisaya Bark consti-, consti-, tutes its aromatio flavor ! BeCaUSe it contains Dandelion, Lavender Flotccrs, Anise, Winter-green, Winter-green, Camomile Flowers, with other well-known iugredients used by all scientific physicians for centuries cen-turies ! WIVES AND MOTHERS. Only woman knows what women endure. ; and if thcro is any moans of a-suaginfc the distress or body and mini which so many thousand expenencp, day after day. and week after week, with a fortiiudo which puts to shame the courage of man, who will deny that so great a blessing to tho sex should be found in every household? Millions of Men havo been benefitted by ita use, but anion the fooblo and rick of the opposite Bender, who, perhaps, neod it most, its virtues are not bo widely known. This forcmoit remedy of tho ago this spocifie for every specici of debility, general or local, constitutional or casual, is PLANTATION BITTERS. Ono right of woman at least, will bo conceded tho right of strengthening herself to sustain tho ills of which the laws of nature havo inado her tho unfortunate heiress. "J3 TlTIMONIAL. San Francisco, Jnlp, 1870. Wo, fti undersigned, take great pleasure in rocoinmendiLg Dr, A. W. CALDER. to all those who may need the servioes Ota Dentist as a thoroughly competent and skillful operator, and one in whom wo have' implicit oonudoECO, both a a Dentist and a rcnllouian. Dr. H. AriTis. DftitisL Drs. RnitKHT3 & FHKiLisn, Dentists. R. H. McD.ikalu ii Co., Druggists, OFFICE In Seventies Hall Building First East Street. Es ALT LAKli CITY, in . JOHN TAYLOR ft BRO., Merchant Tailors, COSMKRCIAli STREET, KEEP conHnntly on hind a choW asorl-AMKI11CAN asorl-AMKI11CAN Cloths, Cassinieres, VestinQS, Etc., Of tho finest qualities and latest styles, whloh we make up to order in tbo moil fashionable and approved manner. ' S5fl-PATR0NAGB solicited- aug23 UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and After Monday, JMy IT, 1BT1, Dally Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a m- and 2:45 p.ic. Arrive at Ogdon 7 a. m. and 4 :V p. m. Leave Oudn at S .m. aud5:3u p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 n,m Ib addition to tke above Will mi DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Laavinf Salt Lako City at 5.30 p.m., nd Ogden at 5 a.m. Fr from 8H Lke City to Pac-'ger Mixed Woods Ctom - " J tu 35 Centreville - - ' ? g lis Fare from Offden to I Kaysvill. - ,o8 Salt Lake City - - 2 50 1 50 puinrn will pleaee Pnreh.. their Ticket t tne OOleea. Fifty Cent hHU1tiii1 will b whv the tare is collect -u I Ht IJttt U InfennatloB (woeiminf freight oi passage, aply to D. O. CAX.DER, General Freight aad Ticket Ag'u JOHN SHARP, I iVPMUimaiBlKT. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN, j S. C. M. I; Wholesale j DRY GOODS DEP'T L'p Stairs, Emporium Buildings, A fall, first-class stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, AOTIOSS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operatire Dealers please inspect. GROCERY-HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasera oan here And An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BRANCH A GflEAT VARIETY. iMPLEMEHTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON TEE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty FIKST-CLASS FITTERS AND WOHKIDKN TO FILL, ALL. UUDEIU PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. AND IMPORTED MANUTACTUaED FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMKRICAN1 FABRICS Fine Cassinieres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON W.iALE. ' This is tho Department for Families. DRUG DEP'T. Fancy and Staple Drugs. PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY KKGLIflH ALE ASD PORTER, AVKRILL FAl.fT WHITE LEAD. OILS, COLORS CLASS, ETC. Prfcrij'tUns ro3 I'hyticxnn will Ao) peial aJtrntian. II. 14. ll-AHSO, Unpl. HARDWARE, BuytheBest THE BEST; TEE CHEAPEST i STORES HARDWARE ! T I N "V ARE! Closing out Cheap To make room for FALL STOCK! SENSENEY&GO Opposite W. F. Ss Co's Office, SALT LAKE CITY Tiii, Copper aud Sheet Iron Work Done to Order. Agents for tho patent Nickel-Plated Revolving SMOOTHING IUO?i SOMETHING NEW. LOOK OUT FOR TUB Grand Opening 0P THE AMP STORE ON MONDAY. OCT. 2nd. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS Half-a-block West of the ! Eagle Emporium. Wo take this opportunity lo roturn. , UiRnka lo our ninny piilrons lor tlirir liberal pntrontiKO i" t,in Pft,l IrimiiiR by 8lrict Mien lion and oconomy in : business to warrant ft oonlinimtion of the tamo. Wo havo at a eroat expense erected a building adapted for tba buninefs. and havo been appointed by tho manufacturers manufactu-rers tiOLK AGENTS lor this Territory for tho Non-Explosive Fluid, Best Quality of Gasoline, And all the moit 1niiroTcd Patent In Light Otl nnd Coal OH Goods. Our complete an-nn item cut with the re- finoTsuf,,, (j,), dealing with I he mmiilHi '""ore in every inalm.ee luppinc in hu Ik al the lowffl rftlcii und mnkiDR n willj "f Ihii buf.in'F'. warrant ut id lirinK nruine tint we cito suiily lh pcoiile ol this icrri -lory witb BETTER QUALITY OF LAMPS AND LIGHT AT LOWER RATES Than over ofl'crod in this market before We have largo snd eonipletd stock of all sljlea of Chandfltrrs. Prndinm, Hall Llfchtx, BrackcH, Stand Lampa, Hand Lamps, Street Lamps, Rr rlrctorx, Linlernt, Railroad Lanterns, On Generating .turner, Pressure Dnrnera, Copllnn Burners, LlffhtOll UnrDtrl, Caat Oil Burner, A rgsnd flume rs. All strlst uT Chimneys, Porcelain Shades? Glass Globes, Paper Shades, Reflectors, YAP0R GAS STOVES, ALL RTTI.1BJ. Call and exarnir.a our Block arid prices. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' ter Oind delWere'l to sll rrt of the ry ; Trie. '! 'tarr. Frr,iije tapfh-i w,:t, fluid (,r r.il at :h-ir hoafBS, rsfuiarlj, bj leiL , their addree-. j E. REESE & CO., natf-a-.loek wrtt ttT Kagla Km- artapa. f V ' " J SAN FRAN CI SC3 TRADE. THE GREAT ; BLOOD PURIFIER, ) .-y, 71 ' ,"---V. In ' ' 1 . 1 Ci I - i ;;"- W . Hi! A MM kirn THE GREAT CAXIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER, Unill IN THK SIERRA NEVADA Mounmiri!, in the wonJerlul tste o ihiorni. srow so herb Ion know r. in ;h InJmnsM i aS'-olute care lor KllKl'MA-T1SM. KllKl'MA-T1SM. GOVT, NKl K A 1 A, an4 all At-eajes At-eajes in anr way srmsine from nururife of the blood. Scitnco ha.- M lenfili brouebt to lif-hl U- virtue, an.l ul ih is initont herb h. compound.- i YiUf.K S N 1A. a preparation prepa-ration lor the l'KKMANKNT 01 KK of Scrofula, Salt Rlieuin, and all Krnp-tlvc Krnp-tlvc and Cutaneous Diseases. iiivw imme.liate snd rernianent relief in PYcl'Kl'SlA. liiairKl.AS. Kins Worm. Tumor!'. Boil. S.-ild llos.l.-. I'iocr and Sore.; orali :it.vtroru the tjflem l traces of mercurial diseuic. IT IS PURELY V;GETASLE, It is therefore pecul'srly fiiilshle for iie by femK- sn.i rhil.lren . a BUiJD 1'tKl-KIKK 1'tKl-KIKK and 11KXO V A TOK- MOT1IKRS Who wish to find a medic ne peculisr'y sdar'ed to thecureo: 111 MOK. and ulilT-TlnNS ulilT-TlnNS in their children, iml find a t'e snd sure euro id YKKKa SAN i'A, tor sale . everywhere. REDING TON, IIOSTKTTKR A CO. Agants, 520 and 531 Market St., Sau Francisco. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. Importers snd Jobbers of FOKKlUti AND DO.HKST1C DRUGS AXD (iIF.MIC.lLS, Fine Kairntlal Oil, Gums, Roots, Seed. Flowers, S)ionftoa, SUlii, lomail , A i'., And nil other Stapled connected with (h Wholesale ami Kolnil Drut Uufinots. Coniitfinlly in receipt, by direct Importation, of Kuropoan and AciaLio prtiduct. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. IlostoMer's llitter,, Drake1- n.mi:ilwn Hit'.T-, Wolf - s.-lioid-Hii S hnapps. Newell k I'ulmouHrj- .Syrup And all the lendinn Proprietary Medicinal both American and Kuropoan. Orders Promptly snd Crefully Eieouto 1, Not. 840 nnd Bill Market Street, Between Firal snd See in j, ; I San Francisco, California. Ebtablisii ID in lfvM. ARMES & DALtAM, IinportCTi, Jubberd nnd MASfVFACTl'HEHS OF WoodsWillowWare BKOOMS, I'AU,S.TI'llf. CHUHN, nWKH F.S, ItAMvKlS. TWINKS l'i lUl' Al 1 K, MA'1'IIKS, STATIONr.UV PA PI K nAds, cuvniK.s w itiNinjin FKATHKHIM'NTKKS FISH-IIS FISH-IIS U T.l'KI,l,TI N 1'lNb AN I) ItAt.I.S. i-. rv AN U UKNKKAL House Furnishing Goods. DIRECT TMPnHTF.llSt,r.l.KK l-Vl'S VHOM LKAD1M1 (ii'llMAN A N 1 1 I'HKNCll MAN I1 FACT fit lilO. AUSNTB TOS TUB BALI P i. V. Porfur-vin.i Mulch CoiupnnyV Mntrhe, Ainericnn Not and, I' ine (.I'-iiipuQj's Tw iof , Ho.-t.m Fhn Mills' Twiimh. J. 0. Conrov A I'd,' Ki-liniR Tnrkle, llnlliiiKMwnrtti A u'litiii..'nl,i.p.T liar. Slier in m's Improved Cloili-n V rinitein. K. OritT'ii A lin.'t Ki.tlo Dimiws. 1. MoLnusblin'M Brukbos. Our slork l tho hrt;e-t on thn PriCi Const, mid, our .RcilUiei lor manufaelu r in and iwiporlinK enablo us to sull al lowoL mark el .uioe. tA.SF.KD FOR CATALOHVJ K. No. U13 L ail Barrnniento Htrert, RAN PUAKCIKl'd. ItlCSJABtDfS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Mittiufat inters of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, KiMaj;i:s And Machimry fur Smelting Furnaces Con) reefs made fur buil'ling Furni-ocr Furni-ocr of Utah Fire Stone, Including Macliiticrj', Ac, act up in oomplcto runrjin order. References Knreka lUlnlnff Com-pnnf, Com-pnnf, Halt Lake tllyt llah NmtlU Ing Company, Tintic. AddrrtsJ. C. JticJvtrd, (Jhicnrjo. -ir BATHSBATHS! Warm Spring Itntlm ! Private and rinna. , TtMvelVtatMl TttLF r- r.Tf H" p''ll- 1 Iuoid Ibal II if t"'rau ll.m. iB-l l tt PrW" li""'", "r"1 tuti-Wmi. (ft'iiMiiu r ww upa " ARMOLOi 1T |