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Show r':X. L- . SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, r, j 5 - J, BAUM & CO., '. fc" ' Importers ami Manufacturers of I ,;VV MEN'S &.EDY3 CLOTHING 'A'A'A Siniome ht., tint Kranrlico, i : 45 Murray St., .New lurk. r9 I ;( J ;, BRITTAN, H0LBR00K & Co Importers and Dealerd in j I Stoves & Ranges, SHEET IHON &TIN PLATE, i.' Copper, Zinc, tiliect Lead, Win, ' 4 pi:ii'H, XjioacI and Xi-on. Plpo, . ' : Ti..i:ies' 0$M.N, j j, Toulfl ami .M:hinory and Oenaral a .; HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, '' ' Embracing Plain, Jap'inned, Planished 1 ri ami Stamped Ware, i ft ob. Ill - 113 Col I ffirni . and 1 j , Nua. 17 . 1U Ltavle Streets. $N MOFOT.OaANT&GO. , , Importer! of American and European - Staple and Taney DRY GOODS, ! j I (SvVlV X'KANCISCO, ' ' .1 CALIFORNIA, n i , Call tho attention of the Trnle to thoir large ( j ' t ami complete aHiok of FALL AND WINTER :j1 j ."DRESS GOODS, ' " .. , Winch they nro now receiving direct from ' f iluropoun iMunuiiicturcM, ooinj.risiiig (,l . j in part , ', French Alcrinoa, : , ! Wool Satluea, 1 I Wool Plnlits, Frnrli nmUiviman, , ' i Irish and I-'reituh Popllna, , A ! f Kmpreua Clotha, ',' I i Tnmise, black imd colored, ' II Vclvotccili, i ', ( ; Alpaca, black nnri colored, ',' ' SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ' "i ,', 41-30 ;j J C3- Ii O "V E S , v J , KiJ, Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', Uenta') ,,; i : Gents' Underwear " - I j And all kinds of ' j ' t Gents' Furnishing Goods. , i I.,. IIl,ry,rrmiil(itoln all tli lirancln. I : ' While Uoo.U, f 'I I llnmlkri-chlcffl, ' . . Shining 1,1 ue iik, .( f.L Until, whito ami colored, !',.;. j Uiimk, brown loom and Ur-.vheil, " I Towels, lhick, Diupor, Turkiali, ' .' ', Nnpklua nml Doyllca, i l Ktc, Ktc, Etc. !i , THE BANK of CALIFORNIA r ; SAN FRANCISCO. 'M.'- D. 0. MILLS, - PKK.SIDKNT. W. 0. HALSXON, - fJASllUIK. , ! j Capital Paid Up, - S3, 000, 000. ! J ' DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS ' ", I of Crodit on all tho principal citios of the v;,'M : wiLMERDiraa & kellogq, 1 1 : ; ' - Importers and Jobbers of i j ; . Wines and Liquors, ; ' 214 & 21G FRONT STKEET, ', t SAN FRANCISCO. l ' GRAND 2IOTJ:L ) :; On Market, Now Montcomery and ' . boaontl tilroou, j vL I ' f ' BAN I'lT.VOTCiaCO, CAXi.! '.' ' JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. til. i ' : & CO., r ; iyrORTERS or V ; AfltKRICAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH s t I AND OKKMAN FANCY GOODS, ..-(,!'' Small Wares, Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Not ions . Stationery, Dress Trimmings, f TTAiVe Goods, Jlillinery Goodst ' ' 'r I . Hosiery, Linen M' dkchfs, ( Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc .! r . Cor, Sutter aud Sausome Sts j, f '.' j, SAN FRANCISCO. :: i JNO. G. HODGE & CO., .'. : I IMPOKTEUS ' ' ! j Wholesale Stationers, " ' , Keep ike largest itock of i' Stationery, Blank Books, School y . ' Book., PlayltiR CtinU, Wrap. I, Papers, j Ttcines, Pocket Cutlery, d-c. , dc , - i ! On th PswitlcCoast, which thyaro prparJ towll J I i ithr fbrQold or Currfiicj-at jinct'd tint will offer : irjductiiiiu for buyers auywlicro west f the 1 I j Rocky Mountains. 327, 329 &331 SANSOME STREET,! , ' ml1 San Fruncico; v i LOCKE & MOMllj'lE, . 1 ( IHF0RTKR8 nr i STOVES ' ' ! AND i METALS, MAXLTACTL BEBS OF AND DE1LEK3 IX : , House Furnishing Hardware J : ' AND ' Tinner's Tools and Machines; j At!LT3 FOR . ' i ' Agricultural Steam Boilers, ; I I'd autl l n Hattery Street, 1 iu- SAX FRANCISCO. Jama Spruance, Jclia Sproanc. C. C. Chap mac, :: : i , J. & J. SPRUANCE, 'S '. WINES AfiO LIQUORS. ' ' . j " lf FRONT STHKKT. Z. C.M.I. CLOTHING DEPT. - GB AND CLOTHING AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, 25. O. JSL. I. U'E ARE .JUST OPEMKG A FULL AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CassimereS SUITABLE FOR FALL AXD WINTER USE, Which wo shall sell iu suit or other lengths on a very Ismail margin. Gentlemen wishing to be dressed in the most fiisli-iouable fiisli-iouable and substantial manner, can have their selection manufactured on short notice by our orvu workmen, of large experience, expe-rience, and good fit guaranteed. guar-anteed. In addition to the abovo we have OPENED an IMMENSE STOCK Of mitabla and seasonable READY-MADE CLOTHING In every variety of fabric and style. The Latest fashions in HATS AND GAPS Negligee, Dress and Under Skirts, DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, NECK-TIES AND BOWS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Boots and Shoes, WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, ETC. House Furnishings, BLANKETS, Floor & Oil Cloths, MATS AND RUGS. WALL PAPER i DECORATIONS. I W:,b competent workmen to attend 10 pur-ehuers. pur-ehuers. SThe Largest, JIvst Desirable ar.d Complete Stock m Utah. H. B. CLAWSOX, 41 y SUPT. SEWING MACHINES. ! READ THIS! " I T H E SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all tho beautiful varieties 1! BE II M EVEHYBODY Contemplating tbo purclie of t Machine for family or other use. At our newiy-ntted up Salesroom, , Second Door South of tlie KagleBm-I KagleBm-I porluui, bctweeu the Drug and Clo-tlilng Clo-tlilng Departments of Z. C. Al. I., will be found a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SIH&EE SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the puhllcf as ths following Jsfcf --3L. Z3 "tt- SSdi In 1860 thaao now celebrated Machines woro first offorod to the public and in ibo four yeara succeeding 4,000 wero sold, Today To-day over that nuoibor aro woekly turned out from tho fnocory, and yet this immonse sup' ply is not equal to tho demand. Atthoend of tho year 1867, upward of 200.00 Machines woro sold, nnd in tho lollowing years, from 'lis to '70, tho number had boon inoroaied to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of within the preceding twelve months. .1 From tho foregoing it will be seen that dur-inF dur-inF the last thrco yoara, tho sales havo boon upward of fifty por oent moro than during the whole of tho sovonteon preyious years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial is that the; yS S Z32 fflSS- JEK. SEWIMO MhMm. Is adapt od to all kinds of work, sowing as readily tho thickest and most stubborn material ma-terial as tho finest and most delicate fabrics; with a stitch, that for evenoss, perfection and durability is unequalled. Accompanying each Machine aro printed instructions, so plain and easy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, although we reoommond customers custom-ers to take at least ono lesson from the Op orator, it is seldom done purchasers seeing at a glance tho simplicity of tho Machine and completeness of the construction. Some of the ADVANTAGES OP THE SINGER MACHINES ABB Simplicity of construction therefore less liability to got out of repair. Short, straight needle less Hablo to bend, break or skip the stitch. The shuttle is carried; friction, wear and tho necessity of greasing tho race are thus avoided. Readiness with which tho most inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust the tension of the thread. Freedom from wear. After twenty years constant serrico these machines have nover beon known to wear out. j Thoy are noiselecs, rcpid and easy in all I their inovomonts. All our machines are adjusted and put in thoronRb running ordor.by competent hands, bofore delivery. Purchasers therefore havo no trouble, but can successfully operatonith them at oaoe. THE KsW BUTTON-HOLE MACHINES are thoroughly practical and will perforin all that wooiaim for thorn. The Improved mmmmm machines for huavy work, are too well known to need oimmeut. Wo idso keep in stock the Aim JJcdium fvoisdess MA?iUFAGTl!SaMAQ!4IKS Our stock of the Singor Sowing Machines is very extensive, embracing every variety of finish, trom tho plain Machino, mounted od black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborately elabor-ately pearled Machine, with cabinot case and folding cover in mottled black walnut, rose, wood, or mahogany highly polished. Every Machine is furnishod with thesame oompleto furniture, including tho new hem-mer hem-mer (sewing all widths) and teller and braider. brai-der. We guarantee our Machine a to do Hemming, all widths) Felling! Hemstitching) Hem-stitching) Braiding) Magic Ruflllugi Embroidering (no chain stitch ) Gathering and Sewing on at same time, with or without a band, on the edge or in the center) CordlngTnck-lgl CordlngTnck-lgl q,ulltlng) Trimming) Binding all widths anil kinds, etc., etc., etc. Two dook-s south of the Eagle Kin-( Kin-( porluui. j WE DELIVER MACHINES Without Additional Charge TO ALL PARTS OP THIS CIT' All kinds of Sewing Machines I thoroughly Repaired on Rea- sonable Terms. ol H. B, CLAWSON, Supt ' FIRE INSURANCE, PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY -OF CALXFOREIIA. Cash Capital over $300,000, gold coisr. B.W. E. JENNENS, Ageut for Salt Lake Cily &0gtleu. Office with ToREdel A. Co., Main St., )U2 S.VLT LAKE CI TV si Merchants' Exchange Building. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, - - 8650,000. JOIIN II. BEDDTNGTON, - President. CHAULES H. STOUY, - - - Secretary. GEO. H. HOWAHD, - - Vice-President. N.B.EDDY. - - - Marino Secretary. H.H. BIOELOW, - General Manager. H. R. MANN, Agent for Utah Territory, Office, under the Reading Rooms, ju28 Salt Lake City SALT LAKE BRANCH OP TLIE Great Western FUME INSURANCE CO Y, OF CHICAGO. TUEO. P. TRACY, President I C. H. BASETT, ) ! HENRY IV. LAWRENCE Directors C11AS. L. DAULEU, j MARSHALL A CARTER, Attorneys. II. R. MA Si X, Manager. OFFICE: Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch of this SOUND and RKLI-f RKLI-f ABLE j $5,000,000 COMPANY Having been organized in our city, we axe now ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit public patronage, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all fire risks will be carried at a fair rate. H. R. MANN, aJI manager. MISCELLANEOUS, Wi. SHIRES. COMMISSION MERCHANT, avi GENERAL DEALER IN Utah, California aud ForeigD FRUITS, AND PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, And all kinds of SEEDS. A fine supply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders from the Mines and Country Towns solicited, which will receive prompt attention. EAST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SALT LAKE CITY. 30 RAILROAD SHOPS. I HOPPER i CO., Second South Street, Half Block East Revere Home, SALT LAKE CITY. WAGON CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLAGKSilTHING In all its Branches. COACH PAINTING AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARRIAGE IR15LMINO. Horse Shoeing ! In a Style to suit all. A. HOPPER. I. B, ZABE1SKIE. 18 SAN FBANCiSCO TRACE. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers oT Koreienaod Do-inciiic Do-inciiic i'ancy and Maple DRY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission atid Pucijic Mills, Consolidiitfd. 5X3 fc 327 aiarket St., San Frnn. Jujis PariJ: 28 R:te Do L't'i-hiTuier. EINSTEIN BROS. Si CO., Importer! and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES IF EVbRY STYlt AND KIND. 113, 115, .uait7 Pln Street, SAN FliANClSl'O. Our Home-made Gooih are uncqualal by any. Samples at Mr. Gooilhitid's Office, o. SALT LAKE CITY. E. MARTIN & CO. WMesale Lipr Dealers, 408 Front Street, San Finuclico. Proprietors of MILLER'S EXT It A OLD BOUKUON And solo agents for I. F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD 83UHB0N WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all tho Stnudard U ran da of Whiskies, Kliie Uinmllci, Foreign ami DomesUc Wlnen, ma Blltere, Cordlnls, Ar. WEIL & CO.. IWrOGTKK? OV Cigars and Tobacco Proprietor.) of tho HAVANA CIGAK MANUFACTORY aai, 33 and J45 Front St., Southwest uuroer Front A Sacruuiouto Sis.. o5 COMMISSION MERCHANTS 41? Clny St., Sau Franclaco, OKALEKS IK OKEGO. PRODUCE. Arc couotAiitly iu reeolii of Orocou Hums, Bucod, Ltir-I, Allium, c. Starch, or our twu mid Eimtorn nmuiifiti-turc always on Imml. S. P. Lloldcn. ,fas. Moorhead. S. P. HGLDEft & CO.. IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &o. 23 & 20 SANSOilE ST. London ; 27 Loadonhalt St., E.C. 06 HEAD QUARTERS FOR BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, WOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, WOOD & RUST. 87 Pearl SI., Boslon, Mass,, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLES ALE DEALERS. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. A. J. GrRIFlPITSS, Dealer In feaaffg-gS all kinds of pickled sniOH.r;u SALMON AND KERRING&', 133 WmhliiRloiiStred. All kinds of DriuU, Emukod and Pickled Floh conjlantlyoii hand. J4 j.cjiEitaii.L v o, CCMMISeiGN MES8HANTS 304 ancia06 California St., Sau Francisco, - - California, Particular attontion paid to the filling of orders for every description ol mcrchaadiao, n23 Sale of Orn, etc., Ac. CKENERY, SOUTEEB. a CO., Importers and Jobbers of FOUKlGUr AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LiaUOHS, ail Clay Street, San Franclaco. Jj'19 tm m A. C. OIETZ & GO. IMPORTEHS OP PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 221 FRONT STREET, Bat.SacmmontoiCalifornla, San FrautUco AIichaelKase. t. N. Wasd. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successor to Hunter, W and 3t Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES AND LIOUORS. Proprietors of Hunter's California Also Agents for Joseph S. Finch's colebrated Ponnsjlvania RYE WHISKEY. 007 and 009 Front St., near Jnckion, SAN FRANCISCO. myOI 104 and 106 FRONT STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, Offer the finest and most complete stock on the Pacific coast. Kefer to II. B. CLAWSON. Sup'l of cnTTiWiTsTcst Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale ami Ketailj Choioo Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest llates. OROKSDECK'S BUILDINGS, dJ7 Eii Temple Street. SIUSiSILTM 1EHMERIE. Opposite the entrance to the Tabernacle. JOHNW.YOU.VG, - Prop. Adminsiou, 50 ctB. Children, 10 " Open from lJ a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Mineral, Pclrlfactlona, Cou-crellona Cou-crellona and CryaloIlzaUoiia- Home Products, Xatlve and i'ort'ujn Cu-rioollie, Cu-rioollie, Ac. Cjluj0uuc1 ElcLi'o-Migiiutic Appa-! Appa-! ratlin, Ac. 1 Prof. J.L. BAKKOOT, Olanagcr. T Efhooli and Fjimilies by prirate ar-raneemenu ar-raneemenu admitted at reduced ratw. I I JAMES IIAOl'E, Jun. J. II. HAGUE, 0E011UP. UAUUt Big C3run Store! , HAGUE BROTHERS, L. A T ,T A M V. S HA Ct 1 F. , Importoia and Bonlors ixi. INS, PISTOLS, Saddles, cxx-ia ess AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. ,2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. 1. i. BOOT AND SHOE IDopni'tmoiit, at tlo feln oi I'lESDES "BIO BOOT." Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes KAlJii TO OKDKH, eatisf'ao-don eatisf'ao-don guaranteed. ALWAYS ON HAND A LAUGE AND CHOICE 6TO0K OF HOME-MADE imported BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of. Leather ' II, B. OIiAWSON, SUPKRINTKKDKNT. NEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ i CO., Manufacturers audjobb.rs cf r a m x1 a 9 1371 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. C. A. LongstreeL John Sedswick. LOKGSTREET &, SEDQWiCK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in HEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 400 4X 408 Broadway, New York, 024 HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co Successors to Griffon. Henderson k Co., IHPOBTKBS AND JODBEKB OF FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, hosih n.Y, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC., 408 A. 500 BROADWAY, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, n New York. L. M. BATES & CO., 451 . 453 Broadway, NEW YORK, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS I. Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIEKY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, dc. J. H. BULGER. Jul4 FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrought, Cast and Galvanized Atui every variety of fittings for the same. ml" The Groat Equivalent Tbo world may bo safely challenged to produce to perfect per-fect a simulation of anythiuk' in nature as Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient Is of its original, tho Seltior Spring of Germany. Ger-many. Tho Aperient, based on a correct analysis of tho Seltzer Water, is oven superior supe-rior to tho manufacture of Nature hmolf. becauFO it contains all tho active medicinal iroiiertics of tho spring, unalloyed by any of tho inert and usele;s particles found in all mineral iountains. Tho gomine article being secured, you havo the Seltzer Witter of Europo, purified anl perfected, and probably prob-ably the best, the most Bcuial cathartic and . anuoimous preparation on the face of the oarth. , Sold Ty all DruggUts. 5ii iiV. CHICAGO TRADE. I PAGE, BBO.& CO., Importer! and Dealen in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, CHICAGO. ILL M, D. VELLS & CO., Manufnotnrers of and Wholesale Dealer! in Boots and Shoes, 114 A. 110 Wabash Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells. H. J. Macfarland, R. Benedict, m24 S, ?. Mclntyre. DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, BncceaBora to Dlebold, Bahmann k Co CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BDHQLAR PROOF S'"A W E S,' And Sargent's Maenetio and Aotomatio Bank PRATT & COVERT, General AgenU 86 Washington St, Chicago. U, B. CLAWSON, Sunt. Z. C. M. J, Agent for Utah Territory. n30 BKIGGS IEOl.Ni: B. U. Skinner, Proprietor. rp:, CHICAGO. This House is centrally located, well furnished, fur-nished, and contains Rooms. dXS CHASE, HANFCRD & CO,, 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, HeadqnarterR for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manafaoturers of the celebrated WILSON OIL TANJC-. VAU SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Uealera lu PAifsl'S, VASSISHsS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Modioinos, &o.. &c 00, 94 A 04 Lake St., cor. Dearborn sun m oxj: ta. With a larffc-juporienee in the Territorial trade, we fool sure of giving satiifaction in quality, orioea and packing. jay 20 Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, rniilii & CO., Manufacturer! of Engine, Signal, Tallow, Lard and WOOL OILS. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, "Whale Elephant, Seal and Sperm Oil', Agents lor taa aJ of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. A genla of tha West Virginia Oil and Oil Lud iruscriOTtiixas or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AND IRON PAINT For Tin and Shingle Rooft, Bridge Timber, c Factory. CHICAGO. Office. 393 i 3 Illinois SU. 1(8 S. Water Sttect. -iu BENEDICT, HALL a CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS JN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Aos. 134 aud 130 GRAND STREET One Block Jiafit ol Jdroadway, I NEW YOKK. |