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Show IH ave jou aor-n the Stratford col I ft r? Derby lias tilt-in, Alnirwi.., near cor. of W. jjumh-it. t'' UvTEr.s. California transplanted and -heiU'Vters received fresh daily at tiiO Grand l.e.-taurant. Booth's lrcsli ovftors in every style. Ojjlti duy and rijjiit. s" Kirk Bc!i"e;9 Chance. For sale, the California Store, .Main street, with 'ot twentv-live front, a hundred and sixty-five "feet deep. Apply to Ji. B. Shoeb.idp, o 1 tho premiacs, or at the Herald oilice. e'2l I Light Spi.is'o Waoox?, suitable for rocera and provision dealers; jiirt the tiling for running around town delivering deliver-ing good-. tidv Cl'ttixci Ai Co's California Canned Fruita and Jellies aro the bet in the iii-irket. Aslc your grocer for tlieiu. -LI Express Waoons for sale at the L'o.incil Houso yard. "Warranted a iirat-class article. Timber and work-in. work-in. ,'iship guaranteed. ady I Furniture, Crockery, Glass nnd Silvnrwaro, etc. Tho largest stock west of Cbicngo at tho Crystal Palace, auglo Ba.kra.tt & Co. I Persons who arb Bald, or who arc troubled with thin n a i r, should see mo at Caldor Bro's Book Store. ill C. W. Stayser, Agent. Diamond Sprixo Wagons-, siiUablo for family carriage.', good timber, woll ironed and lirst-cla-3 worktnanBliip, FUU SAL 13 CHEAP, at tho Council House yard. ftdv Reaches. Wo nro prepared to pur-1 chain nny quality of well dried r 10 AC H lid, for which wo will pay in isn tbn highest p-'ico paid in this mnrkot. To those who havo from GOO to 1,000 lb;"., wo can o'for special i ml u contents co-ntents through our Colorado and j-braski j-braski connections. KlOOS, JjEenTENDERG A; Co., s!3 Main Street. Projectors should examine the STIJDKBAKERSPKING WAGONS, at the Council House Vard, before purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere; they are just what they want. adv Studebaker SPRING WAGONS. Timber and workmanship warranted. I For gulo cheap at tho Council House1 yard. adv Dried Peaches. "We respectful ly call aLtertio-i to the advantages of drying tho surplus stock of PEACHES. We shall givo the highest price for clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of Emporium Empo-rium Buildings. aug-1 Jt. B. Clawsok, Supt. "Emporiuji of Fashion." Mrs. Stenhousc having removed her establishment estab-lishment to the building formally occupied oc-cupied by the Daily Telegraph, calls attention to a large stock of fall goods which she hasjust received. The stock comprises the latest styles and novelties, and her dressmaking and millinery departments are complete. Sec the advertisement. Proclamation to toe Public. 1 do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to the traveling publ ic : Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on the U.F.B.K, will Unci it to their advantago to leave Salt Lako City on tbo evening train and remain over i'.t Ojjden at night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and ao bo fresh for travel at b o'clock a. ru., when the daily express train toavos this depot. At tho Ogdcn House we oflor as good accommodations ac-commodations as any houso west of Omaha. Free b use oa at overy train to and lrom the dopot. adv Joux AIahqn, Proprietor. i The Cheapest and Best Houso to buy FurniUro is at Brunton's Furniture Warehouse, 3d South street. Spring Alattrasses a specialty. aug"J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ZL-A-IDIIES' EMPORIUM OF FISniON FIRST SOUTH ST., SALT lake city. A large and choioe "a'sortniQnt of FALL GOODS, Consisting of HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, VELVET FLOWERS, LACES, GLOVES, LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Perfumery, Notions, &c Ladies', Misses' and Children's Suits, Underclothing, &c, in great variety. Millinery aid Dressmiii In all its branches. MItS. STKNHOUSK I Ins removal Iter eaMIjlislinieat io tlio Imililiog fsi-iiKTly c :c.ipio.l hy 1L10 "Daily Telegraph." Mm. S. reliTiii Ih.inks for former put ronaRO nuil resrciarulJy aulioiu a coutinuuuci ol" tbo eiimo. EXPLANATION. WE V07j much rcitret that wo hove boon unable to supply tho DEMAND SO SUDDENLY ma-lo upoa us for tho MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS, And think it is duo to ourselves and to our 1'atrons to say that wo had Klcht Orcftnn torl at til's Vtali Central Knilroad Dpot Intended Intend-ed for llio opening of our IffoT757- JVEixoio Hocma, But a few days beforo wo opened they wero ALL. SOLD. Wo immediately wrote to Mason A ilamlin to ship us fifteen pf Uioir instruments. On receipt of our order they informed us that it was impossiblo lor tin m to forward nty sooner thnn sii weeks, a., notwithnUndins ihey wcro turning out noarly 200 ORGANS WEEKLY, Thoy wero Mill S?6 JiEfTIXD their order?. W havo increased our order: and are now roceiTinK weekly supplies and shall continue to do co until our Stock is largo enough to furnish all domands. Wo trun that this explanation will be nn CTidenco to our patrons and admirers of the UKSX OKO-V-N" made, that wo havo taken aetivc Steps to avoid dibuppointtuent in tho future. CALDER BROTHERS. Administrators' Notice, N iirl.-j tin !' nili. in:.- 1 A4nllItW tlh.Aliof Ifii.i.iii.S.iS'i'MJ j 10 "" "S'S"'- kno.S iho"l nSlatC. tt lllki! 111 !Ult. , Jf I'ciiSlio'n' "'.uSn tV-ir lifioJ t . o.niis tonrarJ anJ ul. U mo imuicJUlclr. A MrTcnKI.I, J, 1). MAlUl.N. V.!"i:ni-;r.tlr' til. c.-tnlc 01 Williftm 6nli.-uury, dcceaieJ. sicrt.ilt.ls;i. " THEATRE. Engagement Extraordinary. FIRST APPEAR.-CE In this city of th 1 Distinguished Tragic Arftsle, MRS.F.W. LANDFR: (MISS JEAN DAVENPORT.) To add additional strength to the support of this arurte. MR. D. McKESZIE Hss been engaged to appear in conjunction with the FULL DRAHATIO COMPANY. Monday Eve,, Sept. 25, 1871. Will h.i iirespiitcd nn adaptation frnm ftia-ometti's ftia-ometti's I'raEfdr, la jjvo n.ts by Mies Torrr HecJ. entitled. ELIZABETH Queen 5 England. The costumes an worn by MRS. LANDER, are copied from the different differ-ent portraits of Elizabeth, In the Royal Galleries of England. For n description of which see poster, programmes, pro-grammes, dtc. PLANTATION B1TTEBS WILL Purify tiio Blood and Invigorate the Body. TllC blood is to the fksh what rain is to the grass. Why is it that Plantation Bitters Bit-ters outsell all others ? BeCflUSG it promotes digestion 1 BeCiUlSe it is the host appetizer ever discovered 1 . Because it purifies the blood by removing the acrid secretions of the stomach 1 BCCaUSC it imparls vigor and vitality vi-tality to the whole circulatory system, and thus cures dyspepsia ! BCCaUSC it puts new life into a lazy Liver! Because the most delicate ladies can u?e it ! BeClUSC those ladies who have used it, all agree that, by cleansing the blood from nil impurities, it at once imparts the"rose-tint of health" to the cheek, and does away with all cosmetics, emulsions and lotions for the complexion ! BeCfiUSe it bestows a fresh and spotless complexion upon both sexes, simply by freeing tho blood from all impurities ! Because it is a Strengthening morning tonic ! lieCaiISC it will cure chills and fever! BCCaUSC it is a gon.lo alterative ! BCCaUSC it corrects ail the defects in tho gastric functions, and cures nervous constipation ! BCCaUSC it is always kept at its original standard 1 BCCaUSC all of the Druggists and Wholesale Grocers know this, and recommand it BCCaUSC nil of its ingredients arc pure ! BCCaUSC its spirit base is pure Santa San-ta Cruz Kum 1 BCCaUSC Catisn,,a Bark constitutes consti-tutes its aromatic flavor ! BCCaUSC it contains Dandelion, Lavender HoKcrs, Anise, Winter-grcen, Winter-grcen, Chainomile Flowers, with other well-known iilgrcdicnU used by all scientific physicians for centuries cen-turies ! irIVE3 AND MOIllERS.-OnlJ womiin ' knowa what women endure.: and if Ihcro is nny nuns of assunginu the dielrcs of body nnd mind which io many Ihomand cxro'ience, day aflor day. and week after week with a fortitude which pule to shatno theconrateof man. who will deny thai io ureal n ble-nint to the sex should he fonnd in every household? Millions of Men havo been benefitted by iu nse. but amend tho feeble and lick of the opposite (render, who, perhaps, need it mo-t. iU virtues are not so widely known. This foremost remedy of the e-lhis specilc for every sroeiej of debility. Jtncral or local. Stutionalor e.l. U PLAXIAIIOS BIXTKKS. One right of woman at least, will be conceded-tho ritbl of etrenilhcninn herself to sostain tho ills of which the laws ofnatnre hare made her th. unfortunate heire... ITAVS. CAME into my lot. n Ea.t bruch. on Fri-ony Fri-ony l;, t. .''lb. two biy cbfT.D. I horf. w;!b -r,.ioo the herl.o&n :bf left fhr.ui ier ar.d U ll on Ifft ;!-..cn. The i.wner c..n bare then, hj SK-i"1 l0 Jw r-niaior. at C K. 9avV? Pnoto- Z. C. M. !. COLUMN. ( Z. 0. M. I Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T j Stairs, Emporium Buildingr, A full, first-clssa stock ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, ! i AOTIOSS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICES. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. i DPiOCERYi HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers can here find An Iinmeriao Stock AND IN EACH BMNCH AoStATVAMElY. iiViFLEEilTS, TOOLS AND r.ci'ii;vu7Y ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specially !& FIRST-CLASS F1TTKRS AXD WOltKMKS TO KILL ALL ORDKIIS PUOMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. HOMg-MADE AND IMPORTED UANUPACXTlREir) FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN! PABRICH Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN AKY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. Thin is the Department for Families, DRUG DEP'T. Fancy and Staple Drugs. PATENT MEDICINES, rorfiLUKiry, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, AVERILL PAIST WHITE LEAD. OILS. COLORS OLASS. ETC. Prescriptinnt from J'hytiannM up'U havf. rftfdal attention. n. B. I'lAHSOX, np.. HARDWARE. BuvtheBesti THE BEST AKE TIIE CHEAPEST ! 'stoves hardware ! TINWARE! Closing out Cheap To make room for FALL STOCK! SENSEKEY&CO Opposite W. F. f Co's Otfiee, SALT LAKE CITY Tin, Copper ami Sheet Iron Work Done to Order. Agents for the patent Nickel-Plated Revolving SMOOTHING 1KOA SOMETHING NEW. LOOK OUT FOR TUB Grand Opening OF THE Lino.: in. rj AMP STORE ON MONDAY. OCT. 2nd NEW STOKE! NEW GOODS Half-a-block West of the Eagle Emporium. We tako this opportunity lo return thanks to our niimy pulnms lir tln'ir liberal ptUronntro in tlm past, trn-Uintf by strict nlli'inion nnd or.moniy in business to wurrnnt ft conlitun-tiun of Vho ?nmp. Ve have at n Rront expense erecU'il n building adnpled for tlio business, nnd have bron uppmnd'd by tlio mnmifurtu-rers mnmifurtu-rers SULii AUJiNTS for this Territory for tho Non-Explosive Fluid, Best Quality of Gasoline, Ami nil tlic nioiC Improved PftlnKR In Llgltt OH ad ton I Oil Gooill. Our i-nmi'lclp nrrnrnTitirnts niih llic rc-fine'r rc-fine'r C- iiM.iil. ilc:ii is.it nil ill" iiiiumi.n' fjrers in rvcry irfUneo, sli 1 i.iin in li ilk nl 1'iwpM ratcf ihiiJ UMikii.tiii H'-viitlly thin bucin'Fv, warr;mi us in l-cinc .'hhi'H 1 nc tl w can FUi'y llio ico lo ol tin 1 erf i lory Willi BETTER QUALITY OF LAMPS AND LIGHT AT LOWER RATES Than ever olTered in this market b'-forn Wo hove a Inruo oml canificta (tick nl nil ftjlci of Chandrllrra, Ft-iidama, 1111 LlRhls, Ilriikdi, Stand Lnmpi, Hand Lumpii Htrrrl Lampt., H iflrelor., Lntiicrnat Knllrond Lnntrrnii Ga General (n R It o r iit r, Preannre Ilurnera, Coplliin Uornrrii Litit Oil Uiirnrn, Coal Oil llnrnrri, Ar!ntl Ilurncra. All (trie of Chimneys, Porcelain Shades, Glass Globes, Paper Shades, Reflectors. VAPOR GAS STOVES, ALL RTTl.KS. Cult and examine our flock and prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. i- fjon-j (lelii-fr-") tr )! fart nf 'he rilv rre ',frr..rre. l:mi" iipi'.id r.!i IlinrJ f,r f-il ! 't.'ir iicm-c. rrcuUrij. by Unrtue i their aQ'lrci-'. E. REESE & CO., nt-tf-av-blaxk -n-aat f F.(l. Jt m-porlam. m-porlam. lb SAM FRAiv iSC? TRADE. 7 THE CtREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. - 7 '' . M 71 cs I v, ' z- THE GREAT CALirORNIA j VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. nn-A tx tuk sikrka Nevada Jlouaiftins, in tie n .:; joriul ite v1..: i:1rt11. . crow? an herb l.'i: k :m :-. 1 .. t he iln.ii.iai ui-i'liiip flirt' u.rriHKl'MA- j V1.--M. tiOlT. XKl 11 U.vll . an.i all , to Pcht it? virtue-. 01 tin.- :v.;eu: herb I h a? Oi'i;i I'ihi n ii 1" ' Y K!; H V M V. .1 vr.-y-ratioii lor the I'UK.M A.N f Ci KK il ' Scroftilft. Sttlt llhciim, d all Kmp- tlve tnd Cmi(oui llirairt. Iiiivw iniTVicli He a:;.l rrmniirnl relief io !ini'!-.rsiA. iiiiv.-ir.::. s. n-.ng worm. Tuai.TJ. Voii. il i l.es.l?. I i.-etn nj ISor.r: cr;i ii irom the ajiU'ia a I ircri ol mercurial aioi.se. ITIS PURELY V;GtTA3LE. It if tlierof.'re peeiil'srl. fuit.tMe for u'e bv fetv.Ht.-s an.i oMl-iren s a liLUOD Kl-fli;it Kl-fli;it ana liKNuVAl'OU. MOTHKHs Who wish to find r ir.ol.ne Mvuliiry iuhrre.1 lo t o.-'iroo; Itl'MUKS s.n.i kiV-FU'NS kiV-FU'NS iu thi'ir .-In .irci'.. lin.l a fit: ' smi Mire vim- in 'i KkHa SAX l'A, t'ornale ovt-rywhere. BBDINCTOX, IIOSTKTTKR . CO. Agn(i, 5 J0 and 531 Market St., Sail Fraurliro. REDINGT08, HQSTETTEH & CO. liut'orlers and Jobber-: of PlMtKUiS AND UOJIKSTIO DECS I'liEMlClLS, h'iuc Kiscntl nl Oi In. Cum., Hoot. Seeiln, l-"liv-t'i-ii, Sioni;i h, M.I111, roiumUn, Jtt'.i Ami nil oilier Pui'Ic" conneoic.l with tbi liolc?alc n:nl IvcUtil Urun ilufines!. ConFtnnlly in receipt, by dirrol Iinrm tntion, ol KuroiJe.in ami Asintie rroiluplfl. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. lIuMeMor's V,U-r, Dr.ik.-'- I'; nit:.ii.'ii liiitcr,-. Woll V .-o'.i.-i.l mi S. t,ni!.. New. l: l'aluutii;iry j rni And all the le.iJine I'r.Trioinry ielicinoi bolL Aiuerioan nnd Kurwt'Ciin. OrJcrs Pronilly anJCirofully Ktocuto 1. No-, flifl mill a.ll Mnrkrl Street, ltetwcetj Firt unit ScoonJ. San Francisco, California. my ..1 ' HUTABMeHSD IS 1S.''2. ASMES JALLAM, Tin ro ip-s. Juhbcr.-i nml III A MI FACT V HICKS OK WoodlWillowWare UlitXtMS, PA I I.S.TI'11", ('lit UN-:, IlKI KII l,s, hasm: is. TwiM.s 1 i.Kii i;i:. MA'IVIU.S. S I'A'I'li N l ; V I' M'l ( iiAis, CLui'iii;-; uiiimiihs II . ATI 1 1 .li IM'SI'iiiS I im. JM1 l'.t.'K "l'l .N PINS AMI HAl.I,. I IV and ui;m.uai. House Furnishing (ioods. Dltll'CT IMI'flltTFUSol M SK l-' IS THO.M L1IAUIM) IM'HM.W AN 11 I'KKNCll M AN LI CI I. K L K. (iRNTn nnirnit pai.k or f. 1'. IVniurMn.i M ildl (!oiil..nyH Mnt.-beP. Amrrieiin N.-l nn.i, l'ine Ui'iiuuioj ' Tivu.c. H. flm I-1 h x .Millii Twims .l.C. Cmror A Cn.V ."i-liint: TnHile, llnllinuMvorih .V W liii mm 1'. r line, Sb prm tn'n I hut' iv o.l ClutliT S 1 mn'i 1'. K. Uri-ul,i A (i,!.'- i-'uailici Unttero. iMuLiiuuhliD'n Urufliof, "" Our Htnrk r 111.' bircr-t .in tl.n Yn-fln L'-iiiH. U'l.l o.ir I..O,lilit'B l.T lii-iiliiUrhHini nml iniwrMni 1'imblf uf lo gulUut in wet. 1 murlloL Jirii'o. tVSKM) FOH CATAI.OiUK. Noa. IS &. I 1J Sm rniitento Ntreet, NAN Fit ANt'lHt'O. t:i(;EiAiti)S' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL.. M.niislVlurTK of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, cta'siints And Mnchi'itf ry for Smelting Furnaces Contract? luaOc for biiil-Iitj Furnace Furna-ce a of Utali Fire Stone, TiidiiiliriK Macliitrn', fir., f t 11 p in oorjij-I'tc runniiiK onl'T. Iltfrreneea-Kiireka Mlnlnu om-ptr. om-ptr. fall Lake (i- I lull Htnelt-tna; Htnelt-tna; Companj-, lint If. Adihfn .. C. li 'fh'lTth, (Jliirnyn, '-( BATHS, BATHS! AVarm Spring linlli ! Private and Plonea. Tli-arl..l.rilt', tih nr. t,f t': U- Tp I ti. 1 r,..ir tu"--1 I" 'I- "' af. v, vMkij kr.i.wi, thai it 1 u """"' 1 !. rn. I Mta (1.- PHr.tt tii'ln, It - l.rf. Isi.r.'lwim-I Isi.r.'lwim-I I; rT,rr,ii.--1 I'lnnn Ualln f, !,.',. I (i.riil.rirfi. ar K-w ((-a. II. AHliULU. I 1T |