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Show LEGAL JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A T T O H -X fii'-AT-LAW, bait Lake City, Utah. OEec 'J d b o Buibiior, 2d Floor. Itcsi-(icoce Itcsi-(icoce on ,1 IJ.Ldt street, between South and i3; -Mtith ,-ireeti. fJ'J g P Mct'url. C. il.Monui ' 3li;CLUDY & MOltUAX, Ailorneys-at-Law, Orrirt-- u' loors east of JIebald Office. SALT LAKH CITY. 1- T O II A: M A N N , Ytf.urneys-at-.Law, :ee. First South St., Fourth door ojji of Hooper. EUred k Co's Hans. a-tlt Ljko Uity- a2j ffjrner Earl:, i'. bimth. EAKLL & SMITH, ATT0KM5YS AT LAW, SALT LiSS C1TV, Ewt Tewnle street, ono duor sou til of ij, tif,lLL-'j store U. (JOOPfclU, ATTOKNEV AND COL'NSELLOK, Ofllce Kicliiviige and Heading tiuoniB) uji-sliilr. ju;$ SILT LAKK city. 0 U lleuil' tc-:: 1 . M. kirkjiatrick ' HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRiCK, A ft oiaoy.s-iit-Law, Main StrooU .'I'j.oirc We!U. fc'aro Ji Co., L' !!. !I--:ui.-U-.L l. T. . in'v fr T't .h. r?l z. s:;uu'. e. d. uot.iL. SNOW &. llUliK, JLttornoya nil I Coiuolora at S.iit Lilvu Oly. U::ii. 0:t!.- Jl i i '-T... !-. 1-1 Kl-I Slr.c-I. jui '"Ls.UOULD & SON, CONVEYANOERS, 3- Mininc Decfs. A;:rce:uents and Eon:l3 (or Deed, MurwiiKm. l'uvrcrs ol Attorney. Leases, Cuuir.ota nuil oilier ins: ruincnlai 01 writiiiB drawn wiia accuracy and d Li patch. jf- Jlintny Companies Incorporii-teil Incorporii-teil unilertlie Liiv of C Ili. 4 a &o LI fe. O 5 and 0031 M 1SS10N H K )F DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, 0 bio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming:, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo d Co., Salt Luke City. mil BANKERS. ffiMIMIOfliM, (Successors to Hussey, Dalilcr A Co.) Waerks Hcsset, C. L. Daqlbr. Prcdidont. Vice Prost. A.vtuokt Qodbb, Cashier. Salt Luke City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ofiden andCorinne, Utah, and Virainiaand Helena, Montana. Doalora in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Drriir Eichtinso on New York, Chicago, St- Louis, Umulifi, Donver, San if ran Cisco, and all parts of Europe. Collection! Promptly Attended To. mil Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Ou., Corner Kast Temple and First South Streets, salt lake city, utah, paid up capital, - 100,000. HHtfiHAM YUI'N'O, President, " H. S KLl'liKI if 1 !;, VicePrcd. fl'M, H. IHJ I'i:if, W.M, .ll'.NNINCS, - Directors. JOHN SHAKP. FKICAMOKZ LlTl'Ll',, L.S. HILLS, CidhiL-r, J Dod hi UOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LA.VD W 11 RANTS, COL-LEUK COL-LEUK SCUIP, &c. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. WELLS, FAHOO & 00 Express Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IM EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United Utaltis. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Knit Temple St., Salt Luke City, TIIKO. P. TRACY, Agent, mil Thus. II. Jonci", A. V. White BANKING HOUSE OP A. W. WHITE Jfc CO., KAST TEMPLE STilEET. a''-') s.,u rjty. KED1ML. TAXI (fit S IU I T I I , PUYSIOIANeJ AND SUliGEONS, omce at Oodbe's Drug Store, iyS Salt Lake City. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., Lnte of Cnraon City, Aleradn, Oilers his professional jotticcs to the people pt.--.ilt Lake City, Kcsidinco at Oapt. Tyler Ty-ler n, linll blok south of Walker Bros, store, K:it Ti-mpleSlrect. jU2S 0. C. OR MS BY, M. D. I'HVSIUIAN, SUHGEON AND UKUU01ST, ' ' lllimilA.M CITY, ITTAI1. 1 11. SIM.HO.NS, SI. D., I'li!isiam, Surgeon and Accoucheur, OOico .Main Street. 1 Three door, north of WrHter Uro. Bit. A". FOWLED, 1'IIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ollico over tho Co-operative Drug Store, j"'-' M.-iin Slreot, 3. L. City J. M. 4i F. D. JiKA EDICT, SURGtONS AND PHYSICIANS, Ullio-OverCaidorUrVs Musio Emporium. W, F. ANafcrlaON, M.D, H. I, RICHARDS, M.O. Suryoona niil Physicians, 06ioe, fur tho present, at their mspectiTe riisideuccs iu ih Ulu aadlTth Wards- DR. GROVES, Dentist, OtHce Jnd Soul li St., Salt Luke City. Inreod.'om West of Itovcro Uouse. half .a block Ki.it ol the Elerh.iat 6tore. ori :ci uui'aa vhoh u a.m. to 5 p.m. ml HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADISG HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This House Lb centrally and pleaaantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and haa accommodations accommoda-tions for 10 ffoesu. THE PROPRIETOR it now preparlos to build large addidonj to his Hotel, whisk when finished, will render it the Most Complete Establishment In the ROCKY MOCXTAIX REGION ! AMERICAN KOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OAK BOClt EAST OK THBATHK, j SALT LAKK CITY. Teriii5J.OO per dny. Hoard wltli-oulromiiu wltli-oulromiiu Sl.UO pur vtck, Uuibi free to guckltf. J. C. 1.1 1TLK, iunil Proprietor. OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and Locust Etrec'..a, I'OOKLK CITY, V TAIL Good Accommodation for Families. IU6 E. S. FUOIK, l'niprictor. fiftiFRESTilliAMT, GODOARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STttEET. JUST This o-tablishiuenL U elegantly furnished, kctj.a sui.Ut;d iith llio deliuacios of ttio ioun ami tuo best t,ao m irkot .uiiurds, and e in il oju none but FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinners served and dishes cooked to ordor in tuo Ik-st s:ylo and at tlto lovrct rales. Fresh salmon, cod uni ruck lis h rcuuivod daily. Chocolate, ice-cream, cakce, io., in tho OTeiiin, iyrladici, lii urivato rooms. PHIL. MAIIGETTS Uas opened hij now establishment on FIRST SOUTH ST., Between tho Co-op- Storoand the Townsond House, Nearly opposite the New Meat Market. For tho salo of ENGLISH and SCOTH ALES AND POUTE1C tT oulo's Stono Alo, QEXUIXE. Wtioleaalo aud Retail. A splendid assortment of Tobacco and Cigars. The Old Stand on Second South Street is still In full blast. augt CALIFORNIA BREWERY saloon Coinmorciul Street. LagerBterandAleholesahand relax Ja22: HENRY WAGENER. BREWER, BEIY1IS & CO., Chicago ami Omaha LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Families supplied by the quart, or in quantities quan-tities to suit. Choice Clgara always on hand: also, Lluiburgor and iswkii Cliecac fur Luuch, and at wiiulesalk, Goddard's Building.hasemont, Sfain street, ono duur south ol iirol National Uunk, juyl DICE WE II Si. LAPI1AM. LAGER BEER SALOON! WAOENEIl'S CELEBRATED Laager Beer, ille AND I'OltTGR, Under Woodiiianaee'a Uuilillng,', First door north of Wells, Furgo's. aiiRli) II. THIS OT - CO. 76,000 CUIIIIENO Y. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT Will bo given at ' INDEPENDENCE HALL, SALT LAKH CITY, D.T., OCTOBER 3, IS 71, BY CHURCH & CO. DurlnRtlie Concert 1,3 17 Gift swill be illairtbuted anions; ticket lioldera not 011 11 ting to S35, 000 In Currency aa follow a 1 1 Oia of Currency 815.000 00 1 10.IHX) 00 1 ' 5.000 00 1 ' 2.000 Oil 3 51.00) each 3.U0O m . b " " " vSOO " 2.50 00 5 3tv " 1.H0 00 I 50 100 " 5.Ai wt IIOO " ' " 50 " 5.000 OU 300 " " " 30 " 'i.OOO "0 850 20 " 17.000 00 1.317 Priies umountinit to (75.000 00 Tho S7S.000 will be deposited in tho First National Bank of Utah previous to the day of drawioK, The ilnlng will uke plnee aed the gift br awnnlclin aiuniT rrectcly nimilar to lht of tlio Concert pivfii in J?-vii Kranciico, Id alii of tbe .Mcrcaiiiilo Lilirnry, nii undor (lie StipcrTiilon of n Committee of well knowu citiiona ol Suit Lako City. 00,000 Tlckcta will be aold at 'i.HO each. The ticket will admit tho bearer to the Concert. Tictrls for n1n at all the principal buiineu bouKa of the Territory. AH orlon for tickets and ilraTtn for monny to be ailuremcd to CHURCH A CO., P. 0. Box 7 Bait Lnko City, U.. Jm-U 0 AT S FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OK RETAIL, THOS, R. JONES & CO., Half-n-block South of l'. C. Depot. !"uy a ORGANS-ORGANS! ORGANS-ORGANS! ORGANS! DAYNES & CO.. AGENTS For Utah Territory, for the sole of the celebrated cele-brated S MITH'S AMERICAS CABINET 0KGANS Respectfully invite tho members of the H iiiioal I'rofeisiuQ and the Public generally to call at their Alusio tt coins, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Tvro doors east of tho Post Office. Salt Lake City, and eiamine their splendid stuck of Urituns. and learn the unprtoedentcdly LOW PKiUb-S at which they oiKt them lur sale, the prices beinc from twenty 10 tinny per cent, lower than they can be bought in any other house iu Utah, llaynca Co. do not oiler the 6MIIU OKOAis at these low figures because they arc, a- somo would have it believed, a poorly manulaciurcd and consequently cheap instrument; for, lor excellence ex-cellence oi workmaLShip they have no superiors, supe-riors, while iu sireugta, purity and sweet ues uf tune, llicy ciiaiitnye iiofesluu o pruduce any instrument ciiual to thuiu. The cauac of their LOy RATES Is cailly explained : They have no local iigciits whom they PAV TU PUhK their warts; and besides this, they have resolved to place these beautiful instrumentj within tho reLich of all, and will do so by doing what no other house in Utah pretends to do, namely, sharing with their patrons the com -miision allowed by the manulacturers. Acting Act-ing on tins priucii Ic, they oiler their instrument instru-ment a, twenty p.'r cent, less than eastern retail lis:ure-- besile paying the freight to the railway tcnniiius in this city, Euarautco-iny Euarautco-iny every inst;umeut sold sound and ireo of da;u:'t'C. They will sell a Patljr (.Tgan.with clcsaiit Black Walnut .Caie, Five estops, I'lemulo and Knee-swell, lor S 110, the eastern east-ern retail prieo being ;175. An instrumeut for a school or meetinc-house, with power sufficient for fifty singers, with seven Stops, Sun-Bass, Octave, Coupler, Tremulo - and Knee-swell, lor ISO, the eastern price lor the same instrument being Si5. In proof that tho American Organ is all they represent, they refer purchasers to tho following well-known gentlemen 1 C-. San-some, San-some, 1). L. Havis, A. Miner, John Sharp, S. W. Scars and W. S. Oodbe, also Airs. S. Kimball, all of this city; U. Henroid. ol Salt Creek, Juab county: T. Stayncr, Ofdcn; the Fish burn Choir, Brigham City. Hayues Co. will also sell every olhor description of first-class Musical Merchandise, Merchan-dise, Irom a Pianoforte to a Violin String, at the samo ratio; and to prove that thu preceding pre-ceding statements contain not a panicle of exaggeration, tbey invite all musicians and the public to call and provo their truth by personal examination and investigation. Keuioinbor! J. DAYNES & CO., Dealers in Musical Instruments, Two Doors East of tho Post Ofllce( SALT LAKE CITY. Agents for tho Celebrated Grover & Baker Sewing Machine LUMBER YARDS. IITARAND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July 17, 1871, CAPITAL STOCK, - - S7o,000. Dealers in all kinds of Building Material LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, AI1I1 KINDS MOULDINGS, CIIICO SUGAR PINE, CEILING, BIDING, FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC., ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers prompt iy filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., five doors south 0? Walker's All business done throush tho President of the Company. Offices Lumber Yard, ono block south of Kailroad Depot. E. II. BARRON, President. V. XV. PARltUURST, CHARLES DAULER, juy-M Treasurer. LUMBERYARD. DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS ALL KINDS JF LUMBER. T. K. J0XES & CO., Balf-a-blook looth otO. 0. Dopot. EDDiNGTOni'S f Two Blocks Boutli of the U. C. R.n, Depot, and next to Win. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. The yard is kept constantly supplied bj several saw-mills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber.! W. E. solicits tho patronnro of hii old friend' and by punctuality and diligence in business hopes to merit a share of public , support. FOll SALE -In the loth "d. one ' block and a hilfwct ot the I. L. mall hou-e:ind h.ilt lot. witn fine orchard. ST. MASffS SCHOOLS. ST. MARK'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL For tiirld .ni Bor. 3d SoulH Sl. n.r K..t Temple St. ST. MARK'S SCHOOL Fnr Hirf. gl. MA11K S CHURCH, l.t South. SI. J"i0 MISCELLANEOUS. G-eneral Philip Wkw OPEXS TO-DAY Stalls 14 & 15 Heat Market, And will sell the choicest meat at prices TO DEFY COMPETITION . Don't foreet to call on lHTCII PHIL at his Wash ulcus Stli.. s20 WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, TEGS to inform the residents of Salt Lake City and vicinity, that he not only guarantees to properly Repair, Clean and Adjust Wntchea and Chronometer, but he will make them or any part of them, to order, and warrant the work. A niw supplt of ELGIN and S"WLSS WATCHES just received, which ho will guarantee as reliable time-keepers. Prices to defy competition Remember the addrftM. Two doors east of the Ucteret Uo.uk. All persons who are BALD, or whose HAIR IS FALLING- OFF, had better see me imme'diately. The "Great Unknown Hair Restorer" has produced HAIR ON IUY HEAD IN ONE MONTH. Cn ari.es V. Stayner, Sole Agent for Utah. For sale at Z. C. M. 1. Drug Store. Office at Calder Bro's Repository of Music. 13 1 in ! m San Francisco. July. 1S70. Wo, tho undersigned, take ijrcat pleusuro in reoomniemliiiR JJit, A. V. CALDliK to Bllthuso who may need the services of a lonti.'t, as a thoroughly competent and ' skillful operator, and ono in whom we have implicit oontidoDce, both as a Dentist and a Dr. li. ArsTtV. Dentist. Drs. B.OHKRT8 .fc Fa ke .an o. Dentists. R. H. McDukald Si Co.. DrusRists. OFFICE In SevcntlcH Hull Uullillng First East Street. SALT LAKK CITX, Ju21 JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP constantly on hnd a ehoico assortment assort-ment of FKENCII, KN'ULISII and A.MKIUCAM Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of the finest iuali ties and late I styles, which wo make up to order in tho most fashionable and approved uiauner. O-PATRONAGE solicited- IH1K23 WILSON & CO., IMPORTERS AX1 WHOLESALE DEALERS is Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Brandies, Bran-dies, Wines and Litpuors, Cigars, Tobacco, Boots and Shots, Hardware, &c.t Ac, EAST TEMPLE ST It EE T. Third Store north of ITotipcr, EldrouRC A iy Co's Rank. flAlM I. ASMUSSES BkirM Practical Watchmaker And J" 13 "W E Ij a H. . Workmanship Guaranteed. Ilai the finest utock of Watches and Diamond Dia-mond Jewelry in the west, at vor) moderate prices. Watch jtlasfcs fittod atiicts.; keys. 10 to 15 cts.; hands, i els. Koiocmbcr, Carl C. AnnjuKsen. Main mreet. "j CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, A DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE For the Feople. Revised Edition. Rc-is?uc of 1 STO-TJ , with Maps, Flates and Engravings. To be completed in SO PartF. making 10 Vol. of 33J pages each. Illuitratcd with about Four Thon-ind Engravings En-gravings and Forty ilaps. PRICK per Part. Inrlndlnc Maps and illustrations, Gil Cents. j PRICE PER VOLUME: Extra ClMh. bevcIH boards f- W Library Secep. marbled euecs. " Half Iurkey Morocco Mrm. II- H- KEY .t CA arc the Accnl? for Chambers's Knc j c lopn d la far the Pacific Coo.'t, and are publisher! and importers im-porters of other American and LncUsb standard stan-dard and illustrated works. CASSEL'S SEW POPULAR EDUCATOR, New Kditien, Universal Pronouncing Dictionary nf Ui-' Ui-' ngrahy and Mythology, by J. Thomas. A M-. L. D. National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans.") part.; at Su cents each. II. II. KEY CO., 114 Cisy St-, (rin Franei"?. Mr. R. May is now in t'tsh and will riiit thi- d-rent rli-"- to V;ir-.; fr :r,e trm. Parties saver. ' nr.y of thnr wrki may rely upon being failL.slir lerved every God be Octagon Ftousr, 7 SALT LAKE CITY. GROCERIES &PRGYISIBNS. STAR BAKERY. We have Just received a large supply of Choice Flour, and guar-iniee A GOOD, SWEET LOAF. FRESH BUTTER ASD EGGS, CORA MEAL, SHORTS, BRAS, GRAIN, Groceries and Provisions. IFTresii Broad Every day, wholesale and retail. Families eupjiliel. Buns, Cakes, linger Snaps. Ac, always on hand. Five Doors East of Post Office. s2 WCQpg & KV.ATOS. DAVIS' NEW STORE Is Now Open. Just Received, a large arrival of choice "X1 ES S Direct from the Importers Also a full stock of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. We have REDUCED our best gunpowder gun-powder to S'-i per pound. It canuot be equalled. TRY ST ! Till IT ! C. W. DAVIS, Tico Doors from Khnball dLatcrcncea DAY & CULRI1ER, IMP0KTHB3 ASD DEALERS IS GENERAL JIERCDJXBISE, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. UAKUU'AkF, BOOTS, SHOES, II ATS, CROC KICKY, LAMPS, G1..VSWA11K, &.C. CORD.'.GE TWINES, W O O U E - W A It E , C AH PETS, Cll ACKERS , BISCUITS, TOBACCO, Jfcf., dec, JtC. Which they offer at prices that guarantee satisfaction and defy competition. Tho choicest "1? 3 constantly on hand of tho following kinds Gunpowder - - SI. 75 to $'4.35 Young IIjmoii - 1.(10 to 1.5U Tycoon - J.35 to l.d.'i Fooplug - 1.15 o l.:i5 Pekoe - - - - 1.U5 lo l.-iO Souchong - 00 lo 1 .00 Diamond L. 1-00 Natural Leaf - 00 to 1. 00 And the famous English Mixed Tea - 1.73 Dealers in Teas will find it to their nd-vantneo nd-vantneo to irive ui a call, before purchasing purchas-ing their Teas, as our facilities in this branch of our business cannot be oxoollcd in (ho oity. l','f' DANIEL GRENIG'S BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE, WEST SIDE COMMERCIAL STREET, Near Second Sonth Street, IS NOW IN FULL OPERATION Whore he will bo pleased to wnit upon his friend, und patrons with Everything iu hc nbnvc Line CHEAPER THAN EVER. GIVE III.V A CALL IX HIS NEW RETREAT. GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple. Street, first door north of Co-operative Grocery Department, GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS KeepeoDitantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Buns, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Ktc Fin. Tariety of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale and Retail. Groceries, Flour, Feed, &c. ZU.UUUlRON AND STEEL At C. II. Jiassetr. Oppoalta Salt Laka Hons. all TRAVEL. utahsouthern'. ! RAILROAD. MIXED TRAINS Leaving the Utah Central Dopot, Salt Lake City, at 7.10 a.uj., and Sandy Station, (nearest pomt to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 0 p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Ulah Central Depot at "16 a.m. and i:20 p.ui , and Sandy Station at S 3 a. in. ano 0 p.m. FA1J : Salt Lake to Big Cottonwood Station, Vt Little " .SVts " " Sandy " Sl.iw Twenty-fire cents additional will be charged when the fare is collected on the tram. FERAMOHZ LITTLE, 61.TKR1N TEN PENT. D. O. CALDF.K, 66 Gen. Freifiht and Ticket Agent GILMER & SALISBURY'S : IC, tfe H t iSAILV STAGE LIMES TIlROlKill Leaving Salt Lake CH y Dally, running run-ning ."Olllll to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. George, IWah ; and 1'ioche, Nevada ; Pausing through Frovo, Sprinpville, Spanish Fork, Fa j--soii. Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Hound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, iMiners-viile, iMiners-viile, and All the principal towns and mmino cams in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Coi-litne, t'inh, dully, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing carnpa iu Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, jun4 Salt Lake City. Lon Wines. JI. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, Rt'NMNO DAILV FROM SALT LAKE CITY, via LAKK TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND Orillll TO TINTIC. The i"Mile hnp l"rn r-stocVcd with f.len-did f.len-did Ct.nLM.nl C.hc1h-. lino mock, caielul at d attentive Drivers and every at tent ion if I'fiid to the oomtur i 1 oonremouce of iaou-Srs. iaou-Srs. Good accommodation on tlw road. TIIIIOUGII BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Office at Wells, Fargo - Co.'s. Halt Luke City. WINKS k KIM HALL, j .14 Proprietor. LIVERPOOL & QUEEI.'VrCWH r4' , r ' v .:. r- .il, - ' ' IN MAN L IKE Of Royal mall Steamers, Balling from ftrrw lurk Every Saturday' AND Allei'iiatc Tucftdsij'a C Mn Pavsage, tt tlY-rf-i. rH) Btasrag " ('') JO.Oti Passage from Liverpool to Sw fork C.Ttn, ... in..') 7".nci tarag, - - (Cn-riucT) its. 00 Round Trip TiekMi iifoej at Terr low rata JOHIf O.DALE, Ar-t. lb Broad wj, J-itw Vork, Or "WIJ-LIAM CALI'R. Art. a: sutUuO-iti, Uub. HARDWARE. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! L'OW IS YDVU CHANCE FOR s T O 7 E S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from, Including the Old Favorites, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, i i Inland Empire i Superior, Etc., These :us well a- oilier vurielie.-. will be iOLl- CHEAP Kit AT TUB, Hardware Dep'nt OF Z. CS. JUL. X. THAN IN ANY OT1IKR 1101'SE IX THIS TKKH1TUKY. 11. II. CI.AU HON, Su i.crin!cu.lonl. C. E BASSETT, HARDWARE STOSE All kinds ol HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron ami hlt , Stoves and Tin Ware HLACIIHMlTIt TOOLS, Agricultural IiiiplrmriKs And Mlnlns; Tools, At Lowast Rates. OPPOSITE HALT LAKK HOI'NK ALL SIZES iron, Cast Steel, Toe SU el, Spring Steel, HELLO WIS, AMIES, Vices and other Blacksmith Tools, AXl.KS, sritlNUK, Cnrrlni.'. .iifl I..hke l,0f, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Carpenter's Tools, &c, SCOTT, & CO'S Main treel, U i,(r, Next door to White House. low roi; W '4,1 p r-j Mil O O v3 -t CD r l |