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Show I5ALD UK ADS. miv Great l'.csit Rt the Little Auction House, next Iu-t Otiice. to close oui Household Furniture, Cloihiug and Gents' furnisbinjjs. tt'Xv A Xbw Firm. Tullidca & Co., painter, strengthened by liusse-ll, tho iign writer, and White, the bst ornamental orna-mental and fresco painter in tho west Commercial street. 2. j Look Out Tho preat stock of hand mado Statuary, etc., will be open for jniblic inspection Friday, ScpL 1st, at our SaUi lioorn, ono door west of Walker Wal-ker iiro'a store, kL which time all aro invited to call and examine, llemoniber, auction aula to begin Saturday at 7:30 p.m. i'jLi.iiiEni Sc Uoloxksi. PCJ.l A ur.us fiTocK of PIANOS at tlioj New .Stoke of Calder Bros. I your Grocer for Cutting & CVsj California Canned Fruits and .Fellies j I'ar superior to all others. for sfilo: everywhere. e! Grad Lxcttemest. Ono of tho largest and most delect stoeli3 of Marblo Mutuary and Funcy Articles ever brought to the United States, will bo ioned in this city by us, one door west i-i Walkor Itro's storo, and will bo sold m auction without reserve, sale to begin i.a Saturday evening, September '2d, mi 7:00 o'clock. Our Etock consists of warden and parlor ornaments, aiuntol ftti, vaaos, match hoses, paper weights, turcy boxes, tlowor and fruit stands, luiskets and various other articles. All wuro of the finest Italian Marble, manufactured manu-factured by hand and imported direct J'nmi Florence by us at great expense sopl Palmieri & Uoloxe?!. Museum and Menagerie. For a f.w days tho colobrated EDUCATED HOG will bo on exhibition and porform " bin astonishing feats in calculation: will t'jll tho timo of day by any watch, Are nil' a pistol, play a game of cards witli any ono of the company, etc., etc. All the usual sights at the usual prices. augJ Jos. D. Bajifoot, Manager. HALL) UK ADS, mlv ExritK "Waqoks for sale- at tho Council llotiso yard. Warranted a HrsUcliiss article. Timber and workmanship work-manship guurantood. adv "W a step. A Cioat giving niiik. Apply Ap-ply at the iiKBALD Oilicc. tiug'1 Kl'Kn'ittrk, Chockerv, Glass r.m" L-iiwrwn.-o, olc. 'i'tie Uri-l stock West C'f Cliio:igo at tho Crystal PahKe. " nuglo H.vkhatt & Co. BALD HEADS. ' adv Prospectors ibould examine the STUDfcBAKERSPRIXG WaGOXS, at the Council House yard, before purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere ; they are just what they want. adv Dried "Atkicots." Wo respectfully respectful-ly call nttention to tho advantages ot (frying tho surplus ?tock of APRICOTS. Wo s ti nil givo tho highest price for clenn, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of E-nporium Buildings Build-ings IL It. Ciawson, augl faupt. Juvr Pdblisukd. Magnificent Views in AMERICAN FORK and LITTLE COTTON WOOD CANONS, taken by O R Savage, and for sale at tho Pioneer Art Gallory. Come and see thorn. augl3 1 Liu ur St'iuxo Wagons, suiUblo for i grocers and provision dealers; jut tho ! ihing for running around town didiver-I didiver-I nir I'oodj. ' adv 11ALD HIS ADS. ndv .' Wastkd o,000 pounds of DRIED APRICOTS, for which CASH will be p;liJ. ; juyOi Lechtenhero & Co. j The Cheapest and UoH Uou-e to buy 1 Furnituro is at RrUnton'6 h'urniture . Warehouse, 3d South otrcoL Spring Matlrasses a specially. aug2 Stcdebaker SPKIXti "WAGONS, timber and workmanship warranted, for I sale chc-up a, lha Council House yard. I adv Proclamation to the Public. I do hereby issuo this, my Proclamation, to the travelling public: Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on tho U.P.P..li., will tin d it to their advantagu to leavo Salt Lake City on the evening train and remain over at Ogden that mgbt, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and 80 bo fresh for travel at b o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves this depot. At tho Ogdcn Houso wo offer as good ac-eommodations ac-eommodations na &sy house west of Omaha. Jfrco biif-ios at every trttin to and frcm tho dop":. .dv Joux .Mahok, Proprietor. Diamond Si'rikq Waooss, suitable for funnily carriage?, good timber, well ironed and lirat - class workmanship FOllSALE CHEAP, at tho Council Eouso yard. adv Tdv auiiiobiit RESOLUTION Estiibllshlng n Market In Iho Second Sec-ond Nnrkct District, in Salt Lnhc Clfy and for other Ptii-poncu. Bo It llMuked by tlioCity Ouucil of Si.lt Lsko Giiy, that a M-rk.t ia hvcohy cuablf he a la llie dtconfl Market District, iu Hccordiitico with tli prlTi9i5Lsot ud Onlin.nre, ontit ed, aa or iinanee in re B.liou to Markrls aud Murket MJiter, pf-vd AUUt SI, IS; 1, aud that until Mirkets f tin. I bo titnLilisbftJ iu tho utliur .M.irket District, 1 rulc nd regulations of iho City coDceruing Mnrki-t-, uro auit tlull Ui cousiJortd cipially ia lurco ibcroiu . 1'hssl'J Aiiiiat 1 7 1 . D. U. Wi:LL3,Mnyur. Robert CAitrniLt, Rccoi-ipr. This curtilit's tlmt tlie furc.-oing ia n trno copy of tho llaJulutioD jivBBed tiy ilio Cit) Coancil. Oivrn under my baud mid lliu Tnr-J Tnr-J L 8. jv rato real ol Slt Lukt- City, this 31nl t d.tvof AupiiM, A. D. 171. ItOHKllT CAM f HELL, Cilr Itocor.ler. EMMA HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. TDE STOCK BOOKS or tho Emma Hill A Tnnaol and Miniufc-Comininy are now open in Keid'i Unildioft, and a limited number num-ber of Dftssc"jabl' abtircs or talo. Tho Emma ilill Tunnol nai Almioi: Company Com-pany waa loaned Auril 170, incorporated AuBUBt 14, 151, and nas tlio mo Q.ittenns prospects of any mino in Littlo Cottonwood. For parliculMr.i imiuiro of W. S. WuOUuULL. Tien Pres.. Kcid's liuiliii ntr. Or J A:. A. MUUPIIY. Skketaby, auj'il lioul 'a Building, j ORGAMS I ORGANS! DAYMSS & CO., for linb TorriMry, fr the ;ilu of lie i Lijt a ri:u rJUl a E2.J3. 9 AMKltLCJAN mm umm UePiicct fully invito the mpni'iors of tlio .Mu.-ical I'ruieion and tho l'nidio troncr.liy to call nt tbeir .'Miic ltooms, FIliST HOLT1I STREET, Tiro doors cnt of Pot OSoe, Salt T.nko City, und osiuiiao their epk-udid stock of Orsuti.-, und lujrn tbc uupreoedeniuJly LOW PKICCd ut wliictt tncy cQcr thoin f..i- p Ac, tho prico.t Uniiin 1'ioni twenty to thir(3-jic- cent, lower thiin tboy can bo boufhl m any oihor hmiso m I'tib. Ljyjoa i Co. do nut otfor tbo SMITH OHUAN at these low li'iiro because they nre. us Eome would bavo it beliovud, it poorly mniiuucturcd and consL-fiuonily i-hcap iostrumunt: jot, for excel ex-cel leuco of work mans hi i', tboy have no jupo riors, whilo in etroUi.-ib. purify arid Bivoct-nefs Bivoct-nefs of tone, t&ey ohallciigo the iiro-lenlon iiro-lenlon to produco any insuuuiont Cyua.1 to tlioni. Xiao caueo of their LOW RATES Is easily oiilaincd: They have no local uKonta whom they PAY TO PUFF their waica; aud bedidea this thoy havo resolved to pl-ico thcio uoautitul ioitruincutB within tho rouch of nil, ;ind will do so by doing what no other liou'O in Utah pretend.1- to do, Diimcly. sliariiiK with their iiL'iroi.a tho wiu-1 wiu-1 uiitiioQ ulloweJ by tho uianulaetur ra. Act-i Act-i ini; on this principle thfy oliur their inciru-menu inciru-menu :H twenty per oent. lea than eastern rctiiil lieures, bc;nlo piiying tho freight to the railway terminus in this city, KiunintM-inc KiunintM-inc every mrunicnt sold sound aad free o! diimnRC. 1 hfy will full a l'Atlor nran.wiili i altc.int Bl:iek Walnut Cat. Five Stop?, Ticmulo and Kdco : well, for 6110, the eastern east-ern retail price Ociiik 17.5. An instrumunt I tor a school ur luccuntf honso, with power i sutneieni lor r ifty tiinrri, with seven Stops. ' .Mitj-lJiijJ. Oolitve Coupler, ireiiiulo slid Knce-awell.fur H-d, the enstorn pneo lor iho same instrument bbiutt i:. Iq proof tli ti tho American Orffan is all they repre'cnt, they te.er piirchmcr; :-y tlio following well - known oi. imcjcti C. Sau-rumc, Sau-rumc, 1. L. V- a vis, A. .Minor, John Sharp, . W . bpa-s mil W. S. Ooabe. i.-,o .Mrs S. Kiui ball, ail of tbi. city: ). Hennod. of Salt ujeek, Ju.it county; I. Sujocr, Udcu; the I Fiihhnrii Choir. Hrnrra:ii C.uv. ilaj nc i Co. will &;? ;o:i every other dc-cription uf lir:t-cla;a Musical M-rchan-dise. iroui a I'lam.-trto lo a Violin ctrins. ai tuo tairo ratio) and to prove that the pre-cediutf pre-cediutf stalcuioat; contma not a particle of cxuKt; oration, they invite all 51 UMeiun.' und tha pubuc-to cull and prove their ;ruin by pem'nal examinalioo und investigation. ! Hemeuilxr I. CAYnES & to., Dialers in Muiical Initrumnt. Two Dors Kt of Poet Ofllci, SALT LAKE CITY. Aiciiti for tlie CelebratL-1 GrpYer & Baler Serine HacMne. 'MEAT MARKET REMOVAL GAHHET & "WOODS j TSrORlI their friea-li and te j-Mie, kct oMondy. sVnt. 4 t li'."at t he Ural st.ill c.a thu l.-fd south uilicc, jnd I will ba to .ce ail their M cutver- .iri.l a ' u.,.ir new .-.n:a w will tavor thtm , mii ihiir riirniee. i BV AUTHORITY.! A. ORDINANCE luKelnllou to Markets and Market Masters. Slc. 1. Db ii orJaiTied by tio City Council of salt Luke Cut, LDut iid city tie and th-ame th-ame is hereby umded into market diatrietB orrrt pc-udin? in number and limiu iriih the muniaipui ward thereof. :Skc. - That there ehal I be established a mirkct house hdi grouods in oaeh district, ui fuel) time and id ace as thill be determined determin-ed uprn by tho City CoudciI, aud they shall ue under ilio direction of such market wasters was-ters e said Council may apyoint. Sec. 3. Tho Murfcot Masters in their respective res-pective districts ' ball liive authority, ami it is hereby made their duty to wuka ail needful need-ful ru'oa and regulations, touching the designation, and a raogamcDt of Yitetibia and iruil sinr.ds, and tie arrangement, stationing sta-tioning and removal oi all VAgons, carta and uthor vehicles used or bruutttu by maiketers irubin tho ho und an a j or huiiia Bet aiiari lor public market purposes, provided suh rulce n ud recul "tions shall bo spiirovod by the City Council and posted up in conspicuous plu jea in cch marset house, bjkC. 4. The tulle aud elands in tho market mar-ket house and grounds ah dl be kici oy the respective uiarkel mailers in su?h prices anu on such terms ae may be nxed from muiu to lime, unaer tbc general dirtctiuu of the City Council. jkc 5. Each leoa of a stall or stand ;hali provide two or more sureties, te bo np- juially hound with tho le;sco for ihop.y-ucal ihop.y-ucal ot the rent t'f the stull or eland quarto; quar-to; ly, in advance-, and no lea-o.-hall bo trau6-t'orub.e, trau6-t'orub.e, nor shall any otoor pjrty occupy it, except by permission of tbc Market Mm tor. ; bKt:. 6. Tho lessees of (he Butchers' jtaii 8 shml each cauo hid stall to bo painted or whitcwu.-hi'd in the in-jnths of Aprd and i October of each year. I br.c. 7, It t hall bo the duly of the Market J Musters to excrci-e a general nipeivuion over their i cepeotiva inrkoi houses and u.arket places, und to tnf.rce all regulations established lor tbo (covcrnmout thereof, to assign placed to vrugoug ar persons attcudiua tbo umrrfcls ana enforce order; to examiou too (jualily of all articles offered lor tale in the mnricls, anl lostizc al: blon-n, nneouud. di-e:i!eJ, tun uro ur unwholesome artioiea cxiJisedfor stile, and destroy the lame, to clam i no iho weight tif, artioios erp sed for sule, aud aoiio all which arc ol lo.-i wcwOt inan that represented by Uie (oiier, which shall bo forloiiel and sold lor tho benctit of tbo eity, by iublb outcry in tbc market. Skc S. daid Market Maaterf hall decido all dlEputi'S li eh lU.'J" ar.itQ h'lwciu buyer nud a.ller iuu--tiing llie weight ir uiea?uTe of Hiiy uriklo, biid shall keep 'hiti'vlo incau;oi and (eali, or other imp cmcniE lor iTiikhina: aud chilli bo i t. id n n-iLSonublo leu by ai.y pkily icuiiug tucb Barvico, and shell piiy over to llie Ciiy rroasurcr wookiy, all nunQ fees nui other moneys received by them ou acocutit of tho City. Skc 'J. Iho Market Masters are hereby invented with full potter and authority ia all waiter connected with the markets and market places, ani all persons aro run ui red to obey the rales and resolutions of said market and tba direction of laid master tncroin. ate. 10. The Market Meters shall superintend super-intend tbc Cleaning of the markets and market mar-ket grounds, ana slir.ll require tko occupant to'prinklo tho snmo wita water. wtisacVer necessary, to prevent and lay toe d;i. fl0 provisions or other things bo gold in thj market, except during Warnst bnnri without Lbeponnl-f Ion ol tuo Market Master, who Ehall bo provided with a hell, and shall fcotioun y tho rlngitiK thereof, the cosing T. tuo market huutt, at least ton minutes before be-fore tho timo of closing. Skc. 11. The markets shall bo kept open from dawn until twelve o'clock, meridian, el eaih day, oxcopl Sunday. Provided, that on general holidays it may bo closed at S a in., by nsrccusnt of tho occupants aud Market Mar-ket Master, aud may bo openui Irom twclvt o'clock to eicht o'clock in tbo evening o: each day, Sumiajs excepted, by order of tni ('ily C oi noil, when il shall bo deemed notes St;0. 12. V,vtTT lesaec qf ocoupant of a t tall or stand shall, witkin thirty minutes after ihe ringing of tho bell, as aforesaid, ciiubo wtti on, vehicle or other obstruction, obstruc-tion, to be removed from the market place, and his stall or Stand to bo thoroughly cleaned, and all animal nnd veicetablo otfad and rubbish lu be remove 1 from ths bouses ami places, nud enrh Butcher shall cause his tables, iue.it Idock) and oth i fixtures, to he i thoroughly tornped and cIchnq.!, .Site. IJ. No person sL.m eipoce. or oflV-r I for iiil a in market or any o.ber pluco witmn j this city, any sick croiseicd live unirnil. usually eaten for food, au.l tor tbo purpose, andnith the design, that tbc emne ?h ill be used lor food, or tbo llojh of any deal ani mal, which whs si:k, overhcatc 1 or run down by dugs or othcrvrisr, ti ur btfuro the turo tho sum? iis butchered or slain, or which came to its death by any oihor means ihiiii tbe Uiual manner of slyini an mah lur food, or tbo tleah of any Bull. Hoar, Itum, Ui'g, t-sl or aaimsl not commonly dci'tui wholci.mo for food, under ptnelty of Dne) nat cxccoJinB ono hundred dollars or mi prisonmrnt not oxcceding six months, or both Due and horrisoumcnt. Skc. 11. No per.-ou snail kill or daughter any animal in or about tha mil kct" ur throw it deposit any anmi il or Vegetable oliui, filth, or any cth:r noisome sub.-tunce, nor nring nor suiTit to eomo with hi:u into or about the market place during market hums aoy dug, bitch or auy dangerous cr unruly iDllilal. bsc. 15, No perfon shall expnso or nfl'cr for tale in uu.mi the maract any horse, cowi ox. ntiile. iai k, heg or oilier live animal, ani-mal, unless conlinul, or in n wugoD, except t such pht;o as tbo market master may Svf 111. IT the lessee of any stall or t-nd fmls lor gix con.-eoutive il ays t-j expose ex-pose f'r 'n'iO at his stand ui stall, articles usually sold thcrest. unlea (aid lailurr Ijf c.mstd by sickcesj or other uoavdiiiable circtimstuncc', his lease sbll bo lorlciico and his atll or Stud may be leased to another. an-other. csi.o. 17. Ifany lessee of any stall or stand he twice convirtcd of viclating any ordi nance in relation to murket--, liia lea-eon ihe s'cond convicti may bo a.tjudt'vd for-1 ftitcd. I zr.;. IJ. Km perfOQ shall eipoe or ntier for sale at apy other plnce thnn ihc msraci bouses, any Ircsh me.it in less quantities thiin one quarter, nor fhali any doicr n. , (he fo'lowiiig articles during marnct hours ctTer for fbIc. any poult y, gnme, trcsb b-h. I fresh moat, or vegetables within inarko limits in said City, except at tho msrkst bou'o or grounds, tic. 1.'. No person havit.jt any irticle fur ale in the m;.et a case shall sell except St m to acummodatt tho irctoi number ot barer! for f-iniilr ooosuiaptioD. bic. ID. Il shall be unlaw ul for any per ion having no bu'inesi to niy sir, lou nee itsnd, wik. or lie io or abo-.t toe maikei honso or to brim or show any Jack ax slua dorse m the market grunud'. -ir, 21. Any per-on iolatlns; tbe provi lions -'( this G'dinaiire. for whicn no peoaltj i-prjvi'tel.or the publio rules or order- ot the asrfcet msMerr, shall be liable to a fiat in any sum not exeeedins twenty-nvedollar? f.,r each ofltDce. I Sk-. It! in auy district where no market I is citablishcl, lier'M ecst be riTen for one ot more meat and provision torrf, su jeci i to market re juUUour at Uie disi.rctiuD ol the City Council. tl. 33. All Ordinances cr parts of Ordv-nac:e. Ordv-nac:e. C-JSicting with the f-rfging, be id tbe fame -re her-by repealed. Passed August L IcTl. D. H. wtLL. Ms- or. R.jBl7 CsUPPtLU Record:. This etr 'X .La: th I'orfiiog ia;-0i c..?y of tb Ordinance p;;a l,y ie I Council. i ' . tiiven unier n.y bi. l and tb S IS ' C-rp-.ratae;l o: 31: La"ki CU. li.:s -iit day fcf August . R--,itBT CjuraiLU City Recorder. MISCELLANEOUS. 7-30 GOLD 10 Ah northern PACIFIC R. R.1 Rapid Progress of the Work.) The bciiJ:c if the Xor-.tcm P.'.rise Kail rosj vbriroci J uiy last . is tc;-s pususi u-r- , wird with Erai cicr;y lr---j co:i extreaie- ties of tne nne-. Siixcr.il th u-ad itea ri employed in -MmLeota and oa I', e i'-uin cast. Tne Kra e is nearly euirdttei -o'ti aiiies wewrd f oci Lnue S.pcr.or; trails re runniLj: over Jf miles of a. :;he-l r. : and iri-fc-.iyisE is rji ui.v prup.-c.-i rp il- , j n-i.-is tbociu'.erii horde: ot D..kuu- luciac-1 ! ins ils pmchaic oi tee l'ui k i'aci2v! j rtoad. the .Northern 1'acinc Company nc j hi miits of co-i'ieted na, an.i c; i September next th wul be inc;eiiea to a'. : lts;5ti0. A GOOD ffiVESTMENT. Jay Cocke Jt CV. are now seiliag and ULhciitati ci rcci rt-menu, rt-menu, a a ProL table nj per:ec;ly ate in-veitmnt. in-veitmnt. tne first Jlor g.ific Litna ura . 1 tiolu Bonds of th Nortru-in t'a ibc Railroad j Company. They have JO years to run, bear j Seven and Three-Tenth per cent, gold tntr-. ml tutors than S per cent- curreucyi iuu arc I eecured by Qrt and on y mr'.g.ge in tLc SMist rlud isd its Kfii'Mii.srs. nd alsj. as fa-t aj the road is e.n:i pitted, on 23,000 ACRES OF LAnD to .very mile ol trsk. or SOO Acres .or och Sl.ivO Uod. Ttiey are exempt frum V. S. lax; Priori a. and Interestaje Paj able in (lo.i; renemi-i.ations: renemi-i.ations: Coupons, $lw to il.tA-O; xvigUicred, (luo t.'.SlCu-o. LASOSFOR BONDS. Northern Pacific T-30 are at ml time receivable at i k rsK cent. iBovi far, in exchange for the Company La..ds. at their 1 'cjI casn price. Tula renders ren-ders tbem practical ly l TtBKaT kkkic LiP TKRASTa. SINKING FUND. Tbe proceeds of all sales of Lands nre required to bo devoted to tat re-purchase ana cancetlniion ot the First Mortgage Bonds ot ihe Company. Tho Land Grant of the Koad exceeds 1-ifty Million Acres. Th.s imujeuefMnkiug 'uud will undoubtedly un-doubtedly cancel ihe principal of the Company's Com-pany's oonded debt belore it t-.Us uuc. With their ample security and hifih rate of iutei-est. iutei-est. there is no inves imcut, accessible to tne people, wnich is more I'Riif'iii bi.s oisii i. . EXCHANGE U. S. FIVE-TWtftTlES. ihesue-eess ihesue-eess of (be New tioverumonc 6 per ccnu L,oaa will compel the eajly surrender oi L ni.eu States 6 per cents. Alany holders of Five-Twentiea Five-Twentiea sJo now exebuntfiug them lor Northern Purine Sven-Thirties thus renlii-ing renlii-ing a handsome proni. and greatly increasing increas-ing their yearly income. OTHER SECURITY. All marketable Stacks and Bonds will be reocived ii iour highest current price inexchange tor Northern North-ern Pacific t-even-d'hiriioi. l-.XfRH&j chk-Gsa chk-Gsa on Money or Bonus received, and on Seven-Thirties sent in return, will be paid by the financial Agenu. Full iniormation, maps, pampnlei, etc., can bo obtained ou application at any agenoy, or from tne undersigned. un-dersigned. JAY C00O& IX). PuiLiuKLrmx, Nkw Vuuk, WASBisuros, Financial Agents Northern P.iCillc R. R. Co. UA.NKSud, BANKERS ytner-ally ytner-ally throughout the country. H. B. HAWKINS, Agent for Utah Territory. Otlico at Jlr. Hummer's, First East St. near earner ol 1st outh .u, S.iU L.iko City. my3 Dried Fruit! . . i i We ure desirous of pssr-chnsin pssr-chnsin nil of llie Dried Friiil Croj) of this Territory. Terri-tory. Me WILL PAY IN GASH The Highest Pries Paid in the Market for APRICOTS, PEACHES, j Wo arc desirous of employing ACENTS IN EVERY SETTLEMENT, 'To whom a libcrnl commission will te i nil owed, I kGS, LECHTENBERG & Co. I .Main Street, s I., ( ily. M o St j PS S if "OS'S;; PL o Cs3 J d 5 0 -i , r. bJD N H PS - I fa '. O cS 1 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS GRAINand FLOUR, FAT SIRFRISE OATS, CORN IN SEAMLESS BAGS, Valley Flour, CT.0I.E BRANDS, SARLSY, CORN IVIEIilLi, BRAN, &G.f &c.f WHOLESALE & RETAIL 1 w 111 i- Cll for 3.000 bnalicU of BAULKY and l.OyO bmtirlt good clfiin HK.t r. IJ. 11. 1C. GLOBE BAKERY, East Ttmplf. SirrrI, flrtt floor north of Co-oprrmlvf t;roffry Dfparuntni, GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep conrt:intly nn han.i GOOD FRESH BREAD Duns, Cnkes, Pies, Crackers, Ete. KiLe varielj of CONFECTIONERY, WhoUaaic and Hctall. Groceries, Flour, u,u Feed, &c. AVIS' NEW STORE Is New Open. Just Received, a large arrival of choice P US Jb. Si Direct irom the Imporiera Al-o a full ptook at'Siaile and Fancy GROCERIES. We luno KF,DUCJ our bus-t L"N- l'OWDElt to v V-'l' puUliil. It o-imiot t'C LitiulicJ. TUV if ! Tli i' IT 1 G. VV. DAVIS, Tico Doors from Kimball t(" Lawrence's DAY & CULRfiER, mronTKcs and dalksis i.s i GE.NER1L MERCUAADISE, COKBISTIXO OF DRV GOODS, UKOCKttlKS, llAllU W AKE, 11UUTj,.MIOF.S, II AT H, CUUf Ivt. It V , 1. A .11 COlllJACiK TUlIsr WOOUICWVAKK, CAi.PliTN, CUAt'KtCltS A HISCIUTS, lOllACCUL,, ttJ., di-C. Whirh they offor sit prices thftt iv tan 1,66 8atisl'.ioLion Biid ilfcly ?umticHnuu, Tho ohoitV "Xs j5 J. ooQBUotlr dn hunil of tho followinc kinJn Gunpowrtrr - - SI. 1.1 Io 9 l.'2r VllUIIR 11) MOll - I.I.O in 1.51) Tycoon - 1.3ft to l.tia hMplii - . - 1.13 to I.jT. Pckoc .... l.tU to 1.1U Simclifiiig - UO to l.nu Diamond I.. - - l.OO nlnturol Lcnf - UU to 1,00 And tli famous lugiiih .tllxod Tma. - I.7J Dealers in Tom will find it to lhtir ftJ-vaauno ftJ-vaauno to (tivo us a cull, bo for jiurdmf-iuK jiurdmf-iuK tlicir Tans, aaour facilities id ihm hniiirh ot our busmoda ojqloi bo oxcollcd io tho oity. juZ:( BAKE BY, Six doors eo.it of Pout Odlte. CANDIES! I would oil tlio uttciitlfin of the country and city trnde to my large lot It of Pure Home Hade O andies. t mil irllltifC vrry low nl Wltolmnie U. WALLACE, I CONFECTIONER, j F.n.l Trmplp S... H l.nkr ( Ily. Of a tr IllKhrr lima thnn nr y oihrr proprietary uitjuiiuo'if iho dn r TJKRNT-RBii.TriiAi'n'ir'.T, An-I for iUb r--n : it i u nn-l rmn-r .rt (tf i.nt Of 'he Hi','! VrilufK.U s..l..ru iuei;''n' in the ir d r t ;i c KTHTi'l '.iff iirtta "f '"irnji'i. Ii wi,i' h rhun,at if nnd 1 v" iiiis -1 vi-i. il ! i r t f.rl nrriu.-tlly. arrl vvfur, U, D-.r l.-.iim n-rc-al.'-.-nt -r i-u-.., i W- j-ri-nt : 'iflh- fir-, nj it f-- th" ru s ml-rr.,ftli i.f hII Ihe cri'.n. ir.-i'l" rc.r-. iu. -. jt. n V .r-Lal'lt .r-Lal'lt form, the )"jiuUr u-itrl w.ttrt ol Enrii'C. Hf( th"t Tyu jiurtlnne only ,f,r gualnfc rllclc, Jm2 wii.1it AixKtroiv. SAK FRANCISCO TRADE. ROSEKBAUM & fScMN, ! BATTEKY STREET, Sa.3NT FHAKOISOO I Iirc.rt.rJ.Ed M.ncrjwiarei. ,cea:i cf Fancy Dry Goods, NOTIONS, ETC. j r:nrV;e Pdh in 'l tlirir V-racrhw of th fdSlim .Lc fcasuntiy on h.ud. tnd ovcliies Daily Reccitcd From Kuroi ad New York in I I While tlcia.l, lloalrrj and GIova, . Laif n and Kmbroldrrlri, j Silk aind Velvet Ribbon. ! Lad Ira and Children I'ndtrwt ar, Kfady-niad Robfi avnd Dreaara, Drfii and Clok Trlmmlugi, Luce and B roc he Shawli, Sewed and Woven Corsets, Kng'li aud Ain'n Sewing Colt am, Silks, Kir., Woolen Varna, Etc., Ete., Superior t.ranJ of It d Gloves. PurctiHsiint Rll cur ciotis nt trioir vn-riius vn-riius places of pr.xl nction nil over the-. the-. world wo are cnable-i to sell the .same at I prices to c.n;p:iro favorably with th.-e jof tho lending houses in iew York or ! London. ur!1 THE GREAT ELGOD PURIFIER. ,.":t u i .A1.'..-!. 'fM: s v-r 6, f ft T H K GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER I nllill IN THR 81MUIA NH'APA MouTHnm.', in ill" woinl.rfnl Ptnte of Un-norum. cti'wc mi hcih Iouk km-wu tc tho lndi.ui? it ..ii ale.. m. i' f lire io,- ItUl'l'MA-Tl.-M, I'.Ul T, , 1 . r I, . 1 A, nn,l nil UK-Mu' UK-Mu' in ;iuy ;) .ruiKini: iri'iu i m pu ri 1 ia ol tho S.-u!..-, luint h brou. ht to lulii its viriuo, and l thii- jv.tent hoib coiucouiidu.1 U'.KHA Sa N'l A, n i.repur-tttmo i.repur-tttmo Iv.r vbc 1'iili.ViA.N I.M' L'liKK ol Scroftila, Unix Khrtiiu, and all at motive mo-tive aitd l u(nuiit Dlaeakes. OhcF iiinuodiutfi P.ml iioriuiment relief 1b ltYS.MJ'fiilA. Ll.VSlt'i,l,A.S KinH o oria Tuuiorc JloiU, S-U,i Hwli, Uk-era and Soros omdk'utw from tho nynteut ail traoa Ol aitimurml disoimo. IT IS VUrtELY VtLErXBLL I It iF thorol.'rc iifuiinrly xuilalilc fur uo by females n. d ti.u-iri'ti. u a JilAAJU l't llf-FiLitt llf-FiLitt nud KhtlV.'tli. MOTlltCKS, Who ftish to fn.d mrdii'lne peouliarly iidnpn-d io tliu our of IIUMOkS and 1-dtlll. T1U.NS iu tlicir .-hil. tram ill ud a anla und sure euro in VUlvltA 5.MA, For lata overywhure. UKUDlKUTO.t, IIOSTETTEU CO. Agents, 0'4t) aind 031 Mark! HI., Han Franolirtt REDINGTON HOSTETTER & CO.. IMi'OKTKHB AMD JOniRRS OT KURE1UN AND DOMluSTIO BRIGS i.U CHEMICALS, Fine Euavntlal Oils, (lunti, Hoota, Seeila, Kloivera, Mpona, tiktua, Pomudti, Ac, And all other Pt ilo er.nncctit with thi Vholealo and Ketall 1rai lhjcinoa. Contanl1y in rocoii'l, by diroct Iiniiortallon, of luroiioio and Aniuiio product, Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hoftttr!" lUttlTF. lirakcV I i;i n f h t( ri HiUtr. Wull'i . In id am Sntnarif. NcwcllV I'uimouarj' Kjnir And s!l tin IcmIIiib l'r.iiiriflnry MfdldoM bitli Auicrit'an und Kurt-i-ftm. , Order I'roinidlj an 1 Uarufully Kieoutad. Noa. f'iU and 031 Market Street, llolwocn ?irpt and Pooood San Francisco, California. mv:tl ARW5ES i DALLAM, luifirierF, Jublifrt aod 11 A ft I' F A :T I'll K It H OK iWoodiWillowWare m.'f 'im, pa i r.u.'i ri.s, i iiniN'-. mn km HAM. 1 IF. IS it ill h ',J.l MAT' 111 H. HlA'l IHM HV I'A I'H rtA'.S, ( I ,' 1 1 M ' V, M IN') i KK. Ft ATM I H IH STI li t 1--H. INd 'I M b. I J . TI N PINS AMt II A I.I.' FT'., AN I' (1 k.S V ll, L House VurnfsIiiiiK floods. ' Dlitfcr IMIiH'TITt" nr M K l"l f KimM I J.l.AI)INi 'il I MAN AM Kltl.Nt H MAM'KAi TTHKKH. j inim roa Tna ium ur i A. V. Ver-u-if-ii M afli Uruacanr'i MhI'-Um , A mrrn-.m N"l and I win t, Coiji(h ' 1 ti--T Klaa Mill k. T.iijfn, j J. i; C'.nr- j A Cm (,). Kiahin T-'-kle. 1 ll.4l.nr-w.rth A V uuwy't C-j-r (tf, j -Lt" li. - 1 in rr'pvil ;i'l fin. WrioK'f. ! C. )'.. in w.i-i 4 i'.,iiit.MTi7'a FwaLLar buaUn Our Bt'"-k ii l!.e lriawt on thf I'nlfle tpiit. ut.'J i.ur lur, in it,( ma'.ulimtNiint j ' i ii. i-.ti tnj enable ui u tell at luweat j watket fr,. .PKND FOR CATALOOUK. ! 2I5&.2I7 Sacramontr St, San Fran j" ICE I ICE I ICEI j HALT LAKK ICE COflPairT, Btablhed Jan. 1, IWi, Ioe dalierd dailr in all fart; f the ftlty. a an 7 quaulitj. it raa 'f' 'be tjius. J. H. CLAWSO.N, AGKKT. nartu t Qlvw'cn't loa Cram Salmon, |