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Show LEGAL. ' D. OOOPBK, otokneit and cocn'sklloii, OiBce Kiehnnge aud Heading j HUT I.AfTI rTT. " U liemi'tead, M. Kiritpatrick I HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorne y-at-L.aw, Main Street, opposite Weill, i'arso k Co., salt uwb.civ, L-, II. Uemistead. U. S. Ati'y for 1'iah. Til 1 SNOW. E. D. HOGS. SNOW &- HOGK, Ittorneya and Coamielor &t Law P-.U Laka City, Liah. Oifl.'at Suow corut-r, 1,1 KaitSlrtel. Ju5 i F McCurdy. C. U.Morran McCL'KDY H. MORGAN, Attorneis-at-Law, y,-fici Four doors east of Herald Office, & SALT LA K K CITY. 1 j v ; h csz m an n, A ttome ys-Rt-La w, Ufiice. Fint South St.. i'uurtb duur out of if oonor. iildrodje Si Co's Bid-:. Salt La-e City- a-6 vruer fcarli. F. il. Smith. l.AliLL SMITH, A f T O K N E V S A T I, A W , H.U.T LIKE Cirlf. tiit XouiiJo biract. ono aor south 61 1 St. r.? I NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & 80S, CONVEYANCERS, Mining Deed?, Agreements and Bonds for Deed, MorliiaOJ. i'owcrs of Attorney, Les'es, Oontr.iru and other in3trumonu of writing1 drwn with accuracy and dispatch. Mining' Compnitlea Incorpora-! tea cinder the Lawior Utah. j A. S. COULD, I' COMMISSIONER JF DEEDS j New York, Massachusetts, Feuu.-ylva-1 nia,01iio, Iliinow, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake Cdy. BANKERS. WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all (lie principal prin-cipal cities of ilic United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Eait Temple St., Salt Lake City. TIIEO. F. TRACY, Agent. mil IhM. R. Jonci. A. W. While BANKING HOUSE OF A. W. WHITE & CO,, FART THMl'LE" STItKET, t;ai Rait Lake City. IIRST IJLT1DIAL BAIK DF 111, (Successors to Hnsiey, Daliler Co.) WiRTiESHtisSKT, C. L. DAnLRn, President. , V100 Profit, Anthony Godbb, Cashier. Salt Lake City, Utah ; Also oonnootintt offices at Oirdon andCorinno, Utnh, and ViratDtannd llelenu, Montaua. nenln in Hold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exclianito on Now York.. Cliloa&o, I Kl. Louis, Omnlm, Donvor, Han 1'mnciioo, and all parU of Kuropo. I Collection! Promptly Attended To. mil BEDicAL j J)H. A. FOWLER, l'UYSICIAN AND SURGEON, j OQico over tlio Co-oporativo Drug Sloio, ju;i Mnin Rlrcct,3. 1,. City J. M. c K. ). liKAKUlCT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Otlko Over CaUlor liro'a Miiiio liuwuriuui. 1 W. F. ANDERSON, M.D, H. I. HICIIAHOS, NI.D. Siiigcniis and l'liysiclaiiB, Office", for tlio I'rosont, ftt llioir ronioctivo rcsiJcncos iu iho aniinih AV:icdfl. DR. GROVES, Unice and SontU SI., Salt Lake CHy. Throe doors Wot of llovoro llouso, hull .ft block L'aet oi the lilophunl bloro. orrin uoi'na kboii 'J a.m. to .r.y. nil DR. HIGGINS DAVIS, SUllGBON AND PHYSICIAN, Oflico First door wet of tlio , juylS Hovoro House. I rilYSlClANS Al) SUI1GEON3,! Ofllcc at CJodUc'i Drug Store, j,iyS - R:iU T.afcoCHy. j J. D. THOMPSON, M. D.J Late of Cftrion City, Nevada, j OITors tits rrofi'JMonnl servijes to the reoplo , ofS.ilt LukoCity, ltesidrno al apt. iy- , 1t'i, li.ilf bl.ick foutli of W.ilkor Bro.. More, 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. rUYSlOlAN, SU1U1EON AND UUUOOIST, 11 HltlOIIAM CITY. UTAH. MOORE & POTTER, CAlll'KNTKRS AND Ul'Il.DKUS, t'oniuiercl.1 Street, -. (Hpt nf Fait T.fc. Tl.t.)- N. P. LAKE & CO., Oili.'c Willi Dunfurl .t M.irlin. M,1 Cmi.tllutloii UnlMlHg, V,.::,ir-. lis. C. .H. MO K, j HEALING MEDIUM. Ituoiu No. 1 1, bull Lake Home, Will dovoie a T'wttn of her Hma to ilic rl.1irvov.111t cxiuiu ui.Mi tt' ro.'k. t.i aocr-1 uiii the cx.iot location of mineral leJec;. EjfcryM Practical U'alch maker &.xci. tT 3 W XI Xj 3 n. , j Workiuauslilp Guarautced. i liJithollnof ftock of Watches 32 J Diamond Dia-mond Jewelry in tha wc.-l. m very mod? rate price?. Watco glaic3 filled Jt ct.: keys, ii to 15 cti.; hand", i' i-v. Hcmtiubar, fail U, AmoiJn. M-iln itri. -J HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. TIIE LEADING IIOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This Home ii centrally and pleacantly located, lo-cated, well farniihed. and au aecomiaoda-tiooifor aecomiaoda-tiooifor 150 raoeu. THE PROPRIETOR U new preparlni te build larse addiuotu to hij Hotel, waiah when flaiihed, will rea"-er it the Most Complete Establishment iu the MOCKV 310CNTAIS REGION ! AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. one: block, east op thbathb, HALT L, A K K CITY. TermeSl.OO ptr dny. Board without with-out rooms Sl'i-00 pci wee a. Uatbs free 10 gucili. J. C. LI 1'TI.E, iun24 Proprietor. OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and Looust streets. TOOKLK CITY, CTAU. CuoJ Accommodation for Families. ftM K.S. FOOTE, Prorrietor. C. LOTt, J. WOLF. German Bakery, Commercial Stroet, near Second DotilU street, F1UST-CLAS8 BREAD, CAKES. 0 f all kinds, at tho lowost rat03. Cilvo 11 a cull. miT-J 8RAM0 RESTAURANT, GODDARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STItEET. JUST O IP IE 1ST IE 3D. Thu c'tibli?hmen'. U clcs-intly furnished, kcciis tuiiplicd svith thu delicacies of tno ouojon aiidtQobcsitQO luirkci .itifurdf, and Laijiloja nunc but FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinners Fervod nnrt ilislics cooked to order iD tt.o best style and nt tlio lowest rates. Fresh uiilniun, cod am rocklish recoivod daily- . , t Chocolate, ica-creain. enkee, i.'c, in tuo ovenine, for ladict, in jirivto rooms. COSMOPOLITAN RESTMT AND COFFEE SALOON, Noxt Door to Wells. Farso CoV, Matu St., Salt Lake City. UTho best llie Market aflords oookod in iirm-clafs stylo. MEALS, GO Cents. DUb.es sorted a la carte at moderate prices. If. II. IIobst, Proprietor. GALIFOENIA CHOP HOUSE AND OYSTSll SALOON, BERNARDIS & 8TEVEXS, Frop'rt, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Tbree door. belowSecoail South St., SALT LIKE OITT. Ol'liiV DAY AND NIGHT. lull - , PHILIP MARGETTS, Second South Street, Snlt Lake C117, WU0L113.VLK AD IICTAIL DEALLtt IN English and Scotch Ales, I PORTEK, STOUT, JOULE'S STONE ALE, 1 GLSVINE, j McKWAN'S EDIXBtRGIl ALE, ' A Sl'KCIALTY, ' on iln'UKlit. in any inntitv; also -t n-londid ' niortuii'nt of the bc-t. tobacco and cinare. Country doaler3 supplied; terms rcaaoniitde. I BREWER, BEMIS & CO., Ilagerbeer, ale: and pouter, i WHOLESALE AND RKTA1I-, I I-.nuilicsMin.iicdl'ytliomiarl.orin.iUJU- tltlCd to tlltt. 'I Clmleo Cigars nhi-y-i on linn.l; also. , ! LlmlmrKC.- and &w1-k tmcio lor 1 , Lunch, ami at wholesale, 1 (loddntd's Uuildinfr.baemont. Miiinslroot, oao door south ol k irst National Hank, j juj-1 1IUEWEIU LAPIIAn. LAGEU BEER SALOON I ' Y AO K S K tt ' S C ELE U RAT E D Imager Beer, Ale j AXD PORTER, Under Woodinansee'8 Building,: first door north of Welle. Fare's, i a-i0 H, TRtSDT t CO, CALIFORMA BREWERY SALOON, j Coiimioroinl street. I Lager Beer and Ak,ielwltmak and relax ju:j: HENRY WAGENER. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale nntl Hetall, Choice Imported .LIQUORS AND WINES, ' At Lowest Rate. IgROKSBKCK'8 BllLDISOg nn lCit Tip'e Street. E. MARTIN & CO. Wholesale Lip Dealers, 10!s Front Street, Sou Franclico. rV'Tnetors 'if niLLKK'9 EXTRA OLD BOCRUON And ;ole acent; wr ,i. F.CJTTEfl S fcXTAA OLD SJUHSON WHISKIES I Cja'iAciLf 00 iiinJ. a full iswrtineat of I all tho 1 Standard Brandt of WhUklts. 1 Flue Braiittltvi ' Foreign and Uomeiitlc Wines, j m'i Hltltvit Cardial!, c LUMBER YARDS-LUMBERYARD. YARDS-LUMBERYARD. DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS AVD ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. T. R. J0ES & CO., Half-a-block sonth of 0. C. Depot- EDDIKGTOX'S AT i 7 1 Two Blocks sou tli of t He U.C.R.R. 1 Depot, and next to Wm. .len-nlngfc' .len-nlngfc' Tannery. Tbo yard is kopt, constantly supplied by several saw-miUs wilh A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. aolioiti tho palrotmso of his old friends, aud by punctuality and diliaOQce in business hopes to merit a share af public Buppor'.. , FOR SALE In tho 15th Ward, one block and a hilf west of tlio U. C. R. R.. a Fiuall houso and half lot, with fine orchard. t-,r pgtiouli,,. ....mroof EM,1K8m UTAHAXD CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July 17, lSl. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Dealers in nil kinds of Building Material LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ALL KINDS MOULUiisiiS, CIIICO SUGAR PINK, CEILING, KIDING, FLOORING. CALIFORNIA RED WO OD, RUSTIC SIDJiYG, FLOORING, ETC, ETC., ETC. Orders lor Mill Timbers promptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Slain St., IWe doorrf south o1 Walker's AU business done through the President of tho Company. ! ODicoa-Luniber Yard, ono block south of Railroad Depot. E. II. BARnON, Preeidrnt. I). W. PARKHL'RST, Kocrciary. CHARLES DAHLER, JT"t Trpanurcr. $75,000 O TJ It It E 1ST C Y. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT Will ho given at INDEPENDENCE HALL, SALT LAKE 01TV, U.T., OCTOBER 3, 1871. DT CHURCH & CO. DnrlnR tl.c Concert 1,317 Oin will be dlstrlliutcd biiiouk tlekrt Uoldere amniKitliig to 87 J, 000 In Currency at follows t 1 Gift of Currency Il-Vfj i ..r-.o no a."XK)O0 i 2o on 1 ' i.xt oo 1'0 " iS 50 ' 5.i 00 w, ; " oo S) " 17.W) 00 1,317 Prires amounting t $T5.CvO 00 The 7' will be deposited in the First Naii-mal Hank of Utah previous to the day of drawing, TheIr.win5 will .ae and the fjrti 1 innM m .manner rrocily lillr U. lint of the Concert pn m Ma Krancnco. .a aid of the Mvrcantil LiL-ntry. nd unrfer the SupervHon f.f aComamieeofweUknown citUeas of Nlt Lak City. 00,000 Ticket will le sold at $4.50 each. The ticket will idmit tho bearer to the Concert. Ticklii rr j1 t H H' l'riucirl Lusinwi hottkts of th Tertnury. 1 All c.rJri for ticket and drafti W moury to be audited to CHURCH CO., ' T. 0. Bex W7 Blt Uke City. V.T. J : " 1 0 AT S FOR SALE by thsCAR LOAD OR RETAIL. , THOS. R. JONES Sl CO., I Hair.atl(Mk Sonth of r.C. Oepat. I fy F. H. SIMMONS, M.D., Patician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Oflice Main Street, el Three door north of Walker Bro's. THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OP Bacon, Ham, Grain, Salt, Etc., tWt paid for Dried Peaches. J. W. KNELL, ntcM Idaho Store. 2nd Smith Street. Jno. Taylor &Bro, MERCHANT TAILORS, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP oonEtrtntly on h-nd a Ve n.'sorj ment of t'KK N CH, KNGLISII and AMERICAN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of iho finest na:i!liio3 and Utctt atylos, which wo niHke up to order in tho most fashionabla and approved manner. erV.VTKONAGE SOLICITED BAKERY AJiD GROCERY STORE, W10ST S1DK COMMERCIAL STREET, Nc.r Second South Htr.tt, IS NOW IN" FULL Ol'EUATION Where bo .ill b. plaud to w.it ur-un bis rrieDil, ud(1 p.trona mtb i Everything In the above Line CHEAPER THAN EVER. GIVE HIM A CALL IN I1IS NEW RETREAT. TMWD Sewing Machines ' For Family and Mauufactiiriu? Purposes, EoiWly all that is new end norel in Sciu Machines. Tucy are the latest improTtd anl lishipjtrunninsr jhnttlo machine in the wnrld. Beautiful ana comracl iu nuclei and unexcelled n material and fiaish. Thy sw everything from lace to beaver cloth in the nosi perfect manner. Every variety of Hemming, Felling, dulltlng, Cording, Ruining, Piping, Pi-ping, TnblDK, Fringing, Htm Stitching ., ea.ally performed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels. No Vibrating Springs. Every tnichlae warranted n reire-tLteX Belenrooui on Klrat bouth street, 81 1 Lake Cltft oppoalte the Theatre, IRA PFOUTZ, MISCELLANEOUS. ! Are indorsed and prescribed by ruore ltad-inc ltad-inc PhwcUns man any other ton.- or stita-uiant stita-uiant now in use. Thev are a L'iiK PKh-YEVIiVi: PKh-YEVIiVi: lor Fever and Aeuc. Intermu-tents. Intermu-tents. Biiiousns and ah disorders ariiins from'miasm -tic cau e.. They are htjjhiy recomujCii'le 1 a an en ti -ay peptic, ln cases of indication are invaluaole kb an appetiser ap-petiser anil rteuperant. an 1 in case) ot General Gen-eral Debil.tr ihoy have ntver in a single iuftauce laiied in producing ihe tno't nappy results. 1 hey are particularly bcsefici .l to FtiiiLEs, flrsneihouioc the bojy, ii.vic- orniiae ll mind aud sivuis tone and eia--ti.-itv M t o wnole system, llie UUMt BITTERS are compounded with the trcat-et trcat-et car. aud no Ionic Stimulant has ercr been tiered to tee public so ileaSNT TO tee taste, and at too sains tiiLt cjiubminE so many remedial agents, indorsed by trio mtdical fraternity as the bet known to the Pharmacopoeia, it costd litllo to j;ve them a fair trial, and Every Fwmlly ataould have a Bottle We ak every one to read the folio wins certificates irom many of the nivit tiuineal physic iaos in ttie cuuui'y: . . Si. Louis. July ls7u. James A. Jacksos A Co.; Uen.ienieu As you have comuiunica-teit comuiunica-teit to the nieJ.eal proiftision tha rtceire ol toe "Home Bilters'' it cannot, tuerefore, be considered as a secret or patent medicine, no patent havihK bcn tkoa for it. c have examined tho fvrmula- lor marine the"iloinc Bitters," and unhe.-itaiinflly say the comoi-naiioa comoi-naiioa is 01.0 01 rre excellence, all the articles arti-cles uiLd in lU composition are- tlio boit ol the class to nlu-'h tlicy belune, being highly Tonic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Curmiuaiivc and fligily Laxative, Tho mode 01 prcpar-in prcpar-in theui is smcily in accordauco with the rulci ol pnarmacy. uaviuRUieu im-uj iu private practice, we take pleasuro in recom-mendiug recom-mendiug thorn to a!i persona ,deirous ol taking ta-king Bitters, as being tDo bett iunic and Stimulant now ouored to tho public. h C11 IIoIsumise, M U. U. t. IVMtr,, M.D, Atrr.tr. iifacoce, M.i'. C. uerke, m.D. Diuki McUOWiLL, M.I). C. A. Nark, M.D. J.U. WlilltillLL, M.D. I'll. O. V. V. Ludwio, E Cuulk M.D. B. 0. Myits, -M.I). W. A. Wilcox, M.U. Hueheri Phism, U. S. Marino Udf pital, St. Louis. ilo Oct. S, 170. J a. A- JAdoiN, i t'o. : i ha- e exum-iiioi exum-iiioi tho formula lor making the "Homo siumaeh l)mc.f,"and used tnum in tho lloj pitai for tho last four month.". 1 consider ihom tho most vaiuahle lonio and iilimu-lu.il iilimu-lu.il now in uso. L.Mr.u,.tn. St. L-U1S. July (i. iJ, 1. A-JACts-'S, i Cc : Having exjminul tlio furu.ul-i lr m wai.-h your ci-leLirjtcd"aiuuiLicn Bittei.t-."itrc prepared, prepa-red, havniB witnessed tuo UluttHKi ol cui-biuing cui-biuing mo dittcrcniuisrcilieiiiNWo cinsalvly recoajmoml tlicJi as tao ho.-1 touio witn whijQ vo ro acou.tiotcd. t roiu the grent caro with wh.ch they aro compounded, unl iruiu tnectioi.-u m.ncriuli Wuich cuter inlo ! them, Wo have no duuLl laat iho, will pro u, astliev deserve to ne, Uiu mst p -pul.r tojuo una ptiuiu ant iu uo. liCJi-eilui y I'ours, T. J. V 3ji.st, M 1'. I'.O. .oMalJCS, M.D, Wochcenu.ly concur with cverj word cou-taiuci cou-taiuci in the aoovu leaimouial. j"ll. CO-MLLMA.N, M.L'. Jvhn ll.ir.:MA,M.D. cms. Vvsiim:. .m.D. Juu 'I'.Tlmi'LE, -U.D- U.S. rt ALKEH. M.D. J--L'. Fbankli-S, M.D CINCINNATI, uct. 11', 1S7U. Mcrsrs. W ' Kt! edv .t Co,: Aleuts "'11 mu ii.licrs' ; Uenta Aireea:iio to your request, 1 mivo oiiimineu; tha lormula ol iho "lli uiu aiomach But em, and hud llie rumediui it e ntaiua ucu as are in gciiiT"! usu ly the Midical I'tolcssloii, ihuy in-ei!Cieiitilieaiy aud ,..eus.inily com-bium, com-bium, and as sluhuUilUs ionics wi.l io found c."ieCLally mliipted Hi C-.rrouor..n:s lo thu truiujeni of tow or neb.lilAicd rtimcj n tho ey stum. whellier iriun: iroui impimcJ 'li-Kestiou 'li-Kestiou or from maiurious diSvaacs. Dr. J, I.. VitTitr.s, 1.. A. Jawls, M. I)., Jl t. AVNK, UlU-tlli-t, C. T. !?1MI'IN, U. U., tt.T. Tiuui'ti.iw, M.D., S. I-. H"N.M-a, M.I)., J.J lillN.", M. 1)., C. Ml'-CH'JCT, M 1)., J. II. lilCHLV, M IL, ti. - UlOLLB, M. V., W. It. Moodhard, il. D., li. A. D-Jutiv,ll.D. ClllCAUO, Sept. ;!.). lsru,-J. L. oMitit, Es 1-; We have Biiuuinul the formula ot iliu"Cila-hrted iliu"Cila-hrted stomach Buiere," ana und it lo bo composed of artic.es ih it aro considered ihe best tonics used by tho Medical i'rules.-iou, aud one of tho best hitters we know oi iu use. cry reipeoiluily, H. p.. IImin, M. B. MeYic.iu, M. D., J.B.WalklIv, 0. A. Marls Lit, Norxan 3. Barnes, M. D. For Sale by all Druggl.ti . Grocer-. Jas. A. JAUKSON tfc Co., ProjVra, I.nboratorj- 105 A; 107 iJ. 2d St., jull4 St. LOUIS, MO. .A. To the Public of Utah Territory Ho it known thnl I have Ium Ji.v arpointeJ Mil. CHARLES W. STAVSkll, of Utah Territory, in net as aent for said Territory Ter-ritory fur thosale of tlio Great Mm Hair Restorer, and have given him Iho sole and exclusive right and authority to sell the eamo throughout through-out the Tcirilory of Utah; and 1 coreby certify that ho has for Bale thu genuine article, ar-ticle, manufactured br tho "CREAT UNKNOWN," Witness my hand at Salt Luke City, Utah Territorv. inn Twonty-Sret day of August, A, IL. 171. JJ". W. JFiOTVnVt. THE UK EAT tNKSOW.N. My oDiro is fur tha preiont at the Comfort Com-fort llouae, three i locks coulh of tho i'ow u-sedd u-sedd llouso, Salt Lake City. CHARLES W. STAYNER, ARmt for the GI1KJVT UNKNOWN HAUL UKSTOKJiU. euu'-i WATCHES & JEWELRY'.' O. L. ELIASON, EEiJS to inform tho rcsldonW of Bait Lake City and vicinity, thai ho not only guarantee? to properly He pair, CI can and Adjuat Watches and Chronometers, but he will make them, or any part of them, to order, and warrant the work. A yew supply of ELGIN and SWISS WA1CUES ju,t received, which he will ftmraiit'-o reliable Li me-keepers. Prices Lo dtfy cumpclitiun Rrmrmhor the rddre". Two dnnra (! or llooucr, Ividredge it to'i llAiik. TEHTIMON1AL. Ban FBAKnuro. July. lhTO. Wp, the nnJerfiirne'). Lake rrent pl"n:are in wimmendinK Di:. A. W. LALiM.K, to nil those who iair nri tho ervicc of a Dcn iit. a a tb'iroughly cumri"ifnt and skillful operator, and one in wtmm we have implii' confidence, both as a icntil and a gentleman- Dkp. Rckekts A 1'Br.Ki.AKH. Dentt'U, R. H. McDobald A Co.. Drucjri't. OFFICE In Seventies' Hall Building, rirftEwt Street. SALT LAKE CITY. JuZl C0AL!C0AL! ' llavlug purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to enpply this justly ctltnraied WEBER COAL ' hv car load or retail, littnt at L". C. ' H. it. Yard, oillctt fciclianirc and Heading Uoomi. BATEMAN & BU EL. I a W. II. BlRD,JIal. TRAVEL. I'.VERPQGL & QUEESSTCWa j IN MAX L INE; Of Royal !tlt Steamera, Slltit i from ew ork Every Saturday ; AXB j Alternate Tuesday. I Cabin Passaire, lo tiveii1'- ''' $7S.ni I Steerage ' " icut.) 30. UK 1 Passage from Liverpool to New York Cabin, - - (OolJl 75.01'! Steerage, - - (Co-reucy) 34.01' ' Roand Trip Tiokets issned at very low rale j JOnS O.DALB. Ap-m, I lb Broadway. New York. Or WU.UAM CALDKli, A tent, oi; Sli .r (Sir Vt. UTAH CENTRAL ilAILUOAl). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, On and after Monday, July IT, 1671 laily Tralut Leave Salt Lake City at f a m. and C:tf p.tr. . Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4:-16 p. m. Leave Ucdtn at 8 a. m. and 5:AJ p. in. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the abo o Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 5.3i p.m., and Ogdcn at o a,m, and 6 p.m. Para from Salt LaUe City to l'ass'cer Misi'J Wood' Cross - - t-1 .0 Ccntrcvillo - - "V , 1-i F.irmington - - ' ' Knysviile - - - 1 iii 0 Uiiden - - - - 1 5t Fare from Ogden to Kayeville - - - S 20 l-'urmiugton - - 1 U u Ceul evillo - - - 2 IVr 1 0 Vood3 Crot. - 1 1; tuk Lake City - 1 : PasaeiiQev will please I'lirchasi their Tickets at the Oitlcea. Fifty Ccnte additional will bo chnrged whet the faro U culieoied on iho u uiu. For all inlorinatloii eoncerning freiijhl o passage, apply to I). O. (-AI.OKK, General Freight and licket Ac t, JOHN SHAKP, feUPItlNTKNDr.ST GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TIUIOIKJII Utah, outh - east Nevada & Montana. Mon-tana. Leaviiigfs.it F.akf CIlyDally, run. "' -o.ith to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sc?ier, St. Goorpc, Utah ; and rioohc, Nevada ; 1'Httlng through Provo, Sprincvillo, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chiokeo Crcok, Round Valloy, KiU more, Corn Creek, Heaver, -Minern-villo, and All the prina)al tmons and mining camps insoutliern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Dodge, Cedar Creek mines, and pnsMiie through all the principal towns and mining min-ing Ciuups in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL. OFFICE, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, jun4 Salt Lake Cily. Len Winw. II. I Kimball. SALT LAKE. And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, RUKMNO DAILfc" FHO SALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, RTOCKTOH AND OPIIIIl TO TINTIC. The route Y.l l..-eu re-( !(; -d with n'en-did n'en-did C"nr.,r l O.-Lc-. fine Sf-rk. r;.ie'ul it 'I attentive liriverf and rvrrr atHntmn it paid to the oomfo- ' I oonvenience ol iwfn sera. Ooofi ucujtnmoJat'viOM vn the rood. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Offlca at Wells, Fargo Co.'s, IHalt Lake City WINES k KJMIiALU HARDWARE. ALL SIZES Iron, Cast Steel, Tee Steel, Spring Steel, BELLOWS, ANVILS, Vices and other Blacksmith Tools, AXLKS, Sriil.NGS, Carriage and Machine Bolta, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Carpenter's Tools, &c. sron, DI.1L13I & ro s Slain Street, West side, Next door to White House. LOW FOIS CASH jTaylor & Cutler, Arc foldout si many kinns of STOVES and have only a few left. They trnve a large quantity of HORSE & MILE SHOES, HORSE SHOE NAILS. A number ol Fairbanks' Scales, And thertmainiuE slock of HARDWARE Tinware, Etc., Which they are pull ins positively at ICOST. 1 Store OpjiOMle Salt Lake House. No oiM'.ts or due bills uken or time " given in llie Hardware store. auE26 SliSSASlDfS' IRON WORKS, CHICACO, ILL., Manufarlnrrra of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, in siir.Hs And Machimry fur Smelting Furnaces Contracts mado for building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah Fire Stone. Including Machinery, kc. not up in complete running order. Kefrreiicti Ku reka ,11 Inlng Com -uany, Salt Lake City) Utah Smelling Smell-ing C'oinany, Tlnflc. Addrcus . 6'. Richards, Chicnyo, OEBASSEIT. HARDWARE STORK All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, iron Stoves and Tin Ware U LACK. KM IT II TOOLH, Agrlr.nllnral lin1mrtita And Bl Inlng Tools, I At Lowest Hales. OI'POSITK SALT LA UK, nOtlHK nib l o Nil |