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Show TRAVEL, GILMER & SALISBURY'S OAII-V STAGE LINES TIIUOUUII Utah, South - fast Xcviulu & Montana, Mon-tana, Ltavlug Halt l.ko II y Dully, run-ulif run-ulif South to Tintio, American Fork, Mount NcLiO, iH.iviur. Ht. (ieoriM, Ut:ih ; and i'iuuho, Nevada ; i'niilitg through l'rovo, Hprinifvillc, Spanish Furls, Pay-non, Pay-non, Suit tWcrk, Uhwkua Crcuk, Hound Vally, Ml more, Corn Crock, H aver, Miuere-ville, Miuere-ville, atid All the principal town and mining camp in loutiiern Utah ami umtth-eatt Nevada. Alio leave Corlriue, Itftti, dally, rituulug north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Loer Lodo, Cedar Creek minca, and pa.sMi)K tlirouh all the principal townn and min-iuk min-iuk cam is in Moo-tana. Moo-tana. FIlliMCIPAL. OKK'CK, Wells, Mrgo & Co. Building lan4 Blt Lake City UTAH CENTRAL IIAILHO U. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ui KuilRltar nlondy, July 17, 1HT1 Dully Train Leavo Salt Luke City at 5 it. m. and 2:15 p.m. Arrive at Ok don 7 a. in. and -t: 15 i. in. LoKve Undon at H i. in. and5:.W p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City 1U a,ai. and 7:30 p.m In addition to tho abn e JUClECXKO 'X 11 A TJ 3 Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKDTED Leaviujr Salt Lnko City at 5. TO p.m., and Ondon at ft a.m. Paieiifrcre will plena Purohi thlr Tickets t the unices. Fifty Contfl additional will bo ohareod whor the dire is oollectad on the Lraiu. For all tr format ion concerning froiiiht or luunaKO. apply to P.O. CALDKll, Hon oral Freight and Ticket Asj't JOHN SHARP, SDPTCaiNTESDENT Lon Wines. 0. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, MA Tintic Stage and Express DAILY ft'KUAl SALT ' LAKB CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOKLK CITY, STOCKTON AND Orillll TO TINTIC. The route has been re-stocked with irlen-did irlen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stot-fc. caioful and ttonlive Drivers, and overy attontion Upaid to the comfort n 1 oonvonience of passea-r. passea-r. Good accommodation on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Otne t Walla, Furijo Co.'i, Snlt Lftki City, WINKS & KLMBAJJj, i Proprietors. uTah Southern RAILROAD. Un ami nftcr January 11, 1M1 " MIXED TRAINS WILL IH. TTJNT DAILY. Iamviiic the Huh Comr.il 11. R. Depot, iviit i-isc City, at 7. 1't.i.ni.; l'niper 5. V p.m., ;uid ivtuuy cutt.-n, i nearest point to Lmie l'.u.in.i.'.i i.:.'a.) it 6. -0 p.m. An ci;.J in:.a will Kun on Mnuiays L-Mvin,; Draper at Nl1' a.m., s-niy at y. 10 a.ui., Cfalt lUti City at 4. H' p. m. t'Ali l - : hK to Cottonwood S'.V.ijn, I'Vt' l.i::ie " " rrviii " is " " " l.-ier " 1-3 Tw-r.-y-fiv? t?3;; 'il U be rars waea the ure u culie-;.ea on the uaic D. O. CALDKK, lien. Freisat -d Ticte: Aiont. KKHAaoitZ L1TTLB SC PSBJXTSS D XT. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. ... . lltO.V AivU s i kkl i Wilt XI rLOI 'T, CUT AXU KOLNU, ?'r !i.,u-:i:!s frfii mini;:K "h'-H.; r r; .1 inline, j Krry rii:.', "iuy . ..j, f-jr ir.i:iJUiitiniK ; MunuaeturUu a.oj Lwjlh or Size. Wire Itope U much thrupcr, IlKliter ah. I ill ore !iii'iililc tliun any Ulllcr Ulittl of Rojie. Ilalliiiifi's Kmlie Hire Hujie Way, K'r tin; r!i I and fcCniiotiiical tr.imi ortation ul'Ori;- au l -.'.Smr u:.Hi;ri.il.-j over i'j un'-:tiu-ru! iind Jiili 'iiit ru.i-lj. iriecureJ hy L. fiuntj. Ulau, F-ir tran!tiittInK .u-cr ami l7 which the ruJ0 u uniCjLiroi a lid cauitut slip. SK.HO t'Oll ClKCt'LAUH, Ancney of t';e 1'ACIi'IC Wiro & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OF CALIFORNIA,) All killed unj ."iici of Vt'iro. conutantly on huaJ and iiinuiautiircd to order, A. S. HALLIDIE. 51;i Front tiU, ban Franci;ci, nil L'iilit'ornia. Micuasl Kisk. T. N. Wand. WAND, KANE & CO., ;(Succcisori to Hunter, and Co.) Importors and Wholesale Dc.ilors in IIES AXD LIQUORS. PropricU.-a of ilunter'u California Wlioat 'Wlilfciils.oy. Also Auonts for Joseph S. Finch's colobrated I'cnndi'lvania RYE WHISKEY 007 009 Front St., near Jackion, SAN FRANCISCO. my,1 J. KVJEU15IX & c;o., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4H Cluy St., San Francleco, DICALEIIS IN OREGON PRODUCE. Are com ta nlly Id rccoii't of Ore eon Ilaois, D&cod, Latd, tfalinon, Ac. Starch, of our own and KiiMcro manutactnre Uwayi on baud. LOCKE & MOmClIE, ihpohteks or, STOVES METALS, IIAXUFACTURKIIS OP AND DEALERS IS House Furnishing Hardware Tinner's Tools and Machines; AOBXTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 114 and 11 Unttery Street, iu7 SAN FliANOISOO. CHENERY, SODTEEH & C0, Importora and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AlfD LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, Sail Franclavo. WllMERDISQ & KCLL0G9, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 210 FKONT STliEET, SAN FRANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers oT Forcicn and Domestic Do-mestic Funoy and Ktailo DKY GOODS. Dqyot of Goods Manufactured. at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. S'43 Jt 547 Market St., San Fra ujlS Paris : 23 Ruo Do L'Echiqu J. BAUM & CO., Importors and Manufacturors of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING S33 Sanaome St., San Frnnclaco 43 Murray St., New York. MURPHY,GRANT&GO. Importers of American and European Slaple mul Funcy DRY GOODS, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attontion of tho Trado to their large and completo stiwk of FALLUND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they arc now rccoivinK direct from Kuroiiean Manufacturers, comi-risins in rait French DIerlnos, Wool Satlnea, Wool Pla.1.1., fiSch eU Gortaaa, lrlth and Frencli Popllm, Kmprcn Clotlie, Tamlae, Hack and ecloroi. Alpaca, Mack and colored, SILKS, VELYETS, RIBBONS, ALSO G-IL. O V IE S , Kid. Back. Berlin (Ladies'. Miiios'.OcnU') . Gents' Underwear r i 1 Gents' Furnishing GdocSs lI.-lrry,oi sv !'':o iu til ita lt.i:.cL.a W Ulie tioo.l. llnmlktrtlikf., Slilriin Linens. liuili., il- C'-!' n.!." 1 L)muk, I rv s i - rj ii; 1 11, i, be i ToncU, lhi.-fc. t; Tnfc,!). ! .N-M'fu anl Ooylici, r ! .( Kit.. Kic, Kt. Ij.NU. U. IIODGE &C0. j IMI'OKl'EItS i "J iWholesaie Stationers i J Ep Ui Urest :cck 1 I Statlrr-. Blank BooUs. .hox I 1 Udok, Plytn Card, Wrap. 1 j plug Papera, j TiciVits, FocMt Cut toy, tic, dc On Ih Ffc- Co.-s:v!i r-purd tov f'.-r bajen aajL;.-e ft f Ll j Kocky ilccati;aj. 37, 329 & 331 SA"S0:-1 STREET! I Bill 9 a Traacuco; GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, DANTE L G REN1G, At his old stacd, East side East Temple St, Wishes to inform his numerous friends acd ratruna that he hu a Full Assortment of filERGEJANDISE Usually kept at liw Store aiul Bakery, And sells them REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PBODTJCE Of all kinJ. Bought "1 Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order. GLOBE BAKERY, Knat Temple Street, flrat door north of Co-operative Grocery Department. GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Huns, Cakes, lJles, Crackers, Etc. Fino Tarioty of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale and KetMl. Groceries, Flotur, s:, Feed, &c. Special Notice! II. WALLACE Respectfully roturns his thanks to his numerous nu-merous customers for tho liberal pntronatjo l)esloved Uion him and trusts that strict attention to basin ess will merit a continu-unco continu-unco of their farors. ON mONDflY, FEB. 5th, I will have moved from East Tomplo Streo to my 3STE"W STOKE On First South Street, Next duor to Mrs. Steohouso'a Willincry Establishmoat, Where I will have a very choice stock of Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. Raisins, Nuts, Figs, i Oranges, L, cm oiis, Limes, And a general assortment of FANCY GROCERIES, Retracts, Pomades, Hair OH, Fancy Soajh JCtc, Etc S-Do not forget my New Store, First Sou tli Street. I Wo hio JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, EDglish Breakfast Tea, Which wo will soil WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. . TAYLOR & CUTLER, ' -t'liat Temple Street.1 aos26 Grain, Flour& Feed DEPOT, J, Muin S t re .-t. Si. L. City, j A full supply of -jtau-j Ccrti, States and Valley Oats, I Ground Wheat, Ground Barley, Corn i Meal, (yellow and white,) Cracked Corn. MiddUntrs. Shorts. Bran, j Graham, Buckwheat and Kye I'lur, L'tuli Barley, Seed I WlKat, Norway Oats. '': Beans, 1'otatoes, Etc. I .A (rent for iA'-ka's XX and XXX Family Fioux and Hes$' North Cottonwood , W V and XVXV ri CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, J West iiie Main street, S. L. City. 'I P.5. 5 ent- wholesale j buyers, o ceo Mme Be MEUDON DANDOURT, Teacher of Music and Pianist Speaks English, German and Froncb. AJJresa throogh P.O. Salt Lake City lit! Patronize Home Mmtry ! XT T.A. HI GRMKER FACTORY TTJ.E undersigned are now prepared to . furnish tho trado and tho public with fresh Craokors DAILY. Butter Crackers, Picnic, Soda Crncltei-B, U os ton Crackers, Ginger Snaps. MORTON & CO., Eastsido Main street, near 3rd South GLORIOUS KEWS For the Ladies ! MRS. COLEBEOOK . Is now SELLING OFF At her New Store, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF HATS A.ND BONNETS To make room for Spring fashions. dl5 SILVER ASD PLATED WARE Wo have JUST RECEIVED An elegant assortment of Choice Silver and riateil Ware, Combining the USEFUL au.l o li :s- .V3i t: -s-1 vi Abu Ltic tIacc uf our XMAS NOVELTIES All cf which we oucr at a Small Anviiucc on Cost. -j 'retail DRYGOODS DEP;1 z. c. in. . i-2 fl. B. CUitsod, 6apL MISCELLANEOUS. THROUGnTlIE- I BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. 1 Ire now reccivinn an immenso lunntity of Sl'LKNnlD Winter Dress Goods, Dry Gooils, ' Ribbons, Furs and Notions, also CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY Confectionery, Fruits ai3 Kits. Tllli , BLEES SEWLG MACII1AE ' SALESROOMS Arc now open ind roploto with a full assortment as-sortment in all styles, acknowledged by all to bo ouq o( the best Micbinos of the day.. Call and examine before pitrdiasing Teasdel & Cos GKEHNTTS' FURNISHING DEPT Is now Ol'on ono door south- of tho EukIo llouso. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes Carpets, Oil Cloths & Watting. Ladies will do well to examine our stook SHOES, EOOTTEES, SLIPPEItS, &c.t &0.. Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE 65, 07 and G3 East Temple St.,We3t side. JnyW RAILROAD SHOPS. .A.. HOPPBE Second South Street, Half Block JCaat ttercr House, SALT LAKE CITY. WAGON CARRIAGE WOItK, Of all Descriptions. BLACKSmTHIHG In all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. coach piiyjiM, I: AND GABRiAGE FAlHTiNO A SPECIALTY. COACE AND CARRLAGJ IH11IJIINU. I Horse Slioeing ! In a Srle to suit all MISCELLANEOUS, iintr Arc in roccipt of the new editions 1 oi tho Standard Authors iach complete in ono royal octavo vol., bound in tho most approved style, and at tho Unpreceieitei Low Price or , Cloth extra - ?-2.00 I Library Slice) - -2. 7.) Wo have, to select from, tlio linc-sl rikI l;iri,'et stock of I SCHOOL HEVARDS : Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing tho publications of L. Prang & Co., T. .Nclun & iions, American Tract Society, &c. OurStock of i MUSICAL GOODS ' Is complete, and consists, in part, of 01 tho latest improved stylos ; O IR, Gr-A. 3ST s Of tho best inakors ; T X eo hi jo. jw From Italy, Franco and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeous, Concertinas, Harnionicans, Received and expected daily, a largo and splondid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which ice offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city. FOB $125. Fiyo Octavo, Double P.ecd, Five Stops, (Viola, Diapason, Mcloda. Flute, Tremulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, ono of four feet pitch and ono of eight foot ; from prepared metal1 and riveted with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellowa. Solid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carvod antos. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. We respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our goods For the Holidays. ! V7 r? r (.: ST T r-? iiv ;:3 li viJ 1 AXD I i he :bc cn;i.ic:e to the TAberujclo. I JM! . V'(:(i, - Op'-'t ft''hi 'J a.uu to t p. ui. 1 A'ailve Jllnereli, Pe t rlfncl loni, Con-crctloiiB Con-crctloiiB m.ml Cry(ftllutlui. ! Home Products, .Vifire nnd Foreign Cu- j Compound Electro-Mien-: tic Appa- j TtLLS, i.C Prof. J. Ij. BA11KUOT, .TtuiiSr. - Scholi ari FarciHs by privt ar-1 ar-1 rmseaionu admit Led a: reduced rLci. a. o 9 o o o singer Scwin.a: Jachiiios wtn: SoJA witliin the p;tst year. Scicntijic American, Juno lO'.h, 1S71. THE SB KSER Ma tm die t mi n Compa ny , A.T THE "WIOXjTD'S FAIR Constituted by tl.o homes of iho;coplc Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And havo left all rivals fur behind them, KOH TIIKY Sold in 1870J;27:833 Machines ! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "The inasnitudo towhicb. tho mar.uf icturo ofsowiiiK mai'hincs has attained is shown j ho "mavoi ii" returns tto which any ono cm havo access) of tlio manuliioturors tur ho year lfiTd to the owners of tho leading Patent", on whi.di they pay a rujuliy. A,--lording to these returns tho number of nuiohinos told by each mauuiuoturor in lsTu ii ls follows: rite Singer - IJ7,s;iJ Florenco - - 17 uji iV heeler i Wilson - .-' tildMedal - - - sVl? l.two - - - 7o.l;-; -,,11.1 5i,t Irovor &. Dakcr - - fii.l"2 L.npiro - ;;,-(, iVocd - - - 'Syn- Huklo ii Lymi - - 2 I ) H'ileos & tiibbs - t,:i l'.irhiim ..... j'- moricanl;utto!ihole .t Overreamitis 1-1, rnJ ilson .... And several other companies who bold a few machines. It will bo soon by this tablo that tho populanty of tho Singer mncltliic far ci. i:eeiln tlint of oil othern, their sale beinc one-hnlf gi-nntvr than even that of ho famous "Wheeler & Wilson" machino. This is owing to tho fact that tho Singer Llompany have lately commenced inakinrt, besides their old nnd well-established manufacturing machino, what is known as their "'cv Knmil- Alucltine," uhkii U nclilng at tlie rate of nine to one better limn tlietr old style. Thotr total to-tal saloa for lSd-J woro 8o,7Sl uiachinos auainst tho 127,SJ of 1S70, lowing nn Increase of one-half lu tlie latter year." "Hew York Sm." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, NOW NKAPLV THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Macliines E3olcI, AND Were made wtfltlu (lie inst lliree yearn. Rut tho Greatest In' reuse of our Suits over all Oilier Machines, living Wllliln tile I'nst )'er, Tllli la Iucoulcfttlblc Proof that Our Machines Arc tho Uem in tho World. THE NEW FAMILY SLXGER SEW1JVO MAC11ISE With attachments for all kimh of work. Is last winning supremo favor in tho household, as shown by tho rapidly increasiof aalc3, over all other machine?. lh is Aew family Dlnutilne is noivcapablo of a range and variety of w.-rk such ai was only recently thouuht impossible to perform by machinery. Wo claim aad can show that it is tho cheapest, mo.st beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, easily oporatod, speedy, and smoothly ruuniiiK of all tho Family iauwinn Mxichinos. Ii iaromark-ablo iaromark-ablo not only for tho range and variety of il.s sowing, but also lor tho rnrioty and different dif-ferent kinds of texture which it will sew with cj.ual facility and perfection, usin( silk twist, linon or cotton thread, lino or cuarso, making the iutcriitckvd-eluiitlc-ttiitcli, aliko on both sides of tho fn brie smvu; the mly stitch which is universilly approved, or is at all adapted for lli si-clnsa work. Thus, beaver cloth, or loiiuer may bo sown with great strongth cod uniformity of stitch, and, in a momoat, this willing and nover-wearyioK instrument may bo adjusted for lino work on guuio or Rummer Rum-mer tissue, or tho tuckiug of tarlatan, or ruffling, or almost any other work even by a child which delicato linBern havo boon known to perform. Kvn tlie careleia and tliouglitlea Have little or no trouble on lUit machine. Send for Descriptive and Price CircuOin, Wemanufaotureour own needles, silk and twist: furnish linen and cotton llirraj and oil all of superior iualitv but which can bo relied on only when obtained; throujik I our Principal orBranoh U Aloes, or Agencies. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FKEE TI1B0UQU0UT Tllli CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to corao and boo tho Machine, whether thej wish to buy or not. See all oiUcm, but do not buy without you examine the Singer-Visitors Singer-Visitors always politoly attended by competent attendants. Instruction fre All Machine uerfccil adjusted before delivery at t SINGER SEWlfi MACHINE BEP'T, Z. C. Iff. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of EaK!o Emporium, Walt T.alto CU.v, Utah. 11. B. CLAWSON. Suiicrintcnent. Have on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer "V" E H"5rT L O "W PEICES, FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF TIIEATKB th!K JAMES JJAQDE, Jun. J. 2. ilAOliE, OEOliaE UAOUI Griin Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, LATE JAMES HAGUE, Importero r.nd Donlera In GUIS, AII.MAIIION.'TFISIG TABU Elc. W W Klc. Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS KEA1LY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. Z. C. I. !. BOOT AND SHOE TUB "lOZOr OO1!?1." . Every Ety!e and qualilj of Boota and Shoes 5IAD1) TO ORDER, satii&:. boo rruaranlced. ALWATS ON DAN D A L.VRC.E AND CHOICE STOCK OP IME-MADE i.MPcuiTED BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL A5S0KIJ1ENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather |