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Show LOCAL NEWS. CommorciaL Salt Lake City, Keb. 8. G'jU. fiuyinz, luTi; selling, 1 10. Col William M. Johns respectfully respect-fully declines 10 hi an aspirant, for any cilice. Kxtkn-sivje Aimtioj.-Sale of Fur.-mturb Fur.-mturb by TnuiiW, Suturduy, Yv. in, at lij o'clock. Li;ijAL. The cird of cx -Governor Jh.iQ, m attorney-at-law, office 3' First South street, will be found in the Hkuald Uiia morninfj. Governor Mann's abilities are well known, and: require no special endorsement. Large stock of nno and heavy boots at Siegel lire's. o24 "Wanted a Girl to do general Housework. House-work. Knquiro at Mr. Tlios. Taylor's 1 1 L 1 1 Ward. f-J. Pn kknoi.ouv. Prof. Fowler's Publications Publi-cations for Bale at Dwyer's Book store. II. Overcoat", atco.-t, atSiegel Bro's. olO (in to tho Cry. Uil 1'iilacc, 76 Main (ti-.vl, for Funutur.-, B.'oduin; Crock-crv, Crock-crv, China, Clu?.-. Silver ware aad household house-hold g.'ods Kenvmlly. U17 FURKlTURE. Just received, at Henry Dinwoodey's, ix0 CASE SEATED CUAIKii. To bo sold very cheap for cash. jl7 PRIKD rKfcCllKS. WO EDftll give til highetl price f"r clin, well driet fruit, at our l'rovifion Department at .J no. li. CifWaiiii', wt-t oi "1 iieaire. au4 11, B. Clawsoj;, Supt Professou I'ratt had anothe largo audience last night, though i was not so numerous as that o Wednesdjy evening; the condition c the streets doubtless keeping man awiy who would othcrwiso have al tended. The concluding lecture wa fully as interesting as the preccdin one, and was listened to with marke attention throughout. Choice Missouri APPLES at wholesale. Inquire of C. It. Barratt, 78 Main street. jltj Ocr Boot-fittkrs Dun ford & Sons. f 7 1 Cutting & Co's California Canned; I Fruits and Jellies are the best in the 'market. Ask your grocer for thorn. I j 69 Largest stock of clothing nt Siogcl j Bru's. blO yineFurnishing Goods at Sicgol Bro's oil) TnK "(Irkat Unknown" is exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed' and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j3 7 NOTICE. W & ' T'UK l.iw r.irtiicr'hir hrrrtore esi'tin httween Th..m.v fitch and . A. -Man: J ii this day dis.'olved. f ITCU X MANN. 1 Eait Lak City, February il, bTi. fc ft I DKPAUTt'RES AND ARRIVALS Jy Wim ol Kimball & Stages. Lento Office of Wells. Fargo A Co- daily, M" uu.; fcrrneal 4 p.m. Feb. S. FROM OrillR STOCKTON A CAMP FLOYD. S Greenwald, E J Evan. TO OPllIE, STOCKTON A CAMP KI.OYD. Mrs Cedarholm, H R Pwuia, S-iml Bethell, D K iiush, Jos Uiark, Win. Kilty: " ogden directory. " First-class Business Houses. MERCHANTS, Witlker Brothers, Z ion's Co-op. Mercantile In el It ill Ion, J nines Ilnrrock., C. WandmaiiNrc, F. AucrbacU d Bro. HOTEL. Ogdeu House, Johu Malion, Proprietor, LI VERY STABLE. D. G . Xchou, Proprietor. nlO 21 nnn jo-ttx J.UUUlRSN AND STEEL At C. II. Uassett's. Opposite Salt liJt Uouit, Emerald Hill Mining Company. LOCATION of Works, Salt Lnko County, Utnh Territory. Notido is hereby piven that nt a meeting of tho Board of Trustees of s'id Company, held on tho oloventh day of January, 1S72, an ftSiifssment of twouty fivo cents por share was levied upon tho Capit.il Stock of said Cotoi'nnr, payahla immediately, in coM and silvercoin, to rh- Secretary :u the Ofiico of the Company, Room No. W, Merchants E.t-chsncc, E.t-chsncc, Cli.foraia iLrct, San Francisco, California. Any Stock upon which paid assessment shall remain unpaid on MONDAY tho Nineteenth Nine-teenth day of February, 1S72, shall be dcomcd delinquent, and will bo duly advortiscd for sale lit public auclion, aud unless payment shall bo inarlo before, will be sold on THURSDAY, tho F.mrUcnlh day of March, 1872, to pay tho delinoucnt assessment, together to-gether with, costs of advertising and expenses ex-penses of the sate-By sate-By order of tho Board of TruBtoea. F. MADGE, Secretary. OQico No. 61, Merchants Exchnnce. California Califor-nia ijlroct. Sun t'rancifco California. c -, i a- P-h CD o -? cc s I UJ I ca bdD rt ZD -i l c S pq CC S g O Cj 1 5 e 'S j i . z : w . s S 1 3 CD Gov'r Woods VETOED inE CONVENTION ACT! But still allows .T. Diiynes & Co. to soil PI A1TOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, USD L-njthing hi ihir Lint AT CUJCAl'KIl BATES THAN EVER BEl'OllE OFFERED IN UTAH. Any one buyii:ij tho "WILSOV Vs-in(f Vs-in(f .M ai liirio of l ii fiii t an miv Twciitv-livo Twciitv-livo DtiUiiip, nnd if not .-tmeJ with tho bftrirain can rotnrn it within one month and have their money refunded. Closing oat WITCHES AAD JEWELRY BELOW COST, To make room for inotbor ol. o( goods. CALL AND 6EK US. J. Day.xes & Co., Two doon eat of Poit Office., ' SALT LAKE CITY- MISCELLANEOUS. S. T.-1SG0-X. ONWARD ! 1 THE medical revolution which commenced com-menced years ago with the .cmuual i disuse of bloud-Ii'tting, salivation, drastic purgatives, and powerful opiates, opi-ates, goes bravely aud gloriouy ou. Every day the sick grow wier. They aro no longer wiihng to open their mouths, shut their eyes, and take whatever what-ever the doctors arc iieacd 10 prer-cribe, without inquiry. They want to know the Dature of the uiedieiues they an1 desired to swallow, and demand lo have the mysterious I.atiu lingo of the profession translated into plain Kue-lish. Kue-lish. The Invalid World uirl erst n nils at last that VIGOR is the great antagonist an-tagonist ef disease. The i'ee'. le decline to be utterly prostrated by ilopleii'ig pills and potions, aud turning trom such luendicamenis wiih L-.ithiiic, judiciou!y place their tru: in a remedy reme-dy which combines with the ropeii:c-of ropeii:c-of an Alterative those of a pure anu wholesome Tonic and Kestorative. It is now about ticelve years fiucc tlii.-grand tlii.-grand desideratum was introduced under the name of PLANTATION BITTERS, and from that time to the present it progress has been ivuhout a parallel in the history of proprietary medicines. With the spirit of the sugar cane the most nutricious of all stimulants for its basis, and medicated solely with the juices and extracts of rare vegetable specifies, such as Calisaya Bark, the best known Tonic that the world produces, pro-duces, and which makes it by all odds the most unobjectionable invigoram, corrective and fiencral alterative that has ever been placed by science within the reach of the sick, the suffering, and the despondent. Hence it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation Bitters is to day the most popular popu-lar Tonic on either side of the Atlantic MEXICAN MDSTA5G LiSMl FOlt MAX A-Xl) JiJSAST. Probnfely few articles hnvo ever had so extensive a sale, while none have been more universally bonclicitU than tho celebrated Mexican Mustano Lixt-mkst. Lixt-mkst. Children, Adults, Horses and. Domestic Animals, arc always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no' family can pass a single season without some kind of tin emollient being necessary. neces-sary. It becomes a matter of importance import-ance then to securo tho best, Tho merits of the AIkxicax Mustang Liniment aro well known throughout, the habitable world, i'roiu the million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has ever reached us. It is recommended re-commended for Cuts, UruL-es, Sprains, Rheumatism, Swelling, Bites, Chilblains. Chil-blains. &c., upon man, and fur Spavins, Founders, King-bono, Poll Evil, Scratches, "Wiud-Ua.lls, lloolulo, Jsc, upon horses. IMPORTANT Ti) OWNERS 07 HOUSES. "This is to certify, That tho Mcxicnn Mus-tacg Mus-tacg Liaiuionihaji boon uxten.-ivcly u.-oii in our subloi throughout tho country (we hnvu 2.5a! horses) with Lho Kro;ilcst, benelit iu casos of gulls, kicks, srrains, laiucno-s, si-.S-OC38. etc. Many of our uica hm o h;ni occa,--ion to use ic in thoir ta-jjihcs. Had all sjicjk of it in tbo hig icst termi. Quo of our men not kickc-i aud badlr cut ami biuiscd; as us-1 ual. tho Mustang Liniment was rcfoitcd 10; tho Inuioijojs was rouovcJ. aud ho wiii almost al-most well in four dnye. W0 aau cheerlully recominend u as a valuablo pi oimralion lor man or boast. Yours rospoclfulir, J. il iNXIXl, Forotuii of Adams & Co's. lxi's. tiiablea, "To tnko pr nt I'lcasurc in rccounturdinB tho Mexican .Musi:inn Li ni in out 113 ;iu imiia-pcnsablcand imiia-pcnsablcand viili:;i'ile nrlK-ii-, and the best we have ever usod fur Sinuns, Sure or Halls on horse-s. Some of our uiuo have al-o used it for scvoro burn - and sore., as well as rheumatic j.ius, and nil any it acts 1:C masio. J. U. HEWITT. .rnian. For American Exprees lo., 10 Wall t-treot; tlardcn's Exircsn Co , ?l Hron hvay; Puiiph Vinril & l-'o., Exiiross Ci , 11 Wall Strci-VfcllB, Strci-VfcllB, Fargo & Co., 14 W-.ll Street. Over three hundred livory stables in tho city of Now York alouo aro usiiig the ilEXiCAN AIustanu Lim.mk.vt, in all of which it givos unusual sutis'l'ac-tion. CAUTJOX. Poino unprincipled parties hftvo under- i taken to counterlcit it is biniincut. The I genuine is wruppod in a lino ".Slui'l Plnic" encravios, with "G. W. Wcisthronk. Chciu-ii-t." and "Trade Murk, MEXICAN HVS-TAKO HVS-TAKO LINIMENT," oiitrnivod ncrosa tho fnoo of each wrapper Tliu wholo hour's the proprietors' privtu Uniud titntej lievenui'i Stamp, and not a cotuuiou Mawp, as utoii by druggists. Lyon Makuhaotubivq Co., d27 i'ri- i-iuo. N. Y. O. S3. R.. JEL. February Is!, S7. SAN FRANCISCO AND WFUMtN 0. LE.VE LE VI j , AIOOVB ) AltiliVlT Mi,m ;nnii..&iii Finn.. 8.:Uipai 22)vm 4 as " 7 as " ..OnhlFM .. I s.( " 1 5'f ' 4 10 " 7 HI 11 ..9m Jow.11j8.:t0 " ! 2 M - b'Sb " 8 -Jb " Ni 7 l7 liC- ( i'r, iT 8 4S 11 6ii " .ttt.ickii .: 4-07 " I '1 (,7 1" ' " H'M"" -Bacruu-euto.: aiMpm; 7 l.'.ni AKILIVE AEI,I I I LEAVE I LEAVJ SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, P,EN3 AND 0(D:.N. I1.A K AKR1VX 'i W pui .Sacmnirnto, 2r. ; n, 6 16 " ...Lkilfsi... lUiuno 13 ib niL. . fteuo I 2 0 " 3 V " fWinuoiuin-cn 4 lb pm 13 00 m ;BBitloMouui 1 2i " 4 4(i?ti. .. ; lk..,, H IJinra t vKL ''kvH' Ex plnnnt Ion. For tran runninir "from" S.in Frnncinn. take tho I if 1 h ;i n J r'-himos and rend dcrtn-wardf. dcrtn-wardf. or "Ejivi.rd." For train' lunnir,. 'Inwards' Sun Fr'in-cisco. Fr'in-cisco. lako :ht richi band column 6 and road upwards ht "WeMwuiJ." 'Sundays excepted. trine day only. A. n. TOWMt, t. Q. OOODMAN, Oan. Bnpt : Oan. P-o'gt ftn r.t 1 cL The Flace to Buy GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, A n n PANEL DOORS, hoi Quality sii'J I'rtec, Imported or Home-made, IS AT LATIMER. TAYLOR C0!5 I I'LA.NIXO MILL, Sash nixl Uocr Kac.lorj One block wt orTabcrn-i"i . dlT j SAM FRANCISCO TRADE. ' S. L. StiiiloJ-, John SprtuuiM, C.C CUfua j Spruance, Stanley & Co., Su.vw-.ts to II Wrltf r 1 Co. and J. t J.SprtMBce I ldjoikri aad ftboleBaJe IwaJeri ta WINES AND LIQUORS, j 410 FliOMT STRKKT. j A. C. OIETZ & CO. j ikroKTias of OILS, I Varnishes and Lamps, j No. FilOXT SIRKKT. B.I ji -n.11.-nio A I'ifcroU, S.n Pr.ncl.e. 5. M&RTiH &, CO. ! Wholesale Um Mm, iOB Front Street, Sn Frnclieo I I Proprietor of 1 Sll L LKK'S KXTKA OLD BOVRBOS And sole agontj for 1 1. F. CUFTtR'S EXTRA OLD B0UK3ON WHISKIES j Con.(.nilj on han.i. a full as.oriment of Staurtnrt! Brnntlt of WhltkUt, Fin Branillti Foreign nil Domrnlc Wlnti, jnS Ulttera, CordUli, Ac, J. C M E U UIL L : ( O, COMMISSION MERCHANTS am nd SOfl Cn.Ilforiila St., vrh Ktjntiica, - . t alirornl. j Particular attention paid to the filltnr of r.i(lra lor very doaoription oi morohandiso, dJS Snli of Orn, Ac, 1. J. GKIFFITH, D.lt I. J-2J? 1 kind, 01 PICKLED cfc M(MHX SALMON AND HERRINGS. ia3 WaihlnRionSlrtct. All klndt of Driod, Smoked and Ptokled rtih comiautljon hand. On Market. Now MntKomory and Booond Sirccls, --i phawoisco, cai., JOHNSON i Co., Pbopribtorr. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. U 68 I . ' :-:-, X ": - 1 1 j?. tHI GREAT CALIFORNIA VE(i E'J A1LE BLOOD PUK;FiH. "? r.n in THE Ml lthA m:vda C.lsur-t. ..,;., , ,-. i-r). J. ki...v:, t., ihc i,n.li.lllfl l: 41,-durt ,-.t,- . rtMMi.MA- iie-y. i.-.)i:r, N-.i ui.ni nt..i .:!.).- it, .j,s W1,v 'r-ri-n-ihx- .r-.-i, uiii-.i-lti-s oi rlic h.,.:i. bciniot; h.i a! ti-tijiili lin.iutu JC IiKhl u virtues, ami r, llu- llllt.nl lici h hiis eduii-.ttinde.l YK1IISA S A . l A. i-rnim-rali'-n l(.r lho I'EK.M AM: NT CUKE of Horofuln, Snll Itttainu, ami all lLrU-tlv lLrU-tlv ami Culmifom Ulatr. (Jive iinmr-liftte ntid iHTiiumont rdlrl in I'VMV J'.sU. Ellll'KI, . Un.K or,, T..t...n.. So.ld Huad,. l-h.r w"lf t'yrcs; oradi-atw (turn LhLulu a. I 'raraa ol" uiorcitriiil di:oaic. IT IS PUfitLV VtU'SL, It ie iborcfure rcuhar1 Kuiinl.l fT ntt i,j fcinri U-9 n;v "in lilnsii ,if a ULO'jU J'UKl. KIEHand ItENuV.luK. MOTIlfc'.KS 'Vhrj wish tl tin-l a mvd'in, .raulinr't adMi':;l o ti tenou' ill i Al 1 jK. uiui Killip-Ili'.Nb Killip-Ili'.Nb in tj.,ir lu.driiH, w II Ln-i a enle nnd KiirocuroiL EKUa 6aMA. nT e everywhere. UKUlN(iTUN, IIUSTKTTKII A ( (' (t"H flaw fitil 53J nrklit Sivii Krunrfiro, REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. IiQimrtur. and JnMirre of FOKKION AM nitlRMTIO dims m tiiii.v.ic,iLs Fine i:eiili ii ()U, (.it Iloot, Stcili, Kluuern, iionjri, Skim, 1'oinaittN, Ac, And all otbtr Biaides O'mnrrtM wiih (hi Wholocale and Itetaii I'm llur-inr ConFtantlr in roceij.t, lir due; I lui ortati'm. - of European and Apiitir j.ruduct. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Uontotler' IlitierF. Lrakr'- I'Unti.linn faiitrf, WolTf. riiLid,,,,, Srlinnl,,,(. New oil 1'ulwonuir (H rn . Ind all lho Iftidlnv Pr..prir!rr V.ljriofB hulk American ai.d T.mut"i.u. Order Protiii'llf anJC-tefullj Kecui"i. a. 3U D1 6JJ ffl-tktl HlTct, He! went PirFt and .'-t-orM. San Francisco, California. TKIUMPH Andes, Amazon, , FIRE ISl R AM e to:s CINCINNATI. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. Kill. III. I Htl. I T, I 1 ,,,K. I'rftt Indi imilly. , J'.iir !;it' J'r'jiuiK' li i'ny Jut Risks taken throughout Utah II. ;:. ?.!.., Ai;vnt, fai.t lake cny. OIS-i-T:.T:..r-. Il.nl-lK.r, I:, K.2,0. r.. liot;.;i |