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Show MUNICIPALELECTION, : PEOPLE'S TICKET. For Jlnyort; H UANlKu II. WEI.LS. ' For Alderiiieiit lit Ward - HAAC (JltOO, 2nA " - AIJUKWI.'S.MINKH. , .'irJ " N ATH AN I KL II. FELT, , llh " - - - JI'TKll CLINTON, . ith JOHN VANCOTT. For Con uc lions ' 1 LKWIS H. HILLS, i KOHICKT T. IIIIRTON, JOHN 11. WINIlKK, I ALEXANDER MAJORS, A. C. I'iTEK, JOS. F. SMITH, JOHN (,'LAKK, TIIKO. iMi KKAN, 1IKNUV GROW. For Mnrnliali JOHN I). T. McALLlSTKlt. For Trnitrri l'AUL A. SL'lIELTLElt. 1'or Hct orden ltOHKUT CAM1M1KLL. CITY ELECTION. "OTICE U hereby givoo lliat on election will bo hold in Salt Lake City, on nioiitluy, tho 12th day of February, A.D. IS72, for tho olectioo of ono Mayor, five Al-dcrn.en, Al-dcrn.en, niao Councilors, ono Treasurer, oue Marsh ft! and ono Koi'ordor. Polls to bo opoool at the City Uall and tho Court llouso in anid city, at 8 o'clock n. in. ROBERT CAMPBELL. City Recorder, Ball Lako City, February 5, 1872. f o' CAUTION. N'OTICK. I nin entitled to Discovery and Location Claim in tho Pinion Ludo in Parley's Park, and shall assort my legal claim. I forewarn all parti 03 purchasing or working tho samo, RUPUS WALKER, Per S. M. lilair, Att'y. Salt Lake City. U.T. 11 A order for Coal loft at A. S. Gould k Son'a office, on slato, will bo promptly attended lo. Prico SS por ton, dalivcrod in main part of tho city. A". P. WOODS, front Kocky Mountain Coat and Iron Co. iVl Private Hospital, 13tH Ward, SnltLnke Cl!y, W. F. ANDERSON. M.D. - Proprietor Tonus, invariably in advance for Board, Medicine and Medical attond.inoe. jlil S20 to $25 per week CHEAP ADVEUTIS1XO. I AJvt.-riieiucuiJS under this beadiDgj ot exceeding five lines, fifty cents ior I j each and every insertion. Kaeh ad-! ad-! ditional line ten ceuts. STHAYED, T-KOM MV PRECISE 5 A LARtlE RED r :13d White 0-)W. branded T on the hip jud Ihumai Jeremy on the horn. Any in- LOST. O1 ' THE STREET LEADING TO THE Theatre, a Diamond ISreast-pin. cluster I ul :"J. Krci'ii set. A reward of 5 "J will be paid to the finder mi leaving it at this office. FOlt KEST. 7ER-Y DESIRABLE ROOMS. EX Sl'ITE V orsiiiKle, in the two south btu.ccs ol the ctc'mit new block Clifi Row. East Temple Tem-ple street. to FOR SALE. FINE L')T ON SOUTH TEMPLE i nrnt. two and a iuurter blocks cast ot M iin ? ireet south side. " 1 lu rod?, covereil wiih eh-i.-e yuitux apple trccj. Ih s lotwm be "old tlii-- wi'i-k tor the mo-t it will fetcti. .Apply to the Real Etato Ull'ue of A. C. Truo ,V Co . l:-; Alain .-'reel. fe3 THE LUNCH STAND IN THE OMAUA 1 Ilcer Sjvloon. Coddard'i liuildins, Wain Street. Jmiuiio in iho Saloon. f- THEATRE. ' a, - w ra: "a .uo m. Uf t'e EnfMiTCtuciH of the popular young 'irufa-udiun, E. T. STETSON Entire Changes of Bill ! THIS EVENING, Will be ropoatoi the great mral drama The DRUNKARD Or. tho Fallen Saved I To concludo with tho roaring farco of AS LIKE AS TWO PEAS. Saturday Afternoon, Frb. 10, Grand Necc and A'ccc Matinee. In nctivo preparation nn entirely new and oripinal driinm, written expressly for Mr. E. T. BTErtiuN, by Enoch Powers, entitled Illusion, or tie Drama of Life! S . -A. . SIANN, ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, No. 36 Fir?t South Street. Ti Suit Lako City, Utah. II. M. MORGAN, Coiuiiiissioiier for I tali Territory. (OS CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FBANCISOO. fc3 SELLING OFF! INow is Hie Time to get JUiirgains ! Oar remaining stock of LADIES' FURS! Will bo sold regardless of cost. I ALSO FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS. WOOLEN GOODS, HOODS, NUBfAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Together with a splendid assortment of LADIES' WINTER HATS and BONNETS ASD MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kind?, which will be sold at cost to make room for a largo stock of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B. WILKINSON'S,' No. So East Temple Street. b23 .j PAfiE, BKO. Sc CO., Importers and Dcators in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 35 lud 37 Soiitli Cnnnl street, S'-,. mm in . Two Blocks aoutUortlieU.Clt.il, 1 Depot, and next to Wm. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. 1 The yard i? kept rcnitantly 1 applied bj . eoveral 4W-mill with. Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. oIiciu tho pitronace of his old friends, and by pnnctaality and diliuence in j businosB hopes to merit a share ef public I inpport. sj FOR SALE ln the V.ih WarJ. one block and a half west of tho l". C. K. R.. a snail bu'-iie and h.iL:" lo:. wi:h fine orciard. I For particulars en'jaire of !,W. STAYNER'S COLUMN- CITY LOTsli Iany up and File your Statements for City Lots. ;, W. Stayner Attends to it At Calder Bro's every day nest week. vl ' ' A - ' S Figures Don't Lie ! 1,500 Ladies aiKiOcnllcmen would not testify that (Ins INGENIOUS lUlEl'AllA-T10N lUlEl'AllA-T10N had preserved tho Hair from Falling Off! had Beautified tho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! Had removed all DANDR UFF . FR OM THE HEAD 1 Baldhcadcd persons WOULD NOT DECLAKK that tho DOUBLE STRENGTH hal produced from one to three inches of Hair on a Smooth aud Shiny Surface ! If it were not the case. 3 Ltulics, as you v.iluo your Iioautifal Itair, ccjisq to uao OILS and DYES which destroy tho hair and injure tho health, but ask for tho GREAT UNKNOWN! AND Take no Other! For sale at Cnldcr Dro's, Z. C. M. . Drug Stove, And most all Druggists, Price for Toilet, - - gfl.OO. Best for Ladies' use. Doublo strength, - - $2.00. For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE o:n"e bottle OF THE All uaita insajinB this is AN EXCELL ENT AND VALUA BLE MEDICINE FOE USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR Tllli CHILD OK THE l'AHENT. It cures Catarrh, Dyspepsia, it rUHIFIES THE ELOOD and j Builds Up the Whole System, For anle at Calder Bro'a, and nt Cyilfn Co-op. Inst'n. ; 1 Price, - 5','c. and $1 rcx bottle. :C. W. STAYNER, Genera A genu 1 Q Run the Blockade! RRE1T KEDUCTION IS Till PRICE OF LIGHT ! Good News for those Unit like n Ui ill'mnl, ( li iu'miil sale LislH ! Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOU FIVE GALLONS. For Ihosc that like COAL OIL, wo havo received a Larco Slock, of all qualities, aud at lieduc-ed l'riees. The Largest A.sjrtmenl u! LAMP COOLS in tlio Territory. no 3H. IElESE"&Cc3". fiolo Aeon is for Thr DAiifurlli I'r I volemit Ktnlil, 80 1st South Street, halt block West ol' Post Office. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! families, ISaliOi s, iMIncrfs Ami all Otluis WANTING SHOULD BUY Wm . Jennings' XXX Flour TO BE HAD AT The Flour Warehouse on First South Street, between East and West Temple Streets, SALT LAKE CITY. No Flour gorjuino unless tho month of the sack is scaled by lalicl "Win. JcDnings." jo WALKEE BEO'S. JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, 3 T7"EEP constantly oti haiid iv choice n!nrt-i n!nrt-i IV mentof KKKNCH, KNGLISH and t AMERICAS Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Eic, Of tho finost qualities and latest styles, which wo make up to order in iho most fashionable and approved manner. " -PATRONAGE SOLICITED- COALKOALI Unvlug piirchmtd the Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to supply HiU Juitly telctjrated WEBER GOAL by enr lnnd or retail. Depot at U. C. It. II. Vnnl. Oillvct fcithange aud Reading Kooina. BATEMAN & BU EL. aacf W. II. BIKD,AKnU Coal Oil and Naptha Depot BAY & CCliIBR, HO Kast Temple Street, C3-EZSTTS FOB FOREST CITY VARNISH AND GIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for G-as Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL J$UttiLG FLIU). The Best ant! Cheapest Liflht Ever Offered to the Public. This Fluid is oi much HE AY IKK GRAVIT1" than aoy other JmioiocHw! ever offered io the market, approximating closely to that of the h"t q'i ih::1 ol'COAL OIL, but yet poi-e.-siDg DOUliLli the ILLUMINATING r"15Cr' It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and .too not char the wict, wl.i-h will not require attention of'tcner than ooee a week. This Fluid needs but one trial to convince any pen-on i!':L superior advantages. advan-tages. "WHOLESALE RETAIL Who want AGENTS in everj settlement of tho Territory.. J17 |