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Show rrrv tpi rs?? DR. GROVES, C3xiilj3 Dentist, Ortlre Unil South St., Sail Lake City. Tq-od doors Wet of Kovor-s Mou-e. half a block Kastoftho Klephiai Stare. Orr"lCi HOL Ud IHtUH 'J i.M. TO 5 p.x. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M- D., PHYSICIAN ASD SU11GE0N, OfTorf hi." profe?ional perviees to the people of Salt Lake City. Kcidcnco ftt liilivnr Kobcrts' brick lioue, cjpO:ito St- Mark's Church. ii'-X 0. C. ORMSBY, M. D. fUYSICIAN, SUKGE02J AND I1IUW I1A..H CITY, I TAIL J. I. & F. 1). BKNJBDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Over Calder Bro'a Music Emporium. si W.F.ANDEflSQN.M.Q. H.J. RICHARDS. M.D. Surgeous and Physicians, OEce. for tho r-re'ont. at tboir respective residences in tho 13th andlTth Wards; BATHS, BATHS I Warm Spring Uuihs ! Private and Plunge. Threcelel rtl bathi nre oren to tlio pnbHc nt nil mhiih. Tligir incdiciual proiwrtiea nro su widely Luuwn :liat It la alliwia lo oomiiersle them, Bld tlio PrlTi.to ltiUhi, iLb luro uud bauddoms-Iv bauddoms-Iv furuLstiitl PIuuk Uatlia for Ladies find toVn:io:-.ifu ar now open. II. ARSOLD, NEW MEDICAL WORK ! "THE FHJLOSOPhY OF MARRIAGE," For tlc Debilitated Kervons Syitcm. DR. JO It DAN, of the Anatomical Mueura, 31$ Montgomery street (near California). Califor-nia). Sai Prancisco, California, has pub-li-hcd lour of hia most important an! in-atruclivc in-atruclivc Loture-i in a oeat volume for those vln cannot attend tho Lccturcsat tho Museum. Mu-seum. Every Unmarried and Married rniin should read and itudy these important Lectures for tho good of himself and oll- 'lJy nddrosMnir tlio Secretary of tho Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, San Francisco, and encloB-inc encloB-inc Twoiity-Pivo Cents in Postneo Stamps In pay postage, tho lluok will bo forwarded to any part of t'jo States or Trrrit orics. Dr. Jordan can bo consulted hy letter. rl9 iiQTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADISU HOTEL J )P UTAU. JAMES TOWNS E N D PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 130 kuosIs. TUB PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build larKO additions to his Hotel, whWb whoo finished, will ronJer it tho Most Comphte Establishment in the ROCKF MOUNTAIN REGION I mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Solect and First-Class House. OSK BLOCK BA8T OF THEATRE, HALT l.AKIi OITY. TerinsS3.00 per Iny. Uonn! wllli-nut wllli-nut nioini 812.00 per wttk. Batlia free lo guest. J. C. L.I rl'LB, iunM Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Bide EAST TK.11PI-E STIIEKT, ROOMS BY TUB SISdLB NIlillT, WEEKLY OK MONTHLY, TAYLOK & CUTLEK, 1' roprictors. Wo have rented our BKSTAlllAST to Messrs. UI.AUE , tiOOO.HAS. Washington House X hii-tl JSouth Street, SAL T Li lv JK CITY Unni d ami Lodging, jitr Week S1 50 ! Hoard " 0 00 I'rnu li Sprln;; UcU ' a 00 UnU, per KlpUt - 5 JU'nli - - - - 'i'y jlj Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON Uu- 1'ur.M'c.m Vl:in, i? now oren and tu: i lied (villi every tlelk'.K'y of tlio M-.f-ii. Mc.lN at all Iu.um. UyMcr3 in every style. Supper l'.ittied ;ui'l'lied on tli oil notice. Tciiiitt to mil I lie times. UL..VIMC CiUU 11.11 AN, jl ' TroprUtors, lia ComiiiGi'ciil Um Booms, Commercial Miccl, (1.).u.-ito l!t'L-m:i laKcry.alL Lako City C. W.TAl'l'AN. Proprietor. (i'K N 1. 1. N 1 v i 11 T. It,,!-, ,-t ). 'ir Mlll,ULI(l b I to S.i.Ui V r U. vim; If Kiim. :;ic jirr 'c;ltt, id S-t.j0 lo il.r.U tr With. I'TAI I 1 IC)TJ:L. Main Slrotl, 0(.l)i:. Oiuuil.iM t. au.l fvo:ii nl! ti.iiu.. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, ' CENTRAL HOUSE, L1TTLK COITO.WVOOO, T. t. Fuller, Proprietor. To tho Public This houso is now rcuttcd and ofcn for traveler:; at reduced rate-. ' Dnrd nnd Loduine-. by week. $1.1.00. M"ali,Wo. liola.TCv. iioJa 4; aU hours Dot) LEGAL X1IOS. FITCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office First South street. Fourth door east of tho Bank of Dcscret. Pi C. . HaXDV. C. K. GILCHRIST. uaaijv & GixcimisT, ATTO UX E YS-AT-LAW, And Solicitors In Cliancery, Offie Main Street, Salt Lako City, U.T, n 15 13. CO O 1' K 11 , ATTOli-NEY AND COUNSELLOR, Ofllce-Eichnugc and Re ad lug ILooiui, iip-atalrs. U23 SALT LAKI CITT. CASH FOR MINES I Enquire of JS10TII 31. ULVIll, Att rncy-at-Law and Mining Agent, office : Over OT liimkiU's lilutk, wilti C. M. riawlcy. P. 0. Box lj. dl6 WU. T. LOVF.LL; II- A. BE ED. JL.OVELL & REED, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, Salt Lako City, Utah, Will practico in all tho courts in tho Territory. Ter-ritory. Ouieo, front room, Taylor's hotel. J17 P. t,. WILLIA1I3. LB GRAND TOBSO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTO RNEYS-AT-LAW, Salt Talte City- jl2 GEORGE C. BATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. C. MYRON UAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of tho Supremo Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. IIASKINS. OBico in .Kimball's block, near U.S. Mar-jU Mar-jU shal'a otlice. WW!. P. APPLEBY, A.LLorncy-ut--L.tiw, HAVING provided himself with suitable Blanks, ia prepared to draw up Declurntory Statemeuta of Appll-cnutt Appll-cnutt for Deed to City Lou. Office-East Temple Street, first door north of Uouiuieroo Building. dl9 JOHN B. MILNER, A T T 0 K N E Y - A T - L A W , Provo City, Utftli. Collections made in the lit and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial ilistricis. , Special attention given to Minins cases. Uilico at rciidcueo, Coi-tro St. 1'roYO City, jo Warner Earll, F. M. Smith. KAULL c SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, B ALT LAKE CITT, East Temple Street, one door south ol aju (Jodiio'a Store DANIEL S. DANA, A T T 0 It N E Y - A T - L A W, Salt Lake City, Utali. Office west side of East Temple Street. Jijpecial attention siveu to flllnlus Iiti-r...ti..n Iiti-r...ti..n 127 Win. JrlAYCOr, (Lille Jiidii of lih District Court, Nevada,! AT T 0 It N E Y - A TL A W, Room No.l. Trowbridge Uuildins, Eist Tcm-plo Tcm-plo Street, opposite tho Salt LaKo House. nl , M. IS-VltiTJl, A T T 0 K N E Y - A T - L A AY, Oilieo, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. Special attention given to Titles, Negotiation?, Negotia-tion?, Sales or Litigations in Alining Clain.8 and Real hstato. ... Collections made or business done in any part ottho United Status by Association ol reliable Attorneys- d1' J. 11. Ilompstoad, M. Itirkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & K1RK.PATRICK, Attoiueys-at-Lnw, Main Stroot. opposite Wells, Kargo & Co., SALT LAKE CITY, Z. SNOW. E. D. HOGE. & HUGE, oVttornors and Coanaoiora at Law Salt Lako Oily, Utah. Offlcoat Siiow'n corner, lit Eaat Stroot. jufi JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKNB Y-AT-LAW, Salt Lalt City, Utali. Office-Over First National Bunk. Residence Resi-dence on Jd East stroot, botwocn south and 1st South streets. S'M NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. UOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, aw Mininc Deeds, AirroomcnU and Bondi for Dood.-. MortKa.nes. I'owcrs of Attorney. Lenses Cuutr.icts and other instruments ol writing drawn with aocuraoy and dispatch. Dllitlng CompaiUei Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the Law of Utah. A. S. GOULD, NOXAUY FUBI.IC and C0.VDllSS10'Elt OF DEEDS for . New York, Massachusetts, Pemiylva-nia.Ohio, Pemiylva-nia.Ohio, liiiuois, Iowa, iSV-brka, Wyoming, Munlana, Nevada, California, aud other tjtates aud Tcr-vilorita. Tcr-vilorita. Eiist TtmtlL St., "air Wu'ls, Eargt A- Cu Salt L ike City. mil V. Cmtths, S. J. Josassok, Suiary Tat'lio, Conveyancer CLAYTON & JONASSON IJAY flrli't atleniinn to lUa col'c.'lion o m.'iicj iu "'I I'uvtB of ttic M'jrld. They a'so Jr:iw or su-kiiowleJuo all kiudi of iusiruaicuia m wrums. S f I nl n 1 1 1 ut I mi civen In I ho d r-Kwini of Willi and 'lcfciniiicnioiy Uucu T. vin- r.r-nn no 1. Min.v, Hou.- an. Iti'.il IJ-tilv; o;' li ki:u:a LuukIiI, .old 0 1CJ.-0J. 1 ikoi jior.i I lo it and 1 r I lie r li 1 1 I.ir ,n' ry.'-v d'..'riplia dr.ivj ii , OKKMCH-l-'nui ill door noulli o Uidiic' oi lier. n'.l rHOS. DAYlKSj. United States Mineral Surveyo and Civil Engineer, 0iV.mNo.1- r.tlor"- -tel. Salt I-k Cit M i llORACM-: POTTEK , REAL ESTATE AGENT l Cmiivctlhicm ctr'iilly ilmmj up tor tli" . aivl , -v. of il.iii.--i ai!-l L-Jt.i, Sloros OdiL. .nvl 1 n-.-I". Ikitii n." r--.t:nlc.l. , OH'E-Sm; T..Ijr'i Buil-liug, oppposil Sill Laiu Uuio, gall Lako C.lj. di BANKERS. WELLS, FARGO & CO,, Express Forwarders, Baukcrs, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Jiturope, and all tJic principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Kaat Temple St., Salt Lake City. THEO. F. TRACY, Aeent. mil ThoB. R. Jones, A. W. White BANKING HOUSE or A. W. WHITE fc CO., EAST TEMPLE STHEET, aOO baltLako City. FIHSTSATIOIAL BAIK OF UTAH. (Succtnonto Iluiiey, Daliler Co.) Wahbsv TIusset, C. L. Daulkr, President. Vice Preet. AvruoXY Godbi, Cashier. Salt Luke City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ogdon andCorinno, Guh. and Virginia aad lioieaa, Montana. Dealers in Gold Dusty Coin ayid Currency, Draw Excbanua on New York, Chicago, .St- Louis, Omaha, Dcsvor, ban Francisco, and all parta ol" Europe. Collection Promptly Attended To. lull Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akors ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., JSAXKEUS, 68, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Salt Lake City. j 13 Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner East Tempt o and First South Stroots, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, PAID UP CAPITAL, - S100,000. milOHAM YOUNG. Presidont,"! H. S. ELDKEI 1G E. Yice Pres. WM. H. HOOPEU, WM. JENNINGS, Directors. JOHN SHARP. FEKAMOltZ LITTLE, L. 8. HILLS, Cashier. J Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANTS, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, 4c. Colleotioos made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. a Li SEWING MACHINES For Family anil Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is new and novol in Sowing Machines. They aro tho latest improved an i lightest running shuttle machines in the world. Beautiful ana compact iu model and unexcelled in material and linish. They sew everything from lace to boavor cloth in tho most perfect manner. Every variety of Hemming, Felling, Q,ulHliig, Cording, Runllng, Piping, Tnulng, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., easily pei formed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machino Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on First South Street Salt Lake City, opposite the New Meat Itlnrltet, IRA PFOUTZ, Juris NEW GOODS! OUT OF THE BLOCKADE! z, c. m:. i. ' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT I lias roooiYcd a F 1 X u L, O T OF Ciissinicit's, Doeskins. 1 A g.cnvlid assorlmoat or CAIUUAUH 111 US aJ II011S!' BLANKETS. A ureal variety of ' CLOTHIITG, BOOTS AND SHOES, USE liE.VVEU SI" ITS! ' And UNDKll CLOTHING. i' Motor VERY I HE IP BLANKETS A Irjrr, heavy ) . Ulankcl f- r C Jtl'e CALL AND EXAMINE T II E M. I COLLEGE SCRIP! DKEKMl'TOHS wi'.I avc 16 on -L each quarter section ly l)'.iying (, Agricultural College Scrip. m Apply to TI1K DANK OF DKSKRET, 15 Sacceeior to Hooper, Eldxfldte A Co v5.fi Ism P - ti If 1 ? a 1 &J I 5, . r ! ml o I 2 i '5 2 1u ( - S 0 ... i Q. i f ' 5 ll W j c (' h SI J S I O ! w2 j - 5 - saai 3 J j i f . S ; e i ; 3 fr- i O !-3 S U 6s. 5 jc s s CO H ; r NOV IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! SOW IS YOUlt CHANCE FOK STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select fromj IiictiKlltis tU. Uld V'avorll.a, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., Thce aa well aa other varieties will be SOLD CHEAPER AT TUB Hardware Dep'nt OF z. o. nvn. x. THAN IN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. II B. CLAWSOK) Sl7 Sapuintuiduit. HARDWARE. C. II. MSSETT, HARDWARE STOKE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Bron ami Steel, Stoves and Fin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, srlciitlurnl Implement Ami Mining Toolt, At I-owtK Ratci. OPPOSITK SALT LAKE HOUSE nib Furnacemen Attention! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM. & CO. ABE AGE5TS FOB THE GOLD KX CITY FIRE BRICK, Which are equal if not superior to the best English. Snccinl rates civen br tho car load. oetl2 LEGISLATIVE Proceedings ! WHEREAS We arc to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance ol' l'cnkuives ; lucre-fore, lucre-fore, RESOLVED That Sensency & Co. arc selling Stoves Cheaper than any other House iu the city, for the reason they aro Closing Out. So. 8 t'rosecnt Coal Stove, S32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 " 9 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinda of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargai ns. SENSEHET&CO Opposite W. F. & Co't Office, SALT LAKE CITY 11. A. KUYE.S, Agent SCOTT, DUiMIA.ll & CO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHTS PICKS, IKON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinjs of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills, II All D WARE, ISK1.L0WS, ANVILS, AND OTHER liLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE milNGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AfjENIS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. t2S WINES AND LIQUORS. D.W. Allen & Co., 1 S AW 47 Broadway, New "V'orlc. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L.sCity. Agciiti for the CctibVnud COLD SEAL WHISKY I VT. S. FOSTER, Assent. J; N. & E, BOUKOFSKY, Wholesale Dealers ;in WINES, LIQUORS, GIGAHS -AND TOBACCO, Second South Street, SALT LjVIvII: city, Tbroo Uoors west of Walkar Ero's. da GITY LIQUOR STOBE, Keep constantly on hi mi, Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. OROESDKCK'K BI'ILDINGS, ii 17 EkiI Timiilt Slr(. WATCHMAKERS. '" A r-r N 1 - i " f' ' 'T ; CAUL C. AS3IUSSEN, IMPORTER AND DEALER IS Jewelry, "Watches, AND DIAHONDS. Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a lurso, additional etock of NEW GOODS Id grout variety and aljic- Tho public ro respectfully invited to call and iu5ccl thcui at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Templa Street, Ilnlf n block nor tl of (lie Knfile Kmporliim. li.iU WITCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, I? EOS to inform the rciident of Salt Lnk " City and vicinity, that he not only (fnarantocB to r-roiorly Hlr, Clean and AilJusL Walt lie unit Cliroaouic tra, but he will make thom or any part of them, to order, and warrant tho work, A new surrt.Y uf KLUIJ and SWlbtf W,V'JGUKS just rocoivoJ, , which ho "will fruaniiit'-'i w r'-linlile ! timo-kouj'orfl. l'ricoa to duly cuiujmLaiuu Ut mem her th" .vHrr-f . T a ilnori I of I he Dikftrl Manli. TI3VEB TABLE. BURLING TON KOUTE. 10 IHr EAST. NCRTH AfD S'JUni'.ASr. Ko. 1. STATIONS. i .vrMfcKK. ' M A 1 Uafo 0.MAUA - j t:I(l j-.in. j ;,:.) a in. Arrive BUKLlNOTON 1 '-.VinmJ '.'.'-y,w. " M cnd'ita - - 1 1 J-'. a.m. .' : a. in. " Chicaco'C.JJ.AQ ) O.l-'ip.m. 7:r, B.io. " In.r.li-'I.B.AW t;j)j-.m. r-a.,0. " Ciacinrjaii - - j l,":(i p.rn. t 1M p.m. " liOtfun-p'-rl p. m , '.'.L'la.iu. T. I' A W. " Cuml.tn ' 2 I'.b.th. r.-y.,, ,n IJ-Thn-tiL-h C.itf fr-.iu 7!:f'r.uri Kivor to Chi'-aco, I ;, h i-.;ip 'lis, Cincinnati, L'..iii-port L'..iii-port and Ciilniul-uf ('(-nnoctioD al tb':o piling wiili lino ImdiiiKlo the V.is, l cr.h urA S-ulh. Thi-rh Shorten, Itnlcktit Ktid Chrapt-ai Hon (-. y cot hcdffijrd. Lut oT.tatn Ti-krU via the Burlir-gu-n ft Msouri hirer Railroad. A-B. TOrZALIJf, C. E. PKI'.KINfJ. Oca'i Iicket AgflaU (itn'i S-.n't- I CHICAGO TRACE. i SLICHTLY SCORCHEOI STVEN30N & KE.ID, WllOLKS A u to (Late of yO. fti and 1 L-.ke jtrcet. Cor, i'carborn street,) HAVE REMOVED Oi account of the miense Afnf, To the Baptist Church Building, WabuhAvc, WIuto wo h.ivo a lsrpr took of Drujrs, (JhifinioaU, I'hii.Us Oils, Glsa And GlrtsVHro, Driiirttisis' mi-Jri-.-, 1'iitont iluinbugs, Ktc, Klc. CALL AND CHKKlt fS. (Wo only pdy 100 ccnU on tho Dollar) J uj y ' CHASE, HAKFORO & CO., 47 0 Souib Canal St., CHICAtlO, iletulguarton for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufaeturera of the celebrated W 1 1. S O N OIL. I N K. ilt L. M. BATES &. CO., 451 . 453 Uroattway, SKW YORK, INrar.TLlU 1.-41) JOaBISS 1H Fancy Dry Goods, UOSlEliV, WU1TK UOODS, WOOLi:js, SHAAVLS, jua'A'a'a- xonuxs, t-c. J. 11. Bl'LGKK. jn4 M. D. WlLlS & CO., -liinuf:.oturors ornnd lVholus..lo Dealors in Boots and Slioes, 018 WiUih Ave, CltlcaKo. M. D. Wells, u. j, MrwUna. ft. Benedict. m"4 s. 1'. .M,-lruyre. NEW YORrV TRAliE. ROBERTS, READ & CO. " Alaiiutactureru and Jobber ol ' 371 BROAD WAV. NEW yoRli FELIX CAMi'BKiVU 79 John Y 'k, .M anufo' turLTo! and Donlor in WiouKlu, Vt ann li.lvaiUic.l Axid entry cnriciy f fitiinys for thi- fn,f tv.17 C. A. LoCEt-trcoi. Jvtm i-U1 n icK. UKiiiSTfUET & iLVi.W Manufacturera it and Wholenale DenlrrB in KEN'S & BOYS' CLuTHiNG. 40fl A 16( Uroa.lwny, A.w Tork. (14 HENUEKSON.JUsfTciTeVCo Sucoaasor to UriHou. Ilundercon A Co., IKPOHTMla 4Kb JdHHKUB or nm (iuous, kotioas, FURNISHING GOODS, liXO.. 4U8 . 6U0 UROADWAV, Ol'l'OEito St. Nfohclii, llotol. "' K.w York. IenedTct, hallTcoT Manufiioiurern nud Wholwalo UouIuih in BOOTS AND SHOES, 13-1 mid 136 Gram! St., NrivVork, Cf-rner Cionby. nuo lilock e:iM of Broadway f' ('J. VtlitlAULE SICILIAN ''' 11 A 1 K - - RENEWER. Kvery year increaM tlio popularity of tliis valuable 1 1 u i r I'rcjiaration ; wlncli is tluo to iiiuril aloim. 'c can uurc our olJ piitmns that it is kcjit fully up to i hit'h t-tainl:ul ; and it is tlu: only rclnii.i; arnJ i.-t Ii vtvd pn-p-aratiou lor rrMurmi; (j ua Y or J' AUKl) Uaiu to il,s youthful color, making it soil, hlrou-, m.il Hlkcii. Tlio f-oalp, by its U'-o, lucniijcs while nml ulcuii. U removes all eruptions hihJ damlrull, anJ, by its tonic pro per Uo-, preveins the hair from falling out, ll it tiiiiu-latt-H ami n-juri-lies tin; hair-fliunK. liy its u-c, th- hair iow.- thicker un-j Ktrom;er. In hulijne, it rrt-toroii tho capillary founds to their iiornnil vior, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old Ii is the uiost ccoiiomi'-il IIahi I'uksimi ever u-cd, ;ls it requires Jlwer apjiliiMtioiiH nml jrives the hair a hjdenihd, trios-y up. pcaram. A. A. I laes, M.J'., iMato A'sayrr-.f M;i-.-.licliu-ttif, say.-. '''I'lin c.m-lilii'.'lit- lire pure, and cirefiillv -elecied i'jr fxccilent iprdity ; nd I e.)tiMJer it tlic Ji l.sr 1'HKI'ARAUON for it intended purposes. " S.,ld by utl JJK.yiU and U"airrs in TRUX ONU HULL All. Buckingham's Dye roit TUB AVIIIMvKltS. A-i c-nr ll' in wt in m-my ca.-''B re-inn.s re-inn.s t'-o JuiFj: n tiine, and too much circ, to rt.-t'.-iu mu-j or laded Whiskers, Whisk-ers, wc have prepared I hi dye ia vnc j,rf, inih'on; which will ipiickly and dk'ctualiy aecompii-li tliis result, it l- ca-ily ;ij pli d, and produces a color which wiil ij.'iihcr rub uor wa.-h "11. Sold by all Uiu.ir.nsU. .J'rico Fifty Uinta. ManuTacf iirnl by II. I. Hall A. Co., .g.hun, .1. II. FOR SALE AT Z, C. M. I. DRUG- DEPARTMENT. |