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Show DAILY HERALD. A Live Paper ; I Live People.. TUB NALT LAKE ( DAILY HERALD SKULi.Alt AND UOMMKIU.'IAI. NKWSI'AI'Kll OK SALT LAKK CITY. The People's Paper! FREE AND INDEPENDENT. TheCheapest Paper i PUBLISHED IN i The Rocky Mountains ! TO MEN OF ENTERPRISE! Tho rccuut diticovury uud rapid development develop-ment of tho initios of Utah have given, and will conlinuo la (five, au impetus to t ratio of ovory kind, which should ooiuuiand the attention at-tention of ull business men who dosiro to share- in its profits. 1 Heavy shipments of ores for moot lis pant ha vo boon bring inn wealth into luoTorritory; a large immigration has commenced; agricultural agri-cultural aud othor products are finding ready aiilea ; and merchant! begin to feel thosteudy tlow of money throiiKh tlio vnriod channels of commoroe. To business niuii at a distuned who seek to parlioipato in tho lively trade which must ' attend such n rapid growth of intorosts, as : woll ns to the local public, a live, energetic , nowspapor is a necessity, by whioh to be made fully acquainted with the true condi- i lion of mutters as they exist, und ' hrough which to present thuir business and faoililici 1 for furnish inn so promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Fully moots this necessity in Utah. Not being the oi-gnn of any permit, iect or ini'ty, nor tlevoteit alone to any single Interest, U has grown upon public favor and attained an unprocedentodciroula-tion unprocedentodciroula-tion in tho time which has elapsed sinao il was established, by being in tho strictest onso a Free, Independent, Live nml Thoroughly Progressive NKWSl'APKK ITS MINING NEWS Collated with tho greatest cure and from tho most reliable Bouroos, makes it valuablo to all interested in the mines of Utah ; its AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE Can bo equally roliod ou ; and its enterpbibb has placed it iu tho FRONT HANK OF THE ROCKY MOOTAIX JOURNALS. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely aud is widely read in or cry Alining Camp, and throughout tho Cities, Towns and battlements of tho Territory; Terri-tory; is found iu tho ollicc of every enterprising enterpris-ing busings wan in Utah; circulates on tho Union Pacific, Contral Pacific and Utah Central Cen-tral Railroads; has a large niuii subscription list east, west, north ami south: and is The Best Advertising Medium . In the Kooky Mountain region. Where to Advertise I Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read! ; In the People's Paper! tii i: :- SILT LAKE HERALD EO YOU WANT KMl'LOl-.ME.NT, ' HIKED HELP, MECHANICS, LABORERS, LOTS TO KENT, UOCSES TO KENT, OFFICES TO RENT, STORES TO RENT, MAKE YOi'R WANTS KNO WN IN T11K Salt Lake Herald. WOOD WORKING. rhonua Lutim.r. w. H. F.l.om. Ij.orno 11. Taylor, (IcrKO Kuio! LATIMER, TAYLOR & GO. CHEAP and GOOD co.umALn. Wisconsin Pine DOORS, BLINDS, SASH i j Wo have secured the A O E N O Y j 1 j ' FOR THE . Largest Sash and Door Factory ; j in the World, i ; Located in tho great Pineries of Wis- ,! consin, whoro the best of lumber is ! from one to two cents per foot. ; First Consignment open to-day. 1,000 Doors i DIKFEKKNT SIZES, j I I, 3, 4 mill (i Panel. i 1,000 5 SASH,! j from 7x9 to 10x18. I ' '' j 300 PAIR! i Rolling Blinds, j At Prices that Defy Competition! OUR FACTORY I IT WITH THE TIMS i In ail home work in our line. Sash Ooor., Odd Wash, ll all klml 1 Bow Windows, Frames, Doors, Odd siicn, s;ic. A FULL LINE OF MouldingS i Planing & Sawing! WITH DISPATCH. j LATI31ER, TAILOR & CO. I On. Blool ,t ofT.b.niMl. SEWING MACHINES. I READ THIS! . T i 1 K SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all tho bimiijit'u) vitriotius mini m iy everybody Contemplating tho pm-cliase of u Machino for family or , t other iiso. ,- j ..... ; I Atour newiy-fltted up Salesroom) Second Door South of the Eagle Km-i Km-i porluui, between the Urug and Clo- tiling Department of Z. C. M. I., will I be found a Full Aiiortment of tliese Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUEFING to commend It to tlie publlcj aa t lie following l-t C3 na" sa In 1851) thouo now oolobratod Machines woro first offorod to tho public and in Iho fouryoars sucaoodiDs 4,000 wore sold, To-dny To-dny ovor that nuuibor are weekly turned out from the factory, and yot this immenso supply sup-ply is not eciu.iL to tho demand. At tho end ol tho year ISO", upward of 200,00) Mach ines were sold, and m tho following years, from MS to '70, the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, On tlilrd of wlilcli were dlBpoieil of within tlie preceding twelve montlis. from tho foregoing itwillbosoon thatdur-inr thatdur-inr tho last throo yoars, tho aaloa have been upward of fifty per coat more- than during tlio wholo of tho sorontoon preyions yoars, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial Is tli at tlte SEWIN8F.1A0HIME is adapted to all kinds of work, Bowing aa readily tho thickest and moat stubborn material ma-terial as the Unost and most delicate fabrics; with a Btitob, that for evonoss, porfeotion and durability is unequalled. Aocompanying each Maohlno aire printod .' instructions, bo plain and oasy of aomprehon-ston aomprehon-ston that, although we recommend custom-'' i era to take at loast ono losson from tho Op 'orator, it is seldom dono purchasers seeing at a glance tho simplicity of the Machine and completeness of tho oonstrnotion. Soma of the ADVANTAGES ': 1 : or the - - - SINGER MACHINES - ..AOS . ;:, Simplicity of construction therefore less liability to get out of repair. Short, straight needle loss liablo to bend, break or skip tho stitch. Tho shuttle is carried: friction, wear and ihc Qoucaaili' of greasing the race-are thus hoi. led. Keudinass with whioh tho most inexpor-itiicud inexpor-itiicud can adjuat the tension of the thread. Kroodom from wenr. After twenty years cunsLantsorvico thcao machines havo never boon known to wear out. Thoy are noiseless, rapid and easy in all iticir movements. All our machines aro adjusted and put in thorough running ordor, by conipetonthimdF, 1'ttforo delivery. Purchasers thorofore havo no trouble, butoan successfully oporatowith tli oiii at once. THE KEW BUTTOfJ-HOLE M A C I I I N 'IS S tr thoroughly practical and will perform all !b:u neclaini for thorn. -L The Improved fflANiJFACTURISIB FslACHSfJES ,fr Luavy w'orlt, are too wolj known io need 4 jtiiifnint. We alro koop in stuck tho iVito AkJJum Noiseless IWASiOFACTU3ISaiHACHIKE3 Our stock of tho Winsor Sowing Machines i i very -ex Lcds ivo, cmbruoing every variety ul 6ui--b. lruni tho plain llachiao, mountod Ln bUuk walnut table, oiled, to the elabor-ale elabor-ale y pearled Jlachino, with cabinet case and It'Iding cover in mottled black walnut, rose, w.ixd. or uiahogany hiKhly polished. h.vcry .Macbmo is turnished with thosamo complete lurniture. uwludioa tho now hom-iner(--e.Ying j1! widths) und feller' and brai- We fiiuiMiilct our Machines to do ilcuiuilng,all widths felling) lleut-stltclUng) lleut-stltclUng) Braldlu) fllaglc Uuming) ivuibrotdcilng (no cbalu stHuh)t feathering ejiil dewing on at same Uuie,wttli or n ltiiout a baud, ou the edge or 1st (he center) Curding jTuck-lg( jTuck-lg( dulltlng) Trimming) Binding all widths and .kinds, etc., etc., etc. Two doors south of the Hasrlc Emporium. Em-porium. WE DELIVER MACHINES! Without AtMitmnnl Charge TO A1.I. PARTS OF THIS UITV j S- All kiuib ol' !iDK Machines thoroughly Kcp-ircd on Kca- i Konalile Tonus. j oU II. H. CLAWSUN, Sapl HARDWARE. 1 Buy the Best!! i; '; ' " ' " T ' i jj : - ' ' THE BEST - - AIRE t THE . CHEAPEST!: j Is T O "V" IB S j HARDWARE ! j T I J W V i f, 10 ! , Closing out Cheap To make room for FALL STOCK! " ' ' ' i SENSENEYIcCO : Opposite W. F. tt Co's Office, - -! SALT LAKE CITY Tin, Copper and Sheet . Iron Work Done - to Oi'der. " Agents lor the patent Nickel-Plated Revolving SMOOTHIX IltO V SOMETHING NEW. LOOK OUT ; FOR TIIH G-rand Opening . , -. OF IUE -, AMP STORD UN MONDAY, OCT. 2nd. NEW STOIiE! NEAY GOODS! Half-a-block West of the r. Eagle Emporium. "Wo take UiU uppuiluniLy tu roturrt thanks to our ninny pulrona lor tlioir libornl patronngo in tlio past, trustiiiR by strict attention unci economy in business to warrant n continuation of tlio same. Wo have at :i srent cxpenso erected a building adapted for tUc busiuosd, and have beon appointed Ly tho manufacturers manufactu-rers SOLK AGIiNT.S for Ibis Territory for the J Non-Explosive Fluid, " A Best Quality ol Gasoline, And all the most Improved Patents In Light UN and Coiil Oil Goods. , Our complete arruncemonts with the rc-Dnern rc-Dnern of Coal Oil, dealing with tho manufacturers manufac-turers in every in.Han.co, shipping in bulk at the lowest rates and making a specialty of this busmw?, warrant us In being sanguine, that we can supply the pcoplo of this Xorri - ' torv with BETTER QUALITY OF LAMPS AND LIGHT AT LOWER . i RATES ; Than cvur oll'ercd in tliid luurket bel'oru Wo have a laro and complete stock oT all styles ul Chandeliers, Pcndaui, . Hall Lights, Biatlctts,' Stand Laui! i Hand Lniajii, Street liiuiigis, U' Uoctoroi, . ' - -- -- Kaili-oad LiiiHi-inB, t'i UnnciailugButucin, Frc'lDUie Uuruera, Copdun Uurucid, Light OU Buiucia, Coal OH Burners, ,,, Aigniul Burners. All elites ut , , Ctimneys, Porcelain Shades, Glass Globes, Paper Shades, Reflectors. VAPOR GAS STOVES, ALL STYLES. Call and examine our stuck and prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Goods deliverc-l to all part.-- of the city free ot ohanie. iamilies supi-licd with duid or oil at their houses, regularly, by leaving their addre&i-, E.REESE &CO., llnir-a-bloclc west of F.nijU Em. poiium. 6iu riUH INSURANCE. PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY CALirORNIA, Cash Capital over - - - $300,000, COT JNT. : B. W. E. JENNENS, Agenl fur Sail Lake City & Ogdeii. Olliee with Tcn.dvldt. Co., Main St., u2 ': SLTLAKKCITy -J . -. 1 Vhr VI f " 2 " 4m Jv m r3 " Morolmnts' ExuhnuKO BuiMinK. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, . . $050,000. H. R. RflANIM, AK"Ut Tor Uliili Tui-rilorj-, Oflluc, under Mu- lUiutliic Rooms, juai Salt Luto City SALT LAKE BRANCH ni.1 tub Grreat Western r fiue: .'i INSURANCE CO' Y, OF CHICAGO. TUKO. jr. THACV, JTt.li.ut C. II. UAHSJ5TT, 1 MARSHALL & CAKTJSK, Allornty,. II. H. HI ANN, Man.ger. OFFICE : j Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Biunoh of this SOUND nnd RELI-ABLK RELI-ABLK $5,000,000 COMPANY' Having been organized in our city, we are now ready for business and earn-estly earn-estly solicit public patronage, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all Ore risks will bo carried at a fair rate. H. R. MANN, manager, : i SAN FRANCISCO TRADE.1 A. C. DIETZ & CO. S lllrORTItlS 01 iPVIlSITS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. m FRONT STHKET. BoLnuueutoACuliloruiu, San Fr.uclwo j UioKim. IUN. T. N. WiSB. WAND, KANE & CO., (tSHCcMmorn lollinilei'. W " Co0 Imiiortcra and Wholcsulo DoalorB in MIXES AM) LIOUOHS. Propriclors of lluntoi'n California Wlioat -OTlxi-Utoy. Also Aifsnls lor Joseph M. Pinoh's cclobratod l'uniisylvania RYE WHISKEY. OU7 anil OOU Front St.( neur Jutlutaii, SAN FKANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, I iu intrler-1 inJ Jobbers of Foroiftn and JJo-iu JJo-iu ub! it.' i'ancy and SLuilo 1J IX "V" GOOD S . Dvput of Quoth Manufactured at the Mission and I'ttcijic Mills, Consolidated. 5 3 JL 537 ftlnrkut St., Sail Fran. Jiiyis Pnrin: 2.S It it o Do IRchi(inicr. EINSTEIN 0303, & CO., intiorlors and M an u faoturora oT BOOTS AND SHOES IJF EVfcHY STVtt AND KIND. I 1 J, IIS, mii.I 17 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Our Jloms.-mutle Goods are uneqitaled b)i av.y. i Saiiirs at Mr. Uooilliiml's Office, oi SALT LAKK CITY. J E. MARTS&.CO. Wholesale Lipr Dealers, : 108 Ui'onl. Street, San Franciaeo. ! l'roirietors of ' BIH.LKIt'S EX Tit A OLD BOURBON And aole agents for -J. F. CUTTER'S EXTR; OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Cnnytanily on hand, a full assortment of nil tlio Slainlniil Bi-uiuIn ofWIilakles, , Fine Biaiitlie, ; Foreign and Domestic Wines, : mf, Blttcra, Conilala, dtc. WEIL 4 CO., j IMfOKTItHH Of Cigars and Tobacco i Propriotors of Llio I HAVANA OIQAR MANUFACTORY 4'Al, WJ and !i!iS Front St., i South weal corner tont Sao ram en to Bis., , .6 i B-:VKff5B9IW & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS! 48 Clay St., San Franclico, j UKALKUS IN OKKGON PRODUCE. Am ctnialautly in rocelpt of Orogou Hams. Bacon, Lurd, Sulmoii, tc. Staruli, of our avn and Kim lorn muDuCacture ; ulwiijg on tiauJ. i S. P. ilolden. Jaa. Moorhoad. S. P. KOLDEN & CO.. 1UP0RTIRS or FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &o. j 28 & 30 HANSOM E ST. London ; 27 Lcalonball St., E.C- o5 HEAD QUARTERS BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, WOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. I JOHNSON, W00D& RUST. S7 Pearl SI., Boston, Mass,, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. ' OltDKItS IJlOMITLY FILLED. -Sis' : ,: A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer Id all kinds of SALMON ANO HERRINGS, 1143 Washington Street. All kin.la of Dried. fin.,k.i and Pickled KihL cotintuully m haud. J. 5ii: a it sTi, & to, COfvl.MiSSiON MERCHANTS !404 aniUUO t HllfornU St., San Fraatlico, - - California. Particular attention imid to tb,o filling of orders tor ovory dcsurintlun of merchandise, ii 23 Side ofl),F, At'., fce. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importer and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, JylU1 Cltty Strcet Sa" P"claco. UTAHCSNTRAL RA!8,10A!.- . PIONEER I.IHE OF UTAH, tJii i,ul nftei- MniKttiy, July H, 1H71 Uayo 0Kl!on at H a. ui. und 5;3o ,,. 'ia ' Arnvo at bait Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:.31l ,m In addition to the a'jove Will ruo , DAIL-y, SUNDAYS KXCEPTIOD j Loavini, Sail Ll, City at 5,ao ,,.m., and l-'fire fro,,, Salt l.nkt City to Wood Urs . . J'";f,'?"r Mj-J , Conlnvillo - . . ! S ) I'aru.iiiKtoii . . 1 :? ii Kwvill. - . ,K !' u''" - - 1, Kwie f,-o.,i lK,tcu , ; Farmmittou - - S Ml"! Controville - . ., .,- V 1 Wood. CrtiM - . r, "i ! Salt Lalto Clly . . !: 1 I tl,lrTlck.,. MtluMc,,. ! fitly H.'.?'"1!1'1'"1"'1 i Ira charred ,vl,, ! tho laro iscolloclod on tno train. 1 For all Information ooncraiiu tr.ltiM , ' VMa0, a,,,ly w : 1. O. liALWui, '.onoral ImouLi and T.tkrt Av't JOHN fJUAiii, WMaumiiiBiir. , and i behabeeie! Onno.ito tho ontranco to lb. Tanomaolo I JOHN W.YOUNG. . p,.,,,", AiliiiigBiou, t x Children, ilj u ' I Open from ).,, , 6 p m Couom,d K!c;:l,o-Mu,,,,.li0 A J fatuu, &o. .or.j.. uaii.-UOTi m. cr , SchooU and Famiii.. i. I Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. 1 zTcTkl Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T i Up Stairs, Emporium Buildings, A full, first-class stock ol STAPLE DRY GOODS, j JVOTIOSS, i BOOTS and SHOES ! AT L.UW PRICKS. i ! j Wliolcsiile buyers and Co-operative I Dealers please inspect j GROCERY-HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers can here find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH B-tANCH A GREAT VARIETY. IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE 1'KEMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty 49- FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND . VVORKNEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. HOME-MADE AND I JVI IP OUT E D MANUFACTURED FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. I i Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department 1'or Families, j j DRUG DEPT.! Fancy and Staple Drugs. ; LIQUORS IN GREAT VAKitTY j ENGLISH A Li E AND PORTER, j AVKK1LL PAINT ' WHITE LEAD, OILK, COLORS 3LAHS, ETC. I'rescriptious rom J,m-a;ms have siccial attention. It. ClWSO., Sup.. 1 1 BENEDICT, HALL & CO., .; MANtlFAUTUllUKS AND WUOUOSALE UUALEBS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO No. 131 :inl UIO (KASI) ST11KE1 Ono BlookrKL0ol'"Bro,Jtor,. NEW YOPlK. Z. C. M. I. BOOfSflD SHOE ljtilm ( men ( , :i ( Um' mi (-11 of TUB "BIQ QOT' Every stylo and quality of Boots and Slioca MAJJJ5 TO OKI) Kit, Batirfac. tion guaranteed. ALWAYS on ii And a large and choice stock of HOME-MADE impXkd BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather H . K. OLAW30N. Kprr.KTi.-TtTOin.T. ! HEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of slm. jrm Tar- 371 BROAD WA Y. NE W YORK. Jyi ' C. A. Longstreot. John Sedswiok. j LONGSTREET & 8EDSWICX i Manufacturora of and Wholesale Dealers ia MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 466 . 408 Broadway, New York. HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co Sucoeason to QritTen, Henderson k Co., IHPOETKRS AND JOBBERS OP FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, I Hosis ny, j FURNISHING GOODS. ; ETC. 4U6 300 BROAD WAV. Onposito St. Nicholas Hotel, ., 119 New York. j L. M. BATES & CO., I 451 at 453 Ui-ontUvwy, i NEW YORK, lllrulilir.S AND J0BDEB3 IS ! Taney Dry Goods, ! iiosiEKY, wurru goods, WOOLENS SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ic. J. II. BUJ.GK11. jull FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John t, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrought, Cast and Gal vaulted Aud every variety of fittings for the same. ml7 The Great Ecinlvnlcut Tbe world may be safely challenged to produce to perfect per-fect a simulation of miythiue in nature as Tari-nnt'a Seltzer Aperient Is of its original, the Seltzer Spring of tier- t many. The Aperiont, based on a correct i analysis of tho Seltzer Water, is even Stipe- , rior to tuo manufacture oT Nature herself, becauso it containis nil tho activo uiedicinal I properties of tho spring, unalloyed hy any I of tuo inert aud useless particles found in nil mineral i'ounUins. Tlio cor.uine nrticlo ( being secured, you havo tho Sol tz er Water of Kuropo. purified and por footed, nnd probably prob-ably tho best, the uiost genial cathartic and , anlibillious preparation ou the face of the i earth. I Sold by till Di-ugt;lst. i j CHICAGO TRACE. PAGE, 1JHO.& CO., IinporUrBsuil Doolora to ' LEATHER ANO FINDINGS GO Lake Street, M, D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Doalen Boots and Shoes, 11 116 wuk Ae, Chlc.go. M. D. Wells. H. J. MatfirUnd. R. lleDedict, m2i 8, P, Alclntyre. DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, Baccesiora to Diebold, BahmAnn ACo CELEBKATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BUItOLAK PKOOF A FES, And Sargent's Masnotio and Automatic: Bank a i& K PKATT& COVEKT, Ueneriu Agente bG Washington SL; Chic&go. H. B. CLAWSOS, Sunt. Z. C. M. I. Agent for Utah Territory. ; p30 BRIGGS HOUSE B-II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Well and ATrrT i n r Raudolpta Street., OlllCAGrl). This Honse is centrally loea ted, well fur- Biahed, ind contains 2oU RoomB. d2e CHASE, HftNFORD & CO,, Sl SoutU Water St., CHICAGO, Ileadnuartera for Oils, Paints, Giass, &c Mannfactnrers of the celBbraied W ILSHN OIL T.V N ;. YAK" SCHAACK, STEVENSON 4 REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Dealers ia P.MWTS, VARNISHES, GiU, ! DYE STUKf S, BRUSHES, j Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicine o., &c. ttO, a , 94 Lake St., cor. Dearborn 3 m r z v. j With a largo cxperieneo in the Territorial trade, wo feel Euro of firing satisfaction in quality, prices and packing. )uj$ Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELEit & CO., Munutactiirers of Engine, Slcnnl. Tallow, Laril and WOOL OILS. j Doalors in Hcsdliffht Carbon, Whala j . Klepharit, Saal &nd Sporm Oils ' Agentf for lh tale of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. AruU of th Wt Virginia OU m Oil LnuJ MiNOrictuains or LXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AKJ iRiti PaiNT i'or Iin and isliinglu Koofn, nOgo rim ten, Ac. Factory, CHICAGO. Offirc, fc & iallUnoia bu, .1S S. Water Street, 114 G-rain Department ! Tins temporarily KCMOVKI) lo Joliu It. 01iiwsoiis, cnsl of ili'rithi Oflice.' W'borc yur lotions etui lie supi'lk'il with Corn Meal, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Flour, Bran, Shorts Stalp, corn, Etc., Etc. AH kinds of Grain knight ami sold. 1 11. U. CLAW.iN, tSiiperintcndeai. m at ij o Have ou h:it)J the Largest aud most Complete Stock iu the City O V WAGON TIMBBB AND IEOH OF ALL SIZES, Wliioh llu'y oll'or -A.T VEXY LOW 1 RICES. ''ST KAST MTUKOT, llAl.lf-A-HI.Ol'lv SOUTH (IF T11KATRK |