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Show CHEAP ADVERTISING. . ' Advertisements under this heading : not exceeding hvc lines, fifty cents for each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional lino ten cents. STRAYED. lUOM C. P. CARLSSOX'S. lUtli WARD, r Salt Lako City, a Red Cow, ol' medium size, with a whito back, white short tail, some white underneath, and a brand on tho leftside on the ribrf. Any jicrsou nolo to I ffivo information of her lvhcroaboute, will pleaao do so aud ho rowurdod. b29 -. mn SALE. - ON It Ii ASONABLIi TE It My, I'lVJi acres of lund, ivitU an excellent ilour-iDg ilour-iDg mill and suDicionl wator powor to erect; sampling or other mills on the premises, situated sit-uated within tho city limits. Apjily to S. J. Jonnaaoii. Conveyancer, nearly opposite- tho jJimk ol Doserct. 27 ron HEM1. I.MJRNlSllliD ROOMS. HALF BLOCK X south ol tho Tli'ittro.oppoKitc the Seventies Seven-ties Halt. (27 ROOMS SUITAHLli FOR OKFICES AND Sleeping Rooms, in Taylor's liuihlincs, opposite bait Lake House. . i'lii T7IVE TO TliN ROOMS, WITH MODERN X improvement:!, including olcneta, wator-pipe. wator-pipe. Are.; also colkirs and ice-houso, in a now. wcll-linidhcd lioutu, siluiuci in a pleasant pleas-ant location. Apply to S.J. JoniiKsou, conveyancer, con-veyancer, Last 1'omplo street, noarlyonno-eito noarlyonno-eito tholiank of Decrot. h2o" 'j'llii KEY UF A SAFE. THE OWNER i can have it by applying. at tnellKiuLj) Oflioo. . . ,, . i'li : TO LEASE. " ONE OF Til 13 LEST BUSINESS LOTS in tbisoity tor u term of years. Inimiro at thLS Ollice. augli .waatedT ' I A SINOLE OEN'TLliMAN W1SHKS TO J.. obtain board in a small private family. , Address U. A. J Hotald Ulliee. 1' MRST-CLASS CARPENTERS. APPLY . to E. StoeJ, Eighth Ward. .'- fi AU1RL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE-. HOUSE-. work, or to take euro of children. In-inure In-inure nt tho residence of 0. P. .Smith, oppo-Bito oppo-Bito lhe lownscnd House. sii j THEATRE. (BE ZtTZEZEniT j : Last Kight but One . UialiiiyuUlicl Trsic AiUsU, :' 1RS.F.W1ANDFR THIS EVENING Will he refuted, fr tho fh.L hue in this cur, Ri-td'j Ui-toiital tuddv, in . Qcl.:, cniitlcd ' Marie Antoinette ; (JUEEN OF FRANCE. : Marie AiKolnctle, Mrs. F.W.Loailtr Loui-iXVLKiDBof France, M r D M-Keny.io Snmi-ilny MSljt, last nj. pc.n-.iu, -t or fllis. Laiulcr. ' , In active i-roparati-.n. th srent seii.-aii.,nal 1 l drauia, cniiiled ; T I I) B AND T I Al ii . ; X O . 3 ! I O 13 ! . ! Sait Lake Ice Company ! Llslnlillnlictl Jnii. l,lhliJ, , Ko delivered daily in nil j.,i-t of the city in WD' quantity, at rates to suit the times.' 1 .1. R. ( LAW NO?!. AGE.Vr, i itei'Otat L'iawBOii's Ice Cream Salooo. HISCELLAMEOU& ' Attention Miners! WIS ZT.'i'"'iu"': TIKKHoi's UAI.KNA ..' COPPER i SCHEMER'S SMELTING and ' REFMG WORKS, 1 At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. ! Rates for Stneltin Orea from $15 to 828 I per ton, as per quality and quantity. aucS ' General Philip Meyer HAS OPENED ' StaUs 14 & 15 meat Market, I ; And will sell tho choicest meat at prices jl'O UKPV COMPETITION. ! Don't foritet tooall on jHJTCII PlI- ' at hi.s Wasiiisotos Stall. b-M I qCIM I iSMISSIJ ! j&fcgjgl Practical Watchmaker And JBWBIjBH. Workinuushlp Gurantced II a9 tho finest stock of Watohos and Diamond Dia-mond Jewelry in tho west, at very moderate prices. Watch glasses fitted atmcts.: koyB. 10 to 15 cts.; hands. 2i cU. Koiaember, tan C. Asmusson. Main atreeL ,2M To the Ladies ! Mrs. WILKINSON East Temple Street, Wishes to inform her friends and patrons that she will opnl ON SATURDAY, (lie 3rd lit., A splendid stock of MILLINERY AND j DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Ladies' and Misses' Hals, Tiirbnm, Feathers, ItlllbOUH, Sntlns, Velvets, Empress and Sedan Cloths, PLAID MOHAIRS, Japanese Silks and Parisieiiiies, MERINOS, ALPACAS, ETC., EXPRESSLY SELECTED TO SUPPLY THIS MARKET. ANOTHER ADVANCE j Iu the Trice of DRIED PEACES ! Bring them along TO TEASDEL&COS !B loo SEWING MCIIIIS, THE BEST "" . IN TUB "W'ODEI.IjID, AT ' TEASDEL & GO. Eagle House, juyl.. -aat Temple Street, BATHS? BATHS I Wnvm Spring Uulhs ! Prlvat. and Plunge. TlH-'-cciclirntocl bathi nro open to Ibe publlo t lUI Their mPdlclna prorrti ftr0 ao widelj B-.j1.1m the Private Bmlw, ll.o largo and Imndiom. j tarniNbed Plung. Batli. tor Ull Md ill- 0I " nt,W POn' " AIlNol'D' BUILDING LOT FOR SALE, Well fimccj. plantod with ohoioe fruit, con uininu oct hundred rods, and within abort duuncc of th. boiincai ..art of the ellr. Applj at tho HvaJd'' olnoe. t4 DWYER'S COLUMN. I i j JUST RECEIVED, i 1 t A lino stock of New Books, j i I FANCY PORTEIYIONIES i CHAIN PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS. WOLSTENIIOLM'S Ladies' and Gents' Pocket Knives, Tooth Brushes, India I Jabber Combs, Etc. CHARLES DICKENS', SCOTT'S, READ'S THACKERAY'S NOV3SLS la setts or singly. A fine assortment of DIARIES for 1872 Gents' Russia Leather Pocket and Billfold Books, Fine Turkey Morocco Wallets and Pocket Books. Initial French Stationery, ALL KINDS. CONGRESS, LETTER, j LEGAL and BILL CAP 1 3? -A. PE R S i A magnificent stock of ALBUMS All Prices. Mitchell's Manual of Assaying, Assay-ing, and all kinds of Mining Works. BLANK COOKS Ol'every description, from two to sixteen quires each.' LEGAL BLANKS Of every description, for sale at DWYER'S BOOK STORE, Next door lo Kimball & l.awieucu's. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FOR ALL THE LEADING ! NEWSPAPERS AND MAO-, MAO-, AZINES PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. Mr. Dwyer makes it a prominent part of hiabusinoas lo fill Orders for Books of all kinds for Public or Private Pri-vate Libraries, or individuals. ' All who desire to procure the best Books and best Edition in tho most economi- I cal manner, will receive prompt atlen- 1 tion. Z.CM.I. CLOTHING DEPT. O-B AND CLOTHING j AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, ! 5Z. O. I. WE ARE JUST OPENING A FULL AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CassimereS SUITABLE FOR FALL AND MITER USE, Which we shall sell in suit or other lengths on a very Ismail margin. Gentlemen wishing to be dressed in the most fashionable fash-ionable aud substantial manner, can have their selection maunfuctured on short notice by our own workmen, of large experience, expe-rience, and good fit guaranteed. guar-anteed. In addition to the above we have OPENED an IMMENSE STOCK Of suitable and aeasonnble READY-MADE CLOTHING ! J In every variety of fulirio mid I style. i . : I The Latest fashions in HATS AND CAPS Negligee, Dress and Under Shirts, DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, NECK-TIES AND BOWS, ' HANDKERCHIEFS, Boots and Shoes, WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, ETC. j j House Furnishings, BLANKETS, Floor & Oil Cloths, MATS AND RlICS. 'WALL PAPEil AND DECORATIONS, With comnolont workmen to aUcml to imr-ohiuurs. imr-ohiuurs. ! SUifTlus Largest, Most Desirable and Complete Stock in b'tnh. j II. II. CI.AWSON, I SWT. j J rTggs, LECHTENBERG & CO, WHOLESALE AND KlOl'AII, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, lilquors, Tobacco, Sejrars, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS! Parties desiring to purchaso will do well to inspect our stock, which is complete in every department. ONE DOOR SOUIH OF SAVAGE & OTTINGER'S. DURTFORB & I Large Arrival of New Goods. Our Fall and Winter Slock of BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS Arc now opened and on sale. Wo have the largest and best slnck oftlio above ever olTcrcd to the people of Utitb. 1 Goods Fresh and Fasliionabla ! All the Latest Styles or Eits--Si k, lioft aad ot.fi'l Hoots and Shoes in Endless Qmmities and tj)e "G-OODS GBIEI!" Wholesale Buyers will consult their interests to pive us a call before purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere, as our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE ! JiMES DAGDE. Jun. J. II. IIAUUE, ' 0E0I10H UAOtlE. Big- CSrixxi SEitozro ! HAGUE BROTHERS, L A T K JAM K S HAGUE, Importers and Coalers j GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, fJlISlIiS mm SSa-dcile, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. ,2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, MEATS! MEATS!! MEATS!!! wilsoh & co., . IMPORTERS Jennings & Paul, wholesale" dealers S4"3sH "jT- ty? ! Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Bran-LlliiJL Bran-LlliiJL X J, tf, j dies, Wines and Liquors, I Clgai-a, Tobacco, Boots and Shoes, 1ST E "SAT I Hardware, &.C., Ac, 1EAST T E ,11 PI STREET. MEAT MA Kit KT," 1 S"M S1' nS- 'Zr"' E'JrcdE0 1 K-p. o,o,Mt HLlTUNNEL mutton, MINING COMPANY. VEAL 9 VMIE STOCK COOKS of the Emma Hill " Paq i JL Tnnacl ami Mining Company aronow W tt IVj opon in Koid's Bnildins, and a limited number num-ber ofunassc-'aljle aba.te3 for salo. And everything in their line whk'h the The Emma 1! il Tunnel nnd Mininc Cora- market affords. pany was locate! April XiTU. incorporated """ -"y wagon, will J.'te&!S? deliver meats free in imy ,iart of 1 lie For particular: innuiro of ell J-. y. s. WOODI1ULL. Vicr. Pnrs.. , . . .... . Koid's Building Orders i Kiven at any time dunn: market Or JAS.A. MURPHY. Sbckitabt, liours will be iirouii'tly filled when dcsirctL ;iu(,'-;l ltoid's Building. EAST TEMPLK STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. A. F. TILDES, - J. . LAWKEkcEl;,d"'''i I'nOPBKTOM. Juylu LAtoof NowYork, J H. DINWOODEY'S New Furniture Store ON EAST TEMPLE STREET, , NOW OESKT. Un on h nuil 'ii very Large A.sorlmcul of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! N Fine Parlor sets ,., from s-HH) to $450. Bedroom sets tVr.ni "5 to $-5a i Also at his Stand West of Meat Markut, First South St j -f I CALDER BROTHERS IH'.tlcrs iit I'vi-ry vari'ily uf MUSICAL 1HSTEUMEHTS Sl'KClAli A(i KN'l'S r..r I lali vi'lbo Ai-ioii J'iuuoi'orle Co-.iipiiuy, .Slciuway t Sons, cliirk-ciins cliirk-ciins tSons. i)(.fk :r A: liariii's mill (Ji'ori'MH'iu At. Tiilli r'. - --r r : r:r . y ;:v.v-.';;-:.;: -iYy, 3VE-A.SOTST Sz. li.A.IvrlXilN'S WOUI.P-HK.NOWNKD CABIITET OIC3--A.IsrS ltcad wliat our IVolossors of AIu.mo udJ J-oiulmi; t'it'i.ons ol' Uio Tovvitory s:iy iiliout t limn in our new (....vuliir. Books, iE3tvtioxior,y . SCHOOL FURrillSH..UOai. |