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Show ;travel. DAILY STAGE LINES Timouaii I Utah, South -east ,Vevada & Montana) Mon-tana) l..lKSu 1..U. CItyD.lly, m:..:. ,.,,. TJnrlc. Mount NcDO, Sevier, St. Qooreo, Utah ; and Piooho, Nevada ; Palling through l'rovo, Sprintrfillo, Spanish Fork.Pay-son, Fork.Pay-son, Salt Crock, Chiokcn Creek, Hound Valley, I'Ulmorc.Lorn Crock, Boavor, Minera- viilo, and 1 All the principal town and mining camps intoulhem Utah and miA-eatt Nevada. Al.o leave corlniia, Utah, dally, running nortU to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Crock mines, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing oamps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFF1CK, Wells, Fvgn 4 Co. Building innl Salt lain City LmWbo. fl. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPI51U Ml Tintic Stage and Express ': XiiisrE, H.INMNO D All. If FROM SALT j LAKE CITY, wla LAKE WW", TOUELK CITY, STOCKTON 1 AMD OPHIH TO TINTIC. The route has been re-.toctted with snlm-dti snlm-dti Concord Coaohos. fine Stock. caioful and StontiVo Drivors. and every attention 19 paid J S tho comfort anl convenience of raum- ' j BOra- Good accommodation on the road. I THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. : Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Offieo t Walla, Farfjo - Co.'s, Salt Lftka City. WINKS & KIMBALL, Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. jT--: i;. "vr ' On a iid after January 31st, 7a MIXED TRAINS WILL XJ3ST D AIL ""ST. Leaving tho Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7.10 a.m.; Draper ' 5.45 p.m., and Sandy Station, (nearest ' point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at t 6.20 p.m. i An extra train will j linn on Sundays! 1 Leaving Draper at 8.40 a.m., Sandy "i aty.l0a.m Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. 1 FA.Xt.ESi ; Salt Lake to Bic Cottonwood Station. Moll Little " Sandy " Draper l-.fi Twenty-fire cents additional will be charged whoa tile faro is coUocted on the tram. D. U. CALOKR, Gen. Freight ar-d Ticket Agent. KKKAflORZ LITTLB BDPB HINT KXD UN T. UTAH CENTRAL llAlLKOAP. PiCiiEER LINE OF UTAH. L'n aad alter Monday, July "i 187) Daily Trains ' l,.i'Vf.-i.il;Lit City t5 iu antl P.H. Arrive ut Oku en 7 a. m. and P-- AintVai 'saJtLAkB cVty 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.ra In addition to the abo.e TRAINS Will run PALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED LeftTinr Salt Lake City at 5J0 p.m., and Ofiden at 5a.m. Passenger! will pleaaa ParthiH tnelr Ticket at the OfDeee. ' p.hj Cent additional will be charred wher the Ure u collsctsd on Ue train. '. jot- n infortna'ica eorKernini Ireilht oi , pasiace, apply to D. O. CALDtH, General jtreiiht and TioletAjt't - 1 ' JOHN SHABP, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. CEO. W. CLARK, S.K IMl'OHTEUSOF I - PAPER HANGINGS, Lft WINDOW SHADES, ETC., 333 Pln. Street, SAN FRANCISCO. AJ STEIN, SIMON & CO., Importer, and Dealers In C TAH.OBS1 GOODS . Cloth". ('nime. & Trim- I -lliilltircl Clotha, Ktc CM i"l!34 Sr.,ontO Street, SANTRANCISOO. lJSU,ian.Si-eel. ilt..e,lol'lieW.l";.r. . .10 NEW YORK. riBI!. SKK A. B. ELFELT & CO., IlU'ORTKnS AND J0DUF.ua Or' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, lOS fcllOSansomc hslrcet. SAW FRANCISCO. IEt.FKLT, I.KVI & CO. 132 Cliurcli 3i., N. Y. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St., Fl SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Carernl and prompt attention paid t 1 ' .leM .ntru.ted to our care. pl- 3. i irr 1 11 to's db co. BOOTS, SIIOKS& LEATHER 104 & IOG SansomeSt., San Francisco, 11 And 0 A 12 Pearl Street, Boatou. BVCKiyGUAM it IIECUT, Mnniiracinrorf of the "HTRA QUALin" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SKOIS. JACOB UNDERlllLL &, CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, . Bole Agents for Bander son Bro'a 4 Co'e OAST STBEL--Files, Blouse Holo Anvlli, Collins it Co'a C. S. BUUges. Picks, Axes, fcc. 11S 120 Battery Street, San Franclsea. all JAMES A. FOLQER. 0. SCHOEMAHH. a c-r.1 rPR Si CQ'R PIONEEH STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. NO. M30 Front Street, Botweon California and Sacramento, ,3 SAN ITU AN CISCO. SAHUtl W. RDSEHSTOCI. MARIOM LEVEBTRITT. S. W.R0SENST0CK&C0. ManuTacturen and Importers cl" BOOTS AND SHOES, H. K. Corner ofUftiisome .fc Bush Streets, San Francisco. Sole Agents for tho National GunraQtced Rubber Boots- for Uoword, French & Oo'a Oolobrated Min-nora Min-nora nnil Farniore' Iloola; for Meeker & rondloton s 11 and Sowed UooU. a!3 J. BAUM & CO., Importora and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 233 Saniome St., San Fmuclsco. No 18 Warren St., New York. ft Harness, Saddlery, Leather. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., 10 Jt $ 10G Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO Ilcfrr lit, veymission to Mr. II- n Claw ,'s,.,J,-!:i,uLi,tofllicZ. CM. I. al JOIIIV G. HODGE & Co., Importers, Manufacturers ' AND , WHOLESALE STATIONERS, I ?. aand 331- B Strort. 43 John St., NEW Y0KK. With tho facilitiea we possess we can confidently con-fidently say that wo can supply everything in the Pancr and Stationery lino, of superior supe-rior qualities, at lower prices than can do t obBSDl0B SAMPLES. i A. L. BANCROFT & CO., BAN FBANCISCO. BOOKS, STATION Elt Y, PBINTING, t, UTHOGBAPHING, Qr And ev.rytoing in this connection 8' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ftt Letters of Inquiry receive prompt attention. 1110 THE IMPROVED 5 FRENCH RANGE. ly Tha mostcompletoCooking Apparatus in use The Eureka Range, Stands unrivaUod by any other Portable Kaogo. 1 ti u Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. . Locke & Montague, 112 & 111 Battery St. tfAil FHaSCLBCO. . Hutte, Fuller & Co., LUMBER YARDS. LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO y-AX y-AX OTHER EXTENSION. Hil We have added to our other business. JJJf LUMBERYARD, Whero we intend keeping a complete Stl stock of TRUCKKE LUMBER, clear and oomtnon, SUGAR PINE, REDWOOD, i RUSTIC, m SIDING, TT CEILING, H FLOORING, rough & dressed, Importers and Dealers in PAINTS, OILS WIXlOW GLASS, Sole Agent for French & Belgian Plate Glass Go's, 21 and 23 FRONT STREET. 3 San Francisco. richards & harrison' Importers of til ALT LIQIOKS OILMAN STORES,! 314 dt 316 Battery St., San Franclito Agents .for Crvssi.j BlaekwdCs En'jlilh Groceries, J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, HtiDtley k Palmer's Reading Biscuits I, S. FRY & SON S CHOCOLATE Si COCO. ARDBEQ ISLAY BCOICU WHISKEY. JOt'LE'S TRADE MARK. MALT LIQUORS, JOULE'S STONE ALE. Tenrtenf. Scotch Ale. Blood'; India Pal. Al.. Bui A Co". Burton Ale. Brw. ChwEi.irn. Ale. Blood'. X Dublin Dub-lin stout. Gainnees Bablin Stont. Bra.' !-T.lnn Porter. Ton-neal'. Ton-neal'. XXX Stout. Bridge'. London Sorter. Fox.lfn iiltinor. In Cafe.. 3 SlllUiO, LATH. VE CAR LOADS just arrived of WISCONSIN c DOORS, O SASH & BLINDS. Co MOULDINGS in great variety. lipping, Planing and Job Work at LATIMER, TAYLORIXO'S YARD AND FACTORY, One block welt of Taternacle. A largo assortment can bo found at MIDGLEY'S PAINT STORE, Three doors west of BTaln Street, uppoiilte "Walker Bro'a. All Kinds of Lumber , DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, , T. R. JOKES, 17 Balf-blook south of TJ. C. Depot, FREIGHTERS TO PI0CI1E, -AND- FAMILIEMOTICE. If you want to get CORN, OATS, BARLEY, FLOLR, and FEED of all descriptions, beforo purchasing you should give . Geo.H.Knowlden 3 a call, who sells in CAR LOAD LOTS, ' BY THE TON OR RETAIL, the cheapest of any in the City. I Families also can have thcil GRAIN, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, and GROCERIES delivered anywhere in tho City FREE OF CHAJIOE. ? CARS OF GRAIN arriving over: Z day and for sale in lots, on the tracl or at his store, West Side of Mai Street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's Casi Bail forlinlsof Grain GIVE HIM A CAUL G. II. K. Opposite Wells, Fargo fc Co'8, Mnl: J, Street, Salt Lake City. al6 W.T.REYNOLDS & CO., EZABRISKi: L. San trancisco- Salt LAo City. p, WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISRIE & CO. IIAVE FOR SALE A FINE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. : Orders Solicited and Satisfaction: Satisfac-tion: Guaranteed. HARDWARE. S1 OR BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All klndi of ; HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, . Stoves and Tin Ware BLACK.SM1TU TOOLS, Avrloultural Implement! M Ana mining Tools, At Lowest Hates. I OPPOSITE SALT LAKB UOUSB 1 I ttU , HENDRIEBRO'S J 33 MAIM STRKKT, SALT LAKE CITY, jjj Manufacture: of California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts token for tlio erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELT-at SMELT-at LNG FURNACES COM- T PLETE in any of the J Miuing Districts. e j Wo manufacture the Vrtrncy &. Wheeler Fan.. Patent Pre.aeil Bltocs .ml Die., Patent Stem Guides. 1 . anil tne M.cbln.ry comrlele for J It, STAMP MILLS -AND- - REDUCTION WORKS. f ofwhichwomakoa peoialty and uajant Jt satisfaction in all cases. Manufacture wt r Bolthoff's Ball Pulverizer, WS, OR DRY CUUBUIHD, I ' Will do the work of!5 Stnmps. Price, $1500. I, . Manufacturers' Agents for the Sale of ClnTtcvnnt&Boot Blowers, Enrle fc Cameron Steam Pnmps, Hoisting. Portable and Stationary m-m Wlreol'ring Rope, (Flat and Round.) " 5 p Tunnel Kali Iron, 10. 12 and 16 lbs. to the IroiiPl'p for Gas antl Water, Dodge fc Blake Ore Crusliers, mining Cars and Iron Buckets, Arglllc Fire Brick, and rrTi Mining Supplies. SOLE AGENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB -A. 33, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH TIIE HOUSE. MAIN STREET, Two doors souin of Wells, Fargo d: Co's Bank. tny5 FIRE INSURANCE. HOME im'RAIN'CE C0.; Columbus, Ohio. M A DAVflUERIY. JACOB PEETRY, PrejiJcnt. becrclirr. Cabh Assets - - s71,452.l. By r.uon of br! capital and a lire, bnsintu. ell diitribnted. i offet to tie public indemnity that u second to none. Our Cbicigo record ii a tuajtnte. ol prompt and euuitable adjustment and pay ment of loniee. H. R. MANN, Agent Offlcci Banking nouie of A. W Wbltt b Co. Po Ouim Box, So, 561. DUlO ESTIMATE3R.ndLDRAWINaSKfurni.bo.d SCOTT, DIM Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, t IRON PIPE, i PIPE FITTINGS. 1 BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, " Fireproof Safes, G, S. Lubricating Oil E' Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. , 20,0D0lRONAND STEEI At C. II. Kassett's Oppo.lt. Bait Uk. Hon... alt J - J i I )i V3 . s i & a i - n fit c-slHi -I i BC J iit ti" a3 .- s s i ! B Sg. uj ?S 2- S t ll IS ss ! s s t s.-J-f i ill m c a o I O Iff ! U 3 tO r i J Furnacemen Attention! rgoA 1 Fire Bricl f- SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO " " A. &B AGKIITS OS TBI GULDEN CITY FIRE B1UCM Which are cqusJ if not superior to beet Enulish. , Spooial rates siven by the oar load. c -1 JAS, A. STROMBERG, Merchant Tailo and oeer Ea5t Side Commercial St., id to Next door eouiu of J. 01. Day A 1 e oi pw Cloths, Cassimeres, &c on nai ALL WORK GUARANTEED. . n Clothes Cleaned and Repaired V to new al low rate. Patronage Respectfully (Solicited. 110 B SEWING MACHINES. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE -F OR- i THE WILSON E) SEWING Re MACHINE - WILL SEW THE FINEST f TEXTURES. I a a THE WILSON SEWING . ; MACHINE! WILL SEW THESTOUTEST LEATHER. THE WILSON SEWING .MACHINE WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. FOR SALE BY " CALDER&SEABS, 37 East Temple Street. THE WEED SEWING MACHINES ' For Family and Manufacturing Purnoses, - Embody all that is now and novo! in Sowini I Machines. They are tho latest improve 1 anl lighteatrunning shuttle maphtnoa m th world" Beautiful ana comimot m model an . unoxcollod in matonal and finish. They aoi I overytbinE from laoo to boavor cloth in tn most p or foot manner, a KreryvarUty of Hemming, FlHni dutltlng, Cording, Ruflllng, . Piping, Tnblng, Fringing, - Hem Stitching etc., easily petformcd. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheeU MO VIBRATING SPRINGS. ? Every Machine Warranted as Representoi Salesroom on First South Stree - gfcit Lake City, oppoaita tha Nei Z Ueat market. I IRA PFOUTZ, J jnjt! Aget- 5 .- THE CELEBRATED 1 Elgin Watches !e at s FACTORY PRICES. NEW STOCK :of r Genuine Jewelry. Co The Public are cordially invited to call and examine, ad. . 2. O. HVE- I- aal EAST TKMPLK 8 T XI E K T , H HaUllilocaniirtnof UuSwU EmpMima MISCELLANEOUS. 1872. ii ?ancy Straw Hats c and Wreaths, at astonishingly low prices, just the thing for PIC-WICS AND EXCURSION PARTIES, Retail Dry doois BejartEit II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. j 00 5 co I a : r h B. -a l O J " O 111 rt a o 8 Q. , s w r" p 2 i O Ul O " J i a B n. w a S z j 3 i I s si - -3 i iS x Q I s 1 I J g X a s i4 S B o 1 i 3 : PS 1 1 J 5 &4 5 (w H . S B. 03 H S5 llii 13 2 i a AH & IZiaa i. JO GOBDOS. HEKBY B. HURRAY. : Gordon & Murray, EtSuooanon to ELY, DUNCAN A Co.,) FORWIRDIXG AAD Commission Merchants Warehouses, halfa-blook south of R. R. Depot, Salt Lake City, Sandy Station, and end of Track or Utoh Southern 3 Railroad, Utah. 3 Merchandise, Machinery, fco., Forwarded For-warded with promptness and dispatch, dis-patch, at Lowest Kates, to all points in Middle and Southern Utah and Southern Nevada. 0 MARK. PACKAGES care G. & M. 9 Salt Lake Uitj. Serd hippinB Receipts to their Post Office Box 7?i. Sit Lako Citj, Utah, with each Cooaigniuont uf Goods; Mr H.VRI1KR, of III tlriu, will art an arpnt 'j Kt Piixke lor nil bosini-M id tht ticIuUt and tlimuli vtliutii coutrtveu cut Lo ni4e uid lull 1 I InlorLuatioti uMiEed. 3 Special Attention given, to the Handling Hand-ling and Tram-Shipment of Bullion and Ores. Advance Charges payable on receipt or shipping bills by Consignee!. all HiEheet Price paid for WOOL AND HIDES. Grain, Hay, &.C., for Sale. Ti HavioB largo and commodious ware-honae, ware-honae, we are .irepared to receive and store im all kind! of oodi. 'clothing DEPARTMENT, z. o. im:. i. llnving made extensive Alterations nud Improve-nents Improve-nents in our premises, we are now prepared to ifter every facility in carrying on our rapidly inn-easing business in the sale of GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Ready-made Clothing. HATS OF THE NEWEST STYLES ARRIVING EVERY FEW DAYS. OXJB SPKING ABEIVALS Will compriso tho most oxtonsivo and vAricd Stock of Suits 'Jul. ."?el;' of every size and style, Ilaiising from "Men's" of 2! years to thoso of tho largest proportions; while tho quality cannot fail to establish still further the reputation which wo have already earned. The Gents Furnishing Goods Departm't FOUND COMPLETE, And will offer new inducements to our numerous oustomors. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is in the hands of qualified Artists, who will bestow tho oaio and attention so necessary in successfully carrying on this important branch, so that Gentlemen can rely on haying their tastes suited in every partioular. We are daily receiving Our Spring Purchases of Piece Goods Comprising tho most fashionable stylos of now goods, in Fronch, English and American - SUIGS' COATINGS and CASS1MERES, To which we invite special attention, m i tt fj r Will Bad our stook of Cloths and IT1 1 TT AT)Ct j ljyiTrimmiEE3Ttah.cdhithortoin lAlLUtto jj NEWEST STYLES in WALL PAPERS and DECORATIONS Constantly arriving. t TRUNKS TO SUIT ALL TASTES, 01 our own manufacture. j jj m2g Hi B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. j Ladies and Gentlemen, - Rich or poor, desirous of proeuring a Perfect Fit in Boots or Shoes, will t find at Oi) Alain Etrect a large and g choico assortment to select from. If we cannot suit you from our ready- t made stock, we will make to order j any Btyle and quality desired, and in- ( sure satisfaction. Our facilities for j manufacturing are unsurpassed in , this city. REPAIRING Done neatly, promptly and cheaply. Boot and Shoemakers "We invite your attention to our complete com-plete Btock of Leather and Findings, I consisting, in part, of the best brands of French and American Calf Skins, iloroccos, Kids, Linings, Toppings, Upper Leather, 13oot Trees, Lasts, Pege, Nails and everything elso necessary nec-essary to a full outfit for manufacturing manufactu-ring by hand or machinery. vJur goods having been carefully selected for tho trade, by Mr. Crompton, they can be relied on, and our prices aro as low as any goods of like quality can be sold here. Orders by mail receive careful and prompt attention. Observe the address ad-dress 90 Main street. Saddlers "Will hnd it to their interest to examine exam-ine the quality and prices of our stock of Eastern and "Western Harness, Tug, ' Bridle, Dash, Collar, Winker, Fair and Lace Leathers, Kaddlo Trees and Halters. "Wo make a spocialty of i Horse Collars, in which wo cannot fail to give satisfaction. Besides a largo variety of California manufactured manufac-tured Collars, our assortment includes , Hayward's colebrated copper-riveted Horse Collars. Notice 99 Main street "We have lately received, and are constantly con-stantly receiving, largo supplies of all the above classes of goods, and we endeavor to procure, manufacture and sell only such articles as will maintain our character for reliability. H1DKS BUIUHT. Z, C. M. I. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT, AT THE SIGN Oh BIG BOOT, See main xr k;e t, SALT LAKE CITY. J mis H. B. ClawroD. Sup'L I- " CITY LIQUOR STORE! Eetp constantly on band. Wholesale and Retail, " Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Loweit Ratal, e- .HOimaCK'! BU1I.DIHOI, I? 1T alt epl Ayer's Cathartic Pills. VBfT 6" For tho reliet M fc and cure of all dor aDftomeatB FL- in thestomach, tfr'SK. liver, and bow- rf( va s- They ars litV a mild aperient $ J? - an(l an eicel-, eicel-, JjjyV- lent purgatiTC t03uS Being purely S."S'i't vegetable, they S contain no mer-jssr mer-jssr iii cory or mineral wbatevor. Much Berious licknMS and saf-ferine saf-ferine is prevented by their tunoly use; and every family should have them on band lor their protection and rollof. when roouired. Long experience has proved them to oe tne safest, aureet, and best of all tho fi' with whioh tho market abounds. By their occasional occa-sional use, the blood is purified, the corruption! corrup-tion! of the system expelled, obstruct ions removed, and the whole machinery ot tile restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which becomo clofited and alujuiaH are cleansed by Ajicr'a J'tUs, and stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thuj incipient disease u changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes multi-tudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed Their sugar-coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired ' for any length of timo, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Althotuta searching, they are mild, and operate witli-out witli-out disturbanoe to the constitution, or ow or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box. how to use them as a tamiiy ' Physio, and for tho following complaint. S which these rapidly cure: For Dyspepsia or Xndleestion, W-1 W-1 leaanese Languor ud i-osa of Appe-i, Appe-i, tile, they should be taken moderately stimulate thofitomach.and restore iuhealtiu tone and action, , . . For Liver Complaint and its' van ' symptoms. Bilious Headache, Sir i- llenlo.cl.e, Jaundice or Orreu Sita-r Sita-r neii, Bllleua Colic and Bilious F , vera, they should be iudiciously Ukn l Q each oase, to correct the diseased action or rr remove tho obstructions which causj it. y For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but oni milddose is generally required. For IlheuiuatUra, Gout, orT i n pivlpKntlou of the Heart, Pl the tilde, Back, and Loins, they shoold , bo continually taken, aa required, to chaste d the diseased aotion of tha system. 1. Buoh Change thosi compla'nU dtwrnaw. 1 For Dropsy and DropslcaJ Swelling' they should be taken in large and j. ' . a.. ,v, nfTet nfodrutic part; For Suppression, a large, doseibo aid be taken, as it produces the desired effect W TS Pill.tok.ow or two to promote digestion, and relieT. lie lwm An occasional dose stimulates the stoffl-ach stoffl-ach and bowels, restores the IPP?"'-.:" inviKorates the system. Hence it it ii o' advanuicou. where no sorioosderaoieK" eiisu. One who feols tolerably well. J i find, that a dose oi Uiose .Mk teel decidedly bettor, from their el"""" and rcnovadng effect on the duesure paratus. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. AYKR &. Co., Practical Clicml.u, LOWELL, MASS., V. A- For moU at Z. C. M. I. Dm AND ALL DRUGGISTS EVERVWUEEH- To Freighters. fltUE SOLAR 8A1-T CO. will X uacl lor tie freuthtiniot from 500 lo 1,000 tous of SALT, From their Maub in Bnake VilW; Pioche. in lou to suit: an'l lr."jbel m. 5 com. to the Marsh will be 'jSJun load! to Pieche at th. r.t. ol rortlB""" per ton. Addre... 6"b.,UojneJ- Charcoal Ageucy. TRl'CKfE. CL. a WE have, at Pre..-.. . " W 0vld.Ch.reO.l in "a tie,, if order, .re received and me b, th. 15th of June nj- U(IMUtf I "'d"'- """I" . Tutm-dUt. I" marantoes, wiU recei.e in mU Bl..o, Wallace m . |