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Show x RAILROAD WATCH. Travolers by Railroad frequently find their watches completely demoralized by the continuous con-tinuous jar of tho twin. To overcome this difficulty has long beon a problem with watchmakers, and it is now successfully accomplished ac-complished in the new grnio made by tho AMERICAN WAT01I CO. OF WALTUAM, This Watch ia made in tho most substantia substan-tia manner, on the most approved principles, princi-ples, and combines nil tho reoont improve mcnts. It has a new mtcromotrtoal regulator, regu-lator, by which the slightost variation can bo oasily eorrooted. It is carefully adjusted, and may bo entirely relied on to run accurately, accu-rately, wear well, and ENDURE THE HARDEST USAGE, without any derange-mont derange-mont whatcvor. Wo confidently reeommend this watah to the trade and tho public as the BEST WATCH FOR THE PRICE IN THIS MARKET. Tho full trade-mark engraved on the plato of oah watch is "AMERICAN WATCHC0-, CRESCENT-ST.. WALTHAM. MASS.," and it is distinctively known as tho CRESCENT-ST. AVatch. For sale by all loadiDs Jowelors. ROBHINS & APPLKTON, GENERAL AGENTS, 1 BOND-SI., N. Y. A Batli of Fragrance! Of the many enjoyments which civil-iiation civil-iiation affords to us, there ia not one more delightful or more healthful than a tepid bath, in which a half bottle of Murray tt Laiimans Florida Water has been mixed; it is so refreshing, so soothing, and so strengthening. 653 For sale at Z. C. M. I. and Godbe's drug stores. Faded Complexions! How many thousands of ladies there are who look wan and faded, while yet in early life ; to all such let us whisper a word. You have in Bristol's Sar-saparilla Sar-saparilla the means of restoring your color, brightening your eyes, sweetening sweeten-ing your breath, and giving you sound general health. For sale by all druggists. drug-gists. 627 SPECIAL ADYEilTISEMEATS WASTED. AFIRST-CLAS ALE AND PORTER brewer: none but an oiporionood hand who can Giro pood rrferenco need apply. R. U. MARUETTS, Utah Brewery, njlG Salt Lake Cily. BOY WANTED. WASHINQTTON House. Third South-street. mylS A STABLE MAN, TO TAKE OHARGE of a horse and drive: also a first-class fomalo cook and a tidy waitress and chamber cham-ber maid. Roue lint persons fully competent need Apply. THosua Fitch. A T THE AMERICAN HOTEL, A COOK and throo Girlf. May 10th. 1872. J' C' L,17 POlt REXT. TWO FINE BASEMENTS WELL J,KhKt,lrantI dl7; AiPly to thooffioo of the Great Western Hotel. myl7 TWO ELIGIBLE RESIDENCES, ONE three blocks oast, tho other throo blooks west of -Main-street. Eduuiro at this oflioo. my la A TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, 1. with nine rooms and oollar, and one and a quart or norcs pUntod with tho choicost fruit; located on Eiuhth East street, near tirst South, in the 11th Ward. Enquire at A. Loventhal's Auction House. my'J A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED BED-room, BED-room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, gentle-men, one and a half blocks west of the lownsend House. Enquire of Mra. Ferguson Fergu-son on tho premises. mys FOR SALE. A PAIR OF LARGE MULES. ENQUIRE lx. at tho rcsidonco of L. B. Ritcr. Ninth "rd. 'myls FOR SALE CHEAP. THE HEST FAMILY Horse in tho city, large size, can trot a mile inside of three minutes. Perfectly safe for women or children to drive. Apply to William BnrrouEhfl, California Stablea. myl7 pHEAP FOR CASH.-TDE BOX ELDER W place ono block east from Depot. Land, i by -2Q rods. Orchard of oboicest fruit agod trees. Apply to LcGrand Young, on the premises, or at tho offioo of Jos. A. Young, GROVES, Office, Second South Street, Three doors west of Revere Honae, half a block east of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City. OtBct Houn from 9 tan. uj i p.m. mi Al Argenta Lodg: No. 3, A. F. A "T1 Stalpd communications y&W. of this iLodco held on the first and iPjV-a h,ri Tuesday of each month, at Masonic Hall, East Temple Street. Members of s:ator lodges and Eojourning brethren in good standing are cordially invited. in-vited. E. B. 7.ABRI3KIE, W. M. C A- GOULD, Secretary pro torn, my9 $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalize d by State Authority and Drawn in Public in St, Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Cla(E,tol)tDrawu Bny yit l7a. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $3iJ0,000. I prue cfSlO.OOOi 300rri(.nfS irto 1 pr:io ol l.'i. !.-,(! UpriMof l.OOll lprze of lU.UUUj Upnof 500 1 y:ue of l,AOV, 'J ITU . 0l uo 4pnoI 5ri;, Opn;.. SO ' Pr: '"t 1 :pr'3ol i-.o SiM-iiiMul .Hill IOpriicaci JOO 10pi.ul jIU J,OUUn.eJUI 10 lliU.i., SIO. Half Tickets. S3. U'irtcra, Si.3u. CI. Our lottariM ar chart-red by the gtato are .i!w.iy d: t the uw... 1, acj ,...'tlJ ,lj"aUI--'"i-10n M .WITH ILffilM!,,!. i-The ci:;il d-.-;D.- w.ll t-pcUiih-.-J !a ihr &t. Lom pat., and tupy rent lo fiulhism ol rir Wo dr.iw a -imilar fchrrtia toe lul !ai ul T.Ty aiuoili during lau jtar r", K'-nm mt cur r.-k i.v I'di? oyyrry M'-'AKV OHDKRS. Bt'JISTKRtD LtlTKB WLVir.ur K.M'ilE.-?. (su.j !ur , irc-Ur Ad" In,- .HlKllAY,ailLLKll4Co.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SEMPLE, BIRGE & Co.f S.XN'T XjOTJIS Manufacturers and Agents AGRICULTURAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGON'S. Oflioe and Sample?: IS SOUTU MAIN STREET. Warehouse: mylS )U. 116. 118 ELM STREET. BUCK'S liRILLIANT COOiUTOfE. If you want tho best, buyBuok's Brilliant It is the most Perfoot Baker. It iB the mosl Durnble. It burns the least Wood. It alwayf gives Satisfaction. More of Buok's Stoves hnvo been sold and are in use than any stove cvor made. Every Stove is warraute! BUCK'S Guarantee, For Coal and Wood, has only boon in nse twe yoars- It ia now tho lending Coal Cook Stove. Why. it i aPorfoot Baker. It is n Fuel Saver; it is made with our PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings which will last longer than Five Sets of common Lin ings. It will draw in any good flue, and if the only Coal Oookfog Stove that gives entire Satisfaction. BUCK AND WRIGHT, 730 and 723 N. Mala Street, Snint Louis, Manufacturers of all varieties o: COOKING and HEATING STOVES. Sam. pie Cards and Price .Lists furnished OD application. myl8 TEASDEL &CO., Eagle House, 65, 67 & 69. STANDARD GOODS, STAPLES ! STAPLES ! ! DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, GROCERY DEPARTMENT, LADIES' BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT, MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, MEN'S BOOT, SHOE & HAT DEPARTMENT, BLEES' SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT, LADIES FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. CHOICEST STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, MER-CHANDISE, UNEQUALLED UNEQUAL-LED WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Departments have Deen Eefillei New Goods Arriving Every Day. All Orders Filled With Care. EVERY CLASS OF MERCHANDISE MERCHAN-DISE FOR FAMILY USE ALL COMBINED IN ONE HOUSE. ' GREATEST CARE AND ATTENTION ATTEN-TION GIVEN TO LOW PRICES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Goods and parcels delivered to any part of the City and Railwaj-s TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No. Go. TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No. 67. TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, No, CO. LARGE ARRIVAL -OF- MILLINERY AT MRS. COLEBROOK'S1 Palace or Fashion. Ju?t opeoed tho standard fashions in Ladies Hats & Bonnets, IncludinR the fuvorite DOLLY VARLEN. Lalcit de"B0i in very .heap. ALEX. KID GLOVES, GROS GREEN RIBBONS, LACK COLLARS, TISSUE BLONDS, LACES, CORSETTS. I FLOWERS, And a cotarleleslock of SOTlo.s. Mourning Goods always on hand. Ladies just arrmnit here, by callinitonus will Had tho l.rse-t and neheit stock of jooda keptin Ihii city, at moderate prii-es. NEW YORK TRADE. TH0S. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Touthfl' Boys' and Children'! 'CLOTHING, AT TVCOLBSALK, 313 . 313 Broadway, New York. J. g. COVLE3. (? BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale .Dealers in ' BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 136 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, ono block east of firoadwa dU L. M. BATES & CO., 491 453 Broadway, NEW YORK, IMPOaiEU Atl J0DDIKS ttf Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, VVOOLEAij, SHAWLS,. YANKEE NOTIONS, die. J. II. BULGER. Jl TIlSdlE TABLE. ' burliatgt6n"koute. TO THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. No. 1. STATIONS. MAIL. Loare OMAHA - - 4:10p.m. 5:30a.m. Arrive BURLINGTON 5:50 a.m. 9:15 p.m. " Mondota - - U?25 a.m. 3:55 a.m. 1 ' ChicaKo(C.B.iQ.) 3:20p.m. 7:15a.m. ( " Peoria - - - 9:55 a.m. 1:30 a.m. Ind'pliBd.B.JkW. 6:20 p.m. 10:00a.m. " Cincinnati - - 11;30 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 1 " Losancport 5i5-5p.ni. 9:20a.m. n T. P. W. , Columbua 2:-.5a.m. 6:20 p.m. CTThroufth Cars from Missouri River to Chicago, Indianapolia, Cincinnati. Logana-portand Logana-portand Columbua, Connections at those points with linos loadingto tho bast, N orth and South I Thiaii tho Best, Sliorteat, q,ulukeat and Chcnpeit Route, Do notbodoocived. but obtain Tickets f tho BorlinBton & Missouri Kivor Railroad. . A.E. TOUZALIN. C.B.PERKINS; i Qen'lTiokotAtent, Qon'l Bnp't. Partnership Dissolved. The partnership heretofore existing un dor tho firm namo of.Johnson k Morncnaon Boot and Shoemakers, is tbia day dissolved by mutual consent. Art USTUS JOHNSON. , , JAMliS M0KG1SNSUN. May 13, 16,2, myl6 CATTLE FOlt SALE. HUNDRED HEAD OF FINE UTAH CATTLE, including fino Milch Cows nnd Calves. For particulars onquiro ttt this office. To Whom it may Concern. YT B. tho undersigned, George N. Bnvage i ' and V . H. RaRcr, claim and own two hundred and twenty-live (225) feet in tho Rod Pino ledRO in Dry canyon, latterly known as the Iris and still later known as the Kear-sargo, Kear-sargo, said claim having been located June 1S70, by W. II. Ragor. ct al., and duly recorded re-corded and tho law complied with in othor respects. And we hereby caution parties not to trade or barter for said claim without our sanction er consent. G. N. SAVAQE, Salt Lake City, April 30, 1870. myl REMOVAL. Geo. Clark has removed his harboring establishment from 2nd South Street to tho third door south of tho City Liquor Storo, (up-slnlra) where ho would bo ploasod to seo his friends and patrons. mylO NOTICE. THE annual Mooting of tho Stockholders of tho Utah Contra! Railroad Co. for the Election of Oilicei s Will be held on Saturday. Junolst, atlOam., at tho ofiico of President 1'oung. GEORGE SWAN. Secretary. Salt Lake City. U. T.. Hay 10th, 1S72. my 10 A. P. HO TAXING fe CO. SOLE AQEST8 FOR TI1K J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORTERS OF FINS WINKS AND LiaUORS, 431 Jnckaon at., Snn frnuclsco. ali) J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY. C. P. MO OK MAN & CO., Louisville, Kentucky i Distillersi The Trade and Consumers are notiflod that tho above is tho only genuine brand of Cutter whisky, and that tho undersigned are tho solo Agents for tho samo. All other brands claiming to ho "Cutler" whiaky are only poor liultntlouu. ia 0rdor to prevent pre-vent fraud, tho names of tho Agents are burned in each bftrrcl, nlll blown end. battle, with a rau-sl utile Nlgna-ttire Nlgna-ttire of the firm covering the corks. None other genuine. A. P. HOTALISG . CO., Solo Agents for tho Pacific Coast, 411 Jackson Street. San Francisco. California. VUNNINGTOX fc CO., Agents for Salt Lakoand Utah, D21 TO THK TRADE. For Sale In Store and Warehouse!, 2,500 barrels J. II. Cutter whisky, 500 barrels Daniel Boono whisky, 40 barrels Eldorado whisky, 3i5 barrels C. k M. Chicken Cock whisky, 2-0 barrele Old Bourbon whisky, 375 barrels Marshall whisky, 1,300 barrels other popular brands Ky. " 5,000 cases J. H. Cuttor whiaky. Also In Ntore and Bond. 2.V) ' casks assorted brands Frenoh brandy 2vhj octaves " " " " 0 pipes Holland Gin, i 150 1 4 onsks Port Wine, assorted brands l.o octavos " " a) !; caiks Sherry Wine " 50 oetaves " " " " Orders Solicited, A. P HOTAHNG t CO., 431 Jackson 1 atreet, San lranoifco. California Mcsira. CUN.MNGTON dt, CO., our Agenu for Salt Lako and Utah. a21 JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Jlnlu Street, Snlt take CHy, (In Rcid'a Building.) o City Low. Stores, House.", etc., bought. Bold and Ica.-ed. Lo;,ns negotiated for parties on n reasonable terms. my 15 B.W. Allex&Co., , ''-- PK ; -a 7 Broadway. New York. BRANCH HOUSK, JnderPost-0ffice,S. L. City. " Agent, for Hie Celebrated 20LD SEAL WHISKY W. S. FOSTER, Ageul, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, T B tl GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. HIOII IN THE glERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful Stato ol California, grows an herb long known to the Indians oa an iiboluto euro for KlIEUMA-riS.M, KlIEUMA-riS.M, OuUr. NEUHALUIA. and all diseases dis-eases in any way springing from iui.iuritios of tho blood. ScicnL-o lias at length brought to light its virtues and of this jiotont horb has compounded EKBA SANTA, a jroi&-rationfor jroi&-rationfor the PEKMAKiiNX CUHE of Sorofuta, Salt It Ileum, unit all ICrup-tlve ICrup-tlve and Cuttutoui Dlit&iri, Gives immediate ..nd pTiniiuont relief in DYSPEPSIA. EHVSU'El.AS. King Worm, Tumora, Boilsi Scald Load-), UIcoh atju Soros; eradicates from the aj oloui all tracer of morourial disease. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is thcreforo recnliarly auit ihlo for u:e bj-fomalcs bj-fomalcs and children ns a BIjOOD PUHI P1EK and KENuVATOlt. MOTI1KHS Who wish to find a mcdiaino peculiar! j adapted to tho cure of 11U MUKS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in their children, will find a safe and auro ouro in YEltIJA SANTA, For aalf everywhere. REDINGTONi liOSTETTEIl CP Aganta, 630 and 531 market St.r Sn Franclioo. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. Import era and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DO .IKS TIC DRUGS AM CUB3UCALS Fin Ifiaaenttal Oil, Gumi, Rooti Scedi, Flowers, Spoiigei, Sktna, Pomadaa, Ac, And all ether Staples connected with tk Wholesale and Ketail Drug Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Afliatio products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hoatottor's Bittors, Drake'a Plantition Bitters, VVoirs Scheidam Schnapps, Novell's Pulmonary Syrop, And all tho loading Proprietary Medictner both American and Europoaa. Orders Promptly And Carofully Exeoutod. Noa. S4S and 531 01arkt Street Botwoon Firat and Second, San Francisco, California. my 31 MINERS' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Co-Opera live, 233 First Street, Snn Francisco. Angell, Palmer & Co., JIAKAUEH3. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOtt WUOLKSALE THADE, Weaver & Taylor, 1JS Front Street, San Friaeisoo. California. A. G, DIETZ S GO. IMFOE7ER3 OP PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 221 FRONT STREET. Bet.SacranioutoACaUrcrnfa, Saii Krsnclico A. J. S II IF FIT 11 Dealor & jJS all tJnd or SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1S3 Washington Strtet. All kinds of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Fiab eons tan Uy on hand. R0SENBAU1YI & FRIEDMAN & 24 Battery St., San Fran, Importera and U'holesiloUcalors French, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Hosiery, Cornets, liibbons, And full line of mallwarcs. rat GRAND flOTJEL, On Markot, Now Montttomery and Second yueeu, sah ruaivciisico, oax a JOHNSON & Co., PKOPRtETORa, Mioharl Kawb. t. N. Wakd. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors toUuultr, W and A Co,) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HLES 1D LIQUORS, Proprietors of Hunter's California Wlioat Vtlllmaltpy, Also A sentu for Joscrb S. Finch's colebratod Pcnniilrania J RYE VVHI8KEY IOT and OOO Front St., near Jackson, SAN FIIASCISCO. iy31 LAZARD FREt?ES, I mportera and Jobber; oT Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Fancy and blaido DRY GOODa. Drjot oj Go.mIs Manufactured t the . Jtsnon and I'acyic MiiU, Cuntohdated. oa . nnrfcet St., ban Fi a 18 ParU: Kuc De L'Kchi'ju MARTfW GO, fliolEsale Lipar Dealers, US brunt Street, Stu Kruciuo rroi-riet-sra of llLLfclK'S K1IRA OLD HOl'KUoai r And tele fiksa-.E for " t. CliTTtH'S EXTRA OLD BOUHBdN WHISKIES Constantly on hai-J, t full av'iortinent of nil tho C. ard llrnnili of Wlilsklca, ,l( Flits Urtndlt i tit orslgn and Uomeatlc Wines, at m5 Ulttsri, Cordlalj, . SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING Lf-fral Titles to Mining Claims and WMcrHljihU. By On-itorvYtilo. IT So rrocnsti of Oottf and Silver kx-trarlton, kx-trarlton, forGoneral Use. By Quido kuMel. f, uj Siilphurrts, Wlut tliry are, Iloiy Ax-aycit, Hnd How Worked! B wm, Hfinttow. si fti. The JUInliiir and Metallurgy 0f Gold and bllvtr. By J. Arthur Phillips Phil-lips sn ) The Metallurgy of Lfnd, lnrludliiir' Uctfllvcrizailou, and Cnpcllui luu. By John PorcT. gl.StNl A Mnnunl of Practical Assaying. By John Mitcholt. K. o. S. 12 ui Croolit'ii and Koltrlg'u Trenfli on Molnllurgy, In three vols. Vol. I. Silver and t.eivd. Vol. II. Connor and lion. Vol. 111. Steel and Fuel. 1' lcli.vo1- ao'1' eoparatoly nt filDUl r to,. The Metallurgy and Iliilng of Con. Vr- lv A. S. 1'iKKOt. M, 1). i kl. A 1 realise on Oro Deposits By Horn-hard Horn-hard on Otta. i 50 A f ytem of Mineralogy. By Jamej D.Dana, MA. lo uo. Any oi tho ubovo works sent by mail on receipt re-ceipt of price in ooin, or its equivalent in ourroncy. Wo also hnvo in addition to tho ahove, a liirce assortment of Soientitio, tiundani and Miscellaneous Books, Blank llooki and Stationery. Catalocnca furnished on application. appli-cation. A.ldross A. ROMAN &. CO., Puullithvrs, Uookuelless, Importers and Stationers. No. 11 Montgomery St., Lick House Block, tan FranoUoo, California, ao' ESTABLISHED 1 8 6 0. Importers of Teas ; East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 21i Front Utrcet, San Francisco. A CRAY, JONES &CO. DKi'OT OF TUB SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFAVUEH-JOF OIK SOLE LEATHER, ' No. 418 Datterjr Street, SAN FllAKCISCO. J """ U Ban Franoi.io. ainj Established in 1851. C. VEN ARD, Manufacturer of the Original Ohartrcs ColTee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 025 and 627 Front Street, between Jackson and Paoitio. SAN FRANCISCO. 5 L. A. Snnderaon, T. L. Horn SANDERSON & HORN, Importera and Jobbers of CIGARS iD TOBACCO, (Proprietors cf La Espanola Oigar Factory,) Sole manufacturer of the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CICAR 413 Front Street. Between Washington and Clay, , SAN FRANCISCO. ap( J CALIFORNIA CRACKER CO., MANUf AOTUItKRB OF ALL KINDS OF FaiicyCrate.Caies&Bifflts, 803 Battery St. near Broadway, SAN FRANCISCO. .6 E. A. FARCO&CO., Importers and Jobbers of Braiilies. fines anl Liprs, 3IO Front St., cor. Commercial, p. b. STit. f23 SAN FRANCISCO. Z. CHIZLOTICH. WiJ.TB BOOS. H. B. EHHT. J- CHIELOVIOH db CO., importers nad wholesale dealers ia PINE WINKS Al. LICtUURS, Bous ao est a roa JESSE, MOORE & CO'S FINE OLD BQUflBQN AND RYE WHISKIES. niRICI UOM LODIBTILtB, II. 601 Front St., BAN FRANCISCO. sj4 DIICHELS) FRIEDLAHDER &. CO., txroBins or Furnishing and Fancy Goods, No. 7 .f- 9 Battery St., Oriental Block) San Francisco, California, Solo Manufacturers of (he IAI PROVED YOKE AlIEItlOAN SHIRT. ap4 J. D WOOSTIR. J. D. HDATTUCK. WOOSTER & SHATTUCK, COffllffilSSION MERCEANTS And WhoIeale Dealers In Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Lard, HAMS, BACON, ETC., 317310 Front at., cor. Commercial, SAN KHAKC1SCO. s4 PARKER, WATTSON & CO., (Successors to Weil St Co..) Importers and Manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front St., cor. Sacramento, a5 SAN FrlANClSCO, CAL. fiilY.GRANT&CO. ! i Impoitors of American and Suropttan Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, AIS FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to their lari and complete itook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which thc7 are now rcceivtni direct from Kuropean Manufacturers, oomt-rismi in part-French part-French Alerlnos, Wool Satlnes, Wool Plaids. French and Oermao, Irish and French Popllnsp Kmprcu Cloths, Tamlsc, black and colored. Velveteens, Alpacas, black sod color!, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Back. Berlin (Ladie,', Mia.M'.QenU') aents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. loslery, complete In all lis branches V III te (ioodi, llnnilkcrctilrrs, Blilrtlng Llutnt, tlullia, wlino sud tolorefl, JJntnasks, Lruwo loom aud MebfJ, Towels, HiK-k. I)i,t, TurKuh. NKiiklni and 1)0)111, k?Lc.. acta.. U- C'OAL! VOMaU 1RASS CANYON COAL!!! I am prewired to furnish tirass Canjpn jal, in nny .juantitiw. delivered to al' rta of tho City. Orders left l U.'i'" n's, E m lomple St. , will receive prompt tcntion, J0 C. J. Leef Ait' |