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Show NOTARIES PUBLIC. CHAS. "W. HTAVNEH, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly naalifiod and commissioned by the Governor. Office at Caldir Bro'i. Salt Lake City. m22 JOHN McKWAN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Will draw or acknowledge all kinds of Ultra menu in writing. Prompt attention paid to bnsiowB. OQce at residence, Provo City, Utah Co, U,T. W. P. APPLEBY, United States Commissioner, Notary Public & Couveyancer, COMMISSIONER FOR California, Iowa, Michigan. Nevada, Kansa?. W iionsin, Nebraika, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Missouri, Illinois. Montana, Indiana, ilaeaachusett. and other States and Territories. All kinds of legal and business instruments accurately accur-ately drawn, and acknowledgments taken Mininc and other companies incorporated under the laws of Utah. my 10 Win. M. Gillespie. Jas. W. Siainburn STAINBURN & GILLESPIE, Notaries Public, COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS, Searchers of Records, O fllce On right of entrance to Stock Board, Keld'a Building, Main St. The legality of the Notarial acta of the above-named firm is unities tionable, as they aot under appointments made by Ine Legislative Legis-lative Assembly of the Territory of.Ltan, dated February IS, 1872, and commissions ot tbo Governor of the Territory, issued subsequently, subse-quently, and have complied with both the Territorial laws by film, the required bonds, tc , in the Territorial Auditor's office and with the Probate Judge of Salt Lake county. 127 , A.S.GOULD & SON, ' CONVEYANCERS, a- Mining Deeds, Agreements and Bonds , for Doeds, Mortnagos. Powers of Attorney, Leases. Contracts and other instruments ol writing draw with accuracy and diapatoa. W mining Companies Incorpora- td andir tha Lwi of Utah. C. A. COULD, and COMMISSIONED OF DEEDS for Hew York, Mafls&ohtiBCtts, Peonsylva-Bift,Ohio, Peonsylva-Bift,Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Terrvph St., -near We!U, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake City. mil i tVw. Clattok. SJ. Jons. Nntarir PubliO. .Notary I uolio notary ruouo, CoHVCrftnoer, CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)AV strict att.ntion to the collsctior. oi Th.7 also draw or ncknonlodut all kinds ofiDsuuinonU la writing. Special attention riven to the drawl, of Will. and Ta.lauienlory Pocu-mnli Pocu-mnli Loan, nwotiat.d. Minos. Hiira and R.al Estat. of all kind! bought, .old or lead.i. ...corporation and P-r.ner.Ulp Paper, of ovory dasoription draitn in .trlcl uiorilanc, with tho laws of Utah- Wia. Clayton. Commissioner of Dpodl for T,n 'Jt.u. of New York, Pennsylvania. Ohio. 5ndo(! jfS.nri.-Iowa Wi.oon.ln and iTalifornia. OFFICE-Fourth door aoul.li oi olb'i Corner. P f!ISCELLANEOU iiriiniiirs Head tlunrtcra, St. Louis, Mo. DCRAST&CUTTIXG, FORWARDING aKD OMISSION MERCHANTS AGtlNTS SALT 1.AICK CITY, UTAH. '; V"" N.?V.rl .".'.ton. Baltimore. ,fb. Lo". and ail B. CUi... t, Unit Lake City. w r0 (.ITorinir extra inducements for the .hTrmeTofO" and Bullion to all hastern lioiu'e. Ornr. . W.a.noi s.:-f Ir.t block J .oi.il. of Di.t, Sail l.akc city. DUKANT CUTT1XO-aLI CUTT1XO-aLI 1 FOB Bees! Beesl Bees!, Buukwhcat and Alaaeo olovor at it CEO. CODDARD'S. , Fnrmeml Far mem t I Rett Clover, Red Top, Timothy. Alfalfa. Lucerne, &o at " CEO. CODDARD'S. Ow-ri-- ami nrlrpm of Teaina 1 : Corn. Oats. Barley, Choppod Feed. Ac. t CEO. CODDARD'S. '! Owticra of Coira. Chlrkcua, - t-it ami rifsa 1 Bran. bort. t,orn Meal. , H'hoal. Ao.. ai CEO. CODDARD'S. V is rOlvwortk while for Hou.ekeep- "' r and oih-ra to market. ..mst to all in anl miii tbe tramen-e variety ot useful use-ful articles there i tjr salo at CEO. CODDARD'S. ' Ad If yon thirstr be will ri ve you a rink o, V celcbratol cider, and ifhuni.r. ho will pell yon some, -hoK-o r lour, t Baon, Ac, aud if lirr-i ho wiil .send them J. borne for yo free of charge. Where la It CEO. CODDARD'S Hew Storel aut batf wry between Kimball A Lawrcac' corner and tke Meat MarkeU STALLION i BISMARCK iir ILt SUod for the Se.-n. at the Parn p" W of.'.-s-A. une. at TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS, in advance. So drawback. BILL KIM WILLini, At ihe same place, at PIVS DOLLARS, B dvQot. AppLj to, r, . T, aU H, G. PARh.. MEDICAL, W.F.ANOERSON.M.D. H J. RICHARDS, M.O. Surgeons and Physicians, OSeee.for the present, at their respective reaidencea in the Liu andllih Wards; 0. C. 0RM3BT, M.D. PHYSICIAN. SDBGKON AND DKUGG1ST, BHICHAX CITY, UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL O F D T A H . JAMES TOW H SEN D PROPRIETOR. Tbifi House la centrally and plewantly located, lo-cated, well furniahed, and haa accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 tuesu. THE PROPRIETOR ia now proparlnf to build larre addiUonj to bis Hotel, whiah when finished, will render it tbo Mat Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OSE BLOC It EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY, Termi S3. 00 per day. Board without with-out rooms S14.00 per week. Baths free to guili. J. O. LITTLE, inn24 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Side Main Street, ROOMS with or without BOARD. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS, LARGE FROST BOOM Added for tho uso of Quests. HOT AND COI.D UATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietors. Washington House s-'Iiird (South. Street, SALT LAKK CITY Board aud Lodging, per Weak T 00 Day Board " 5 00 Frencli Spring Bedi " 3 00 Beda, per Mlglit - 60 Ucala - KewComercialLefliiiiERoois, 45, Commercial St., Salt Lako City. 0. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. OFKN ALL NIGHT. Spring B.l, H3, 31'i "l 0 i" J"r Slnsle Room., 5 0 i.n.1 75o. per Nlgliti S3.U0 to SI. 50 per Woik. Douulc Room., 81.00 to 1.50 per NlgHt. TJT-AJrl HOTEL, 3Iaiu Slrect, OGUES. The only Jini-dajs House in the dly. Oiunlbu, to .nil from .11 trM. EUDEY i WILLIAMS, . 7 pr,..rlntint HOWLftND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Wlllnilvnuco IHicralty on coH.ign-mrnts coH.ign-mrnts of Ore and Dulllon. Bullion i.nrclitil t lilglie.t market Mlfi. MILLINERY! tO TUS LAD I KS OP SALT LAKE CITY AND VICISITVI MRS. WILKINSON Re?ptful1y announces to her friandu and pntrons that .-ho has greatly ealaraod her business for lho Spiins: and Summer Trade And is now prepared to deal extensively is Millinery and Fancy Goods EXCLUSIVELY. On hand and constantly arrlvine a srlcndid aiiortincut tho latest styles ot LADIES' AVD CUILDRES'S Straw and (actus llat, Lace and Rice frames, Neapolitan, I 4 actus and (liip Braid?, Lc, Also, Fancy MilUnory o(' tho most tashiiinablo kinds. Kibboos, Flowers, Laces, Silks, M alines, Crapes, Parasols, Gloves, Fan, Kic WILL ARRIVE FOR CONFERENCE I A larce ajortment of Fancy Drea Woodi, Staplea, Xoilona, Chisnoiia. Hair BolU. Lxllo' Llntn Sulta. anil a lnlM rarlrly of and Children'" L'nder. wear. 1 C a!l s" d ;ce. o. MAIS STREET. aa LEGAL CHARLES G. LQEBER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Room No. 6, over First National Ban. Salt LaJte City. myl2 I W. P. APPLEBY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW And Register in Bankruptcy, Office) No, Utaln St- nsylO GEO. L. WOODS, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, Office in Secretary Black's Building, SALT LAKE CITY. alO "VV. K. KEITHLYi Attorney and Counselor-at-Law, Taylor a Ctitltsr'f Bailding, Room No. 10, Oypoaiu S< Lake House, gait Lake City, Dion. ni-"J r. L. TILLIAM3. H GRASB TOCSfl WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, Office, half-a-block south of Theatre, Salt Lake City. jl2 GEORGE C. BATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. C. MYRON HAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law. Clerk of tho Supreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. IIASK.INS. Office in Kimball's blook, near U.S. Mar-jU Mar-jU shal's office. W. "VV. WOODS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 33, MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City, Utah Tr. n71 JOHN U. MILNER, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W , ! provo City, U tali. Collections made in taolst aud 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts. . Special attention given to Mini ng case?. Office at residence. Centre St. Provo City, ja Warner Earll, F- M. Smith. EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LA.EB OITT. First South Street. Rooms 11 and 12, No 105, KimbaU Block. DANIEL. S. DANA, ATTORN E Y - A T-L AW, Salt Lake City, Utali. Office wost side of East Temple Street. Especial attention givon to Jttlnlng mi-gaUon. mi-gaUon. Wm. HAYDON, (Late Judge of Jth District Oonrt, Nevada, ATT 0 RNEY-AT-LAW, Room No. 9, East Temple Streot, over First National Bank. E. Til. BABNUMi ATTORN H Y - AT-LAW, I Office. Kimball's Blook, S, L. City. Special attention given to Titlos, tiogotia-tions. tiogotia-tions. Sales or Litigations in Mining Claims and Real Estate. Collections made or business done in any part of the United States by Association of reliable Attorneys. . dlf 3. H. Hempstead. M. JCirkpatriok HEMPSTEAD A KIRKPATRICK, Attorn eyB-at-Law, Main Stroot, opposite Wells. Fargo 4 Co:, BALT laK out. Z. SNOW. D H0GK" SNOW 6l HOGE, fcttorncya and Cotmeoiora at Law Bait Lako City, Utah. Ottlceat Snow's comer. 1st East Street Jn6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LA.W, Salt Uki Cltr, TJtnli. Offioo-Oror First National Bank. Rosi-donoo Rosi-donoo on 3d East stroot, bolwoer. South and 1st South Btroou. M . Taos. 7irCH. nBO. . iralTN.r. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTOK.VKYS-AT.L A W, BO 36Fi"tS'"ItllIri:''LAKliCIIY. S. A. MANN,- ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street, ra Salt Lake City. Utah. IJ . OOOPEH, ATTOHNEY AND COUNSELLOR, Omoc ExcliRiifT. Reading Uooiai, uj-.tRlr.. n28 sLT nr.. r.ITT, AMERICAN BUREAU MLMNG INFORMATION For Utah. Slrganiicd by mining end business moo of Lab for tho jiorposo of oUainmi, atd dis-Bominating dis-Bominating Reliable Information in regard to Mines Ind Mining property throughout tho Territory. WARREN 1JOS5EV,,. ProiiilrnU THOS. P. AKKR. VlOO President. T 1E0. F.TKACV. Troai.nror. L E.M.BARNUM. Actuary and coc y. omc. In Klml.ll Block, V Salt Like City. BnUlry ef lllnii and nliilnsj Iit- whiS will b. nai.li.h- i the Bnllft.n. of the Bureau, and di.truint, 4 at bt,S g.. "uiixir "siAiiiS and in kuhopi; Kxamlnallon. of and Report, npon nine, rlaced open the market, wil 1 he made under special charge of the Eieon-tiv. Eieon-tiv. Committee Thos P. AUora, Edmond Wilkes. Johnl.Uuch. B.P.Uonosbjrr. J, M. IltUlaOll. This Bureau ee pwlally fMifiti Spwlmeni of Ore and Mineral l-roductmns from aU parts of the Territory, which will r.o labeled and displayed in Cabinets by respective Mining Bistriits. Blank Forma for dwni'tion of mine dwigned for registry, furnished on application. applica-tion. Miners and CafWali,'. aro make the Room.' of tac Buroau tb-ir iiead-quartcrs iiead-quartcrs for negotiations or business an-gttemcDtl. an-gttemcDtl. A Sotary Public alwaya at tha Office pESD FOR CIRCULARS. E. U. BAKM'fl. Aiua.-y -nd ie4rDT-P. ie4rDT-P. 0. Box T7i. "8 Liquid Bluing Chearwt in market; quality and fatiitaetioa guaranteed or money re.undrd. Caate Paid for Grain and country prodtLa,.. For Sale 800,000 Iba cor Salt, Table and Dairy. Shingle. Lambrand General Merchandisa Wholesale Jobber. J, W. S.MCL.L, Idaho ttora, one block sooth Iheatra. fa BULLS. EI,; HT HtAD OF DI RH AM BI LLS, jot imparl frm Caa.:.i, .jSili.-a ui tor fale at Cr'--rr.: Ljvr.y cct. 1- Ti-.; ;e aud Mv-r.4 " r'artiw "i57-a!i nf icvi.r.e m 15:it-c!JS St.-.-k ihooid giTeus a call. ttr,evv CHICAGO TPiADE. JOHN V. FARWELL & CO., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS AND "W OOLENS. Largest Stock Wost of New York. Monroe tfc rraiiklia Sts., CHICAGO. ,p Ames, Sherman & Co., joinojns or Hats, Cap3 and Straw Goods, U.tHlltKLLAS AMI PAHASOL9, Jiu. .rxt ami .v Wabnuh Avonuo, Chicago 0K0. C. A M H 4. (ii-:i). C. HIKKNHN'. F. T. WHITMAN. uiylf) miwi mm mm KIKE and IK'RULAR FitOOF I The Bci,t 1-afea In tha World. HERRING & CO., JO State strecl, and corner Hth street and Indiana Avenue, CHICAGO. my IT M. D. WELLS &, CO., aianafictcrrn of r-A Wholesale bealara Boots and Shoes, 618 Wabash At., ChlraffO. M. D. n. J. Mfrlaa4. a.B.DfriiU 3 b. P. Wclalxra. 8LICHTLY SCORCHED I i VAN SCEAACK, STEVENSON 4 REID, WHOLEMALB ; DRUGGISTS ? (Late ef', tf-and i Lk mt tor. vn t,n itrMt,) HAVE REMOVED On nrcni'it intcntt heat, f the Baptist Church BuiJding IfeiT, 4ft 51 Wtbuh Atcm; GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. jAVtSCAt-LACHEt. JiS CllXACHIi TTUXlvM ClLL-'ClllK. JAMES GALLAGHER & SONS, Bra rrrfa"r iaf.'nn th.ir frirads and the ruCtUc ircerailj that tbcj naveorea- THE T11IOEBAKE11Y, ialn St.. nrit door to Walkrr Bro'i c Hotel, Ureal. CrafVcr and Eiscuiu of the finftft .I'jahiT. nBOLALSASl) KSlT.All,-Cake. KSlT.All,-Cake. C'i Lunfh aa-i Ke'rhiuoH'. lee OrMm aDii ".Aboructh.v.' Surr. rif-Nif acl Ki.'urnoTj t'nc tuv pliod with everythinc in Ihf line on the ,'hort-ut ,'hort-ut notice nivi the uiit m.ierHtr ttrui. OKXAMKNTKD CAlvbS. :i GROfERlEsiTROVISIONS Tlie l.Rigest anil Hc-t As. sortcil Slock in Town. ai s KJ - TEAS are iiiieinialli'd in quality in Vtah. We can ami will si'll i'li'i anil will not Ijj unilfi-solil unilfi-solil by any one. CALL AND EXAMINE. C.W.DAVIS. m Pure Brail fareCaMy! rpHR ESTATE of BICHAHDOObTOUTLY 1 beg to inform tho PuMio, thit taw Blill oarry on tho business of Bakers and Confectioners, Al tho old stand ot Tlio '4GXiOBI3," EAST TKMIIK 8TIIKKT, AaljoiniDR tho Co-operative Ornecry Depart-mont, Depart-mont, whoro can bo found nverytliiiiB id their linoof baaincp.anil they lmie. b y etnet attortion to tho wants of their cutolor, to continue their patronage ana fupiart. Pare Ilomr-mnrtei Cnititlea a Bl)tcllt'. ' ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. 1 G DANIEL GRENIG j Hob Just Received and for A Choioo Lot of 1 Suoh as o Tea, ColToo, Sugar, Spices, (.older Silver Drips, Sugar Loaf Drips, Hams, Bacon and Dried Hoof, Best New York Fact-iry Cheoso, Soaps, l oust Powder, Drird and Canned Fruits. iwii WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, Prime LivoGocso PoathorB, Cages and Uanary Birds, etc., etc. TDK .BAKEIIY IB In rull Wnt. nn-1 tbo Klmul Urnd. eto., is turjeti out froih ovcry (Jay. BEST BRANDS OF Alwayi on hand. All klndaof GltilN boiifflil mid aold Qlva mo a call at ray Now Brlok Hmro, KAST K1UK EAST TKIUPMC ST. DANIEL CRENIC. mil II. WALLACE, First South Street. A choioo lotjof CLAMS, LIMA HKANS, GKKliN COKN, TOMATOKS, SALMON Dcssicalcd Coioamit, Cracked Cocoas AND Family Chocolate, Hiinflcy & l'almpr ENGLISH BISCUITS, ALSO TliK CELLUI'.ATK ALBERT BISCUITS. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring JIulhH ! Private .and Pltaf. T ria'1 hulb' r- 'f.'Mn r. ti j.nt I)' t ill w-im. Tt.-ff m-i"i..l i.rr.i-ift, ... HH- ktl'i'i tbt It Wi TH 1 . U -F.'ltlwfBl- !l.-m. nwrt-l-i th rJl'i- ,. Hi. Ii.'k l-,4'-tn-T rr;-n'-wrt Plr Bl'n and tiUrU-nv .r. -m -nt II. AHIUI.I), W.J. HOOPER i CO. jncs J, COMBKaCIAl ITREKT. Bai BANKERS, A. W. WHITE & CO, i B A JST K E K S , ; KAST TKMPLK STHKKT, cll 1 -kr City. Pers in GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. Kr'ti,'t sm.s n.w.r r-.'.f. PartiouUr altentiiin piven If (".Mlevt-.Tm, asui T.'.'ii rcii.if.ivi at t'urri'tu rto of tlOaisnce on day of pjoiiieut, CKO. E. W1UTNKY, Attorney. t'OKH KSl'OS UKX T!-"t lUnk aM iMiforul - - - Stll Fll..-a.M 1..- .t W: Yr - ,r- ,'... L tVi'.nl. XtiI ... lU.k . .h,,,.. H.-k. I Unt ft 1- S:-t- li..:.k XrLr.aU - - - Omul.., 14 bMIdeseret, Salt Lake City, Utah. This Tank ha i.ritniid a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, au,lvill re.-civo deposit of one dollar nd upwiinlM, on whii-h interest ill be allowed at (he rate f eithi rer ccnL rr annum, compounded seal i-annually, CJ L.. 8. 11IL.1S, imhUr. SALT LAKE OITV NATIONAL BANK ftinll Lain- t'ity, l lah Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Uenj. 1U. DnUell, I'rr blilr n t . 11uk While, CRkUter. LlKUi-STiiD A KiBKraTiticit, AlUrncis. Thi. Ilvik willtr.in-tiol all kinds oflei;tll-mnie oflei;tll-mnie limikiim ltuMiio, uu l PK ll-S I Si .41.I AMI NH. i:it iiti.i.it ami ntis. Ho M nnd Ourronry Evohanco d'in(n ami , TeleKrui'h Tran-lers nn.-lo . Now York. Sua rrnlicifOO iicd 'iuoi'..l AUhliIio m;d Pacilio c.;uv. nvaiUhle in nny tsnl ot the lmtcd btaioe and O.iDaJn. Dernnitu and eeinil buinos U.'ited from Katern and Kornsti Jt,u;k- find Hank-1 Hank-1 erf. tirmn and indi vidoals ; Jtiei-k Aoo.iulita 1 kot in ti.ild or L-urrcnoy. ' Kiohanec on iTinoiiml :iiioa of Knroi nnd the .'anadi-1 lurni'lied in eutil to mil, at the lo jtoM ruiiu. and iolourai'ti frmitlo ra on London. Loam mado in Itullion, Piiblto SecurltleR, Bond.", Lo,-Hl tjta'Ck. Alerohandi-c, or other 5ood Collator"!. Ari'rovod buMnei I'aimr ifcountod lir (.e..snnrs. Certifi.-nten of Hep "it Iriuel, jmyalile In tJold or Currofoy o i -hII. u- at mij m ivifiod tiinn, available ir; or,- pari ol the I'liltod (itiitoii and 1'orrMoricc Adrancofi mado on phipiuent of Ihiliinn or OrOB to ic York, miii l''riinoimo a-.d e CORRESPONDENTS i Mifv viim i.- 1 Ninionnl Park KanS. SN FKAN'Il u:u -i-'al.t.irni.i I'roM i'o. LONUU.N-Jar O.-oko, MoOnllooh AGf n WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXI'HKSS FOR tt'ANPKUS, ) Hankers ami Dealers in Kxrliaiigfl DrafUoni:ur 'po. : iir ii o.n Cdlroti.niB n p'.iiortly -1:0:. I l K ia! Trmpi Mien, Snit l.nk t-'lly. mil Tiiko. F. Thcv. Avont. First National Bank of Utah, SALT 1. KB Cl l'Y. Hrr .W.i( .1.1.. rtl-rnicnt t,n Thifl Bank of Deseret, HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Cu., Ourner KM T.nile umi Flr.t Botnh tlreU, S Ir l.AK R CITY. I 'TA II, PAID I f CAI'ITM., - tlOW.OUO. UltPlH M VH' NU. I' ...idotit,' H. S Kl.ni.l- I'CF, Vlf.. 1'i.R, W M. II Hi 'l'l U, WM 1 1' N n I ' i -. MlrerLora, John sii.u.r. Kl.ltAViil.y I.ITTI.K. L 8. H11.L! Lhinr. Id OOI.U t it'HT, ( im, Klt'HANUE, 1.AM1 V lilt A Ml, I. K k Ki ll I I', 4r, Collect i ins liindc nml jrotnplly rc- FOREIGN tXCUAfitiE FOR SALE. CALIFORNIA TRADE. ). m. roHtt. r rriiM0. COHEN & SPERLING, Itni-.M-r- nxd M D..I.I-.. In AND MaNUfACUIHI KS OL C ChS, 3'al.l A- it II" H- I-. nrnr or.tlnf, iixm t- uMtx i- o. alt "WAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Stroet, SAN FRANCISCO. HARNESS, SADDLES, A N 1 Hi e .a. t h En. Tli.;h.-.l alork ! lwi-l prltra un llif I"' m' Col. rSpcinl alltrili'-r- nivon l'i ordrf. fn.ui I'th. |