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Show SAM FRANCISCO TRADE, u it a xd iii)h:l (Jo Market, Sew M o n r ko m ory ant. HeoiiiJti tiuteU. E1 HIA BCft;0, C; JOHNSON & Co., i'ani'airroaB. JiNO. (i. JIODGK & CO., and Wholesale Stationers, Sli Ika iaroat to.l. of Kuihiitrry, Illalik Hooka, HvUoat II.. ok., I'l.ylr.K Wr.,. 'Iviinrg, J'ocJtst Cut I try, drc, &c, Oi. tbo IWitlr C.-vf, which they am prpiu-M. to anil mll-nr ,r(J,M nr Cu i-roncy at in-lf., (in., will fft-r Ik Iik rii,. i,U f.,r Lnyora anywltura Waal lls H. M,.i.j,t,,. :i27, ;,::) HANrtOMIi STItKKT, ikum asu a rk: ill, wxjnxa noPB, KI.AT AMI! IIOUM), nr .mint int. from i n L n tr ahnfla nn.l inclines, Furry r:i,i, Uuy nn-t, F-.f ir-in-ui.Lt.n Mwtuttetured i.J any t.tmjtkor Size. Wirt; Ilojte ! iiiurli rhtnpfr, lighter ml iiioir ilnrwlil my other k I of Hu,e, lliilliitie's Kmllfss H'ire Hope Hay, (Wire Tnimway). K-if the r.ii.U uij e.'.nr.nii..al trua-in.rialion ol Ore iiii.l nil. or muter .-.Iff over ujijiint.iin-0111 ujijiint.iin-0111 ami Uuli. ulc ru--l. (Secured by U. I'titoH). lao. out Oi-Ip Pulley, For trnrnmitl ina jiowor an.) br whiok th rio id uniajareU antl uiinuut slip. HKNU VOH ClliriLAHS. Aiteooy of iho PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OP CALIFORNIA.) All kimli anl niiot of Wiro. comUntlr 6ii hmitl anj tuiinulaoturod to order, A. S. HALLIDIE. Ma Front St.. San Frnrmifco, n.ll' California. MlOHlBL KlNB. T. N. WiSD. WAND, KANE & CO., Uuccoion lo Hunter, W nu Jr. Co.) Iinijorlors and Wholosjle Dealors Id 11ES 1D LIQUORS. 1'ruprfeto.s of Hunter'- California W ln.t X7V1 Imlr c.y. Also A (rents for Joseph S. Finch's colobraLod I'oQusjIVftnia RYE WHISKEY HOT itittl OU'J .'rout SI., ntarJnrkiou, SAM FltANClSCO. mv l COMMISSION MERCHANTS IS Clay St., Sa.u Krfti.cl-.CO, DICALKKS IH OKUUON PKUDl'CIC, Are rooiL-iiuly In receipt of Oregon llama, Bacon, I-anl, tUlmou, ic. Utrcli, of our owii and Kjuierj. tuauufnclur Llwajt ou baud. CHENERY, SOUTHER CO. Imiiorleni and Jobbers of BRANDIES, WINES, .AM) LIQUORS, 311 Cluy Street, Sam Kranclico, Jjl WliM-RDII,- . K.LL0Q9, Iiutorterj and Jobbera of Wino3 and Liquors, iH ft 2111 KliOUT STKEKT, HAM Kit A N CISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Iuil'ortors and Jobbers of Foroisn and Do-lututio Do-lututio Funcy and u i o DKY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and I'acijic MUls, Consolidated, i-ii k. 5 At MarktlSt., San Fi a is Paris: 2S Rue Do L'Echitiu ' i.ia. -" " ITa J. BAUM & CO., Ini iiorters and Alanufaoturon of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING 8-ltt Satuome St., San Kranclaco 44 31 array St., Mew York. lipiURANT&CO. liuportors of American and urope&n Maple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CAL1KOKMA, Call the attention of the Trade to their largo aad couii'leto stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, y hich they are nw receiTinf direct from 1 iiitroi'MQ Mni'oturcrj, comi-risis i Prt- j French Slerluoa, ool Sailuea, Wool Plalda, Freutti aud Gviiun, Irlata and French Popllna, Kin pre Cloth, T unite, black aud rck red. Vefveteeiia, Atpacai, black aud colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Buck. Berlin iL.iaie'. Slisse'. denu') Gents' Underwear And ill kind.- oi i Gents' j urnishing Goods.' ! lli-tlc l y,,-, -:,,rvi, it. ill it- !.c 1 U hlte Hot..!. HniiiUrrrhlri, hlr( Ikii LIikiiv llmik, tn.wI-.ij in J llraiheJ, Towel. H :,, P'ir, r:r'jJl. .Nkla anil Ooyllea. Ktc, Ktc, Kte. L. MARTIN &. CO. Wholesale Liauor Dealers, ' .OS Front Street, San Franclaco PrcT'iefrs of MILLER'S EXTRA OLD BOl'HBOS Aad iiIe axenta for J. F. CUTTfcR'S EXTRA OLD BJUHBON WHISMES J Coojuatlj on ban J. a full assortment of 1 aiilhe Standard Brandt of Whlaklee, Fine Brandies i Foreign and Domcatlc Wlnti, S ID& BUttn. Cordials, eXe. j A Live Paper j i j Live People. THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD THE SEUULAU AND COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER OF SALT LAKE CITY. The People's Paper! FREE AND INDEPENDENT. TheCheapest Paper PUBLISIIED IN The Rocky Mountains ! iu men ur tnithTHiot! Tho recent discovery and rapid development develop-ment of tho mioos of Utah have given, and will oontlnuo to give, an Impetus to trade ol ovory kind, whioh should command the attention at-tention of all business men who desire to share in its proCts. Heavy shipments of ores for months past bavoboen bringing wealth into the Territory; a large immigration has oommonoed ; agricultural agri-cultural and other products are finding ready sales ; and merchants begin to feel the steady Uow of money through tho varied channels of oommorco. To business moa at a distance who so ok lo participate in tho lirely trade which must attend snch a rapid growth of interests, as well as to the local public, ft live, eoorgetic nowapaper is a necessity, by which to be made fully acquainted with the true condition condi-tion of mattors as they exist, and through which to present their business and facilities for furnishing so promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD fully meets this necessity in Utah. Wot being the organ of any pereoii, aect or party, nor devoted alone to any Ingle intereat, it has grown upon publio favor and attained on unprecedented circulation circula-tion in the time whioh has elapsed since it was established, by being in the strictest sense a Free, Independent, Live and Thoroughly Progressive NEWSPAPER ITS MINING NEWS Collated with th. sroatut care and from tb.. most rliabl. loarcea, make, it valuable to all interested in the mines of Utah ; its AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE Can be equally relied on; and itsintibfkisk placed it in the Front Hank of tJie Rocky Mountain Jonrnn.li. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and is widely read. in! svery Mining; Camp, and throughout the; Cities, Towns and Settlements of the Tern- I ;ory; is found in the office of every enterpris- ing business man in Utah; circulates on the UnionPaciac, Central Pacific and Utah Cen-:rai Cen-:rai Railroads; has a large mail subscription list east, west, north and south; and is The Best Advertisiug Medium In. the Rocky Mountain region. Where to Advertise! Where it will beSeenlj Where it will be Readl j In the People's Paperl ! T H K i ;alt like herild! i i HAKE TOUR WANTS KNOWN IX THK I 5 alt Lake Herald. MISCELLANEOUS. Wmlii. Are in receipt of tho new editions of the Standard Authors Eaeh complete in one royal octavo vol., bound in llie most approved style, and at tho Unprecerleaterl Low Price or Cloth extra - -2.00 iLlbiury sheep - 2.7.5 We have, to select from, the tincst and largest stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tlio country, embracing em-bracing the publications of L. Prang & Co., T. .Nolson &, Suns, American Tract Society, &c. Our Stuck of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in ;art, of Of the latest improved styles ; OBGAITS Of tho best makers ; fcL H :K ItU JKni From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Baoijos, FluteSj : AccordeonSj Concertinas, HarmonicanSj Received ."and expected daily, a large and splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which we offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city. 2T O IE $125. Five Octave, Double Kocd, Five Stops, (Viola, Diapason, JUoloda, Flute, Tremulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, ono of four feet pitch and ono of eight foot ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, and not morely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting reod valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and side3, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carvod antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE . YEARS, and Only $125. HaT We respectfully solicit the pub-lio pub-lio to call and examine our goods For the Holidays. The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, i ASDJ PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Price, Imported or liome-iuaile, IS AT LATIMER. TAY LOR &, CO'S ! PLA.NING MILL. Sash mill Door Factory, One blcck west of Tabc-rcade. fflfPOTJNDS; J.UUUlRONAND STEEL At C. II. BassetfsJ. Oppoelta Salt Ika Ho. I aU j MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. iOpposite the en trance to the Tabernacle, JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. ' Admission, 50 cts. Children, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Mineral!, Petrifaction!, Con-cretloua Con-cretloua and Cry atallzatlous. Home Products. Ifative and Foreign Curiosities, Cu-riosities, tCc. Compound Electro-Magnctio Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &o. Prof. J.L. BARFOOT, Hauagar. - Schools aad Families by private arcane ar-cane omenta admitted at reduced rates. v. S3 -l-H E CD "t S I r I i. cc s li LU j al 7 'i -I I ' - J! j -i I 1 1 S3 . PQ : S Ch i o ; O s J C . , 5 . . -i-H i M 3 CD pq j LUMERYARIX All Kinds or Lumber DOORS, WLXDOWS, BLLVDS, MOULDINGS, SHLNGLES, LATHS, 2RAIN AT WHOLESALE.1 r. R. JONES, j" HaLf-hiock loath of U. C Depot, MISCELLANEOUS. ?TOMACHBUT Aro inJur-ed nd prescribed by more lend-idk lend-idk Phyiieiaiis lUun any utlitr touic ur siiui- ul:ini iit.w in u.-e. luoyaro a SLni-. rut-Vl-JNTIVU furFeVL-r und Auo. iutermit-tenlfl, iutermit-tenlfl, Uiliuiiineis uiid nil di:.irdcra iiri-iiiK liuiii iiiia-Liiatic ciiufe. Tlu-y lira liijjbly rei'uiuiiJiiiidcd in an auti-dysi'uilK utid in cu-ies uf induftiuii arc invuliMble as un au-pt-tixer and rcoun;rant, and in cusai ut (It'ii-crl (It'ii-crl Debility they have never in a sinlo in-laucc failed in irodui'iu tlio Uimt li jy results. They nra i.arlii'iilarly ncNti ici.u, th KKiui.i:. itreutftlieniiiB the body, invig-iir;itiii invig-iir;itiii ibu iiiitid iiitd ivin tout: and etas; limy t-j i c whl sysieui. The 110.MK UlTrl':K.S are eouiiuiiided with tho ijrout-K-t oure, aaA im Tcnit: Stiimilant has ever been ..tiered te the julLio so ri.K.vs ixt to Tin: Tisri;, aud ut the same time L-ombining l( iu:uiy rcniL'.l i:i 1 iikuuL-i. induraud by l lie uu-ilii-.ul friiturnilv a- lie b.-l km.wii tu the l'liarui.n-.ii-i:i. H i'-m liitli- lu (.ve lliein a lair trl.il. aud j Kvciy t-'tiiiiily ktioultl linir u Uutile Wo !i.-k eiery m.e lu n-ad ihe foliuffinir curtiticaie.-! tn-m uiauy ul liiu uiuoL ciuiuuut .hy.-idaus in tlio oouuCry: Sr. Lui is, J uly IsTu. J .mw A. Jackson- A Co.: UeiUlenion As yuu have coinuiunica-ted coinuiunica-ted tu tliL-uhhIu'uI jirufef .iion the rci'eiiig uf Ihe "ll'iino Uilters it cannot, theretoro, be oo ns id trod as a secret or iatent medidne, no liatcnt havinn been taken lor it. We have examined tho formula lurwain thV'lUiuc liitters," and anhesitatiimly say the combination combi-nation is ono of rare oxeclteiioo, all the urti-clei urti-clei used in its couiiiuiliou are tho best of tbu class lo wlii.'li tucy bclon, buinjj biirhly Tonic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative and slistly Laxutivo. Tho mode of iruiar-iu iruiar-iu tbuui it1 strictly in accordance with tho rules of pharmacy. Having used them in our lirivato iiractico, wo tako pleasure in rooom-mendioif rooom-mendioif them to all icrous desirous of taking ta-king liiilors. as bein tho best Tonic and StimuUut lot o tiered to tho public. L.Cii.I10I5L1NIere,M.D. U. P. Vomer, M.D ALrmn IIeacock, Jl.U. (J. Oleics, M.L. UaAKi: McUvWell, M l). U. A. Wake, M.D. J.O. WuirEuiLL, M.D. . Ui 0. V. P. Ludwio, E. A. Clare, M.D. a. 0. Muses, M.D. W. A. Wacox, M.D. LlUKiiEftTl'KiJili, V. S. Marino Hospital, St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 8, 1S7U, Jas. A. Jacksum, 4 Co. : I havo examined exam-ined tho formula for making tho "Homo Stomach litlors,"and used them in the Hospital Hos-pital for tho I'dSt lour months. 1 consider them tho most valuable Ionia and stimulant stimu-lant now in uso, I.. Melcuer, St. Louis, July (J, 1ST., Jas. A.Jacksos, & Co, Having exiUuinoJ Ibo formula from which your cclebratcd"dtomach Hitters, "are preiia-red, preiia-red, having witnessed tho uieihod of combining com-bining the dill oren t ingredients, we can safely recommend then its the best tunic with which we are acquainted. From tbo groat care with which they arc compounded, and Ironi the choice materials which cuter into ihom.wo have no doubt that ihey will irovo as they deserve to be, tho most popular tonio anu stimulant, in use. nespecltully yours, .T.J. Vastine, M.D. T.O. CoMatocK, M.D. We cheerfully concur with every word contained con-tained in the above to. timonial. John Comiulmas, M.ii. Juus II mitma.v.M ,D Cuas. Vastine, M.D. Jou.vT. Temple, M D U. S. Walker, M.D. K.C. fsLr., M.D Cincinnati, Uot. lit, 1S70. Messrs, W. li. Ke.-sedv Ke.-sedv a C,: Agents "Homo L'llters"; Uonts Agrooablo to your request, I havo oxamincd . the formula ofihc"lloine Stomach Hitlers,' 1 and tind tho romedies it contains such as arc .in neneral uso by tho Medical Profession. They are s-eioutilically and pleasantly com-, com-, biuud, and as stimulating tonics will bo l found especially adapted as corroborants to tho treatment of low or debilitated staucs ot tho system, whether arising from impaired digestion di-gestion or from malarious diseasos. Dr. J. L. YiTTiEBM, L, A. Jaaies, M. D., R. S. Wavne, Cln.-iui.-.t, C. T. Smrsos, M. D W. T. Tauahrro, M. it., S. 1. Uon.ner, M. D., J. J. Qtisx, M. V., U. S. McscaoFT, M. 1)., J. 11. liucKLr, M.D., U. W. Ihqleu, M. D., W. It. Woodward, M. D., 0. A. IMuluty.M.D. Cuicaoo, Sept. SO. S70, J. -U Ssiitu, Ejq.; Wo have examined tho formula of lhe"Colo-bratcd lhe"Colo-bratcd Stomach iiittors," and liiid it to be composed of articles that arc considered the best tonics used by tho Medical Profession, and ono of tho best bitters we know ot in use. Very respootfully, U. S. Habs, U. D., B. Mc Vicar, M. D , J. II. Walker, M. D., O. A. Mariner, IWRJIAN S. UAB.M., M. 1. For Sale by all Druggists Jt Grocers Jas. A. JACKSON & Co., Prop'rs, Laboratory 105 & 107 N. 2d St., Juiu st. louis, mo. NOW IS YOUR CHANGE FOR STOVES ! KOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOK STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from, . Including the Old Favorites, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., these as well as other varie ties j will be SOLD CllEAPEit AT THE Hardware Dep'nt OS Z. C. JL. I. HAN L A.W OTHER HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. II. B. CLAWSOX, fiapwiaiMidwit. C.W. STAYNER'S COLUMN CITY LOTSl Harry up and File your Statements for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to it At CalJcr Bro'a every day next week. Figures Don't Lie! 1,500 Ladies and Gen tie men would not testify that this INGENIOUS PKEPAitA-TLON PKEPAitA-TLON had preserved tho Hair from Falling Off ! UAD Beautified tho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! Had removed all DANDRUFF FROM THE ttp. in i Baldhcadod persons WOULD NOT DECLARE that tho DOUBLE STRENGTH had produced from one to three inches of Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! If it were not the else. Lndics, OS you value your Beautiful rfair. ccaso to use OILS and DTKS which destroy Iho hair aud injure tho health, but ask for Iho GREAT UNKNOWN I AND Take no Other! For sale at Calilcr Bro'a, Z. C. M. 1. Drug Store, And most all Druggists. Price for Toilet, - - 1.00. Best for Ladies' use. Doublo strength, - - i'2.00. For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE 1 O IN" IE BOTTLE OF TIIF, All unite in sayin g this is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE FOR USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR THB CHILD OR THE PARENT. It cures Catarrh, Dyspepsia, PUEIFIES THE BLOOD and Builds Up the Whole System, For ..I. .t Cider Bro'., nd .t Ogden Co-op. Inu'u. Price, - bOc and i 1 per bottle. C. W. STAYNER, Q General Agent. . S O j. o o o Singer ScavIiis Machines wire Sold within Ihe past year. Vt'curiic American, June 10th, 1.7, THE S S ft. G E R 3Janufaeturiii Company, A.T THE! WOELD'S E.IE Constituted by the homes of the people Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales .'And have left all rivals far behind them. IVlt TUBY Sold m 17027833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "The uiiiKititudo to whioh the manufjeturo ofiowin machines has attainod i shown I . the ' returns (to winch any one cm have acces) of tbo manufuotureri io, the ye.ir 1ft. U to the ownors ol the Ioa.Ii0 iiatenu. on whioh they p.iy a royolir 4 cordji'Eto thcio returns the number of uiiiohines sold by each manufacturer iu 1870 ii TlieSluger - - f4T,H:i3 Florence . Wheeler i Wilsuii - MH,uS tiltl.Mcdal - . tfo - - 7.i.- .:tna - H1' Urovcr A LUker - f.7Jo K . . . ?J , , ;',lk'2 r iultle & Lyon . . .V'Ji Amoricun Ltutlunhole A Ovorsciiuiin 14,57.1 W ilnon - 'i. And several other companies who sold n few uinchinoa. It will be seen by this tublo that the popularity oftho Sinner machine far ox-cee.U ox-cee.U Hint of all otheri, their sale bcitix oue-kuir fi real rr than oven thfct of thorauious "WheolerA Wilson" iiinohino. This is ewinir to tho fact that the StiiKer Company have lately eommeneed m:.kin. brides iboir old nnd wrll-eMahliBhw) manufucturini; machine, uliai is known aa ihoir"A'cv Kuniiiy lUachine," whiuli In selling at (he ml e of nine lo one btiit r limn ilitlr old style. Their lo Ul sales for IHT.ll were S1.7J.I .uiu-hines iiKiiinst tho la7. of lsVK. shuwlug Kn l.ireuV ofouc-hnlf In (lie ltd t e r y ni i Vork Sw," One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, KiiH NItHI.Y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION ZVTriclaixiOfffi Sold, ifc' " jift m mj ; jt, or ic Were made wllhlii the pHit Ihree ear. Rmtho Greatest !..'rr.ie of our Sales over Oil Oilier illachliirs, Uelng Within the ln,l Ye-r Thll la Incoutestlble Proof that Our Al.ichinoti Are tho "est i the World. TJ1B NEW KAM1LV SIXVUKIi NBWIjVU MACHIIVE With attachments fur ail kinds of joori, ts l.st inniiig lui.romo favor in tho household, as shown by Iho raiiidly increaain. sales, over all other uiaehiuca. ..j.iuiy increaalm ih.s Hew Family Binciilue is now capahlo of a ranuo and variety of tvork such s o..ly recently thought iainossibla lo ferform by machinery. o S 7m aid show hat, tis th. cheanest most beautiful, de ttoly arranccd. nicely adjTtcd easHv operated.st.eedy.and smoothly runninK of all tho Family Sowing .ilaohine.. it ia romfrk able not only tor the range and variety of its sewing, hut alio for th! T.rieli "S dir. ferent k.nds of t0Iture which it w.ll sow will, ouaal facility ,,i ,.',l.k...',?"!"",,' "i cfuo", Cii " coj". ""'iinS tho i..t ri'ic ii- lltcU, alike on both sides ol the t.hric sewn; the only Hitch which is universal!., annrovod. or is at all adawed for itr.l-clu.. work. hu,, hoavir cloth o leMho'r may he sown with great sircngth and uniformity of stitcn. and. in a moment thl, willing and novar-wearying Instrument may ho adjusted for One work on gauVo o, ,!i fcJ, lid iwhhH r"C,k'7 0f "if1""'?. ' r almost any other work-evoe by , which delicate fingers havo beon known to ncrturm. fcvet, the careleik ant lliouglitleae kav. utile ur no IreaUli oi, Mill aiacUi.c. e""i,ia Send for Descriptive and Price Ctrcutars. manufact urcour own needles, silk and twistt furnish non and cotton thread and oil-all of superior quality-but which can bo rol ed on only when obtainmli ,hlM our Principal or Branch Offices, or Agonoios. oblaincdl through OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT THE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. u f flrftend a cordial invitation to all to come and see tho Machines, whether the. Tn SltteUerr0r otkers, uut do uot buy without you eanmlu. .iXm 'erin'ways politely attended by competent attendants. Instruutlou ir AU Machine, perfectly adjusted before delivery at t SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEP'T, I C. M. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors souih of Eagle Emporium, Walt Ialie City, XJtali. 11. B. CLAWSON. SuperintendonU Have on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OP WAGON TIMBER 1ND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they ofTer A.T VERY LOW PRICES, pT EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATRE JAMES HAODE. Jnn. ill. HAGUE. 8E0K0K I1AOUJ Big: Gun Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, L A T K JAM K S II AGUE, Importoris ici Doalers lxi. GUNS, " PISTOLS, U1M.ITO, T1KU Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. M. I. BOOT AND SHOE Uciiai tinojit, ul iliu ijrriol THE "BIO BOOT." ,., hMii Every alyle and qualitj o'B,l6 ind Shoes MADS TO ORDER, tatifae ion guaranteed. .J-V AVS ON HAND A LAP.n! AND CHOIC kroCK OF HOME-MDE ,,nTEB BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather XX IZ3 3II Vv fl xs Z S X3 m |