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Show Commercial. Salt Lake City, Feb. 23. Gor.D. Buying, 107; selling, 1 10. .K-t Arrived. A larpc stock of Kir?t-Ct.as.i PIANOS, to be fid C1IKAP forcaih, at J. Days' es it muiic store, east of the post otlice. f 21 Cask will bo paid for ten or twenty acres of good irritable land nciir thi-ciiy, thi-ciiy, if price, etc.. suit. Address, with full particulars, "lirother,'' at this ortice. f 21 Kd, Harris has ust received a Ifirel stock of tho finest cigars and tobacco, find gentlemen's notion.?. He lias tlio largest and best assortment of imported cigars in tho Territory. Call at tlie 'Little Cigar Store round the Corner" and see. f 1 1 Great sacrifice in lino CLOTHING, to close out winter stock : Suits .'TIS worth $2o. SuiU S'JO worth $U Suits $2o worth $-2. Suits S::0 worth 5 10. Suits j-vi-i worth $ 10. f 21 Derby's, 4 .Alain street. Furniture. .Just received, at Henry Dinwoodey's, !RJ0 CANK SEAT10U CL1AIKS. To bo sold very cheap for cash. j!7 Fashionable Hats at Siogol Bro's. OlO Okntlmksok the Uoxvkxtio.v: We arc pleased with tho great care you take in tho interest of the PEOPLE. PEO-PLE. At tho same time we propose to take care of your SOL.K3 :n well ns UuiseatofinU-llifrcnce. liOUTri, HATS, GLOVES, etc. f21 Uusfouu & Sons. Largest stock of clothing at Siegol Bro's. olO Tim "Great Unknown" is exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j-i Orpkr, Check an.l Kecipt UOOK lrinti'd and bound at tho Heralu -lob Otticc nnd Bindery. I" 21 Sai.e CoNSfMMATEi. The sale of the Flagstaff mine, Littlo Cottonwood, and tho Littlo l lot ton wood smelting works of Messrs. llateman, Uuol & Co, was consummated yesterday and tho money paid over. The purchasers are an Knplt-li company incorporated under un-der the name of the Flagstaff silver, mining com pauy, limited). The priee j p-iid for the l'urnaoj is ?7.,OtH). The' price for the mine was a large one, and allows tho estimation in which I'tah amies are held by capitalists. The KlagtatY is one of fho most valuable , pieces of property in the country. PnRENoL'HtY. Prof. Fowler's Publications Publi-cations for salo at Dwyer's Book store 11. Large t'U'k of tine and heavy boot at Su-Kel Bro's. lUcti Specimens. We yesterday saw a rich specimen of milling ore from tlie Locust mine, located on the foothills foot-hills south of the mouth of E.isl canon, and about three-quarters of a mile from the pioneer mill of Messrs. Walker Wal-ker lire's. The specimen had been roasted in very primitive fashion, and globules of silver thoue in it in abundance. abund-ance. The shaft of the mine is donn nearly twenty feet with a g.xid prospect. pros-pect. There is a judicial interest in the matter which impels us to wMi it a success to the extent of developing a lode of indefinite extent and unquestioned unques-tioned richness. Consumption, Scrofula, Etc. IIEGKAIAS-S GENUINE COD LI V-KK V-KK OIL. O ;r Cd Liver Oil is warranted war-ranted l'UKfcl NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood tho teM. of over twenty years' experience and can be relied on in every particular. Manufactured Manu-factured by IIeoemav & Co., chemists nnd driiggiHs, Now York, nnd sold by all drugrfisu. ei 1 Kino Furnishing Goods at Siege! Bro's oil) Cuttin'O & Go's California Canned Fruits and Jellies uro tho best in th market. Ask your grocer for them. e0 Aii.viii in running order, the PALACE PAL-ACE BATH 1IOOMS, No. 18 Commercial Commer-cial street, corner of Olive. f 18 Circulars, Hills of Fare, etc., etc., printed at the Herald Job Office. 1" -Jl D iu kd Pkaciies. Wo shall givotht higho.-t prico for cl"an, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, at J no. Iv. Clawson'fi. west of Tlioatro. aiiRl Jt. B. Ct.AWSON, Supt. Emerald Hill Mining Co. Delinquent De-linquent stockholders in this mining company would do well to read tho advertisement ad-vertisement in another column, announcing an-nouncing ihe salo of dclictiueut stock. Go to the Crystal Palace, 78 Stain street, for Furniinre, Budding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, Gin.6?, Silverware and household house-hold goods generally. dl7 All kind- of plain and fancy JOB PK1NT1NG executed promptly nnd aft-r the latest style at the Herald Job OUlec. f Bahllv. See John W. Sncll's notico concerning barley. j Overcoats, at coat, atSiegel Bro's. olO OGDEN DIRECTORY. P'mi -ci'jw Business Hunzts, JlEKCHANTdt ' j Wnjktr UriHIici-r., y.lnu'a Co-op. Mercantile ImtU ullOli, 1 James llonocln, C. umliiimlHt, ! V, Aiicrbnrb t5t Urn. 1 HOTKL. jOgile" House, Joliu M.thon, riojirielor, j UVEKY .STABLE. U. U. Xrlio.i, Prorrieior. nin r SPECIALTIES FOR GENTLEMEN. I Fi.-k, Ci.irk A Fl.u-i'fLclc'-rslr,! fecial ties I aro fur .-.ilo l7 all lir-t cU.-i i-.ilc.-s ;;i thifi .ity. l ine Fit blv.rl r, ; I'ulcul L'nutalouix "vavers. ! K u?iaii li act--, ! I.apoi U,s KitH.lovr. 'inv Stylos of iNci'k Ditss. I - 11 TW.- Xcviliioi Hit Dover cWa iSliiri-i ;m.l t ii:rti rs. anijon Uracf. Tati-ni . '.ii.i..:...n l'r.-cr.- irc.l f-.v.v: L.iy7i't iCtSio Kid Olovc.-, tto Roeeui Stroel 1 Scan". FtiK, CI.AT.K KLAivl. I f .L'JBrvadww, iisw York. MISCELLANEOUS. First National Bank OIF UTAH, I SALT LAKE CITY, j ; DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND I FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. , WXZM.KS HCSHKT. C. L. DiHLIR. Preeide&c Vice PresL Astuovt Godbe, Cashier. Anthorlzed Capital, - - 3300,000. PAID CP CAPITAL, - 8150,000 EARNINGS, - 8130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Hanking Institution in Utah. V General 1 Juiiliiiir Business Transacted. I AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTEND! D TO. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. SALT LAKE THEATRE t-tcond nppearnncs at thij theatre cf tho Ulcntcd and accomplished VOCALIST. Mrs. M'attiiiessex From the principal Coiccrts of Copenhagen. Copen-hagen. Saturday Ev'n, Feb. -21, The porfurainnce will commenco with tho beautiful drama, entitled tho Ballad, "Mercy for Mr." illra, IlIATTIIIKSSKN. Song and Dance, Mr. HARRY LORRAINE. To conclude with tho Laughable Farce, entitled, THIS HOUSE D0&! In active preparation, W.S. 0 lbert's now comedy, entitled "RANDALL'S THUMB I" CHEAP ADVKUTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines, fifty cents ioi each and every iascrtioD. Kacli additional ad-ditional line ten cents. LOST. YESTERDAY EVENING. N BAR THE poit oflioo. a Bunch of Keya. Tho Gndei will conler a faTor by JcnTing ihcm at fbi oflioo or at tiedbo'a Drue ritoro. f 21 WASTED. BOY WANTED, at the WiibiDulon House, f21 ;U tsuathSiroot. FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT, DESIRABLY Located Lo-cated on the Bench, in tho :uih Ward The house contains olevoa rooms and coui- inamla a view of the wholeu'Uy. Parties wot wish a pleasant home will lind this proporti ' a bargain fur oash. Apply at ihn Keal Estatt i oflico, lj-Main-st, next to P-iciiic lU-use. fiO A. C. T H U li X CO. ; $500 REWARD -00 Bushels Good Barley :j. w. sxell. Idaho Store, ono blook aouth of Thontre. YALE LOCKS. Chesl, Drawer, Cupboard and lore -door Locks aud K I glit Late lie. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. Dissolution of Cq-Partnsrsliip. TTAVINtr disposed of the Uankicg busi-nosa busi-nosa heretofore conducted under tho 1 name and tylo of A. W. White & Co., to the Salt Lake City National Bank, which will assume nil tho liabilities, and i s hereby authorized au-thorized to collect all debt! duo tho er.id firm. Tho co-partnership heretofore exiting exit-ing under the name of White A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual content. j A.W.WHITE. 1 T. R. JONES. Salt Luke City l'cb. lDih., IsTJ. The Salt Lake City X.ition al Bank hereby assumes all liabilities as above B. AI. DU RELL, iZ. ' President Liquid Blueing Cheapest in market; quality and satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Caali Paid for Grain and country produce. Ftr Sale 500,000 lb coarae Salt, Table and Dairy. Shingles, Lumber and General Merchandise. Wholcsale.lohber, J, XV. SNELL, Idaho Store, one blook south Theatre. r2 TREES. PLMTSJMEa SEEHS; &C. T'HE und'rrLEncd would rf pert fully "" 1 form tho citins c!" -Sail Lane i.nd vicinity tuM ihu;e who desire to ccurc col-lectinn't col-lectinn't of cither the above-named articles will have an opportunity to secure I hem. as ihe uadcr;iknci. nnw on a visit to Sal: Lake, is prepared to furnish the same to order of the choicest kinds The undersigned will he lound on t rid ay and Saturday nt tho ofSi ol" Mesar;. Hoi- ! comb i Co., oppoiito tho Townsond Hr-use, where ho will bo hajipy to confer with aU ! who arc interested in the cause of AriicuI-ture. AriicuI-ture. Horticulture and l"Iorii:aUure, Iram 1 to 1 o'clock p, ai. each day. COL. WARREN, Editor California '"Farmer." San Francisco. 1.3- NOTICE. ALL pers-ons are hereby forbid Jen and wartcd acaiu't purjha.-ir.g tr ia LJ" vny neKeii.itina with aiy itrsun whij;.'"-ever whij;.'"-ever for cert.ia ui..ius rrci-Tty Mtu.ite. lytnt. and being Chloride li ill. in "plnr Minio? Di.-trict. Tooele Cunty, L";h Ie"-tory. Ie"-tory. recently tied for record as tho Jim Fisk lode, or for any ores already extracted, or that may hcreattcr be cxi-actcd. there- from: or lor any property whatsoever be-! be-! loneinc to, or in aa7wi?e arpcrtaini2i to, j sail m;ae, or lode; a; th eaiiLo is ti.e ; r-p-er;y .1 iho ui.ier.-iLcd, who aro the law, owe en of taid minisir rrore.-ty. under the 'name rlrhc Chloride Qjn. asviLC been Incited March li, 1-71. by I. -Oct rsc H Ka-rht. John Darif. Reee Davis and Murray Mcssinccr, ar.d rcorded in the ofS -e ot ike R-r.-.r er f the Miaicc Eistrut afureaid, April 2 1-71. .. .. uf:or;f. n. ra'l gut, U.A. HOLCOMB. (17 MISCELLANEOUS, FARMERS ATTENTION. J I wUl pay CASU f.r f 1,000 BUSHELS WHEAT, " j 1,000 BUSHELS BARLEY, j 1,000 BUSHELS OATS, i I 10,000 LBS. BRAN, j If doliverei immediately at mr Grain Store, Main St., S. L, City GEO, II. KSOWLDEX, "j California and Allen's E.rtra Family And several other brands, C1I EAP for cash. All kind, of Grain Tor sale. G. U. KSOWLDEiV. 00 SELLING OFF ! Now is llic Time to get iSiirgaius ! Our l-eniaiaiag stock of LADIES' FURS! Will bo sold regardless of cost. ALSO FANCY DRESS GOODS, LTNSEYS, FLANNELS, JEAN'S. WOOLEN' GOODS, hiOODS, . NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Together with a splendid aaortu;e..t of WHITER HATS an! BONNETS MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds which will be sold at eo-;t to make roo-jj for a large strck of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East Tomii'o Street. .23 ToIITcoau Having purclR6til tile Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to apply thl Juatlp celebraud VBR GOAL by c.r loud or retnll. Depot at U. C. K. tt. Vnrtl. Otlice i fe-xcUalige aud , Heading Hoomi. BATE MAN & BUEL. W. 11. BltU, ,Kut. i Ji. W. Alle.x & Co., 47 Broadway, New York. BRANCH HOUSE, . Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agent for tli Celtbruted COLD SEAL WHISKY! W. S. FOSTER, Asent. GITY LIQUOR STOBE, Keep eonstantly on hand. Wholesale Utinil, Cboice tmrortfd LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. OROESBtCCK'g BUILDINGS, oVT East TmpU Strttt. PAGE, lillO. & CO., Importers and Dealers In LEATHER AND FINDINGS- 33 and 37 South CanaJstreel, W,W.pH( Ik-tor. flTfl fl J nn TT I rr ' uiLikil, IU. SUT LAKE BRANCH OF TIIB Great Western INSURANCE CO Y, OV OHICAGO. TllKO. F. TRACY, Preeldent C. II. BASETT, ) IIK.VBYW.LAWnKNCB V Director! C H AS. It. DAIlL.ii.it, J v MAKH-SALL A CAHTElt, Attorneji. H. K. MAWS, Manager. I ! A Brsncb of this SOUND and RELL i ABLK j $5,000,000 C03IPAMr ' Uavinc been OTtaiicd in our city, wt . aje aow ready for boMDC-iS aorl earnestly earn-estly solicit publio patronapct guar&Q' teeing that all fire mka will bo carried at a fair rate, I H.. R. MANN, I aJQ 3IaLgrt 1 Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Z. 0. M. L TsTliolesale DEY GOODS MPT Up Stairs, Emporium Buddings, A full, first-civsa stock of STAFLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES A V Li)V.' PRICKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-oporativc Dealers plcaso inspect, GROCERY; HARDWARE I DEPARTMENT, j CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers oan here find An Immense Stock AND I'M i ViJH 'STVlRiE 1 . IMPLEMENTS, TCOLS AND RIACHlNiSY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Uinci s Supplies a Specialty CLOTULNU Dm. AND EMI3 O R T K D MANUFACTURED FROM HOMK-MADK, KIIKNCI1, KNOlihH and AAUSRICAH1 FABRICS Fing Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. P1RST-CLASS F1TTK11S AND WORKBKSI TO FILI ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND 1SS0RT31KM OF tOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE, This iu the Department I'ur Faiuilca DRUG DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, I'ATEiVr MEDICINES, Iorfumory, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY KAGLU.I ALU AND POIITKK, J AVKRILL PAINT j WIIITK LEAD, i OILS, COLORS j GLASS, ETC. Prucriplio-fU from Phytidant will have special aiiMtwn. II. B. CLAW.SOA, hopl. jWAL.KSB. BRO'S. i. j UP STAIRS. CARPETS! CARPETS ! I NOW OPENING NKW l'ATTKH.NS FOR ' SPRIHG PURKISIIIBIGS, j Whicll make the Fe?t Selection WEST OT? CHICAGO. E XGL1SH CO V O A 31 A T II X G S l-l, 4-4, (1-1, t-4. PLOOE- OIL CLOTHS, 4-1, 5-4, o-t, s-i, ir..l. 1- n 1 c is p u ,v v x -r 11 12 u . iii Eun the Blockade! GREAT REDUCTIOX IX THE PRICE OF LIGHT ! Gooil jVeus for those tltiit iikr a I'lUIiant, Ck-tv untl Sale Lilit ! Larga amval of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 I'Oil 1'IVK GALLONS. For those that like COAL OIL, wc have received a Jtrce Slock, of all qualities, and at licduced Prices. The Lari st A s'rlment ol' LAMP GOODS in the Territory. o IE. REESE & CO. Slo AcoDta for llir DnitfortU I'tliolmm Fluid. 8'J 1st South Street, hall' block West ot Post Oinoe. Coal Oil and Naptha Depot BAY & CEJEiMIBBS, S9 Fast Temple Street, FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Grasoline 85 for G-as Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURNING FLUID, Thn Rpst flnr! r.hpaniaQt I inlat Fupr fUTp.rprf to the Public. -This Fluid is ol niuch HEAVIER GHAVII1' than my oth.-r liiirtiinp Fluid ever offered in the market, promMuK closc y to Uinl of the ln -t q-ulitivn of COAL OIL, hut yet possessing DOUBLE tho ILLUMINATING power. It burns CLKAN WITHOUT SMOKE and does not char ihe ick, whioh will not require attontiou of'tcner Ihau once a week. This Fluid needs but one trial to convince any pcrsen of its mim l ior ndvun-tages. ndvun-tages. A7v7"HOT1ESJA.I-,E .A-ISTO RETAIL Who want AUK NTS in every pel foment of the Tuirilmy. jl7 i:it)i MiTO.'S ! $ i i Two Ulocks louibof I'.O.ll.U, Depot, aad next to Win. Jen-I Jen-I nlnffs Tannery. Tho ynri in kept PODstsnl) uri Mfd by (votal Bw-njillf wilb I A Full Assortment of I Native Lumber. i Vt'.K. I'jllciU the (trone of old frieDdi. ind by runctualitj and diiiKoi.ro in bueineii horei to merit ebufe ! public iupiort 00. hAI.K Id the I'.tb VnH. W-.'-k n'l half .-! of ll, I'.C. 11. H .. t. Finnll b'.ii-r nnd hnlf will) fin-ordnrd. ( For i rlicuirf eD'juire of ; oEZ5 WM. Ul'INJT1N, J.t.M l UHII.I, a o, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 9 04 d d 308 CftllfornlK Rt., n Fnntltco, - . L)irornl, PrtiruUr ittffltloa puitl in tli fillinr of ' or den for erery docni'tn,a of merebftudmo. ft U of Oti, Ac, ilSClSAItDS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL.. Manufacture rsof PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, And M'xchincry for Smelting Furnaces - CiJiiiractti ma'lc f'.-r buililin l'"urntt- CCH uf Utah Fire Stone, IncluJin 'Ju';hii,crjr, ic, pet up in complete runuinK order. Htfr-i r.a- Kureka M1ntiii t'um-pnj-, Kolt Luke l't"h Nroell- liK t 'Jtn jit'i Tlnllc. A''drtx J. C. 2irh'trd CfiK'iffO. J'.E4 1"4 and V rP.r'"T SThEfcT. Oj,t(t th fin ft and vwxt ctmplcte ttorJc tm Oir Pacific const. lifr to JI.J1.CLAWSON. bnp'l of ss. o.. nvr. i. |