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Show FIRST-CLiSS GROCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITY (Uverybody says so) at G- W. DAVIS'. Tho finest Oaalilios of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS Ac , ot U. W. DAVIS'. ciwr.D coons. i.oitSTr.ns, sai ,q). SAItDIXKS. OVNTKItN. Fruits. Siiiici'KA- l'icklcs, AT G. W. DAA'IS'. fTl. T not Iln.l Clnfllr A . CHEESE, HAMS aiii BACON In Town, at G.W.DAVIS'. Our TEA TB ADE wo take particular pains to study, and from oiorieneo nro enabled to suit our patroDS with unrivalled faoilities. Wo Kuarantoo to soil as ohoan as any house in Utah, and will not bo undersold, C. W. DAVIS, Tito door, north of Kimball Si Lawrence's. Special Notice! II. WALLACE Respectfully returns his thanks to his numerous nu-merous oustomers for tho liberal patronafto bestowed upon him and trusts that strict attention to business will merit a continuance continu-ance of their favors. nSTE"W STORE On First South Street Nost door to Mrs. Steohouse's Millinery Establishment, Whore I will hare aver; choice slack of Pure Candies Of my own manufacture.' Raisins, ftuts, Figs, Oranges, Lcmom, Llmet, Aud a guuoral assort 111 out of FANCY GROCERIES, ExtractSy Pomades, Hair Oil, Fancy Soa, Etc., Etc 9g-Vo not forget my New Store , Firs South street. Wo ha e JUST RECEIVED A lot of T -E A S Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, .Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Which we will soli WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, JCaat Tcmpla Street. aug26 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old sLanJ, East side East Temple St., Wishes lo inform his numerous friends and patrons that he has a Full Assorrtiient of MERCHANDISE Uualiy kept at his Store and Bakery, And sells them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWX. IPBODTJCE Of .11 kind!, j Bought and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Mid to order I MISCELLANEOUS. !' I' SPECIAL NOTICES! EAGLE IIOl'SK, N03. G7 and 0l East Temple Street, nearly opposite Suit Lake House. Do Dot fait to remember It as 1 the Cenlroof Attraction, tho Centre of tho Block and tho Centre of Dullness. TEASUKL A, CO. have alwiiya on hand as choice an assortment of GKOCERIK3 as enn ho obtained in town, both Wholesale Whole-sale and ReUi'. , TI1K NEWEST ATTll ACTIONS in Dress Gooda, Reps. Mohairst Alpacas. Merinos, Delaines. Calicos, with the latest la-test slrloa in Shawls. Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Dry Goods always to ho found at the KAflLE UOUSE. TI1K CLOTHING DEPARTMENT attbeEAtlLE HOUSE Is cnrofully and attentively studied. There you can always al-ways chooso from a full stock of OUSTS and BOYS CLOTHING, Hoots and She, Hats and Cups and General Furni.hintr nn.l ;n nti,11nq varinlv. TUB LADIES' SIIOK DBPAUT-NSNT DBPAUT-NSNT at TKA6DEL St CO.'s is now well supplied with all that enn bo desired. de-sired. Eleitant Stylos. Latest Fashions and Lowest Prices. ULEES' SEWING MACHINES the BEST IN THE WORLD for Foruily use, can be obtained of T13ASDEL & CO. tho sole agents for tho Territory of Utah, Special attention given to Icarnora, Instruction In-struction gratis. Payments by instalments, instal-ments, if so desired. They aroquiot, oasy running, durable and a favorito maohino TEASDKL Sz, CO. ure proverbial for low prices and the boat qualities of Merchandise, Merchan-dise, S. B. A complole outfit of Boot and Shoo Manufacturing Machinery, to be sold at low figures. Nearly new. TE4SDEL & CO. FALL DIP0RTATi0N,18Tl RQSENBAUM 8c FRIEDMANN, 22 aud 24 Battery Street, San Francisco BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE AT-tcntion AT-tcntion of tho TRADE to their splendid splen-did STOCK, comprising in part COMPLETE LINES of Broclte ShavrlB, Velveteens, Alexander's Kid Gloves, Curtain Neta, Linen Hdkfs, Wiiite goods, Tarlatans, Bareges, Guipure and Linen Laces, Cotton Lacea, Lace goods, made up, Hamburg Embroideries, Silk and Velvet Ribbons, bl'k and col'd, Corsets, sewed and woven, Hosiery and Gloves, silk, cottoi and woo), Merino Underwear for ladiei and children, Fringes, Gimps and Ornaments, Orna-ments, Ladies' and Children'sReadj Made Suits : Which, together with their USUAI FULL Stock of foreign and Domesti SMALLWARKS and 'ancy Goods they oiler at K educed Prices Purchasing all our goods at their va rious places of production all over th world we are enabled to sHl the same a prices to compare favorably with thosi of the leading houses in New York o London. s30 JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP constnnflr on hud a hni-e ar.sort-ment ar.sort-ment of KH E NC II, K.GLIS1I fcnd AMERICAN j Cloths, Cassimeres, I Vestings, Etc., 1 Of the finest mali ties and latest !tile'.whi?b we make up u order in tho most fajhionable I and a j' proved manner. ! patronage solicited- j ansii BATHS, BATHS? i Warm Spiins Baths ! PrW.t aad FIiiBffa. The celetTlJ bathi re open to ttie pot He at all ' imku. Tbelr isMllcIa! prortiw rr o widely I known that II li nrf to encmermt ihftn. Balda the Ptltf BaUia, Uie largaal haiiitMime-1 haiiitMime-1 It fonilbd Plow. Bath for LJi uu) wDtJmD ar ao opaa- U Aft HOLD. I nil SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. A. J. WKlFFITlT, Dlr In frCRffifc all kind, ol riCK-LlDD NMOKWX) SALP40N AND HERRINGS, lit! WihluRon Slriat. All kinds of DrloJ, fiiuoL.nl and I'lcklaJ H,h DOIutauurunuiuiu. ji 9, L. Stanley, John SiTuanoa, 0.0. Olai'iunn Spruance, Stanley & Co., SucccMon to II.Wa aler A Co. aiil J. 1 J. PiruaLf0 Importer and Wholesale Doler tn WINES km LIQUORS, j 410 FRONT STUfc-KT. A. C. DIETZ & C0 ius-ortims or lYlNTiS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. 224 FHONX STREET. Bet. flaimiiioiitoA full forma, Ma.it Kruclac m THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. X y:y 1 in GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. HIOH IN TUK SIERRA. NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful State 0 California, grows an herb Ifinu known to the Indians ns an absoluto euro for RHEUMATISM, RHEUMA-TISM, UOUT. N liU RAL.UIA, and all du-oasos du-oasos in any way sprinpinK from iinpuritiei of tho blood. ticieni-Q has at 1cdk(Ii broajfht to light ita virtuo.i, und of this potent horb has aompounded YEKBA SANTA, a preparation prepa-ration for tho PKRM AN KST CUKE of Scrofula, S&ll Illieum, and all Krup-tlv Krup-tlv aud Cutancoiu Dlit-nei. Gives imtno-iiiito and permnnent relief in UYtiPJSPdlA. iiRYtiil'KLAd. King Worm, TumorF, Doilst Scald llcadfl. Ulcora and .Soros; eradicates from thoejeiem all traoei of morourial difioaso. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is therefore peculiarly suiublo for nso by females and ehildron as a 11,001 PURI-I'lJia PURI-I'lJia and RENOVATOR. JrlOTIIKRS Who wish to finti a mcdicino poculiarly adaptod lo thcoureol IlUMORd and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in their children; will find a safe and sure euro in Y fcltli A SANTA, For Bale ovorywhoro. RED1NGTON, HOST KT TEH . CU Agnta, ftW and 031 Market St. San Franclioo. REDINGTON- HOSTETTtK & CO. Importers and Jobbers of FOItKlCN AKD DOMESTIC DRUGS iD CHE3UCALS Fine Esacntlnl OUi, G ami, Root a, Seed, Flow era, Sponge, Sklna, Pomadu, A-c, And all other Staples connected with tka Wholesale and Retail Drat Business, Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hos to Iter's BiLtors, Drake's Plantation Bitter. WoITf Scheidam Schnapps. NeweU'B Pulmonary byrupi And all the leading Proprietary Medicinei both American and Euroroan. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Nob. 540 and 531 jTIarket Street, Betwoon First and Second, nSan Francisco, California. TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE LVSIRAACE CO.'S CINCINNATI. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. Hcllaltle Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We u;?k 1'air Itatcs aud Prouii to Vay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah H. R. MAKjV, Agent, ( SALT LAKE CITY. Office Tuylor's Buildine. Room No. 2. op- s p. o.n.,.iLtil"t n . Private Hospital, lath Ward, Suit Lake City, W. ?. ANDERSON. M.D. - Proprieior Term?, invari.iMy in ndvance. for Board. : Meilicine and Medical .itlcmi.-inco, jlit to S-ii per week j TIME TABLE. bdrlington rodte. I I I i 0 Hi tAS r, NCRTH AfD SOUTHEAST. Ko. 1. ' STATIONS. llw' MAILL i I.care OMAHA - - 4:1" p.m. r.-.iUm. ; Arrive UL'HI.lNrtTON .r . ".-) a m . 'A 1 P 10 J " Mend'U - - U-",a.iD. a ai. I " ChLcagL.iCJ-I.Ay ) 3:3p.m. 7:'5-m- ! - 1'coria - - - :.j.m I:'" " Ind-i.li.-'I.B.iW. 6:J.'P-ui ' j " Cincinnati - - ll;j-jp.m. I " Logan-i"tt Jsiip.B i-U-T P A W. " ruml.u- ..',-m., ' -J'P - rTbr"uh Car fr-ai Mi-jouri I'-r.er to Chi.-iio. Jt,'li.ina;...li.. Cinciann. L"135' port and Columbu.'.l . ,. . Connections at tho.' 9 poin- Trith Unci 1 c.iJ:lr- :o the Kaf t, or:h r.l Mnufc. Thi-i the Uot, Shorlot, Hulcket and Chrapcit floulc. D'i nnt hedeeciTod. but obtain Ti-V:eln i the Burlinton k luouri River Railroad. A-RTOrZAUX. C. K-PKRKINS. Uoa'l Ticket Agent. Uoa ISut- |