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Show GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. CHRISTMAS. 1871. G. W. DAVIS U..S full H,qk Of Raisins, Currants Mplf-r , I ', klim lUUIui, Choice GUNPOWDER TEAS, 11IM ASU MIJCIIAl'IIFb'ltK, j Oar fruit bini( H.iitniid, purii-iusers will' lavs ui. uny .u.i tiuin in L,uywi . EXAMINE THE WINDOW run W A. AE V T, 30. C. W. DAVIS, Turn Doorifrom Kindndl A lAiwrence.' i COME AT LAST! Rtcivrd thU Day, TWO CAR LOADS Or JfllKIUHT, comiitlnif of the following (Joeds : "-Sff-S Oysters, lemons, Apple, ('run berries, Turkey, I'ork, Chickens, Lard, Jliekory A ills, Cliealmita, Cider, Butter, Corn, etc. Commission House, 111 Main 81. J. G. JAMES & CO. dJ4 GLOBE BAKERY, lfiaat Temple Street, flrat door north of Co-oparatlve Grocery Ueprtuiut, G0LIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Huns, Cakes, Ties, Crackers, Ktc. " Pino variety of CONFECTIONERY, Wholoiale nitit Htall. (irocerlcs, Flour, u.u Teed, Ac. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Gi'uliiiin, - -Loose, - - Allen's V X X - Corn Mcnl, llritn mill Mioi ls, Chopped Feed, AnJA'.'iiinilTof On SiUo ftt LOWER HATES! In Uuantity or Kotail, at CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, Main Street. octti Mew Store ! New Goods ! II. WALLACE Has opened his nsw store, od yiKST SOUTLI sfliEET, Kxt door to Mm. Stcuhouie'i, With a choice stock of Pure Home-made COXFECTIOXEllY, Also Figs, Nuts, Kaistas, Apples, tfardiuos, Salmon, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Will alio continue luluess at It It ' c . . AND OATS FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR HKT.V1I,. THOS, R. JONES & CO,, H.lr-.-btock Soiitb of C. C. Depot. (u DAY & CULMER, IVrORTKU AXO DKAIXK3 IS GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Coxj:st:no of dry uoohs, UHOCKltlKS, H. MOW A UK, UOO I S. S1IOKS. II XT', tlUH'KKIiV, t. V MI'S, t;i. VSSWAUK, AC. COK1' A TW1NKS, WO(UKV.lUi, C'.VK I'K VS. I B.M KKKS A UlSrriTS, IOUAl0,tC, 41'. WSica t&fycfer rricw tiat cuarantee ! lati.-iaetiou iad dely airliiwa. Tie choicest J 1" 3U J. JSS eoailan ilj on hand of the followiae kinds Gunpowder - - S1.T3 to Tt-iS Vounc 11 ton - 1.00 to i.o Tycoon - 1.35 to l.f3 Fooplnj - 1.13 to 1.33, P(kc - - - - 1.13 l a 1.4H Souf honS ... o ta l.oo Dlmnoud L. 1.00 ' XaturaJ Leaf - 90 to 1.00 I Ar.d '.ha famous Eat I is a I nixed Tea. ... 1.T3 , Dealers in Tmi will find it to their ad- tu'.ui :o s.Ta us a ca;:, before ; -.ir.'hi.'t-itti their TeJ. u oar :aO','.r.iis :a nran of oox busiaej caaaot ba eieliei ia tie ci;j. JU . j SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. UIMM) MOTKL On Market. New Si-.mwmerr and MeC-.ail Hlroe'j. I W.A.IW B'KA.CXBlC( , f ' A. Ij. 1 JOHNSON & Co., l'ltfji'ttirrua 16 TODIiJ, DAVISSOfd & CO., lurijEirKRd or FANCY GOODS, iVw Wares, l'cfo:t Cutlery, J'erfumery, Yankee. Nations, iS'ifioncri, Ifren Trimmitujs, White C'vcds, Millinery 6Wi, JJtjsicry, Linen II'dJcchs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Cur. Sutler ami ausouie Sts., ja I8AN FRANCISCO. JiVO. G. HODGE & CO, IMPOItTEUS Wholesale Stationers, Jteup tka larguat itock of Stationery, Blank Book, School Uouki, PlayliiK Card., Wrnp-filiig Wrnp-filiig ri)ri, Tioines, Pocket Cutlery, dc. , d-c, , On th Parlflc CoMl.wliicli theyuro pr'i,trcl to sell iilior for OulJ ur Curtoiicj at pne-a tlt.n will oilur linlil:iiiriitj fur tiuvero tuiyuliuru woat v( tlio fWky MuuutaJu. 327, 329 & 331 8ANS0ME STItEET, mil Sun Frauclaco; LOCKE & MOMICL'E, IMrOBTKRB Or STOVES METALS, UANUriCTUBKHS OP AND DKALERB IX House Furnishing Hardware AND Tinner's Tools and Machines; A0ENT8 FOB Agricultural Steam Boilers, It '4 nml 114 Uattcry Street, iu7 SAN FUANOISOO. Jamua Sjtrqauco, John Sprunuco, C. 0. Cbapmaa, J. & J. SPRUANCE, Iniporlorj aud Wboloaals Itaakra Id WINES AND LIQUORS, J4 415 KRUNT STRKKT, jMURPHY,GRANT& CO. Importers of Anioricitn and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CAL1FUUH1A, Call tho attention of ttaoTnulo to their largo and couijilote atook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which thoy are now rcceivintc direct from iiuroi'oun Wanufaoturcrs, comi-rising in part French Rlerlnoi, Wool Satlnes, Wool Plaldf , Franch and Gorman, Irish anil French Popllna, Kmpreu Cloths, Tsmlie, block tad colored, Velveteen, Alpacaa, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO C3-L O VE S, Kid, Buok, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', Gents') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. IIlery,conip!pto in all its branched White Gootli, llnntlkerchlert, Shirting Llncni, Un'lta, wlute urn! coIortsJ," Unmnaka, brown loom and MeArhed. Toweli, Uuck, Diiitvt. Turkish. Anpklni and Uoyliei, ii Jb-tc, Ktc, Ktc. IRON AXD STKBL WIRE HOPE, FLAT A51) IIOL'ND, Forhoiting from mining shafts and inclines, ferry ropes, Uity ropes, l"or tranimittinK power, eic- Manufactured ctf any Length or Size. Wire Rope U much cheaper, llphtcr and uion- durable than any other kind of Hope. Hallidie's Endless Wire Rope Way, Oiro Tramwai). For the rapiJ and eccnoniieal traaspfrtation oi Ores and other material over mountainous mountain-ous and disiicult rvai. Secured by U. S-I S-I atent.i. also, Patent Grip Pulley, For tracsmittine power and hT which the rope Ls uainjureJ aad cannot slip. ,SKXU FOR CUtCl LAltS. -Vscncy of :he PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OF CALIFORNIA,! Alt kin li a-d 5i:w of Wire, j On -anl ir.ij :,i in u;jc cared :o order. A. S. HALLIDIE. J Front Suiin Frs:ci;M, lu'- CaUiorni. C.W. STAVHER:S COLUMN, IMPORTAfJT Discovery! I ... i 1 I HI'RKliV tender my sincere and hfarl-itit hfarl-itit :ri.ii;ki v, itiu res: l..-iiL ul "ilt Le 1 C'H y aini uiu -Ltilututntj I'ruui nurth to aomh of Luh Icrnu.y. for tht-ir ' LIHKIiAI. I'ATKOAAGE Attended me wLiile I have been actitut &t Akuql iur the Great Unknown's HAIR RESTORER And for tho kind manner in which they have uuivtriiilly Expressed their Satisfaction in its use. When I nre.-ontod this Preparation for ;alo I via.' perfectly convinced oi its ctlicacy but 1 Uiid no idua it would noon meet with PUBLIC FAVOli, And iti' lircscnt pojutlariry is a iroof,not only of tho Intrinsic Value Of tho articlo itsolf. but of tho Impnrtial trial which many patrons have bestowed upon it. It U now pronounced. AN INFALLIBLE GORE roit BALDNESS, An Elegant Hair Dressing,, 1 A Speedy Remedy for Dandruff, A reliable Preventive for falling off of the Hair. In this connection I wih to say (hat in somo cases tho beneficial effects of this preparation pre-paration would be more speedily realiied if tho blood was in a moro healthy oondition, and having consulted some of our best medical med-ical men, I take plcasuro in offering to tho public, m connection with tho Hair Restorer, Resto-rer, tho EPIGfEAN BLOOD PURIFIER An article to bo taken internally, containing contain-ing none but tho most reliable ingredients tor punfymc tho blood and buildinn up Itho jy.-tem, causiiiR the action of the li'o-Eivinc fluid to bo more invigorating on the bulbs 01 tho hair and 11 EM O YOG n many instances the Causes of Baldness j entirely; thus cnablincthc Hair Restorer to ! do its work sveedily and permanently. Tor sale, in connection with the Great Unknown's Hair Restor er, a C ALDER BRO'S. Price, - 25c. and 50c, per!bos C. W. STAYNER, General AL7(,i for a:., Xcraaa, Ir.a.ho ami Arizona. IKSTiaOM.U. :svaL"Lcc i iurier,ad ih'conWiS! iiL'-rv:?-!?. ': :;c aisis-: o?.dk?.. ad f1'-,' -c --'vi----c f: i.-.i resilj acrvcr J. M. BENEDICT. M.D.I ! j 5ii: Lik;C::r. Nct. 271. DISSOLUTION. IHE partnership heretofore existing be-. be-. twocn 0. H. lticBs, Paul Lechtenbors and Peter Ncbcker, under tho firm name of RiKKS. Lchtenberg & Co., is this day dissolved dis-solved by mutual consent. Tho business of the firm will be carried on by Paul Lechten-bcrft Lechten-bcrft and Potor Nebcker, who assume all the assets and liabilities of tho lato firm. 0. II. RIQGS, l'At'L LKClirKKFiEItO, 1'ETER JfEUKliElt, Salt Lake city, December l!0, 1S71, d2fl Emerald Hill Mining Company, LOCATION of Work. :&ilt Lnko county, ttah Territory. i Notice Thtro arc delinquent upon the lollowinc described Stock on account of As-5e;iuicnt As-5e;iuicnt levied on the Urd day of November, lail, the several amounts eot oppoato tho names of the respective Shareholders, as fallows fal-lows : Mimics. No.Oriilicate. Xo. Shares. Amonnt M. C. Smith 8 157 i; 7U 11. li. Hawkins lb 17 135 .70 And in accordance with law, nnd an order . lhor JT"arJ "f Trustees, made on tho 3rd day of November, 1S71. so many shares of each parcel of said stock as may bo necessary wilt be sold at public auction by John Mid-dleton Mid-dleton Abon, at No. 31u Montgomery street, ban irunciseo, California, on too ilnd day of January, IS12. at the hour of 1 o'clock, p.m of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment assess-ment thereon, together with costs of advertising adver-tising and expenses of sale. F. MADGE, Secretary. Office, No. ivj Merchants' ETchance, California street, San Francisco, Cal. dl Ayer's Cathartic Pills. For the relief & and cure of all -ggp de r annomonts " in thortomach, CT"?V liver, and bow- StV'? - and' an c.tcel-TjfeCNV-- lent purgative. tJfr .. Uting purely Kjr vegetable, they contain no mer-4 mer-4 cary or mineral w.irtcver. Much seriou? sickness and suf-lering suf-lering is prevented by their timely use: and every family rhould have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved 'hem to be the safest, surest, and best of all tho J'itls with whioh the market abounds. By their occa-siiiii.il occa-siiiii.il u.-c. tho blood 13 imrifici. tho corruptions corrup-tions of tho system expelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become closred and sluggish are cleansed by A.irr's J'ills. and stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of whien change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes multi-tudes win enjity it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar-coating makes them pleasant to tai;e, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for ajiy length of time, 0 that they are ever tresh. and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without with-out disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are siveo on the wrapper to each box. how to use them as a Family Physic, and for tho following complaint, wbuh these JW rapidly cure For Oj ici,la ,ir ludleitlon, Llst-lfssutss, Llst-lfssutss, Languor and Loss of Ajipc-tlic, Ajipc-tlic, they should be ta'icn moderately to stimulate the stomach, and rest-rc iu healthy For Liver' iomplaim Ma its various svrupiom?. IJiliou, Ilcntlnclir, Sick Headache, Jaundice ur (ircen Stck-m-ss, Bilious Colic and lillioun Fevers, Fe-vers, they should be judiciously taken for eaca case, to correct the di.-j,ied action or I remove the obstructions which cause it. or lyntcryor Dlarrlirea. but one milidcsc !i senerally rt qui rod. It Khciimiut-m, t;t. r: ravel, Palj. nation of Hie Heart, Pain in the stile. Back, and Loins, they hnuld be continually taken, its required, u change tho d:sea,.cd ajtic-n of tha sy-:cm, With auch famvc th-.'ic complaints di;aiirear Icr Uropiy ana Drop, leal Swellings, they should be taken in lar;e and frequent doics tj produce theeii'ect ofadrastic pur-e i,r iupprclon, alir dose should be taken, ai 11 produces the desired ei-ct bv A; a Ixitucr i'f'. take one or two J'iil.i toprBuiite digestion, and relieve ihestoui- An occasional dose stiniulatcs the stom-achnd stom-achnd bowej. .:,: tl0 appetite, anj in-... ra.es tnc y-tem. Hence it it is often aJ-.-ii.se..-u wturc no serious der.ingcu:est e--vi--u-. L'li itso iveii tolerar;-,- iii, often :'.".r"'"-'i aijsei him -. .1 -uiJc;,7 better, troai tncir cleansin-fii:c.::ijV'i:i3-"; CCc-: va '-'ze di;t;tive ap- rREPAEiD Hi' Dr.J.C. ATF.Rt Co., PrcUca.l Chtmiji,, J.OBT17., J.tS.. r. s. .1. 1-ORSALE BY ALL I-KZCr.lSTS EVERYWHEt.f. F:rSaknl Z. C -V. . Dr g Drpi Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Wholesale DEY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buddings, A full. first-elaM stock ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, xOTIOAS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW I'HICKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers plcass inspect GROCERY; HARDWARE DEPARTS! EXT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers oan horo find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specially - FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND women kn to fill all ORDERS PROMPTLY. OrflMspEP'T. HOME-WiADE AND S. IMP OBTEE! WANTJFAOTDT.ED FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN) FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings- On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Departrn'rit, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND JSSORTilIEAT OF GOODS, WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families. DRUG DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY, ENGLISH ALB AND PORTER, i AVER1LL PAINT WHITE LEAD, OILS, CULORS GLASS, ETC. Prescriptions from Physician w"i have special attention. II- B. CXAWSO.-V, Snpl., CHICAGO TRADE. M. D. WELLS &, CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes, 6l(i Wabsil, Avt, CUtr.go. M. D. Well,. II. J. Jl,rfin4. SLICHTLY SCORCHED! vahIchaack, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS (Late of aO, t'J and '.'I Like street, Cur. Ucrtiuru Etreet.) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense her.i. To the Baptist Church Building, b'-U, SlU Ji SjI VuUbli Ave.,' Whore we have- a largo stock of Drugs, Clio mi en Is, 1'air.u, Oils, lilies and' Glivai-c, J)nip;iiu' Sundries, Sun-dries, l'ateut Uumbiig., Etc., Etc. CALL AND C1IEEU t'S. (We only pay 1W coals on the JJollar.) THE EAGLE WORKS MANUFACTURING COMPAM CHICAGO. Stamp Mlllg, Rock Breakers, and nil other latest Improved Mining Machinery, Circular S;iw M1II3, Sterna EDtiine. iirist -Mills, Ljitlios. Phiuerd, Drill, una all other kiiuls of Luuoliiaery at Mnu-fuelnrers' Mnu-fuelnrers' Prices. l'lnns nml specilioutions for uiillii nnd uia-chiucry uia-chiucry furnisliod. 0. M. HURLBUT, Agent, Uamaior's BoardiDK House, 1st East St. CHASE, KAKFORO & CO,, 470 South CannlSt., CHICAGO, Heud'iua.rters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturorfl of tho celebrated WILSON OIL TANK. NEW YORK TRADE. J, BAUM & CO., Importore and Manufacturorfl of MEN'S &, BOY'S CLOTHINS Saiuome St., Sun Frnnclsco 45 Murray St., New York. . . i ROBERTS, READ & CO. ManafaoturorB and Jobbers of BE H. jm itt.- ?m 9 L371 BROAD WAV, NEW YORK. L. M. BATES & CO., 451 A 453 Broadvny, NEW YORK, IMPORTERS ASD JOBntRS IX Fancy Dry Goods, v HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, yVOOLEWS, SHAWLS, ANKEE NOTIONS, d-c. J. IS. BULGER. jnu FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrougrjt, Caat and Galvanized And cveryvaricty of fittings for C. A. LonEB'rect. John Sedgwiok. 10KG3TREET & SEDSVICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 406 . 468 Broadway, Hw York. HENDERSON, JUSTICE Co Sttooaors to Griffon, llendorson & Co., IHF0RTBB3 AND JOB 1! EES 07 FXW GOODS, KOTIOXS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., 98 dt 500 BROADWAY, Opposite St. Nieholaj Hotel, "' Now York. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE TOjTOCKHOLDEBl Opfice 01' The Euhkka Mixing Cojipaxy of Utah, tt. r tSalt L:,ke City. Utah, Doc. 2d. I71. Ihecm annual meeiini: oT the stoek hnld-ers hnld-ers 01 this company will ucheldat theoilicc ot tae company in this city, on laesday January Prh. 1S72, at 10 o'clock, a.m., for th0 election of seven Trustees, to servo for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such pther business a; may come beforo tho Bieei- 1 WM. H. WOOD, ua Secretary and Treasurer. Famacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ABE i,Cr!fT3 FOR THE GOLDEN CITY FIUK URICIi, bihiTn "h C'"ial 'f BOt eupBrior t0 lIlc Special rates given by the car load. octl2 MATCHES UEuSnY! O. L. ELEASON, jJKS to inform the resident of Salt Lake . City and vicinity, that h0 not 0:ly cuarantecs to properly Repalr.Clean and Adjust tchc a,i Chronometer!, bat he Till make thom or any part of thein. to order, and warrant tho work. SM W.VXCUES ji receive wcica a w;;l (j ;.iranl.-. an r"'it,;' :ia3-ke-cr P.-;,es '.vd-fyc-i-r-iuonj R-meuil-r tho ad-Ire.. Two doon eaal or the UcaercL Uauk. j MISCELLANEOUS, InROUGHTTlE " BLOCKADE ! : Teasdel&Co. Arc now rcociTiiiB an imQicn., quanlicy of SPLENDID Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Ribbons, Furs and . Notions, 11. so CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY Confectionery, Fruits and Nuts, Til 15 BLEES SEWLGM.lCIIIiE SALESROOMS r Are now ojien and remote with a full as-sortaicnt as-sortaicnt in nil jlylej, nek no IoJlci1 by nil to bo ouo o( tho best Machines of the day. Call and examine b'fore purchasing. t Teasdel & Co.'s OEISTTS' FURNISHING DEPT. Is now open ono door south of tho Eaglo House. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Ladies will do well to oxamino our stook oi SHOES, BOOTTKES, SLIPPERS, . &c, &o. Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE, 65, 67 & 69 East Temple St. EHT SIXE. Joyl2 RAILROAD SHOPS. hoppee Second South Street, Half Block Knit Rvcr Homt, SALT LAKE CITY. WAGON ARD CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLAQKSiiSiTH.NG In all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. COACH PIKTIXC AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARRIAGE TRIMMING. Horse Shoeing ! Iq a Styl- to rait ill. IS SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, THE G-REAT BLOOD PURIFIER, . m m v:''" him IBS GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. HrOH IN TUC SIKRRA KKVADA Mountains, in (lie wonderful tilato o Culifriiiii, uron.-i nn herb luiic known to the Indii.QH tit, im nl-uimo euro tor lllltliMA-flb.M, lllltliMA-flb.M, UOli'f. KALUlA, and all dn- easoi in any way si'rineiin; troui iuiuuritioi uf ibo blood, boicucu ban at length brousht to lifc-ht its virtuo.i, mid of this j.otout herb has eouumundt'.! VKK1! A SANTA, n iiroim-rut iiroim-rut ion fur tlio l'lill.MA.NKM' t'UHK of Scrofula, Salt ltlieum, and all Krup. tlve aud Cuiaiieoua Dlieniri, lives imniedi;ito nnd imniinnent relief in DYSPlil'SlA. iiUVSlI'KLAS, King Worm Tumors. Uoils, tield Heads, floors ana Sr-.'s; erudi.'iiles !mtu tho iyatoiu all iruec of luorounul dicaag. IT IS PlRLHY VEGCTAliLE, It is theroftire icculiarly suitublo for use by femnlca and ebiblren oa a 1JL001) PUHf. F1KH and HENUVATOK. 1 .HUT II Kits W ho wish to find a medicine peculiarlj aJai.tod to the ouieol HUMultd and Kit II 1'-rtUNb 1'-rtUNb in thoir children, will UUJ ft aaf0 nnd sure cure in VKKiiA SAX! A, For sale every w horo, IIEDISOTOS, IlOSTETTKlt CO, Ageitti, sat) and 531 Market St., San Prmiclico, redington" hostetter & co. IiUBorterd and Jobhors of FOIIKION AND DOWKSTIO DRUGS MD CHEMICALS, Fine Kaaentlal Ulli, Gumi,Uoou, , Seeds, Klowcn, Spongea, Skin, Pomades, Olc, r And all other Staples connected with the Wholofl&le and Rotail Drag UusinosB. Constantly in reooipt, by diroot ImporUtion, of European and Asiatic produoW. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, HoBtettor'n Eittors. Drako'w Plantntinn DUiurs, Woli'H ocbeidam Schnapps, Kcwoil's Pulmonary Eiyrup, And all tho loading Proprietary Medlolnes both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Nos. 53B and 531 Market Street, Botwoon First and Second, Jan Francisco, California. FALL IMPORTATION, 1871 ROSEMBAUM FRIEDMANN, 22 aud 21Ballery Street, au Francisco 1JEG LEAVE TO CALL TUB AT- ri c-r.Ci?tL-on of tho TRAD Ji to their splcn-1 splcn-1 VdvsTUt,Jv.coinpris.ing in part COAIPLKTJS iilriib of Broche Shawls, Velveteens, Alexauder's Kid Gloves, Curtain Rets, Linen Ildkfs, White good?, Tarlatans, Bareges, Guipure and Linen JLaces, Cotton Kaces, Lace goods, made up, Hamburg Knibroideries, Silk and Velvet Ribbous, bl'k and col'd, Corsets, Bewcd acd woven, Hosiery and Gloves, silk, cotton and wool, Merino Underwear for ladies j and children, Fringes, Gimps and Orna-mcnts, Orna-mcnts, Ladies' and Children's Keady Made Suits : Which, toother with tiieir USUAL l bLL Stuck of i-'orcign and Domestic SMALLWAKES and Fancy Goods, they oiler at licduced Prices. Purchasing all our Roods at their various va-rious places of production all over the world we aro enabled to sell tho famo at prices to compare favorably with those of the leading houses in .New York or London. .30 A Deslrnlde There is the hii of ridicule, the his ot -corn, tae hi" - of t nakea in the nra.-3, but the tno.-t dclisiitful bifi is that of Tarrant'a KlTerveicent Sellzer Aperient In (he rj'irklinc g-iblet. civins a.nrrinee to the invalid llm hi.-- thir.n will be di-Ueiou;-ly aiiuaxed: ihit hi" itomacb w;ll be re-freihed re-freihed and i-urnied: that if be . feverish his body will be cuoled by bcaltbful c nj. oration: ora-tion: that if he i? constipated the di:T::ul:y will pass away without a panjr: and that if the cjnditi'in of bis t-eacrjl heilth is impaired im-paired it will bcsreedily re:'red. 0;'c:iire will t:ike c.ire to procure none but Uie geiiDlue. Sold by all DrugRllU. JnJjia |