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Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, j WILMEfiDINQ & KELL0G9, ! Importer! and Jobhen of Wines and Liquors, 11 1 & -nr, FI'.ONT STI4KET, RA! fc'KASeiSCO. GRAM) HOTEL On Market, New Montgomery .nil Hocond ir.i,, ii'HAnrcisco, cat,. JOHNSON 4 Co., I'nopBit-ioas. TOBIW, DAVISSON & CO., IMPORTERS Or AMKltlCA.V, ENGLISH, HlhlSCH AND UH1I.31AN FANCY GOODS, Small Wans, EocJcH Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notion, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Uunds, MHUnery Goods, Hosiery, Linen II 'dkchfs, (ji-nts Furnishing Goods, Etc ( or. Suiter and Sausoiuf Sis,, if) BAN FRANCISCO. JNO. U. HODGE & CO., ami Wholesale Stationers.l Koeji the Urgent ikfck ctf ! Ntai Innery, Illank BnokJ, School liuokM. J'ln yliiic Oa ril , VV'ri. plug I'apoia, Twines, Pocket Cutlery, tic, tfc, On Ilia Parltttt Comt.wlilcli liny u- projiuoJ to oil oilher fur Hold or Ciitriiry at j.rlcca tlmt will uffor imlmcuiniitt fur Lujar mywliera Wtil tf llio K.kLj MohiiUIui. ;;j7, 3y axsi sansome strkkt, mil Pan Prune WEIL & WOODLEAF, 111 Unttery HI.. San Francltco. Importer! of YANKEE NOTIONS, KOKEION AND DOMESTIC, Cutlery, PIbtIdb Ciir.li. SiRtionnry. and In liartiular. a tin aotorlmsnt ol Meerthnara and cheaper pipet, which we import diroct Ir.iin 1 :.i rot'i--- LOCKE & MONTAGUE, 1 VI POUTERS or STOVES AND METALS, KASC FACTC REGS Ol' TINWARE AD DEALERS IN House Furnishing Hardware Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 1 13 mid 114 Uattery Street, juT SAN FKANCISOO. Juno tSpniuiice, John Bpruaiic, 0. 0. Otiapniam J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importers aud Wholesale Pea era iu WINES AND LIQUORS, fl 415 KROST STRKBT. BRITTAN, HOLBROOK&CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves $c Ranges, SHEET IRON &.TIM PLATE, Conner, Zluc, Stieet Lead, Wire, PUMPS, Xioad and Iron UPljo. TIXi EKS (jOODM, Tooli and Maohlnery and Uenoral HOUSE FURNI8HINO HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Japanned, Planished and Stamped. Wars, Noi. Ill . 1 13 California anil Not. IT m, 1W Davit streeta.i MURPHY.GRANT&COJ Importers of American ami European Staple, and Fancy j DRY GOODS, SVIN" FKANCWCO, i I CAL1POHMA, Call the attention of tho Trade to their lurne and coinplete?teok of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they tire now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, coin Rising in part t'rencn Mcrlnoi, Wool Satlnrs, Wool Plaids, Friiifb anJ German, Irlsli a ud Frencli Poplins, Einpieii Cloths, Tamise, Hack and colored, Velveteens, Alpacas, Mack and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck, Berlin iLadies', Misses', Gents') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, re:;:i!?tj iu all it l.raui'hs, H hlu Goods, Handkerchiefs, Shirting Ltnciu, UllllH, w!;:u atd color-!. l)m(k, t-ruwa Lxwn mid b!t.u-lid. Towel., Hi; -k, rj:,,-, T-irxu. Npklns nnil Doylies, ; I Kic. Klc. Ktc. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FUAXCISCO. T. 0. MILLS. - PRESIDENT. W. C. KAL-ifON. - CASHIER. Capital Paid l - S3,0UU,U0U. DR4W DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Credit on ail iLie principal cities oi ihs P U orl I. WOODWORKING, ' Thomas Latimer. W. H. Poljom, : (itorne ii. Taylor. tJeors K'tmnar! LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. i , CHEAP and GOOD COMllIAED. i I ! Wisconsin Pine DOORS, i BLINDS, SASH We have secured tLe AGENCY FOIt TtlE Largest Sash and Door Factory! in the World, j Located iu tho groat Pineries of Wis- cousin, where the best of lumber is; from one to two cents per foot. i First Consignment open to-day. 1,000 Doors DIFFERENT SIZES, Z, 3, 4 and 0 Panel. 1,000 .Ltd SASH, from 7x9 to 10x18. 800 PAIRS Rolling Blinds, At Prices that Defy Competition ! OUR FACTORY IS IT WITH THE TIMES In all homo work in our line. Sash Doors, Odd Sash, Of all kluda Bow Windows, Frames, Doors, Odd nixes, Etc., Etc. A FULL LINE OF MouldingS (Planing & Sawing AVITH DISPATCH. (LATDIER, TllLOIl & 10. j Jutf One Block west of Tabernacl Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Z. C. M.T Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T C'p Stairs, Emporium Budditiyt, A full. flm-cl i tack ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, AOTIOAS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. GROCERY-: HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, PuroUaEen oun hera GoJ An Immense Stock AND IN tACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY . IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Special!) FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMKN TO PILli ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T, HOME-MADE ! AND jlMPORTED I MANUFACTURED FROM HOME-MADK, J FRENCH, ' GERMAA', fCKGLISII and AMERICAN! J FABRIC! Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings ; On hand, for GenUensea orderini their own, i i I Retail Departm'nt EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY A N D ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT I SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department lor Familiea !DRUG DEP'T. ' Fancy and Staple Drugs. PATENT MEDICINES, Perfuxae 1 y , LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY feN'(iLlU ALE AND PORTER, AVERILL PAIT WUITE LEAL), OILS, COLORS IjLAMS. ETC. Fidcriptiojis from Miyticuinj will have special altentum. i II. IS. t KA SupU FIRE INSURANCE, isl mMuk I ! Werob ants' Excaa&iri BullJint. ! Fire and Marine Insurance. t CAPITAL, - . 5050,000. i JOHN H. REDprVOTON. - President. .lCHAnLES n. STOitY. - - -Secretary, M GEO. H. HOWARD, - - Ylco-Preiident, j X. y. - - - Marine Secretary. I H.H. BIOKLOW. - UeneralManaiter. ! M. R. MANN, i(nl Ibr Cub Tcrriury, I Office, uixler ilie Reading Rooms, J Ju2 SalcLivkeCH; j PEOPLE'S ' Insurance company OF CALIFORNIA. t Cash Capital over - - - $300,000, OOLD COIN. B. W. E. JENNENS, Ageut for Salt Lake City & Ogdeii. Omce with Teaidel fc Co., Dlalu St., I fu2 SALT LAKE CITY SALT LAKE BRANCH OF TLIE Great Western FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, j OF CHICAGO. THE. F. TRACY, Prcaldeut j C. II. BASSETT, I i HENRY W.LAWRENCE V Direct on C11AS. L. DAI1LEU, j MARSHALL CARTER, Attorneys. H. R. MANS, Manager. OFFICE: Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch of this SOUND aud RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPANY j Having been organized in our city, we j are now ready ILr business and earn-lestly earn-lestly solicit publio patronage, guaran-) guaran-) teeing that all tiro risks will be carried at a fair rate. H. R. MANN, BUILDING LOT FOR SALE, WfcU fenced, viae ted wTTaekB 'frait. con tiiisiag oceauniredroil. and within ihoxi aiitmce of the builoes ca.rt of Uit city. i-tflj ktUe"Urftltlr'tie' HARDWARE-ATTENTION HARDWARE-ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS! WE IUVE JUST RECEIVED Another Car Load OP THOSE Crescent Stoves,) And we invite all to call and examine exam-ine them, as we warrant ALL of them to give PERFECT SATISFACTION, I ! Far hurpa.-sing any other pattern ever .brought to this Territory. J We hImj have a lew of ihuo OVEI. LAUNDRY Stoves, SOMETHING NEW, Together with a very large variety ol' Cooking Stoves, FROM THE SMALLEST ' TO THE LAEGEST. Call aud see for yourselves ALL KINDS OV ! Copper, Till and Iron Work DONE TO ORDER SENSENEY&CO Opposite W, F. it Cu's Office, SALT LAKE CITY WAGON AND CARRIAGE. RAILROAD SHOPS. A. HOPPER & CO.. Second South Street, Half Block Enat Revert IIouhc, SALT LAKE CITY. WACOM CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLACKSHITHING in all its Lrauches. COACH P.lI.Tl.(i AN l) CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH LAKKIAOE TU1M.M1MJ. Horse Shoeing ! In a tittle Lu tuk all, A HOPPta, j; I. Bi lABBISKIE. fg SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. WEIL & CO., lypOBTlBB OP Cigars and Tobacco Proprleion of tli HAVANA CIGAR MANUFACTORY BUI, U-ia nl 1141 Frout St., Sonthwut coruer t'runt A Sacramento St., J. EVEKUIXU Ar vo., COfrlMISSION MERCHANTS Clay St., San Franclico, DEALERS IN UREOO.N PRODUCE. Aro cuLuUntly iu riSi.t of Oron Iluii, Bcoq, LrJ. eImon, ic. Stftruli, of our na aud Koatom tu&iiufclure Sroufo, Mwecney & Co., IUUU IS r 11 O VISIONS Butler. I ntff, i.avil, llnnts, M u-uoik, u-uoik, Fork, llecf, Crinbirrlci, , Salmon, Codfish, Mackerel, Etc. No. m FRONT ST., i S. P. UuUon. Jaj. Moorboad. S. P. HOLDEN & CO.. 1 ivroaTEM or F0UE1GN DUY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &0. J& & W SANSOM K ST. London : '27 l..-.i.l.iiln.ll St.. 11.'" ' A.I', llr.l.i Ull. t- V. l)lall.lll..lil, i ,S, l.-.ui- K. 11,-1(4. Heineken, Drathinaiui & Co., WHOLESALE GItOCEKS nud COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .r:i7 Market St., bet. l.U ami 2.1 xtrcot... SAX 1 ' H A N' ' I S( U . C.A I , Will. T. !) iiolils .V ., I tuiirUr, hihI Diuil.r. in WA'A' WhXS AND LIQUORS, Ageittsfor lt Oir llbaii ill mid C. O. U, Ulilei . 4ji-U7 litillcry ai., hjtu Ki-hucIco. Sprliil fttlcnllon pftM to Choko UooOa f't MIicaI ami Fiuiilljr me. ull HEAD QUARTERS FOR BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, WOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, WOOD & RUST. S7 Pearl SI,, Bostou, Mass,, MANUFACTURERS AKD wholesale dealers. ORDEltS PRO.IIPTLV I.'lLmU. nugl A. Jv GRIFFITH, Doukr lu jtHtfgrf all kinds of PICKIiBD (fl SSIOKBI) SALMON AND HERRINGS', 1!43 Wnsliliigtoii Street. All kludi of Cried, Buioktx) und Pick lod Fish COnataiitly on linml. jj J. ('. SI I . K 11 1 J. j A CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 304 n ml 300 California St., Sail Fraud ico, - - Cellfoiula. Particular attention paid to the tilling of order u for over? desoni'tioa ol merchandise, nS) Sftlc of Orti, Jlc. :. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, ttll Clny Street, Sal, FrmtuLcn. ))! A. C. DIETZ & CO. IMPORTERS Of 1 PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. Ct FRONT STREUT, Met..ialuiiDiit...tt1uifUfi.i!i. San Pi-attclneo AIlCHAEI. KaXK. T. N. WaSD. WAND, KANE & CO., (Siiccegsora lo llnnter, U nml Jt Co.) , Importer mid Wbulc.-ale Doulorj in ILES LD LIOUORS. Proprietors of Hunter's CaliCuruia WllOAt "W'li H.U Ay. "Also Aeeutt lor Joseph S. Finch' celebrated l'onn;j-lvania RYE WHISKEY. UU7 nn I 009 Front Si., near Jntkion, SAN FRANCISCO. iay.il 104 and IOC FRONT STREKT, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Ojfer (lie finest and most complete slock on the Pacific coast. Refer to II. B. CLAWSON, Suu'tof 25. O. 1VT. I. kllS&R. 6" Fra.ci.oo. SnBIER J, BAUM & CO., Importers and Alanuracturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING aaa Sansome St., San Frmiclico. 4a Ulurray St., New York. re CUTTLXG & CO S CALIFORNIA PACKED PICKLES, P IUJIT8, and PRESER V E S, l'Vesh and Olioice. lor S'dc by all hading Grocers. iunH LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Do-mc.iio Do-mc.iio F.incy ami Stajtlo DRY OOODS. Dr-pot of G.;,'Li Manufactured at the j Minion and Pucijic MUU, ConaoUdatal. 3-45 di 5-47 Market St., San Fran. J"'S Pari.; es Rue D" L'Egblniier. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Iuiporters and Mnufuotureri uf BOOTS AND SHOES' OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND. ', lltl, lis, aud 11? Plu Str.et, SAN l'KANUISCO. Our UvumU (JuuJs are jctjuU ki "- Sauiiksal .Ur. (.oodlilutl's Ollice, S.U.T LAKE CITY. j BENEDICT, HALL g CO., MANUFACTURERS AN It WIIOI.KSA1.K KKA1.KKS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO No. 1!M and 1 (UtABil) STREK1 ()i. Block KaM o ltrs.lwh . t NEW YORK. Z. C. M. I. BOOT AND SHOE Dcparimeiif, tit. iitv niii ol THE 33IC3r BOOT." Kvery Btylo and quality of Boots and Shoes I Al!!i TO OKUKR, fiatlsfao. lion guaranteed. ALWAYS ON HAND A LARI1E AND CHOICE STOCK Otf HOME-MADE imported BOOTS AND SHOES A FDLL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ot Leather LI. P. CLAWSON, SUPKRIKTKNDKNT. NEW YORK TRADE. HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Co Suocissom to Griffen, Henderson & Co., IUPORTEB8 ASD JOBBKHB OP FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC. 408 A 300 BROADWAY, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, flB New Yorh. L. M. BATES & CO., 431 fc 453 Broadway, NEW YORK, lUrORtERS AD J0UEL-R5 j Taney Dry Goods, HOSIBHY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ,tc J. 11. BttLOEtlt. Jul. FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrought, Cast and Galvanized Atul every variety of fittings for the same. ml" DAY & HALSEY, ! Importers ami Whole-tile Dealers in HARDWARE, llTLLRl, GUNS, RIFLES, ETC., And Mannfacturera of Axes, Edge Tools aud Mining Tools OF EVEUT DESCRIPTION. Railway, Steamboat and Machinists Machin-ists Supplies. 440 Canal Street, Opposite Eitrlc's Hotel'. NEW YORK. Wo ajk the inercbunts and mininc companies compa-nies of Salt Lake City and vicinity to esiimioo ourgoods. Price sent by inn.it. to the trade only. julJl ROBERTS, READ & CO., Mamitucturcrj ninljoblters . i :371 BROADWAY, XKW YORK. J'Ql'J C. A. LoQKStrcct. John Sedgwick. LONGSTREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 468 . 408 Broadway, New York, j BATHS, BATHS! Warm. Spring BalEis ! j Frlvata and Plunge. I These celebrated laths are open to ILe poblic ot ttlt easona. Ttielr medicinal projierliea arc 30 widely known that it la neodloas to enamerele them. Besides the Prixnte BntLs, tlio largo od hnnlBome- ' ly fumistiMl Plunge Bnlln for Liuliea nnd ! Qentlpmen r now oimo. II. A KM1LU, .17 ; CHICAGO TRACE. RRIGGS HOUSE B-U. Skinner. Proprietor. Randolph Streets, CHICAGO. This House is ccntrfilly located, well far-Hished, far-Hished, and contains 200 Room. d29 CHASE, KANFORD & CO,, SI South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, MaoufaoturerB of the oelebrated WILSON OIL TANK. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON! & REID, WHOLESALE DHUGGISTS Dealers lu PAINTS, VARNISHES, OltS,- DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware ; Patent Medioinoa, &o &o. 00, dt 9 Lake St., cor. Dearbor; With a largo experience in tho Territorial trade, wo feel Euro of civiug satisiaction in Quality, prices and pack inn. juyLD Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WkFeLER k CO., Manufaeturord of Engine, Slpnal, Tallow, Lard and WOOL OILS. Dealers in Uoadlight Carbon, "Whale Elephant, Heal and tiporiu Oils, AgotiU for Itio mis of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. AgfluL of thtWest Virginia Oil nd Oil Lds uAaDricTCURS or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AH 3 IRON PAINT For Tin and Sbmglo Rood, Bridge Tiuil, c Factory, C111CAOO. Office. I 3i.'5 iiJj lllinoii it.. litf Water Street, Jll ;PAE, iHS.As CO., LEAl;:'?' AmTiNDIIIGS M D. WELLS & CO., Munufjcturcrs of and Wkolcsalo Dealer! in Hoots and Shoes, 11 AUG Wabaah Ave, Chicago. M D. Wdls. II. J. Maofarluid. R. Benedict. u,a s. f. Mclntit DIEBOLD &l KIENZLE, Successors lo DieUdd, BatLuiaua A Co, CELEBRATED CLN'CLVNATl FIRE AND BDROLAR PROOF SAFES, And Sartcent's Maitnetio and Antomatio 3 Jt OC2 S4l M FKATT& COVERT. General AgenU 66 "Washington SL, Chicago. II. B. CLAWSON, Sunt. Z. V. PI. I. Agent for Utah Territory. cm JAMES HAGUE. Jun. J. U. HAUTE. GEORGE HAGUE. Big- Gun Store ! HAGUE BROTHEKS, U A T K J A M K S II A Cr IJ K , Importers nnd Doalora iia GUNS, PISIOLS, Setciciles, Harness AND WIIIl'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. h'LI'AJJtS NEATLY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. |