OCR Text |
Show Salt Lake City, S. it. j Gold Luyinir, 11m; selim, 112. The "Great I'sknottx's Hub IIetobkh for al; at Z. C. M. I. Drup Store, Cbaa. W. S-nvncr Solo Agnt lor Utah. ti A lakqe stock of PIANOS tit the New Stouz of (Jaldkp. Bros. Th Cheapest and Best Hou to buy Furniture is at Brunton's Furniture Warehouse, 3d South street. Spring MatLrassei a specialty. ug2 A Nzw Firm. Tullidpo & Co., painters, strengthened by liussell, the lign writer, ana White, the be.-t orna-. orna-. mcintal and fresco painter in the west. Commercial street. s2. Light Spkixo Waoos?, mitable for grocers and provision dealers; juit the , tiling for running around town delivering deliver-ing goods. ndv FtJR.vtTcr.E, CrtocKKRY, Glass and .-ilvorwarc, etc. Tno largest stock west f Chicago at the Crystal Palace. ftUglO ii A It It ATT & CO. AsK your Grocer for Cutting & Co's (.'alil'oruia Canned Fruits and Jellies i'.ir superior to all others, jTor sale everywhere. e1 Prosi'Kctors should oiamine the STUDhtiAKER SPUING WaGONS, at tho Council House yard, beforo purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere ; they are just what they want. adv Wanted. A Goat giving milk. Apply Ap-ply ut. tho Herald Otilco. augliS Stodkbaker SPitlNG- WAGONS, timber and workmanship warranted. for sale cheap at tho Council Houso yard. adv T anted' 6,000 pounds of DKIED APltiCOTS, for which CASH will be paid. juy'JO 1.1UGS, LErilTKNrtKKO & Co. Proclamation to tub Puiilic. I do hereby i;.-uo this, my Proclamation, to the travelling public: Parties visiting S;i!t Luke City and goinjf oast on tho U.P.U.K., will tlnd il to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on tho oviming train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's re?t, and so bo freh I'-t travel at o'clock a.m., when the dailv express train loaves this depot. Al tho bgtlen Uouio wo o:lor as good ac-cominodationi ac-cominodationi as s;y house west ol Omaha, Freo busses at every train to and from tho depot, adv John ALaudm, Proprietor. Dried "Apricots." Wo respectfully respectful-ly call attention to the advantages ol drying the fiurploa Block of APK1COTS. We shall give the highest price for clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of Jv.nporiftm Buildings. Build-ings. B. B. Clawson, aug-l Supt. Diamond Sprinq Waooss, suitable for family carriages, good timber, well ironed and ilrst - elass workmanship, FOltSALB CHEAP, at the Council House yard. adv JoiT Published. Magnificent Views in AMFj KlCAN FORK and LITTLE COTTON WOOD CANONS, taken by C K Savage, and for sale at the Pioneer Art Gallery. Come and see them. augl3 Extress "Wagons for sale at the Council House yard. Warrantod a Ural-class article. Timber and workmanship work-manship guaranteed. adv Chambers's ENCYCLOPEDIA, A DICTIONARY OF IMYEIISAL KNOWLEDGE For the People, REVISED EDITION. Re-Issue of 170-71. WUQ Maps, Platet and Eneravings. To be completed in 80 Paris, making 10 Vols, of pases each. Illustrate! with about four thousand En- gravlucs and Forij- Maps PUICR per Part, lucliulltift Maps Ktitl llliiBtratlous, 60 (Jeute. PRICE PER VOLUME: ExtraCIMh, bevcUJ bonrJ ?5 Pi Library Shocp, marbloj aas li 00 Half Turkey Morocco G 50 Mo'M. II. II. KEYS Co. aro iho Ascnf for Clninilicr' Encyc-Ioinrilta for the Paci5c Coa3t, nod aro imbli-Ocrs and importers im-porters of otUer Amerio ta mid English standard stan-dard and illustrated work. Cassel's New Popular Educator, 'cn L'Hii'jn. Universal rrotiouncliiB Dictionary of Ei-; oarauhy aad ilj iholo.-y, by J. Thomas, A. i il.. L. D. ! National Portrait (iallory of Liiiinent Auiuriiaiis, 50 ij;ns at iu utais each. II. II. KEYA to.) tno OJay tit., San Francisco, i Mr. It. May is now in Utah and will visit thu .iiu'crei.r. p'acej to solicit, fur tho tirm. i'-irtioj Biib-cribint; r unr f tnuir works may roly upuu bouitf fjiihlully served every CQdbe Uclnon llou.c, ,7 SALT LAKE CITY. HO FOR THE Lady of the Lake ' Until furthor notice- iho slo-inur j' LADY OF THE LIKE," WILL HIKE PLEASURE TRIPS, j EVERY DAY j (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.! i 1 1 U 10 a.m. an 1 2 p.m.. runnint down to Peitit. teaiainiriit tlic-o abcut ouo hour, j and return at 1pm. ard 5 i-.in Tare for the round trip $1.50 Including Carriage Fare, I J Liberal diicount to Umilica. 1 1 t Carriisci wilt call dily at tbo principal ihoicia to lake paodtngen to tbd from tuc s'.cauicr. Pnrlifi eon teuiplatint an excursion ihoul J tunke arrar icmen .i tli" Jay previ lis suJ procure ucaets at the otijee of J. W. Voung. I Rofreiltiiienti can be obtained on board. us21 S. P. TAYLOR & CO., j Proprietors Pioneer Paper Mi lit, PAPER WAREHOUSE, 416 Clay St., Sau Francisco. ALL a'IXDX OF PAPER AXI) I PAPER BAGS MADE j TO ORDER i i VV b o 1 e m n I and Keiall, 1 iun l A. 0. litcomb, Geo. H. WilHami. TITCOMB & WILLIAMS, Manufacturer?, Importers and YY'boIeaie Doalors in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Every Description of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also Agents for the celebrated ffoicardy Elgin and American Watches, M40 Montgomery, S.K. cor. Fine, UpS'.iirt. Sun Kranclico, Cal. All orders from the Torritoriei promptly filled. , fi EDUCATIONAL I ST. MAUli'S SCHOOLS. 51. Mark'e Grammar School for Uoyi aud Olrls. Rt. Rev. D.-v Tattle. D D Rector. H.r. T. W. lU-kics. M.A . I'nnrit -il. fifth year bcsiB,' Tue.tUy, Srpt. 3tli, , t 0 ..m. Location St. Mirk' Sohnol Rtiit.line, Third i buULD Sired, near KajC lorn pie. SI. Mark's 8cUol for GirI. ! Rv T W. HiVinj. M.A . Reoli.r. ! Mi K. M. W i.-siD. Priocir-U. ilr. llarmcl l'ratu ocal and la'trmueii tal .Mu--ic. I First yc.ir becins Tu lar. Sep. 5. at ? s.eq. 1 Term?, per U.irtor -! '.: wcA?, - Lwt-4Uoc--i?t. Mara i Lbarta, lit bouta bt. For further roTii.'iUM ;n rt-rjJ t- :he icht-uls f co circular lur la,. 1-7. ag.i GARRET & WOOLS j INFORM ihelr frien.li and thi r-lic ;bif -y rT..- t.- rhe New k,'t.iiiTliurnJnv,p'.ltli.al Ihe lsl .mil on ii c left, South enti-anr e. :in l be ti itc all ihnr did .u,t;,;er-- ar.d m.ir.y new on.' U Will ia7r ttm witti ;air rairotiaeB. f j23 1 G e's SEWING i men i is, THE BEST IN THE WORLD, TEASDEL & GO. Eagle House, East Temple Street. JojW a. Xj'W-a.it s on xz -A. 19 m A FINE ASSORTMENT OK Ladies' and Children's Hats and Turbans At AIRS. WILKINSON'S, - Ju 29 M aIN ptkeet. AttentiorHVliners ! W 'anted Immediately three linn-tired linn-tired loin of good AltGE.V-T AltGE.V-T FEKOUS UAIiCNA and COPPKB OUKS at SCHEMER'S SIELTIEaii REFINING WORKS, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. R.itcs for Smelting Ores from S 15 to 828 per tnn. as per quality and quantity, augS STAR BAKERY. WE HAVKjost received a Inree suiply ol' Choice Fiimr, and su;iraniec A GOOD, SWEET LOAF. FRESH BITTER ASD EGOS, I CORN ME Ali, SHORTS, ' BRAS, GRAIN, j 0 OFtoazEPiiEs; 1 a si) ! PROVISIONS. ! Fresh Hie ml Every Day, Wholesale and Retail. Families iup-pliod. iup-pliod. Buns, Cukoi, Oinncr cuapf, j always on baud- Five Doori East qf Post OfRce, e3 WOODS A K EATON. THE WEED Sewing Machines For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, EmbJy all ihnl is new and novel in Sewing Machine. They aro the latent 10171 roved an 1 lithtrst run meg ? buttle much in pi in the world. Ucautitul ar,i compuct in w oHrl an ; unexcelled n material ani tini.b. They sew evcrythiriK from lane to beaver oiotb in the most perfect manner. Evry varletj- of Hemming, Felling, Quilting, Cording, Ruffling, Piping, Pi-ping, Tnblng, FrlK Ing, Hera Stitching etc., ! easily performed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels. No Vibrating Springs. 1 Every machine warranted as re prof en td. I Salesroom on Ftrtt South airret, Salt I-ake City, opposite the Theatre. IRA PFOUTZf j juylS Agent. ; GRAY, JONES, & CO. DIPOT OT THI SANTA CRUZ TANNERY Oil li .olo Lontlier. 1 BATTERY ST.. S.N FRANCISCO : SEWING MACHINES, i READ THIS ! I THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all tbe beautiful varieties SHU It SEE! BT EVERTBCDT J Contemplating the purch5e of a I Machine for fumiiy or j other use, ! At our ncn-jy-nttcd up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Em-porlmu, Em-porlmu, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. CM. I., will be found a Foil Auortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prioes to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWtXG MACHINE NEEDS NO. PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following -m. T3 rar m la 1S50 tbese now celebrated Machine were first offered 'o tbe public and iu 1 h t four years euoceeOinff 4.0W were sold. Today To-day over that number erii wookiy turned out iV(,m iho factory, and yet this immense !up lily is not eijunl to iho deiiinnd. rttthp end of tne year ISoT. upiv-ird of 'A0 00 Machine were Fold, and in the olloing years, from 'Oi to TO. tho number had boon increasod to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were dlepoaed of wit hilt I lie preceding twelve montlia. From tbo foretroinp it will be seen that dor inp tho lust threp years. tbi saio have bei't) jliwanl nf fi!ty P-r ci ut more than during Lh iranlc 01 ite seventeen previous yoarf, THE PEOfLE'S VERDICT, 4fier a icnrc of year thorough trial U thai tile x n iu wix- . SEWING EilASiiLIE li adapted to all kinds of work, sewing a retdily the tliiakeat and most stubborn material ma-terial tho finest and most delicate labnca; with a stitch, that for eveness. perfection and durability ii unequalled. AocoainiinyiDB onoh Machine aro printed instruction?, se plain and eiisy of cum prehension prehen-sion that, although we recommend customers custom-ers to take at ioast uno lesson from tbo Operator, Op-erator, it is seldom done purchasers seeing at a glance the simplicity of the Machine and completeness of the oostrngtion, gome oftho , AIJ VANTA E S of rax mm MACHINES ARK Simplicity of construct ion there, fort lejs liability lo gal Qui 0 renait. Short, straich' neodlir lo?s liable to bond, brea,k or skip the stitch. ThosbutUe Is oarrfad: friction, wear p.nd tho ooce.-iij of greasing the race aro thu' avoided. Readiness with which the mo;t Inexperienced Inexper-ienced od adjust tbe tensioa qf tha thread. Freedom from wear. After twenty years eoneiar.t seirice those maobines have never boon known to wear out. They are noiseless, rapid and easy In all their movements. All our machines are adjusted nrd nut in thorough runnins ordor.by eu-i-Heni handf, bafore dclivory. Purchasers tuoreforo have ao trou ble, but can bucccsffull) operate with ibem at oooe. THE NEW BUTT0K-H3LE MACHINES are thorimtrhly prnjtical and will porfora sjl . that waclaim for them. The Improved MANUFACTURING MACHINES for heavy work, are too well known to need Simmcnt. We also keen ii E'.ock the AVhj Medium Noiseless MANUFACTURES MACHINES Our tock of tbe ainjeer Seeing Machincf ii very eilcnfii.-B, mrirari r,s 'very varief finish. fr.'Ri thf plain Machine, omunifd on black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborate! elabor-ate! j- pearled Mn-hinc. n;i: cabinet chc ami folding c.'Ver in mottled bla.-k wilnut. rote, nd. or mab'cnnr highly pnh'bc'j. F.Tery M,i.-!i;no 1? urniphed ith the ;,atne complete furrjiiorc, inrlu line iho new h'lu-mer h'lu-mer (sewing all wiathsj and toller and brai-ler. brai-ler. W gnaranten on r narhlni to do Hemming, all w Id thai Felling; Hemstitching! Hem-stitching! Braldlngt Magic t( u III 1 11 1 Embroidering (no chain illlrti 1 Gathering and Sewing on atiame time, with or will) 011 1 a bund, on the edge or lntliecrnterCordlnKTnck-Ingl lntliecrnterCordlnKTnck-Ingl Clullllngt Trlmmlngi Binding all width and kinds, etc., etc., etc. Twi deoij loulh of Ihs j-agle Emporium. Em-porium. WE DELIVER MACHINES Wilkcui A U:tU,nal Ovxrg TO ALL PARTS OF THIS CITY ; UL. All kini of twic iMatiried I thoroughix litr-aired on llo.k- wnabie Term. I olt H. 2, CLAWSON, 8apt ecugatiok;x. MUSICAL TUITION. Proffstor Jolia Tui:ia-;v, : rjic.-iy i;:j::.;cj:o c-ke lis .-e :t;;.c. r .ZQ :L.oHi-i brsciies 01 u.;:ca. ed-c Private Vortl Reading Lr.iout, Hi in tlie 4u ler - $15.00 V Ue Training and Fin- ifhlnc Lcxout, lu I lie Uuner - Sil.00 naruionr, Connttrjiolni, ribihuiand 1 0111 i; ion Luu,KlluilirHurur - S'0.00 t"ai tiill to Lc p-u .-v-.-e. iif., iLaatiJmi.;t,iUi rcc.iro iaiicJu o ii-;oLioc. ii-;oLioc. aiib.i jSalt LakeSeminary REV.FREDEIUCKS.sTtlS.A.M , ! MRS. FRANCES E. ST SIX. rrCi..i.-o.-.. I fJOOMS.-Tbe ie;i:o-.3 of the ftm-cary, iv for the 1 r e j e -1. &- ay d iu rooms lormeny i cui).cJ cy tjj J.. Ma.l'i Ai'H Jaj , 6- pL. i. au cat:ii.il.'tjur uuLIUr, Ke'ulai Ucpar 1 me ul 1 i.i re ii 1 Academic. " i secml K venl tig ConrKi,-T i.ere w .:: or. in auditiun to Hit' nui.j; di'iM.'iit u ..-ibjve, ..-ibjve, tn uiJ tneru be a dtmj kt ;ir a ue, ni.c.ai urnS. I.-r evi-.i:: f;i-. 1;;. Je.-is'Qiii I- bcaea: :h.'o h. cm H i. atn'ii turiug tie aay. v.:: rpwi :1 GlTj..d, W. mc-ci.il An m-..-i!i h- ...11. Virliiilinr. .t.-. : Utpirininii of -1 uslc llitru w.n tje, jrpirpTaLo u'ilwiU' U"1:K ' "0' " OriiBiuimil lcpiti'iiucul. lui'.ruc- ) wll be ofi'erfd iOic w Uo c e.-ir l- il. j Lrsiuro. Jjr Uu -donurue, formerii 1 Pre;idcat of loounl I Livtrsiiy. .-.-1 ifireU tii si fa a cour.-e oi" lu.ta.-c- du::n,- the comicK term, iu tbo (reiutfy niid 11 1:1c-r 1:1c-r o,-y 01 L till, Ior tie t't-LtLit , 1 the fonu j ! Terms. 1 unary JJci .rimiiit, 51 cr mi'iitu. initrmiauie Iie.ii iiiiout, sJ i';r uiatiieliictiga. unlu.'al Siii iicc3, aud iccitD, And mudiTU l.iLiti.;Le, 4 per tuotii, 1'a.j- ltifuriuui ion. i,r ally l ceded inform-1 .itioo. aiiply iu pwiya or by Utter, 10 tuc Principal, or to tho uuiii'iti;ji'J. U. .'I. PKIRCK, Salt Late City, Auw. Is, liTi. auiy ORGANS! ORGANS!! DAYNES &. CO., j For L'tah Territory. Ior Id ut the LLL.ts.vic 1 AMWUCAX mme.1 mm$ i Kcs poet Titl ly in-, ito tbo uii-mbeis of the -Uuacal i'loli'inuii ami iiie i'uj.i.- f.'oai'ral.J to call ut their ,i Ujii; liuom j, fwo doors east ol Post Udi.o. Suit Laltv Jli.v, and esasniiio tlit-ir fii.iuiiiid ttocK ut Urtatir, uud U-aru lo ai, j.rt-d duutu.uy LO i'ivlCt-3 .a tiuii tiii-y . Ut itiuui tT s lo. hip price- biiug i-oiu tventj to liiirt per cent, lotv.r tuaii tfc can ou btn.-nt .11 auy o.iici h ue 111 It.ti. lw ncs i w .10 uol illor .s Ml lit UKljAA ut tli.a -jw iijjuiej becaujc ILlj- a:c. .1? si. mo w uj tiui u il tiUiuvcd. 11 puuriy ui-iuuf 10 uren aim iiCrS u! loiiu. tuey clia.lciige tlio pro-lenalon pro-lenalon i.j projuco any mrtrumom cmal '.o them. Xnocjutoot tbtir LOVi RATES Is easily exj.iaiucd: Thoy huvo no local atreniB w1i.hu tui-y V .Y tU i'L'ri-' llivu na.ei; una bia:dn ti.is thtj iia. 0 ie;oKt3i to 11 jlo ihu.-o Umutiiul 111.- tniuv:t.a it 11 iii ihe ru..ca ol a:l, aud ;u uu nu by dumg uauioiy, sliariLy mill iltoir p.ii ruU; n.c coui- iL,t ou this i-riueipjo t.,ty . ::ei I'bur Vo-tru mr-uia m I nitiiiy por cm . it. j to .111 reUil lii.-un.-.-, oi.P.du ...yn.i! iho Iruieul iu .bo rai.w.1) lucuiiuua 111 tui.- o.l , yu .rau.oe-.111; .rau.oe-.111; a crj iu ruuiti.1 su d ;juud a .id Irvi ul damage, ill )' iia.MU, a r.,,iu( .T;.iu,i k j.iKJUl lila. Ji .uut iu,,-, t-ivo Mop,-1 Mop,-1 ninuiu .ii.il K: t, 0 i ,fu i, j - LlJl) vltti' ciu leiaii 'i ice be. i.,; i'u,.. a.l n Mnimmi ,or a mrliuui or UliULiL,; il.. Uiu., m'lj, (PU0, suiui-ioiu lor 1 ill v 2 ia. n liLt ,-l von at -uu U.iii, Uouvu Ljui.i, irtuiulu ,,mi lu pro.l tli .1. itie Aiuo;ij.in Organ is nil (buy riprunciit, Uil- iu vr inin-li4,u , L , , 1,, luilulVllls WUU-klluWli KO. t i.Ul.11 1' ! ., m,. u. L. Dau.-. A. .".oo. " o: m tih.m -v. sear. t,m . S.. Q,,, JlS" mI1-.'' Kim but 1, al ut 1 hi; cuj ;ti. 11 1 ol -al' r.Lk.diiat) couiiij; I. MJjllr, od'cn;jic r if tiburu Cbuir, ilrmruji ci .j . Uajiits it Co. win u,sj u.'l overv other de--w(IMtuli il QTil-cia-a Mu-it.il lcrotiaii-aise. lcrotiaii-aise. 1'roiu aPuu.oi.rto to V tul,u ?u , K. tnu eiuiu ratio; and to prove tb..t the prt-ctUiiiK prt-ctUiiiK f tJtiint'iilp cunt am not a parti-lu it oxatt-rulio:.. .ho) luvily al 1 .i , 1 ai.U .Ik-i'u0iiu-tj aa.i iiuj nm,-rt ilioirtrum bj poroual udituinatiua uud mvosncimun. KumemLicr J. DAYNE3 & CO., Dtulors in Musical IriMtrdmcnU', Two Door ICmt of Post Ultlca, SALT LAKE CITY. Agents for tbo Celebrated Grover & Baler Sewiui Macliine. CANDIES! 1 would call tile attention of the country and cliy trade to my large sloe It of Pure Eome Hade Candies. I am selling very low at " ln t I e H. WALLACE, CONFECTIONER, Eatl Tempi. S(., F.li L.kc l ily S I J -i- - rH CD - : M o : 111 ,, H s i M fi tr I 1 H . ,0 8 I ! E-i g P N H rl S & 1 o cB l SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, , S-A-lXr FRANCISCO : I 1 Importers and Jdana:"ae:crers Atenu of E.53F;N ASD AV.iF.ICAN j Fancy Dry Goods, j ! XOTIOXS, ETC. ! Cn-.asle'.e I'l.e- in a'l .he:r bra;be of tie u-Ljw.Bi: evo-i coajtiLtij' on bind. cd 1 .ovelties Dailv Kecehed 1 Fri '.a Earoie aad New York in j White Good-, j Iloclery and Gloves. ! Lace nud Kmbroldf rlei, j Silk, and Velvet Ribbon. 1 Ladles' aud t hildren'e I nilrrwtur, lteady-made Robe and Drc -, Dreaa aud Cloak Trltumlngt, Lace and Broth Shawls, Sewed and Woven Corirli, Ene'h and Am'n Sewing Cottons, Silks, Etc., Woolen Varna. Ktc., Ktc, fupsrior 1-rind of K id Gloves. Pttroliasine all our p?ods at thi-ir various va-rious pinoos of production all over the world wo .nre enabled to epll the same al price-; to compare favorably with thost-of thost-of the leadia.i; houos in Kew York or London. ' augll THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. V-v' M W-".'.', ..;.' ."- GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER ! Hum IN THE ftlKltliA SYVWA AlouLti.inb. in tbo woid.rful State m L.a I'oruia. trows mi bcrb !oiik kimwn t.. tin Indiana as .11 atif.iiute curt-Un ltHKUMA riS.M. tiut T, NKI'H LOIA. and all Hi;, ea-i-s in atiy wny sprinin.- iroiu nu purine-01 purine-01 tho id.-u 1. Kdoiu ti.isa I un r h hrou hi 10 li,-in it.- viriu, mi l 01 ibis potent berl Int. cnupoundci YKKUA fANTA. a preparation prepar-ation lor tbe l'lihMAN LNT L'Li KK ol Scrofula, Sail It Ileum, and all Kr native na-tive and t utmituiu UUeaaS. ti:ic it:iinedin:o and permanent relief ii DYSl'l.l'SIA. KliVSH'i-:i,AS. Kiug oriu fumiirs, ll.d In, S aid Uuud. Ulcem an. furus; or:idit-uLo.i Imui the, ryatetu ail truce ol nionunu.! discajto, )i 13 -bHtlV VllEIABLSlI It i? therefore pc-uiinrly ttuUnblo for use by U-males m,d i-biidroii, iu a BLOOD JUKI t Li.lt and ltK.UV.lJlL MOT11K11S, Who wish to find a medicine peculiar!) ..ilap-ud 10 tho cure of HUMOUS and Kit I1 !' 1 1U-NS in their cliibiront ill Uod h mu mil furo euro in ihiilA Sa.NTA. For sl ilKUDI.VGTO.V, HOSTKTTKIl A. CO. Agents, QUO and 031 Market St., San Vrauclaco. RED1KGT0N HOSTETTER & CO., IMi'dttTKKS AUD JOBMKKB Or FORK1GN ANU DOM1CSTIC DRUGS iD CUEMICJLS, Fine Efieullnl Ults, (iuini, ltooti, Seeds, flowers, Sponges, Kktns, Pomades, Ac, And all other Staple connected with thi Wbolensle and Ketail Droi Uusinwi. ConBtantly la receipt, hy direct Importation, of Kuropoan nd Anlntie products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hoslctter'i liitt-rs. I'rak'j', fliuitati- n Bittern. Vull7 si b',idain Srhnnppit Kowcll'i 1'uliuuunry Hyrup, And s)l the tondlnu Prnprletnry Mndloinei butli Amoncan and European. Orders Promptly and Oarofully Bxeoatd. -os. 549 and R31 market Btreet, Uitweon First and Second San Francisco, California. my SI JTA.SLIE H KD IR W.-2. ARMES & DALLAM, luiporterp. Jnbbcri and JIAAtFrtCTl IIKUS OF Wood iWillowWare UlidDMS PA 1 1,1. TP I If. CMt'CN H)f HI llA.-i. I. ; S. 'I W VI - . oil i. MAT' Hi ATluNI ;tv r'.M'l It ' IS.MiS. Cl.'n '.' t - 1- lt. i l ATI! - i' i-Iti.!;s 1 i n . : im: 'i m:k li . ti v i i m AMI HA l.l.t l 'r: ANN UKM.HAb House Furnishing Goods. iMHT'T l?Mf :, Klin rK ruSKflP I'lt'iH IJ.AI'i.-'i i I. : ' AM. KK1..NU1 MAMt'Ai TL'ltl.lLS. 1(.STS rIB TUB I1LI or i. V. P rr 1J(.. ir,rj Mnt-h C-.tiip-o-.y-t Mnt-h-, iu-t . ,, N,, JT,J ; ... :1!,,,,'i,Jii1M. I. C-ur -T ,.,.,. '. (j.hing Tn-fcle. 1; U".C--f.r'h A W -ii-.i-y "pnr !;, V Luti'iinVl-rufLe1 h'"Ul1" iu"'," f'ar :--.- ii th" Urff.' tie Pvifi. J'.rj :.','!. or l-M..' Ivr uur.tiurturir). ' ! it; o-ft;,g UN lo icil st lumm ukric; i-n:.c, I mpk:;d for cataloour. 2I5&.2!7SacramentpSl,SanFran ' ICEI iCE! ICE! HALT LAUG ICR COMPACT, Ftatlw.hfA Jan. , WQ, I" -vrT'" dailr in si I psrt; ftb city. Ii sny 'junotitT. st rstse Ui tot h times- I. II. CLAWKON, AGK.M C(wok' lot Ortm Saloon, MISCELLANEOUS. COMMISSION MEKCHAiYT, AND GENERAL TEALEK Tlab, faliforuia and Foreign FRUITS, l!ID PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, C-AJXriDIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, And all kinds. of SEEDS. A fine Mipply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders f Venn 1 lit Minos and Country Towns olxittH, wlticli wiil receive prompt attention. E.1ST TEMPLE STREET, . Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SALT LAKK CITY. fcM UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. OS AND AFTER Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1871, MIXED TRAINS WIL.I, JUTA JAIIY fcl'NDA Yd .EXCBI'TKli, Leaving tlio Utah Central bepot, Suit hake City, at 7.TU a.m., and Samly Station, (ncarc.il point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) al O.lU p.m. FAUi ;h : islt Lske to Rir Cotliin woud BUMdb, ot ii !.ll,lB " " fasndj .0 Twenty tivr nnu a-ldilinal will hs ehsrgrd utn lbs tare u collected un die trsm. KEIlAMOtir. LITTLK, S1TIiMKJf:?IiI.VT. O. O. CALUKIt, lcn. Jre'irbt snd llekel Avent. I'EWT 1 M O , UL. BiK Y BiNcim n, July, IBTTi. Hp, lhiuprfTiKtip,iiic (fmi plrBturs 0 re-..int..M,dM,a Ilk A. U. t AL..,lt. . . tb..i wIm. 1,1.., nM .r,,,r f 11I ful ..vtMt .r. .,,.1 .1,. In w,.,m w, h,vs ct!tl.'"mir''1 b" M Aj,ull "! 'j'"r""u Ai-.tis Dnfirt IK Fit; a. In HfTtniln- Hall Onllf1tHK iv'Il'1 K"1 b,rft1' SALr J'AKlt CITV. batches umm ! O. L. ELIASON, j !;!- lo iufi.rm ib. re.ld.nU of S.lt L.k. C1I7 and .trinitr. th.i .. not cnrr u .runt... i pronerlr H.iir cii.... u.Ju.i W.icliti and Chro.(i..iir 01 b. "Ill m.k. n... , Mn l hom. o order, and warrant tb. work. ,l" ', iar.nl... rohabli .imo-kospori. J"ni;, U, c,.,t,.,n K.r.m...r lb- . Two -or. .a.l ! Hoop.,, K .l...l, . , ... .a. Udanicii E. RawliocsAC. TeUrr 11. Mm un run DRESSMAKERS, On tti nnl r.aana-ihl tortms. CUTTING AND BASTING DONE. 'r, L;.(. ri'.rlL f.f Blti be ass's --- h-.j'. v.rssr, JKs Hr.r4. Tlrt |