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Show EMMA HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. THE ST0,i;li i1-'1 ut' Lliu iiin InnneluD'i fllinina Ctimiimy uro nun ouen iu Knid' UuilJinit. aud a limiicd iiam-bur iiam-bur ol unassc;-iL'iltr -ure; :'ur iila. The Eat ma H;tl Vunnel i.d Min;n Cota-punywaa Cota-punywaa luoaLod Airil 170, iucoriio ruu-J Auuust H. Ii' I. aud lias tha iiioit. nattering Kiiiccti fifsiLy luine iu LiLtlu Cutt-juwu d t or jiai'lioular m iuire ol' V. ft. U UUDllf LL,. Via. I'm Heiil's Ujilj'iiltf. Uf J.-. A. .ML'kPllY. StCBBflY au 1 ' Ueid'8 Puildiu?. Jno. Taylor &Bro. MERCHANT TAILORS, L O 31 .M K R C I A L S T K K K T , KLP Cuiisi-tily on L.u.l 4 ob. ioo n.-urt-Uiaiiluf FHfc.VCll EMTliSII .,.! AJIKRItiAV JioHis.- Cas?imeres, Vestings, Etc., wj-.ah LiiiKo uu :o order In ibo icosi UicioLibls .cii approved miiiiuer. SJ-ATRONACK hOLTCITKD-V,. PLANTATION BITTERS WILL Purify ibe Blood and Iuvigorale the Body. The blood ia to the flesh what rain is to the gratt:?. Why i3 it that Plantation Bitters Bit-ters outsell all others? BeCaUSe promotes digesliou ! Because u is the boat appetizer ever discovered ! BeCaUSe purifies the blood by removing the acrid secretions of the htomach ! BeCaUSe it imparts viiior and vitality to the whole circulatory system, sys-tem, and thus cures dyspepsia ! BeCUSe it put new life into a lazy Liver. ! BeCaUSe the moat delicate ladies can use it 1 BeCaUSe those hidien who have used it, ail aj;rce that, by cleansing the blood from all impurities, it at onee imparts ihe "roe-fint of health" to ihe eheek, and does away with all co.-uieiii:;, emulsions and lotions for the cuuiplfxiou ! BeCaUSe it bestows u fresh and spotless complexion upon both sexes, simply by "freeing the blood from all impurities t BeCaUSe it i Mrenthening morning tonic ! BeCaUSe it will cure chills and levor 1 BeCaUSe it is a gentle u Iterative 1 BecaUSe it corrects all the defects de-fects in tlio gastric functions, and cured nervous constipation ! BeCaUSe ull of its ingredients are pure 1 Because it is ai ways kept at its Original standard ! BeCaUSe all of tho Druygists and Wholesale Grocers know this, and recommend it! . Because la (spirit ba.io is pure Santa Cruz Hum ! BeCaUSe Calimya Bark constitutes consti-tutes its aromatic flavor ! BeCaUSe it coutaius Dandelion, Lavender Flowers, Anise, li'mier- green, Chamomile Flowers, with other well-known ingredients used by all scientific physicians for centu- ; ries ! WIVES AND MOTHERS.-Ooly woman " knows wuu women ondtirc ; audit there is any meana of aasuaniDK tho distross of body and mind which so many thousand experience, day after day and week after week, with a fortitude whieh puts to shamo the courage of man, who will deny that so greatableMint to the sex should be found in erery household '.' Millions of Men have been benefited by iu use, but anions the feeble and siok of the opposite op-posite vendor, who, perhaps, ueed it most, iU Tirtues aro not bo widely tnowc. Tbi. foremost remedy of the age this r pecine for every species of debility, gcnerul or local, constitutional or casual, Is PLANTATION BITTERS. One right of woman at least, will be conceded the right of streiifiiiimiuj; herself to sustain the ills of wbioh tho luir? of nature have made her tho unfortunate heirecs, tuy23 BALD HEADS! The "GREAT UNKNOWN IIAIU RESTORER" im lirniluceil IIAJR on niy Heail in ONE MONTH. CHAS'. W. STAYNER, A'jKNT FOR iri'All. i t'ur nt ! 7.. O. M. 1. UKtO STOItt;, j Suit Lake City. LOST. V j H IftWAKD. LOST 1KU.M Mit. ? I J lioleomli, second house from the corner of 1st Weit and fld South Streele. a Canary Bird: color, bright yellow. Above reward will be paid atthoouieo of Sevcu-OHk5, Sevcu-OHk5, Holoomb & Co. s7 FOUND. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON OS THE street, neir tha Townsond llouso, n Violin iu a block case. Tho owner can have it by applying at the tf esalu Ufficoaud pitying pity-ing for lb is advertisement. s3 TO LEASE. ONE OF THE 'BEST Dl'SINEyS LOTS in this city for a term of years. Inquire at this Office. augSS FOR REST. rpUEUPPBR BTORVOF TOE CALIfORSIA Salcon, Commercial Stroot, juyK WAXTED. rpO RENT. TWO ROOMS. . SUITAULE J. for a small family. 'Apply at tho IltR-i.LU IltR-i.LU Office. tru RAILROAD SCHAPERd FOR UTAH Northern R.R. Apply at John W. loung a tjffitc. .j rP0 BUY, OR LEASE FOR A TERM Or years, from ono to five acres of land within two miles oi the city. Must have a spring or running water the year round. ; Loquire uf Uurctics Co., Palace Batn Iluusei Commercial .Street, from J to 5 p.m. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWELVE autivu. smart girls, for waiting on table. ta-ble. liiRQe-t wages paid to suitable per-sou?. per-sou?. Apply to Kuox i Camcri.n, Utah La-b'ir La-b'ir EicliLifiae, twu duors liorih of Uaikcr ttru s., up-tairf- ifc,j I SMALL FAMILY CAN BE ACCOM-" 1 V inodjAtd with a very ploarmt ;uito oi turuiched rooms and board with a private lauiUr. Lu'iuiro uf C. C. Niehol;, at the (JcUgon llotise. autll FOR SALE. Lill-iB 8 VR3T A N TTA L HOV5E, COY V. t.tiniug thirteen rt,oui, oelUr. well. ,.'0U5 uot 'mite Cuibod: situated uii .lb Lost acd betwijoo let aud 2d South Mruti;. For pj.rtioi.Iari chjuire at tLii1 oDb. or W. A. McMsntr, 11th Ward Co-j uperiiuve htore. augld AFiRSr-CLAft-5 FAMILY OARRIaGE. Aptly at J. K. Trumbo'i AuctluD Uuu3e,oppo:iio SULakelicu6. -P"o L0r. LV TUB .".Lb WiKD. ON l'.LA-! 1 wjo-uIo ternii. Af ly to A. J. Sweuion -V IL6 'L.i ' LJLILDINU LuTS. BY THE Foul ! ' Ironuge. Ko le.i rer, Euyuire ' th UK&At.D Hflic. wynj Largest and Host Complete Si-cck in tiie City Of WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which ilu-j- oS'or -A-T VEKY XjOW PRICES. K1RST KAST STREET, UALF-A-lil.OCK SOUTH OF T1-IKATK1! CALDEE, BROTHERS Doalers ir. bvitv vnrifty of MUSIGAL INSTRUMENTS SPECIAL AOEXTS for Ulnh vl'Uio Ariou I'iiinut'oi U) Company, Steiiiway & Sons, Chick-rring Chick-rring : Kons, Dcfker & lim ncs and (Jiovestoiii & Fuller's WOKLP-UES OWNED ORGANS Road what our Professors of iMu.o anJ Leading Citizens of tho Territory say about thcui in our new Circular. Books, Stationery AND SCHOOL FURfJSSHlGS. DR. HARRIS, DBUTIST, OFFICE Over Davis' Grocery Store, MAIN STREET. aue29 ALL KINDS MiningTools Wrig-kt's Picks, Shovels, Iron Itavrows, ' Etc., Etc. POWDER AND FUSE,' IBOKT FIFE, j PIPE FITTINGS, Brass Goods, AT " SCOTT, DUNHAM & Cfl'S, Main Street. IVett nitlv, Next door to Whits House, ' LOW FOR CASIB.l A No. IJire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHfiMi CO. A RE receifins by tho cnr-load an xtri j. QmhtT of Firo iirick. wtiioh will b euUI id i-ruall r lurcc iiuunlitios- Thoy hu io boon uoc.i in Colorndo and elie-whure elie-whure for yean and ure Ptjuiil In every r-aj-eol lo ibo luci I.uglish briuk. DEE 3? "W ELL "M LVER ko's out of order, and Is cheaper 1 than any other 6r!t-clag pump of equal capacity. - In vnluable for epriokling erounds, Etreeis aad for fire purpotos. HOSE from to IX inch. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., myU AGEKT1 21 nnn os J.UUUlRON AND STEEL At . 13. Bassett's. Oppoatt Salt Lak Hon a, IIElTif & mium, MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 170 & 172 Randolph street, CHICAGO. EXCELS; COAL CCMP'Y. WYOMING TERRITORY. Blair, tiro. & Co., - Propr's. KAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITV. V';;V7v"v ':;f--''y- - - - v.. A. F. TIL I) E.N, J. c. lawJIee;"111' S hopribtobb. J"ylt L;itco( New York, ' ) GO TO DUNFORD & SONS Mammoth Shoe and Hat House FOR YOUR BOOTS, SHOES & HATS. AKOTilEIC hUGE mil AL. GOODS CHEAP! GOODS CHEAP! OUH STOCK IS COSIPLBTB..--"-' H. DINWCODEY'S New Furniture Store OX EAST TEMl'l.l'. STREET. . - IS JVTO"W o ZEEJ 1ST. ALL KINDS " 0? "FURNITURE ! l:ao Krior teto utji 1l'J to tf-iy'J- liedrouui eels, . liuiu to iV.'- Also at his Stand West of Meat Market, First South St |