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Show Notice is hereby given that we will nut bo re.-poniiblo fur any debts contracted con-tracted without our written or verbal onl-r. DrjjiroKD Sc Sons. Feb. 2y, lbT2. f "At Cost." Messrs. Taylor & Cutler announce that they are selling their entire stock at cost; and invite intending in-tending purchasers, before they buy, to call and sec for themselves. See the new advertisement. He air's Great Si-ee'ii in congress, con-gress, on the Polygamous -Marriages in i Utah, complete in yesterday's iVrirj, ror sale at Dwyer's. i' -J Cibcular?, Bills of Fare, etc., etc., printed at the Herald Job Oilice. f 21 'Wantkd. TEAMS for PIOCH H. Dub ant & Cutting, Salt Lake City and Sandy Station, f to Fine Furnisbiag Goods at Siegel Bro's oil) Just Keckived, at II. Dinwoodey's, a car load of Common BEDSTEADS. To be sold cheap at wholesale or retail. Purenolooy. l'rof. Fowler's PublT-cations PublT-cations for salo at Dwycr'a Book storo W- Wm. Will its' new MOKXION SONG BOOK, 100 songs, written to popular airs, besides recitations for Sunday fcliools. Will bo ready soon. Prico 00 cents. fS Largo stock of lino and heavy boots at Siugul Bro's. o'M A ,ar;e andextensivcFUKNlTUKE SALE on Saturday noxt,at AUCTION, opposito Walker Bros. 1' 28 J. J. Tituimo, Auctioneer. Order, Check and Kccoipt BOOKS printed and bound at tho Herald J ob Office and Bindory. f 21 San Francisco Outdone. To doo mit consignments, PIE and TABLE FKUITS ASSOKTED will bo sold at JO cents pur pound, opposite Walker Bros., at tho Auction Jluuso of ,1 no. li.. Trumko, lid itoor from Main street. f liS Go to tho Crystal Palace, 73 Main street, for Furniture, Bedding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, Glass.Silvcrwarc and household house-hold goods generally. ill Overcoats, at cost, atSiogol Bro s. olO A complimentary Benotit MALI-t MALI-t Mrs. 11. Williams will bo given at Sheldon's Academy, on Thursday evening, Fob. -J, lf7'2. f -7 "Ktkrnai. vigilaneo is tho prk'O ol liberty.'' Six bits, the price of fmlhs at Paliu-e Bath room, No. IS Commercial bU-K-. I'Vbnmry 2"t!i, f li Largest stock of clothing nl Sigel Uro's. olu Great sacriiice in lino CLOTHING, to close put winter stock : , Suits worth S--. ! Suits i'Jf) worth 6-. . Suits worth '2. Suits worth S 10. Suits -io worth i-l-j. 21 Derby's, -i'2 Main street. Just Arrived. A largo slock of F i rst- C i. a s PI A N OS, to bo sold CHEAP for cash, at J. JJaynes & Co's music store, cast of the post ollico. f 21 Kashionablo Hats at Siegel Bro's. olOj Ed. Harris has ust received a largo stock of tho finest cigars and tobacco, and gentlemen's notions. Ho has tho largest and best assortment of imported cigars in tho Territory. Call at tho 'Little Cigar Store round the Corner" and see. f 11 Gknti.mkn or tub Convention: Wo aro pleased with llio great earo you take in tho interest of tho PEOPLE. PEO-PLE. At tho same time wo propose- to lako earo of your SOLES in well as tho siiL of intelligence. BOOTS, HATS, t; LOWES, etc. I"21 Dunkord & Sons. Consumption, Scrofula, Etc. H EG EM AN 'S GKN CINE COD LI V-E V-E It OIL. O.Lr Cod Liver Oil is warranted war-ranted PUKE NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood tho test of over twenty years' experieneo, and can bo relied on in every particular. Mantir faeturod by Ukukman & Co., chemists and druggists, New York, and sold by all druggets. s27 Dkikd Pevches. Wo shall give tho highest pri'o for clean, well dried fruit, at our ivnvi-uon Department, at J no. li. Clnwnn's. we.t of Theatre. augl H. B. Clawson, Supt. Cutting A Co' a California Cannod fruits and Jellies are tho best in th market. Ask your grocer for thorn. I sV The "Giieat Unknown ' is exquia-! exquia-! itely perfumed and contains nothing in-IjunouJ. in-IjunouJ. Try it ladies. j;l i p.uii.rss printed cheaply and taste i j t'uiiy at Uii Ui-KALD Job Ottko. f 21 ' All kinds of plain and fancy JOB PRINTING executed promptly and after the latest stylo at tho Hebaxd Job Oriico. f 21 OGDEN DIRECTORY. Ftrat'cltiss Business Houses. MERCHANTS, Walker Brothers, Zlou'i Co-op. mercantile Institution, James Ilorrncks, C. Woodmnusee, P. Aucrb&cu dt Bro. HOTEL, Ogdeu House, Jubn Mithon, Proprietor. LIVERY 1ST ABLE. D. O. Nelon, Proprietor. nlO CHEAP A DVKRTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines, fifty cents for each and every isscrtion. Each additional ad-ditional line ten cents. FOR SALE. CITY LOTS FOR SALE. TWO LOTS, onobundrcd fiuaro rods each, in tho 2uth Ward. Apply to C. C. Cunningham, at tho Tow as end llouao. HERRTXQ'S FIRE PROOF SAFE AND oilice deik. Apply to 123 HoLCOiin & Co. A HOUSE AND LOT, DESIRABLY Located Lo-cated on ilia Ltoneh, in tho 10 Lh Ward.' Tho Iiouso contains elei-en rooms and commands com-mands a view of the whale city, Parties who wish a pleasant homo will find this property a bargain for cush. Apply at tha Real Estate offico, 1M Jlain-st, next to Pacific House. f20 A. C. TRUE i CO. WASTED. WANTED I. OOO HUNNEY SACKS at tho Utah Cruoner Factory. f2j BOY WANTED, at Ihe Washington Heuse, f 24 3d South Street. SELLING OUT At Cost ! TAYLOR & CUTLER, Arc selling their entire stock of Goods at O O S T I Before you Buy, Call and See our Coods and Prices for Yourselves U26 JUST RECEIVED. II. WALLACE, First South Street, A ohoioo lot of CLAMS, LIMA BEAN'S, GREEN CORN, TOMATOES, SALMON, Cracked Cocoas AND Family Chocolate, Huntley & Palmer ENGLISH BISCUITS, ALSO THE CELEBRATED ALBERT BISCUITS. i I YALE LOCKS, j Chei. . Drawer, ! tupbourd unci Slort-ilnnr Lock and MgUtLatchcs. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. Tail's reservation bring quartz, and say the Indians have large quantities of gold. It is confidently asserted that the mines will prove by far the richest ever discovered. There will be a great rush from here for the gold fields, as soon as navigation opens. monetary and Stocks. New York, 2S. Gold weak; money scarce, the fact causing much uneasiness uneasi-ness with regard to tho banks which are in an unfavorable condition, having Httlo or no surplus reserve above the amount required by Uw, and for the next six weeks tb.e draw on them will probably be heavy." Governments lower and closed steadv; stocks lower: Y. L, O'.M; Quicksilver, AY. F., 731; Pacific Pa-cific Mail, o.'i. London, 2t Consols, 92 i. Paris, 20. Rentes 6u 1 7li c. First National Bank 03T UTAH, SiALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wareies IlrsSKT, C. L. Dhlib. President, Vice Prost. Akthony Godbi, Cashier. Authorized Capital, - $500,000. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 8150,000 EARNINGS, ... SI 30,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Ohkst JJanh'ng Institution in Utah. -A. General Unnltiiif Business Trmieiicted. AGENCIES IX COLORADO AND "MONTANA, COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JNTEIiKST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. 5 SPECIALTIES FOR GENTLEMEN. Fisk, Clark & Flatre'a celebrated Specialties aro for sale by all first class dealers in this city. True Fit Shirts, Patent Pantaloon Drawers, Russian Brace, Laporte's Kid Gloves, ?few Mvles of Neck Dress. N.B, Five Novelties justont. Dovcrcloth Shirts and Shirtinns, Samson lirnces, Patent Pnnialoiia Drawers (red stamp), Lnportn's Cablo Kid Gloves, and tho Resent Street Scarf. FI-K. CLARK A FL AGO, fJ0 t'JJ Broadway. Now York. LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of .Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, AND I GRAIN AT WHOLESALE. T. R. JONES, 17 Hnir-blook snmh of U. C. DopoL $500 REWAED van 500 Bushels Good Barley J. W.SNELL, Idaho Store, ono block south of Theatre. f'24 NOTICE. ALL persons nro hereby forbidden nnd wnrned ncainst pit n hosing or in any v:iy np(fni:itinjc with any person whomsoever whomso-ever for certain uiiniug property situate, lyirp. and bcinit on Chloride XI ill. in Ophir Mining District. Tooelo County. Utah Territory, Terri-tory, recently filed for record as tho Jim Fisk lode, or for any ores already extracted, or thai may herealter bo extracted, therefrom: there-from: or for any property whatsoever hc-lnntiinK hc-lnntiinK to, or in aiijwh'o nppertaininR to, said mine, or lode; as tho same is tho property prop-erty of tho undorMKHed, who aro tho lawful owners of said mininif property, under tho name of tho Chloride Queen, having boon locpited March 15. 1871, by D. W. Stanton, George II Haught, John Davis, Rcoso Davis and Murray Mcssiitgcr, and recorded in the oflice of ihe Reeon'omf tho Mining District afurcfiaid, April 2 1 -ST 1 . D. W. STANTON. UKORGE U. RA1JGHT, 11. A. I10LCOMB. 117 Private. Hospital, 13lh Ward, Suit Lake City, W. F. ANDERSON. M.D. - Proprietor Terras, invariably in advance, for Board, Medicine and Modioal attondanco, jiy S:!0 to $26 per week Dmlntin of Co-Fartnership. I f AVING disposed of the Banking bus!- - ncss heretofore conducted under tho name and style of A. W. W h ite A Co., to the Salt Lako City National Bank, whioh will assume all tho liabilities, and is hereby authorized au-thorized lo collect all debt due the said firm. The co-partnership heretofore oiist-ing oiist-ing under tho namo of Whito Sc Co., is this day dL'folvol by mutual consent. A. W. WHITE, T. R- JONES. Salt Laka City Fob- lSHh., 1S7J. Tho Salt Lako CUy Nation al Batik hereby assumes all liabilitiu as abuvo- B. M. DL' RELL. fii. President. SELLING OFF I Now is Ilie Time to get Bargains ! Our remaining stock of LADIES' FURSJ Will be sold regardless of cost, FANCV.DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS. WOOLEN' GOODS, 1100D3, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, ; ETC. To-:ljer witb n ppipaJiJ iiiorlment of LiJvt)Il:, : WINTER HATS ail BONNETS l MILLINERY GOODS, ; Of all kind?, which will be sold at cost to make room for a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. 85 Ett Temple Street 1 to ' MISCELLANEOUS. SALT LAKE BRANCH OP TUB j Great Western FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. TUKO, F. TRACY, President C. H. BA.SETT, " IIKMH' W.LAWREXCE J-Dlrectora CIIAS, L. DAIILKK, J MARHSALL . CARTER, Attorneyi. H. R. MASS', Mwnnger. A Branch of this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPAXY Having been organized in our city, we are now ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit jmbUo patronage, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all fi.ro riska will be carried at a fair rate-. H. R. tVIANN, i21 HtiiRtr. HIClIxlRDS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Manufacture n ot PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, BLOWKKS, CIJUSJIEKS And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made for building Furna-ooa Furna-ooa of Utah Pire Stone Including Machinery, &c, set up in complete running order. Reference Eurcki Bllntug Com. puny, So.lt Luke Clty Utah Smelting Smelt-ing Compoy, Tlntlc, Address J. G. Richards, Chicago. 1 BU(r4 COAL! COALI linvlng piircTtiitaed tlta Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to upply this Juatlj celebrated WEBER GOAL by cur load or retail. Depot at V. C. R. R. Yard. OiUcei Kxcliaugc nnd Reading Knonu, BATEMAN & BUEL. ,,, w. ii. miu, A.Bt. THOS. DAV1ES, United States Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Offi.'a No. 18 Tnylor'e Uotol. Bait Lak. City EDDINGTOK'S Two Blocks outli of the V. O. R.K. i Depot, and next to Wm. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. I Too rant In hpt coDuntly (applied by leveriU aaw-roilU wilh K Full Assortment of Native Lumber. VT. K. lolioiu the ralronage of hii old frieaili. and by runctn&lity and diliBonce io boiiooM bopca to merit ft ibare f public a p port. FOR SALE in the 1Mb Wrd, one block and a hnlfw-n of the l. C. R. R.. h j"mll b'.-j-o ami half lot. -with fioe orcbard. For particular! enquire of ang?Ji WM. "EDDINQTON. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring iiallii ! PrlU and Flung, TTe clelitl b.tb-i re tr to tho petit at til Bfc-.:Ji. Trir m'-liriri! pr-.frli kt so wi1j Bi(1- thf PriTut B!h, th iKrg rd hundarm. ly fcmi.twJ PPnoRe Baths fr, - IiM dJ I QsctJuBso m aov on. H. AfclMOLI. BIT The Utah Prohlem! A Keview of the course of Jude James B. McKean, and an Appeal for ihe Surrecder of Polygamy! S IE3 IE IB G H or HON. THOMAS FITCH, IX TEE Constitutional Convention of Utah, FK.BIU'AUY L'oih, ISTi Is now published in ramphu t form. IVr tno at the Hkralo Cffico. Trice $UljO per hundred; ?2.00 per dozen. Single, eopioa 'JO cents. SliM IT TO YOUH ritlEADS. WALKER BEO'S.- TTZP STAIBS. CARPETS! CARPETS! NOW OPENING NEW l'ATTEKNS FOR SPRING FUKEJISHIETGS, Wbich make tlio Best Selection WEST OF CHICAGO. EXGLISU COCOA MATTINGS, S-, 4-4, 0-4, S-4. IPLOOIE OIL CLOTHS, 4-4, 5-1, 0-1, S-l, 10-1. i . I I PRICKS aUAKASTKBU. lEun the Blockade! GREAT 11EDUCTIOX IX THE j PRICE OF LIGHT! 'Good flews for those tiiut like a Brilliunt, Clour and i safe Light ! Largs arrival of PETROLEUfA" FLUID at jThe Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOR FIVE GALLONS. For those that like COAL OIL, no havo received a J.arpo Stock, of nil qualities, and at Reduced Fiiees. Tho Largest A-sirtroent of LAMP GOODS in the Territory. I no IE. IRIEIESIE! & CO. I Solo Anon t for Tin- Dnniorlh I'fl roll- m Fluid. 80 1st South Street, halt hlook West of I'oM Ulh-o. SPRING TIME IS COMING! Geouge Goddaud Uiu Tor SALK i-uiu. Choice TOP or BUTTON ONION'S, Evergreen BROOM CORN SEED, very early, and suited to hih altitudes. alti-tudes. The host iu the tnaikcL GARDEN SEEDS, GRASS SEEDS, Rl'E MEAL for Bee Raisers, NORWAY OATS, SURPRISE OATS, Choice SEED PEAS, BEANS, Etc. SPRING TIME IS COMING! GEORGE GODDAKD Wants to Jluy and pay Cits h for Frci-b. I Clean Lucerne Sood, Choice l'cn . I Bran, Shorts. OuU, Rnrly ! and Wheat. FARMERS ATTENTION, I will imy CASH fr 1,000 BUSIIKLS WHEAT, 1,(100 11USIIKLS BAKLEY, 1,000 KUS1IKLS OATS, 10,000 LBS. HRAN, Ifdflivcm I iuiuiotiiatolj nl my Grain Store, Main St., S. L, City I GEO. II. KNOWLDEN. j California iud Al'en Extra Family L J L ; And several othor branJs, CM EAP fof csnh All k I nd i of Ural ii for le. ii. II, KNOW I l.f, jCoal Oil and Naptha Depot i BAY & C0JO1KII, j i'J Hast Temple Street, A.C3-EiTTS FOE FOREST CITY VARNISH ANU OIL CGMPAMES Gasoline 85 for &as MacMiies, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURNING FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. ! This Fluid is of much HEAVIER GRAVITY than any other burniDj; Fluid ever offered in the market, aproxiiuatinK clos'.Iy io that of the best qualitiea of COAL OIL, hut yet pos-os'mg DOUBLE tho ILLUMINATING power. ' It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and docs not ohar the wick, whioh will not require attention oftcner than once a week. This Fluid needs but one trial to convince any j.ersjn ol its superior advantages. advan-tages. "WHOLESALE -A-2XTTO BETAIL A. T Who want-AGENTS in evc-j sclllotnent ofLh Territory.' j7 |