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Show ESTRAYS. TRAY ED from the ra-.h-we?: corner or O the City. Saturday, a BAY HuRSE. wi:h a rope ronnd his nc-k, and a KIIA MAKE, brandsd R on left ehmUw. Am is: .rmitiui of -.heir whereabout left at ihia oace will graatiy oblige liic owaar. ui MISCELLANEOUS. SALT UKEJHEATRE Kagagemmt of the (avoriti' Comcdiau, MR. P- MARCETTS Thursday Kv'n?, Feb. -29, The perform ii will commemo with the com ic 2-net drama, eaiuled THE TOODLES ! goug aud Dnncr, - Mr. 11. Lorraine To conclude with the laughable farce tnLltlod My Turn Next ! Frld ii y Evening, March lut, Dtueflt of t lie favorite Actor, Mr. A. Thorn v Will nhertly be jiroduecd, n new loer.1 Jrnma writ ion expressly for tins tlieiUre by the IlU.S'.TaoilAa FITCH. entitled, OLD TITL 3E3 S . CAUTIGfi. NOTR'E. Wc, tlio undersigned, warn Mux. Myor A Co. to coaso work on tho lliawutbu mine, Dry Canon. Oihir Dirlrict. T K MI I.I.Kit, fs, J. 1'. WILLIAMS & CO, BANKS DESERET, Salt Lake City, Utah. Tliiis Bank has organhod n SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, and will reeoivo deposits of one dollar and upward?, on which interest will bo allowed at tho roto of eight per cent, per annum, compounded semi-annually, fx L. B. HILLS, Cashier. LEGISLATIVE Proceedings! WHEREAS We are to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, RESOLVED That Sensency & Co. are selling Stoves Cheaper than any other House in the oity, for tho reason they are Closing Out. Ao. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National lo; 35 00 " 8 States do 42 50 " 9 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. SENSENEY&GO Oppotile W. F. & Co't Office, SALT LAKE CITY R. A. KEYES, Agent Emerald Hill Mining Company. IOCATTON OP WORKS, Salt Lake county, j Utah Toniiory. Notice. There are iletia'ineiit non the following follow-ing ileacriK-il stick. on iKvoant ur A-esiiieiit levied lev-ied on the llih il-iy of J.mimry, 17-; the u-ver-1 anion its (ft on--to the names of the rejpectiTo -harehuLlti, follows : No. of No.i.f Njiul. Certificate. Shares. Amount. Abbott, Oilwrn, - 1 .V-J (Hi Abbott, O'l'Orn, C ) 50 w Abbott, 0-boni, - 4 li-) ii mi Abbott, O'born, - n 1" 'Jj Abbott, OaU.rli, - G 25 W Fos, Henry A, - 'J1 o 6,, ... Fos, Henry A, - 32 3-J ;. Vox, Henri' A. - OS i'C (4 l'i llawkio.-, II B, - Iu l,iT -2j K.-lIv. Jimc R. - 17 lw7 iJJi Kelly, Jam"- B. - U Z 7;. Kellv, Jwnea B, - & 'J'i 60 l Ki'lfv, Jjiiim ft, - 61 2"J b - K-'lIv, Jani K, - i- L""0 !'i K-Uy, Jiuum R, '. -I'll- 5- : Kelly, Jahi- B, - W 2 K-l'y, James- R - ("- I"i U ) Ktllv, Jjxc II. - 66 157 :;o -25 K- lly, John J . - W li'i M.i.ti A Gleeon, lo ,i M..wen, Jum,-i. - W 1..7 2 0'SnlhTMt. C D. - l.:57 Urj 2i Rn L-U1-. M Tru-tee, 33 l,. 5k.-llv.M:cli4el, - ."1 i:;,7 ..;. j Smitb.MC. - S i;7 a'. 25 .-:mttisoD,T B, - .'.7 2rj ;-i uu 3reaev, iljle- D I,;j7 Tjylor. Chirle I.. :.l 1 . - ;;3- Tot m. Rich.trd. :-; 1--57 3"'i i'. Tot io. R.-1- rt J. - vi l.:-7 3..S 20 ITu-rcn, JuLl K - U5 l.,s7 UJ'J 2i AcJ in &ccorJj-ce w;-.h law Ma an criier of the BorJ cf Ir-.isU i-le oa the Uilx cf Jmn- iry, 1-72. to many ihires of each parcel of rjij tc t j my U ceo5.i.-y will be so'.J t j.tiMic au. tii-a, by Joba : lUeton Sun. mt No. olu M.'Bt j"mt-ry str-?t, Sn l4tioi-co. C-iUform, on the H:h day ol W.ir, b, 1-72, at the hour of 1 u-K- k J.1.H. oi aiJ d-iy. to j-.iy ia.nl deltDi,nnt m-er3iT'Dt m-er3iT'Dt tber , t-'.-iher with com o( adver. UaiDp- and epne ol jaJe. F. MADGE, Secretary. OS e No. 61, Merchants' ExchADg?, California street, e irinebco, California, ( H GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITY, (Everybody soys so) at G. W. DAVIS. The finest Qualities of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS. Ac, at G. W. DAVIS'. CIXXFO GOODS. l.OHSTFRN, SALMON. SAL-MON. sABDi.VKS. oynti-:h.s, Fruits, .Shiiccm A l'ivkltf, G. W. DAVIS'. The Larcrt and Best Stock of CHEESE HAMS anil BACON In Town, at G. W. DAVIS'. Our TtlATHADBwo take particular rains to siuHy, mid from experience are enabled to eiiU our patrons with unrivalled facilities. Wo Kuuriintco to foil as oheai) as any house in Utah, and will not bo undersold, C. W. DAVIS, Two doors north of Kimball Jfc Lawrence's: 07 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand. East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous frionda and patrons that he has a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually k opt at his Store and Bakery, And sella them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PRODUCE Of all kiodfl. Bought and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order. WATCHMAKERS. r fevi ! CARL C. ASMTJSSEN, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS . Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a large, additional stock of isr:E"W" goods' In groat variety and style- The public are respectfully invited to call and inspect them at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Half a block north of t)i Eagle Emporium. . d30 WATCHES &JEWBLRY ! O. L. ELIASON, "1 KGS to inform the residents of Salt Lake City Bnd vicinity, that he not only guarantees to properly ttplr, Clean and Adjust AVatchea and Chronometer but he will malce them or any part of them, to order, and warrant the work. A kit surPLY of ELGIN and SWISS "WATCHES just received, which he will guarantee as reliable tim-keepers. Pricoe todefycompetition Remember the sii-tre?. Two doors cast of the Deicrct Bank. MENAGERIE. .Opposite the entrance to the Tabernacle. JOHNW.YOUX6, - Prop. Adiuisoiou, 50 cts. Children, XO u Open from 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. Native Mineral, Petri fact loni, Concretions Con-cretions and Crystal! xaOons. Hume Product. .Vnfir and JForWit Cu riotiti, d'c. Compound Klectro-Magnetic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &o. Prof. J. L. BARFOOT, JSanagar, O- Bcboola and Families by private ar-ruxeaeau ar-ruxeaeau admitto-i i related nw. MISCELLANEOUS, B.W. Allen & Co., 47 Uroadwny, Now "Vorlr. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agent, for (he Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY 1 IV. S. FOSTER, Ascitt, J CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep ooustantly on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Bates. QROEBBECK'8 BUILDINGS, nI7 It as I Tsmpla Street. SPECIAL NOTICES! EAGLE HOUSE, Nos. to. G7 and Oil East Templo Street, nearly opposite Salt Lake II cm bo. Do not fail to remember it as the Centre of Attraction, the Centre of tho Block and the Contre of Business, TEAS DEL, fc CO. have always on hand as choice an assortment of GROCERIES as can bo obtained io town, both Wholesale Whole-sale and Retail. THE NEWEST ATTRACTIONS in Dross Goods, Reps, Mohairs. Alpaca?, MerinoB, Delaines, Calicos, with tho latest la-test stiles in Shawla, Foreiirn and Domestic Do-mestic Dry Goods always to bo found at tho EAGLE EOUSE. THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT at the EAGLE HOUSE is carefully and attentively studied- There you can always al-ways chooso from a full stock of GENTS and BOYS CLOTHING, Boots andSheos, Hats and Cap? and G on oral Furnishing Goods in ondlcss rarioty, THE LADIES' SHOE DEPARTMENT DEPART-MENT at TEASDEL & CO.'s Is now well supplied with all that can bo desired. de-sired. Elenant Stylo. LatcJt Fashions and Lowest Prices. BLEBS' SEWING MACHINES tho BEST IN T1IE WORLD for Family ubo, can bo obtained of TEASDEL &. CO , tho sole agents for the Territory of Utah, Special attention given to learners. Instruction In-struction gratis. Payments by instalments, instal-ments, if so desired. They arc quiet, easy running, durable and a favorite machine ' TEASDEL Jt CO. aro proverbial for low prices and the best qualities of Merchandise, Merchan-dise, N. Br A complete outfit of Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Machinery, to be sold at low figures. Nearly now. TEASDEL. & CO. - I S I -S3 cc I UJ B ca z fan s 1 2 & I . -p i 1 - -c5 s 1 cc i i 0H J3 u. ; Zj O J - I . . -I I Liquid Blueing Chaapest in market: quality and latUuetloo guaranteed or njontj- refundrd. Caah Paid for Grain and couDlry produce. For Bale 500,000 Ibi count Sail, Table and Dairy. Shingles, Lumber and General Merchandise-Wholesale Merchandise-Wholesale Joliber. J. W. .EI,L, Idaho Store, one block south Theatre, 23. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. E.A.FARCO&CO., I in porters an.l Jobbers of BranliBs. Vines ai Lipors, a 10 Front St., cor. Commercial TH0S. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's CLOT DrHCinSTQ, AT 'WHOLES ALU, 313 A 315 Broadway, New York J. K. rOlVLKS. fij; A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer In affgg all kluJjof riCK-TjED ( EJMOKfclD SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1B WailitnRlon Strict. All kln.la of DrteJ, BmukeJ and PlckleJ conatnutlj on linuil. 8. L. 6iaiiKy, Julm Siirudiice, O. O. UIujiuhq Spruance, Stanley & Co., Successor to ll.Wcbster A Co. ami J. A J. Siruiiu Importer! and WUolm&le boilm in WIES m LIQUORS, J4 410 FRONT gTRK KT, A. C. DIETZ & GO. 1NPORTIRB OF I.IlsrTSs OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 2M FRONT STREET. Bet. Etaor.iu.uU A C.lirorDla, S.n Vr.nol.c. m THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. GREAT CAXIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. HIGU IN TtlE SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful Stato o California, grows tin herb long known lo the Indians as un absolute euro far RHEUMATISM. RHEUMA-TISM. GOUT, NEURALGIA, and all dia-easoa dia-easoa in any way siTiuginc from impurities of the blood. Science has at length brought to light its virtue?, and of this jiotont herb haa ooinjiounde'l VERBA SANTA, a preparation prepa-ration for tho PERMANENT CURE of Scrofula, Salt Rlieum, and all Krup. tlve and Cutaneous Dlittiei. Gives immediate and permanent relief In DYSPEPSIA. ERYSIPELAS. Ring Worm, Tumors, Boils Scald llcada, Ulcora and Sores; eradicates from the system all traoea of mercurial disease. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is therefore peculiarly suitablo for uso br females anJ childron as a BLOOD PURIFIER PURI-FIER and RENOVATOR. MOTUKKS Who wish to find a medicine imouliarly adaitod to tho cure of HUMORS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in their children, will find a safe and euro curoin YEKBa SANTA, 'orsale everywhere. REDING TON, UOSTETTUll . CV Ageuti, B3 and 831 Market San Pranclico. REDINGTON- HOSTETTER & CO. Importera and Jobbers of FORUIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS liB CHEMICALS Fine Eeientlal Olla, Onmi,Roota Seeds, Flowers, Spougea, Hktn, PomRdu, ac, And all other Staples connected with th Wholesale and Retail Drue Duiineea. Constantly in receipt, by direot Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Hostetter's Bitters, Drake's Plantation Bitten, Wolfs Scheidam Schnapps, NewoU's Pulmonary Sjrupi And all the loading Proprietarj Modioinea both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carofully Eieeuted- Koa. 5S0 and 531 Market street) Between First and Second, San Francisco, California. my il T TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, 'fire tos I CIXCISSATI. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. H.ll.bl. Inilcr.i rllliiK. I'crftcl I(l.i.ull. 1 We ak I'air Hates auJ Proiuie to Pay j JllitW,CS. Risks taken throughout Utah IT. R. MASS, Agcnl, SALT LAKE C1IV: Offic Tjylnr'j Duildinr. Room No. 2. op- I oiit. bail Lto ilouie. P.O. Sox Ul. fl |