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Show 0. C. ORMSBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SUHGEON AND JUKUOGIST, URIUI1A3I CITY. UTAH. J. M. &. F. D. BENEDICT, BURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office OvorCalder Bro's Music Emporium. si W. F.ANDERSON, M,D. H. I, RICHARDS, M.O. Surgeons and Physicians, ' OGres, for the preiont. at their respective reaidencea in the 13th and 17th Wards. n6 DR. GROVES, Qjjfrffj Dentist, Offlcc 2nd South St., Salt Lake City. Three doors West of Revere LIouuo, half a block East of the Elephant More. omci hours vrux a a.m. to 5p.m. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PIIYSICIAJ AND 5UKGEON, Offers his professional services to tho people of Salt L:iko City, Residence at Bolivar Roberta' brick house, opposite St. Mark's. Chon-h. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This Douse Is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furaishod. and bu accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 (tueata, THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build l&rite additions to his Uotel, whieh when finished, will ronJer it the Most Complete Establishment in tho ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ON K BLOCK EAST OFTIIBATKE, SALT L.AKK CITY, Terms S3.00 per day. Board wllli-out wllli-out room. 91A.0Q per week. Bntli free lo guoUi. J. G.LITTLU, junii Proprietor. STOCK BOARD, (Formerly Ileid'a,) IVt -A- I INT STRBBT, Twodoori south of Wells, Fargo 4. Co'n. Our Bar la fiirnLihed with all Hint cau bo fonnd 1 n any Aril-class saloon. Attuutlvo and polite bar-keepers to alteud iipou all who may favor us with a call, IABRISKIE & CO. f u TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Side EAST TKBIPliK STREET, ROOMS flV TUB SI NO LB NIGHT, WEEKLY OH MONTHLY, TAYLOR & CUTLER, Proprietors. Wo haTO rented our RESTAUItANT to Messrs. GLADE . GOODMAN. Washington House J-'liirtl HoutH SStroct, IS ALT L AKK CITY llonrtl anil Lodging, per Week ST 00 Day Board " 5 00 French Spring Beds " a 50 Beds, per Night - 00 Menli - ar jU FASHION CHOP HOUSE, tNoxtdoorto White House), Main Street, Salt Lake City. C-mductod in first-class Frcnoh style, at mod cm to prices. NICHOLAS BERN A KD IS. (I J Proprietor. Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON the European Plun. ta now oion and issui'iliod with every delicacy ot tho (o:uoii. Meals at all hours. Oysters in every style. Supper l'arlios Sltppliid on hurl notice. Tcrini toitilt the tlmci. GLADE Jt GOODMAN, jPi Proprietors. Sierra Hotel and Restaurant, Emt title Commercial atrcvi. Moiila served in tho bc?l style. Rooms fur-niiho'l fur-niiho'l uud unluruUhed. fis Wm. HKKll, Proprietor. New Couiincrcial Lofliint Rooms, t'ommerclnl Street, Opposite Genu an Bakery, Salt L:iko City C. W. TATPAN. Proprietor. o 1 K N A I, 1 1 N I tr 11 T, -spitiift ltrd. ."Vtl cl. -i- Ntfjfli!, nil! SI. 30 (o SJ.Ol) per Week. MhkU Unmix, 7.-IO. prr MrM, am1 .t, 50 lo 51.30 pvi-WctU. Clo UT.A1I IIOTKI- Main Street, (H.IJKX, T-'.e oniy first-duss Jluiise in the L;y Ouinil'ii to and ftvm alt Htmii. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, J IT Proprietor. CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. e Fuller, Proprietor. To tho Public Thii house ia now rcliltct anil o,n (,r traveler at reduced r.mL i- Uarj ftnj Lodcinc. bv week. SH.Oi. Mcal3,iOo. Uods.Toc. AUali at all boars j LEGAL. Z. SNOW. B. D. HOOK. S.VOW & IIOGE, Attorney and Cotuueion at Law Bull Lako City. Utah. Office at Snow's comer. 1st East EtreeL Jn6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Ovr First National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on -M t'l-i street, between South and 1st tiouih streets. b2u TH03. FITCH. GEO. 1. WHITXF.Y. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORXEYS-AT-L A. "VV, CO Firit Soutli Street, f0 SALT LAKE CITY. II. IU. MORGAJV, Couiuiissioufr for Utah Territory. 0i CALIFORNIA STREET, 8,S 1' C A NCI3C0. fc3 . A. MANN, A T T 0 K N E Y - A T - L A W, No. CO Firit South Street, fj Salt Lnko City, Utah. 1j . cj oopbk, attoh;ky ad counsellok, Onice Krcliauge and Heading lloouid, Itp-Hlalr.. iu'S SILT LAKI CITY. CASH FOR MINES! Ec'iulrc of SETU 1SX. 1IL.AIR, Attorney -at-Lavo and Mining Agent, OFFICE : Over 07 Kimball's likck, with C. M. Haw ley. P. 0. Box lio. dlfi P. L. WILLIAMS. LK ORiNB TOB.NQ i WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, OQcc, half a-bloek south of Theatre, ttalt Lnko City. jl2 GEOUCE C. BATES, ATTORNEY-A T-L AW. C. MY It ON HAW LEY) Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of tho Snprotno Courtand '.territorial Librarian. J. IlASItI-S. Office in;K.iuiball's bloclc, near U.S. Mar-jll Mar-jll shul's office WM. P. APPLEBY, Attorney-tit.-Law, RAYING provided himaelf with suitable Blanks, is prepared to draw up Declaratory Statements of Applicants Appli-cants for Dteilii to City Lot.. Office Ens'. Temple Street, first door north of Uuininorco Building. U19 JOHN 13. M1L.N liK, A T T 0 R N E Y - A T - L A W , Ptovo City, L'tiili. Collections made in tho 1st aud 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts. . d incial tiontiin given to Mining cases Ollico at roiiieiiuo, Coatro bt. Provo City, j5 Warner Karil, ' F. M. Smith. KAKLL & S3IITI1, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKE CITY. East Totuple Street, ono Joor south ol (Jodbe's Store DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN K Y - A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utali. Office wwt side of East Temple Stroot. ! Jiipecial attention c-von to fllinifc litigation; liti-gation; . -" I Wm. HAYDON, I (Uto Judge or 411. District Court, Nevada, 1 AT T01UNK Y-A T-L AW, Room No. f, EustTcuipIo Street, over First National BaiiK, nl 111. M. AJAltJN'UIM, A'T T O li K JS.Y -AT-LAW, Office, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. Special attention Riven to lilies. Negotiation.-, Sales or LiliKitiuUS ill Mining Uaiu.3 and Koal Estate , . ColIu;iious male or business dono in any part of tho United States by Association ol reliable AttoruuySj J. 11. lloiupstcad, M. K'trkpatriok HEMPSTEAD Sl KIRKPATRICK, Attorncys-ut-J-awj Main Streot. opposite Wolls. KargO & Co., HI.T LAKB C1TT. KOTAHiES PUBLIC. A7s7tiOLTLir& SOX, COWVEYAN CERS, i- Miniiis Deeds, AKroeinonts and Bonds for Uoodi-. M'urt.K.-s. lowers of Attorney. Leases. Coulracts and other instruments of writiuK drawu with accuracy and dispatch. 4L-Mining louiimiiiei Incorporated Incorpora-ted unatr the I.awa of L'lali. C. A. GOULD, NOTAil V JPXTJ3X.IO Bnd COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for New York, Mwearhiwttt. I'cunsylva-nia.Uliio, I'cunsylva-nia.Uliio, Lilinnis lua, Nebraska, Wyoming, Moutana, Nevada, Calit'ernia, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Tor.oU XL, near Will, Fargo d- i 'o,, Salt Lake City. Mil - Km. M. Gillosi.ie. Jas. W. Sinbr STAINBURN & GILLESPIE, Notaries Public, COMMISSIONKUS Ob' DKKDS rSuiiVfliors ol" ltocortl?-, AMI OliUc On i IR'H ill ciitiuuc- o Stork Uonv.l, Itcl.l'H lIill.lliKi Main S. Vi:, W: .!.iy ,.f the N.'l.-.ibl a, (i of Hie iiti.ivi-tn.i.M'd I i.. uu.v.,--!i"i:..l)i-. thoy . I a. t uii.l.T ai ..-ii.laient.- !...!.; by lh.' l.',;i- 1 Hue A- ou.l.ly "l ilio Territ. : y m 1 L.ih. .'. it. I Fl-Im- urv I . WJ. :m.l c.-miiii-Mr..- ol 1 i ho 1 1 ' i r:." r "I" 1 !ic I'.'rrit.iry, i--nfd .-ul.-o- .. ii .tr. !y . ;i t h:i ve .-..iiii'iud with b.;h the ' A'Viii ''li" ''"rir'.ri'.'l" Aiidir". r'V.-o "n'.i witU the l't..l...is.l i.itoe; ,-aU Lako ci-mity. , Xo'I'ary I'vu'iu'. Conveyancer, CLAYTON TjONaSSON Ll VY Mri-: .-.iii,iui-n i.i il-.o .'olfr-iion ol mJncy in "II i"ri-oi iao world. TIu'V alji dr.nr or .1 n01vlc !,co all kindl of iu.uuaieui ill wriliu-- Sprrlnl nMci.fl-u (ivent" the J-win ot- UilU TiWMiifiitory Docn- iui(i f 1 . ,,.-!' i-c1 Mbr, IT.'U-m anil Wr.'xi" Lt.uo 01" ail ir--s b.'U-:-.t. fold 01 , ...corpora. ion nn.I l'rlcrlilr pnncri of cv.tv d r-cr:'.; tun dr.iwn ic kIiK-L accordance with ljc laws ot Ltah 1, OK KICK Fourth door tOUlH ol Uotlbe'a toruci. E- BANKERS. S.UT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK OP UTAH, Salt Lalre City, XJtali Xer. Successor to A. W- White Jfc Co. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Bbjcj. M. DlRkll, PresL Late Prest. Firat Notional Bank of Idaho. Abel W. Wbitb, Cashier. Law of A. W. While & Co., Bankers, S. L. City Hkmpstiad Sc Kibkpatrick, Attorneys. MIllECTOHS: T. li. Jones, 0-H. HcmpEtcad, M. B. Callalian, B. il. DuKell, A. W. White, J. At. Alien, K. W. Donncll, Of Douuell, Lawsou & Co., Sew York. This Bank will transact all kinds of legitimate legiti-mate Banking business, and EAI,S IX (iOLD A.VD SILVEIt 1ILLLIOX AXD ORKS. Gold and Currency Eichango drawn and Telegraph Transfers made on New York, San Francisco and principal Atlantic and pacific cities, available ia any part of Ihu United States and Canada. Deposits and ecneral bufinesa solicited from Eastern and ForeijfQ Banks and Bankers, Bank-ers, Firms and individuals ; Check Accounts kept in Gold or Currenoy. Exchange on principal jities of Europe and the Canadas furnished in sums to suit, ; at tho lowest rates, and Telegraph Transfers on London. I Leans mado on Bullion, Public Securities, Bonds, Local Stock, Merchandise, or other Sood Collaterals. Approved business paper iscounted for depositors. 1 Certificates of Deposit issued, payablo in Gold or Currency ou call, or at any specified time, available in any part of tho United Slates and Territories. Advances mado on shipments of Bullion or Ores to Now York, San Francisco and Europe. CORRESPONDENTS : wpw vnnu National Park Bank. CBK. rjonnoll, Luwson Je Co. SAN FRANCIoCO-California Trust Co. LONDON Jay Coke, McCulloch A Co. Treasury Depiirduentj Of I'ICK OT COJII-TBOLLER Ol' THE CUBBEN'CT, WASHINGTON, JANUARY 12, 1872. ATldEREAS, by satisfactory evidence pre-V pre-V scnted to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "X11E SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK UF UTAH," ia tho CITY OF SALT LAKE, iu tho County of SALT LAKE, TERH1TU-RY TERH1TU-RY OF Ui'AU, has been duly organized under and according to the retirements ot the Act of Congroes, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, socurcd by a pledge of United Statos Bonds, and to provide pro-vide for tho circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3rd, ISoi, aud has couipliod who all the provisions of said Act required to bo complied with before commencing com-mencing tho business of Banking under said Act. Now, therefore, I, IIILAND R. EUL-BUKD, EUL-BUKD, Comptroller of tho Currency, do hereby certify that "THE SALT LAKE uIIY NATIONAL BANK UF UTAH." in tho CITY OF SaLT LAKE, in the county of SALT LAKE. TERRITORY OF UTAH, is authorized to Commence the business ol Banking under the Act aforesaid. (Curroucy Bureau.! In testimony whereof tk:il of tho wnntgs my hand and fWiiitrull.T I seal of office this 12th " ,o f 1AY UF JANUARY. C.i.r,llry, law. lT-"ri; 'J (SU-J) ' HlLANU R. llci.BURU, No. 1921. Cominrilicr of Currency. felS Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akors ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., JijLXKEJtS, 53, EAST TEMPLE STliEET, Salt Lake City. J13 Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Cu., Oornor East Teniplo aud Firat Boulh Stroets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - $100,000. nitTOHAM YOTTNG, President, "1 II. S. ELUKEDU K, ViooPrcs. WM. H. HUOPKlt, n, t W M. J F.N N 1 N 0 S, f Directors. JOHN SHARP, FERAMURZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cashier, J Deal iu GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGES. LA.D WAUltANTS, COL-'LEGE COL-'LEGE SCRIP, c. Collections mado and promptly ru-mittcd, ru-mittcd, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Baukers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the united States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. East Temple St., Salt Lake City. THEO. F. TRACY. AgcnU mil Ataistrator's. Notice, n AVI S been appointed by the Probate Court of Salt Lakocountr. Administrator Adminis-trator ol tho estate of Bradford Leonard, deceasod, notice is heroby given to all persons per-sons indebted to said oatalo to oonio forward and settle immediately, and thoso having cl ;iims against the sumo to present them for adjustment without delay. R. J.OOLDTNO, Administrator. Office, Room o. 1 Court House. Salt Lako City. Fob. 19. Is72. f- COLLEGER SCRIP! pilEKMPTORS will save $16 on -L each quarter section by buying Agricultural College Scrip. Apply to TUB BANK OF D KS Kit BT, If, Su.--.ir to H.'orr. RMr.lj A Co NEW MEDICAL WORK ! 'THE PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE." for tlc Debtlltatea Servoiu yitem. nR. ,iOUrAN.of tho Anatomical Maffiia, iliintcfiucry fireel ,noar Calil'T niii S.ii Fr.iucinco, California, has published pub-lished (our of his most important an 1 in' ctruotivo Lecture- in a neat volume lor lh;( wii'i cannot attend tho Lectures at the Museum. Mu-seum. Lvery L'r.marrie an 1 Married roar should read and study th ese im.iorLiiii Lectures lor the good f himielf and oB- 'lVy addressing the Secretary of tho Ana-tomical Ana-tomical Mu.-cuiu, San 1'rancisoo. and enclosing enclos-ing Twenty-Five Cents in Postage tamp! to py postace. the Book will bo lorwardct to any part of the States or ferht ories. Dr. Jordan can be consul te by lettr. d: ' NOTICE. 1 T'ljK l.iw rirtner'hm herct'ore cii-'ini X beiwcen l"h"iiias Fitch and S. A. Mani is ihis Jay dissoh ed. r FITCH i- MANN. ' Salt Lake City, February id, laTi ii 1 5 V- i 1 s o M 5 i N i 2 5 5 lit S """ a 1 j ? s S 2 JJ IS h & -1 la j I Is a M C B "Jo 1" J O ' i" I " jj ts s 2 0 - - - o .c s S H i i SCOTT, DUMill & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipo and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BKl.LOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PfCKINQ, Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproaf Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Fo-ges, AU, LOW FOR CASH. G. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kin l, of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Meel9 Stoves and Tin Ware ULACKSniTll TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And JMlalng Tooli, At Lowtil Rt'.9 OPPOSITE SALT LAKH HOtSIt Faniaceinen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM. & CO. GOLD K.N- CITY FIRK BRICK, Whi-h nrt e'mal if not superior to the ben LRii'!i. spftc.al rates sivta by lis cu loui, oclIS TRAVEL Lea Wines. H.P. Kiiubll. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express Ut'NMSG SAIL V FKOM SALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCH.TOS AND OPIIIU TO T1XT1C. Tho route has bwn re-stocod with fr'en-did fr'en-did Concord Coaches, fine Siook. citiefal ;:J Utontivo Drivore- and every attention ispiiJ to the oomfor. ani oonvonieaoe of iios.-or-sers. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Offlo at W1U, Frgu Co.'i, Salt Lk City. WINES &' KIMBALL, UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and after January 21st, ISTi MIXED TRAINS WILL XT 1ST D AIL Leaving the Utah Central K.R. Depot, Salt Lake City at 7.10 a.m.; Draper 5.45 p.m., and bandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.20 p.m. An extra train wilt Run on Sundays Leaving Draper at 8.40 a.m., Sandy at 9.10 a.m., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. Salt Lako to Bifc Cottonwood S la I ion, Wletf l.ittlo " " 50OIB Sim.Jy " SUM Dnu.cr " 125 Twonty-fivo cenW additional will be ohargod when tho fare is aollootcd on the train. D, O. CALDKR, .Qon. Freight and Ticket Ajtent. FKRAHOKZ LITTLB SUTEHINTKXnK.s'T. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, South -casl IVevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Suit Lh kc CU y Dally, running run-ning bouth to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. Gcorco, Utah ; and Pioohe, Nevada ; failing through Provo, Sprincvillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-Bon, Fork,Pay-Bon, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Hound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, Miners-villc, Miners-villc, and AU the principal town and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Alto leave Torlnne, Utah, dally, runnlcu uorlh to Vitjiinta City, Helena, Fort lien ton, Deer Lodxc, Cedar Creek nnnes, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing oarum in Montana. Mon-tana. t-HINCli'AL UKKICK, Wells, hrgo & Co. Building icM 811 Lik City UTAH CENTRAL! IlAll.UO.W). f$AZ. r!-;y.."...-.r..-! PIOKEER LINE CF UTAH. Oa and after Monday, Jtiy IT, 1H71 IMIly Trains LeavRfie.lt Ciir t S m nnl :4-') r.BO- Arnve m Ojuun T .. tn. atvl 4: l , j.. m. L.cir On n-n at f ,i. :n. ar.J O.-'t m. irrire at tjall LVe City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above MI3Cn TllAIJMS Will ran I DAILY, SUNDAVS EXChTTKD I Leaving Salt T.ak- City at V.iO r-.n-. and Oadeo a, i i.m. Ptiinfr, will plena Purchase ! lhfr Ticket at the Office . I Fifty Cd adHiti-.nnl will hf rbn-c-od whtt the fare in euliecud us ue Lii.a. For all ir.fonnp.ti''Ti o&neemtTii freight oi i-asfse, ari'il to D. O. CALDKR, General Freifhl and T.--V ii As', JOHN SHARP, BLTKHINTLVLBXI 'iSalt'Lsts Mestly Herall ! PnfclUhca every Wednesday aa4 SalordaT at the following unprecedented It low rat, EUictly in advance : 1 eery, one year..... 1 t ("0 1 cit. fix monitis 2 k 1 err. tirre asoaiis 10 10 ooi cne yer SS ' 0 10 ec;-icj. j:x tcoaihs IS 00 cor. as. Lhrce mentis 9 lO JOHN T. CAINS, C. L. 8 LOAN W. C. DUNBAR. Eiilortand Publishers. I CHICAGO TRADE. CHASE, HASFCRD & CO,, 479 South Canal St., CHICAGO, Hesdauorters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Mi3i.r3Clare.-s of the e.lebrtd Wll.SON OIL. TiNK, I'AtiiK, ISKO.A: CO., Importer anil Dlr to LEATrihR AND FINDINGS 33 mid 37 fouih Canal itrect, VI . D. WELLS &, CO., Manufctnrors of and W holosale Dealen in Hoots and Shoes, CIS W.baih Ave, ChtrKKO. M. D. WM,, 11. J. .Msrf.rLs, il. li.-ticdi,-l. mil S. 1'. AK-lntjrft. SLICHTLY SCORCHED I VAN SCHAACK, SVcVENSON &. REID, WHO LKi AL K OKUGGI8T8 (Late of HO, i2 aud ! 1, .kc Flreet. Cor. Dearborn slreet,) HAVE REMOVED Oi account of the intense heat-, To ihe Baptist Church Building S47, S 10 831 Watiaalt Ave., ez: a m. ui j mjm . Whore wo li:ivp a Urpo st,rk of Dnijfs Cii 1'iiiio.ils, Tair.u, Oils, tilnss and ' Gln.-jwuro, Druiruisis' Sundries, Sun-dries, 1'nluiiL liuiubugs, -Kic, ttc. CALL AND C11KKK VS. Ju""n,y 1W C0D"' on 1110 Do'lar.) KEY YOPilv TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL 4LV Manufaclurers and Wholesale JJcalort in BOOTS AND SHOES, , Kl-tnnd 136 Uraml St., New otic, Comer Crosby, one block east of Broadway d 14 L. M. BATES & CO., 4S1 . 453 Broadway, KKW VOKK, IkNMlU ANO JUUbKKa IH Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIKHY, WU1TK GOODS, H'OOLKKS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac J. II. UliLGHK. jlt, ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers aud Jobbers or m. - n ' w 871 BROAD WA V. A'KW 1'ORfC Jujig feijTcapdEll 79 Joliu St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in. Wrought, Caat aud Ualvanlxcd Aud every vnririy of fittings for the tume. ml7 H EN D ERSON, JUSTICeTco Suooesson to Qriffon. Uonderson k Co., MTO RTK R8 XHU JORRIRB Or UW (iflODS, AOTIOAS, FURNISHING GOODS, KTO., 4BH 6U0 HHOADWAV, Orro.il. St. Nioholu Hotel, W.W Vorll, Ay er's Hair Vigor For restoring to Gray lUIr llinil-urnl llinil-urnl Vltallly and Color. J:. " wliirh in ftt 'jr ' - ini'.'O ngrccfi- jl'C" . N !'!', li.-nlth.v, ' nnd t-Jljctmil r - ' ' V f'T pn-iTving f x X 'f r ' "v,'i,( ,j"ir- 11 -').-' i' ''30''n reht-rre. 'fl,V fiHfodrd or yray J Q.i'l - if lrUnhuruj- the gf'j&a und frrshnn. j y.uti. Tliin hair is tliifkenw, fullirig In.ir clifrki-d, HIl'l tmlill)".-. t.fl'.'t, tltullgll unt u!wys, cure, Iby Its ii-c. N"tliing emi rf-loro h: )mir whc-r llm f..lUr..B aro .ltn.y- ''1, -r tin' gl nr.:; iitir.j.dio, ,iri( ilwuyii- but k'.ii b ti rcniiiiii cmji in) shvi'U by tbig appli'-utinn, and f-timulutt-d into activity, u llmt h huw grnwlli ol btiir is pr'".iurf'I. Jiit'iid 'if ('.ulii.g tbo hair with ii putty H'diment, it will Jcccj) it cli'iin mid viK'T'JU". ll o-c R-imul nm will pr"V;:il tbi) hnir frriu luriiiiig gmy "r ii'.'.ii"j '!', and -"ii)-"ii'.'iitly prevent bubbic? t. Tho n--tor;iti'iii of vitality it (fiv to h fiinl j) hrrl5 and jiruvcnU lb'1 fi-rmnti"!! of diLii'JrulI, wliif-h h fiftcn tint Icaiily and olVeiihi vj. Fri-o from tli..i-p d'-b't'.-rious sn lliincoii whicbruhkt eoino pH'iifirli'.(H8 datignruun, and inju-ri'fiir inju-ri'fiir to the liuir, the Vigir can only b'jiK'U but harm iL If wanted in-.rily for u IlAUi IjJ'.KS.SI.N (i, nothing noth-ing ei-o ;an l.t; f-mnj ?o dimblo. C'oii-tnLiiin C'oii-tnLiiin i.-itlj(-r cil ii'jr dye, it d"us not , s-oil white ciiinbrii', arid yt latt- long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glof.-y lustre, Mid a grateful perfume. ! Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & o Practh-Hl and Analytical ChtmUli, j LOWELL, MASS. I Tor Sale at Z. C. Al. I., Lrug Ucp't |