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Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. SuAUvj, Ww.es uA L,ix.xv. i. C. iOSO"tt &c(10., UK iinJ 1 FRONT STREET, HAS FUAKCIMCO, CAL, Offrr thf, final and molt campletr itock on tht racijic const. Itefex to U.B. CLAWSON. Sup'tof Zi. O. 1SL. I. J, BAUM & CO., 1 111 porters and Manufacturers of MEN'S &, BOY'S CLOTHING 'U'-i Hniome Hi., M KrmirKco. 'IS Murray HI., New York. fO BRITTAN, H0LBR00K & CO Importers and Deal era in Stoves & Ranges, ' SHEET IRON &TI?i PLATE, Copper, 7,1 lie, Sheet Lead, Wire, S " PIJMI'H, Xioad and Iron rip. Tools and Machinery and Uonoral HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Embracing l'luln, Japanned, Plunithwi and Stamped Ware, No. Ill, 113 California nnil Noi. 17 IV Davla Hlreeta. MOBPHY.GRANT& GO. Importers of Amoricun und Jfinropoan Staple ami Fancy DBY GOODS, HAN XltvVIVOIfSOO, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to tholr largo and complcto stock of FALL AND WINTER 1DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from liuropuau Manufacturers, comprising in part French Merinos, Wool Saline, Wool Plaids, FrSDch and Ooruiaii, Ir!li and French PopUlii, Kmprcss Cloths, Tnmlse, bliwlc and colored, Velveteens, Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, Kid, Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Missos'.Gonts') Gents' Underwear And alt kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. IIohI ery, complcto iu nil Its branches, White GooiU, limit) kerchiefs, Shirting JjlucilS, (Lullls, nliitoaiiil co lo roil, DnmnHks, brown loom anil bloacliod, '1'oweln, Htick, Dinpor, Turkish, Nupklns and Doylies, jl Klc, Ktc, Etc. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FKANOISGO. r D. 0. MILLS, - PRESIDENT. V. 0. 11 ALSTON, - OASIIIER. Capital Paid Up, - 85,000,000. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE -LETTERS of Credit on all tho principal oitios of tho fs World. WILMERD1N9 & KELLOGG, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 2M & 210 TROUT STKEET, I SAN FRANCISCO. GRAND HOTEL On Markot, Now Montgomery and ttooond Streets, SAW PRA1VCI8CO, CAL. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. & CO., IMPORTERS OF AMERICAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS, Small 'Wares, Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stationer, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goodst Hosiery, Linen IT dlcchfs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc Cor. Suitor ami Sausouie Sts,, Ji9 BAN FRANCISCO. Ji0. G. HODGE & CO., IJIPOBTEBS Wholesale Stationers, Kwp llio largest Block of Stationery, Blank Books, School Hooks, Playing Cards, Wrap, ping Papers, Twines, Pocket Cutlery, &c,, etc., On til Pacific Coiisl.whicli theyaro prepared to sell either furGolJ or Currency at prices thai will ofl'or iiidncemcnis for buyor anywhere west f the llocky Mouutaius. 327, 329 & 331 SANSOME STREET, San FrnnciBco. LOCKE & M0XT1CUB, I1IPORTKRS OF STOVES ' METALS, MANUFACTURERS OK AND DF.ALERS IS House Furnishing Hardware Tinner's Tools and Machines; AfiKXTS 1'OR '; Agricultural Steam Boilers, lia .t,U 114 Unttcry Street, J"T SAN FRANCISCO. J&mM Sprnance, John Sprasnee, C. C. Ch.pniau. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importer mil Wholwile Dn( n WINES AND LIQUORS, M -13 FRONT STRKKT. Z. C.M.I. CLOTHING DEPT. GRAND CLOTHING AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, z;. o. nvt. i. WE ARE JUST OPENINfci A tfULL AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CassimereS SUITABLE FOR FILL AND WINTER USE, Which wo shall sell in suit or oLhor longths on a very Ismail margin. ! Gentlemen wishing; to be dressed in the most fush-io fush-io ii able and substantial manner, can have their selection manufactured on short notice by our oivn workmen, of large experience, expe-rience, and good fit guaranteed. guar-anteed. In addition to the above we have OPENED an IMMENSE STOCK Of suitable and seasonable READY-MADE CLOTHING In every variety of fabric and style. The Latest fashions in HATS AND GAPS Negligee, Dress and Under Shirts, DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, NECK-TIES AND BOWS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Boots and Shoes, WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, ETC. House Furnishings, BLANKETS, Floor & Oil Cloths: MATS AND RUGS. WALL PAPEB AND DECORATIONS, With competent workmen to attend to pur chiscrs. SFTie Largtst, Most Desirahl and Complete Stock in Utah. H. B. CLAWSON, 810 SUPT. r-r r-r. - .-v SEWING MACHINES. reaFThTIT S1NCER SEWING MACHINE In all tho beautiful varieties 111 n SEES 81 EVERYBODY Contemplating the purchase of a Machine for family or other use. At our newiy-ntted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between tlie Urug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. AX. I., will be found a Full Anortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER - SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, ai th following; bet- m. C3 rer ?a how : In 1S50 these now celebrated Machines woro first offered to tho public and in the four years succeeding i.DLX) wore sold, Today To-day ovor that jiunibor are wookly turned out from tho faoiory, and rot this immense supply sup-ply is not equal to tho domnnd. Attho end of tho yoarl867. upward of 200,005 Machines wore sold, and in the following; years, from '08 to '70, tho number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed Of within the preceding' - twelve months From the forogroing itwillboeeon thatdur-inz thatdur-inz the last threo years, the sales have boon upward of fifty por cent more than during tho whole of tho soventeon previous years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial la that the.' SEWING MACHINE is adapted to all kindB of work, sewing as readily tho thickest and moat stubborn material ma-terial as tho finest and moat delicate fabrics; with a stitch, that for ovoness, perfection and durability is unequalled. Accompanying each Machino are printed instructions, so plain and easy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, although wo recommond customers custom-ers to take at least one lesson from tho 0p orator, it is seldom dono purchasers seeing at a glance tho simplicity of tho Machine and completeness of the construction. Somo of the ADVANTAGES OF THE SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore less liability to get out of repair. Short, straight neodlo loss liable to bend, break or skip the stitch. - Tho shuttle is carried; friction, wear and tho nocoaeity of greasing tho raoo are thus avoided. Readiness with whioh tho most inoxpor-I inoxpor-I lenood can adjust tho tension of the thread. Freedom from wear. Aftor twenty years oonatant service these machines havo never been known to wear out. Tbey are noiseless, rapid and easy in all their movements. All our machines are adjusted and put in thorough running ordor.by compotonthande. before dehvory. Purchasers therefore havo no trouble but can successfully operate with them at onoo. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE S are thoroughly praotical and will perform all that wo claim for them. The Improved MANUFACTURING: MACHINES for heavy work, nro too woll known to noed comment. o also koop in stock tho JVc-w Medium Noiseless MANUFACTURING MACHINES i . Our stock oHho Singer Sowing Machines l't"""!'1 embracing every variety oi Duish. from the plain Machino, mountod on black walnut table, oiled, to (ha elaborate- pearled Machine, with cabinet caseand folding cover in mottled blaok walnut, rose, wood, or mahogany highly poLished. Lvery Machino is furnished with tho same complete iuruiture. including tho new hom-mertsow.nB hom-mertsow.nB ail widths) and roller and brai- , We guarantee our machines to do Hemming, aU widths) Felling) Hemstitching) Hem-stitching) Braiding) Magic Ruffling) Embroidering (no chain stitch)) Gathering and Sewing on at same tlmc.wlth or without a band, on the edge or in m collt-ri Cor ding) Tucking) Tuck-ing) Quilting) Trliumlngi Binding aU widths and kinds, etc., etc., etc. Two doors south or the Eagle Emporium. Em-porium. WE DELIVER MACHINES Without Additional Charge TO AL.I, PARTS OP THIS CITY : X!- AU kinds of Sewing Machines thoroughly Repaired on Reasonable Rea-sonable Terms. ol6 H. B. CLAWSON, Supt MISCELLANEOUS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, GENERAL DEALER IN Utah, California and Foreign FRUITS, AND PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, CAJISnDIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, And all kinds of SEEDS. A fine supply of CANNED. FRUITS. Orders from the Mines and Country Towns solicited, which will receive prompt attention. EAST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SiVLT LAKE CITY. 830 RAILROAD SHOPS. ft. HOPPER I CO., Second South Street, Half Block East Revere House, SALT LAKE CITY. WACOS1 AND CARRIAGE YVOKK, Of all Descriptions. BLACKSilTHING Iu all its Branches. COACH PALM AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARRIAGE TRIMMING. Horse Shoeing ! In a Style to suit all. A HOPPER. K. B. ZABBIBK2K, fg FIRE INSURANCE. PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY OP t CALIFORNIA. Cash Capital over $300,000, t'OLD oonsr. B. W. E. JENNENS, Agciit for Salt Lake City &0gdeu. Oillce with Tcasdel. Co., Main St., iu2 SALiTJLAKE CITY 1 Merchants' Exchange Building. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITA!,, . . SC.', 0,000. nrvS iAW"1' ' " Secretary. S n'pmUPWAUU'- " Vico-Prraid.nU S'n i SV,m " - Marino Secretary. H.II. IIIUELOW. - UonoralManasor. H. R. MANN, Agoiit for Ulali Territory, Oillce, under the Heading itoomg, J"28 Sftk Luke City SALT LAKE BRANCH Oil' TU B Great Western FIRE INSURANCE COT, OF CHICAGO. THEO. P. TRACY, Pre.ld.at C. II. BASSETT, 1 rSFFX w-LAWRENCE Director. CIIAS. 1,. DAHLER, J M ARSHALI, A. CARTER, Attorney. H.R.MAMN, Manage,. OFFICE: Under Salt La Reading Rooms. A Branch or this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPMY Having been organized in our city, we aro now ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit pnblio patronage, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all fire risks will bo carried at a lair rate. H. R. MANN, 21 flfftntyer. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. WAND, KANE & CO., Sncciiion to Hunter, Wmxl Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES AND LIOUORS. Proprietorsofnuntor'sCalifornia WJaoat WHislioy. AIbo Attonts for Joseph S. Finch's colobratod Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY. U07 mid 000 Pront.St.i near Jackson, SAN FIIANCISCO. my3i: LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic I anoy and btaplo DRY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and racijic Milts, Consolidated. 5J45 &, 527 Market St., San Fran. -juylS PnriB : 23 Rno Do L'Echiinior. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., ImiiortorB and Manufacturers of BOOTS AM) SHOES J OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND, 113, 115, RUil 117 Pine Street, SAN FKANCISCO. Our Uome matU Goods are miequalcd hy any. Samples al Mr. GoodhimPs Office, OS S.1I.T LAKE CITY. E. Rf1AE?T!!h3 & CO. Wholesale Lip Dealers, 40H fi-i-onl Sired. Sail Francisco. Proprietors of MILLER'S EXTUA OLD BOURBON And solo agents for J. F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all tho Standard Brands of Whiskies, Flue Brandies, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Bitters, Cordials, Olc. WEIL & CO., MPORTBlia OP Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors or the HAVANA CIGAR MANUFACTORY aait 233 and 335 Front St., Southwest corner Front & Sacramento Sts., Ofl J. EVSC30OO fc CO., GOWiSSiON MERCHANTS 48 Clay St., San Francisco, DEALERS IN OREGON PRODUCE. Are conn tan tly In receipt of Oregon Hams, Bacon, Ltird, Salmon, Ac. . Starcli, of onr own an'i E fib torn manufacture always on hand. 8. P. Hold on. Jos. Moorhoad. S. P. HOLDEN & CO.. IMPORTERS or FOHEIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &o. 28 & 30 SANSOME ST. London ; 27 Loadenhall St.. E.G. 06 HEAD QUARTERS FOE BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, WOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, WOOD & RUST. 87 Pearl St., Bosloii, Mass,, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer In all kinds of ' PICKLHID fe 8MOKKU SALMON AND HERRINGS', 133 Washington Street.' I All kinds of Dried, Smoked ana Pickled Fish I coustnntlyoti timid. J4 j. tiTnlhJiiiti i.i., & to, ' i COMMISSION MERCHANTS 304 and 300 California St., I San Frmciico, - - California, Particular attontion paid to tho filling of orders for every description of merchandise B23 Sale of Orea, A.c 4tc. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and JobborB of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Francisco. Ja io A. C. OIETZ & CO. II! P0RTKR8 OP PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET, Bet.SucramoutoACullforniQ, San Francisco UTAH CEITRAL ItAlLaiOAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On nntl ivfter nioiiUny, July 17, 1B71. Dally TraiiiK Lon,yo Salt Lake Citr at 5 n.in. anil 2:15 p.m. Arrive at Oa-don 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. m Leave Ogdon at 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. in Arrive at bait Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above MIXED THAnffp Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Loavins Salt Lake City at 6.30 n.n,., and Onden at 5 a.m. Pure from Salt L.ke City to Woods Cross - . P'?5r Kay.villo - - . J S 2 '& Fare rrum Ofiden to r,irmin,ton - . SJ f0 s?.fr Controvillo - - . i 2 V g Woods Cross - . ,! ! ? Salt Lako City , - - 2 aj ! P..eni:er. will r.rc, tlielr Ticket, at tlx Onicea. Filly Cents additional will be oharnod bor too laro is collected on tliolraiu, " For all information conccrninu froialit o, passaKO. apply to 1. O. CVLUKll, l.enoral Fromht and Ticket As't JOHN SHAfiP, SUPERINTENDENT. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. OMMito tho entrance to the Tabernacle. JOHNWvouivg. . pr1 Adiiiisaii,,, Kn Cluldreu, ' ?(t9- Open from 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. Native Mineral., Petrir.. cret,.a..'cr'Arl'rr,Vt",'o.?U-ifomoProKiie,,, cret,.a..'cr'Arl'rr,Vt",'o.?U-ifomoProKiie,,, Compound Ulcctro-MagnoCio Apna-ratus, Apna-ratus, iio. Prof. J.L. BAHFOOT, M.K.r. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. zTomTl Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairsy Emporium Buildings, A full, flrst-olass stook oi STAPLE DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. GROCERY; HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers can here find An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY, IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specially - FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKDIEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. HOME-MADE AND IMP OETED 1 MANUFACTURED FKOM 1 HO PIE. -MADE, i FRENCH, I GERMAN, j ENGLISH and j AMERICAN! j FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths ! Trimmings j On hand, for Gentlemen ordering j . their own. i 1 i Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. Thia is the Department for Faruilioa. DRUG DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY "NOLISH ALE AND POUTER, AVEltILL PAINT WHITE LEAD, OILS, COLORS GLASS, ETC. Prcsa-iption. from l'h.wan, toil! have fecial attmtmn. as. niwsov supt. BENEDICT. HALL & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WUOLKSAL-K DEALKR8 IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Nos. 131 and 13G GRANS STIlEEl Ono BlocriKastt'orBr;,aflw,.y, ! NEW YORK Z. C. M. I. BOOT MID SHOE Department, at tho sinoX THE "JSIGc BQQT.w Mery style and quality of Boots and Shoes TO ORDER, satiafie. tion guaranteed. ALWAYS ON UANDA LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK OP HOM-MADEihdBOOTSAOT) SHOES' A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ot Leather H. B. CLAWSON, SUPKRIMTKNDBMT. NEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO., Manufacturers and JobborB of 371 BROAD WA Y, NE W YORK. Juyl9 0. A. LoDgstreet. John Sedgwick. L0NG3TREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, 400 468 Broadway, New York, HENDERSON, JUSTICES Co Successor! to Griffea, Henderson k Co., 1UP0BTEH3 AND JOBBERS OF FAXCY GOODS, NOTIONS, r-r osiB 3R. Y, FURNISHING COODS. ETC, 398 500. BROADWAY, ! Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, fI9 New York, L. M. BATES & CO., 451 4z 45 3 Broadway, ( j NEW YORK, tJIfORTEim AND JOBBERS FS Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIEKY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWL, ! YANKEE NOTIONS, &c. J. H. BCLGER. jnl4 FELIX CAMPBELL, 7& John St, New Xork, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Wrought, Cast and Galvanlied And every variety of fittings for the same. ml Tle Great Eqnlralcut-The world may bo safely challenged to produce so perfect per-fect a simulation of auythind in nature as Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient Is of its original, tho Seltzer Spring of Germany. Ger-many. Tho Aperient, based on a correct analysis of tho Seltzer Water, is oven superior supe-rior to tho manufacture of Nature herself, becauso it contains all the active medicinal properties of tho spring, unalloyed by uny of iho inort and useless particles found in all mineral fountains. Tbc genuine article beiiiR secured, you havo tho Seltzer Water of Europe, purified and perfected, and probably prob-ably tho best, the most genial cathartic and antibillious preparation on the face of Che earth. Sold l)- all Druggists. - CHICAGO TRADE, PAGE, BUO.& CO., Importers and Dealon in . LEATHER ANO FINDINGS 5 0 Lake Street, jSw CHICAgq IU M, D. WELLS &, CO,, Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers Boots and Slices, 114 HO Wabash Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells. H. J. Macfurlani, R. Benedict, m24 6, P. Mclntyro. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, flacsereors to Diebold, Bahmacn A Co., CELEBKATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BORGLAK PROOF SAFB-S, And Sargent's Magnetic and Aatomatiu Jiank JaZt S JB&. PSA.TT & COVEKT. General Affonts - - 66 Washington St., Chicago. H. B. CLAWSON, Sunt. Z. C. DI. I, Ageut for Utab. Territory. nSQ BRIG6 HOUSE B. B, Skinnnr, Poprietor. Corner Weill and PUTf A 1A EUndolph Streets, VSlLbAijU This House is centrally located, well fnr-niahed, fnr-niahed, and contains 250 Rooms. (129 CHASE, HANFDRD & CO,, 61 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c Manufacturers ofthecelebrAted WILSON OIL. T.NK. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Dealer! In PSSSTS, VARKiSHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, SfiUiHiS,' Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &o.. &o, 90, 03 & 04 Lake St., cor, Dearbori' Z3E3B. K ST With a largo experience in tho Territoriii trade, we feel sure of civing satLsfactioQ tn quality, pricos and packing. Jis Lake Shore Oil Works, MAXWELL, WHEELER & CO,, Manufacturers of Engine, Signal, Taltow, Lard and WOOL OILS. PoRlors in Headlight Carbon, Vhs! Klophimt, Sfihl and Sporm Oi Ageuta for tiio wlo of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Asml of tho West Virginia Oil l4 Oil Ui HAXUTACruai&s or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AM WO PAtT For Tin ami Sliinglo Hoofi, Bride Timbert,;-Factory Timbert,;-Factory CHICAGO. - Ofitfc 383 4 5 Illinois St.. 10SS. WUrbUl c. m. i. &rain Department! Has temporarily liKMOVEO (o John 11. Olmvson's, vast of Ht'.ruld OfflW) Where our patrons c;ni be .supplied villi Corn Meal, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Flour, Bran, Sliorls, States Com, Etc., Etc. All kinds of Graiii bought and sold. ,13 H, 11. CLAWSOX. SMIW N AY Ii O uTlR Uavo on hand tho Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City WAGON TIMBBB AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Wliioli they oiler -A.T LOW F R I C E S - WEST EAST STKEKT, UALF-A-lil.OCK SOUTH OF THKATl'k m25 |