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Show Ousts Attention. Kd. Hnrri, nt tlio Littlb Cioar Store "round tho comer," keeps tho best imported Uitv-nnatind Uitv-nnatind Domestic Uigurs, Tobucco and Notions. Como and judfro for yourselves. your-selves. Three doors cast ol Post Oniee. CONSlM HTION, SCROKUI.A, ETC. 1 KG K MAN'S GEN L INE CO D L I V-EK V-EK OIL. Our Cod Liver Oil is warranted war-ranted Y V K E NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood tho test of over twenty years' experience, and can bo relied on in cvory particular. .Manufactured .Manu-factured by IhoEUAX is Co., chemists and tlrUffpisU, New York, and sold by all dnifrfrists. s27 Cuttino & Co's California Canned ! Fruits and Jellies arc- tho best in the- J market. Ask your grocor for thorn. s'.t U ave you soon tho Stratford collar? Derby has theui, Alain-st.,. near cor. of 1st South-at. b15j Studebaker SPKING "WAGONS. Timber and workmanship warranted, ! For sale cheap at tho Council House ! yard. ndv , Otstebs. California transplanted find shell oysters received fresh daily at tho Grand Kestaurant. Booth's fresh oysiors in every style. Open dny and night. s22 I'jeachks. Wo aro prepared to purchase pur-chase any quality of well dried PEACHES, for which wo will pay in hash tho highost price paid in this market. To those who havo from 000 to 1.0(H) lbs., wo can offer specinl inducements induce-ments through our Colorado and Nebraska Ne-braska connections. Kioas, JjEcutknhero & Co., t' Main Street. Persons who arb J3ald, or who are troubled with thin hair, should sco me at Caldor Bro'a Book Storo. s!2 C. W. Stayneh, Agent. Diamond Spring "Wagons, suitable for family carriages, good timber, well ironed and lirst-class workmanship, FOlt SALE CHEAP, at tho Council Houso yard. adv The Cheapest and Best Houso to buy Furniture is at Brunton's Furniture Warehouse, 3d South street. Spring Mattrasscs aspeciulty. tmg- Furniture, Crockery, Glass and Silverware, etc. Tlio largest stock west I of Chicago at tho Crystal Palaco. i auglo Bar r att co Co. Ligut Si'rino Wagons, suiUWo for grocers and provision dealers; just tho tiling for running around town delivering deliver-ing goods, adv Hare Business Cuance. For salo, tho California Store, Main street, with lot twenty-live- front, a hundred and sixty-tivo feet deep. Apply to E. B, Shoobridgo, on the premises, or at the Herald oilico. s21 Express Wagons for sale at tho Council Houso yard. Warranted a lirst-class article. Timber and workmanship work-manship guaranteed. - adv Prospectors should examine tho STUJJKBAKKi: SPKING WAOOiNS. at tho Council Houso Yard, boforo purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere; they nro just what they want- ndv There is a message at the Western Union telegraph office for A. J. Bell. Proclamation to the Public I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to tho traveling public : Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on tho U.P.B.ii., will lind it to their advantage to leave Salt Lako City on tho evoning train and remain over at Ogdon at night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rosl, and so bo fresh for travel at 8 o'clock a.m., whan tho daily express train leavos this depot. At tho Ogden House we ofl'er as good accommodations ac-commodations as any houso west of Omaha. Free busses at ovory train to and from tho donot. adv John Mauon, Proprietor. THEATRE. THIRD appearance or TKK Distinguished Tragic Aviislc, MRS.F.W.LANDFR (MISS JEAN DAVENPORT.) To add additional strenKth to the sujijiort of thisartisto. Mil. D. McKENZIE IIo.s been ciiEtieod tn niipcar in conjunction with the FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY. THIS EVENING Will bo presented an adaptation of Mrs. i'rnncia Anno Kemblo'a translation ol'il Schiller's piny of Mary Smart in 5 . acts, entitled MARY STUART QUEEN OF SCOTLAND. In active propagation, tbo great sensational drama, entitled TIDE AND TIME. i TotheLadies Ladies whose hair is falling off will find a sure and speedy "remedy in the "GREAT UNKNOWN HAIR BEST BE-ST URER." It has, in some cases, prevented the hair falling off in one application. It is a purely vegetable preparation, and will not color the scalp, nor injure the health. It will eradicate all dandruff, causing no unpleasant un-pleasant sensation to the head. It will slrcngthen the hair causing it to grow rapidly and producing in a short time that glossy appearance which characterizes charac-terizes a healthy condition of the hair bulbs. It will also restore hair in all cases of baldness where tho bnlbs have not been entirely destroyed by disease. Try it and let it speak for itself. Ladies arc calling to see me every day at Calder Bro's Repository of IUusic. Charles W. Stayner, Sole Agent for Utah. States Corn 3 Gts, pes? lb. !o.m, BARLEY, FLOUR, ; ETC. , AV PROPORTION, i At c;ko. ii. i KNOW. Ll ION'S. ! 7j SaeLs Calhoun XXX, Grand Island and other Slates Brands of IFLOUR Fur Sale. ; .m;-t A No. Hire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. UK rcueivinfc by tlio car-load an extra j:V iu.ilit7 of Fire llrii'k. which will ho sulii in Mimll ir lai'uo iiu.int'.tii. They h.u c liccn u.-u 1 n Cur:i-lo and elsewhere- fur -.c.ir.; anil w ra cm il in every ro-Eiieet ro-Eiieet to ihu best, KnH.-ih brick. IIOOKl':iVS "VHVKR pots out of onlcr, and is cheaper Lt tli an ;my other lir?l-cl:i.-a pump of uiual eiipaniiy. Invaluable for flprinhlinft grounds, streets aud for tiro purposes. HUSK from Ji to V inch. j SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., I WJ-IS AGENTS PLANTATION BITTERS WILL Purify the Blood and Invigorate tnc Body, TllC blood is to the flesh what rain is to ihe grass. Why is it that Plantation Bit- tkus outsell all others? BOCailSC it promotes digestion 1 BOCailSC it is the best appetizer ever discovered 1 BeCailSC it purifies the blood by removing the acrid secretions of the stomach ! BeCailSC it imparls vigor and vitality vi-tality to the whole circulatory system, and thus cures dyspepsia ! BCCailSe it puts new life into a lazy Lkcr ! BeCaUSe the most delicate ladios can use it ! BeCailSC those ladies who have used it, all agree that, by cleansing the blood from all impurities, it at once imparts the"rose-tint of health" to the cheek, and does away with all cosmetics, emulsions and lotions for tho complexion ! BeCaUSe it bestows a fresh and spotless complexion upon both sexes, simply by freeing the blood from all impurities ! liecause it is a strengthening morning tonic 1 IieeaUSC it nillcurechnis and fever! liecause it is a gentle alterative ! liecause it corrects all the defects in the gastric functions, and cures nervous constipation ! liecause t is always kept at its original standard I iSCCaUSe all of the Druggists and Wholesale Grocers know this, and recommand it ! lieCaUSC all of its ingredients are Pre ! liecause ts spirit base is pure Santa San-ta Cruz Rum I Because irJafinaya Bark constitutes consti-tutes its aromatic flavor ! BeCUSe it contaius Dandtlioih Lavender Movers, Anise, Winter-green, Winter-green, Chamomile Flowers, with other well-known iugrcdients used by all scientific physicians for centuries cen-turies ! VV'IVES AND MOTHERS. Only woman knows what woman endure.; and if tUcro is any moans of a'sunging tho diatrcsa of body and wind which bo many thousand experience, day after clay, and week after wook. with a fortitude which puts to sh'amc the courasro of man, who will deny that bo great a blessing to the sex should be found' in every household "; . Millions of Men hnvo been benofitted by its use, but uuiohic tho feeble and sick of tho opposite Bonder, who, perhaps, need it most, its virtues aro not so widely known. Thy foremost remedy t,f the hbo-HIiis speciGo for ovory species of debility, general or local, constitutional or casual, is PLANTATION HITTERS. One right of woman at least, will bo conceded tho right of strengthening herself to sustain the ills of which tho laws of nature have made hor tho unfortunate heiress. nty'i't 7-39 GOLD LOAN OP THE NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. Rapid Progress of the Work, Tho buildine of tho Northern PnciSo RsiVJ road (bogon July last), is being pushed forward for-ward with great enorny from both exlromo-tios exlromo-tios of tlio lino. Soveral thousand men are employed in Minnosoln. aud on the Pat i Go coast. Tho graoo is nearly complotod "OO miles westward from Lako Superior; trains arc running over 3. 30 miles of finished road, and Iraok-laying is rapidly progressing towards to-wards the oiisLorn border of Dakota- Includ-iiiK Includ-iiiK it purchoHO of tho Ht. Paul Pacific Road, tho Northern Pacifio Company now has 4I mil os of completed road, aud by Hoptomber nost th,ia will bo inoroosod to at least mw. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Jay Cooko it Co. aro now soiling, and unhesitatingly recommend, recom-mend, oe a PruGtable and perfectly Safe investment, in-vestment, tho First Mortgage Land Urant Qold Bonds of the Northern Pacilic Railroad Company. They havo J years to run, bear Seven and Throo-Tonths per cont. gold into-est into-est (more than 8 per oonL currency) and aro secured by lint and only mortgago on tho KXTIIUS UOAD AND ITS EQUIPMENTS, ttnd also, as fast as tho road is completed, on 23,000 ACRES OF LAND to ovcry mile of track, or 600 Acres lor each $1,U00 Bond. They aro oxompt from U. S. Tax: Principal and Interest aro Payablo in Gold; Denominations: Denomi-nations: Coupons, S1W to tl.OOU; Registered, 8100 to(SlO.IKX). LANDS FOR BONDS. Northern Pacifio 7-30'i aro at all tiuies receivable at tkm tek cent, auove tar, in oichango for tho Company's Lands, at their lowest oash price. This renders ren-ders thorn practically iitKt3ibEAEi.N a lasd WARRANin. SINKING FUUD. Tho proceeds of all salci of Lands 'aro required to bo devoted to tho ro-puicnaso and cancellation of tho First Mortgago Bonds of tho Company. Tho Land Giant of the Koad exceeds iifty Million Acres. This immense sinking Fund will undoubtedly un-doubtedly cancel tbo principal of the Company's Com-pany's bunded debt bofore it falls duo. With their aniplo security and h;zh rate of interest, inter-est, thero is no invostmout, accesaiblo to the people, which is more fbofitaiile or bate. EXCHANGE U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES. Thesuc- ' cess of tho New Government 5 percent. Loan will compel tho surly surrender ot United Htales 6 per cents. Mauy holdors of Five-Twenties Five-Twenties are now exchanging them for Northern Pacific Seven-Thirties, thus realizing realiz-ing a handsome proGt, and greatly increasing increas-ing Lhcir yearly inenmo. OTHER SECURITIES. All marketable Stocks and Bouds wiUJo received a.ii'-higlicst a.ii'-higlicst current prico ine$ejw-cm ine$ejw-cm Pacific Sevan -Uil' " ,ur Worth- (jCd Oft At"" ...j. KxPKfcSS ciiar- " " or Bonds received, and on i:' en-Thirties sent in return, .will bo paid by the Financial Agents. Full information, innps, pamphlet!, eto., can bo obtained on application at any agency, or from the undersigned. un-dersigned. "3"s"v JAY COOKE & CO. PmLAUKLriiiA, Nkw York, WxaBisoTOX, Financial Agents Northern Pacific R. R. Co By BATK3 and BANKERS generally gener-ally throughout the cvuntry. H.B.HAWKINS, Agent for UtaH Territory. 1 Offico at Mr. Dammer?. First East H. near - corner of 1st South -Su, Salt Lake City. . MISCELLANEOUS. SKATING RINK, RICHARDS' HALL, Second South Etrcet, Salt Lako City. OPEN THIS EVENING, At liair-pnst Seven o'clock. Admislon, .... 25c tp. Uso of Skates, - - ;5cU. cjiro.asri-. CHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNARDIS j- STEVENS, Prop'rs, AST TEMPLE STREET, Three doord below Second South St., SALT LSXE OITY. Ol'EN DAY AND NIGHT. LADIES' EMPORIUM OF FASHION FIRST SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY. .0 j wn1 bc :;: b : A largo and choice 'assortment of FALL GOODS, Consisting of II ATS, HO WETS, FEATHERS, VELVET FLOWERS, LACES, GLOVES, LINKN COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Perfumery, Notions, &c. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Suits, Underclothing, &c., in. great variety. Millinery ai Dreaaliiii In all its branches. 1YEXS. SXKNIIOTJfSJC Has removed her osUbfhlitiiGQt to llio Imikling ' formerly oecnpiu l hy llio "'Daily Tctcirraph," Mrs. f. returns tli'inks for frtiiijr piiirilnagii aud rosit'ctfut)y solicits a coutlutmnc'o of iho sumo. nil t H 4 ft N o, I . A CHOICE LOT ; states' flour FOR SALE BY ' II, WALLACE. HO FOR THE LADY OFJTHE LAKE! Uutil further notice tho Steam or j "LaIy of ilieLiike" j Will malto PLEASURE TRIPS, KVERV X.Y, (Sundays executed,) i At 10 a. in. and 2 p. ra,, running down to PoLtit's, remaining thero about ono hour, and return at 1 p, m. and 5 p, m. ! Fare for the Round Trip,S2.00 ! Including Carriage Far. Liberal JDUcottut to Families, Carriages will call daily at tho irinci ial hotels to take iiassonKcrs to and from tho I Steamer. ) Parties contemplating an excursion should . moko arrangements tho day previous and j procure tickets at the oflico of J. W, Young, j Kefi-eftli m cuts can be obtained on Board. .., -7 ess H s a I ! HARDWARE. Buy the Best! THE BEST THE CHEAPEST ! ST O "V" IB S HARDWARE ! TIN" "YV A. R E I Closing out Cheap To make room for FALL STOCK! SEHSENEY&CO Opposite W. F. Jb Co's Office, SALT LAKE CITY Till, Copper and Sheet Iron Work Done to Order. Agents for tie patent Nickel-Plated Revolving SMOOTHING IKO V SOMETHING NEW. LOOK OUT I rou THE Grand Opening OF THE AIF STORD UN ! MONDAY, OCT. 2nd. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! i Half-a-block West of the I Eagle Emporium. AVg tako Ihifi opportunity to roturn thanks to our many natrons tor their' liberal patronage in tlio past, trusting by strict attention and economy in business to warrant a continuation of tho same. Wo havo at a jrroat expense orcctcd a building adapted for tho business, and havo been appointed by tho manufacturers manufactu-rers SOLE AUJCNXci for this Territory for tho Non-Explosive Fluid, Best Quality of Gasoline, And nil the most improved Pntcitl In LI glit Oil ami Cqnl 0 (iooili. Our complete arrancomonts with tho re- j finers of Coul Oil, dealing with tho manufacturers manufac-turers in evory instance, shipping in hulk nt Iho lowest rales and making a specialty of this bupinc.L'f' warrant ua in bcinc sanKuine t!i:it we oan supply tho pcoplo of this '.territory '.terri-tory with BETTER QUALITY OF LAMPS AND LIGHT AT LOWER RATES Than ever oll'ured in this market boforo Wo havo a larno and complete Block of all s tries ol Chaiidcllci-H, Femlniits, i Hall Lights, Bracket, Slantl Lnuiig, 11 n nd Lanijiu, j Street Lamp, - i Hcdi'Ctoi-M, j Lantern j Haliroad Lanlcruit I Gas Generating Burners Prcisiuc Jin" Hi Conlliui Burners, LightOH Burners, Conl Oil Burner, A r gaud Burners. t All htj'lcjf ( ' Chimneys, Porcelain Shades, Glass Globes, Paper Shades, Reflectors. i 'vapor gas stoves, j AM. STV1.ES. Call and examine our stock and prices. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Kg- (looiJs delivered to all purl of 1 he city ; free ol'cuarco. Families supplied with fluid tlr oil at their hoiu, rcsularly. by leaving their address. E. REESE & CO., I HaJf-a-hlock wnt of F.nglc Km-1 Km-1 poilum. ila DAILY HERALD. A Live Paper FOR Live People. THE SAXT LAKE DAILY HERALD THE SEOUL ill AND. COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER OF SALT LAKE CITY. The People's Paper! i FREE AND INDEPENDENT. TheCheapestPaper PUBLISHED IN The Rocky Mainlining! TO MEN OF ENTERPRISE! Tho recent discovery and rapid development develop-ment of tho mines of Utah have given, and will continue to give, an impetus to trad of every kind, which should command the attention at-tention of all busincii men who defiro to ! shore in its profits. j Heavy shipments of ores for months past have been bringing wealth into tho Territory; a largo immigration has commenced; agr'i-eulturaiand agr'i-eulturaiand other products ar finding ready sales ; and merchants begin to feel the steady flow of money through th varied channels of commerce. To business men at a distance who seek to participate in the lively trade which must attend such a rapid growth of interests, a; well as to the local public, a live, energotic newspaper Is a necessity, by which to be made fully acquainted with the true condi- , tion of matters as they exist, and ' h rough which to present their business and facilities for tarnishing so promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Fully meets this necessity in Utah. Not being1 the organ of any person, sect or party, nar devoted alone lo any atogle Interest, it has grown upon public favor and attain od an unprocedentodcircula-tion unprocedentodcircula-tion in tho timo which has olapsed since it was established, by being in the strictest sense a Free, Independent, Live and Thoroughly Progressive NEWSPAPER ITS MINING NEWS Collated with tho greatest oarc and from the "most reliable sources, makes it valuable to all interested in the mines of Utah ; its AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE Can be equal ly relied on; and itsbrtrrpkise baa placed it in tbe FRONT RANK OF THE I10CKY MOUNTAIN JOURNALS. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and Is widoly read in every Mining Camp, and throughout the Cities, Towns and Sot tl omenta of tho Territory; Terri-tory; is found in the office of overy enterprising enterpris-ing business man in Utah; circulates on the j Union Pacific, Central Pacific and Utah Ccn-I Ccn-I tral Railroads; has a largo mail subscription , list east, wost, north and south; and is I The Best Advertisiug Medium In the Rocky Mountain region, Where to Advertise! Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read! In the People's Paper! T H K SALT LAKE HERALD i DO YOU WANT EMPLOYMENT, HIRED HELP, ! MECHANICS, LABORERS, LOTS TO RENT, HOUSES TO RENT, OFFICES TO RENT, STORES TO RENT, MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN IN TI1K Salt Lake Herald. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. y.v M ' r , Ul .1 ' . , I 6i I . THE GREAT CALIFOT. VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIF: ,n. ninu in Tin: smut xf.vada .Mountains', ii. tho ivim,ierul State o California, itrow-i :m herb ImiK kn.iwn in iho Indians an ;il :U' run- IW UIIKf.MA-TISM. UIIKf.MA-TISM. (iUl'T. NKt'KAI.filA. and all di-eai-us in any w:iy ppnnirniK lnm iiumiritir of tlio blood. iScii iK-e 1 1 if ai I ciimb brouuht to hitht its virtue ami it tbi,- potent herb has compounds I YKHIU S N 1 A. a prt pa-ration pa-ration tor the l'Klt M AN KNT CUllK of Scrofula, Sntt Iltieum, and all Ernp live and Cutaneous Diseasca. OivM immcdinto mitl prrinnncnt relief in DYSPKI'SIA. UYSll'KI,S, It i n k Worm, Tumors, Boils. Scil-i Ik'h. Ulcers urd Suns; cr.nl i -atcs Irom the .system all tracer of mercurial ditcae. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by foiimlcs and ohildron a BL.UOD PUH1-F PUH1-F IKK and KKSOYATOR. Who wish to find a mc.licino peculiarly adapted to tin' cure.,: UI'.MoHS and KU1' TIUNS iu their children, will find a cafe and -urc cure iu YKiilirt SANTA. For salo every where. REDINGTO.V, HOSTETTKIt , CO. Agents, 520 and 531 Market St., San Francisco. REDtNGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. lai porters and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS AXD CHEMICALS, I Flue Ettsentlnl Oil, Gum?, Roots, Sctiln, I.'lowcrs, Sponges, SKInu, PontndcN, tc., and all other Staples connected with thi Wholesale and Retail Drug Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatia products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, UoEto'tcr's Eitters, nrak..' l':1m:.H-.n ItiM-ra. . , - Utl I'.-. l ( i' j. j y:-up. And a'! liic V.iuik :'.-(! ' i.1'' : te.iioiue bath Aiuoric.'U und r.uropi-jn. i Order? Prr.illyaa.lC-i-.-: Kvc.-utr I. N oh, j-j'j mil .-.;m Mn.i., iv.tt, San Francisco, California. my ,u E9Tm,ISHRD IK 1852. AHMES & DALLAM, Importers, Jobhttrj anil MASUPACTUltr.ltS OF WoodlWillowWare BltOOM.S PAILS.TIM1S, ("11 UKN HHI'SH lis, liASK i-; r, twin!.- . uM),u;f, MA'IXJHKS. P'l'ATIuNI'.itY I'AT'l-R BAtjs, t;im'iu-:s wuiNti j-uts FKATI1 Kit DITSTKKS KISH-1NG KISH-1NG TACKl.K, TrlN l'INS and i;a lIj?, v:rc AND O KM'.UAL House I'urnLsl'.n tUnnls. DIRKCf IMVOUTKKSnnnsKl-VrsVROM LHAblNU tjl.lil, AND KltiiNCJl jMASUL.'ACTURliKS AQUNTB FOB THE 8AI.S Ul' 3. V. Per.juriu.i M;i!i-h Cmp-iny's MiilchcF, Americiin Nut mil, I'-vun' C iiip.ia liviiicc. ltost..ii ilux .M ill.-,' Twin. h. J. C. Oonroy .V .'.' l isliinit TaMtle, UollincMVorili .V Vh:tm!s V I'i.i- B ip Slicrui ui's Improved t:iotli"S rinpci.-, U. K. tlrifliv.ild - i'l-atlier Lu.lura- t'. iMcLuuy liiin'a Bruii-?, Our stock is the tsnic t on tho Pacilic Cinist, aid our fneiliiy:s fur in-inul'iuiHii-inr and importing cn.iViIc' as to soil at lowest, market jirioo. 3-SEND FOR CATALOG US. N OS. 215 Ai, 1417 Sacramento Hired, ENCYCLO PEDIA, A DlCTtONAliV OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE For tlie fcople. Rovtsed Kditian. llo-irt-u-! of 1S70-71, with Miijis, Plates tiinl Ktiiinivins. To bo completed in n;) 1'nrt", niaUinK 1" Vo's. ol SJJ pnuu.H ouch. Illuslratod with nlmut ,1-nur TIhii'h ind Kn-grftvitid.'4 Kn-grftvitid.'4 aud Fm-iy Mhiih. PRICK per rrt, t lit 1ml 1 n c PInpii and lllilKuillonx, Oil CtulH. VKlOErKll VOUJ.M K: Extra Cloth, bovclod UaniH ''I Library ricccp, iu;ii bled edecs it l" Uulf I'uikoy Mi.r.cco ii Ul Mw.th. II. II. KHYS A- t"n. nre iho Acnt Tor CliaiulKTH Kiityrliiiiiv.ilii r tlio 1'aeiflo CnHul, nnd nri im bl i-ii er mid importers im-porters 'if other Ainericnn u:id KiimiHb Btan-dard Btan-dard and illuEiraicd moik--. CAHSKI.S KV I'OI'tJLAIl lOUlivJATOH, New K'litiuii, tlniverfiil Pr-moun-ini It .Lii.tKiry f Ui-oKruphy Ui-oKruphy and M) th-jly, by J. 'i'liuiiia. A hi., l. b. National Portrait (iallery 'if Eminent Americans, -'l purl.- :it ' 0 cciiUi oa:h. II. II. KKY i. CO., Clay St-. Miii r'r.incisw. Sir. R. May is now in Utah and v. ill visit the different placid to Hiiliuit lor llio linn. 1'artici. Kubhi'ribioK for :my ol their wnrks may rely upon bi-iiiK l'uithl.illy served overy month. (odlie Octnfcon iioiigt, e7 SALT AKK CITY. C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds ol HEAVY HAKDWAUE, iron and Steel, Stovas and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural IinplciTir n( And NlnlnR Tools, At Lowest Kates. OI'POSITK SALT LAK! 1IOUSK EXGELSiQ'a CGAL CiMP'Y. ROCK SPR'NGS. WYDIJIHG TtR. liUuv, lli o. . ( ii., I'lopv's. |