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Show CI1KAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not execcdiug five lines, fifty cents for each and every insertion. Kach additional ad-ditional line too cents. FOK SALE. ON REASONABLE TERMS. FIVE acres of IhihI, with nn excellent tlour-iiiB tlour-iiiB mi" and Huiliciont wutor powor to erect sampling or other mills on tho premises, aiL-imtcu aiL-imtcu within tho city limits. Apply tn S. J. Jonnsson, Convoyanaor. nearly opiioaito tho Bank of Doaorct. . s27 TOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS. HALF BLOCK south ol the Thoutrc.opDosite the Seventies Seven-ties Hull, 1 27 ROOMS SUITABLE FOR OFFICES AND yioepioR liuoms. in Taylor's Buildinca, opposite Salt Lake House. s20 FIVE TO TEN ROOMS, WITH MODERN improvements, iacludiuR olesets, water-pipe, water-pipe, kc.i ftleo ccllnrs and icc-houso, in a now. well-finished house, si tun ted in a plons-unt plons-unt location. Apply toS..J. Jonasson, con-veynncer. con-veynncer. East Temple street, nearly opposite oppo-site thoBank of Dcscret. s2C form 'rilE KEY OF A SAFE. THE OWNER. L can have it hy applying at ttto Herald Othco. S2i TO LEASE. " ONE OF THE :BEST BFSINESS LOTS in this city for a term of y oars. Inquire at this Ofliec. uuk WASTED. IjMKST-ULASS CARPENTERS. APPLY JO to E. Stool, Eighth Ward. si;" TO RENT, A HOUSE CONTAINING fioin tour to Fix rooms, not moro than six blocks from Main Street. Apply at the Ukrald Office. S26 AUIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE-work, HOUSE-work, or to take caro of clii Kir on. Inquire In-quire at tho residence of C. F. Smith, opposite oppo-site the Townscnd House. s2,l GREEN PEACHES j None but' the best and lart'CBt, for ship-n:ont. ship-n:ont. J.W.SKKLL, Idaho Store, 2nd South Street. CHEAP PEARS- I have an overt Lock of tine CALIFORNIA PEARS, which I will sell choiip bv Mm box. s27 Rovero House corner, 2nd South St. EMMA HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. '-pHU STOCK BOOKS of tho Emma Hill X Xnnnol and Mining Company aro now open in Roid'u Building, and a limited number num-ber of unassessable shares for yale. Tho Emma Hill Tunnel and Mining Company Com-pany was locatod April 1870, incorporated AugUBt 14,1871, and has tho mo-H flattering prospects of any mine in Littlo Cottonwood For particulars inquire of W. S. WOODliULL. Vice Prks. Or JAS. A. WWllVSi?' augai lloid's Building. Dried Fruit! We lire desirous 0f purchasing pur-chasing nil of t!ie Dried Fruit. Crop of tliis Terri-lory. Terri-lory. Wc Mil FAY IW CASH The Highest Price Paid in the Market for APRICOTS, PEACHES, dec i AGENTS IN EVERY SETTLEMENT, j To whom a liberal commission will bo ! allowed. jRIGGS, LECHTMEERG & Co. ; I liaiii SirfW, S, Li t'itv, Jiml3 J I DWYER'S COLUMN. BookS BookS JUST RECEIVED, A fine stock of New Books, FANCY PORTEMONIES, CHAIN PURSES, i POCKET-BOOKS. WOLSTENHQLM'S - Ladies' and Gents' rocket Knives, Tooth Brushes, India Kubher Combs, Etc. I CHARLES DICKENS', SCOTT'S, BEAD'S THACKERAY'S NOVELS In Betta or singly. A fine assortment -"of DIARIES for 1872 Gents' Russia Leather Pocket and Billfold Books, Fine Turkey Morocco Wallets and Pocket Booki. Initial French Stationery, ALL KINDS. CONGRESS, LETTER, BILL, CAP IF .A. F Ti T3, S A magnificent stock of ALBUMS All Prices. Mitchell's Manual of Assay-I Assay-I ing, and all kinds of Mining Works. BLANK BOOKS Of every description, from two to sixteen quires each. LEGAL BLANKS Of every description, for sale at DWYER'S I BOOK STORE, Nest door to Kimball & Lawrnoe'B. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FOR ALL THE LEADING NEWSPAPERS AND MAG-j MAG-j AZINES PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. Mr. Dwyor makes it a prominent part of his business to fill Orders for Books or all kinds for Public or Private Pri-vate Libraries, ai individuals. All who desire to procure the best Books and best Edition in tho most economical economi-cal manner, will receive prompt attention. WOOD WORKING. LATIMER, TAYLOR & 00. CHEAP and GOOD COMUIXED. Wisconsin Pine DOORS, BLINDS, Wc have secured the AGENCY FOR THE Largest Sash and Door Factory in the World, Located in the great Pineries of Wisconsin, Wis-consin, where the best of lumber is from one to two cents per foot. First Consignment open to-day. 1,000 Doors DIFFERENT SIZES, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Panel. 1,000 sash, from 7x9 to IOiIS. 300 PAIRS Rolling Blinds, At Prices that Defy Competition! OUB FACTORY IS IIP WITH THE TIMES In all homo work in our lino. Sash Doors, Odd Sash, or Mi,,,. Row Windows, Frames, . Odd size., Etc., Etc. A FULL LINE OF ! Mouldings! ! Planing & Sawing WITH DISPATCH. LATIJIER, TAYLOR & I'O, ' 0"mookwitotTboral. MISCELLANEOUS. Attention Miners! Wanted Immediately tlirre lum-U lum-U iI ton of good A K(i K N-TIPEUOUS N-TIPEUOUS GALENA uud CUl'PIK OltBS at SCHEMER'S SMELTING ani REFINING WORKS, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. Itntofl for SmoltinE OroB frm 815 to 828 por ton, as per quality and quantity. autt3 General Philip Kolilheyer - HAS OPENED Stalls 14 & 15 Meat Market, And will soil tlio choicest meat tit pricos TO DEFY COMPETITION. Don't fomot to call on DUTCH VUlh at his Washington' Stall. s20 B&ll& Practical Watchmaker Workinanaltl) Guaranteed. Has the finest stock of Watohos and Diamond Dia-mond Jowolry in tho weet. at vory moderate prices. Watoh glasses flttod allots.; kuya. 10 to 15 ota.; hands, 2.T cts. Koincmbor, Cayl O. Asmussen. Alain street. 29 To the Ladies ! Mrs. WILKINSON East Temple Street, Wishes to inform hor friendB and patrons that she will openl ON SATURDAY, the 23rA inat., A splendid a took of MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Turbam, Feathers, ; Flowers, Ribbons, Saltnu, Velvets, Empress and Sedan Cloths, PLAID MOHAIRS, Japaiicse Silks and Parisieimes, MERINOS, ALPACAS, ETC., EXPRESSLY SELECTED TO SUPPLY THIS MARKET, s2.1 ANOTHER : ADVANCE ! Iii the Trice of DRIED PEACHES ! Bring them alorg j TO TEASDEL & CO S 33 1 e e s' SEWING minis, THE BEST IN Tllli WORLD, AT TEASDEL & GO. Ea'gle J louse, s Kwt Tcni.lo Stivci. BATHSjJJATHSI Warm Spring Budia : PrlVKt. niut Plunge. Tlio celebrated lMh. nro open tn tin. n,,),!,. M ni known ttat It i. noedta, i oiumor.io " ' Ann.,, .,. ;'i;io'i:u"."'1 BUELDiiJC LOT FOU HA1,13, Ulmn oiio l,unJroJro,U. and tvilliin nil, It Apulj u thn llsrald'1 offlo.. .8 RIGGS, LECHTENBERG & CO. WnOLKSALU AND KHTAII, DKAUCKS IN '' GROCERIES, WINES, liquors, Tobacco, Segjus, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. I MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS! ' Potties desiring to purchase will Jo well to inspect our stock, B,;c; complete in every department. U ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTINGER'S, ' PUMFIBItl & SONS' ' Large Arrival of New Goods. Our Fall anil Winter Slot !.- of BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS Arc now opened and on sale. Wc have the largest and hCft stock ofih. above ever ofTcrcd to the people ol' Utah. Goods Fresh and Fashionable ! All tho T.ntoot. SfsUe of Wo. !i 1- o.r - i c. . Jluo , uwui,, ouil, a-ia i,till Kools and Shoes in Endless Quimities and f-:tvle ! "GOODS OSIEA. ! " Wholesale Buyers v. ill consult their interests to give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE ! JAMES HAGUE, Jan. J. II. HAGUE, OKOBOE HAGUE. HAGUE BROTHERS, .LATE JAMES HAGUE, n Importers axL3. TJonlora in GUNS, PISTOLS, SrEtdclles, Harness AND WHIPS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. ,2 East Temple Street. Salt Lake City, MEATS! MEATS!! MEATS!!! Jennings & Paul, Stall No. 7, MEAT MARKET, Keep the choicest supply of BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, Andfccvorrthing in iheir line which the market affords. Order and dcllTcry wagons will J detlrer meats free In any part of the cltj-. Orders Riven at any time durinK market hours will bo promptly filled when desired. ALL SIZES Iron, Cast Steel, 'Toe Steel, " Spring Steel, BELLOWS, ASTT1S, Vices and other Blacksmith Tools, AXLES, SPRINGS, Carriage and Machine Bolt., BUILDERS' HARDWARE, 1 Carpenter's Tools, &c, SCOTT, Bm & CO'S s Jllnln Street, West .lde, ! Next door to White House. LOW FOR CASH. m7lS 'EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. A, V. TILDENi ) Juj16 Late of Nyw York, ) H. DIHWGODEY'S New Furniture Store ON EAST TUMl'LK STREET, XJ3 JSTCf7W OI?BN. Has ou Uand'a very Large Assortment of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE I Fine Parlor sets from SloO to IW. Bedroom sets Irom Si5 to Also at his Stand West of Meat Market, First South St j CALDER BROTHEES Denies u every vnvicty MUSIGAL INSTRUMENTS i SPECIAL AUHNTS f..r Clnli nl'thc Arin l'iaiiol'oi le Cu njmny, Slcinwny Ac Sons, t'liirk" rring 4t irons, Decker Ac Itarnes anil iiveslein Ac TiiHt r's 3VE-A-SOKT cSc H JVMLJ-.11T'B WOHl.D-UIONOWXKD CABINET ORGANS licuU wlmt our Prulossors nl" Alii.sui iiikI Loiidin.i; Cin.vns'ol'tlie Territory s;iy iil'iml thriu in our nmv (.'in'ul.'tv. A Nil SCHOOL FURii3HiiiJiii. my 21 |