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Show Commercial. Salt Lake City, Ff.h. '2 .Gold. Buying, 10S; selling, IlOU A complimentary Bonclit BALL 1 t.. Mrs. il. Villiani3 will bo ?iven ut . b i i M .j n ' s Academy, on T h u r ? d h y , evening, i'eb. IT.', lb" '2. 1 - I "Kterxal vigilance is tbo price of liberty." Sis bits, the price of biillis nt Palace Bath rooms, No. lb Comine.-ciai street. February 20 th, 1872. fij Jl't Arrived. a large s'.ucl; f Fiut-Clam PIANOS, to be ?.hl CUEA1 for cash, at J. IJayxks & (Jo' a muiic store, east of the post otlico. f 21 CASn will bo paid for ten or twenty acres of good irrigable land near this city, if price, etc., suit. Address, witli full particulars, "Brother," at tliisortice. Ed. Harris has ust received a largo Block of tho finest cigars and tobacco, iukI gentlemen's notions. Ho has the liirgcst and beet assortment of imported citrars in tha Territory. Call at tin1 'Little Cigar Store round the Corner" and see. f 11 (j rkat sacrilico in lino CLOTHING, to close out winter stock : Suits $1S worth Suits $'J worth $Ji. Suits worth Suits S-:0 worth S 10. Suits $;J5 worth -l,. f m2l Derby's, J2 Alain street. ti K.NTLM KN OF T1IK CONVENTION: Vo aro ploiisod with tlio great caro ynu take in tlio interest of tlio PKO-I'LB. PKO-I'LB. At tho same time wo propose to tnko caro of your SULKS in well as tho sent of intelligence. BOOTS, HATS, ULOVLS, cU. ' f :2V PilNKORD & SOWS. Oiti'KB, Chock and Receipt BOOK1 printed and bound at the Hkralp Job I'liice nnd Bindery. f Jl Overcoat?, at cost, atSicR"! lire's. olO Furniture. lust received, at Henry D i r. woo J HK) CAN K SEATED CUA.1US. To be sold very cheap for cash. j 1 7 Fashionable H:l at Sicel Bro's. olO Largost stock of clothing at Siegol Bro's. olO, The "Great Unknown" is oxquis-j itely perfumed and contains nothing injurious. in-jurious. Try it ladies. j3 ; Cutting & Co's Cjffifornia Cannod Fruits and Jellies are the best in th market. Ask your grocer for thorn. s'.) FineFurniihiiigUoods at Siegel Bro'fl olO CoN'stiMi'Tiojf, Scrofula, Etc. II KG EM AN'S GENUINE COD LI V-Klt V-Klt OIL. O.r Cod Liver Oil is warranted war-ranted l'UKE NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood tho test of over twenty years' experience, and can bo relied on in every particular. Jlanu-Ifactu'-cd by Ukokman ; Co., chemists land drugpiisis, New Yuri' and sold" by all druxgislj. ' E'i7 Or.iKy l'.u'Mi:s, Wc shall give the hixliMl priL-o f'-r clcnn, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, at Jno. ii. Clnv.;.n';, wet of Theatre. nuif it. B. Clawson, Supt. 1li.-ike"-s, isilitig ami Miow OAK US printed in excellent style at the 11 KR-ald KR-ald Job Otlico. i'2l I ( , to (.,.,! (Jryi.il I a'.ace, 73 iiaiil I ?trce'.. l" r l ir:iitur-, jleddini:: Crock-j Crock-j iry. China, Gla.s. Silverware and houo-I houo-I hold so.nis hcnc.-ftlly. dlj liiUFNoi..i.v. L'rof. Kowlor's PuMi-eations PuMi-eations for s;ilo at Uwynr's Book store 11. 1 i i U of plain and fancy JOK I'Ki NTl NO executed pronitly and I allor the l;Ue-t slvlo At HlO HKRALP .Inb I Otiiee, f -I Circulars, Bills of Fare, etc, etc., printed at tho Herald Job Otiice. f 21 Largo stock of nne and heavy boots at Siegel Bro's. 24 OGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class Business Houses. MERCHANTS Walker Brodieri, Zlon'H Co-op. mercantile Iitl tut Jon, James Uonoclid, C. Woodmansce, F. Auerlmch Bro. IIOTBL. Ogilen House, Johu Malion, Proprietor. LIVERY .STABLE, D. G. Nelson, proprietor. nlO CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines, fifty cents for each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ten cents. WASTED. WANTED-1,000 (lUXSEY SACKS at tho Utah CracKcr- Factory. fJo BOY WAITED, at tho Washington House, f 24 Gi iouthdLrcot. LOST. YESTERDAY EVENING, NEAR THE post oDjco, a Bunch of Keys. Tho Gnder will con fur a favor by leaving thorn at this ullioe or atUudbc's Drug otoro. f -4 FOR SALE. AUijU8f3 AND LOT, DESIRABLY LO-cutcd LO-cutcd on the Bench, in tho LUlh Ward. Iho house contains eleven rooms and commands com-mands a view of the waul e city. Parties who wish a pleasant homo will find this property a bargain for cash. A tuily at tho Kcal Estate office, 1J0 Main-si, next to P-ictiic Uuuso. fU A. C. TttUE i CO. YAL LOCKS. Drawer, Cuiiltonril nnil htorc-door Lock nm iSlgMtLutoliea. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. Liquid Blueing Cheapest in market: quality nnd s atist'uction guaranteed or money refundtd. Casli Paid for ;rrlii unit country produce. Fir Sale 500,000 lla course Salt, Table ami ' - Dniry. Shinlos, Lumber and General Merchandise. Wholesale Jobber, J, W. 5KKLL. Idnho Store, ono block south Titoatro. UDOINGTON'S Two Eloii aoMih of the U. C. K.-B, Depot, and nest to At'm. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. Tho yard u Kipt constantly lupplledby seTcral sawmills with A Full Assortment of fjatiya Lumber. W. E. lolioits the palronane of his old friends, and by punctuality and diligence in business hopes to merit ihr f public supporL FOR SALE Ia the jth Ward, one blrck and a tiMfwe.n of th U. C. R. R., a mall hoicc iicd hulf lot, with fine orchard. For particulars enyuire of MHZ, WM. KDDINGTON. JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COH MERC I AU STRKT, KEEP cr-nf-T'T on fh-irr- if ment of f It C II , K.XGLI5H and Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of thefinest inslitief lnt"t Ftjle. wnich we mako up to or.icT ia ths most fa hioaablt i and aprrcved manner. IPaTKOAGB solicited- 1 KIU23 First National Bank o;f UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WiEHES HUSSKY, 0. L. DiHLKB, PresidoLt. Vice Prest. Anthony Qodbi, Cashier. Autliqrlzed Cpilal, - - 300,000. PAID l p CAPITAL, - $130,000 BAK-D-ISOs', - 8130,000, Dividend in 1871, 50 pep cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah. jV General UnnkiiiK IJiusmess T r n 11 s a c t u cl . AGENCIES IN CO LOU ADO AND MONTANA, CO.LECTIONS PRGMRRY ATTENDED TO, INTKKES'f ALU1WKD ON TIMB DEPOSITS. S. T.-IS60-X. ONWARD I THE medic-; i-cvuIuIIod whioh oom-luucod oom-luucod years ago with tho gradual disuse of blood-letting, ealivation, drastic purgatives, and powerful opi-atca, opi-atca, goca bravely au'i gloriously on. Kvcry day the sick grow wiser, They are no longer willing to ooon thci mouths, shqt tcir eyes, and take whatever what-ever tue doctors are pleased to proscribe, without tpquiry, Ihcy want to know the qaturo of tho moaioines they are dcsiFod to swallow, and demand to have the mysterious Latin lingo of the profession translated into plain English. Eng-lish. The Invalid Wu.tjm understands at laH that Y1QOH is the great an-taMrUt an-taMrUt of disease. The iecbU ieclino to be uttorly prostra-;! Dy depleting pills and actions, and turning from such ruendicauicnts with loathing, judiciously place their trust in a remedy reme-dy which combines with tho properties of an Alterative those of a pure and wholesome Tonic and Hestorative. It is now about twelve yoara Mnco this grand desideratum was introduced under tho name of PLANTATION BITTERS, auu irom inai ume to tuc present its progress has been without a parallel in the history of proprietary medicines. With tho spirit of the sugar cane the most nutricious of all stimulants for its basis, and medicated solely with the juices and extracts of rare vegetable spociGca, such as Calisaya Bark, the best known Tonic that the world produces, pro-duces, and which makes it by all odds the most unobjectionable invigorant, corrective and general alterative that has ever been placed by saenoe within the reach ci tue iiick, the buffering, and tbe despondent. Ileuce it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation Bitters is to-day the most popular popu-lar Tonic on cither side of the Atlantic MEXICO ISMS LIS1EIT FOR JV.I.V asd iu:ast. I Probably few r.rtit les have ever had I so extensive a ale, while none have been . more univerrnLy beii'.-licial than the Icelebrfttfl Mkxican ilusTANo Ijisi-: Ijisi-: mint. Children, Adult, Hordes and I Dome.-tic Aniitjali, are always liable to ' acci Jent, and it is safe to ".ay, that no j furnily can pas a single reason without M.uie kind of an emollient being nece;-1 nece;-1 :ary. It becomes a matter of import-ar.re import-ar.re then to secure the hctU .1 The meriu of the Mexican Mustang . Liniment are well known throughout 1 the habitable world, i'lvu tha million j upon million Cu buttles sold, no com-i com-i piaint has ever reached ua. It is re-! re-! commended fur Cut.-, Brui.;"5, Sprains, . K'neuii-atism, Swe'itinRs, Ii;tes, Chil-. Chil-. 1 bl&in. &c., upon man, and for Spavin?" . Founders, Umg-bone, Poll Evil . Scratches, "Wmd-Oalis, Hocale, ic, , upon hor-cj, MISCELLANEOUS. sTlt lake-brTnch OF THB Great Western j FIflEl INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. THKO. F. TRACY, Prealdcnt C. II. BASETT, "I HKXRV W.LAWRENCE Director CI1AS. L. DAHLtK. 1 MARliSALL A, C Alt TJH, All orntyi. I H. 11. B1AMN, m mag eo. I A Branch of this SOU'D and KETJ-ABLE KETJ-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPAIiT Having bA'en oreaniied in our ciiy, wc are now ready .tor business and earnestly earn-estly solicit public- patronage, jrnaran-tecin-i that all fire risks will be carried t a fair rate. H. R. MANN, FILL IMPORTATION, 1871 ROSENBAUM 8c FRISDMANN, 22 and 24 Battery Street, Sctxx Francisco BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE AT-teotion AT-teotion of tho TRADK lo their 8-Ion-did STOCK. ooniprising in part COMPLETE LINKS of Broclie Shawls, Velvcteeusj Alexander's Kid Gloves, Curtain Xets, Linen lldkfs, White soode, Tnrlntans, Bareges, Guipure and Linen La ecu, Cotton Locea, Lace goods, made up, Hamburg Embi-oiderie, Silk and Velvet Kibbous, bl'k and ool'd. Corsets, sewed and woven, Hosiery and Gloves, silk, ootton and wool, Merino Underwear for ladies aod children, Fringes, Gimps and Ornaments, Orna-ments, Ladies1 nnd Children's Ready Hade Suits : Which, loRCtber with their USUAL FULL, Stm-k of Foreign and Dtimestio SMALL WAKES and Fancy Gooua, thoy of or at Keducod Price t u rehiring ail our goods at their various va-rious places of production all over the world wo aro enabled to sell the same at prices to compare favorably with those of the loading houfjqs in Now York or London, 630 IUCIIARDS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL.., M.inn fact aro ra'ot PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, BLOWHItS, cb:i siii;i:s And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made for building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah Fire Stone, Including Machinery, &c-, Bet up in complete running order. References Kureka. mining Com-p.ny, Com-p.ny, 8a.lt Lake Cltyi Utah Smelling Smell-ing Company, Tlnllc. ' Address J. C. Richards, Chicago. jy e M nod 106 FRONT 6IREET, ' SAM FRAMCI8CO, CAL, Offer the Jintst and most complete stock on the Pacific coast, Ke( to H. B. CLAWSON, Snp'tof 21. O. 2VE. I. ! J.C.JIEltBIM.ACO, ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS SO and 300 California St., a.a V t a,nc l ico, - - Ctl I f o rttl a. Partic-ilEr at'enticj ptid to tha fillln-t oi ordan for Ttij ajrifiion of meicawidu, SB S.l of Oral, aVe.) V. The Utah Problem!. A Review of the course of .1 uJyc James B. McKcan, and an Appeal for the Surrender of rolycamy ! speech: HON. THOMAS FITCH, IN TH K Constitutional Convention of Utah, fki;iu ai:v L'.uh. lsri Is now iiul.l'ifhcd in pampkl. t form, for lo al i!h Ukr.vlb OiV.oo. l'ricc I Sli.'iO per lnmdrca-. 2.1' per iozo:i. S:!!,;le copies IV oer.u. si:xi it to vol t; riti i:ds. Tjr"E STAIBS. CARPETS 1 CARPETS ! NOW OPENING Ni:w PATTERNS FOK SPRING PURHISniNGS, Whioh make the Ret Selection WEST OIF CHICAGO. ENGLISH COCO A JI A T TIN G S 2-4, 4-1, O-l, it-looi oil cloths, 4-1, 5-1, C-l, 8-1, lti-4. 1J II 1 CJ K W (1 V A It A N 'V K K 1. il8 Eun the Blockade! GREAT DEDUCTION 1 THE PRICE OF LIGHT! Good News for those l!t:t likn a Itillliunt, C'lfJir and Safe Lis'" ' Large ar.-ival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.80 FOR FIVE GALLONS. For those that like COAL OIL, we hnvo r"c;vd Q larto Sloclf. of all qualities, and at llo'luced I'rieos. 'file Largest A srtniciit of LAMP COOL'S in l ho Territory. no EL IELISEI Sc'CO. S.1- AtfoT lF Tor TlM- I1nir..rtl IV I role mi, Fluid. 80 IM. South Stmit, liiill' l'l"ok i-m ot Oiliiw. SPRING TIME IS COMING ! : paeial Notice ! George Goodakd n. WA L LACE lias for SALE mu JS!.llT?tl HOtt' n.nlni IicsOktciI in Iiiiu nti.l tru-ii, Uuil il ict Choice TOP or BUTTON UNIONS, ijtog w.n incni ...u.v Evergreen IlliOOM CO UN SiCKD. ' elr very early, nnd suited to huh alii- "TST E "W STORE tudes. Ths best in Ihc market. GAI'.DEN SEEDS, " l"r'r'- GRASS SEEDS, ' Noxt ,,,M,r L irF t'ili'nio'a Aijlllnry ' LMnh itliuiQ r, RVK MEAL for Bee K-iiscrs, ' . I JQjyy OAT"1 W VOrT ollo'co ,l"a't f sriU'RisE oats, 'Pure Candies Choice SEKD PEAS, ! BEAXS Etc ' ' U1JT ow" ,,JttUU'nt;turc- : iiiI.Iiik. ' ' ' KIBi, 1 Ormifio, SPRINGTIME IS COMING !; "-Ki.... ANI And i (rnifi-dl n'.r1 mmit ot :geoiige goduar), ''a groceries, Extract '"itidrs, jhiir OH, Fancy Wnota to Buy and ray Cah r-r Frcth, ( ,S;tij, Etc, Etc. Clcnn Lurrmo Sccl. Clmif-p I'c.i , UrD. Iiorl". Oat-, IJiirky run not n.r(tn ty Krv stnrv , Virm i nn'l Whcit. f.'J Mititli Mrrri. Coal Oil and laptha Depot BAY & (DQJIiMlBK, b'J J ast Tuiijilc Street, AGENTS FOB FOREST CITY VARNISH ANO OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL ilUJLVLVG FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. i .This Fluid is of much IIEA'ILR GRAN'II l than any other burnioK Fluid ever offered io the mart'Jt, aiipreximatinir clon'rly to that of (he bout fualilios of COAL Uli, Ut yet i tig POI.'IJLE the ILLL'MINATINO power. It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and do' s nut char tho wick, which will not require attention oflcner than oare a wck. This Fluid needs but one trial to convince any person of iU cujicrior advantages. advan-tages. " -W"frI03L.ES-cVLE ST"D BETAIL Who want A(jKNT.S io evciy soulcmcnt of Lho T' rritory.; jl7 |