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Show JUDGE DAVID DAVIS. Tlii.i riui.'K'iit ffLTillt.-riiaQ who has ! jii.it roeciivcil and accepted the nomination of tlie national laLor reform re-form cmventiun for iircsiJi.'ii(, In a native of Maryland and wa.s born March Oth, H10. lie graduated from K:nyoti college, Ohio, in -, studied law in Mu.iaadiu.icU4, went through a :i.i cour.-io at the New Haven law school, ami in IS.I settled in lilooru-ingtun, lilooru-ingtun, III. and commenced the practice prac-tice of'liLs rotc.i.-ion. In IS 1 1 lie wa? elected to the State legi-Unire; wasa uieiiihiT of the State coii.itilutiona! convention in i-17; was three limes clewed juiigc of the eighth judicial district; dis-trict; and in Istil was appointed by President Lincoln one of the jiihticen of ' the supreme court. He was an inti-j mate friend of Mr. Lincoln for many ! years, and was we believe a whig in ' politics up to the time that the whig party was swamped into the republican republi-can organization, when he joined the latter party and was a member of the first convention that nominated Mr. Lincoln, llis acceptance of the nom ination for the presidency by the labor reform convention, creates great excitement excite-ment in pulitieal circles, and it is not improbable but that all of the elements in opposition to the re-election of Grant, may concentrate upon Davis, in which event the former may lo.-c the republican nomination, or if nominated, nominat-ed, his election. SALTTMrTTHEATS Kug;igemcut of die favorite Comediau, MR. P. MARCETTS who will appear 19 JOE BANGLES, Tuesday Ev'i, Feb. 27, Wiil be presentd, for tlio last time in Itiis cjI)-, an entirely Dew and or'giual cotuwlr, S. Oillwrr, E-ij., irtantlj- proline-. d " at WiiMuck'a Tbeitre, X. Y., villi tlio Hruatcst success, on til W RANDALL'S Act I. liirJons of Beaching ton Hotel-Act Hotel-Act IL Tfco Clump ef Rocks. Act 1 .Gardens of Beach intton Hotel. Friday Evening, Marcii 1st, Dene 111 of the favorite Actor, 31 r. A .Thome E. A. FARCO&CO., fm porters and Jobbers of Braiiies, Wines and Liprs, 3IG Front S(., cor. Commercial, d. u. s yk. f2S s.-ix PI1AKCISCO. Wm. M. Gillcspi;. .Jas. W. Siainbarn STAINBURN & GILLESPIE, Notaries TiiWie, COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS, eurchors o(' Kceords, I Office On rig'u of cittrnuce to Stock Bonnl, Hold's Building, .Iln St. The lec.ility of the So -.aria act of the above-named Srais nmne-nonable a- ther 1 W-V?vsmbly, '-'f, '-h,e ie--TT of i-uh. : l the overnor of the Territory, i.ued ufcso-iinem.jy. ufcso-iinem.jy. and hare complied witb both tho icrntoml law? hy dm- the repaired bond, i-.inths Territorial Auditor's ci'iee scd with the Pro bats. Judge of sal; Lake couii'y. TH0S. IB. ARGALL & Co., Men';, Tooths' Boys' and Chiidren'a CLOT HIKG, AT WHOLESALE, 313 Jli Bro..l3, Stvr York. $500 EEWAED 500 Bushels Good Barley .... t M- W.SXELL. Liaao More, one block acoth 01 Thea-.re. j MISCELLANEOUS. 5 SPECIALTIES FOR GENTLEMEN, Fi-k, Clark Flajne's celebrated Specialties are fur aiiie uj all iii-t cla;. dealers tu this -,-ity. True Fit Miirts, Patent Pantaloon Drawers, Russian Braces, l.aporle's Kid ( loves, ew Styles ol iVeck Dress. N.D. Five Novelties iust out. Dovercloth Shirts and shirtings, Samson bracts, l'aU'ui . Pantaloi'O Drawers (red stamp). Lajiorte's Cable Kid Uluves, and the Kcfreut Street ' FldK. CI.Al'K FLAOf). f-M ii'i Broadway, New York. NOTICE. ALL per.'ons ore hereby forbidden and warned acainut litirobafing or in any way DeK'Jtiaiinif with any person whomsoever whomso-ever for certain mining property situate, lyinir, and being on C'hlorido JJ ill. in Ophir Mining District. Tooelo County. Utah Territory, Terri-tory, recent I y tiled fur record as the Jim Fijk lde. or for any ores already extracted, or that may hereattcr bo extruded, therefrom: there-from: or for any- property whatsoever be-lunitinK be-lunitinK to, or in (unwise appertaining to, said mine, or lode: as the same is the property prop-erty of the underpinned, who uro the lawful owneri of said mining property, under the name of the Cbloridn Queen, having been located March 15. 1S71, by D. W . Stanton, (.ieorge II Kau-bt. John Davis. Kee.o Duvis and alurray MeasingL-r. and recorded in the office of i lie Kccor.iorof the Mining District aforesaid. April AlfTl. L. W. STANTON. tlKOKUIi . KAUU1IT. II. A. MOLCOMU. n: Administrator's Notice. rpUOSK perrons who aro owing the estate L of Edward ?-:itieli?. deceased, aro hereby here-by requested to jutllo thoir indebtedness forthwith, and all persons huvibg claims against the. said estate, will present tho same fur adjustment and .settlement to tho administrator, admin-istrator, Daniel McAllister. Mill Creek ward, Utah, Feb. 2i. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. T T AYINli disposed of tho Hankies busi-cess busi-cess heretofore conducted under tho name and Btylo of A. W. Whito Sc Co., to tho Salt Lake City National Bank, which will assume nil the liabilities, and is hcroby au- I thorired to collect all debts duo the said firm. Tho co-partnership heretofore existing exist-ing under tho name of Whito & Co,, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A. W. WHITE. T. R. JONES. Salt Lake City Feb. huh., lbT. The Salt Lake City Nation al Bank hcroby assumes all liabilities as above- JI. M. DU RELL, i'll President. CARL C. AS3IUSSEN, I1IP0RTER AND DEALER IN Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS . Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a largo, additional stock of ZTXTE-W GOODS In great variety and style- The public are respectfully hmtod to call and inspect them at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Half a block north of the Eagle ' Emporium. dJO Emerald Hill Mining Company. IOCATTOX OP WORKS, Salt Lake county, J Utah Tonilory. Notice There are delinquent upon tho following follow-ing described stock, on ui-cuont of u-Jso'snient levied lev-ied on the 11th day of J:iannry, 1S72; tho sover-nl sover-nl nuwiinta tct opposite the names of the respect iro .-hare holder.-, as lollows : So. of No. of K'i J- CiTliliMti;, Eli.i-cs. Amount. Abbott, O.-horn, - 1 ij.;, oo AW-otl, Oi-boru, - ;; lV) 'J 00 Atibott, O-born, - 4 1m1 ."(.! ' AU-ott, 0-born, - - j -2A i)o Al'bott. Osl-orn, - 0 Iwi "J5 UO Kox, Henry A, - O u ou Foi, Ilviiry A, - 12 r,(i 0 Fns, Jlenrv A, 5S ': r.l Howkin.-, ii 1), . 10 i;;;,t Z-iV 25 K.'lly, J antes H, . 17 17 UU'J Kflly, Jnmos R, - 4 7j Kelly, James B, &i 60 t"i Kelly, Jjiuei R, - ol 2iM 5" Oti Ki'lly, .latiici It, - G2 L'1') (Xi Ki;lly, Jautis R, . i.j D n i0 K''lly, Jatiii,.! R, - tij ,) (yi K' 1 v, Jumi-j R . t.:, i-p ;i, ui Kelly, J,,-, ,., Kt . eo u: .rj K. lly, Jolm.1 63 V M.irbu lUccsjd, n jm ,vi ij Mvn, . L-i r-w a O iulliran, C D. . y,;j- - ;g -it Hii.liiliil, M Tm-!eo, S3 ,.) .j-i "m Sinith.MC, s Smithon,T P, - ,'i7 ( 5i 00 Swtcocy, ilyled D :i j-7 ", Taylor, Charles I,, i.r7 ToHn, Ricliar.1, 3 "r Ti.l-iti. ltj.,Ti .1. . j j -' s Warren, Juliu K - j J.7 r, "j And in aeccrJa-ce with !. arJ an orijer of tll(. Board of Trustees made un the 11th day of January, Janu-ary, lS,o mjuy (hire- of i-ach parcel of said tc-k a.-iuy be nec.'.iry will bo sold at iridic air tion, by John IMdlcnn ,t Son at No 'i ont,-om.rysirJet, Iran-Cioraia, o the 1-ith day ol it.inh, WJ, at ihe hour f 1 o clo-.-k i-an. of fold ,Liy. to jmy f.d dfl'n.iiient a-re-niout tbereju, ti-tlier w.th com ol oer-Uio oer-Uio aud t.pcnseol -ale. P. MADGE, Secretary. Offi. e Xo. 6J. Mervhaut-i' Kxthaoee, Calif.TcU street, gn I'mcuto, C-Jifurau. CO I s s - ess i i. s f F I 1 : III ? a) ,- ; . i w S S- 1 1 1 Of I! 5 ; 1 I 1 :H 1 1 6 tz o r . 5 ' hi o . ji! I ; i I CO H I "-"gl GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, FARMERS ATTENTION. I will iuu CASU f.r 1,000 BUSHELS WHEAT, 1,000 BUSHELS BAULEl', 1,000 BUSHELS OATS, 10.000 LBS. BEAN, If delivered tmmedittelT at lay Grain Store, Main St., S. L, City GEO. II. KNOWLDKN. California ami Allen's E.clra Family WJOM'MJ'. And scveril other brands. Cll EAP for cash All kluil. of Gi-kIii for sale. ii. II. KiVOWLDEN. FIRST-LASS GROCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITY, (Kvcrybody gays so) nt G. W. DAVIS. Tho finest Qanlitios of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CURRANTS. ic, at U. W. DAVIS'. axi:d iooi)s, i.oitsTERs, svr.-MOV svr.-MOV nakiu.vks. sn;its. Fi-iiMm. .Sitiict-s iV l'i-klt'N, G. W. DAVIS'. Tho Largest and Bc3t Stook of CHEESE, HAMS M BACON In Town, at . G. V. DAVIS'. Our TEA T3ADE wo tnke particular pains to study, and from experience aro enabled to iuit our patrons with unrivaHed facilities. Wo guarantee to toll as ohoap as any houso in Luh, and will not bo undersold, C. W. DAVIS, Two doors north of Kimball ,t Lawrence's. fl7 JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS Gurjpowdcr Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Which w will sell WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL, al Ycry Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, East Temple Street.' ug26 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friend, and patrons ihat ho has a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sells them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN, PRODUCE Ofal! kind!, Itonglit and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order. AGRICULTURE ! ! P0L,KREy hascotienteii to remiD V, "'I II EaUAY noon train, by the-rc-ci;il re.ue;t- of friend? of asrienlture who airc to comer with him on matters apticr-liinlne apticr-liinlne to the interest of tbe science. He wi-1 be fcund at HoWmb A; Co.s, from one to toai t'.ia. on MunJAy. f5 WITCHES ijEWELRY! O. L. ELIASON, TKOS to inform the resident, of SaltLak City and Ticinitr. that be not enly . ffriranteef to properly Repir,Clen and AUJtut Watches m.nX Chronometers, but be will mk tbem or any part of ' them, to order, and warrant thp ork. j A sit surPLT or EI.GIX and' SAVINS WATCH E8 just received, 1 which he will jfuarantee as reliable j tim -keepers. Prices to defy competition ; Remember the address. Two doori .it of Oi Ocaeret Btak. j ( MISCELLANEOUS. B.AV. Allex & Co., 47 Broadway, Now York. BRANCH noi'SE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agent) for the Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY I V . S. FOSTER, Ascnt. J CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep oonaLanlly on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Choice Importd LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ratei. OROBSBKCK'8 BI'IL DIKOg, DI7 tC.mmt TmpU Htrt. SPECIAL MOTIGES! EAGLE HOUSK, Nos. iw, C7 and Ol' East Temple Street, nearly opposite Suit Lake House. Do not fail to rotnembor it as the Controof Attraction, tho Contro of tho Block and the Centre of Business. TEASDKL & CO. have always on hand as choice an assort in out of GROCERIES as can be obtained iu town, both Vholo-salo Vholo-salo and- Retail. THE NEWEST ATTRACTIONS in j Dross Goods, Reps, Mohairs Alpacas, Morinos, DclainoE, Calicos, with Iho la-tost la-tost stylos in Shawls, Foroign and Domestic Do-mestic Dry Goods always to be found at the EAGLE HOUSE. THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT at the EAGLE HOUSE is carofully and attentively studied- Thoro you can always al-ways choose from n full stock of GENTS and BOYS CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Cans and General Furnishing Goods in endless variety, THE LADIES' SHOE DEPARTMENT DEPART-MENT at TEASDEL k CO.'s is now well supplied with all that can bo do-sired. do-sired. Elegant Stylos, Latest Fashions and Lowest Prices. BLEBS' SEWING MACHINES the BEST IN THE WORLD for Family use, can be obtained of TEASDEL & CO, tho Bole agents for tho Torritory of Utah, Special attention giron to learners. Instruction In-struction gratis. Payments by instalments, instal-ments, if so desirod. They arequiet, oasy running, durable and a favorite machine TEASDEL A CO. are proverbial for low diso, N, B. A complete outfit of B ot and Shoe Manufacturing Machinery, to bo sold at low figures. Nearly new. TEASPEL & CO. i SELLING OFF I Now is the 'i'nue to get Bnrgnjns ! Our remaining stock of LADIES' FURS! Will be sold regardless of cost. A 1-50 FANCY DRESS GOODS, UNSEYS, FLANNELS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOODS, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Together with a BplenJiJ ortm.ut of WINTER HATS and BONNETS MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, which will be sold at co-t to make room for a lare stock of Spring and Summer Goods, W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East Temple Street. 1 Having purchased the ! Spriggs Coal Mine1 We re prepared to aiippljr thl Jully celebrated WEBER COAL hy car load or retail. Dpot at t'. c. i K. K. Yard. Offlcei Kirlngt nd Heading Hosmi. t BATEMAN & BUEL. ' Ut W.U.BLKD,g.al. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, A. J. GKIFfitiT SALMON AND HERRINGS US W..UI.,,..,,,,,, "i AU kind, or DrleJ. Biuokej .Qd p ' Spruance, Stanley & co7' en.-.-Pwoifl to n.w,.i.Mrr jt Co. a j. 4 Sjil(u Iruportera nud WLo1m16 b WINES AND LIQUORS JI tlO PROMT STHT ' A. C DIETzTcoT . IMPOHTtHB OF PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps ' No. 221 FRONT STHKKT ' Bi.t.Sr.uit.iUoAC.hkrul Su t'r'.n . THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. a I . I i j 4 Is . - THE GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. IIIOII IN THE SIKRRA NEVADA J.A iMuuntntns, in tho woodorful State 0 LHlitornia, grows an herb tuns kiiuwti to th. Lndiiins as na ubsolulo euro tor KHEl'MA. USM. UOUT, MKURALUU ai til dj. eases in any way 6iirink'inK from ioinuriiiei of tho bluod. Science liaf at leiifi brou.bt to light iu virtues, and of this jiotent herb has compounded Y Kit It A SANTA, a preDi-ratioo preDi-ratioo for tho PKttilANKNT CURE of Scrofula, Sail Rheum, and all ICrap. tlvaud CiUftneom Dlieuti, Givos immodiato and permanent relief In DYSPEPSIA. KKYSIPELAS, ltiD "tu Tumors, Boils, Scald Heads, Ulcori nnj Sores; eradicates from the s.Biem ail traoei i of mercurial disease. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, Tt is thoroforo rocullarly suitiblo for oao b fomalcs and ohildren as a BLOOD PU1U-P1EK PU1U-P1EK and HENOVATOK. MOTHKU8 Who wish to End a medicine peculUrlf adapted to tbe cure of HUilUHS and EKIP-TIONS EKIP-TIONS m their children, will Cod a nafe and euro euro in YKKUa SAXTA, ior ovorywhero. RKDINGTON, UOSTETTKR CU Agauta, B40 and 031 Market St. San Franelioo. REDINGTON HOSTETTER & CO. Importers and Jobbora of POUE1GS AND DOMESTIC DRUGS 1D CHEMICALS Pine Eiteiitlal Oilg, G nmi, Xtoots, See da, Flowers, Spongci, Skim, Pomadii, dtc, And all other Staplos eonccte4 with tt Wholesale and Retail Drug UusintEi. Uonstantly in roceipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic product. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, II os tetter's Bitters, Drako's Plantation Bitters, Woire Scbeidam Schnapps, Konoll's Pulmonary Syrop, And all tho leading Proprietary JIcdieis boih American and European. Orders Promptly and Ccrofully EocqU1. Noa. 50 and 531 Market Stretl, Botw.oen First andSecoud, San Francisco, California. THIUMPH FIRE LSIR1CE CO.'S CIXCIXNAII. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. llcllablc t'litlcm-rldiig. Perfrcl liiaiinull)'. We ask Fail Kales and l'lomisc io i'a Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utali H. It. MASA', Aent, SALT LAKE CUV. Offics-Iaylor'! BuiMinr, Itnom Ko. 2. Cf-V- U. Box . f Private Hospital, laili Ward, Salt Lake Cllj-, W. F. AXDERSO. M.D. i-ropneiot Terra, inrarisibly in advuocc. for B'larJ. .Medicino and Medical attor.d.vDje. J9 8JJ to 8.i vet week TIME TABLE. : BURLINGTON KOUTH. r0 1HS LAST, NCRTH AND SOUTHEAST. So. 1. KTATrONf. '.VrU' Lcito OMAHA - 'iil'Jr.m. !. ArriveBt'KL'.NGTuS .:' '-.in m. '.: V v Mcndota - - a.m. " u-" u-" Chi.-asc'C.D.Ay ) ;.j)rm, ' Pe.ria - - ;..v,.,.0l :.-y3. " InJ'rli-'l.B.A-K. roif.ro. l'.'.'-'J-0- " Cincicaa'.i - i;: .j y.m. t:-'j P-10- Lsan 'f'f r.:"i . p.na ,J i.B- .. ; T. P i W. Cnhirni.iis : f. .m.. XP a- rT-Tbr-.irh Cirs from V.- --un Rirer to Chicieo. T i; -J i ir-t. i!n Cin-.n'i(i. Lojjoj-or; Lojjoj-or; and Cotnas-u-. C n...jons at. i.h'"j0 p"in' ilh liac; d;-to ih Ea,t. .Vor-h and s'ou'.b. rhiM- :hn Urtt. Shnntil, Uulrknl nd Clieapett Route. Di n'.t be defirc l. Itut obtain Ti.-kft" ia he Burlinton A Minsouri Kivcr KailroiJ. - K. TOT'ZALrX. C. K. PERKINS. Oen'l Ticket Agent. Uen'l Sup't. |