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Show MEDICAL, J. M. & F. D. BENEDICT, BURGEONS AN 3 PHYSICIANS, Office Over Calder Bro'a Music Einporiutn. al W. F. ANDERSON. M.O. H. J. HICHAHCS, M.O. Surgeons and Physicians, OEcw, for the present, at their respective residences in tho iJth and iTth W ards. d6 DR. GROVES, QXiTcCn Dentist, Omc Untl South St., Slt Lk City. Three dnors West of Revere House, half a bloak Kaat of tho Elephant Store. uFici Hocaa muM 9 a.m. to5f.m. mJ J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUliGEON, Offers his professional cervices to tho people of Salt Lake City. Residence At Bolivar Roberts' brick house, opposite St. Marks Church. JU 0. C. ORMSBY, 1.1. D. r-HYSICIAN. SUKGEON AND DKUOGIST, pillGHAn CITY. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. T0WNSENDK0U3S, SALT LAKE CITY. T11E LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNEENO PROPRIETOR. Thia House is eontrally and pleasantly lo-oatcd. lo-oatcd. woll furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 guests. TUB PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build large additions to his Hotel, wuish when finished, will render it tho Mat Complete Establishment in tho ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION I mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK EAST OP TUEATltK, SALT IjAKK CITY. Term$3.00 per dny. Board without with-out room tlii.UO cr week. Batlia free to gueitt. J. O. LITTLE, jun24 Proprietor. stock: board, (Formerly Hold's,) XVI I 3NT 8THBTJT, Two doors sou tit of Wells. Fnrgo tfe Co's. Our Bar Is furnished with nil tli.it can bo fbm;l In any llral-clusd bhIooii. Attentive and polite bur-keepers lo attorn) upon all who may favor lis willi a call. ZABRISK1E & CO. nt . TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Side K AST TEMPLE STItKET, ROOMS 11V TUB BIXGI.B NIGHT, WEEKLY OH MONTHLY, TAYLOii & CUTLEJI, Proprietors. Wo hftvo rented our RKSTAtlttAST to Messrs. GLADE . GOODMAN. nil Washington House Ahirtl Moutli .Street, SALT L AKK CITY Uonnl nnd Lodging, per Week SO 50 Dy Uonrd ' 5 00 Frcuch Spring Uil " 4 00 lleU, per NlRlit - - 30 Menli - as jU FASHION CHOP HOUSE, tNextdoorto Whito IIoiitc), fllnlu Street, Snlt Lake City. Conducted in first-class Fieneli sljTo, nt luodcr.ito price. NK'iiOL S DEKN H P IS. fl( IiMirletor. Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, OS tlio European Plan, in now oi cn and U sun lied with overy dolicucy of the tu-;mon. Meals at all hour?. Uyxters in cery jtvle. Supper Parties supplied on short notice. Terms to suit tlie times. (;LAl)E dfc UOOD.MAN, jlii Proprietors. Sierra Hold and Itcslaur.int, Knit side Commercial street. Meals served in the bent jlyle. Rooms fur-nithoiand fur-nithoiand miiurniflicJ. fix Wm. ti 10 K It t Proprietor. KiiwCeifliicrcial Umi Booms. tommeiclnl Street, Uppi'tito Gorman B.ikory, L:iko City 0. W.TAPTAN. Proprietor. t. 1 V, N A I . I . N' I ( i 111'. Sn liiK Hedfc, Sl Ctf . PfrMghl, SI. .10 tn SJ.OU 'tr VcrU. Sli'K'e Umuun, 1-t- A t r; ll t , It ml SJ.iU to S l."0 tv Weill. . olc. UTAH HOTEL.. Main Slrccl, OiiUKN. Te only jirst-class Houe in t.'ic L':iy. Oninitiis to ftn4 ftvtu nil Irainv EUDEY & WILLIAMS, J.7 ttvpuetort. CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fullor, Proprietor. To tho Public This houso i. nowrcfittc.i sn on i,ir tr.vcior :it rc.lu:cd r.:e-. - U-ard and L.U-ina. by week, Sl;;.t. Mlf. jOc Uodi, 7x. iioaU at all houre nJQ LEGAL JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Over FirH Xutiona! B.ick. Residence Resi-dence on 'M K--L street, between oouth and 1st iou:h itrcfU. e5 THUS, rirtll. GEO. I. WHITNEY. FITCH 2. WHITNEY, ATTOIiNKYH-AT-LAW, Si Fir3t South Street, fj) SALT LAKE CITY. II. 31. MOKGAN, Commissioner for Utah Territory. (ui CALIFOKXIA STREET, SAS KBANCISCO. fe3 M. A. jMjVrvN, A T T 0 K X E X - A T - L A W, No. Z) First South Street. f9 -j.t Lake City. Utah. ). COOP KH, ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOK, I umce-Eichnnge and Rending KooiiiH, tip-atalrii. ju2 HALT LAKI CITT. CASH FOR MINES! Enquire of . SETU JSL. JJLVlia. Attorney -at-Laio and Mining Agent, office: Over 97 liiml airs Dk-ck, willi C. M. JUwIey. P. U. Bos liu. dl(5 P. L. WILLIAMS. LE GRAND TOUSO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS -A T-LAW, Oliicc, balf-a-block south of Thcutro, Snlt Lnlte Oity. J12 GEORGE C. BATES, ATTORNEY-A T-L A W. Mvnnv iiawt.kv. Attorney -at-Law. Clerk of tlio Supremo Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. IIASK1.NS. Offico in. Kimball's blocfe. near U.S. Mar-j Mar-j LI shal's ollice. WM. P. APPLEBY, Atlorney-at-Lnw, nAVISQ provided himself with suitable Uliiiiks, U iircparcd to draw up Declaratory SI ate men! a of Applicant Appli-cant a lor Duedit to City Lota. Office East Temple Street, first door north ol Commcrco Building. dlif JOHN Ji- MILNEK, ATTORN EY-AT-IiAW , I'rovo tltj-, Utali. Collections mado in tho lt and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Uistric:s. . Special Httonlim given to Mininc case'. Otlice at rosi jouco, Uo-tro St. I'rovo City. j5 Warner Earll. F. M. Smith. KAlt IAj & S.H1TH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKE CITT. ' East Totnplo Street, one door aouth oi a2o Uodbo's' Storo UANIEL S. DANA, A T TORN E Y - A T - L A W, Salt Lnltc City, Utali. Office west eido of East Temple Street. Especial attention si von to fliulufi Iili-eatitm. Iili-eatitm. Wm. 11AY1J0.', (Lato Jmlo of -itU Diatrkt Court, NovaJo,! AT T 0 II N E Y-A T-L AW, Room No.i. EiistTcmi'Io Street, over First National B.ink. nl JaJ. HI. BAKNUM, A T T O U JS E Y - A T - L A W , Ollice, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. Special attention given to Titlea, iNesotia-tiuii.-. Sales or Lititfdtioni in ilininit Ciaiu.8 and Koal Estato. . Collodions mado or business dono in any partotttiu United States by Association of reliajlo Attorneys. d!7 3. II. lleinpstcad, M. irkpatriok HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attomeys-al-Law, Main Stroot, opposito Wells, 1'arco & Co.. S.ll.T LAKE I11TY, f-2 Z. ENOW. V- D. IIOOE. SXOW to. HOGK, h.Xtaru7 and Coanioiors ftt Law Eili Lako City, Utah, unite nt Show's coruor, lit East SlrecL Ju6 ' ZLnT otic e - 'lilli'I law p:irliicriliii horcto'oro csi.-ttnft 1 between Thomas Eitch and S. A. Mann is this day dissolved. FITCH A MANN. Salt Lako Ci'y. February 2d, 1Si2. 13 EOTABIES PUBLIC "A. IS. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, Jt$ Mininc Dccd, Ai;reccionts and Bonds for Deed:-, .M ori k iidrj. l'uwors of Attorney, Li-iKc- C.'ir.t:.- .A othor insirumouia oi writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. - nilnlnS t"oiiipite Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the Laivi itf L'l ivli. C. A. GOULD, and COM M 166 ION Kll 0 V DEEDS for New York, M;i.-.vlm.ict(s, Pennsylva-nia.Oliio, Pennsylva-nia.Oliio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyjuii:iC, MoQiana, Novaia, Oiklilornia, a-id other Statos and Tor-litorics. Tor-litorics. Ei.'t Tnn)!'' near With, Fargo it- i '.)., S'Ut Lnikc City. mil . Wm. Ct.Ai-rov. S. J. .!' sroN, Notary i'uLlio. Conveyancer. CLAYTON TJ0NASS0N 1)AY ttrii't alfntion lo tho collection ol UiOiiJ in H parts ol Ilia world. Tliey a'so ilr iw or acfcnowlo !co all kinde of iujtru::icins in writing. Sprdnl attrntlou civcii to the ilr-iwine nf Wtlta ;,:l.l Tohiiiuiiiory Lotu- l.n.,r r, M-i.--. ll.'U,-i' and Kc.il K.uto o; .ill ki.ii; boii-hl, foli or Ic.vc 1. I iiirip'ritiii nd Pai-lucr-Mp !;.,. n-. r--, t-v d- -r-vtion .lr.nn in . .uli 1 nti..i.lfttc nil liie laws -.f Utah. O K'K H' V. Kinir ) It door nonlli ot i (;oit lu - t ii iti. r. i2y TllS. DvVX'llC??. , United States Mineral Surveyor ' and Civil Enginoer, jotVi-No."..-' I'.ijlvt'i 11 :cl. SaU Lake Citj j ' C: (IJIE TIME in ihs i.iltcr part of Stirem-i Stirem-i O 1'tr .t L.i-1-- i;i Uc ci.ibe;- U't. prbahlj . ' cn Fir.;t -nrh t rctt. be'.wr.n tlie Efiscipu Cliurch And Fi.ta La t a;rtet. 1 A I.adv's K alch allaciird lo a iira'ilrman's Heavy LiuU dohl (haiii. Tl;c i v.itucd by I'iO i'cr boyor.. i'.,- nilrm-i worth. .ilJ iibcr.il reward will , Bo nid to tlio liaacr. Appiy at Lhu Ulaco. BANKERS. Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Aken ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., JiJSKXItS, OS, EAST TEMPLE STKEET, Salt Lake City. jl3 Bank of Deseret, BaccoBsor b HOOPER, ELDREDGE &. Co., Corner East Temple and Firat South EtreeU, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - $100,000. URTGHAM TOrNO. President,"! H. S. ELDKEDGE, VicePrea. WM. H. HOOPER, WM. JENNINGS, V Directors. JOHN SHARP, FERAMOKZ L TTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cashier. ) Deal In GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANTS, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, Ac. Collections made and promptly ru-mitted, ru-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. -Li WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts oh Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Eaat Temple St., Salt Lake City. T11EO. F. TRACY, Agent. mil TffluwiL SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Piloses, Embody all that is new and novel in Sowing Machines. They aro tho latest improved ani lightestrunning shuttle machines in tho world. Beautiful anu compact iu mDdel and unoscellod in material and tinish. Thoy sow every thiiiK from laco 10 boaver cloth in the most porioct manner. Every variety of Hemming, Felling, Q.iilltlng, Cording, Ru tiling, Piping, Tnulng, Fringing, Hem Stitciilng etc., eaally pet formed. Straight Needle. No Cog-whecte. NO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on First South Street Salt Lake City, oppoatte tlie New Meat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, iujl8 AKent. C 3P. FL H.. February 8tli, SAf4 FRANCISCO AND SACfUMfcNTQ. Lfivi gljTK'iitTi ; Arrive from KiLtt M(HPim 7O0ani;..8an Fran.. S-SOpm 1 - !'" I Jl I 7 35 " ..Oakland.. 8.IH) " i 1 60 " j 10 " 1 7 til) j .Sao Jose.. &.M " I 2 10 6 lib " , 8 ".Niiej I 7.(6 " 12 45 " 8 13 " ill 60 " ! ..Btockton. . 4.1)7 " I H U7 " U 15 " I 1 15 m ! Srtcroinonto. , 2 -0 pm1 7 1-iam Arrivo from H il Leave grinK West SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, REfJO AND OC DEN. Ijcavc sot nf; Ku-t I Arrivo from Hast 2 (H pin L Sac rani on lo. i iin 61D " ...Cultas... lir.ii aw 145nm...Roao li 10 " 0 10 " iuncninccs 4 1G pm 12 00 m I iUnicMouni 1 "iS " 4 Jiipml ....Ulso.... 3 5m e-.'oam! 0Jen.. 6'inpir An ire from Wel j Lonv.- K"'nS West Explanation. For trains running "from" San Francisjo, tnko tho left hand columns and read downwards, down-wards, or "Eastward." Eor traini running "towards" San Frm-cbco. Frm-cbco. take the rk'lit hnnd columns and read upwards or "Wc.nwurd." Sundays excepted. tsundays oity. A. N. TOWS K, H OiVM'M N den. ("upt 0n Pui'n nA Tlr-k-l A tit AMuistrator's Notice. UAVlNv) bcn appointed by the Probate Court ol Salt L iko county. Aiiniinis-Iralor Aiiniinis-Iralor ol tho ertate of llraillord Leonard, deceased, noiico is hereby Riven to all person! per-son! indebted to said citato lo como forward an 1 se.lllo iimiiedi-itoly. nnd thoo having claims rtRiiinst (ho ?nrac to prosent them tor adju.-ttucnt without delay. R.J. HOLDING. Administrator, Olhce, Room .o. 1 Court Ilouse. Salt Lako City. Feb. I'.1. R7J. 10 COLLEGE SCRIP ! UKKEML'TOUS will eave $16 on -I each quarter section by buyinp .VciiaiHural College Scrip. Apply w TIIK BANK OF DKSKRKT, IS Snrmir n.rw. Eldrf.lc A C.p XET JiEMU WORK ! "FHt rHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE." For the DcblllUted Ncrrou S) stem. DR.. TOR HAS, of Ihe Anatomical Muf eum, Ali'iitcmery ftreel ear Cai;:.'r-nt.i Cai;:.'r-nt.i .'n Franci.-co. CaJUurnia, has r,,-iV !:-hed lour ot b mc;t imj Tiact eJi;- 'niclive Lc.-tur?- in a neat volume U r who cannot attend tbe Lecture? At thoMu-j-euiii Eve.-y l"ntaarr;ci 'i i Married nan -ho u i'.I read ar.d mdy the? iiuryUnt I,c;uroa for tho good of himlf and oS- '''i'.y'ad.-lre'jiinK tho Secretary of the Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, an t'ranci.-co. nd er.cKfl-(OS er.cKfl-(OS l'woaty-iivo Ccri-s : in r.a? ;.i:i:p' to ray p-.'t-.-e. the Bok will bo Mrwardcd to any part ot" the Statoi or r:rri: one?. Dr. Jordan can bo coasuitcu by letter. d3 SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK OP UTAH, JSnlt Lalre Oily, XJtalx Ter. Successor to A. W. White & Co. Authorized Capital - $500,000. JJksj. M DulUu,. Pro.it. IjUo Piv.it. First .National Bank of Idaho. A hel W. White, Cashior, Late of A. W. While Co., Biukors, 5. L. City llKiirsTBAD A KiBKi-ATiticK, Attorneys. m i;i:crjj;s: T. It. Jones, U- II. Hempstead, M, li. L'uHnlmu, II. M. DuUc-11, A. W. White, J. M. Allen, K. AV. llonneil, 0( Donncll, Lawsou Co., New York. This Bank will transact nil kinda of legiti-innto legiti-innto Banking business, and DKAI.N IN ;oi,I AX1) SILVI.It lit: ix I o n a o it i:s. Gold and Currency Exchango drawn nnd Telegraph 'Iranrl'or.s mado on New York, San Francieco and principal Atlantic and Pacific ciiic.", nvailnblo in any part of tho I nitcd tela tea and Canada. Deposits and general business solicited from Eastern ana Foreign iinnks nnd flankers, flank-ers, Firms and individuals ; Unock Accounts kopt in Cold or Currency. E.xchango on principal cities of Europo nnd tho Cnnadiis t'uruidiud in sums to suit, nt tbo lowest rated, and Telegraph Transfers Loans mado on Bullion. Public Securities, Bonds, Local Stock, Merchandise, or other 3ood Collaterals. Approved buaiuois paper iscountcd for depositors. 1 Certificates of Deposit irener, payable in . Gold or Currency o i call, or at any specified time, available tn any part of tlio United tjliiioi ana Territories. Advances made on lii;.tncnti of Bullion or Ures tj Now York, oan Eraucisoo and , Europe. CORRESPONDENTS : mww vnmr National Park BiinV. NEW 1 UHK u,jaUf,j. Lnwsun i Co. SAN EHANOUOJ-CaUf.jniia Trust Co. LONUON Jay Cooke. AlcCulIoch 4 Co. Treasury Deimriment, Ori'tCI OT CoXI'THoLt.KR OK T11K Ct'REKNCT, WASHINGTON, JANUARY 1J. JfcTJ. WHEREAS, by atif factory cvidcr.ee prc- sentcd to tao undersigned, it J m been made to appear that ' 1 X li K SALT LAKE CUV A 1 I U N AL BANK Vl' IT A II," in tho C1TV UF SALT LAKE, in the County of SALT LAKE. TEIIKIT'J-KY TEIIKIT'J-KY UF UTAH, has been nuly ora!.i;ed under nnd according to tho rc jui.-cicnt, ol tho Act of Congrct-i, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currciicy, secured by a pledge of United Stale- Ljii.ir. ali i to provide pro-vide fir tho circula'.nn and redem p 1 in n iterorl." approved June :.rd, Wd, urd lias complied will all iho pruvifions til faia A?t required ! bo cmuplitti with belurc commencing com-mencing the buirineii ol linking under said Act. Sw, therefore. I. IIILAD R. 11UL-BL'KU. 11UL-BL'KU. Ci.iiiitroilcr ot the Currency, do hereby ceil If lh.il "I UK ,A L 1' L A K LlIY NATIONAL BANK OF Ul'All." in the Ctl'i Ur SALT LAKE, in the ci un;-nf un;-nf SALT LAKE. I hi; K 1 i U li. Y UF UTAH. ).- ftulhoriitJ to commence ttie biirincoi ol Baiikiug under the Act aloresiid. , 1'nrii.nrv itu-t-au . 1 tt-.imony whcreol I f. . ;,i ' 1 "tu ioy hnnd u,d I c.u.i -i. Utr 1 fc.ii .,: , Hi e ;h r U'.b "I , i' lJAY OF j'A.MAKi', ! (-;:..,. . I I''-- I JI-J i.nen li:Li.i. K. llT-:.Eti.r-. No.l.'.I. Ccmpir.licr uf Cjii'-ncy. BATHS, BATHS! Wurni Spring Baths ! rrlvat ml PIniK. n""ecJrtl b;h' r orn to Ibe r.ctlle t I 1 BmI'm PriTftt lUtr.t, tr la-Tid i.ar. !Cm - ly rcrr.ihd PlnDK Ilathi t r L'.ir m. 0ct.erat& r oca on. U. AO. Ji OLD. 1 MT HARDWARE. SCOTT, Iil.!llM & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IROX BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MININiJ TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARD WARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Fo-ges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. LEGISLATIVE Proceedings I W I1ERK.V.3 We are to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, . RESOLVED That Senseney & Co. are selling ! Stoves Cheaper than any other ! House in the oity, for the reason ' they are Closing Out. So. 8 Crescent' Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 Xational do. 33 00 " 8 Slates do. 12 50 " 9 "Wood Stoves of several kinds -35 00 Slove Pipe, perjoiot, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. 8EHSERET&C0 Oiipotite W. F. & Co'l Office, SALT LAKE CITY It. A. KEl'ES, Agent 8. EL BASSETT, HARDWARE STOB.E AH l;in-U of HEAVY HARDWARE, tron ami Ktecl, Stoves ?.nd Tin Ware DLACKSMITU TOOLI, Agricultural lmlrminii And fM I til hk Tooll, At Lnwral llln. OPPOSITE SALT LKE IIOISK nl Funiacemeii Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM. & CO. r Am 1(5713 rot rot GOLDE.t CITY FIRK BUKK, WV'h nra cial if not f-jperir to th bMt Knjrli'h. cipocu ralu given hj tbe c&r load. ocli. i.Mk UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On nuil nfl cr January 1 t , 1 S i i MIXED TRALNs. "j W:LL RUM BAIL "5rT. Leavinirthe Utah Central li.li. Dopot, i Salt L;iko City, at 7.10a.m.; P;:.p.T 5.45 p.m., and Sandy Siuiitir, (m-ant ' point to Little Cottonwood Cauou,) at i 6.20 p.m. Ac extra train itill I I linn on Sundays ! i Leavinir "Druner ar S.40 a.m . S.-.i ,lv I at 9.10 a. in., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. FAKEX : Salt Lako to Bis Cottonwood Station, '.Wt? " " l.iule " " tvas " P.indj- " -Lin) Dtuvbt " l.ii TwontT-fjTe cents additional will bo chare- o whoD tho fiiro is oullocu-d on ibo train. D. O. CALUKH, Gon. Froisbt and Ticket Accat. FKKAJIOllZ L1TTLH PUPKRINTKNm NT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S - .x .j, , ;. ,r-f STiGE LINES THROUGH rVevada & Montana, Mon-tana, LtaTltifr Snlt Luke CH j- Unlly, run-niug run-niug touili to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, tSevier. St. Georire, Utah ; and l'ioehe, Nevada ; I'nulng thronpli Provo, Sprincville, Snani-h Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chicken tVek, Round Valley, Fill innnr, Corn Crock, leaver, Miccrs-riilo, Miccrs-riilo, and All the prijin'jial t-nr.-s a;,d mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Alio lenve C'nrtimt, t'lnh, ilnlly, nmutiig no nil tu Vireinia City, TL li'nn. Fnrt l-!o:iton, Deer Lodp), Cednr Vr-- k m-m-'., and passinc lliro'i.ch i'l f r.c prineipal towu nnd niiu-ing niiu-ing camps in Mon tana. PRINCIPAL OKKJCK, Wells, rgo & Co. Building iin4 Salt Lnk City UTAH CENTRAL laiLSio.ui. f:' !::;"-.. .."- ?mm LINE OF UTAH. On and ftr .Holiday, July IT, I ST1 iaiiy '5'rHfim Leave Salt Lake City a( a.m. ard 2:H p.m. Arrivo at OtJen 7 a. 'ti. mid l-I'i !. in. Lonvo Oitdon at ft a. m. iin.lS.3ti v m. Arrive at bait Lake Lair lu a. in. and Ti.TO p,m la addition to the above THA.INB Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Loavine Salt Like Citr nt f-.!!0 p.m., and Oedcti nt S.iao. P&ctif;r will pi PurcliKK tltclr Tlck.aU t tit DOlrci, fifty Cont n-iditinn.il will be "hnrced whrr. tbe Urp if c-llcctcd on the train, Por ftp it ffirninti"n cnnirnIr)B frfiifb' rt ih ';, sitIf to l. '1. CA Ml Kll, ()-nral Vrru--i I ftnrl i ink nl Ag't JOHN SHARP, cri'F.H NTF.N I) TNT Loa WiucF. I!, P. KimbiJi. SALT LAKE, philil .ii.iiu And Tintic Stage and Express I LI1ME, Itl M.0 1JAII, V Ht(l,1 J A 1 T LAKK CITV, vl LAHK TOW .K, TCOKI.K CITV. ST()( K IOX AMI flPlllK Til TI,Tll. ,111 O'.n-.rd (: ?u. I.r.c : - K. r;r'-, . ,j stfn'.ivt- i'r;r-.-F j 1 - -. --y ,. u ; ...r. I - , .-.I lo tuo comfor! t I 0' iiTcnicr.oe of j.;-cl-tere. G"ud accnunio.'. :! ,n the ro,i7, TliHOUGil I'.V DAYJ.I'iHT. Cheap Fare and Q-jick Time. OIBce ftt Vclli, Vm Tf.fi l Cr.', KftH Lhi City, VLL3 k KIMUALU Oi'TisU'Tt. ! CHICAGO TRADE. PAGE, 1 5 It O. A CO., 1 ln.porln ftnd TVftln In lUTiK AND FiNDiSGS 35 nnd 37 ."outh Oinul ttrtci, CEICAofl. ill. M. D. WELLS &, CO., MBBf..cLarers of and Wholesale Dler ic loots and Slioes, CIS VKt.,lt Ave, Clilcgo. M. D. W rt!,. U.J. Miof.rl.,.. K. U.'nt-.iu'i. ir.il S. V, .M.-lniv,. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I STHVENSON & RED, W1H)LKMLB DRUGGISTS (Late of ;k, ;'J and :'t l, iko moot. Cor. l'earburn street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense hrat. To the Baptist Church Building (IT, S19 & S31 Wabtth Ave., sft8j T3k Win :-o wo have t lariro stock of DriiRS, Cln'uiui)s 1'air. is, Oils, Glass and G las.-wnro, Druici-'ts' Sim-drios, Sim-drios, I'lUoiu ihmibuKS, Kto., Kic. call and ciii:i:k rs. (Wo only it.iy 100 cents on tho Dollar ) CHASE, HASFORD & CO., 479 Sonlh CauMlSt., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass. &c, Mai'oiiiclurort of the colabrAted w n, 8 u n oil, n k . Kt YijiU TRACE. L. M. BATES & CO., 481 . 453 Bro.aw.y, NKW YORK, IWrCBTIRB ASD J0BDU9 is Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, W111TK GOODS, WOOLEXS, SHAWLS, l'A.WKEJS A'UTJOXtS, ,l-c J. II. Ill LUElt. jni ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturer, ami Jubborfl of .t ' a ' ii 37) KIlOADWAy, KKf YOKK. ! FELIX OAMFBKLL, 79 John t, New York, MapufficturTol and Iloaler In IVi cMifrlu, Cnai m1 Unl vnnlitil ' s at vi mr3 A-d curry variety of fitting for the mj7 H EN D ERidXj USTICeTco Su-OKfon to OriiTon, UondorBon & Co., lKPOHTKR;- AM) JoHlllBR nr nm goods, iotios, n o fci i w 3- y, FURNISHING GOODS. KTC. 4WH 500 UllOADWAY, Ort'f'slto t. Mch.ilM HotH. N. V.rk, BENEDICT, HALlTcoT Mannfjoturors and WholofBle L)calTB in BOOTS AND SHOES, l.'M nnd III d Crnii-I Ht., Vork, Ci'ni. r Cr-ii-by, ono block oa.-t of Proud wy Ayor's Mair Vigor Knr icHlurliK to (iiny llnlr It it nnl-tirnl nnl-tirnl V'llnlHy nnd Color. y-r A drcsMng f v'' . " W llirll is nl ft m,c Kr....a- T. IjIo, limllby, ,-.'"' ." L- mid cll'-clunl ' "'. - t'Vjfnr jiroporvitijr C x: ;.;'; uir. -' ,V,:'--.:;Q'-' ! ' v -),; y v""'' '" y"! ' 1 t,--, i.dr.,trtvh t;,r ,,,tJr-lH":f yinti. Thin hair ii Uilrla-neJ. fillin- hair ch-rked, i nnd lutldm-i nll'-ti. lli'iuli ii'. I itivHVr, ', i j I ly it- ii-'.-. N-dliniff tun ro-l'-io ' tlif Juiir w h-rf Of fi-llirlff n; dct.tri.y-', dct.tri.y-', or tti' (rland iilrnj,jF-d ntn dt'caycd; i but f-'K-li as I'ciit'iiri "'Jin I 0 mvcrl l,y ' Um nii'-ili'i, iiu 'I t-limulut'"J inUi I activity, f t hut n iil-w yjnwlh i Jmir is j. rehired, in-led -,f fouling thu hi.ir , witii ii pu-ly Ft-diiiM-iit, it will koop it (. l"!in Mid vii,-'i(.ii . Its occii-iuriiil uso will pn-vciit the Imir i'roia turning gray ! i.r fiuii'.t; '-if, nnd oii-cjut'iilly prevent , l!il-ln . 'J'ti rc;t'.inili'iii (jf vitality it ' . Vj th'- si nl. aiT'-.-tn Btid prevenu UK- f.-riiiUti'-fi -jf -Iiiiidi nil, wliicli ih often (.'i ui.i Iciiuly find (tfl.'ii-ivij, J-" f co fr"in , tli'.r" d1 Mfjri'.-ufi Full- 1;iiilos wliitb niiiko F-'-ni'- pM-ii,irnli nis Jhu'-ioue, and inju- ri-to ttio liuir, tlio Vir can only , bcjj.'lit tint ii'.t bartn it. Jf want"d iiicr. y f..r u JJ A I ii JjJtKS.SJ N(i, n-.tli-iriR o-o ;ii b'i found so dc-inible. Con- ttnriir'E; 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 '-r r.j ji-r 'Jyf, it d'"js imt f-rj J Tn-Jiiiu tfiiubric, nii'J yot lusU long on j lliy Luir, Rivii.c it n rich, frothy lu.str, nnd a grail-fill p'.'rfunn:. t Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor &. o ., rrttlinl ninl Analjllcal Clirmlilt, j I-OWKLL, MASS. ' i'or .Sulo a Z. C, M. I., Drug Dep't, |