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Show RAILROAD WATCH. TraTolera by Railroad frequently find thoir watches completely demoralized by the continuous con-tinuous jar of tho train. To overcome this difficulty ixM Ions been a problem with watchmakers, and it is now successfully accomplished ac-complished in the oeur grade made by tho AMERICAN WATCH CO. OF WALTUAM. This Watch 'u made in the most Fubslan-tial Fubslan-tial uiinner, on the most approved principles, princi-ples, and combine all the recent improvement!. improve-ment!. It has a sew micro in elri sal regulator, regu-lator, by which tie slightest variation can bo easily corrected. It is carefully adjusted. and may be entirely relied on to run accurately, accu-rately, wear well, and ENDURE THE UAKDK5I UfrAGE, without any derangement derange-ment whatever. We conddently retommend thij watch to the trade and the public a; the BEST WATCH FOR THE PRICE IN THIS ilARKET. The full trade-mark engraved on the plate cf each watch is "AMERICAN" WATCH CO .CRESCENT-SI.. WALTUAM. MAi-iv'ani it is dininctirely known as the CREiCENr-rl. Watch. for sale by all leading Jeweler?. nouni-Nas &. applktu, GENERAL AGENTS, mjli 1 BOND-SI., N. Y. special advertisements wasted! A FIRST-CLASS ALB AND PORTER brewrr: none but an experienced hand who can give iromi reterrnco need ai ply. H. li. MAKGETTS, Utah Brewery. myl6 Salt LakeCiiy. A STABLE MAN, TO TAKE CHARM? of a horse and drive; alio a first-class female cook and a tiiiy w:iitre."s and chamber cham-ber maid. Koi.e but persons fiillj-competent fiillj-competent uocd apply. myl7 Thoiub Fitch. AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL. A COOK t and three Girls. J- C- Little. May loth, 1&72. m17 LOST. CTRAYED FROM THE ISth WARD. ON O Monday last, a lartre liht brown more Mule, with a h:iltcr on the hend. Parties tle-livcrinR tle-livcrinR it to the owners. Morris & Evans, Builders. wilV bo paid for their trouble my 10 FOR 11EM yWO FINE BASEMENTS. WELL1 JL lighted and dry. Apply to theollicoff the Groat WcstornUotol. inyli 1-iWO ELIGIBLE RESIDENCES. ONE ibroo blocks cast, the other three blocks west of Main-street. Edijuirc at this office, niylii TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE. . with nine rooms and cellar, and one and a quarter acres planted with llio choicest fruit; located on Eichth East Street, near First South, in tho 11th Ward. Enquire at A. Levonthal's Auction Home. mjit A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED BED-room, BED-room, suilab:o fur ono or two gentlemen, gentle-men, one und a balf blocks wi-st of the Townsond House. EmiuLro of Mrs. Ferguson Fergu-son on the premises. my8 FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP. THE HEST FAMILY Uorso in tho city, Inrfro ske. can trot a mi'o inside of thrco minutes. Perfectly safe for women or children to drive. Apply to William Burroughs, California Stables, in j 17 CHEAP FOR CASII.-THE BOX ELDER place one block east frem Depot. Land. 5 by 20 rods. Orchard of choicest fruit agod trees. Apply to LeGraml Young, on the premises, or at tho offieo of Jos. A. YouDg, Bo0 DR. GROVES, CTfypCT Dontiait, Office, Second South Stroet, Three doors wet of Revere House, half a block east of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City. ODIco 11 o ura from 0 &.m. to i p.m. toll l A Argentn Lodge, Mo. 3, A. F. & A. ity. Stated oonimunloatiODi of this Lodge bold on the first and jfWa, 'hird Tuesday of ench month, at Masonic Hall, East Temple Street. Members of s'ster lodges and Eojourning brethren In goo! standing ore cordially in- 7Ued' E. B. 2ABRI3KIE, W. M. C-A-GOULD, Secretary pro torn, myi S. T.-1S60.X. O N WAR D I THE medical revolution which commenced com-menced years ago with the gradual disuse of blood-Jetting, salivation, drastio purgatives, and powerful opiates, opi-ates, goea Dravely and gloriously on. bvery day the sick grow wiser. They are no longer willing to open their mouths, shut their eyes, and take whatever what-ever the doctors arc pleased to proscribe, without inquiry. They want to know the nature of the medioincs they are desired to Bwallow, and demand to have the mysterious Latin lingo of the profession translated into plain Kng-lsh. Kng-lsh. Tho Invalid World understands at last that VIGOK is the great antagonist an-tagonist ef disease. The feeble decline to be utterly prostrated by depleting pills and potions, and turning from such mendicamcnts with loathing, judiciously place their trust in a remedy reme-dy which combines with the properties of an Alterative those of a pure and wholesome Tonic and llcstorative. It is now about twelve years since this grand desideratum was introduced under the name of PLANTATION BITTERS, and from that time to the present its progress has been without a parallel in the history of proprietary medicines. With the spirit of the sugar cano the moat nutricious of all stimulants for its basis, and medicated solely with the juices and extracts of rare vegetable specifics, such as Calisaya Bark, the best known Tonic that tho world produces, pro-duces, and which makes it by all odds tho most unobjectionable invigorant, corrective and general alterativo that has ever been placed by science within the reach of tho sick, the suffering, and the despondent. Hence it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation Bitters is to-day the most popular popu-lar Tonio on either side of the Atlantic IffliI ISMS LIMIT FOR MAJf AJfn BEAST. Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a sale, while none have been more universally bonelicial than tho celobrated Mexican Mustang Liniment. Lini-ment. Children, Adults, Horses and Domestic AnimaiB, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no family can pasa a single season without some kind of an emollient being necessary. neces-sary. It becomes a matter of importance import-ance then to secure the best The merits of the Mexican Mustang Liniment are well known throughout the habitable world, .From the million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has ever reached us. It is recommended re-commended for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, Swellings, Bites, Chilblains. Chil-blains. &c., upon man, and for bpavins Founders, King-bone, Poll Evil Scratches, Wind-Galls, Hocfale, &c , upon horses, IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF HORSES, "This is to certify, That the Mexican Mustang Mus-tang Liniment has boon oxtonsivoly used In our stables throughout tho country (we have 2.5O0 horses) with tho greatest benefit in all oases of galls, kicks, sprains, lameness, Btiff-noss. Btiff-noss. eto. Many of our men have had occasion occas-ion to use it in their familios, aud all speak of it in the highest terms. One of our men got kicked and badly out and bruised; as usual, us-ual, the Mustang Liniment was resorted to; the lameness was removed, and ho was almost al-most well in four days. w0 can cheorfully reaommena nut vaiuaoie preparation lor man or beut. Yours respectfully, J. DUNNING. Foreman of Adams k Co 'a. Exp'i. Stablee. N. Y. "Wo take great pleasure in recommending the Mexican Mustang Liniment as an indispensable indis-pensable and valuable articlo, and the boat we have ever m-od for Sprains, Soros or Galls on horses. Some of our men have also used it for severe burns and sore-, as well as rheumatic pains, and all say it acts like magio. J. II. HEWITT, Foreman. For American Express Co., 10 Wall Street; Harden's Express Co., 7i Broadway; Pullon, Virgil A Co.. Express Co., U Wall Stroet; Wells, Fargo Sc. Co.. 11 Wall Street. Overthree hundred livery stables in the city of New York alone are using the Mexican Mustanq Liniment, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. satisfac-tion. CAunoy Some unprincipled parties have undertaken under-taken to countoritit Uni Liniment. The genuine ifl wrapped in a lino "Steel Plato" engraving, "'uh "U. W. Woubrouk. Ctjem-Li." Ctjem-Li." and "Trade Mark, MEXICAN MUSTANG MUS-TANG LINIMENT," ensraved across the face of each wrapper- The whole bears the proprietors' private United States Revenue Scamp, and not a common ttauip, as used by drae.ijts. Lros MAKUfACiraiHG Co.. AM fti Park i'ue. N. Y. Ames, Sherman & Co., JOtlTEB3 OF Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, LuilltLLLAS AM) PAKASOLS, Noi. 5"j and 53 Wabash Avenue, Cuicauo GEO. C. AMi;, GEO. C. .-HERMAN. F- I. SilhKlA myli HEW ADVERTISEMENTS S A. Hi 1 XiAKB THEATRE CHANGE OF TIME I Doors open at7s. Commence at 3 o'olock. Saturday Evening, May IS, Will be presented. Watt Phillips's thrilling Five-Act Drama, rccontly produced with the greatest success, entitled M KUILTY. Beautiful Appointments Characteristic Appointments .' AND X Powerful Distribution of Characters !!.' Song and Dnuce, Mr. IIAIIKY LOnitAISE. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 20tii, Bo appearanoo of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. BATES. LITTLE EMILY. $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by Stale Aulhorily aud Drawu iu Public iu SI. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class E,tobiDrftwu May 31, 1873. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. 1 prize oIS30,OOOI OOOprizesofS 100 1 pritt) of 13, -130 DprlKOSof 1,000 Iprzo of 10,000 Oprlosof COO 1 prio of 7,501) Oprusof .TOO 4rpri9of ft.OOOi Uprl.Mor 50 4 prizes of M.OO 3G prizes of 00 Hi prizes ot I.OOO1 30 priy.es of l.",0 MOprizosof flOO1 180 prizes ef 100 lOprUosof 5-40,5,000 prizesof 10 Tickets,- S10. Half TtcketSj $3. Quarters, 93.50. f. Our lottorios are chartered by tho State, nro always drown at llio timo named, and nil drawings are under the fliiporrision af iicoro commlasiouora. S- The official drawing will be paMlshed iu tuo St. Lonii import, and a copy tent to purchasers ol tii'k.iti. Wo will draw a similar scheme tho Inst Jbj- of every moalh duriDg llio year 1872. ivn Remit at our risk l v T03T OFFICE MOSKY ORDERS, BKQISTKRKD LETT KB, DRAFT, or EXPRESS. Bond for a circular. Ad-Itvis Ad-Itvis MUKKAY, MILLER . Co., I post Ofllco Box aB. ST. LOUIS, Mo. , mjlT LARGE ARRIVAL -OP- M ILLINE RY AT MRS. COLEBROOK'S Palace of Fashion. Just opened the standard fashions in Ladio Hats & Bonnets, Including the favorite DOLLY VARDEN Latest designs in very ohoap. ALEX. KID GLOVES, GROS GREEN RIBBONS, LACE COLLARS, TISSUE BLONDS, LACES, CORSEWS, FLOWERS Aud a complete stock of NOTIOX s. Mourning Goods always on hand Ladioa jast arriving hare, by oallinK on u will find the largest and richest stock soods koptio thia city, at moderate price: my17 GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAW. Situated in bus In est part of the city, wit accommodation for 200 guests. FIRST-CLASS accommodation for Familit and Travelers,-Rooiui, Travelers,-Rooiui, 5 0c, 75c , SI. 00 and Si. 5 lcr day. Dining Hall and Rostaarant under th management of M. II. Boards ley, late of tb Morrison House. Omiha, and Tichnc House. Lincoln, Nob. Board per wk, 87j JUeals, 5 0c. Stages leave daily for tho mines. Laundry connected with the hotel. SMITH & BIGAZE, myl7 Proprietors. ESTRAY NOTICE. In AYR in my possession tho followin ilcscribod estray animal: XOneironirry Mare, three yoirs aid. dar list on back, no brand; and moiling i-r.lt, Onoblack llorsotolt, two yen re, old. n bra noc Oro bay Mure, seven yea-s old, throe whil feet, mm no in lurrlnrid, 0 on left rhoulde bfamsb brand on leU thigh; suekinj; colt. One s rrol Horse colt, two years old, n brands. One bay Male about nine years old, orii pled in hind foot, no brands. One roan pinto Mnro eight or nine, A P o nent thigh, Spanish brand on left thigh an shoulder, witb Backing colt. Ono sorrel Ware eight or nine years oli whHo stripo in faco, troo brand on rigt thigh; sucking colt: One roan Mare eight or nine years oli stnpo in lace, two white foot, cross S on lo thigh and ehoulder- .One roan Horse two years old, white on lo hmd foot, no brands. One bright hay Horse colt two yoars oli no brands. One roan Mare fiye years old, star in for head, right hind foot white, no brand. Ono cream two years old, white spot in for head, no brands. One bright bay Horso two years- old, i bran-If. One two year old dun Maro, stripe in fac no brands. If not called for within ton dnys from tt dato of this advortifcmont I shall expose f( sale at public auction at my residence i tirantsvillo, Tooolo county, Utah Termor and sell to the highest bidder according i law. John W. Coo lev. mi" Pound Keeper. flEBH PITE1T EMI FIRE and BIIU.LAU PROOF The Best Safea til the "World. HERRING & CO., 46 State street, and corner 14th atrcc and Indiana Avenue, CHICxVGO. my IT DRESSMAKING aRS. DAVIS respectfully notifies h( lady friends and patrons that she has r moved from Mrs. Wilkinson's to her on reidence. WEST SECOND STREET, East lide, half a block south of Court Houn 14th Ward. Jlri. Davli bas had a long and vane experience in DR.liSS3IAK.lHi;, in Loi don.at.Miii McLellan's. New Bond titree also in Philadelphia and Wwninglon, I. 0 and it full? capable to execute all ordci cQtiuUfid. to her care, mjl'i MISCELLANEOUS, Partnership Dissolved. The partnership heretofore existing tin" tier ihe firm name of Johnson k Morgcnson' Hoot and Shoemakers, is this day disdolvod by mutual consent. ahusti's johnson. James mukuunson. May 13. 1872. mylo CATTLE FOll SALE. HUNDRED HEAD OF FINE UTAH CATTLE, including fine Milch Cows nnd Calves. For particulars enquire at this oilico. mylJ NOTICE TO MINERS. PERSONS buying Mining Claims or William Wil-liam Lcwm, on the Southern Extension of tho SUNBEAM LODE, Tintlo Mining District, nro notified that I hold a Deed for 1XM feet oli that ground. mylJ MUSKaCUJKP. noticb:: T'lIE Co-partnership herctoforo existing betweon tho und its igncd. under the firm naiuoofCA LDEK, SfclAKis & UAYNES, whs on llio 3Utb day of April dissolved by inulu;il consent. I). 0- Colder, W. Soars and William Caldcr, known under tho Grin name of C.ildor it Scars, will continuo tho business, collect nil dubts and aumo all liabilities ol tho late firm. D- U. CALDElt, S. W. SEAHS. WILLIAM CALDER, JOHN DAYNES. uijl.-, JOd. J. UAYNES. Ta Whom il may Concern. WE, tho undersigned, Qcorge N. Savage and W . H. Hagor, claim and own two hundred and twonty-nvo foot in tho Kcd Pino ledgo in Dry canyon, latterly known as tho Iris and till later known as tho Kear-sargc, Kear-sargc, said claim having boon located Juno lo70. by W. H. linger, ot al., and duly recorded re-corded and tho law complied with in other respect;. And wo hereby caution parties not to trade or barter for said claim without our sanction or consent. G.N. SAVAGE, W. II. RAO EK. Salt Lake City, April 30. 1870. niyl REMOVAL. Ceo. Clm-k has romoved his harboring establishment from 2nd South Street to tho third door south of tho City LiquoT Store, (up-staira) whore ho would bo pleased to see his friends and patrons. mylO NOTICE. T1IE annual Mooting of the Stockholders of tho Utah Central Railroad Co. for the Election of Officers Will ho held on Saturday. June 1st, at 10 am., at tho office of President Young. GEORGB SWAN. Secrotary. Salt Lake City, U. T., May 10th, 1872. mylO . A. P. HOTALING fc CO. BOLE AGEXTS FOE THE J. H. CUTTER i OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPOnTKRS OF PINK WINE B AND LIQ.UOR8, 431 Jnckson M,, Smi Francisco. 3 a!9 J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY. C. P. MOORMAN & CO., Louisville, Kentucky, Distillers t The Trade and Consumers arc notified that tho above is tho only genuine brand of Cuttor whisky, and that the nndorpigncd aro tho solo Agents for tbo same All other brands claiming to bo "Cutter" whisky arc only poor imitations, la order to pro-vent pro-vent Ira-id. the names of tho Agenl nre burned in tncli barrel, and blown in cadi bottle, with a fae-slmile glgua-lurt glgua-lurt of the firm covorinir tho corks, flionc other genuine. A. P. HOTALING CO., Solo Agents ' for tho Pacifio Coast, 4 il Jackson btrcot, San ' Franr-iaco. California. CINJilXiiTOS CO., Agents for Salt Lake and Utah. u-1 TO THE TRADE. For .Sale In Store and Warehouses; 2,:00 barrels J. II. Cutter whisky, 500 barrols Daniel Boone whisky, lot) barrols Eldorado whisky, 375 barrels C. it M. Cbiokon Cock whisky, 250 barrols Old Bourbon whisky, ' 375 barrels -Marshall whisky, 1,300 barrels otbor popular brands Ky. " 5,000 oacos J. II. Cuttor whisky. Also In Store aud Bontli M casks assortod brands French brandy ;s 200 octaves " " " " 60 pipes Holland Gin, a mi 225 'a onsks Port Wine, assorted brands 175 octavos " o 200 oaJke Shorry Wino " o 260 octaves " ir Orders Solicited, A. P. IIOTA1.1SG A. CO., 431 Jackson Street, San Francisco, California. fili-ssrs. CUNN1NGTON fc CO., our Agents for Salt Lake and Utah a21 - ANOTHER EXCURSION ON THE BRINY DEEP. The Steamer 3 ''CITY OF CORINNE'' J- Will 'make AN EXCURSION TRIP ft OH ft Great Salt Lake. 1 On SATURDAY NEXT, May 18th, From Lake Side, on the V. C. R, It. e- Train connecting with the steamer will leave tho U. C. K. K. Depot at S o'clock, a.m-, 10 and returning will arrive at7:.'W p.m. Farofortho round trip, including transfer 0, by wagon from the cars to steamboat landing and return, $1.00. le Dinner served on board in a sblo onsnr-r onsnr-r pa??ed on tho Pacific Coast at an extra charge ,n of 31.00. All the luxuries of the season V. to behnd on board at Sal. Lake priefs. Evcy 0 care will bo taken to havo tho company select, se-lect, and to make the trip thoroughly en-jo en-jo vnblo. Tickets for sale nt the Utah Central Tiekot Office. Procure tickets curly as they are S limited to one hundred and twcn'y-live-N. B. A party of Ono Hundred or more, wishing at any timo to mako an excursion on the steamer, can bo accommodated by notifying no-tifying us, in time to mako nocessary preparations. pre-parations. myli H. B.JACOBS 4t CO. JAMES M. SMITH, ! REAL ESTATE AGENT, Main Strict, Salt Lake City, (In Roid's Building.) City LoU. Stores, Houses, etc. bought. Bold and lca.-ed. Lound negotiated for parties on reasonable terms. my 15 B.W. Allen & Co., ir 17 Ilroudway, Isow VorU. BKAXCll HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agents for tue Celebrated 1 COLD SEAL WHISKY I V. S. FOSTER, Agent. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, .'.-."..lea I . . T TT Ttl GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. HIOH IN Till! SIKKHA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful State ol California, grows an herb long known to the Indians as an nlisoluto cure for KLlliUMA-TISM. KLlliUMA-TISM. GOUT, NKL'UALGIA. and all diseases dis-eases in any way springing from impurities of tho blood. Science has at longtli brought to light its virtues, and of thmjiotont horl has compoundc-i VERBA SANTA, a preparation prepa-ration for tho PERMANENT CUKE of Scrofula, Salt 11 lieu nl, and alt Krup. live and Culnneo-n Dlocntea. Gives immediate and permanent roliof It DYSPEPSIA. ERYSIPELAS, Ring Worm. Tumors, Bnils- Scald Heads, Ulcnrs an Soros; eradicates from the systoui all traep of mercurial duoajo. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It la therefore peculiarly suitable for use b fomalcs and children as a BLOOD FUKI PIER and RENOVATOR. Who wish to find a medicine peculiar!) adapted to the cure of HUMORS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in thoir ohildron, will find a safr and sure curoin YEKBA SAMA, For salt everywhere. RBDIMOTON, IIOSTKTTKK CO Agnta, and 531 Market St Sin fTrancltoo. redingtonT" hostetter & co. Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Fine Eaientlal Olli, Gums, R.ootif Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, Sltlne, Pomades, Ac, And all ether Staples connected with tk Wholesale and Retail Drug Buiiness. Constantly in receipt, by direot Importation, of Earopoan and Asiatie products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, H os tetter's Bitters, Drake's Plantation Bitters, Wolfs Schoidam Schnapps, Nc well's Pulmonary Syrup, And all tho leading Proprietary Medicine I both Arnorican and Europoan. j Orders Promptly and Carefully Eseooted. Noi. 539 and 531 Market Street Betweon First and Second, ' San Francisco, California. !i MINERS' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Co-Opciiti ve, 233 First Street, Sun Francisco, Angell, Palmer & Co., nZi MANAGERS. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WHOLESALE THADK, Weaver & Taylor, US Front Stroot, San Francisoa, California, A. C, DIETZ & GO. IliFOETEae'OP PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. 221 FRONT STREET. Bet.8unuDi.otoA CiromU. Stn Fruiclico A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer In jgjSyg? "J1 tJnds of PICKLED tfe SMOMLHD SALMON AND HERRINGS, 183 Washington Street. All kinds of Dried, Smoked and Pickled FiiU eonstan Uy on baa d. 4 RQSENBAUIYI & FRIEDMAN . 34 Battery St., San Fran, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in French, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Hosiery, Corsets, Ribbons, And full lino of Bmallwares. in6 GRAND HOTEL On Market Now Montgomery and oeoond tilroots, FRATfCISCO, OAX. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. a MlOHAKL KASI. T. N. WiKD. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors to Hunter, W and M. Co.) Importers and Wholesalo Sealers in WIXES AXD LIQUORS. Propriety of Hunter's California Wiioat Vvlil'ali.cy. Alto A nents for Joseph S. Finoh's celobratod Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY 507 and 009 Front St., near Jackson, SAM FKAJiClSCO. my 31 LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobber of Foroisn and Domestic Do-mestic fancy and Suido DRY GOODS. Drpat of Gi-d3 Manufactured it the Misiwn njtrf 1'acijic Mills, Consolidated. 043 A 3J7 IllArket M ., Mn Fra nylS Paris: liS Hue De L'Kchcm E. P3 AFJTs S"1 & CO, Wholesale Lipr Dealers, 108 fa'iont Street, San Francisco Prorrielors of ffllLLlCU'S LlTltA ULD BUt llBUN And fo!e afenta fur j , r. CUTTLR'S LXTFA ULD 30HRBQN WHISKIES j Con.'tanily on har-l, a full aortinont of all Lho j ara Brantls or Whliklei, Fine DranUI i Foreign and Domestic Wines, ml Outers, Cordials, I SStSSSBSSSe'''SS'""SMSBtSBtMtSaTSaTMBa SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING jrpnl Titles to Mining Claims and ater Mights. Uy Gregory Yalo. 8T Processes ot Uolit ana Silver si-traction, si-traction, for Ueucral Use. JjyGuiJo Kustel. f.'i u), Siilplmrtti, What they are, How Anftyeil, and Uatv Workrdl 11 y Win. Bum tow. $1 IX). , The Mining nnd metallurgy of liold and Mlvcr. By J.Arthur Phillips Phil-lips The metallurgy of Ltail, Including Ucnllverlxatioti, aud Cupcllnt lou, By John Porev. 81fi i0. A III nit u al of Practical Assaying. By J.hn Mitchell. K. C, S. 813 HI. Cronkc'i nnd Hohrlg's Trentlae on niclullurgy, In three vol. Vol. 1. Silver iiul Lend. Vol. 11. Copper aud Iron. Vol.111. Steel ami Fuel, Kioh vol. sold eoiaratelv at ilOlM per toI. The Rlctnlturgy aud Mining of Capper. Cap-per. Bv A. S. I'idBot. M D. 81 50. A Treatise on Oro Oepoaltai By Bern-hard Bern-hard Von Cfita. 81 SO. A S) t em of Mineralogy. By James D. Dana, M, A. $10 00. Any of the ubovo works son t by mail on re- coi-it of jirioe in Ouin, or its equivalent in ourronop. Wo also have in addition to tho above, a Inreo nfsortmont of SoiontiCo, Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books and Stationery. Catalogues furnished on a indication. indi-cation. A.ldre,c8 A. ItuniAN 6s, CO., Puhltshers, Uooknelless, Importers and Stutlomrs. No.ll Mon'Komory St., Lick House Block, tan Frunoifco, California. ao K8TAULIBUKD I86 0. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 215 Front Street, San Francisco. ar4 CRAY, JONES &CO. UBI'OI OH T II K SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFA-1UL,EflS OF 0K SOU LEATHER, No. 41S Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. J-sEPii Boston )a-inta Oruz. saD Franci80a aixj Established in 1851. C. VENARD, M nnufaoturor of tho Original Cliartres Coflec, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jackson and Paoiflo. SAN FRAJvCISCO. 5 L. A. Sanderson, T. L. norn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors vf La Espanola Cigar Factory, Sole manufacturers of the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CICAR 413 Front S freer. Between Washington nnd Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. an4 CALIFORNIA CRACKER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OP Fancy Cracters, Cakes &Biscuits, 803 Battery St. near Broadway, SAN FRANCISCO. s E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importers and Jobber of Braniies. fines ai Lips, 310 Front St., cor. Com mere lal, D. B. nyr. f2S SAN FRANCISCO. . I. cniELonca. waites iiooi. n. a. utrn. E. CXXXIiOVIOEX db CO., iiii'ortura aud wholesale dealers in FINE WINKS . LIO.CORS) BOLI AO E.MS FOR JESSE, MOORE & CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. DIEICT FROM LOUISTILLK, IT. 601 Front St., BAN FRANCISCO. an4 0IIC1IKLS, FRIKDLANOKR 4b CO.. iiipoitiii or Furnishing and Fancy Goods, Ao. 7-9 Battery St., Oriental Block) San Francisco, California, Bolo Manufacturers of the IMPROVED YOKE AMERICAN 8IIIRT. ai4 J. B WOOHTia. . D. BHATTDCL WDQSTER & SHATTUCK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Wbolcsalo Dealers In Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Lard, HAMS, BACON, ETC., 317 310 Front it.,cor. Commercial, SAN FRANCISCO. aA PARKER, WATTSON Sl CO., . (Successors to Weil k Co.,) Importers nnd manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 221, 223 and 225 Front St., cor. Sacramonto, ao 8 VN FRANCISCO, CAL. MURPHY-GRANT & GO. Importers of American and European Staple and Faiicy DRY GOODS, SA.IV FHANCI8CO, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of the Trado to their Urge and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, .Which they aro now receiving direct from. European Manufacturers, oomi-riiinf in part-French part-French Merinos, Wool Satlnes, Wool Plaids, French and German, Irish nnd French Poplins, Km press Cloths, Tamlse, black and colored, Velrateens, Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, QLO "V E S, Kid, Back. Berlin (Ladies', Uiuea', Genu1) Gents' Underwear And .11 kind, ol Gents' Furnishing Goods. 1 Hoi It ry, complete ta aJI IU branches I White Goods, I Jlnitilkcrchlrfs, shining Llnem, Ati1U, white :id color!,' Umnaiki, Ltuwn loom end t' !: bed, Towels, Ilttck. DLer, Turkub. Mnpklns and Doj-lles, k'lc, Klin COAL! COVLiIJ GRASS CANYON COAL ! I ! I am prepared tc furoitih OraM Canjon Coal, in aiif -iiiantitiM, dolirered to all parts or tho CUr. Orders left at Italic bon'B, East Temple SU, will reeei" prompt attention. |