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Show NOTARIES PUBLIC. CIIAS. "VV. STAYXER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ' Duly qualified and commissioned by the Governor. Olfice at Caldor Bro's, Salt Lake City. m22 JOH V McKWAN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Will drtw or acknowledge all kinds of DStrumenLs in writing. Wouipi attention paid to business. Office at residence, Pruvo City, Utah Co, U.I. m W- P. APPLEBY, United States Commissioner, Notary Public & Conveyancer, COMMISSIONER Full California, Insa. Michisan, Ntvida. K-.n-iu. iff r..-in. Nelir.if k.i, I'i- i.r.. , Ivubia, N.w dursty, Mis-ouri. Illinois, Montana, Indiana, Aljsdcbufutt.'', and otho- Plates and Territories. All kinds of 1ce;iI and bus:n"?3 innrumontd accurately accur-ately drawn, and iicknoivlu ;fiuiei:t3 t.km Minititt and other i:ji:iii;.niei i-c . rpu-:acd under tho laws of Ulali. lujlj Wm. M. Gillespie. Jjs. V, Stainburn STAINBURN i GILLESPIE, Notaries Public, COMMISSIONERS 01' DEEDS, tSearcLiera of Iiucordw, OOWVETAWOEUB, Office On rig lit of entrance to Stock Board, Re id1 Building, Main St. The legality of tho Notarial acts of the abore-n ained firm is unquestionable, as tboy act under appointments male by lho Lchis-lativo Lchis-lativo AsJembly of the Territory of Utah. dated February Hi, ls7-', and oommiHEiona of tbe Governor of the Territory, issued subsequently, subse-quently, and have complied with both the Territorial laws by film.; tho required bonds, &r. , in the Territorial Auditor's oiiice and with the Probate Judge of Salt Lake county. f37 A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, 3 Mining Deeds, Arroomonts and Bonds for Doeds, Mortnages, Powers of Attorney, Lewes, Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with accuracy and dispaloh. A?-91 In luff, Coatpanlca Incorporated Incorpora-ted mdir tha Liwi of Utmli. C. A. COULD, NOTARY PUWLIO and COMMISSIONEK OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylva-nia.Oh.io, Pennsylva-nia.Oh.io, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Calil'oniia, and othor States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Temple $L. near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lakt City. mil Ww. Clattos. S. J. JoNAsaoiT, Notary Public. Notary Publio and Convoyanoer. CLAYTON & JONASSON PAT strict attention to tho collection oi money in all parte of the world. They also draw or acknowlodeo all kinds of inatruuionts in writing. Special attention civen to tho drawinft of VCIlla and Teitnmentory Uocu-menta. Uocu-menta. Loans nofiotiated. Minos, Houses and llonl Estate of all kiuda bought, sold or leasei. Incorporation and Purtneritliln Pniieri of every doHoriidion dm wn in etiiot accordance with thu lawa of Utah. Win Clayton, Coratr.i.-icmcr of Deeds for tho Stole of New York 1'enylvMiia. Ohio. Connecticut, Missouri, Iowa wiuasin and California. OK KICK Fourth door eon tlx or (indbe1! tnnwr. n29 f;'iijCLLAM0i3i FAlUnST" FREIGHT CO. Head U"ar(crs, St. LouIh, Mo. IllTRAXT&CuTTING, KORWAltDlNU commission muurn AGENTS SALT UKK CITY, UTAH. WE aro prepare! to contract for bip -meat, trial all .ru of lho but. our I.inonavia,.- mnJo .nooi.l rrnBttonlj ft.r tho R:vfo and M.oo.ly trail. l'uat"r.ot all KroU Vl from Now York, Barton. BalUmoro. fh" mo. 51 Looil and all Kasltta Cute., to Salt Lako city. Wo ro offoring oxtrit lo.lnotmolltl for lh hirniontof Oro aad Dulhon to all haitorn poiu.. Oi-nm K wnt)fai: F"" block aoiitu of Deiiol, soil Lako City. DUIIANT CUTTISB-aLt CUTTISB-aLt TP O n Bees! Beesl Bees! Duk wheat and Alsaoa clorer at CEO. GODDARD'S. Farmer! Farmers I 1 Red Clover, Rod Top. Timothy, Alfalfa, Lucerne, Ac. at CEO. CODDARD'S. Uwnrri and Driver of Teame I Corn,UaU, Barley, Chowod Feed, c, at CEO. CODDARD'S. Owner of Cowl, Chiekena. Bab-liitu Bab-liitu und Pii 1 Bran, JShorti, Corn .Meal. Wheat, Ac. at CEO. CODDARD'S. It is roallT ""th while for Ilouekeni- nk and ,thers tiri t mnrket. ati to caII in and es.imme tho imineno variety of useful use-ful article ihero is for sale at CEO. CODDARD'S. And if yiu are thirsty be will five Ton a drink of tin celebrated eider, and it hunsry. he will sell yu sonu- ,-hoicc our. i. heeo. Bacon. and if tired ho will.icad them home for you froo of charKC. Where Is CEO. CODDARD'S New Storcl Tt" about half way Wtirorn Kimball A Lawccuoe's corner and Ike Meat Market. a-1 , STALLION BISMARCK 1MLL .tand fr tbe st rhe? F :t .M.lo.-.A.V-'nac.a; t W V. N T Y F 1 V H DOLLARS, in advance. No drawback. BI LL HIMTwILLLIM. At the ?ame rluc. at FIVE DOLLARS, l aduc. Ai.rli to. 11, 0. FAKE. MEDICAL. rV. F. ANDERSON, M.D, H. I. RICHARDS, M.D. Burgeons and Physicians, Offiee. for the present, at their reepectiTe reeideaces in the Utb and 14th Wards; "n5 1 0. C. OR MSB I, M.D. FHYSICIAN. SURGEON AHD DBUGGIST, BHIGHAn CITY, UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADIXG HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMEC TOWHSEND PROPRIETOR. Tab House. Is oontrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, woll fiirnishcd, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 130 guests. TIIE PROPRIETOR is now proparlng to bnild larse additions to his Hotel, whia when finiahed. will roaJr it the Mott Complete Establishment In the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OSH BLOCK EAST OP THEATRE, SALT LAKE OITY. Term 93.00 per day. Board without with-out room 91'4-UO per week. Dnthi free to gucals. J. C. LITTLE, iun24 Proprietor. TAYLQE'S HOTEL, West Side Main Street, ROOMS with or without BOARD. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS, LARGE FRONT ROOM Added for tho use of Quests. HOT AND COLD UATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietors. Washington House -'liirtl tSoixtl. Htreet, SALT LAKE CITY Board airtl Lodging, per Week $T 00 Day Board " 00 French. Spring Beda " 3 00 Bed, per Night - Meala - ..f5 Jji New Comrcial Lofc Rooms, 46, Commorcifil St., Salt Lake City, i C. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. OPliN ALL NIG II T . Sprlntr Beds, fas, 37' and 50 eta. per Nlghti 81.50 to Sll.OO perWeelt. Sluc-e Rooms, SO and 7 3c. per N lght SJ.00 to SI. 30 per Weelt. Double Rooms, SI. 00 to SI. GO per MgUt. olo XJTlII hotel, Maiu Street, OGDEN. The only Jirst-claas House in the City. Omnibus to and from all trains. EUOEY & WILLIAMS, 117 Proi.ri.ion.. HQWL6NQ & ASPINWflLL. 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will nilvnnce lllierntly oil consignment), consign-ment), of Ore and Bullion. Bullion imrclin.cd it ( lilgli.at market rntea. a27 31 ILLINERY ! TO THE LADIES OF SALT LAJKK CITY AND VICINITY I MRS. WILKINSON Rocrectfnlly announces to her friond and Katrons that he has greatly enlarijod her uinoi for lho Spring; and Summer Trade And is now prepared to deal extensive' is Millinery and Fancy Goods EXCLUSIVELY. On hand nd oonitantly arriving a sideodid ouimincui the latosl stylos of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S ; Straw and (actus Hats, Lace and Rice frames, Neapolitan. (actus and Chip Braids, Sc. Also, Fauoy Millinrry of tho ino tashionablo kinds. Kibboos, Flowers, Laoo?, Stikj, M alines Crapes, Gloves Talis Etc WILL ARRIVE FOR CONFERENCE A larce assortment of Fani'T Urea tJoodi, 5t a plea. Vlofi a, CblRiion. llatr Holla. Lmttrt' LI tic it Sutta. ami a Kplrii'lld variety of l.dtr' ar.d Children Under. 0 all and ee. No. S3, MAI" S?;REET. t33 LEGAL CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Room No. . orer First National Bank, Salt Lake CIlj-. my!2 W. P. APPLEBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW And Register in Bankruptcy, Offlcei No , Main St. mylO ok:o. l. woods?, AT TORNEY-AT - LAW, Office in Secretary Black's Baildinir, SALT LA KB CITY. alO W. It. KEITHLY, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law, Taylor A Cntl?r'i Daildinc, Room No. 10, Op-witg S;iit Lake Duiiic, SIt Lake Cily, Utah. P. L. WILLIAU3. L 0K4KB TOOSO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Oihcc ha!f-a-block 3onth of Theatre, t3n.lt Lake City. jl2 tiKOllOK C. BATES, ATTORN E Y - A T- L A Y. C. HYKOM ILAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of tho riti promo Court and icrri:orial Librarian. J. XV. I1ASICISS. Oince in ILLaih-i'.l's blck, noar U.S. Mar-jU Mar-jU shal'sotlico. W. W. WOODS, ATTOKNEY-AT-L AW, No. SJ, MAIX STREET, gait Lake City, Utah Ter. rr.'il JOHN li. MILNER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utah. Collections mado in the 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts. Sptoial attention given to Mining case?- 1 Office at residence, Co-tro tit, Provo City, )' Warner Earll. F. M. Smith. EAKLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKE CITY. First Booth Street. Raima 11 nnd 12, No 1(5, Kimball Block. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Offico west side of East Temple Street. , Especial attention givon to Mining liti-gation. liti-gation. d27 "Wm. HAYDON, (UU Jodge of 4th JJistrict Court, Nevada, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Room No. 9. East Temple Street, over First National Bans:. .Si K. M. BARNUM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW r Office, Kimball's Block, S. L. City. Special attention given to Titles, Ncitotla-tions, Ncitotla-tions, Sales or Litigations in Mining Clai. us and Heal Kstato. Collections made or bnsinoss done in any part of the United SUtos by Association of reliable Attorneys. "17 3. H. Hempstead, M. Kirkpatriok HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATR1CK, Attorney8-at-Liavs M.tn Atpi,f.t. onrxiRitB Wolls. lTarzo A Co:, 8ALT LAKE OlTY Z, SNOW. D- H0QS- SNOW & HOGE, ft.ttorneya and Conmeior at Iiiiw Salt Lake City, Utah. Office o! Snow's corner. 1st K?vat EtresL Jn6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOUNBT-AT-LAW, Salt Lak. City, tltaU. Offioo Over First National Bank. Beai-donco Beai-donco on 3d Et etroot. between ooutTi and 1st South Btrouu. TH08. yirOH. OKO. a- WHITHKY. FITCH a WHITNEY, ATTOKN KYS-AT-L A W, . A. . HI N N , A, T 0 K N E r - A T - L A W , No. M First South Street, p, . Salt Lako City. Utah. i) . n o o p i; it. ATTUHSB' AD COUXSKI.LOB, onicc-T2r, r,..:. "", " ltooin., tli.-.llr.. gLT LAS" CITY AMERICAN BUREAU MINING lfFORMION For UtaJi. Orn-aniied by mining nnd ImFmeJfl men of TOlahfortho pirposo Ol obUinma aud au-seoainating au-seoainating Reliable Information in regard to Mines And Mining property throughout the Territory. WARREN IinSSEY. rresH.nt. TUOS. F. AKEKS. Vioo Frosidont. T11E0.F.TKA0Y. Trea-urer. E. M. BARNUM, Actuary and aoo y. Bt I-.iio City. Kral.try of mine. n.l nlnlnri rorm.tlon ..labll.hrd, a y;oi"". " hirh .ill be pblhe4 in the Bulletin. . of the Bureau, and distributed at atosa c Board, "nd Bn.inr;! C!.AI'K?J"J1W 1 K,.mln.tlon. of and It .port, nnon III.,., rlaeed upon the keu w,l It. made under ipccial charse of tho Liecu I live Committee 1 Tho.. P. Aker.. !niod ilk''. John T. Lynch. R P. Lonn.hery. I J. M. Haskell. Thio Bnrean especially solicits Specimen! ( Z and Mineral 'TJXled , nrtit .if ihe Tfrritory. which wvl i e lane 1 airlayed in Cabinets by re.-fective All nin Distri:t. Blatttk Forme for descrrtion of mines deind for registry, furnished on application. applica-tion. - Miner and Capitalist arc invilH to make the Koom. of.toe u'JIcau. lbf 'r. unrtera for negotiAtiun? or basinew en-gac.'menU. en-gac.'menU. A R.taryPnblloalwaettl.aOmce SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Axillary and secretary. P. O 1W "!. Liquid Bluing Cheapest in market: oaality and !allSfiCtion ,iTi..ranteed or money rc;una'a, CaaU raU fo" f.l and country prod ute. for Sale BOO.OQO cyVt'r T"bU Shissla". l-uberand General Merchandise- 1 Wholesale Jcbbcr. J. XV. SXF.I.tL. Idaho iore. c-e biock ioath Ihaaire, BULLS. iM'.r.T uv:.i.ok i-i BnAMw!r.i;LL Mlwi:'..-iCaa,ilV-T'..;1'e aV"t"r.. C. :..r:i .,) f.-.r. v-"'--' Tf i e an i .-ecr- . EAKKfcKS. BANK DESERET, Salt Lake City, Utah. This Bank h is organized a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, and will receive deposits of one dollar nd upward, on which interest will bo allowed at tho rate ef ciKht per oenL per annum, com pounded soini-aunually, f-y Li. S. II ILLS, Caaliler. SALT LAKE CITY ifATIOFAL BANE Suit Lftlio City, Utnli Ter. Authorized Capital - $500,000. BenJ. rtl. DtiTlrU, President. Hugh White, Cashier. Ubmpbtiid it KiKKraTRictc, Attorneys. This Dank will transact all 1. in la of lcitUi-malo lcitUi-malo Bucking business, and nEAI-S IX tiOLll A.D SlLVtlt lit LldO. AIM) OIlL-i. Gold nnd Currency EichanRO diannjmd Teleprnph Transfers rnnda on Nrw Yorli, San Francico aod princip.il Atlantic, aid Pacific cities, availablo in any pari ol the United Stales and Canada. Depojits and general bu.!ir:osa f licit?! from Eastern and Foroiirn iUnk' mid li.i.ik-errs li.i.ik-errs Firms and individ'ial? ; Cho.-k AcuhulHh kept in tiold or Currency. Exchange on principal ;i:is of Eurtipo and tho Canadas furnijbed in funi" tn mi, at the lowest rates, and Te.egrapu Irani ior; on London. Loann mado on Bullion. Public Soouritics, Bonds, Local Slock, Alorcaaudi.-t,, or other Sond Collaterals. Approved biuincs paper iacounted for depositors. Certificates of Depoflt iesuc-d, payable in Gold or Corroncy on call, or at any si ceiiir.d titae, available in any part of tho Limed States and Territories. Advancos made on shipments of Bullion or Ores to New York, Dan i'ranci'OJ and Europe. CORRESPONDENTS t NEW 10H1 - rjonnell. Lawson A Co. SAN FRANCIsCU-Californii Iruct Co. LONDON Jay Cuoke, ilcCuiloch A C. MB ' WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers aud Dealers ia Exchange Draft on Eurnpe. I'urorean Collections promptly attendod to. K st Temple Street, Salt Lake City. B12 Imo. P. Tbact. Asent. First National Bank of Utah, SALT LAKB CIIV. Br. Sprtial A'lfrtimnl on Tliird Bank of Deseret, bnccMaor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Oorner Kal Tett;le and Finrt Bomb 8lrrM, SALT LAKE C1TT, UTAH. PAID IP CAPITAL, - lOO.OOO. RKir.HAM TnrNQ. Vr'- lnt, 1 H- S r.;,:'l.'"''r!'., VicePru. WM. H H' 'ITiL, w .ivSNTN'if, , Iirect'.n. jr US .- W .i.r FK.-aV 'KZ LITTI.r,, L.3. liiLLS, Ca,i..tr. ) Dal in j GOLD ST, COIX, K.ICI1AXOK, LA5D WARRASTh, COL-LKOE COL-LKOE SCRIP, Ac. Co'cctioM ma.lc and p:oiip'!y rr-titted. rr-titted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOX SALE. THE WILSON ! SEWING MACHINE -F 0 R THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE WILL SEW THE FINEST TEXTURES. THE ffllLSOU SEWING MACHINE WILL SEW THE STOUTEST LEATHER. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. FOR SALE BY CALDEPi & SEARS, 37 East Temple Street. m'8 Ladies and G-entlemeii, liirli or poor, deirous of procuring a Perfect Fit in Boots or Shoes, will i find nt W .Main ttrcct a largo and choice iisiorlment to select from. 11 v.c c;m!H't bnl you from our rendy-i.:i'lc rendy-i.:i'lc ttock, wo will nutke to order n;:y style and quality desired, nnd insure in-sure RitiM'netU n. Our futilities for mamifiicturing aro uiifiirjiRbfed in thi5 city. 111.1'AIlllXU J)ono neittly, iroin -ily and elieai'ly. Boot and Shoemakers AVe invite your ntt' titiuii to oi;r imiu-pJttc imiu-pJttc stock vi J.i'Hthtr nnd Findingp, consisting, in part, of the best brnndf, of fi-'-iicli nnd Aiiifrirati Ciilf Skins, Moroccos, Kid.-, Lining?, Tojiings, Ui'pcr L( utile.-, I'-vl Tree?, LasU, l'tgf, .Nails nnd everything else uoc-Crraiy uoc-Crraiy to a full oullit for manufacturing manufactu-ring by hand or machinery. Our fcooda having bi en ctirefully selected for lb o trade, by Mr. Cronipton, they can be relied on, and our prices are a low m uny goods of like ijuality can be sold here. Orders by mail receive careful nnd prompt attention. Observe tho address ad-dress '.M Main etrecL 1 Saddlers "Will :.d it to tl.fi i ii.tcrett to examine exam-ine tbe utility and prices of our fUxik of Eii-lerii and Wi-fU-rn Harness, Tup;, Bridle, h-i. Collar, Winker, Fair and L'ice Lath'-rs Saddle Treos and II all" rf . We make a jpecialty of horse C-oilars, in which we cannot fail to give satisfacUon. Beside a la:e vari'ty of Ca'.iforijia manufac-tred manufac-tred C'.'liart, our us?ortnijijt includw lJy ward's ceiebrated coppcr-riveLed ; iJ-.r'e C-'Knr-. Notice Main fctroet. We have latt.y received, aiid are oon-s'.ar.t.y oon-s'.ar.t.y rec'jr-'ii.g, large auppiiet of aii u.e abyve cla.-iCE ol goods, and we endeav-ir Vj prot ure, manufacture and i-o:.'y t J'.ii art. clef a-will tnaiiitaiu o-;r (Laraclcr f.T rcab.llty. HIDE BOIUHT, Z. C. M. 1. BD3T ASD SHQE DEPARTMENT. T TUE S'&S Or E!G &D0T. 99 MAI.N SIIit.tT, FALT LAKE CITY. i mlS H. B. Clawron, Bup'L GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Jil3 CALLACHKa. fixU-eHf:a W1LLIK OiLUCHU. JAMES GALLAGHER & SONS, Bee rr(tfoll' tr frm their friendf and the public generally lhat they have open- THE TRIOE BAKERY, Maia St.. nrit door o Walker Bro'.Arw Hotel, Bread. Crackers and Bi.'cuits cif ihe fir.wt iv-iabiv. WUOLK-ALJS AND UKTAlL-Cake. UKTAlL-Cake. C .Id Lunch and Re-r"tiinect, Ice OrMtn a: d "Aberneihy Pupper. Pic-Nicand Kscnr.ion i'a-tie- !ur 'lie-i with everyihinc in tbe hoe on the chart-est chart-est notice and the ipo-I au'deratf terms. OKSAMKSTKD CAKKS. gSeriesTprovisions The l.aiircst uml Bcsl As. sorted Stock in Town. T h -a s' nre unequalleA in qunlily in Vtnli. We can ami will sell cheap ami will not li- undet-solil undet-solil ly any one. CAUL AND EXAMINE. C. V. DAVIS. n- Pie Brcail! Fare Canrly! 'IM1K ESTATE of RICI1 AHD GOLIOHTLY 1 bfB to inform tho I'uUia, thit they still carry on ttie bueineas of Bakers and Confectioners, At the old stand of Tlio "QLOnB," EAST TEMPLE STREET, Adjoininc the Co-operative Grocery Department, Depart-ment, where can be found everythme .10 their lineof buf ine.?.and Uioy hoie. b y ntnot allot tion to the want? of their ouMomora, to continue their patronage anil support. Pnre Home-mml Candles a Specialty. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. a-6 DANIEL GRENIG Ha Just Received and for Sah A Choice Lot of fsjT-m i bbt mr iiimi Lull. . Suob as Tca, CofVoo, Sugar, Spicos, Golden Silver Drips, Sutrar Loaf Dr. pi, Hams, Bacon nnd Driod Bcof, Best New Vork Factory Choose, HoapB, Yeast l'owdor, Dried and Canned Fruits. ALfO WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, Prime LivoGerso Feathers, Cages and Cannry Birds, etc., clc. TH it Is in full bin-it. ar.d llm Kliitit Urfail, etc., Is turjed out frosb every day. be;t t hands ok 37" LOUR Always on hand. All kinds or Gil I bong lit and mild Give mo n. r ill at mv Now D.-ick Siore, EAST 6IHK K A ST TEMPLE ST. DANIEL CRENIC. mil II. WALLACE, First South Street. A ohoioo lotlof CLAMS, LIMA BEANS, OKKKN CORN, TOMATOKS, SALMON Dcssicalcd Cocoanut, Criickcd Cocoas Family Chocolate, HuDlley &, I'almor ESCLISII BISCUITS, ALSO THE CKLKHHATKD ALBERT BISCUITS. a BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring Bath ! Private and PI waff. j Th rlt.'Sr4 tlh "T-t) ti- tb put 11 at kit Ti.'ir m-. ''.! (ir'irti r w. wtSelj Rwil U- PrW.t- IUO,., II,. ,.4 ,.r.4wm- li fomUh-J PtmUK lillii l"r l-ito6 iniiuM ar oc Tn H. A M.M OLD. W.J. HOOPER & CO. it, (onitncuL ITHKET. MISCELLANEOUS. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. jffT f Ft ihe relief V- an ' care el ll It-JU-M,,. liver, and bow- .y V '- :ii,'-v mr L 'jrv am-ld nvp-ient ''-.-lvVr enl rur(Uve. vrcr hle. ihoy whatever. Mvch ferion tcku ana fe-ir.c is rrevctiied t1!- their 1 1 11 cvfrv f-nnlv sh.ul.i hio c them n h.n.l lor VurrVi ard b'M of all th w.lh tif ihemarUl abou: d l the r e,va--i.-ti1 ne, ihf M-.vi u rur-fied. the mrur-!inti mrur-!inti tbe . lem rxreiU'.i. 'biiu.-;io:iP removed, and te wh.e a.a-hmery o! hie rct red to iu healthy aotiMiy. InternHl o-surn wbi.h be,-. -.iu s'-r-- nd t uscih arecle-tnftd by JtV.-. ands j"""'- 'hr.Ked nt" "hosi'ili! the value -M whica chanee, when rr,-...t.-d t0 thv v.fl muili-,,j,., muili-,,j,., fiyin it. i-in hard: be c mi'iited Their f;itsr costnif uiaki them t lo tkke niui i rerv i'.- Uii'ir irlue uniiiMuired f. 7 M'i'i; h .-I u e. so ihst ihe re ever tYv'j-h." aiut periivtlt rehab; e. AUboiu h sesr.'hir.k.-, mev are u iui. ,vi .u-:.it1 .ik'o to the conMHUU"a. or diet, or .v.' i ion. Full directions are eiven on Ihe wraprrr T'lv-K-' id '-t i In- folio iii r ciuiplmms, W.'ioh Ihre l'HI. ri"diy o ire-- lrstutM., I.ni(in..r si,(l -- of Aiir- thov phoivd t.e taken moderately to st.nivil;iie ihoMi'mhoh.aud rlre hollliy ''l.'l.ai Ivrr ( nin;ilitln nnd it variou vmi' in" HI "' HtmUrhr, Mt k lr,U. I..-. Juii.lice ot t.. Slck-Hlllullh Slck-Hlllullh 'Hc H,ld IHIio.i. K.- vti, Ihchould be mdioi'Hi' ly laken l.T each c m', t'1 corrvci Hie di-.-a.-ed act ion or rKo'r llVei.rr , r llrriin a, but one mil. id. ! i- o.i-- ill r.yuiro.l. l-,r li t.riiumiim, ..Mit, -ravel, Pntpll it I ! Hie ll'irl. lln tit (lit- Mlr. Unfit., M,il I. "Inn, they liUid be ci.iui:u;;i.lj u. r. nmred, lo cluno l-,e ili-M.-i'l in-' on of the i-iMeni. uh iu.'h c'l.'uici' ihoe o..iiit'l:.ini .l-M.'i"r. f, r 1i i.-J uii.t ' il'icl lllima, tho .-iioiii.i oi' t.kcn ui Urfc'( and frequent dof'es to ri'odii.-o tli.'i lh-cl .'I ndraMio imitko. For 6niipreatt h lnri;e do.-e should be tttketi, :u n r liucc- tho a. aired ellect by iAf n'Vi-iner 1'i'f, take one er two tll to promote disojlion, aud rilioe thestom atAn opc.iiinnl do.e stiiniilnles the fIoio-ach fIoio-ach mid bivols. riiure-silip up pel He. and ad v'tii lafeoiiK wtliTc no serioii!- d.Tiiiii'-iiiMil es.utJ. One win. tcel-l-l jniblv well, oil 'U find ibiil a li.'-e ol ilu-e i"""-' make huu feel deoole.ily belter. Irom ihrir olrsnMim and n-'iiovatiuR elite t un the digcative ap-putatu. ap-putatu. P1IKPAHK1) BY Dr. J. C. AY Kit & Co., PrnetlcaJ ClirmlRtH, J.OnEl.l., MASS., C. S. A. For sale at Z. C. M. J. Drug ?', AND ALLDKUUi,ltTS KV KK V Wll RRK. To Freighters! THE kULAU SALT CO. will 00&-tracl 00&-tracl for lho Fioiuhtiim ui from 500 to 1,000 (ous of lUl.T, From their Mn-fh 'n 8nako Valley, to I'icche, in Join I . mil: an ' nil t-nn that mnv come to the Mn-'hwill be fu nilied load lo 1'iecbo at the ti'i o. Forty Imllar per ton. Addrtas, 8h.r Sh.t Ci. m V Wcliellbiiuri e, Nevadn. CliiUTonl Agency, TnUtKtfc, LAI ""E have, nt prrpenl. HiilT.i lent labor to provide Uhaiuonl m In rite quantities, quanti-ties, if orders arc riveive I and nrmrnrmontB made by the l.Mli ol Jime nevt. Orders, acorn pnnie 1 with sstifaetir guerantets, will nccivc iuimnllnte alien- niJJ Sloanu, nihil c 6l Co. tiii: na.t:iiKATKi Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. cd c NKW iS'TCJCJC :'.f Genuine Jewelry. Tlic VoMio an pirdi:illy invitd lo call aud csniiiitir. K A T T K n P I. E HTRKKT, 17a:f a Muck norlb of the lr,ule Kmpo lnni. Z. C. M. I. REMVAL PRODUCE DEPARTMENT. 'I'lIK riTIrv; "F tl,T rITY 1 ,j,i - i-rTM'T a- r-.j'"- 'u M i..f'.n-l t,nt It-if. Lcpartineiit ef tbe Co operative I iintJtuUon flAI BRUOVRD TO LAST TrKI'LE f-,TKI TT, M'.JT DOOR N0K1 H OF Till; BAbE OF I'LrXULT. Wa are " r--I'-"l '"-v i.r,.l .-'I all kin. .F OHAIfl AHU PlillDICK n Vi boleaala and KvU.il. II. li. CLAWSON, Huj.t. WT'J'h. 1-2. "Tll city "TTqucr store, Keep ooaslanUy on bani. lioit HHle and UfJall, Cbbioe Imi-rirted LIQCOIIS AND WINES, A Liii tROEIUEl K'l H ILD1IOI, aJT Eaat Tempi IUmU |