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Show TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN llAIUlOAI). Un A, til .ficr Jmuubi ill. I, is; J A11XED TUALN'o DAILY. l-.-uvintU liuh Cniltal It.K. U-put, H:ilt Jij City, ut V.l'J ti.iu.; ir.ii--t -0.l. p. iu., ilikI Smly tSiuiiuii, (in.-iii't-.t puillt 10 f.illl.' CuUOllWuuJ I'uflxU,) ut 6.1iu p. w. An eilru train will Kim obi Susuiays Louvim? Imifr at .Vl'J n.tn., S:;icly my.lua.w., Suit City at -1.1 it ti.ilt L ik u U'.j Cuium ,41X1.1 .Sut Un, s i- t j ' I . " Twenty-five ent Tt-Ml i-n.tl will bu .:hr,(ed when the lr i eliotiid uii ttio U.ml. U. U. CA I.UK1C, .Unn. 'roibt ai.d Tijiiet A.-oi.t. I-'ICUOIOU'. LITTI.U UUPKItLVrKNliXNT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LliiES TllUOl till Utah, South -ttast icvaila & iWon-tas&a iWon-tas&a I.OnvlHK Sllt t-aLr ( II y llnily, nn-lllUK nn-lllUK Miulh nt 'limit!, Aiuoriciui For!;, L-iut .WL-o, iStivUT, St. Uihuvo, l:i;.ti ; Mill I'lO.I:.-, NV-v.a; ; I'il'VO, Siiriii'.'vilL, Spiwii.-li I.ik,ray-mm, I.ik,ray-mm, Suit '!r.'L-k, Clm-ki'Ti 'r.n'k, KoitnJ Vikll.'v, HUinon'.C'i.iii iWfc, liruvrr, Min.M- vilk-, ,v..f .IV f,'ic j'li'iiti'iml (las and 'mining on:p. ttwotttiurn I Ui.'i and Siint-'i-ftst .tiuU Alio Irmt Covluiir, ll.ili, it Ally, I II II kill. L IlIMj II III Virginia t'itv, 1 li'lfisa. Fort licn'on, l'ccr Lo.!-o, tV.br I'nvfc luitu-H, ttitJ Kisiii' tliioil;,'!! hil l iic luiiK'ipnl townn ut" I iniu-in iniu-in ii; O-mpi in Mlf.- t:iim. I'UIJiUH'At- (M''K'(1', Welis, rgn & Co. Ending iunl Salt I.ae L'Hr UTAH CENTRAL ; P1GNEER LINE CF UTAH. ! Um iuU aftar Moudiiy, J nl y 17, IbTl HaHy Trains Leave Salt Lake City ut j ji. iu- an J J: 15 p. si. Arrive it Usdon 7 a. m. and 1: lo p. m. Arrireai Suit Lako City 1U u.ai.'and 7:3u i.iu I I In Addition to the nboo Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCEITED Leaving Salt Lake City at 5.JU p.m.. and UidOQ lit oa.W. PtiKUKtn will plena l'uruliiii llielr I'Ukiti Mt tli OfTK-es. 1" illy CaU additional will ehart-cJ when the fare it oullccUJ -m 1U0 truiu. For I) kk'TUVAtiim ootuvrrir.f frcisht or t, HlH'ly lo 1. O. I ALOVU, liDoral Freight iiJ licnc; A''. JOHN SflASF. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express LAHK L'l 1 I , lm L K K 1 OWN, A.D Ul'llllt 1U Tt.NIK. TSe xi:t ku ttta rvi;. :i.-J .-b .. i.l C.'5:.:i '..-i.-i.!. 1st ;.:e;-.- .! (Ttititi ikcl.,';ima( r '- J l.i :- n jj. TI1K0UGH 151" DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Tims. Uffl .t Wlli, Fnrgo A C0.1. Se.lt Lake Ctly. WUi'KS i KIMBALL, 4 'opritwn, I : SAN FRAKCI3C3 TRADE. J NO. CHUME &C0., VlioIesale Stationers, fi.. tL. I.. 4. -t .t. ,k f -(M, 1 ---. IlljnU Hooka, ii liuol ;,,..-, iln li Cr,li, v r-Peie, r-Peie, 7 1 y.s, l'.,.k.t Cv : '. ry , dc., d-c. , )r tl ,. C .-t '.! !i fhynr- r.rtr,J torll ei :.. r ! .; 1; .! L"..rr. ... y ,t j.:!. 11,1 JJ r,3.( .-r.i. r.'i I r Luj. r kuy u I., rt) wit hf llit it-. llnnlaj..l. .V HANSO.Mh; bTKKKT, i" U 1 frunrtiro: IKD.M A.MJ STtCKL win noPH, l-'l. A'l' All) UUl M, '',-r li. ir-.ui n.iniia -li 1 :ni. ltt.-nne, A.'i; ccZ ,., -j l.,,..jth Size. U ir' 11ir U nni. li lifnprr, Ul.trr1 ami iiiiiin iliirnl.le Itimi uuy ullier, klu.l ut Hope. MaUiiliuI julU-v, Vi ir liticH uy, liroTr.n.n.-..!). . l' r tlio r j 1 j . i ! nJ 'nnr.mi.-.il ir:iftii..irt.itii"n nl Dr." in) 1 r,(l:ur inuHirUh iver uniuiU.iio-r.n uniuiU.iio-r.n 1 rtlI dmi.-ull r-a.i.'. (Se.;ur-.i l.y I', IatMit i-i Anll.', t.r lr;tn"i'ii(tinx l.'iivcr mi l li wlii,b tbo . rujio 14 umujuroj ai.J cuin.ot jlip. ! SUMJ I'Olt C'lliCl I.MIS. 1 Avacy .if Ihi- PACIFIC Wire L IV. R. Manufacturing Co. ( (OP CALIFORNIA.) 1 All luti'l-i iitiil ?he.l of V.'ire, cinat.intly n Uiiml and iii.inmaclurod to order, A. S. HALLIDIE. M; Front t)t.. 8nn Frnnclo, . nl .',ilil,.rma. Miouakl Kaxe. t T.N. Wand. VVATJD, KAPJE & CO., . ;(Hmci:ciuo1' to Hunter, ami A, Co.) ! Iiaiiortera and Whoieflulo Dealers in m m liquors. ProiTioU.'j of Hunter's California TOTioat "CCMa.li&jlx.oy. Al:iO A.?nta for .To fi-li l. Kincli'a coIcUriiteJ Poiindi'li'ania RYE WHISKEY OU7 on. I (U( From Ut., near J111 kiou, SAN I'ICAKCISCO. -0. B;vx-:i22s & to 4ti ClitySi., pan Frtinclno, 1 ib A I. LI tLS IM OKKUOJj PllOUllCfc:. AmtiiU'.Uiiily iu rii-iit of Or.'ion Uuuia, Cuton, fiti-.li, uf our own tin torn itmnu&ictnr i.lwayu ou U.iiid. LOCKE & MONTAGUE, STOVES METALS, kanit irTrr.i:n3 rv 1 TIKTW ABE ANU DEALERS IS House Furnishing Hardware A.va Tinner's Tools and Machines; ! Agricultural Steam EoilerSj 114 nutl 111 Untlcry Street, iu7 HAN FItANOISOC). CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of KOHKIG ANO LOJUlSTIO ! BRANDIES, WIMES, AKD L1QU0ES, ; 311 Clay Street, San Franulico. JjW WILKERCUJa & KEU0S3, Iuipcrtera and Jobbers of 'Wines and Liquors, 21-1 Jt 210 FKOUT SIBJiET, SAN FRANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, 1 111 port era and Jobbers pf Foroisn and Do-m Do-m est jo 1'anoy aud Siai-lo DllY QOODS. Dfpot of Goods McM'Jaciureilc.t the Mission and tacijic Mills, Consolidated. 543 . &J7 Oiarket St., San Fra ujU Parii: 23 Ruo Do L'Lhi.m J. OAUM &. CO., lLii'orterj ind Manufacturera of & COY'S CLOTHING Hil Smuome St-, Sftu Fraiiclico liupor'.ors of Aiiiorican r.d Jiuropiian Staple and Fancy DEY GOODS, is.vrs' ruAcico, i'ALIKOltM.lt 011 l'uo A:;en:ivin of :!ia Tr.; lo t tUcir lATi anj wuii'lcte ittfot of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, WjI.!; Llioy ;i"o .w re ;s: vise direct from t'.irvi'tf Miu:.:;rc;;, cjuii-riiias t'leiuli ?ievtito. Wool !tlnei, ool Plol.U, iiji.Ji,.,!, IrUU and Kreucb Pojillut. Kiuirss Clutltt. Tnmlse, UciaL-J i.-'.-- !. VeTttttm. SILXS. VELVETS, R1SS0NS, GLOVES, Liu.'. E -it Lin Aj-ic, M:;iei'ieai'J i I Ggius' UnilerweiAi G-j;j13 rurnlSuiiig Gcods. llandkcrt Ulcfi. Stilnmj; Ltiicui, Mutlia. :ti. c.:-rr UaiuaiW, lra:i:j llta.LaA Towel.. liu.k. D.v.,r.T,r-. , Spklii and DoylUi, I Ja.tcM Jit., t. Z. C. M, I. COLUMN. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Lit Stain, Emporium Buddings, 1 A full. Grt-cliua atook ol i STAPLE DRY GOODS, 1 BOOTS and SHOES,! ! AT LOW I'KICILS. H'hi.!o'.lc Luyci'o anj Co-operative Ocalera I'ltae inspect j GROCERY i HARDWARE DKl'AK'I'MKiVT, CONSTITUTION UUILDlNGa, j Purohasers can here lind An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY. IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL, ON THE rKEMIrfKri. Miners Supplies a Specialty CLOTHING DEFT.; HOJV5E-MADE AND j IMP O K T E D ALINUL'AUTURSD VLIOM IIOilK-MAUK, I FUUNC11, GUKitlAX, ' i KSOLiSll au.l I KAUK1CS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hr.nd, for Goudciueu ordering j their owu. j r t'lltST-CLASS FITTKllS AM, WOIIKMES TO FILL ALL I ORDERS PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AKD j ASSORTMENT OF GOODS.! WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department lor Families. DRUGr DEPT. Fancy and Staple Drugs, PATENT MEUICKVES, UQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY CMS LIS-H ALK ANO POUTEK, A VEH1LL PA1AT W HI TK LEAD, IM.L$, COLOIIS GLASS. fcTt . ! Prtscrtittiwa jrutii Fhyetcixns citl , knvt tecial attention. ' H. B. t HVsO, Supl,! iMUSEUM j AND IEMGEBIE. .Ol'liOblU Iho 011 trim co lo Llio Tliornuolo. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, 50 eta. Children, 10 u Open from y a.m. to 0 p.m. NUve Mineral. Petr1ftcttoii, Con-crct Con-crct loua Mill Crystal I xntloim. Home JPrwlucts. Xafive and Foreign t'- , rtositles, i. Compound Electro-Manotic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &c. Pror. J. L. BAUFOOT, aiunr. J- Schools and Families by private w-T&nffoaients w-T&nffoaients ftJaiiUod at reduced rates. t ib." a To t lie Kiinnc rs null Trail era of L'tari anil Ntvndn. Ill AVK ojeneJ in Piocho a tioncrat Pro-duceund Pro-duceund Coinaiirsion llouc. Will buy ur sell, on couimiBEion. all kinds of Produce, Flour, Grain, ete. Will ondoivor to gi ve I satisfaction to LlioaO who may l'uvor rue with tbeir tnttronnsc. J. W. XIXON. Corner of Main and Dry alley strew?, Pioche, Nevada. j.'-O C -r-H cc s I ca fedO Jl t zz r -iH i - ; 3 1 iE u pq cc - ? - O j -i SAN FRArt CiSCO TRADE. V. J. tilllFFITII, I'll '.V I..I ... SIUOUXID SALMCM Alii) KtRP.iGS, All t'i-S '' IT.J, V-..:hUS t,,!, Ct.utii.ll) i-n L: J. Jl S. I.. Snn'.y. J, u ii S; , u..ili e, C. C. mm. Spruance, Stanley & Co., -u i, io M W.'.iltri Co. m.) J. i J. F; rij.,n--. Im; rl. i-. jJ W,. IcJ..le Ltalor iu U'uLo khJ Lluuno.i ;i 4IO HiO.iV STKh,fc:T. "fi. C. DIETZ GO. IA1 N'jC"l'LW, Varnishesand Lamps, N ... FKONT STItt'i:T WModf Lipr D lOS I'miil SI i eel, Situ l.'i iuu Ut , Proj'i iolurp (.T ! .1111.1.1. ' tl'H K'l'Iii H,I) 'II10.1 And ;.r.!a iKer.l.' t"..r J I.I . L'J I It:!'.1: tXliiA U I! :; H.IlV, Wtil.klLS" SI. iii, In i .1 Hi .in.! nl" VYItikUIcK, Klne Untiullci t-'iii-rli;n iiinl lotm-itlc Willed, iu'. Ullteri, OnnllKU, Ac MUl oo.l 'J05 flironi!. St., I Hau Kruiulna, - - (nlirult.. P:irliful:ir rlleulinu i.i.i lo tlieCllingol ordcN iur every dcini'liun ol niorchundise, nil S I ofOri, .,:. On ."'..ii'nct. Now MojiUomery and tccoud .StreuLs. j .U)IiNSON - Cu., PROPIUEIOKS. "THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Ln m r -1 S3 mm T 11 K GREAT CALIFORNIA Vi'jGliTABLE ;'BIjOOD PURIFIER. HUMl I M TUF, SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tbo wonderful Stfitc o Cnlii'omin, fcrows an herb lonft known to (ho Indinna a? nn absoluto euro lor KI1KU.MA-'116.M, KI1KU.MA-'116.M, UOUT, MEUHALiilA. and all dis eases in any way HiirlnL-mg from imnurities of tlie blood, ycieneo lias at longth brought to llsbl ltd vlrtuos, and of thi.i notont herb has compounded YEUDA SANTA, a rroj.a-raticn rroj.a-raticn lr Llio PEKMAXliXT CUKE of Soioftila, Salt llticum, niul all jCruj). live and Cutancotta Ulicnsca. Givc3 kumcJiato nnd permanent relief in DYSPia'ilA. iJUYSIPELAd. King Worm. Tumori, Uoila? H.-ald lleada, UIoltj anJ Sorts; eradicates from tUo sfiLuai nil tracoa of mercurial diaoao. IT IS PURtLY VEGETABLE, II la thercforo peculiarly suitable f.ir use by rcuialcj and cbildrcn as a BLUUL! PLiltl-F PLiltl-F I EK and KEXOVAIOK. MOTHEUS Who uih to find a mcdioino peculiarly adjptod to ihecurool'UUMOKS and EHUP-TlUXS EHUP-TlUXS in their cbildrcn, will find a safe nnd suro euro in YEKUA SAXIA, For sale ovory where. ILKDlNGTOrf, IIOSTKTTJBU . ttf . Agcuti, 5J ami 531 Market St., SftuKruncliuo. REDlNGTOfiT" HOSTETTER & CO. linL.orlerj and Jobbers of FOKUlUJV AMU DOMESTIC mm m mmm Vint Kelltlnl Oils, Cunit, liooti, Sceili, Fluwtin, Sinnt, hklut, roillJlllflM, c, ., And all oLbtr Si.ij.tcs connected wiili tts Wiele-iale and Kctatl Drug Busin&;3. Constantly in receipt, by dircal Importation, of European and Aaialio produoU. Exclusive Ayenis for Cuicksilver, Iioatotter'i Bitter?, Drake's Planl-Uion Uitter, Wolf's Si'beid.itn J-chn Ji.p, - Newcll's Pulmonary yup, And all the leading rroprio'ary Medicine both Amoriu-n and European. Ordera Proicptiy and Carefully Executed, Sob. Dy mid 5J1 AIrkct Street, Eciween First and Second, ,mSan Francisco, California. TI3VEE TABLE. I BURLLNGTON ROUTE. .u. i. grATi-vs. Il'jiu ! Uae 1'M.lUA - - J:!..,..m. mJ Airii t! ill KElN'i 1'" X ". i ...m, ,,-m J ' I..JVi I-U.AV,-. t:.ilt,m. ,,. " Ci-.iiaLa:i - - U;..ui. i.jj.'.m ' X'" rp-'i w. I'"U1" -"a-lB- r5-lhr .--.--h Car; fr.i Ui;sr U, 1 Ca.JiiJ, Izd;2J!'j!ij, Cin'"tCiiii, .jLi- i ror:al C--Iabu-.1 J CusseciiuOd at iz.uco p-in1; with line 1 ead;- ;o ibe Ea.-t. X or: a nd fc.juth ! Taii :aa Uet. SUoriett, ((LiUkot an.l Chcnpcil Route. D,J not be deceived, but obtain TiL'kcta vii 1 the Burlington i Miiiouji liiver Kailroad. A.E-THrZALIX. C. E. PEP.KIXS. Gaa'l TiJl;: AmiiL. Qen'l Sp'u ' MISCELLANEOUS. CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLO PEDIA, A liRTIONAUY HI' .UNIl'dHSAL KNOWLEDGE Uevied Kdition. Re-issue oi' 1ST0-71, 1 witli Lii'.s, Plate and luigravind. I 1 To le cumpletsd in UJ Pari j, (imk iu j IU Vol, of SJti i-ues each. ltlu-trttod with abniit Tour Thousand En-cravinifs En-cravinifs and Forty Maps. 1'KlCK lirr l'..rl, I no I lul I up Mnjn . a. id Illual rut loltM, tiU Cent. PltlCf-: Pttli VOLUMK : i I'vtra C'b .th. bev.'U .t linards S W Library Kivop. uui rbk-d cJkoJ t". Iv Halt Tuilvey Ak.n.tVo it M MP.-ri. It. It. KKYS ,f. CO. nro llio Aconta li.r limn liri.'a ICiir jr I opu-il I a fr the IVi'iui- t'. a.-t, nnd are publishers and lui-i lui-i -. I'.-r; 1. 1 other Auiorican mid K Jkiioti i-tun-dar.l :u.d illustrated wurk. i'Asst;i.'s Si tlV I'OlM I.Att KIH'l'ATtia, New Edition. I'niver'.il PronMincing Di.Mk.nary ..f lii-j iK'nu'hv mid Mylliuluicy. by J. Thui.iar. A. .M.. L. 1 1. N-t:..iiH Purtriit tkilk-ry .r Kuiineiil Am.rri.MMs,.liail.-, t 'viu-cnu c.,.-b. II. 1!. ItUY Si CO., M;: Clay St-.-.n FraacUeo. Mr. R, May ia now in Utah ami will visit the ditlercnt places to solicit for the firm. Partios subsi'ribinc for any of tbeir works may rely mum beiiiL' faithfully sorvotl every month. ZR. MAY, lioilbe Octngon Iloimc, a? SALT LAKK CITY. EUCIIAUDS', IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., M.,iiiif1nimor.v.f PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, And Mti.cltiiiff)i for Smelting Furnaces (JonlracUs made for buiiding Furnaces Furna-ces of Uiali Fire Stone. Including Machinery, ic, set uj in com plctc running order. llcfcioncet Hurelta milling Com. Inuy, Salt Lake Cltyi Utali Smelting Smelt-ing Compauy, Tliidc. AJth-tss J. O. Iuha,dd, CUmgo. 1W and 106 FRONT STREET, SAN FltAMClSCO, CAL. Ojj'jf the finest and most complete stock on the Pacific coast. Refer to II, E. CLAWSON, Sup't of S2S. GL i. I. a4! 1 A Repository of Fabhlou, Pleasure, mid lust met Ion." Harper's Bazar. It ii really tho only illustrated chronicler ! of fashion in tlio country. Its supplements : alouo aro W'.rtli tho subscription price of , the paper. While fully mainLainini; ii position po-sition a.i a mirror of fashion, it also contains con-tains storie.', poem1, brilliant csajs, besides noiicral and perJoniLl irof-ip. "IJostou Saturday Sat-urday Eveuint; liactte. ' There never was any paper published that so delighted tho heart of woman. Nover mind if it dees cost you a new bonnet; it will savo you ton timos tho pri.'e in tbo household cecnomy it toaclicd. 'Providence Journal. " Tho yc'imc lady who buys a siniilo number num-ber oriI.rLi'i:n'a ISaar is made a subscriber fur life. ".Now York Evcnias Pust." Tbo B.kZiR is excellent. Like all thepori odieal3 which the Harper's publish, it is almost al-most ideally well edited, and iho class of readers for whom it ia intended tho mo-! mo-! thors and dnuiilitera in average families . can not but prulh by iu good sense and good taste, wliii h, c have no doubt, ure to-day making very innny honiea haiiior than they may have btcn before the women began be-gan ttiking leisons in jifrsonl and houJe-holdam! houJe-holdam! ,-ocil mana-eujoat 1'n.m tbiajtoi'iL natured mtnti.r, "Ttio Nation. N. ." M nBltl I'TIOXN.- S7 i. Ti'iins: llAKPER'i iJAZAR. one year ji An Extra C-py ofcithcr the MAtiAZISi:, WEEKLY, or DAZAK will bo Mipplie.E trans lor every Club of FIVE SiL'UaClLHi-tits SiL'UaClLHi-tits :it i tJ each, in one romiLiance; or. Six Copies for j.ij W, without eilra copy. SubK-iii-tiuns lo HARPER'S MAiiAZINE. WEEKLY, aud II A. A It. tv ono address fr ..lie yi'.ir. SI'Jixi; ..r, two i 'JtarpL-r'' Perivi-i.'jla, Perivi-i.'jla, to one addrc?.- for one year. t7 W. Cu -k Numberi cn be siipjilie.! at any iim. ILjo l-.r t.,i.i,l- ..1 H A IIP E It a 1JAZAK, t r 1'iiJ l:i: i; . ',1, tleiLiiitly i ui rocu m.-r. ,..) L!.-t will be cent Ji ipre.-s. iivi.li i aid, t. -;7 w each. ihcP.,,tJ'.a llAKPEK'a EA2AR is :0 icut .i , -.ir, w::: h urj-,: be i-jiJ ;ii the ub- IIAKKEK A r.liiJiil Now J.t.rk. n-J DiEBOLD &. KIENZLE, .'i:.-.t-'.r.. I.. D:.-lvl.!.Ba!iUijt:u A Cu.. C'KLKBliAUJD CINCINNATI FIRE AI.U li'JKiJLAP PKuuF And Sargent' Min:i3 and Autaaatic I Bank C3 PKATT& COVERT, General Ag-;nL I &ti Waihicgton 6L, CiiikK'-'- U. B. CLAWSON, Siipt. C. 31. 1. Agtiit Tor tub Tarrltor)-. 3. O , O O O Singer Sewing- Machines wtre Sold within the past year. Soientijii American, .Mine 0:ti, THE SI N G E R 3Ianufactiirin' Company, SA.T THE WORLD'S FAIR I CondiliUed by the hoinM of ihepcoplc Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales ! And have left all rivalaHir bub ind ihcm, j ion TUi:V Sold m 1870 127,833 Machines I J Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. tho "awiii ii" returns u whi.-h any ono cm l.mo Hivcss) of tho mauutm-uirer 'l,.r tho year bVd to tho owners of tit o lodinn i.-itenu, on whii-li tln'y pay 11 royalty. Ac-oordibK Ac-oordibK to lli est) ruLUruK the number of niuohlues told by each m.iuulitoturor in la?o i( a.- follow-": TlielU8r - - 1-47,033 Floren.-o - l; t,4, Wheeler i WILu.u - S.V.oS U.dd Me.Ul - .s".ii iiciro ; tti.ii .... Urover 1 ltakor - ..7,oj lnpire .... Wotd - - :-A.L.J Ftnklo A Lynn : i ,1 Wil.'cs A tlibb - 'i.a'.il I'arliHiu - ':r,u Aiuorie.iiiliutL.inln. If A Uversemnlnn U.:7.( Wilb,.ii .... Nv Aud aoveral oihor uomptinltid who n,.ld u low uianhiucn. It wilt I.li sofii by thU table thai the Pvpuljrity of the SliiBrr iumlIiLuc 10.1 rt. ctieita (lint of nil oihtn, thoir Bale lieimr ouc-half gi-cater than oven that of the famous "U lioolorA' Wiljon" muchine. Thla Is owins to tho fact that the MitRtr Cotitpuiiy have lately eommonocd uiiikin. bended (heir old nnil woll-cslabli-bod maniifiioturlim niushine, wtul in known as their ".'cw Fiuiilly Dim hluc," lilt h Uuclllnni the rate or nine to one licllcrlhaii flielr olil sij lr. Their total to-tal sales for were So.71 uiuohinea against the 17, (tit of ls7il, iliowliig an lucrfnte ofoiic-liairin die laiiri- yeai ." "New York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, NOW NEiHI.Y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION HVllEtolxixxejKi Sold, m. JLl. JL - ) ' ju J fc Jii , Were made tvltliln I lie ( three years. Hut the (iratei. I w veaa of our Salts over nil Ufher MncliLuri, Urluft Wlllilu tlie Fnt.1 r. Thii Is Incoiiteitible lr oof that Our Machine Ai e tlio Ut in the WorlU. THE NEW FAMILY SliXGEU JSEW1NG MAC1HAK With attachments far all kind of work, Xs Idot 1. innitia supremo fnvor In tho household, as shown by the rapidly incrcaiinB sale.?, over all othor maobines. This rcv Family ftlnulilne ji now capable of a ntnue and varit-ty cf w.Tk such as waa only recently thought impossible lo perforin Jjy machinery. Wo claim and can show that it is tho cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arninjied, nicely ftdjiintcd oa'ilr operated, speedy, and amoolhly running of nil tho Family bowinf -M.iohiues. It ia romnrk-aote romnrk-aote not only lor tho range aud vonuty of it. aowint. but also for tho Tarioty and different dif-ferent kinds of texture which It will how with oijuul faeility nnd per!'.:.Mi .n uinir silk twist, linen or cotton thread, line or coarse, making the ttiu-riocUcil-clittic-lalltcli, alike on both sides of the fabric finwu; the only stitch which iri univorHallr j approved, or is at nil adapted for Hi nt-iilnny wurk. Thus, beavor oloth or leather may bo sown with icroat ttrengtb and unifurmily of stitch, aud, in a moment, this willing and nevor-wearying instrument may bo adjusted for tine work on iruuio or Kosa-mcr Kosa-mcr tissue, or tho tucking of tarlatan, or rutlliug, or almost any other work oven by a chllil which delicate lingers havo boon known to porl'orm. Kvcn Hie cmelcn aart t houf lit lens liave little or 110 trouble 011 Ilili machine. Stud for Dtscrijttt've and Priot CircuCure. Womunufueturoour own needles, silk and twist: furnish liuon and cottou thread and oil all of superior aualiiy-but which can bo reliod oa only when obtained! itirousa our Principal orBrauch Offices, or Agencies. OTHER SEWINQ MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVlilUiD FKHH T11UOUGUOUT THIi CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL'. Wo extend a eordinl invitation to all to come and boo tho .Machine whether thej wish to buy or not. Se all oilier, but do not buy without you examine tlie Singer. Visitors always politely attonded by conipetnnt attendants. Instruction, free Alt Machines perfectly n.lJmleU before delivery ut t SINGER SEWING- MACHINE DEP'T, Z. C. M. I. QHNKRAL ASENTS, Two doors south oi'Eanle limporiuui, Halt I.iiUo Citj', Dial.. U . li. CLAWSON, Sui.crintendL-ul. MAY O iTHLf BL S llavo OQ hand tho Largest and Most Complete Stock iu the City OP WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Whioh they offer -A.T "V E E. Y X.O-W PRICES. FU1ST EAST STHEET, HALl'-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATKB JAMES HAGUE, Jon. J. E. HAOUE. GEOUUF, DAG US 2ESiST G-u.n Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, LATE J A M ES HAGUE, Importers jvxxci TJealera lix GUNS. PISTOLS, Saddles, Ha,iiaess AND WHIPS OF EViiJtY DESCRIITION. KEI'AIKS NEA'ILY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. M.TBO0T AND SHOE l)-'mrlmeiit, at tlioKinol THE "BIG EQQ1?. ! Every tlyle and qunlity of Boots nd Shoes MADE TO ORDER, satisfac rioo finrurauuied. U.WiVS ON HASDi LABtit A-S'D CHOICB 6I0CS OP HOME-MADE m$!L BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather nisiia Wantbd. |