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Show TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TIlllUUUIl I (ah, .South - wist v nl;i &, .Montana, .Mon-tana, Ltavlng Hull l.ftke Clly Ually, mulling mu-lling auudi to Tintio, Auioncnn Fork, Mount Ncbo, .Si:vicr, tit. Gcoruo, Huh ; and 1'ioclio, Nuvmla ; I'aialug through I'rovo, SjiririKvillo, Spani.ih l'Yirk, I'ay-Bon, I'ay-Bon, Halt Cruulc, ('hickon Cruuk, Hound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creole, leaver, Miners villo, and AU the principal town tml mining ctimpt iiitouthern Utah and south-cast Alto liRva Cnrlime, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Door Lodo, Cedar Creek niinctf, and patnini through all tho priuuinai towort and mining min-ing oauipd in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL. OKFJCfc, Wells, rgo & Co. Building fun4 flail Uka City UTAH CENTRAL It AILltOAD. JMr ff V u PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Um and after Monday, July 17, 1ST! Dully TrnluN Leavo Suit Lnke City at 5 am. an J 2:i5 p.m. Arrive at Ondun 7 a. ui, and i, m. Leavo UtJon ut 8 a. ui. and 5.:i0 j. ax. Arrivo at daU Luke City 10 a.m. and 7:30 i.m In addition to the abov o Will run DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Luko City nt 5.30 p.iu., and Oxdon at 5a.m. PMitiifitri Will ilc(ti Purchai-their Purchai-their Ticket at ih Ofllcea. Viftj Cents additional will bo eha-sod when the fare it collected on tho train. Kor ill information concerning froieht or t'Af.Haue, apply to 1. O. CALPKU, General Froisht and Tiokot As', JOHN SHARP, flUPKIUNTKNDUNT Lon Win us. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPII1R And Tintic Stage and Express X.I1STE, Kl'S.MSQ DAILY FUO.n SALT LAKK CITY, vlK LAKK TOWN, TOOKJLIfl CITY, STOCKTON AND OPIlllt TO TINTIC. Tho route ha boon re-stocked with .plon-did .plon-did Conoonl Coaches, flno Stock, eaioful and .Uontivo Drivers, and ovcry attention ia paid to the comfort an 1 oonvenionee of passea-itrs. passea-itrs. Gooii accommotlation. on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Otn3 at Walla, Fare; Co.'i, Salt Lak City, WINES & KIMliAJX, Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Vix and aflir Jnuuavy aisi, is? 4 MIXED TRALNS ILL ,c.tviui; the luh Central K.H. Depot, Salt L.c City, at 7.10 a.m.; Draper p.ni.. ana Ivimiy iu:ion, (uearvsi jviiit to La tic Cotieawovvl l.';i!ou,) at 6.-0 p.ti. Ac cstr.i train i.t Kuu on .;iii;ay Leaving Dntpcr at . t i a.m., Sacir at y. 10 a. 111., Salt Laae Cny at 4. U' p.m. j SjII Le to B:; Cottonwooi Surioa. "-V'.j i - - I.i-:le - y.u Stij " 51. Twp-'T-fir? cent.: a.j t;t: "n.il w-tl be -arsed wiea the :ra ii joilec;ea ca tio uai3. D. O. CALOKK, liea. i'reisht and Ticket Acoat. KKRA.IOHZ LITTLE SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. 1 HON ANU STtKL winn hopjj, I'LAT ASU KOl.U, For h-ji- in ff.iii iti.ii.'isf ;!iif:- ar. licrlin!, M'imtuctf.rul .,aaj U.ajlK or Size. Wire Itrt la mitrli chrnper, li'Xer nnil liiixc ilitrulila lliau my olliei kluU uf Uoj.e. Uallitlie's Kiiiilcs-i ire Koje Way, 0','ire Trauiwiii). Fitr tho rai'll and ecunoruical traa3idrtalion uf iJrt- a:;'l o'iur niA'crul.i over u;i.uiiIjiii-om u;i.uiiIjiii-om and (1 u:i 0 ui t cufii. laecurud by U. 1'ntiMit Cirii 1ilI1c', ?-r tr:ni4inittii!( -ower aii'l bv whick the rmo ia uuicjarcl auJ oaimut ahi. Sfa;.D FOR CIIICLLAUS. Awonoy of tlie PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (UV CALIKuItNIA.) All kinds iind .liiea of Wire, constantly on hand and maiiui.ioturcd tu order. A. S. HALLIDIE. 51y i'ront tit.. San yrancicn, nl'J Caliliirma. Michael Kake. T. N. Wahd. WAND, KANE & CO., ;(Succtiori to II unter, and 4l Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WISES m LIQUORS, Propnoto.-a of Jiun tor's California tA71iot Wlile.ls.oy. Also Attenta for Joseph 3. Finch's celebrated Punuiilvunia RYE WHISKEY OUT and GOV Front St., near Jack ion, BAN FRANCISCO. my 31 pf, EVEHDIJTtt V CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 48 Clay St., Sau Franclico, DKALUUS IN OHKOON PllODUCK. Are constantly In rwelpt of Orpnon llama, Bacon, Lard, 8-ilmun, Ac. Starcli, of oor own aud Kiisiurn manufacture always ou lmuJ. LOCKE & MOATAGIB, IMPORTERS OPj STOVES METALS, MANUFACTURERS 07 TINWABE AKD DEALERS IS House Furnishing Hardware AND Tinnor's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 1 la nutl 1 li Uattery Street, iu7 SAN FKANOISOO. CHEKERY, SOUTHER a CO.. Importers and Jobbors of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Franclaco. WILMERD1NS & KEL10S3, Importors and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 211 & 210 FKOUT ST11EET, SAN FRANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, I ui port era and Jobbers of Forcicn and Dome Do-me j tie 1'aiioy and Stuilo DRY GOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 543 & 547 Olarket St., Sau Fra njl3 Paris : 28 Ruo Do L'Echiqu J. BAUM & CO., Importors and Manufactorcra of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING 844 Saniome St., San Francisco 45 Murray St., New York. MURPHY,GBANT& GO. Importers of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, JFicvrv Cisco, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention oftho Trade to their larsa and complete stock of FALL? AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from Lurcpean Man une Hirers, ccmi-rising in lMrt Frencta Alcrlnoa, Wool Satinet, Wool Plalda, French and German, Irish and French Popllna, Km press Cloths, Taintse, tlcxaod ccloreJ, Velveteens, Alpacas, link and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Click, Dorlia (.Ladies'. Mioses', tionu') Gents' Underwear Aad all kisdj cf Gents' Furnishing Goods. Il.vslf ry.cc.n Me ia ill ii.- l.occb. U liltc i;ooii, llnititk.ciclilcri. Mtlrdutr Linens, Uulli.. wto.lcvlMni. UniiiAiki, tr.-waKvci t l..i. Led. ToinN, U:: -k, V .1: .-. T'::k.,a. N.Mklua and Doylies, j Kit., Klc, hltc. JNO. G. IIODGE & CO., Wholesale Stationers, K-v tke la.-ct sKxi. cf lottery. Blank Bnoki, School Boots, Plnyins Cards, Wrap, lilng Paper, Ticims, 1'ocJitt Cutiay, Sc, if"c On th r::i: Ci-a.r.wh-b th-'T itp pn'-m-J to Pell .;tr forG--;j L-r Cn a: r' '-La: ;li cSr.- 1 iJc.-e: a f,-r tsjers sijLt.-e -,-si f Oie 327, 329 & 331 SASSOME STREET, mil i 3 frucisco: GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. DANIEL GRENIG, ! At Lis old suntJ, i East side East Temple St., Wbhc to inform his numerous friends and ptruaa that lie Qa a Full AssoMmeiit of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sella them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN, PBODTJOB urutl kind., llotigjit anil Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Mndo to order. GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, first door north of Co-operative Grooery Department. GOLIGHTLY&HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Buns, Cnkes, Pics, Crackers, Etc. Fine variety of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale and Retail. Groceries, Flour, Feed, &c. Special Notice! II. WALLACE Respectfully returns bis thanks to bis numerous nu-merous customers for the- liberal patronage bestowed upon him and trusts that strict attention to business will merit a continuance continu-ance of their favora. ON MONDAY, FEB. 5th, I will havo moved from East Tomplo Streo to my new store: On First South Street, Nejt door to Mrs. Stcnhouso'a Millinery Establishment, Where I will have a very choice stock of Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. ' Rftlslns, , Ante, F'fis, Oranges, LiCmcmi, 1 Limes, and a general assortment of FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oil, Fancy - Soa23, Etc, Etc 3-Do not forget my New Store. First SouUi Street. Wo haio JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Which we will sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & 'CUTLER, East Temple Street. 4(L26 Grain, Flour& Feed DEPOT, 11 in Street, iS. L. City. ! A full iurply of j States IVm, States and Valley Oats, O round heat. Ground Barley, Corn ( .Meal, (yellow and white.) Cricked i Corn. Middlings. Shorts, Bran, I Graham, Buckwheat and Rye j Hmr, Utah Bariey, Seed Wheat, Norway Oat, Beans, Potatoes, Etc. ' J sent for .Allen's XX and XXX family Flour I and Hess' North Cottonwood 1 XXX and XXX'V CEO.H. KNOWLDEN'S, West side JIaia street, S. L. City. , P-5- Srecial iziacemeats to wholesale Mae De HEUDON DANCOURT, Teacher of Music and Pianist Speaks English, Gorman and Fronoh. Address through P.O. Salt Lake City jib Patronize Home Mmtry ! UTAH CRACKER FACTORY THE undersigned aro now prepared to furnish the trado and tho public with fresh Crackers DAILY. Butter Crackers, Picnics, Soda Cracker,' Boston Crackers, Ginger Snaps. MORTON St CO., East sido Slain street, near 3rd South j24 GLORIOUS SEWS For the Ladies! MBS. COLEBROOK Is now SELLING OFF At her New Store, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF HATS ASD BONNETS To make room for Spring fashions. ILrVEH AND PLATED WARE Wo havo JUST RECEIVED An elegant assortment of Choice Silver autl Hated Ware, Combining the USEFUL o i v v m , x i AUo the balance of our XMAS NOVELTIES All cf which we offer al . Sumll Advance on Cost. fcQJ- &e Show YinJou:. "a I RETAIL DRYGOODS DEP!T z. c. i. j-3 S. 2. CUwsoa. Supt, MISCELLANEOUS. limouGiT the" BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Are now receiving an immense Quantity of Sl'LKNDlD Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Ribbons, Furs ami Xotions, ALSO CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY Confectioner!, Frits and Nuts, THE BLEES SEraGMACIIIA'E SALESROOMS Aro now open" and replete- with a full assortment as-sortment in allstyloa. acknowlodtrcd by all to bo ouo o( tho best Machines of tho day. Call and examine before purchasing Teasdel & Cos G-EZNTTS' FURNISHING DEP'T Is now opon ono door south- of tho Euglo Ilouso, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoos Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Ladies will do well to oxamino our stock o SHOES, BOOTTEES, SLIPPEES, &o., &o. Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE Co, G7 and 09 East Temple St.,Weat eido Jpyri RAILROAD SHOPS. -A-. HOPPEB Second South Street, Hair Block JCait Revert IIoujc, SALT LAKE CITY, WAG! AND CAEEIA6E WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLAOKSmTHINO Li all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of R acine, Wiscon. '0.1C1I PiLTLG ASD CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. OOACH ASD CASRIAGI TKLSLULNU. j i Horse Shoeing ! Id a St;le to suit all. MISCELLANEOUS. C A L D E R BROl Aro in receipt of the new editions of tho Standard Authors E:ch compMo in ono royal octavo vol., bound in tho most approved style, and at the UBpreceientci Low Price or Cloth extra - -2.00 Library yiieep - -2.15 Wo have, to M'loct from, tho lincsl and lnrcit stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing tho publications of L. Prune; & Co., T. .Nelson it Sons, American Tract tioeioly, tfco. Our Stock of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in part, of PIAKTOS Ot tho latest improved styles ; OBGA1TS Oftho best makers : From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received and expected daily, o largo and anlondid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEEllATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which ice offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city. IFOIR, $125. FiTO Octavo, Double- Iteed, Fivo Stops, (Viola, Diapason, Aloloda. Flute, Tremulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, one of four feet pitch and ono ot eight feet ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. EzS Wo respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and csamino our goods For the Holidays. AND M V k n V BIS? .Oi-i.-i'.e tLo cat.-AUce to tho T.tbcrnjclo. JOU.N V. V(U ,(i, . I'io.i. I A !lllt.iM-ll, oO tin. I 'liii:li.i, Hi " I Ojkii frum y a.nu tv 6 p.m. Nat It( TTIncru). PflrlfncMcni, Con. ! t tretluua Kltd Cryatnllxailona. Home iVrxturt. Xntire find Foreign Cit- . rxttsiiitSf d.c- Compound Electro-Macn'jtic Appa-railli, Appa-railli, c. Prof. J. L,. DAUFOOT, JUaakcr. Erioola and FamiliM by privata ar-rugcaieiiU ar-rugcaieiiU admitted at reduced ra:oc. a. o 9 o o o Singer ScAvlng Muehines were JSoSd within the past year. Scientific Americnn, June 10th, lS'l. THE S'T HCER 3Ianufacturinp; Company, A.T TSIE WORLD'S FAIR Constituted by tho homes of thopcople Received the Great Award of the Highest Saks And have left all rivals far behind them, '0R TI1KV Sold in 170127833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for IS70. "The iiiutfiiituJo to which tho manufacture ofsewing machines has attained is fhowi I tho "oiii" returns (to which any ono oui havo aivc.-) of tho mann'Mciurr , tho year to tho owners of the lending (..item., on which thoy paj- a roy dty cording to those returns tho numbor ot machines sold by eaoh mauulaoturor in islii :' a- follows: y u Tlir Sinirr - - 1 Klorenco - - - i- . Wheelor x Wilson - s.-;,s Hold Medal - - . v!v? II t wo . - - 7;".. 1 .-Km li llrovcr & Daker - .'C.lnJ limpiro - Weed - fiuklo A Lyon . . Wilcox A Oibbs - -S,;) Krham - - - . . VlA AuioricanLiuttonhole A Overseaiuing 14,fi7.I ilson - '', , And several other companies who sold a few machines, lH' It will bo soon by thia table that tho popularity of tho Singer chlnei fftr certln that of all otlteru, thoir sulo boing one-hmr gnaiur ihun evoll thm 0"f tho famous "WhoolorA Wilson" machine. This is owing to tho fid that tho Mucr Company havo lately commoncod making, besides their old and wolI-ei(ab!i.-.hod manufacturing mnchino, what is known as their 4'-'ew fr'itmlly Minhiiir," wliii-u la Helling at the rnte of nine to one better Minn their old style. Their to tal sales for wore 8(5.781 Jiachinos against tho of 187D. ihowlag au Increase' afoiic-Hnlf In the Intter year." "New York Suh." Onc-IIalf of our Gigantic Sales, NOW KRARI.Y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Macliines Solely A. JLt JL, B- it A. m. J JC 'B-T JS as Were made wllhln the iait three years. Rut tho Orentrnt lu'vcase of our Suits over all Other illachlaeB, Hclnff Wllhln tho 1'iist Yer. Thli 1m IaconleBtlblc Proof that Our Alaohines Are tho Ueut in tho World. THE NEW FAMILY SliVCiER SEH'LVG MACJ11SE With attachments for all kinds of work, Is Inst winning huprouio favor in tho housohold. as shown by tho rapidly increasing sales, over all other machines. n This hew Family Maclilua is now capablo of a range and variety cf w-rk uoh ai was only recently thought iHiposaiblo to perforin by machinery. Wo claim Vad can show that it is the cheapest, most beautiful, dolicatcly arrangod. nicely adjusted, casilv operated. speedy. andsmoothly running ot all thu Family Sowing Machines 1 1 ia remark able not only for tho range and variety of its sowintf. but also lor the rarioty and' d if-fcront if-fcront kinds, of texturo which it will sew with e.jual facility and perfection ucin silk twist, linen or cotton thread, lino or coar.io, making the l"ti-rlockcd-eltic. mitcu, ahko.on both sides oftho fabric sewn; tho only stitch which is univorsally approvod, or is at all adapted for ili-st-clus-i work. Thus, beaver cloth urlcithor may bo sown with great strength and uniformity of stitch, and. in a moment tail willing nnd novor-woarying instrument may bo adjusted for lino workongauio or co'sa-uicr co'sa-uicr tissue, or thp tucking of tarlatan, or ruCding, or almost any othor work even" bv a child which dolicato (ingors havo been known to pcrlorui. Kvtn illo caielt.i and lhouglitlc have little or no t rouble on t hl machine, Send for Descriptive and Price Circufara. Wcmiinufacturoour own needles, silk and twist; furnish linon and cotton thread and oil al of Eupcnor uuahty-but which can bo relied oj only whon obtaiaod, through our Principal orliranch Oflioos, or AKonoios. ' ''"uu,'u OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED OH REAS0MA3I.E TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT THE CITY, TERMS TO SUIT ALL. 1 o extend a cordial invitation to all to como and see tho Machines, whother they wish to buy or not. See all otUcra, but do not buy without you examine the Singer. Visitors always politely atlonded by competent attendants. Instruction free. AU Muchlnes perfectly adjusted before delivery at t SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEP'T,. Z. C.I I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of liable Emporium, Walt Inlio OitT, TJtali. H. B. CLAWSON, Sui-orintendcnU MYLOR BR07S Ilavc on haQil the Largest and Kost Complete Stock ia the City OF WAGON TIMBER IROH OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer J T VERY LO"W PRICES, FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATKB mil JAMES HAGUE, Jan. J. H. HAGUE. GEOKUE UAOUlf Oigr Gun Store! HAGUE "bEOTHERS, LATE J A M K S HAGUE, Xro-iaortoxris and, Doalora ixi GUNS. PISTOLS, AMIMTION, pT mi Etc. V? Etc. Sci.cicile&j, Harness AIVTD WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. a East Temple Street. Salt Lake City. Z. C. M. !. BOOT AHD SHOE IJopni-tmoiit, nt tliCHitrnof ruzm "big- boot." Evury style an.l quality or Boots aud Shoos MADE TO ORDER, etisf:. ion ruaraDtccd. v.' , U-WAVS ON B.VXDA LAKOE ASD CHOICE STOCK Of H0ME-3IADE imported LOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT 01 ihoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather HXXJU m -7C-A. TNT T 23 1 |