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Show LOCAL NEWS. Commercinl. Salt Lake City, Feu. 7. ;oi.d. Buyine, l'"'T; soiling, 1 10. There are me.-aires at the W'cs-t-rn 1'oi'jn Heirraph office for S. V. -vrcry, J. T- Lynch anl M. Barges. Oi'R 11 att hes Dun ford & Son. f 7 j KLECTIOS RETURS S. Returns from twelve precincts have been received, of the election on Monday Mon-day for delegates to the convention with the following results: The vote of Salt Lake county excepting two precincts to hear from is 3,S03 for the convention and one against it. 01 these votes, Salt Lake gave first precinct, pre-cinct, 331; second precinct, 56-1; third precinct, 307; fourth precinct, 1,520; Sugar House ward, 122; Mill creek, 191; Big Cottonwood, ICS; South Cottonwood, Cot-tonwood, 87, Draper, 139; West Jordan, Jor-dan, 221; South Jordan, 09; Brighton, Brigh-ton, 25. The following were tho votes cast for tho different nominees : Orson Pratt, 3,S0;3 Win. Ilaydon, 3,SU3; A. Miner, 3,S02; Thbs. Fitch, 3,79S; P. Edward Connor, 3,7'Jl; Reuben Miller, 3,801; Wm. Jennings, 3.SUI; Geo. Q. Cannon. 3,S02; John T. Cainc, 3.S03; D. E. Bucl, 3,802; Albert Carrington, 3, Si.il; Thos. P. Akcrs, 3,801; John Sharp, 3,802; A. P. Rockwood, 3,800; E. I). Iloge, 3.801; Frank Fuller, 3,801; 'A. Snow, 3,801; F. M. Burnum, 2,u35; S. Sharp Walker, 1,747; Hadley D. Johnson, 3,S03; Thirty-two of the votes were scattering. MISCELLANEOUS. OGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class Biisukss Houses. MERCHANTS. Walker Brothers, Ztou's Co-op. Mercantile Institution, James Horrocki, C. WooUniaiiscc. P. Auerliacli fc Bro, HOTEL. Qgden Iloasc, John Malion, Prci-rietor. LIVERY STABLE. D. G. Nelson, Proprietor. ci a Private Hospital, IJitli W.vd, Salt. Lake City, W F. ANDERSON, M.D. - Fropriotor roTin". invariably in advance, forBonrd, Medkino and Medical attondanao, jl9 6al to por week CHAN I) HOTEL On Market, New Montgomery and Booond Streets, FBjUJCISOO, oau. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. -" .S CC 3 I I i I -A PQ : CC M I O o. 4 in i NOTICE. 1'J.lli law partnorhin hercto'oro existing httween Thomas Jt'ileh and S. A. Maun is Liis day diasolvoi. 1-ITCU i MANN. Salt Lake City, February AI, lsii 13 Z.U,UUU!S0AH0 STEEL At C. II, Massett's. Oppoalt Salt Ilou. OI6 Gov'r Woods VETOED jus CONVENTIOX ACT! But still allows .1. Paynes A Co. to icll PI AlsTOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, AND En. ry thing in thu'r Line AT CUKAI'KK 31ATKS TIIAX EVKK Any (.n? Inivin tho WILSON tSew-ini; tSew-ini; i:i' liino u'l' thi-m L-iin mivq Twenty-tivo Twenty-tivo JiI1hi-v, nnd if nut stntnl with tlir bftrKnincun n-turn it w ithin oia montli mid have their muLey lolandtd. Clorinc out WITCHES A.D JEWELRY BELOW COST, To m.ikc ruoin for another cla of goode. CALL AND SEK US. J. Davxes & Co., Two doors t of Poit Offlce, SALT LAKE CITY. MISCELLANEOUS. The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SAS1I, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, Inipoi'tetl or Home-made, IS AT LATIMER, TAYLOR &. CO'S PLANING MILL, Sjtsh and Door Fmlorj. One block west of Tabernacle. d!7 Z. C. M. I. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buildings A full, first-class stock ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTIOXS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT L.OW i'UltKb. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please, inspect. GHOCERY! HARDWARE DKPARTAIENT, CONSHTUTION UUILDINOS, Purohaaera oaa her, find An Immense Stock and in each 3 , snTwii " IMPLEMENTS, TCOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THK rnKMISJJS. Miners Supplies a Specially CLOTLLLNG DPT HOME-MADE AMD I M 1J O 11 T K D MANUFACTURED K110M UUKIK-nAUK, rUKNCll, OKHMAN, Ii.KUl.is1I n. ANKIllt'ASI KAIIttltS Fine Cassimeies, anil Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gnllna' t; oidtriD their own. - FIRST-CLASS FITTtJIH AM WOHKBKN TO Vll.l. ALL, UHDKH8 PROMPTLY. Retail Departni'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY ASSORTMM OF GOODS, SAN FRANCISCO TRACE. Spruancs, Stanley &. Co., WINES AND LIQUORS, 410 KKO.1T STItKKT. A. 0. DiETZ & CO. PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. -t FRONT STRKKT, E.MAiTihi&CO. WliolcsalB Lipor Dealers, 08 Kront Strcrt, Sn Frtucltca ProrrieiPre of MILLKK'S KXTUA OLD UUl'HUOl AqJ sole aseiiu for I. F. CUTTtP.'S EXTRA 0: D tJOMtH-N WHISKIbS Conrl.iutlj on hsnl. a 'uli airimept ol nil :ho Ntnlidtird Uinndt of Whlaklft, Kln Bmndlfi Kortlpnaiid DomriUc Wlnit, m5 Bliifn, Cor.llult, THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAW FHA.C,SCO. D. 0. MILLS. - PliKSIIiKN'T. W.C. K.'.LSTOS. CAS11IKA. C.iltal P.ld l'p, . tA, 000, OOli. CRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Credit on nil ihe jinitcipal oitioa of th "I W ,,rlil. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 90 nnriHUS Ca.lt fnruta Sx ? .n Krmcliro, - - i Mltfornl. Pnrticutar ntfrtion ri'i to ihe flltlnr f irduri lor every ilcoru-non of mor.-htwivtisa, n'JS Snl Urci, . 1. J. U I PF1T1I, Dfilnr In vT?t iJI klndiol SkLMI.N m HERRINGS, 133 Whtnk( on Si rcrt. All kinds of Drid. 8nii tfl rickletl T:h conilititly on baud. j THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. " J S - 1 RS T S3 In 1 GREAT CALIFORNIA VEUK'J ABLE BLOOD PURlIR. UMII IN TtiE -1 I'll K.V NliVMtA ..iiiiiiiiu. i, t: , H-.Hi.U.jful St,, to U-Jil.tnuh. .K.tn Lvri. I. Known to llio n.ll-mr. :,. ,,ri i h I n ! run l..r 1U1KI) M A -Tl:-.1. HV V. N l-.l U M-ulA. ,,n I .,!: ,,. ot tli.- !,,,,,,). Iia. :i; l,-!,kil( lir-iu lil tl it til il.-virhioi. urn! .1 i(,, r.(-iit IhtI hiip i-uuii-i.ii'nl.j i VKltin S N I'A , a )t-rja-r.uini !or ilio r K It M AN KK't t'l,KK of Scrofula, Suit Itlicuni, mil ll ICrtip. tlvc anil Cuiniiou UIioim, Cttf iiumrJi.Tip nn. I T-t-rin ntipnt rfJii-f in ll'VM'l I'SIA. HHV.-ll'Ki. . Hu,i,m fiiiaTn. Uoih, S.-ild Uoii.In. u-r, nJ rtv: craduatos ;n-ui thu sjtiici :i irtcoi oi mercurial Ui?ai. ITISPL'RtLr VLGE TACLb, It in tlicrt-F-rt- pcrnl;nrly suit.ilatj for neo liy fcisk iiii.l il ircn u JJLOub 1'UltJ. KlUt and KK.NUVATUit. mo riik.its Who Wih tn fin.l n ,rf,!ini I-rrulir' j n. IM.l,.. fi ll....1,rr..t IK Mnl'.S m,,l Mtl'-rin.NS Mtl'-rin.NS in Iheir ihi Mn-u, f,d a mio nnd euro euro id l linl.A b..N l'A. 7or aul ovcry where. RBUINOTOM, UONTKTI'KU :t' Affii, O'-tV iniUSl Mxrkel S Si Ki Hnof ac. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER i CO. iLapurlcri ami JoI Iith uf I-'OIIKIUN AU JIOMILSTIO DRl'CS 1!J CHEMICALS Fine Kmc m I il Ol l, Cum, Hnaim, Sec (In, Klimcri, K,itturs, HKIna, rmiln, Ac, 4nl all olhof r-iuiiloi con nested with tt Wholrsfile and Koinll Orui: Huiincf Co n ln.nl !y in rcei.. h- du-.-t I tn :.or(,Wtn, of Kuruiioa arnl Ai .tip inoJucU. Exclusive Agents tor Guicksiiverj Uostc'tcr's V-iitrrr, lrak'v I'M.Mnti-.t, Ui-t, ri- Wolf' ;--lir-.lim S.-!1JW,fl, TiewullV 1L' I niijii arj i-jnip. And nil lb If i-i , n l'r-..rifinr Miliin "H'u A :n orient! bi,d t-iiroi'mm, Onlrt I'nii-ji-iry ,i,.l C.-ueloMy KiocutM. bZV a ml J1 Murkft MrrM, Sin Francisco, California. TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE imillME to:s CINCINNATI. Capital - noarly $3,000,000. lUllnl,lc I'm,, r.villliiR. I'crl.c, Jut) illy. W C U.-k l-'.iir t;i(' J'rujui c to I'y Just IJ.--I'.-. Risks taken throughout Utah II. It. JWA.W, Asi-nt, SALT LAKE CUT. 'KM-Iw!rV R..m No. 2. op. ' -.wcall L .ko liou:c. P. 0. Ecx sA. fl |