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Show SALT LAKK HERALD t J'MI'i T. UAINK, K. L, nl.OAN, W. C. IjI;NHK. Tlil-'USUAV MiiUNINU, FfclS. , I.-72. ( MUN1CIPALELECTIQN. ; rEOPLE'S TICKET. ' For Mayor) i liANIKL H. WF.LI.S. Kor A Idermnti 1st Ward - - - ISAAC fiKIJO, Ju.l " - - AIIltF.LICSMINF.il, ar.l " - NATIIANIKL II. FELT, 1,1, "... JKTEK CLINTON, ith " - - JOHN VANCOTT. For Counrllort LEWIS S. HILLS, KOI1EKT T. BIIKTON, JOHN K. W1NDKH, ALEXANDER MAJORS, A. C. I'VI'KU, JOS. K. SMITH, JOHN CLARK, TIIEO. MrKKAN, IIKNIU' GROW. For ftlai'i)il JOHN I). T. MrALLlSTEH. For Trittliirtrt 1'AL'h A. KCI1KTTLKK. For Iccot-tWri liOlSKKT CAMl'liKLU Prices Reduced ! ! Wo wish tp tfivonotico to tho public that wo shall sell tho remainder of tho Goods fh7i0 i """tan" to us previous to tho pSJkaS?) at thofoIIowinK Priooa by Butter (in tubs) - - Liuterun slouo crocks) - -s ! ' Butter fresh rolls) - 3lo bausaso Meat tin caas) - J2'.:a ' Uoau Uhceso, - . Syrup (in cans) - b- ..,.,,, Ai.nles (per bnrrol) - ViV" Eal'n Cranberries - 1"',t0 T " (per bos) - Lemons - c,-, Vlj Buckwheat Flour, - fiii Black Walnuts (per bushel) $J$ PM ?ack bait Pork (per barrel) - SIS iw iSfc : . gpB Commission Hou of j: G. JAJIES & CO., CAUTIOPiJ. . "V"OTICE. I cm entitled to Discovery and 0 , Vc,'iuu c;,li.lu Pn tho Pinion Lode in 1 arley s Pars, and shall assert my CKal claim. I forewarn all parties purchasinc or , woriins tho same. RUFUS WALKER, o i.t "i - Per S. M. Blair, Alt'y. Salt Lako Cily, U.T. j I LL orders for Coal left at A. S. Gould & ' Son's oSee, on elato, will bo promptly attended to. Price SS per ton, delivered in I main part of tho city. S. P. WOODS, Accnt Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Co. PROF. PRATT'S LECTUIUL I TJROF. 0. PRATT. SEX. WILL LEC- JL turc in the Old Tabcrnac'e on U'cdac--; day eveninc. tho 7th insu Doors opoa at . half-past six. Lecture to commence at a quarter put seven. a SUBJECT: ; The Bible aud Book of Mor-j- mon Evideucss Compared. s TICKETS c Maybs had at the tnncrAl Co-oi-crati vt :t Stpry. Walker Bro's. CaUcr Br..s J Zy- . er s Look Store, aul Townictd Ueuic. e I I Prof. Pr.itt irill asain LwLure on Thur. - day cveains. the mu ic-:. I Emerald Hill Mining Company. 1 OCATinXof Works. Salt Lako County, d Luh Territory. Notice is hereby triven that at a mcctir of the Board ot Trustee of said Comp.tay, held on tae eieveath dy o: Januarv, 1-72, au af.-esssent o: twenty-five cents per hrt was levied apon tne Capital Si--k vr Wm?ny. payabla immcd..:ely. in s-Idand si.ver cuiti, to ta. S-icmtary at the I'lheoi taeLompasy. Rom No. v4, Icr:ham- Es-r; Es-r; ca.'-e, LaJUornia street. San i'-ani:;i-o ( Cah: ruia. " ' -' , ,A7 i:c'k nra wh:-h a: 1 a;c,-"in! I. -haJreaaia unp.ii i on.V' SDAY the Nme-)t Nme-)t -aayoii earaary. 1-7, .-hall beieem-i ue-. asi wili be duly aive-ti-ei " Vv 'jDL:"Ja'---irn, aid u-.a i-ivaec: 5t t"-- Pde 'ill be s-"l on , . iat-vDAl, .the Eocrtienih dav of March, . . is., .o pay the delinmea; aseSimcKt. ts- J J &i order of the Board of Trustees, u 1 MADGE. Secretary. - UficaS.t4.Mer;haauEiebaSlrB. Califor - , iuitrei, aan Frmncuco Cahforaia. CUKAP ADVERTISING. ! A'lvertiouiL'Ut unJcr this heading ot exocoding five lines, fiity cents ior1 ach and every insertion. Kach ad-itionrj ad-itionrj Sine t?ncenU. I LOST. THE STKEET LEADING TO THE, Tin-atre. a li.nucind Brc:L-t-pin. cluster ' : 'CI, frrei-n set. A reiv:ird of will o paid i th'1 tinier cc lea iai it at this etSco. f 7 FOlt KEST. ;ekv de-'iiuhle rooms, en suite r .ireinle. initio two south huu;cj of ie e!"K-.ut now blook-Clifl How, LiiiTi-w-;e street. l'O FOR SALE. Mi e lunch stand in the omaiia L ifccr.iU.on. tj.iddard'j BuiMink'. ilaiu trcct. imiuire in the ialuii. fi I ihe Engagement of the r0ular young TruKt'dian, E. T. STETSON Entire Changes of Bill ! "HIS EVENING, rami induction of l'ie t'oat mral drama File DRUNKARD Or. tho Fs&Slcu Saved I l'o ujneludo with the r mine firco of riie Highwayman's Holiday ! Saturday Afternoon, Frh, 10, Grand Atcc and JS'fcc Matinee. In active- preparation an cntiro'y now nnd trisin::! ir;u;;a, written ospressly fur Mr. H. T. faTtirSuN. by lino-h l'owc.d, cntitUd Iteioii, or tlis Drama of Life! II. M. MOKGAiV, Conimissioiifr for (Ilali Territory. VS CALIFORNIA STKEET. SELLING OFF I Sow is the Time to get Uarguiiis ! Our remaining stock of LADIES' FURS! Will be sold regardless of cost. FANCY DRESS GOODS, UNSEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS. WOOLEN GOODS, UOODS, NUBIAS, SCARES, HOSIERY, ETC, Togothor with a splendid as-ortmout of LADIES' WINTER HATS aid BOMEK MiLLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, which will be sold at eosi to make room for a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B.WILKIN SON'S J No. S5 East Temple Street. s23 PAGE, BEO.& CO., Importers and Dealers In LEATHER AND FINDINGS 35 and 37 South Canal street, CHICAGO. Ill i Two Blocks snulUof the L'.C.ll.ll Depot, nnd next to Win. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. The yard is kept constantly supplied 1 jot oral san-aiills wi.h A Full Assortment of B Native Lumbci W. E. 'iliciu tho ratronneo of his o friendi, and by runctuality and diiigenco : business hores to merit a share fpubl aurport. FOIL SALE In the IV. b War., oi hlnnls and a half we-c m tho U. C. It. 11., sniill ho'i ean-i half I.t. With fine orchJ.r , For paruculirs cnQairo of aoK25 WM. EDDISOTOS. j LUMBER YARD. i Ail Kimls of Luinbtr : BOOKS. WINDOWS i BLINDS, MOULDINGS, ; SHINGLES, LATHS, CRA1N AT WHOLESALE, T. K. JONES, j'7 Hir-block !ca cf U. C. Depot. G.VV. STAYNER'S COLUMN. " citTTotsI! Hurry; up and File your Statements for Cily Lots. ( C. W. Stayner Attends to it At SCaMcr Bro's cvay day next week. i j- 'V ; - : Hl r .Vyp, i Figures Don't Lie ! 1,500 Ladies amlGcntlcmen would not testify that this 1NGKMLOUS PllEVARA-TION PllEVARA-TION bad preserved tho Hair from Falling Off ! HAD Beautified tho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! Had removed all DANDRUFF FROM THE HEAD I Baldhcadcd persons WOULD NOT DECLAKE that tho DOUBLE STRENGTH had produced from one to three inches of Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! If it were not the oise. LiulicF, as you value your Boautiful Hair. cca.o to use OILS and DYKS which destroy tho hair and iujuro tho health, but ask for tho GREAT UNKNOWN! AND Talte no Oilier! For snlc nt Cnlclcr Bro's, Z. C. M. I. Drug Store, i Aud most nil Druggists. Price for Toilet, - - Sl.OO. Best for Ladies' use. Doublo strength, - - Si.OO. For Baldness, If You Don't Feel Well I " TAKE ( ONE BOTTLE ! OF TLIE Alt unite in saying this is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUA BLE MEDICINE FOB. USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD 1'OU T11H CHILD OK THE PARENT. It cures t. Catarrh, 's Dyspepsia, it li PURIFIES THE BLOOD in ic and I Builds Up the Whole System, ! For ante t Cnlder Bro'j., lid at Ogdtii Co-nji. Insl'n. PriLV, - ii'c. and 1 1 r cr LotUe. C. W. STAYNER, i ! i General Agent. i a Run the Blockade! GREAT REIUTCT10X IX TJltj PRICE OF LIGHT! Good News for those tluit like u Ut illittut, CUiu- mil Sitl'e Lislit ! Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOl! FIVE f!ALLO.N.-. For those lliat like COAL OIL, wo Lave rcicivoil a Larso Stock, ol' all qualities, aud at Roiluced l'riivs. Tlie Largest A sjrtmcut ol' LA. Ml GOODS iu tlio Territory. i.o E. REESE &fGo". Solo Ak'ols for The Dnnforili !'-( vole itm Fluid. 89 1st South Street, half block West oi' l'o.-t (Jilk-o. FliOUH! FIOUB. ! Fn iu i lies, linkers, ill (tiers Ami nil OlJirrs WAN'IINV SHOULD lUiy Wm. Jennings' XXX Flour TO BE HAD AT The Flour Warehouse on First South Street, between East and West Temple Streets, SLT lake city. No Flour genuine ijqIoss tho month of tho sack is sealed by label "Wm. Jennings." j ;j WALKER BRO'S. & JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., MercKant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STltEKTi J T7"EEP constantly on hind a choice neort-5 neort-5 XV montofFHKKCH, KNGLISH nd 1 I AMERICAN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings,Etc, Of thefineetqnalitios and Intent styles, which wo mako up to order in tho most fashionable &nd approved mannor. " -PATKONAGB SOLICITED- aue23 C0ALIC0AL! Having purchased tlie Spriggs Coal Mine We nre pre.pnred to lupply H'l JuiUy celebrated WEBER COAL by cur load or retail. Depot at V. C. 11. U. Yard. Ofllcci Eiciiang and Heading Uoonn. BATE MAN & BUEL. ,HEfl V. ti. 11IKD, A(fut. Coal Oil and laptha Depot HAY &'CUIiJUEK, SO last Temple Slrcct, TVCa-EITTS FOB FOREST CITY VARNISH AND GIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, 1 ' Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURNING FLUID, Tlie Best anti Cheapest Licjht Evtr CfTered to the Public. This Fluid is of much IIEAVIKB GliAVITV than any other lumiocri" ' ver offered in ihe market, approximating closely to that of the ! -I 'ieii:'!-' of COAL OIL, but yet poses.-ing DOUBLE the ILLL'MI.N ATINtl rr- It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and do not char the wick, hi will not require attention oftcner than once a week-. This Fluid needs but one trial to convince any jcron o! it) superior aJn-lacs. aJn-lacs. WHOLESALE JXTID BETAIL -O. T Who want AGENTS ia evcrj KttlerLcat of tho Territory. J17 |