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Show TRAVEL GILMER & SALISBURY'S lAIIAr STAGE LINES TI1UOUUII I tali, South -tast Aevada &c Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving 811 Like dry I)lly, running run-ning auulli tu Tin tin, American Fork, Mount Nctw, jHtivicr, bt. George, ftah ; and Pioohc, Nevada ; Paaaliig through I'rovo, HjiriiiKville, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, bait 'Jrouic, (')iickun Creole, Hon nd V alley, Fillmore, Cum (,'rcok, Iteaver, Mirn-TH-ville, and All ths, principal tmont ami mining camp in tout Kern Utah ami touth-enst Nevada, Alio leave Corlinte, Utah, dally, running uurtti lu Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bentoo, Deur Lodo, Cedar Creek niinca, and panning through all the principal towns and mining min-ing oauipa in Montana, Mon-tana, PIUNCIl'AL. OKFICK, Wells, Mrgo & Co. Building Iun4 Salt Lake City UTAH CENTRAL IIAILKOAI). V - PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, Uamdifttr NomUy, July IT, I B71 litily TraliiH Leavo Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. anil 2:45 p.m. Arrive at Uiidon 7 a. in. and 1:15 p. m. Leave ()dn at 8 a. in. andfcJO i. m. Arrive at Halt Lake City 10 ,m. and 7:30 p.n In aJJltlun to the abote Will rnn DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lako Cily at 5.. TO p.m., and U nd on at 5 a.m. Pminffri will pleaae Purchaaa their Ticket at the Ufllcn. Fifty Con In addition iU will bo chanted when the faro is oo Hooted on Lho train. Vor all Information concerning freieht or paaaane, apply to D. U. CAI.IKU, llonon! Freight and Tiokot An', JOHN SHARP, BOTEIUNTBNDENT Lon Wines. " Q.P.Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPIUR And Tintic Stage and Express Rl'NXlSQ DAILY PKOM SALT LAKK CITY, via LAKE TOW 91, TOUKLK CITY, STOCKTON AND OPII1K TO TINTIC. The route has been re-s took ed with iplen-did iplen-did Concord Coaoaoi. fine Stock, caieful and attentive Drivers, and every attention is paid to tae comfort ani oonvonionoo of pa&aw itn. Good accommodations on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Offlee at Welle, Fargo Co.'i, Salt Luke City. WINKS & KIMBALL, i rroprietort. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Ou and utter January Hlt, l!7 MIXED TRAINS WILL IR. XJ 1ST DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central U.K. Depot iait l.ikc City. at 7.10 a.tu.; Drape; 5. -L p.m., antl andy Station, (nearer point lo Lioic Cottonwood Canon.) a 6. -0 p.m. An cxIia tr.uii m.i Kim osi unda ys Leaving Draper at .4.i a.m., Sand aty.K'a-Ui., Salt Lake City at 4. k p in. .b'-Vlifc:-. : Like to Bin CottoawjoJ suttijn. r-v-. " " Little - " .u Draper ' TEir-five rtnu a-iiiticu.il will be chars when the :are is ccUec;ed on tie iria. D. O. CALDKH. Gen. Freicht ac,d Ticket AsenL f KRAMORZ LITTLB SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. intlX A.U STLKIj WIB3 B.OPE, t'LAT A.1I) KOLSU, For li-ji.-'.inn ftr-m mininje !) if'.- an-I inclines. Forry roe, (jy fJii. t-if tr-iiuunuicif j Manufactured of any Ltnyth or Size. I Wire l(ote In murh f lienprr, II filler I ami tu in e durable lli an mty oilier, kimt ot Uijc. Halliilie's KihIIcss M ire Hope H ay, (Wire Tramway). Fir tlie rat-id nd cconorBtoal truaiiiortation ul'Jrcj ii:-l '.llior iii.ner:uU over uiuufiuin-ons uiuufiuin-ons and ul i l!i : u It TmaJiI. t.-jecuruj by U. 6- lnt?iit ii-ij l'lille.y, For tran.'ininirnf piwer an-1 br which thoi rojo u uiiiiijurc 1 and uann-jt slip. SK.MJ FOll CIKCILAIIS. Agency of ibo PACIFIC Wire & W. ft. Manufacturing Co. (Oif CALIfOKMA.) All kind an-1 ?iei of Wire, 'instantly en hand and uuiiuUcturud tu order. A. S. HALLIDIE. Mi) Front 6t.,yan Franclxo. n 1 ' Ciiitumia. Micuail KaNB. T. N. WiXD. WAND, KANE & CO., "(Hucceesori to Hunter, Wauct K Co.) Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers in Will AXD LIQUORS. Proprleto.-s of Hunter's California "SJJ liorvt W liisltoy. AIbo Apent.t for Joseph S. Finch's celebrated i'unulvaoia RYE WHISKEY OUT and 000 Front St., nearJnckion, SAN FIIANCISCO. my-U J. EVEHDIXtt & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4 Cle.y St., San Frnuclico, DKALKRS IN OltKGON PllODUCB, Are comtaotlj In receipt of Oregon lleml. Bacon, Lard, tin mop, Ac, Starch, of oar own ami Kiutorn niauD be tore Uwuya on buud. LOCKE & M0XT1CUB, IMPORTERS OF; STOVES METALS, MANUFACTURERS OF TINWARE AXD DKALIBS IK House Furnishing Hardware AXD Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 114 mid 11-1 Dnttery street, in7 SAN FHANCISCO. CHEKERY, SOUTHER & C0. Importers and Jobbers of FOUKIGN AND DOS1KST1C BRANDIES, WINES, AKD LIQUORS, 311 Clny Street, San Franc lico. Jyi W!LlRDISI & KELL0S8, Importers and Jobbors of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 210 FKOMT STliJSJST, SAN FRAKCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers oT Foreicn and Do-modlia Do-modlia Faooy and Staple DRY aOODS. Depot of Ooods Manufactured at the Missio?i and Pacific Mills, Consolidated, 533 A 947 Market St., San Fra njis Paris : 23 Rue Do IEohiqn J. BAUM & CO., Importera and Manufacturers of MEN'S &, BOY'S CLOTHING Snmome St., San Francisco 4 Murray St., New York. MURPHY,GRANT& CO. Importers of Amorican and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CAL.IFOU51A, Call the attention of the Trado to their large and complete stock of FALL! AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from i-uropcAD Manufacturers, comprising in part-French part-French Merino, Wool Satlnee, f Wool PlaliU, French and Qorman, Irleh and French Poptlne, Empress Clothe, Tarn lee, black and cob red, I Velveteena, Alpacas, black acd colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck. Berlin (LiJics', JILscs', GoaU") ' Gents' Underwear r i t j Aad all kinds of 1 ; Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hftlfrj-,ro7iH ia all iU traschi-e hlte Uoo.U. llaixikerchlr, Shlrtlii Linens. 0mik, t-n'wa! c,l t-'rnctied, ' Towth, !!; ;;. P-;- r. T-::';sti. Anpktna ami Loj lie, it l.ir., Ktc, Ktc. J XU. G. HODGE & CO., I.UPOHTEUS Wholesale Stationers, ' K?op the aigei: l Stailontrv. Blank Books. School Uaokt, Ftoylni( Card, Wrap, plug fapcra, ! Twines, Foaett Cutlery, dc, dc, ! On tte Fioiic Ctt. which tfcT .- rT- tel , eiiher forG.-IJ CMrrp ;j : -r:.-4 w.;: t-;r i Icdd-efEM for fcujer aijittieie in: f the i R-xkj Moanta;2j. 327, 329 & 331 SANSOME STREET, I all s .1 Fraaciactt GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Special Notice! II. WALLACE Respectfully returna hie thanki to his nn-mcruuj nn-mcruuj cuit'.mrri Imt tue liberal patronage ijeeUiwed ui-in In -ii and trusj ttut strict a'.teiiiii.n tr, Iju.-iu-ia will merit a coauuu-.mce coauuu-.mce of their favors. ON MONDAY, FEB. 5th, I will have moved fren Eit Temple Street 1ST E "V7" STORE On First South istreett j Next door to Mrs. Stenhoue's Millinery' &labiiahuieat, 1 Where I will have a very choice atock of j Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. Ualtlim, A ills, FlRa, Oranges, , Licnione, A ud a teuerat -oi iiueut of I FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oil, Fancy Soap, Etc., Ftc "Do not rorRet my New Store, First aouLh street. Wo hao JUST RECEIVED A lot of T E A S Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Which we will sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low rigures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, Temple Sired.' aUR26 Grain, Flour& Feed DEPOT, Mnin Street, S. Iu. City. A full supply of Slates Corn, Statea and Valley Oats, Ground Wheat, Ground Barley.Corn Meal, (yellow and white,) Cracked Corn, Middlings, Shorts, Bran, Graham, Buckwheat and Eye Flour, Utah Barley, Seed Wheat, Norway Oats, Beans, Potatoes, Etc. A sent for Allen's XX and XXX Family Flour and Hess' North Cottonwood XXX and XXX v, CEO. H. KNO WLDEN'S, West sido Main street, S. L. City. P-S Special inducements to wholesnlo buyers, or in small lots. 0cH DANIEL GRENIG, At hia old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to Inform his numerous friends &qu patrons that he has a full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sells them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PRODUCE Of all kind.. liought and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Made to order. GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, flnt door north of Co-operative Grocery Department. G0L1GHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand i.GOOD FRESH BREAD i Buns, Cakes, Pies, ' Crackers, Etc. i i Fine variety of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale and Retail. i Groceries, i Flour, I Mu Feed, &e. Mme De MEUDON DANCOURT, Teacher of Music anil Pianisl Speaks English, German and Fronoh. Address through P.O. Salt Lako Citj ilti Patronize Home Mnstry ! CRACKER FACTORY THE undersigned are now prepared t furnish tho trade and tho public witl fresh Crackers DAILY. Butter Crackers, Picnics, . Soda Cracker,' Boston Crackers, Ginger Snaps MORTON & CO., East side Main street, near 3rd South . 32i GLORIOUS KE1VS For the Ladies! MRS. C0LEBE00E Is now SELLING OFF At her 2rcio Store, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT Of HATS AND CONxETS To make room for Spring fashions. dl5 SILVER AND PLATED WARE I Wo have , JUST RECEIVED An elegant aisortmcnt of Choice Silver ami riatc ' Ware, Combining tbo .nd ORXAMENTAL ) Abo the bilaoce cf our XMAS NOVELTIES All cf which ic offer at . SninU Advance on Cost. I j W Ste Show V'mJolc. -ua j RETAIL DRY GOODS DEP!1 z. c. nvn. i. ' j-3 B. B. amon. Spu MISCELLANEOUS. TnR0UGII TffiT BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Are now receiving an immense 'iiuantit? of SPLENDID Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Ribbons, Furs and Notions, ALSO CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY - CanfBctionery, Fruits aid Ms, I TUE BLEES SEVLG MiCULXE SALESROOMS Are now open and replete with a full ns-sortoient ns-sortoient in iUI stylos, acknowledged by all to bo ouo of the best Machines of tho dar. Call and examine before purchasing Teasdel & Co,'s FURNISHING DEPT Is now open ono door south of tho KukIo ' 1 llouso. ' Clothing, ! Hats, Caps, ! Boots & Shoes Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting, i r Ladies will do woll to oxamino our stock 0 SUOES, j BOOTTEES, SLIPPERS, t Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE ' 65, 67 and 00 E:ist Templo SL.Wost eldo. RAILROAD SHOPS. .A.. HOPPEE ; Second South Street, Hlf Block Ja.t Revcr. lion.., SALT LAKE CITY. ASD ; CARRIAGE WORK. Of all Descriptions, i BLACKSiiiTHIf!! In all its Branches. 1 Agents for the Fis Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. ; COACH PALMING I AND CARRIAGE PASHT1N! A SPECIALTY COACH ASD CARB1AGE TEIiLHlNQ. 1 Horse Siioeing I In a Style to rait ail. MISCELLANEOUS. mil1 Are in receipt of tho new cJiuons 1 oi" the Standard Authors Ertcb. complote in ono royal octavo vol., bound in tho most approved stylo, and at tho UnprecBflentei Low Price OF Cloth extra - vi.OO I Library M:cei - .75 Wo have, to fried from, tbo lincst and largest stock of i SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing tho publications of L. Prnng & Co., T. iNolsou &, Sons, American Tract Society, tic. t Our Stock of o MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in ptirt, of 01 tho latost improved stylos ; Of the best makers : j From Italy, Franco and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, ' : Accordeons. Concertinas, 1 Hannonicansj ; i i Koooivod and oxpected daily, a largo and si'londid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S : CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which ice oQ'er at Manufacturers' Trices Delivered in this city. IFOIR, $125. Fito Octavo, Doublo Kccd, Five Stops, (Viola, Binpason, Jtleloda. Fbito, Tremulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, ono of four feet pitch and ono of eight feot ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, and not morely stamped out of bra3. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; solf-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, witi carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY J RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. We respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and csaminc our gooda For Ike Holidays. hehaIeiue. .Opposite the eutrance to tho Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUNG, - 'ni. t Cliililien, IO tk Opt.n from 'J a.m. to 6 p.m. Sallre .T.ntrulf, Pel rlf-.c tloni, Con ciellum a. ud Cry ta.lixat loaa. Home Product , .Vifire and Foreign Cu- rioiititM, dc. Compound Elcctro-Marn'.'tic Appa f rat us, &c " Prof. J. JL. BAKFOOT, IM&iiaSr. - Schools and Families by private j rang em oa u admitted a; reduced ra.ea. a. 3s o , o o o Singer Sewliiff xSachines were Sold Avithin Ihc past year. Scientific America) Jlluo lOtli. 1T1. THE ST KCER 3Iaim(ic(uiiii Company, A.T THE WORLD'S 'F-JLXJZ Constituted by tho homes of thopeoplo Received the Great Award of tho Highest Sales And havo left all rivalsfar behind them, 1'OH Til KY Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for 1370. "The mncnitude to which the manuficturo ofsowiriK maehines has atlainM is shown'Ly ho "wiiru" returns (to which any one cin huva iicco,) of tho umnuhioturora lur ho year ItiTU to tho owners of Uio k'uding nalems, on whu-a ttioy pay a royalty. Ac 'orilUig to these returns the nuuibor of maobiues sold by each manuiaoturer iu l.u ii ls follows: rue Singer - - lU7,H;tJ Florence .... 1T M... kV heeler X Wilson - itt.-i'i OoldMedul - - - :lfwo - - - 7. '.!') -V.'ua ..... v Jrover A" D:ikcr - - f'7.4n2 E ji i'ire - - - 'Jtj rt'eed - - - Finklo Jt Lyon - - u.Y'u IVilcoxA" tiibbs - ..SiM l'arham - i'-' imericaubutionhole A OverdenuiinK H.fTJ Wilson .... And several othor companies who sold a few machines. It will bo scon by this table that tho popularity of tho S inter mitchlnti fnr ti. ceed tlmt of nil others, thoir Bale beinc onc-liulf greater thnn even that of :ho famous "WboolerA Wilson" machine. This is owing to tho fact that the Singer Comimiiy have lately commonood making, besides (heir old and wcll-oMablihcd nan ufac luring machine, what is known as thoir "-New Fnmlly Machine," tvlili-li Is selling at the rate of nine to one belter Minn (heir old MtyU. Thoir total to-tal sales for 1S09 wcro 80.731 mscbines ncainst tho 1J7.S.1:; of 1870, showliiK an Increnve at one-hntf In the Inllrr year." "New York lun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, NOW NEARLY THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION AD a. Jj jc : jic - 'jl.' jl j m. j jk Were mmle within the pnit three yenrs. But tho tireafest 1 1 rente of our Sales over all Oilier ninchliteii, Uelng VKIiln the Putt Vcr. Till Is InvonLcstlble Proof that Our Machines Are tho lct in tho World. THE NEW FAMILY SINtiER (SEWING MACHINE With attachments for all kinds of work, Is lost winning supremo favor in the houeohold, as shown by the rapidly increasing sales, over all othor machines. This ftew Knnilly Muchlne is now capable ofa range and variety nfw.rk such ai was only recenUy thought impossiblo to perform by timchinory. Wo claim and caa show that it is the chcaiiost. moat beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adju.itcd, easily onorotod.spoody.and smoothly runniiiK of nil tho Family Sowina .Machinos. It idroiuark-able idroiuark-able not only for tho ranijo and variety of its sewing, but also for tho variety nnd different dif-ferent kinds of tcxturo which it will sew with Cijual facility and pon'ejtion, uHing silk twist, linon or cotton throad, lino or coarso, making the ImcrlouiMiil-elnui it: stitch, aliko on both sides of tho fabric sewn; tho only stitch which is universally approved, or is at all adapted for rt-clns work. Thus, beaver cloth, or Icithur may bo sown with groat slrungth and uniformity of .stitch, and, in a moment, this willing and novor-wcaryinu instrument may bo adjusted lor lino work on gauzo or gossamer gossa-mer tissue, or tho tucking of tarlatan, or ruilling. or aluiostany othor work even by a child which dolieato iiugors havo boon known to porlorm, liven the enreleas and thouglitleui have little or no trouble Da IHIi machine. Send for Descriptive and Price Circufars. Womnnufaatureour own naodles, silk and twist; furnish linen and cotton thread and oil all of suporior (jualilr but which can ba relitd oa only whon outaiuodj IhrouKU our Principal or Branch Omoos, or Agonoies. flTUCD CCVUlUn MAnUlMCC DTDMOCn flfJ DCA?nU,DI i. TCOnxp We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE THROUGHOUT TUH CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to como and seo tho Machines, wh other they wish to buy or noL See all others, but do not buy without you exuiulne the Singer. Visitors always politely attended by competent attendant. Instruction free. All Machines perfectly adjusted before delivery at l SINGER SEWING MACHINE BEP'T, Z. C. M. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Walt I.nlco Oit;r, XJtnli. n. B. CLAWSON. Superintendent. Havo on hand ihe Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OP WAGON TIMBEE IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer .A. X A7" E LOW 1? H ICES. ' FIB ST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF TUEATKB mis JAMES HAODE. Jnn. J. H. HAGUE, OEOKUE IIAGUJ 33igr GrUii Store ! Hague Brothers, LATE JAMES HAGUE, Importers and Doalors ixx GUIS, PISTOLS, AM.MNITION(JniIG TACKLE. Etc. M Etc. Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS KEAILY EXECUTED. 2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. fid. I. BOOT AND SHOE Department, at tlic nisrn of THE "BIG- :oOO"XV' Every style and quality of Boots and Bhoca MADiS TO ORDER, Batiif". . tion guaranteed. A.LWATS ON BAKDA LAROS AKD CHOICK STOCK OF HOME-MADE lted BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT Of Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ol Leather ziiDxia wanted. |