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Show Gone West. I. C. IiatemaD, bs-j., of'JJatcaian, Buel i Co., started for Sao Francisco yesterday afternoon, and expect to be absent about ten days. Oi-r XIatteks Dun for J & Son;, f 7 Tiikp.e are mc--aires at the Western Union telegraph office for Dr. T. P. Miller, Michael Barge, Mary Sey-j mour, Samuel W. Yowory, Geo. M. i Norton and P. L. Skerry. The Trains. The bulletin in the Deserct telegraph office lat night stated that there wad nothing new from the U. P. trains, which were in the same place as when last previously reported. re-ported. More snow had fallen. Wanted a Girl to do general Housework. House-work. Enquire at Mr. Thos. Taylor's Hth Ward. Ci, Kino Furnishing Goods nt Siej;cl Bro's oIO OvureoaU, nleost, atSiogol Bro's. oIO t'mn.'K Missouri ATl'MOS at I wh"l.:.-:ih In-niiro of C. K. liarratt, 7i Main tir.M't. ' J 10 j I mre -t'ck of tine and heavy loot Mt tii.-ol Uro's. o'J-l ! Cutting fc Cos California Cannot I Fruits and .lollies are the best in tu. market. Ask your grocer for iheni. 1 G'J Our UooT-riTiKRa Dun ford & Son, l'i Largest Block of clothing at Siogol Bros. olt "An Ordinance Regulating Elections," Elec-tions," passed by the city council and approved by the mayor, will be found in our advertising columns. The attention at-tention of all our jitizns ia directed tc its provisions. Consumption, sVrofula, Etc. HKG KM AiS'ri G KM L INK COD LIV-KK LIV-KK OIL. t :r Cod Liver Oil i.. warranted war-ranted PCKK N E VY i'O LI NU.LAN L OIL. It has stood the test of ovei , twenty years' experience, und can b( relied on in every particular. Manufactured Manu-factured by UK'.kmas' tV; Co., chumMs and dniet:i.-ts, Mew York, and sold by all d ni s c i L. slii HEvV ADVERTISEMENTS OGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class Business Houses. MERCHANTS Wnlker Brothers. Zlou'n Co-op. Mercantile Institution, Jaineu Horrock.it, C. Wooriimmnce. F. AuerbacU i Bro. HOTEL, Ogdeu House, John ILujod, l'i iir icier. LIVEKY STACLE. D. G. Stliou, Proj.rietar. nlfi Gov'r Woods VETOED HIE COIVENTJM ACT! Uut still t'Ucws .J. Uajnes & Co. to sell PI.AITOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, AND EvLTtfthiitg in iluir JLiitc AT CUKAl'KLl KATES THAN EYKli BKL'OKE 01TKUED IN . UTAH. Any one buying tlio WILStlN Sew-ing Sew-ing M achinu of ;l...ru can nvo Twenty-iivu Twenty-iivu Uollur, aiiJ if not .-mteil with thf I bargain i:nn return it within yne motiLh and have their oionoy refunded. Clowns out I WATCHES 1D JEWELRY BELOW COST, ' To make room fcr another il. of goods. CALL AND SEE US. I J. Daynes & Co.. Two doors en it of Poll Office SALT LAKE CITY. LUUUlMKAKD STEEL At . II. linssv-Wm. Oppoilta 8lt L.k Houil. olB - r- T S C -r-H C2 Co cc s I -,ca bJO " j 1 - ' ! I PQ : CC 'A g ;0 r, , e !i O4 ic - , ? ' a -S i 1 w :l r I EE .ff MISCELLANEOUS. I FJOTICZ. 'Desrct Sllulng Company. t Tho delin'inent Eh.rehoKlprs re herebj notified to pay np t!".c:r rcminir-- n?-c.-- . meets up to Jn. V is'Z. on or ti : rc :;:c j letb of r'cbru.iry. 1S7Z. an 1 sae fj.-lc.tu.-o as per contract. I OSce at lr. W. IT. II Shurp"?. Per t t. oc door 4t of "Pecrot Kveriiig Ncits" j N. P. srh.VKN-ON. V. p. a C. . Salt Lako City, Jan. 6Lh. Ti I Private Hospital, 13th Ward, Salt Lake Cll y. W. F. ANDERSON. M.D. - Proprietor Terms, invariably tn a Ivanee. for T.'.ird, MeJiciLO and Meaical atlondanrr. jiy to S-1- j-er week The Place to Buy j YOl'K glazed sash, BLINDS, AXD I PANEL DOORS,! For Quality and Price, Imported or Home-made, IS AT LATIMER, TAiLCR&CG'S PLANING MILL, Snsli ami Door Faclorj. One block west ot'Tnbcrnncle. HIT (ill AND HOTEL On Market, New Montsomory and Second Streets, t JOHNSON & Co., pRopRirroas. Z. C. M. I Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stiiin, f-Jtnpnrium iuddings, A full, first-aim's stook ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTION, BOOTS nd SHOES, AT Lit) W TltlCKS. Wholosalc buyers an'l Co-oiicmtivo Dcalcra please iospccl. GHOCERY! HARDWARE WP.PAItT3IK.NT, CONSTITUTION HUIL.D1NUS, Purchaacr can here &od An Immense Stocl: AND IN HCH B (A "Jill AURUTVSRIirv IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINcRy ALL ON TUK 1'HKUIHKS. Miners Supplies a .Specially CLOTHING DEP'T. HOME-r.1ADi: AND I M f O K T K ID MAr(jlACTDlED FROM UU9IE-MADK, FKKNGU, OKRMAN, KDQLisU and A9IEKICAni FABUICI Fine Cassimeres, anil Cloths Trimmings i AM FRArJCISCO TRADE. i. L. Staul.-y, John ?traAco, C 0. Cbtpmu Spruancs, Stanley &. Co., u ll.Wr'.fftrr A Co. dJ J. A J. Sproiart VlO Aria LIQUORS, ! )4 IO FItOXT STHKKT. a. 0, DIETZ & iiri.rsri3 vr PAINTS, OILS, j VarnWhes and Lamps, So. m FRC.NT JIKKKX, B.-t. J.rrnni. n!i ii'.iufc S.M Fr.nrt.ra : i . Fi A 5 i T JN 6s, CO. ! FiiclE'sale Lipcr Dealers, ii'S front Street, Saa Kranoliro ! Proprietor of Mll.t,KR'S KXTKA OI.ll BOl'HUOX I And role ajjonts for J, F. CM Vt ft'S EXTRA 0.D6 WHISKIES I Con t;oils on hiin.f. fnll assoriment of ! Pll A,o j t antlard Bramta of Whl.klci, Fine Brandies I Foreign ami Pom ratio Wlnrt, j Ui5 Ultlcn, Cnrdluli, A-, ; THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAX FRANCISCO. ! 1. 0. M1LI.S, - PKfisiDKNT j W.C. RAITON. CASH I KS 1 TtiiIibI Pal.l t'p, - t5,00tt,00U. I DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS Credit on all tho i.rincipa! oiti or ihft GMMia&ION RCH4NT8 HOA and 400 California St., San Frinclico, - - California. PiiriioitUr attention p. -.id to the fHHnc ot oraere lor every iofnption ol merchandiitn, DiS Salt of Ore, c.,, X. 3. S1HFPITII, DUer In fcll Kin of SALM3N AND HERRINGS, 13 M'aaUlnficton 8trt. AU kludu of Dried, Snu.fcl Plchlod Tih Oit.tutjjoi bund. )4 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. a ' fc .. ... ... TUB GR.EAT CAtUORNIA VKWK'l'AHLE BLOOD PURIFIER. -"T iilll IN THK IKKRA NKVAHA i 1 .Vn .HiNnn,. (. t w-.r.-l- rful St..te o ij..lifcrnri. ui"r hi ! ''rli ! hk knnwn to tho Ivli .0- - .1 .Int. niif !"..- H 11 KUM A- ri.-A , "l i. .Nr.l'll M.iilA. in-! Hlldi- t':.- hi."'." Hi-i" n.'i-'h J)! iwi hri.ut.-lil t.i Im.'-ii us virtue, .n..l t ''is rutonl ticrb ii-i". i-.. mi-. 11:1. ir i Vl'lilM S V f.. N propa-n.;i propa-n.;i u !, r il.o i'KKl AN ICNX Cthli of Scroful, Salt Hhciini, and all lCniM five and Ciilaut-oiis Olimtri. Uivr- iniiiifii.iir ninl p.-titintirnt relii-f Id DV.-1'M'.-IA. KKY.-ll'KI. .-i. Hi tic nrm, T'M. r.--, li-.iln. -'li Hcd.-. Heart him :"-on--: cr.t Ii at'1.' tr-uu Ihc Bieiom n.l riu'U Ul llllT'-'Ufijl Ji-c.-u-t. IT IS PURELY VEGt TABLE. t in theriTire -r oul'ly fuithle for ne liy femiilc- ami obil.iron bLWD 1'UKl-i'llill 1'UKl-i'llill aud UliNOVATUlt. Who wish lo liti'i ti tthtI ''ino pecuMitrlj 't:ip'c.i in l1. fci.tr. II li. Mu US unl t.UWi'-TU t.UWi'-TU 'NS in ttiL'.r I'lii.diLin I litl(J inlo nnd cure cure 111 YK.tli.-v DAS I'A. For nU ovorywiioro. (IKUIK'UTON, HOKTKTTK.Il C.V AK'tii, S4V tiiil Sill lKrkclSI Sun Frmiclico. REDISGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. Importers and Jolibrrs of FOIIK1UN AND IomK8TlC mm riiE.iiiciLS Fine KiiciiiIhI OIU, t. mm, Kootf, Heedi, Floivrra, Siie,a, Kklti, I'oinndit) .c, And nil other Htuplnj oonnoctod wllh ttt Wholesale aod KeUil Drug HuiinotR. CuuUnllj id receipt, by direc. liuporlatfuo. oIKuropcuD rind Apiuo troieU. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, HodtoMorV Ilitterf, Drk-" l".i..i:.ti..n llitn-rp, Ncwflll'f lu I ni.ori ar yrup. And all i'.o Icr-Mtii I'r'U-ri'tMry Al-liem' both A id or ican 'J l-uriiprini. Ordcrg l'rcuiptljf f,d Csfffully Kcb'(. o. aV and 3i market (ilreat, Itetwccii J-'irt uud Heirtind, San Francisco, California. TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE IXSIIUM'E I'O.'S, CINCINNATI. Cupilal - noarly $3,000,000. Jti ilBlile I ntli t ,rrlt lug. J'trfi t Jii! Ity. W,: :, I I--.,!, j::,i, ;,,! J'njjjii; (.. J'llV Ju:-t W-W. Risks taken throufihout Utah H. It. MAA.'Y, Atfent, ?.U.T 1.AKK Ciiy. . IK-o-T;, ): nr. Ra Xo.2. op- l-'.Ht. fcnli L.ku Ioqco. 1. 0. Uoijl. tl |