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Show MUNIG1PALELECTI0N.I; PEOPLE'S TICKET. for Muyori DANIEL H. WELLS. For Alilcrmfni ; i,tVani - isa.:i;koo, ; Jn.l " - - AlIKKLNiS MINER, , :ird " - NATHANIEL U. FELT, ' kh " - - JETER CI, UN TUN, '. 6,1, . - JOHN VANTOTT. ' Vor Couiicilmi ' lewis S. HILLS, ' ROBERT T. ISIIItTON, JOHN H. WlN'l'KK, ALEXANDER MAJORS, A. 0. l'Vl'KIt, JOS. SMITH, JOHN CLARK, TIIEO. McKEAN, IIKNHV OKOW. For Mnv.li.li JOHN U. T. M('ALL1STKR. For Trtmiirtri PAUL A. SUHEITLEK. For Hrrorderi 4 HOItKRT CAMI'BKLIi. itiy W. U. Telegraph. A UTAH DISPATCH. Washington, D. C, 5. The following follow-ing has been received here by the Hon. Y. II, Hooper: Hon. W. II. Uoojier, Washington. An assembly of over two thousand constituents con-stituents have unanimously condemned the official courso of judge McKean, and ask for his removal. (Signed) Thomas Fitch. .Milling Stocks. .MORNING HOARD. San Francisco, G. 110 American Flag, 10, I0L b 30. 307 Hale & Noreross, 2-10, 250, 200, s 90. 50 Crown Point, 750, 7 15, 705, S5S Jacket, St), 78, 85, b 30, S2. 1925 Knickerbocker, 3, 3J. b 30. S20 Caledonia, 10, 17, b 30. 2050 Eureka Con., 241, 25, 25,1, b 30. 1SS0 Chollar, 07, 70, b 30, 60V. 09-1, b 5. " 1050 South Nevada, 31,33, b 30, 31, s 30. 410 Ophir, 75, 70, 73, 72 J. 008 Kavmond & Ely, 121, 123, 117. 25 Belcher, 050, 030. 535 S. Belcher, 05, 54. 52J, 55, 5S. 1315 Meadow Valley, 10:J, 17, b 30. 1325 Con. Virginia, 35, 29, 32, b 10. ISO Gould & Curry, ISO, 170, 100, 105. 550 Pioche, 10-1. 10',. 195 Fureka G. V., 19, 25 M.thogany, 12, 11LV, 1 1. 2000 Independent, 14, 13, 14, s 90. 1555 Overman, 75, b 30, 70, GO, 06, b 30, 554, 58, 129 Kentuck, 250, b 30. 90 Imperial, 105, s 30. 003 Savage, 195,200, 190, 192, b 10. AITERNOON, BOARD. 45 "Belcher, 030, G35, b 30. 254 Hale & Norcross, 270, 205, b 30, 277, b 30. 505 Eureka Con., 25, 26, b 30, 25, b 3. 6S0 Chollar, 70, 69, b 5, 70, b 3-S92 3-S92 Overman, 65, OS. b 30, 05. S77 Raymond & Ely, 120, 118, 125, 122. 020 Scg. Belcher, 674, 70, OS, 07. 420 War Eagle, 7, 7, 73. 01 Ophir, SO, 75. 725 Alps, 6, Ga, b 30, 5;. 1900 Con. Virginia, 39, 42, 40, b 30, 40. 590 Savage, 210, 215, 220,212. h 30- 75 Alpha, 33, b 30, 32, 33, b 5. 305 South Nevada, 32, 30, 31, s 30. Prices Reduced ! ! Wo i wish to give notica to tho public (hat wo shall sell the remainder of tho Good-now Good-now oil hand, consigned to us previous to ButtcrOn tub?) Butter (in stunc crocks; - pc.f lb- Butter llresh rolls; - -ut. Sausage Meat un cans) - .. Head Chocso, - . -c ,, Syrup tin cans) . 1 vVi Apples (per b.,rrol) - , P0T 6ao Cranberries " . tj-V, " (per bos) - -j, Lemons ;-";!V Bockwhcat Flour, - U ui i Black Walnuts U,'er busbol) ' P sack Chickens ' . . 11I)8r!! Commission House of J. G. JAMES & CO., !i" Uou" S"'c"' TPO.-ilo Walker Bro' CAUTiON. -JOTICE.. I am entitled to Discovery and ! . Lol'ion C;am on tho Pinion Lode in Parley's Par, and shall usnt my leRal claim. I forewarn all parties purchasing or working the s imo, RUFTJS WALKER, Iiht ir- T- Per S. M. .Blair. Att'y. salt Lake City, L.T. A LL orders for Coal left at A. S. Gould & Son's office, on slate, will bo promptly attended to. Price SS per ton, delivered in main part of tho city. K. P. WOODS, Accnt Rockr Mountain Coal and Iron Co. PROF. PRATT'S LECTURE. rROF. O. TRTT. SEN. WILL LEC-turo LEC-turo inthcOid Tiibcrnac'e on Wednesday Wednes-day evening, the 7th in?L. Doors open at half-past six. Lecture to commence at a quiTter past seven. SUBJECT: The Bible and Book of Mormon Mor-mon Evidences Compared. TICKETS -2octs. M.iy bs had at ihe general Co-operative Mor. Walker B.-o',. Calder tr'j, J. lawyer lawy-er a B'jok store, ani Iown;end House. Prof. Pratt Trill am Lecture on Thursday Thurs-day evenian, the ;;h in;t. fu LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber BOOKS. WINDOWS, ! BLIXDS, .MOIXDLVGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, CRAIN AT WHOLESALE. T. R. JONES, j'7 HaLf-oloci south, of U. C. Depot. "l CHEAP ADVERTISING. AJvLTt':.-cincaL under this heading! not exceeding five lines, fifty cents lor :ach and every Laieruoa. Kach ad-. iiiiona! ten ccais. , LOST. j ON THK STKKET LEADING TO TLIEi T!:ej!--. Lon-1 IW.i-rin. cluster 3!2"J. grct-n -"tit. A reward of S'-1 will be paid 'o tli fiuder cn lea is it at this ii5oi'. (7 FOOD. ON E VST TEM 1'LE STREET, MONDAY im.rii.u5. ;i!b ict., a Gaid King., Tiu-iwner Tiu-iwner c in li.u e ;t by ajtidyinif to Joan V. Msiilb. City Uall. iw j FOlt EEXT. rEItY DEIRADLE ROOMS. EN SUITE V or iiixle, in the i., souih buasci uf ihe clcsjut new blo-k Llif: Itow, Et T'iu-l.lo T'iu-l.lo sirecl. FOR SALE. '1MIE LUNCH STAND IN THE OMAHA 1 Ui-er S;i!.ion. (luddunl'j UuiiUins, iKiin street. ii'i"'"" i" tuo sul-JOii. 1- THEATRE. THIS EVENI N C , EriK.ific:ucnt of tbo iiiular younit Trnfiedia u. E. T. STETSON Posilnxly tlic Last Xiglit 1' Eo-Ut'd iinacn?tly fiL-cefsTul Drama uf NECK AND NECK! Recently lierfcrmo I in New York to ovcrllowing bouses, and since in the principal cities of tho Union, aid juo-unur.ced juo-unur.ced by tho Press and Public tl'.c tj rcale.-it Sensation of tbo Day. It nbounds with ycn.'.'iliiinal KlleeU', iQc'udiuE a Public Execution on the Scaffold ! Tlie Most SlnrlUnp Seme Ever Prcseiilcit on (lie Stog I The Graad Portraituro of an Express Train about to be Shattered to Atoms Iu tho Quarry, when it is preserved by a miracle. The-o with numeraiiB other Thrill in k Situations, Sit-uations, render tbia tho most intensoly interesting in-teresting Drauriever olTorod to tha public. Saturday Afternoon, Feb. 10, Grand Arccc and A'cek Alatinee. Ia nclivo preparation an entirely new rind orit-inKl drama, written expressly for Mr. E. T. iSTErSuN, by Enoch Powors, entitled Illusion, or the Dram of Life! H. M. MOHGAiS', Commissioiifr for Utah Territory. m CALIFORNIA STREET, SAX FRANCISCO. frS SELLING OFF! How. is the Time to get Bargains ! Our remaining stock of LADIES' FURS! Will b'3 sold regardless of cost. FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS. WOOLEN GOODS, liOODS, NUBIAS, SCABFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Togcthor with a splendid assort moot of L, .YD I ICS' WINTER EATS ail BONNETS mSLLlNERY GOODS, Of all kinds, which will be sold at cost to make room for a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B.WILKINSON'S, No. S5 East Tcmjilc Street. sJ3 PAGE, 1IRO. & CO., Importers uul Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 35 and 37 SoutU Canal street, CHiCAGQ. IU o3 Two Blocks loutliof theU. C.R.B. tfepol, and next to Wra. Jcn-nlnga' Jcn-nlnga' Tanner-. The yard i kcrt eoaiUntlj iorrlil by javeraJ ;aw niiils wi'.h A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. S"liciu the patronage of hu eld friends, and by pnneCQkiity nd dilieenoe is business hopes to merit a ah aro f public in p port. I FOB. SAL K In the lth Ward, ono block acd a half w- t oi the L. C. K. R., a -M2ill hcu.je isi half 1h, Tiiii a orchird. For particulars niuir of I Qs25 WM.EDDIQTO, I CW.STAYNER'S COLUMN. ' CITY LOTSli Harry up and File jour Statements "for City Lots. , C. W. Stayner Attends to it At Calder Bro's every day nct week. I ; ; Figures Don't Lie' 1,500 Ladies audGentlcmcn would not testify that this INGENIOUS PKEPAKA-'II PKEPAKA-'II ON bad preserved tho Kair i'roiu Falling Off ! HAD 1 Beautified tho Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! Had removed oil DANDRUFF FROM THE HEAD 1 Baldlicadcd persons WOULD NOT . DKCLAKU that tbo DOUBLE ' STRENGTH ba.l produocil ftom one to three inches of Hair cm a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! Jf xt were not the cise. OH- Ladies, as rou vnluo your Eoautiful Hair, ccaso to aso OILS and DYES which destroy the hair and injure tho health, but oak lor tho GREAT UNKNOWN! ' AND ( Take no Other! For an If nl Colder Bro's, Z. C. HI. I. Drug Store, And most all Druggists. Price for Toilet, - - $1.00. Best for Ladies' use. Double strength, - -For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE O UNTIE BOTTLE OP Till All unite ins.i7tDgthis is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE FOR USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR TUK CHILD Oil THE PARENT. It cum Catarrh, Dyspepsia, 1: PUIMFIES THE JJLOOD Builds Up the Whole System, i For snle at Calder Uro'n, nt nt Odin Co-op. limt'n. i j 'Price,- - Sue. and 1 per bottle. ,'c. W. STAYNER, . J General Agent. 1 Q Run the Blockade ! "RET REDUCTION IN Till: PRICE OF LIGHT! iootl News for those tliat like a Brilliant, t'lcur and Safe Uglil ! Large ar.-ival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOR FIVE GALLONS. j'or Iboso that liko COAL OIL, wo havo received a Larno Slock, ol' all iirilitic3 aud at Rcluced Prices. Tho Largest A.-sjrtweiit of LAMP GOODS io tho Territory. no 3EL. REESE & CU, Sole Aitonts for Tliff JJdiifort It 1'rlrolriim Fluid, 80 1st South Street, half Moak West of l'ost Olliee. POUBT FLiOUR ! families Itiikers, Ami nil !!! WANTING. SHOULD BUY Wm . Jennings' XXX Flour TO BE HAD AT The Flour Warehouse on First South Street, between East and West Temple Streets, SALT LAZE CXTlrT. No Flour genuine unless tho mouth of the sack is scaled by label "Wm. Jeoninga." . jo JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMHEBCIAL STREET, KEEP constantly on h-nd n elioieo assortment assort-ment of FRKNCII. B-iOLlSILand AiiElllCAX Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of the finest qualities and latest strles, which wo make up to order in tho moat fashionable and approved manner. PATRONAGB SOLICITED-S an23 2R BRO'S. lis COALKOAL! Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine We ire prepared to supply this Juitly celebrated WEBER COAL by cur load or retail. Depot at V. C. It. It. Ya ret. Odlcei tltlmngt and Heading itooms. ' BATE MAN & BUEL. aarS W. II. UlUU.AKnt. Coal Oil and Naptha Depot BAY & CUOIER, 89 East Temple Street, -ACxE FOB FOREST CITY VARNISH ANO OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps, OCCIDENTAL BURNING FLL'lU. The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. This Fluid is of much HEAVIER GRAVITY' than any other huruio; K:a;l ever offered in the market, approximating closely to that of the be.t .ja of COAL OIL, but yet possessing DOUBLE the ILLUMINATING pew-It pew-It burns CLKAN WITHOUT SMOKE and do;s not char the wick, wbith will not rejuire attention ofteaer than once a week. This Fluid needs but one trial to convinc: any j crson ol its superior alvaB' lages. "WHOLESALE BETAIL IDJrST cfc OXJIL,-LVCE""0.' Who want A(jNIS in every settlement of tho Territory. J" |