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Show MED13AL. DR. GROVES, C'lTrT 117 Dentist, Unite J ml Sontll St., Sail Lk City. 'li.r-f doors Wo-', of Kovo'e H'uso, hall ft IJuck Kst of tha iilei'h nt Store. uf ciiji aouiia rauv a a.m. th S?.h. ml J, D. THOMPSON. M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, OfTer his profe?eional service? to tho people of riall Likn City, Keji-iunce ai P .livar Itobcrti' brick house, opposite St. Mark's Church. iV . G. C. Q R it S B Y, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SUKGEON AND DRUGGIST, milOllAni CITY, UTAH, J. "VI. &. F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS. Office Over Caldor Bro'a Musio Emporium. W. F. ANDERSON, M.D, H. J. RICHARDS, M.D. SiugeonB and Physicians, Offices, for the present, at their respective residences in the liia and 17th Wards: 'c5 . BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring Uuths ! l'rlTttlt and Flung. TIimo celebrated t-atbJ (ire open to tho public it all eona. Ti.oir nu-liciual propertitu oto so widely known it is ne.iilM to em. mere U- theiu. DearJea tlie Private Hatha, the lnre and handnomo-Ij handnomo-Ij trirni-lmi riiinK Balhe for Ladies nail OfDl'e;o?o wo Bf.w Ji.ua. . A.H.SOL.D. SEW MEDICAL WORK ! "THE PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE." For the Debilitated Servons Syitcm. OU. JOHDAN.of tho Anatomical Museum, JIS Montgomery street (noar Calitor-niii). Calitor-niii). San Francisco, California, has published pub-lished four of hii most important an 1 instructive in-structive Lecture in a neat volmno for thoso who cannot attend too Lectures at tho Museum. Mu-seum. Every Unmarried and Married man Fhould read and study lhc;o important Lectures for tho good of hiiusolf and oll- l'y ud'lrcssins the Secretary of tho Anatomical Ana-tomical Musculo, S.in L'ranct.-co, and enclosing enclos-ing Twcnty-Fiv Cents in Poslaifo Stamps to 1'iiy postage, tec Ltiok will bo forwarded to any part of tho States or Territ ories. Lr. Jordan can bo consulted by lottor. do HDTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADIJiG HOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This IIouso is centrally and plcp-aantly located, lo-cated, woll ftirnishod.ftnd has nocommoda-tions nocommoda-tions for i0 KUQBtt. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to huild largo additions to his Hotel, which whon finishod. willron',er it tho Mont Complete Establishment in tho ROCKY ' MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK KASTOPTHKATHB, 8Air I.AKK CITY. TermnSJ.00 per day. Board without with-out rooms 812.00 per week. Until, free to uutili. J. C L1TTLK, . jun34 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, "West Side EAST TEHPLESTRKET, ROOMS HY TIIK SINGLE NIGHT, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY, TAYLOK & CUTLJEI1, Proprietors. Wo have rented our RKSTAURAKT tn Mcfsr.LAUK fc CJOOUMAW. Washington House M hirtl Wont It Strcvt, SAL T L. -V lv V2. CI 1' Y llmird and Loliii, per Week SO 00 liny II on id " 5 00 Krni. h Spring Ueds a 00 ItctW, per Klght - SO Mini, - - - - " Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON tlio Kumrcan l'laii. is now open and is auci liM with every ilolic.u-y of tlio p-.i-oii. Moult at :ll hours. Uy.'tcra in ci(ry stvle. Supper Tatlicd nipplicd on .4i-tl u. .uoe. Terms tniuit the limes. jlii rroprictors. few Commercial Lstlpff Booms,' t'o in in c rc I il t S t rr c t , Oiipit.-iUiCitVimm Uakory, .Siilt LaLoCily C. V. TAVPAN. Proprietor. i.t V V N A I. I. NlltllT. Spiliin llcl., -Ml it.. mt.MsM,h1 I .jtl to ..i.l'0 per Wrfk. Mnttf lliiiniii, 7 Ac. p-i' Slhl, '' VI.jO to I.."t0 itr Wck. UTAH IIOTlilL, Main Street, 0(iOi;. T..c osu'y ri.L'.i.v5 House in t'-ic City. OmmWn to aj rlL.ni all lrin. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, CENTRAL HOUSE, UTTLK COITON'WOOD, T. F. Fuller. Proprietor. T. the Puhlic This Iioufo is now refilled and open for traveler al rC'luced rates. 13.-ord and L.-.lgi:)f, bv week, 1 .5.00. Mls,ys. Bols, 7oc, Mo&li at all hours. nAJ LEGAL. THOS. FITCH, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, OCice First South street. Fourth door cast of tho Bank of Dcscret. fi C. B. HaXDY. C. K. 0ILCHEI3T. iiA;L)Y ILCHUIST, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, And Solicitors la Chancery, Office Main Street, Salt Lako Citj, U, T. nla ; l. a a o p k r, ATTUKXEY AND COUNSELLOR, Olice Kxchange and Reading llooiua, uj-Bialra. juS SALT LAKB CITT. CASH FOR MINES! En'iuire of SKTH M. liL Vlli, Attorncy-at-Laio and Mining Agents office : Over 07 Kiml.iiU's Llck, with 0. M. Hawley. P. O.Boxlb'3. UK! ffJt, Y. LOVELL; II. A. BRED. LOVELL REED, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, Salt Luke City, Utah, Will practice in all tho courts in tho Territory. Ter-ritory. Olhco, front room, Taylor's hotol. JIT P. L. WILLU113. LK OnAND YOBNQ WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, Salt Lalxo City. jl2 GEOllGE C. BATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. C. MYRON HAWLEY, Attorney -at-Luw. Clerk of tho Supremo Court and Territorial Librarian. J. V. HAStllNS. OEco inlKiinball's block, near U.S. Mar-jU Mar-jU shal's olll co. WM. P. APPLEBY, A-tLonaey-at-La w, nAVINQ provided himself with suitable Bliinks, Li prepared to draw up Declaratory Statements of Applicant Appli-cant for Dccdn to City JLota. Offico East Tcmrlo Street, first door north of Commerce Building. dl'J JOHN 13. MILNER, A T T 0 11 N E Y - A T - L A W , Provo City, Utah. Collections mado in tho 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial .Districts. . . Special attention given to Wining cases. Oilico at, rcciaenco. Contro tit. Prove City. jo Warner Earll. M. Smith. EAULL, & SMITU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALT LAKE CITY. East Temple Street, ono door south ol n3j Uodbc's Sioro DANIEL a. DANA, ATTORN E Y - A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office west sido of East Temple Street. , E-ccial attention given to kilning liti-gauo-Q Win. 1IAYDON, (Lvto Juilgo Of tth District Court, Novnda,! ATT 0 R N E Y - A T-L A W , Room No.l. Trowbridge Building. E.ist Tcmplo Tcm-plo street, opposite tbo cialt Liio House. jW. M. 1SAKNUM, A T T O K N E Y - A T - L A AV , Office Kimball's Block, a, L. City. ' Special attention given to Titles. Negotiation:-, Sales or Litigations in Mining Uaiu.s and ltoal Jj'atato. . , Collections mado or business done in nny part oi tho United States by Association ol reahloUone;?: E.1' - 3. II. lUuipatoad, M. liirkpauick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATR1CK, ; Attorueya-at-JLaw3 Main Street, opposite Wells, jTargo A Co., SALT LAKB CITY, Z. SMOW. D. HOOK. SA'OW &. HOUJ3, Mtornoya and Connaoiors at Law Eivlt Lako Cily, Ulan. OHltoat Snow's cOruor, lit Hast StrecL Jab JONATHAN C. RQYLE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Over First National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East stroot, between South and 1st South streets. BM NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, 'M Mining Deeds, AsroemonU and Bonds for Deeds, Morula. Powers, of Attorney. Loftflos. Contracts and othor instruuionts of writing drawn with acouraoy and dispuLon. Wining Coiivpanlei Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the Laws of Utah. A. S. GOULD, and COMMISSIONER OF LEEDS for New York, Maachusctts, rcnnsylva-nia,Ohio, rcnnsylva-nia,Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Momaua, Nevada, Calilbrnia, and other States and Tcr- j ritorid. East T.mf'k St.) near Us, Fargo fc do., Salt LtiJx City. mil W Ct.wToN, S. J. JojasRus. Nolary j'ui.lio, Conveyancer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)AY tlriot attention to tho collection of iiioucj in " pnrta al the world. They a'so ilr;nv or aoktio wtodtco all kinds of m.-UunieiiL in nmuitf. Spu tnl n( Cent Irtii civen t tlio drawing of Ills imJ Icunnuiiioiy Uocu- l.m- nes.ili.ite I. Mint-?. ltou?r and IUmI l-.-i.no ol .ill kti-:a bjutUt, avU or le.u.i. tiirorpornl Ion nml Partnership ( l it-' l necoi ilnnee with the laws ol Ul ah- O V VIC K-Knii ith tloor so mil of tiotlbv'n Comi i'. ni r iios. DAV1KS, United States Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Ofti-c Xo.lS T.iy lot's Hotel. S.ilt Lake City i iiokacl: roTTEii . REAL ESTATE AGENT. I Cohvpt.WC csrof silly dntii np for lh" 'h nn'l l.-'.i-iuc of ll.-ii'oi nut Lvl.i, Stores, OiUcm nti.l I.mi I'. 1,id n..tiT-vl. OKHUK-N-. -T i'-iior'i Building, oprpO'1' SAlt X-nio U-jujc, SMt Lako City. 03 . BAHKER3. WELLS, FARGO & 00 Express Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on JL-urope, and all the principal prin-cipal citie of the Waked States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Kait Temple St., Salt Lake City, TUEO. F. TRACT. Agent. mil Thos, R. Jones. A. W. Whito BANKING liOl'SE OF A. W. "WII1TK CO., EAST TEMTLK STREET, a.30 &cit Lake City. FIT Illlil Dili iff mi (Sncccnor to Ilusaey, Daliler - Co.) W A KB K N HcsaBY, C. L. D.1HI.RH, President. Vice Prest. AsTiiosY Qodbk, Cashier. Salt Luke ;ity, Utah 5 Also connecting officos at Ogden andCorinno, Dtah, and Virginia and Helena, AU-mana. D eal ors in Gold Eust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchange on New York, Chicago, tit- Louis, Umuha, Denver, baa i'ranoiioo. and all parta of Europe. CoJlcctlona Promptly Attended To. mil Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akers ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., ' JiAyJCEJiS, 58, AST TEJIPLE STREET, Salt Lako City. jt3 Bank of Desefet, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner East Temple and First South Streets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PA1P UP CAPITAL, - 5100,000. lUlIGHAM YOUNO. President. "1 II. S. ELDREDGE, Vice Pros. WM. II. HOOPER, WM. JENNINCiS, Y Directors. JOHN SHARP, FERAMOKZ LITTLE. L. S. H1LL3, Cashier, J Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN. JBXCIIAKGK, LAND WARRANTS, COL-LEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, dfce. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. THETOD SEWING MACHINES For Family and Pilanuf acturing Purposes, Embody all that is new and novol in Sewing Machines. They aro tho latest improved ani lightest running shuttle machines in tho world. Beautiful ana compact in model and uneic oiled in mnterial and finish. They sew everything from laco to hoavor cloth in tho most p or foot manner. Every variety of Hemming, Felling, Unlltlng, Cording, Ruffling, Piping, Tnulng, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., caally pei formed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO VIBRATING SPRISCS. Every Machine Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on First South Street ' Salt Lalte City, opposite the New Meat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, jujU As.nt. NEW GOODS! OUT OF THE BLOCKADE! z, c. nvn. i. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT lliis roceivud a FINK LOT OK Cassiiucics, iii'uutlrlollii, Doeskins. A ,-i.leii.lid iissortmcnt of CAHU1AGH UUliS nml HOllSH HLAN1CETS. A KTC:U variety of OLOTHI I2STC3-, BOOTS AND SHOES, FINE BliAVEK St" ITS; And I'NliKU CLOTHING. A lol of VERY CHEAP BLANKETS A lurRr, hravy ) UlankcL lor 0-ee CALL AND EXAMINE THEM COLLECE SCRIP! pREEMrrORS will save $16 or L each quarter section by buying Agricultural College Scrip. Apply to TIIK BANK. OF DESKRKT, ' 15 Saccesaor to Eooper. Elixedxe M C MISCELLANEOUS. Emerald Hill Mining Company. LOCATION of Works. Salt Lake County, Utah Territory. Notice is hereby given that nt a mectine of the Board of Trustees of 5 Company, held on the eleventh day of January, ISTi an a.iiessiiient of twenty-five cents per sharo was levied upon the Cupit.il Stock of said Company, payable immediately, in Ro'd and si'vercoin, to th.-Secretary at the Office of tho Company. Room No. 64, Merchants Ex-ch?n);e, Ex-ch?n);e, California street, San Francisco, California. Any Stock npon which raid asjcsment shall remain unpaid on M ONDAT the Nineteenth Nine-teenth day of February, 1S72, shall be deemed delinquent, and will be duly advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment shall bo made before, will be sold on THURSDAY, the Fourteenth day of March. 1ST2. to pay tho delinquent assessment, to-Rethor to-Rethor with costs of advertising and expenses ex-penses of tho sale- y order of tho Board of Trustees- F. MADGE, Secretary. Office No. E4, Merchants Exchange, California Califor-nia street, San i'rancifco California. j!6 . CO . c3 111 Gfif c B la Pi- 12 III P 7- w a - J " s S .?31 ' g k : 5 g 3 j 5 5 12 ! 5 UJ 1 p h fr is I s S o I ;6 i ss - O ! fe I 1"! i -1 1 u ill SCs 5S a hi O Js CO I- i S O. X3- 3FL. 1FL. February 1st, IS 72. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRUM NTO. LEAVE LEAVE j i ARKIVH ' ARIitVU 4 oopml 7iw.nr -ftftn Fran., i 8 tt'p-u f2 a) I'm 1 as " j 7 35 " .Oakland .. 1 8.00 ; 1 50 " 1 HI " j 7 50 " ..San Jose. : 8.30 " 2 10 " 6 3S " ! 8 35 - : Nt.oi. ' 7.05 " .12 4o " 8 4S " 1 1 1, 'ill - Slockton .1.07 " ' I' 7 " ID 45 1 lipm j Sacramento, i 'i -'I put I 7 lim ARRIVE A&HIVE . j LEAVE ' LEAVE SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND Ot DEN. LEAVE ARRIVE - (A.1 pm .Sncrniiinto. 2 in pm 6 15 - ..ijltin... ,10 .0 mr. 11 15 .m . . Rouu. .. . 2 It) " P 10 " Wltmetnnrci! 4 16 pm IS txi a. qmiloMoaat 1 'J5 " i JOpnj I Iho 8 4&nra oil) am . 0gdaii, . " 2upir ARH1VK LKAVR. Explanation. For trains running "from" San Francisco, take tho lrft han'l columns and road downward', down-ward', or "E.isiw.ird." For train running "townYds" San Fnn-cisco. Fnn-cisco. t.iHc the riuht hand columns and road upwards or "Westward." Sundays excepted. fSundirs only. A. Ji. TOW fc, T. II TXipMAN On. .t .T.i. I'm. i an' n-ii NOW IS YOUR MCE FOR STOVES ! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE S T O "V" 3H S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from, Including the old F.Torlte.i Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These aa well as other varieties will be SOLD CHEAPER AT TUB Hardware Dep'nt OF z. o. im:. i. THAN IN ANY OTHER HOUSE LX THIS TERRITORY. n.B.CLAWSOX, .17 Saptrintande&t. HARDWARE. CTOASSETTj NEW HARDWARE STOKE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron antl Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implement I And Mining Tool, At Lowtlt Utl. j OPPOSITE SALT LAKK HO IS. Furnacemen Attention! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ARE AGKST3 FOB THE GOLDEN CITY FIRE II RICK, Which are equal if not superior to tho best Knslish. Spcoinl rates given br the cor load. oct!2 LEGISLATIVE Proceedings I WHEREAS Wc arc to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance o!' Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Senscney & Co. arc 6clling Stoves Cheaper than any other House in tho city, for tho reasOD they arc Closing Out. Xo. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 Slates do. 42 50 " 9 "Wootl Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Tipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. SENSENEY&CO Opposite W. F. & Co' i Office, SALT LAKE CITY It. A. K EYES, Agtnt SCOTT, DUMMI & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kind of Fillings for Furnaces and Mills. II Alt I) WARE, UKLLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IKON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKINO. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. it WINES AND LIQUORS; B.W. Allex & Co., -47 Broadway, Now ""or-lt. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. City. Agruti for tlie CctcbrMctl COLD SEAL WHISKY I VI". S, FOSTER, Agent. 18 . N. & E, BOUKOFSKY, Wliolesnle Dealers IN ' WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAES .AND TOBACCO, Second South Street, SALT IL,AI1: CITY, Throo doors west of Walker Dro's. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, Wholesale and Ltelnll, Choioe Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ratoa. OROESBBCK'S Dl'lLDMOS, nIT gl Tm pla l r rt. WATCHMAKERS, CARL C. ASUUSSEX, IMPOUTER AND DKALEB IN Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS . Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a larcc, additional stock of 3STE"W GOODS In groat variety and stylo- Tho public nro respectfully invited to call and insi'oot llicui at CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Ilnir a block north of (lie Engle lCuiparluut. d.UJ WITCHES AJEWELRY"! O. L. ELIASON, BKG5 to inform tho rosidcnU of Salt Lake Cily and vicinity, that he not only KU a rant ecu to properly IUjMr,Clan nnl AilJiiBt Watclim kikL Clironometeri, but ho will make them or any part of thorn, to order, and warrant the work. A nkw Rurri.T of KL01N and SWISS WATJllttS just rocoivuii, which ho will jjuarnnlw tw roliablo lim-koo)ior8. Fricoa to dt'fy cumpctitiyn Romcm'icr tho RfMrenn, Two door et of th Docrcl Itniib. TI3VEE TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO 1H; LAST, NORTH AND SOU I HbAS ! . Ko. 1. STATIONS. ' J I '77r 'M. M A 1 Uare OMAHA ! p.m. -WJa w, ArriveBUHL.NOTON J :,..vin.m. IM'mmb. " Mendita - - ll-2'.a.m. r:Via.ni. " Chictwo'C.IJ.AtJ lj 3;2Uj.in.' 7:15 a.m. " Tcoria - - a.m. I:?a.in. " Ind'plifl.B.AW. 0; p.m. l'l.'na.m. " Cincinnati - - jllVip.m. 4:L"p.m. " LoBan i.'.rt j j-.tn I1.?1. to. I.P'iW. " Clnmlm; 2 tj-m . W P m. rr-ThrouKh Cire fr'nn Mi'"uri Rirer to Chicaco, I ndinnai'Mis, Cinciuu iti, Lo.ina-portand Lo.ina-portand Cfiloiui.us.1 Ct.nntcli'fEit at th'ifB ptiin' -with HnoE lcnd:iii'to the J'aft, Tr.rlh and S'.utli. Thi'i th Hft, Shorteati U,u1ckcat and Chupcil Itoult. Do rot I.p deTirr.. hut nl.tain Tif-Vcto via the BtirlicBton A iliifouri Kivcr Railroad. A.E. TnrZALIN. C. E. PFTlKITs?. Ucn'l Ticket AtsnU Ucn'l bup't. CHICAGO TRADE. SLICHTLY SCORCHED I vanIschaack, STEVENSON i REID, DRUGGISTS ILaio of A VZ and '.'I L -kc ftrect. Cor. I'carbora street,) HAVE RErVTOVED On ncc.-'uiit of the xtrnse heat. To the Baptist Church Building, 817, 849 4,831 Wibuh Atc, Wlioro wo have a Inro uu-k of Drups, L'lionmU, Paint., Oils, (jliis. nd (Jlasswaro, Urucijistji' tun-drt tun-drt PtUont liiiiiibutfs, Ktc, Ktc, CAI.LASD CHHKK I'S. (We only pay 100 conU on the Dollar.) ; CHASE, HANFURD & CO., 70 South Canal St., CHICAGO, Headquarter for Oils, Paints, Glass, 4c, M&oafacture ol ihe eel.br.twl W I .SON () 1 1. TA N ),- f.i L. M. BATES & CO., 451 453 UruniWr)-, NKW VOUK, 1UI-0KTIK3 1SD JOUUlBa IB Fancy Dry Goods, HOSltSUY, WlllTK GOODS, tVOOLt).S, SHAWLS, I'AA'KEf XorjOAS, d-c J. II. UfLUElL juU M. D. WELLS&rC0 Mnoufiteturerb of .nd Wholw.le Dealer, in Boots and Shoes, 618 VVnbn.lt Ave, Clitr.go. M.D.Wells. U.J. MW.rl.nd. KEW YORK TRADE. RaBERTsTREArTTcoT" Mtiiiufaciureni aud Johbert of Hft 371 BROADU'AV.XEW 1'OJtK, J"yiB FELIX CAM NULL" 70 John ct, New Y. k, Manufai'iurer nl aud Dealer to WruitRl.t, Cn.t nod UnlvHiiltr.l attvjw .i Aud every variety of fittings for thr "ntnt. tnl7 C. A. Louksuocu JtiLn Hoditwir-k. 10NGSTREET i SEDflWiCK Manufacturer! of and Wholesale Dealers la K&N'S &30YS' CLOTHING. 409 40S llromlwuj'. New York. HENDERSON JUSTICE & Co Suoowaon iu Griffon, Hendonon Jt Oo-. IHPORTRRP ANP JOBHBKa OF Um GOODS, AOTIOAS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC.. 4VH 51)0 UllOAUWAY, OiTosito St. NtcholM Ilotel, W.w York. BENEDICT, HALL & Co." Man'jfHC'nrerB and Wholoialo DcalotB in BOOTS AND SHOES, l.'M mid 130 (irand St., New York, Oi.rnrr Cro.'by. one block caM of Broadway ? A VtGETABLE SICILIAN JlAIU lV r RENEWER, Every yLinr iiirrcaurn llio popularity of tliis valuable llnir Preparation ; which is duo to nwrit altmo. Wo can assure our oM j :i ( ruiH ihnt it is kept fully up to tts It ifh f-Uuitlnrd ; and it wilii' only rt liiil''! ainl pt'rl'cetcd prcj-a prcj-a nil ion ior loiurin G hay or l'AUKD IIaik lo ith youthlul color, milking il soft, lustrous, a i id Mlkuti. The Kialp, by its use, hrctnut's while nnd clean. It removes till eruption and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from filing out, an it Htimu-hilc Htimu-hilc and nnuri hu.-t the hui Thiamin, Hy ilM u-c, 1 1 io hmr ft town thicker and .stronger. In bnldnct-s, il reslorcs llio cjipillary fil.iiwN to tht;ir normal vior, and will crciitc a new rtiwili, except in cxlieiuu old nit". It is tho most eeonoiuic.il 1 1 A lit )iusin) ever used, ils it requires fewer npplieatioiiH and fiivi'M lite linir a t-iileinlid, pliR-y bji-p(-nriir.t'c. A. A. Hayes, M.D., Kiaio A ajcr of iMiistiieliu-scll.-!, pays, '"Tlio eui'lltueii( arc pure, and carefully xluuii'd for excellent quality; and I consider it th liixr J'uki'aiiation ftir it intended purpose?." S',14 i"i till Jn--!'iisl aud draUri in l'KJCF. ONE DOLLAB. Buckingham's Dye l'OR THE WHISKKUS. An our eDcwer in many caacs re-tpiires re-tpiires loo long a time, and too much care, to restore pray or faded Whiulc-crn, Whiulc-crn, we have prepared tlibi dye in one ' firf imr-iti'm; wbicli will quick ly and j cflcclually accoiuplifh this result. It is ca-ily aj plietl, aud produces a color which will neither rub nor wat-h ofi". Sold by all Ururyit.u. .Prioo Fifty Ceutt- Manufaclur"! .v it. P. Hall -Co., FOR SALE AT Z, C, M, I. DRUG DEPARTMENT. |