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Show TRAVEL. ' GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TIlllOUCiH Utah, South -fast Nevada & Montana, Leaving Salt Like City Dally, run- I nlng South to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nobo, Sevier, St. (Jeoriio, Utah ; and Piooho, Nevada ; PuiIng through Provo, Sprineville, Snaninh Fork.Pay-bod, Fork.Pay-bod, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, ltound Volley, Killmore.Corn Creek, Keavor, Rliners-villo, Rliners-villo, and All the principal towns and mining camps intouthem Utah and south-east Nevada. , Also leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, runnlug north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bonton, 1 Dcor Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing oampa in Montana, Mon-tana, PRINCIPAL. OPFJCK, Wells, Ftrgo & Co. Building ioM Silt L.k. CUT UTAH CENTRAL EiAlLROAl. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On andaftsr Monday, July 17, 1871 Dally Tralii Leavo Salt Lake City at 5 a m. and 2:45 p.m. Arrivo at Ogdon 7 a. m, and p. m. Leave OKilon at 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a,m. and 7:30 p.m Id addition to the above MT7CBD ,rn.i3Nr Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXUKPTED Leaving Salt Laks City at 5.30 p.m., anc Ogdon at 5 a.m. Paiitngtri will please Purchase their Ticket at the OfUces. Fifty Conts additional will be charged whet the fare ia collected on tho train. ?ot all information concerning fright oi passage, apply to D. O. CAIiDKH, General Freight and Ticket As't JOHN SHAEP, 8TTP a" a INTEN D KIT! Lea Wines. Q. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPH1R And Tintic Stage and Express It U N.N I KG DAILY FROM SALT LAKE CITY, -via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AMD OPIIIR TO TIMTIC. The route has been re-stocked with splen-did splen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, caiefuland attentive Drivers, and every attention is paid to the comfort an 1 convenience of paues-gers. paues-gers. Good accommodations on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Office at Welle, Fargo Co.'a, Salt Lake City. WINKS & KIMBALL, Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN liAILROAD. On aud after January aiei, 73 MIXED TRAINS w:ll IK. XT 3NT D AIL "T. Lcariiurthe Utah Central K.K. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7. 1' a.iu.; Draper i.-Ji p.ui., and Sandy Station, (nearest point to Li: tic Cttitouwood CanOn,) at t. J) p. ui. Ac extra tram ill Kuu on Muiiiays Leaving Draper at S.-tD a.ni., Sandy aty.lUa.ni., Salt Lake City at 4.1U p.m. Salt Like to Bix Cottonwood iu'.ioa. J"V;ts " Little " " ', " ' ' S.icdy " il.'J Draper " 1-5 Twenty-five cents additional will be charged when the tare is collected on the tram. V. O. CALUElt, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. FKRAMOItZ LITTLE SUPIKUTUNDEVT. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. CEO. W. CLARK, IMPORTERS OP PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC., :i33;PIe Street, SAN FRANCISCO. ai :i .SXb;iN, SIMON &: CO., Importers nnd DeulofH In Tja-iiiOns1 goods Cloih, Cnssiinrros & Trim-uiiiu, Trim-uiiiu, Xmli.-H' e'luithinirt, :JilliU-d JlotbH, Jiitc, rri'J A 034 Sacramento Street, HAS FRANCIP0O. lSu Duuuo .St-, ft, -. Kudo fiichl.jimr, alu KKW Y0BK. fAHI3. A. B. ELFELT & CO., MI-ORTEFIS AND J0U1SKE3 OK Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 108&110SaiiRomoSlreelr SAW FRANCISCO. BI.FKLT, LKV1 i CO. i:t2 Clunvl, St., N. V. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St., SAN FItANt ISC0, ( AI,. Careful and prompt attention paUl t 1 onlor entnwteil to our fiuo. HEIGHT BRO'S c CO. BOOTS, SIIOKS & LEATHER 104 tC 10G Stnisomc fil-) Htm l'raiiclsco, AndC & 12 Pearl Street, Boston. BUCKINGHAM .C ITECUT, Manufacturer! of tlio "IITRA (JUALITT" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SHOES. all JACOB UNDKK.II1LL Si, CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole Agents for Sanderson Bro's 4 Co's OAST STE23Xj File. Mouse Hole Anvils, Colllns&Co'a C. S. Sledges, Picks, Axes, &c. 118 C 100 Battery Street, San Francisn. 1 all ' JAMES A. FOLDER. 0. SCHOEMAHN. J. A. FOLGER&CO'S PIONEEH STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE M I L b S, No. it'AO Front Street, Botwoon California and Sacramon to, a!3 SAN FHANC1SCO. SAMUEL W. ROSENSTOCK. MARION LEVENTRITT. S. W. ROSENSTOCK & CO. Manufacturora and Imortors of BOOTS AND SHOES, 8. K. Corner of Snnsome &. Until Street) Snn Francisco. Bole Agents for tho National Guaranteed" Iliiblwr Boots; fur Uowiinl, French A Go's Celvbratcd Min-' Min-' ucra and Far huts' Boots; for Mevker & TunUleloa's LlftoJ Sewed Boots, a 3 J. back. 1 Sau Francisco M. BBRIEB. J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 233 Snuaouic St., 8nn Francisco. ! No 18 Warren St.. New York. . fJ , Harness, Saddler, Leather. j. c. JonmoN & co., ' 104 $ 10G Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO. J:c;. by ,'mf,.sfo to Mv. II. ft Clme-son, Clme-son, Superintendent of the X. CM. J. ol JOHiV G. HODGE & Co., Importers, Mauufaclurcrs wholesaleItationee 327. 329 and 331, Sansomo Strost, SAN FKANCISCO, 48 John SU NEW YOKi. With tho facilities wo possess we can confidently con-fidently say that we can supply everything in the Paper and Stationery line, of superior supe-rior qualities, at lower pricos than can be obtained olsewhoro.-SEND olsewhoro.-SEND S OH, SAMPLES. al2 A. L. BANCROFT & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. BOOKS, j SXAXXOIVJEXIY, I1 X II XI ISO, I-XXIIOGrrtAJPHXNGr, And every thing in this connection WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Letters of Inquiry receive prompt attention. alO THE IMPROVED FRENCH RANGE. The mostcotDpleto Cooking Apparatus in us The Exu'eka llangc, Stands unrivalloi by any other Portable lions o. Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. Locke & Montague, 112 A 114 Battery St., aiu Sab i'EAScisco. 1 filer, Fuller & Co., Import ora and Dealers in PAINTS, OILS A.VD WISDOW GLASS, Sole AgenU fur French & Belgian Plate Glass Co's, .21 and 23 FRONT STREET, a0 San Fraucleto. RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importers of MALT LNILOKS ASO OILMAN STORES,! J 14 & 316 Battery St., San Franclseo AsenU .for Cvmc.J- BtackioelCs Enyiish Groceries, J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Reading Biscuits J, S. FRY & SON'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA. ARDBEQ ISLAY SCOTCH WBIaKEY. JOULE'S TRADE P" 9 JttAllK. V MALT LIQUOKtS. JOULE'S STONE ALE. Iennenfs Scotch Ale, Blood's India Pale Ale. Ban Co's Burton Ale. Byass' Chamtan Ate. Blood"s XXS Dublin Dub-lin stout, liatnceci Bablin b:oat. Brass London Porter. Ten-aeat's Ten-aeat's XXX StouuBridge'd London Porter. Foreign Llquora In Caaca. a5 LUMBER YARDS. T. I.ATIMKB. W. n. FOT.SOM. U.TAVLull. O. KOMNKV. LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO AXOTHElt EXTENSION. We have added to our other business LUMBERYARD, "Where wo intend keeping a complete stock of TKUUKKKLUMliEH, clear and common, SUGAll PINE, HEDWOOD, HUSTIO, SIDING, CKILING, FLOOKING, rough & dressed, SHINGLES, LATH. FIVE! CAR LOftDSjust arrived of WISCONSIN noons, SAS1I !i BUNDS. MOULDINGS in great variely. . Ripping, Planing and Job Work at LATIMER, TAYLOR &!C0'S YARD AND FACTORY, One blocle weit of Tabernacle. A largo assortment can bo found at MIDGLEY'S PAINT STORE, j Three doors west of Main Street, j opposite AYnlker llro'u. LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber D0OKS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, . MOULDINGS, i SHINGLES, LiiTES, T. R. JONES, j7 Half-blooft south of U. O. Depot. FREIGHTERS TO PIOCHE, -AND FAMILILVNOTICE. If you want to get CORN, OATS, BARLEY, FLOUR, and FEED of all descriptions, before purchasing you should give Geo.H.Knowlden ; a call, who sells in CAR LOAD LOTS, BY THE TON OR RETAIL, the cheapest of any in the City. Families also can have their GRAIN, i FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, and GROCERIES delivered anywhere in the City FREE OP CHARQE. CARS OF GRAIN arriving overy day and for sale in lots, on tho track or at his store, West Side op Main Street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's. Cash paia for all Ms of drain. GIVE HIM A CALL. G. II. K. Opposite Wells, Fargo dr. Co's, Main Street, Snlt Lake City. a 16 TEinD SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embed; all tbat'is new and novel in Sewin Machines. They are the latest improved ani lightest running shuttle machines in the world- Beautiful ana compact in model and unexcelled in material And finish. Ihoy sew everything from lace to beaver cloth in the most perfect manner. Kriry variety of Hemming, Felling, Quilting, Cording, Ruffling, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., entity peiformcil. Straight Accdk. Aro Cog-whcds, NO VI Bit AT IS G SFK.1XG5. Every Machlno Warranted as Represented Salearooiu on First South Street Salt Lake City, opposite the New meat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, juyl8 AgcU TRIUMPH FIRE LSI'R1CE CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000. H liable Underwriting. Perfect indemnity. We ak Fair Bates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. It. MAi, Agent, SALI LAKE CUT: onicci Banking House of A. W. White t Co, P. 0. OX XA. I 0 HARDWARE. C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, I roil aud Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And mining Totli, At Lowest Bates. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE IIOUSB n!6 HENDRIE BRO'S 33 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, Manufacture California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts Liken for the erection of STAiMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COMPLETE COM-PLETE in any of the Mining Districts. Wc manufacture the Varncy dfc Wheeler Pans, Patent Pressed Slioos and Die, Patent SJim Git Ides, and the machinery complete for STAMP 3VEILX.S REDUCTION0 WORKS, of which wo make a nooialty nnd guarantee satisfaotion in alleges. Manufacture Bolthoff's Ball Tulverlzer, FOR DRY CRUSHING, Will do tho work ofloStampF, Price, $1500. Manufacturers' Agoats for the Salo of St urtevant & Root B lowers, Earlc &, Cameron Steam Pumps, Hoisting, Portable and Stationary Engines, Wire Hoisting Rope, (Flat and Round. Tunnel Rail Iron, 1), 12 andlti lbs. to tb yard. Iron Pipe for Gas and Water, , uouge niojce ure truancrs, - mining Cars nnd Iron Bnckete, Argllle Fire Brick, and Mining Supplies. ESTIMATES and DRAWINGS furnislioi FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO SCOTT, DIMM & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN , IRON AND STEEL a WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF L MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, ' Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Wills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS DODDS, RUBBER PACK1NQ. AGENTS FOtt Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. Z.UU UUlRON AND STEEL At C. II. Rassett's. Opposite Salt Lake House. nil co l & SsS 1 x i s BS a e. 2, j Oj - I E II -S ? o S 2 i si 1 ; OS J S 5 3 HI M 6 ! t" j B a So e e H Is S i l a 5 o 1 1 1$ E S5 o sz a 3 3 I CO I 'I Furnacemen Attention! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ARK iOtSTS FOB THE GULDEN CITY FIRE BRICK, ! Which are equal if not superior to the best English. Special rates given bj the oar load. ooLU JAS. A. STRDMEERG, 3Ierchant Tailor, East Side Commercial St., Next door Boatk of J. Si. DJ . Co. 1'Iullis, (assiiueres, &c on hand. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Clothe. Cltnnert .ml Rtpnlrrd cqu&l lo new l Iomt rat... F.tronuo Boepectfulij Bolicitwl. , mil MISCELLANEOUS. Ladies aud Gentlemen, . Rich or poor, desirous of proeuring a Perfect Fit in Uoots or Shoes, will find at 00 Alain street a largo and choice assortment to select from. If wo cannot suit you from our ready-made-slock, wo will make to order any stylo and quality desired, and insure in-sure satisfaction. Our facilities for manufacturing aro unsurpassed in ! this city. RKTAIBINQ Done neatly, promptly and cheaply. Boot and Shoemakers Wo invito your attention to our complete com-plete stock of Leather and Findings, consisting, in part, of tho best brands of French and American Calf Skins, Moroccos, Kids, Linings, Toppings, Upper Leather, Boot Trees, Lasts, Pegs, Nails and everything elso necessary nec-essary to a full outlit for manufacturing manufactu-ring by hand or machinery. Our good3 having boon carefully selected for tho trade, by Mr. Crompton, they can bo relied on, and our prices aro as low as any goods of liko quality can bo sold hero. Orders by mail receive careful and prompt attention. Obsorvo tho address ad-dress 99 Main street. Saddlers "Will find it to their interest to examine exam-ine tho quality and prices of our stock of Eastern and AVestorn Harness, Tug, Bridle, Dash, Collar, "Winker, Fair and Lace Leathers, Saddle Trees and Haltors. "Wo mako ft specialty ot Horse Collars, in which wo cannot fail to givo satisfaction. Besides a largo variety of California manufactured manufac-tured Collars, our assortment includes Hayward's celebrated copper-riveted Horse Collars. K otico 90 Alain street, We havo lately rccoived, and are constantly con-stantly receiving, largo supplies o: all tho above classes of goods, and wt endoavor to procuro, manufacture ant sell only such article as will maintaii our character for reliability. i HIDES BOUGHT. Z, C. M. I. BOOT ANO SHOE DEPARTMENT, AT THE SIGN Or 8IG BOOT, 99 MAIN STRE1ET, BALT LAKE CITY. m15 H. B. Clawaon. Bup't. rl z u i' s i M 1 1 n x M h in g .3 H '-S I fi J 0 I ph m s o g o" b a uj 3 H r tj s 3 o3 w - r; -i CO 0! Q Eh . S QL H EH j 2 k -a u fb u H O o h 0 j e h M MISCELLANEOUS. MAY IAT, 1872. Fancy Straw Hats and Wreaths, at astonishingly low prices, just the thing for PIC-R3ICS -AND- EXCURSION PARTIES,5 Z. G. 3VI. I. Retail Dry loots Bejartmoiit . II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. i j s eo . I 6 i O UI a a a Q. y 3 a a g co o O . IjJ o S Or -s I 3 a P a. f 2 w e S o s o a : II J i 3 g t - S3 h I -s ; i i Q 5 a H CO fed 9 a K z O j 1 3 0 o M 1 1 g 0 5 Mil s JO O0RDO!T. HEKHT B. 1IUBBAT. Gordon &. Murray, (Successor! to ELY, DBHCAS & Co..) FORWARDING ID Coiyimission Merchants Warehouses, half-a-block south of R. B. r Depot, Salt L&ke City, S&udy Station, and end of Track or Utah Southern Railroad, Utah. Merchandise, Machinery, &o., Forwarded For-warded with promptness and dispatch, dis-patch, at Lowest llatca, to all points in Middle and Southern Utah and Southern Nevada, MARK PACKAGES care U. & JU. Salt Lake Citr. Serl Phippins Ueccij'U to thoir Post Office Box 77It, tiali Luke City, Utah, with each Consignment of Uoods: Mr. BARHEH. of the laic firm, will art m aat t Pitvho lur oil lu-:uc3i lu Ibftt vu-iuiir idJ Ibrou-h wbtim n'tilraLU tan be uiaiIo and lull iniur mutton ubttuu-U. Uptctal Attention yivm to the Handling Hand-ling and Tranir Shipment of Bullion and Ores. Advauce Charge! jiayable on receipt of shipping lillli by Consignee. Higheit Price paid for WOOL AND HIDES. Grain, Hay, Kc, for Sale. Havinc a larRO nr.d eotnmMioaJ waro-houio, waro-houio, woire prepared to receive and store ail kind Of Koodl. H Hill DEPARTMENT, Z. O. X. lluving luude extensive Alterations aud Improvements Improve-ments in our premises, we ure now prepared to oiler every facility in carrying on our rapidly in-creasins in-creasins business in the sale of GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Ready-made Clothing. HATS iW THE NEWEST. STYLES AHKIV1NG EVERT FEW DAYS. OUB SPBING ARRIVALS Vi coinprUo tho most oxtonsivo and varied itoek of Sails ruF.i,.,n of every size and style, Ranging from "Men's" of 21 years to those of the largest proportions; while tho quality cannot fail to establish still further the reputation which we have already oarnod. Die Gents Furnishing Goods Departm't WILL ALSO BE FOUND COMPLETE, And will offer new inducements to our numerous customers. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT la in the hands of qualified Artists, who will bestow the caro and attention so necessary in successfully carrying on this important branch, so that Gentlemen can rely on haviDg their tastes suited in every particular. Wo aro daily receiving Our Spring Purchases of Piece Goods Comprising tho most fashionable styles of now goods, iu French, English aod American SUITINGS, - COATINGS and CASS1MKKES, To waioh we invito speoi&l attention. m i TT AT) n Will find our etock of Cloths and Hp 1 Tf AT)C. lAiLUKO immings uncled hitherto in j AlLUXtO NEWESTISTYLES in WALL PAPERS and DECORATIONS Constantly arriving. TKUKKS TO SUIT ALL TASTES, Of our own manufacture.' m29 H( B. CLAWSON, Superintendent n o 9 o o o Singer Sewing Machines were Sold within the past year. Scientific American, June 10th, 1871. THE SINGER Manufacturing Company, A.T THE WORLD'S FAIB Constituted by tho homes of thopeople Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And havo loft all rivals far behind them, FOR II BY Sold in 187027 Machines ! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "Tho mngnitudo towhioh tho manufacture ofeewlng machines has attained is shown by the "worn" returns (to which any one can have access) of the manufacturers for tho year 18T0 to tho owners of tho leading patents, ou which they pay a royalty. Ao cordine to iheso returns tho number of machines sold by each m&aufooturer in 1870 li as follows: The Singer - - 17,833 Florence . . - 17.660 Wheeler i Wilson - 83.21)8 GoldMedal . - - 8.91? Howe - - 75.153 .ailna bjfit Qrover & Baker - 57.4H2 Eoiiire .... 3,560 Weed - - 3M2 tinkle & Lyon - -2,420 Wilooi & Gibbs - Parham ----- 1,760 AmorioanJJuttonhoIeAOvorseaming H.673 Wilson - - - . 600 Aud several other compauios who sold a few machines. It will be seon by this table that the popularity of the Singer machine fr ex-ceeda ex-ceeda that of all other, their sale being one-liaif greater than even that ot the famous "Wheeler & Wilson"-machine. This is owing to the fact that the Singer Company havo lately commouced making, besides their old and well-established manufacturing machine, what is known as their "New Family Machine," which le eelllng at the rate of nine to one better than their old style. Their total to-tal sales for 1869 were &3.7S1 machines against tho 127,833 of 1870, showing an lnoreu of one-half In the latter year." "New York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, ROW RIAHLT THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION IHacliiiios Sold, sV. MU Xi J JL- M. m. C'X' j: A. M. j m V- Were made wllhlu (he pnet three years. But the Greatest In'rew ' our Sulci over all Other machine, Being Within the Pnit Year. This la Incontestable Proof that Our MAohino Are the Best in the World. THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHINE With attachments or all kinds of work, Is tast winning turremo favor in the household, as shown by the rapidly inoreaiia sales, over all other machines. This ew Family Machine j( now capable of a ranee and variety of work such ai was only recently thoucht impossible to perform by machinery. Wo claim and c show that it is the cheapest, moat beautiful, delicately arraoped, nicely adjusted, operated, speedy. and smoothly running of all the tfnmil? bewiog Machines. It isretnarK-able isretnarK-able not only lor the ranKO and vanoty of iu sowinn, but also for the Tariety aud uu-foront uu-foront kinds of texture which it will sew with equal facility and perfection. a'J"J silk twiat, linen or cotton thread, fine or coarse, making tho lnterlocked-eint tltch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewn; tho only stitch which is universally approved, or is at all adapted for nrat-claii work. Thus, beaver oloth. or lB"v may bt sown with great strength and uniformity of stitch, and. in a moment, tail willing and novor-wearying instrument may be adjusted for fine work on gauie or "' mer tii-sue. or tho tucking of tarlatan, or rufiling. or almost any other work n " child which delicate 6dkom have been known to perform. Kven tha eareie" and tUoughtleii have little or no trouble on this machine Send for Descriptive and Pries Ctrcutart, Wemanulacturoour own needles, silk and twist; furnish linen and cotton thread and oil all of hui trior .iu;tlitv-but which oaa bo relied ou only when obtained taroafi our Principal or Branch Uuico?, or Auuncicj. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED OH REASONABLE TERM8. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVEliED FKEK TI1IIOUQHOUT THK OIU. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. SINGER SEWLNB MACHINE BEP'T, Z. CULL GENERAL AGENTS, Two iloora soulh of Eaglo Emporium, Halt I -alio Cltj-, Utah- II. B. CLAWSON. Saptull'l'" |