OCR Text |
Show I am Thankful! "In my ktter of the 12th inst., I "advised you of the progress of my "case under the u.-e of your ristul-"rur; ristul-"rur; j'."a and Filh, and now I : "am thankful to bs able to say, that , "they have effected a perfect cure, not , "a Eign of Scrofula now exists on my "person. Respectfully yours, ! 626 "Tuos. M. Gruley, j Helena." For Sah at Z. C. M. I. Drug De-jjartmuit. CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines, fifty cents for each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ten cents. WASTED. FURNISHED BEDROOM (LARGE) wanted by gentleman nnd lmlv. with or without board. Address W. Sui box. Pot Ottice, 9 mjli AOIRL TO DO GENERAL IIOITSK work. Apply to Mrs. Clark. I"lh Ward LOST. VEESTERDAY AFTERNOON. IN THE 1 17th ward, a small op on faced gold Wnlch. Tho finder will bo rewarded by loftvingitat thisoftico- niyJ5 A MEERSCHAUM PrPR, BETWEEN jlV tho Ureal Western Hotel and tho Lib-oral Lib-oral Institute. A roward of So will bo paid for itB delivery at tli9 bar of -tlie (3ront Western Hotel. mjU FOR RENT. ryYO ELTCIBLE RESIDENCES, ONE i. threo blocks east, tho other three blocks west of Main-street. Ediuiro at tbia office, myl.") ATWO-FTORY DWELLING HOUSE, with nino rooms nnd cellar, ami ono and a (juartor acres planted with tho ohoiooU fruit; located on Eighth East streot, near First South, in the lllh Ward, t'muiro at A. Lovoothnt's Auction House. my'J A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED BED-rooui, BED-rooui, suitablo for ono or two gentle-men, gentle-men, one and a half blocks wrst of the Townscml House. Enquire of Mrs. Fornu-soa Fornu-soa on tho premises. my8 FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT. DWELLING House and beariDK Orchard. Tenth ; Ward. Enquire at this olhoo. my 15 CHEAP FOR CASH. THE BOX ELDER placo ono block cast from Depot. Land. " 5 by 20 rods. Orchard nf oboicost fruit afiod trees- Apply to LoOrand Young, on tho promises, or at tho offioo of Jos. A. Young, n30 E DR. GROVES, , ' ,,J Office. Second 6outh Street. Three doors west of Rovoro Honsa, half a j block cast of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City. Olllco Hour from Sa-tn. to i p.m. toll f A A'"6cwn Lodge, No. 3, A. P. i f'n " A" St,atca" communications r XsiPx of this Lodso held on tho first and jfL.v third Tuesday of each month, at MlFkfll1 Masonic Hall, Eost Temple Street. - Members of S'Stor lodces and sojourning a brethren in gooi standing are cordially in- . Tlt0d E. B. 7.ABRISKIE, Vf. M. j C. A. GOULD, Secretary-pro torn, my9 : CATTLE FOR SALE. HUNDRED HEAD OF FINE UTAH CATTLE, including fine Miloh Cows nnd CaWes. For particulars enquire at tbia office. mylo Ames, Sherman & Co., JOBBERS OF Hats, Caps and Straw GoodS) UMBli.EL.LAS AND PARASOLS, Nos. 50 and 58 Wabash Avenue, Cm a AGO. GEO. C. A ME 3. GEO. C. SHERMAN, F. T. SHERMAN. mylo S. T.-1S60-X. ONWARD ! THE medical revolution which commenced com-menced years ago with the gradual disuse of blood-letting, salivation, i drastic purgatives, and powerful opiates, opi-ates, goes bravely and gloriously on. Every day the sick grow wiser. Tbey are no longer willing to open their mouths, shut their eyes, and take whatever what-ever the doctors are pleased to prescribe, without inquiry. 'J. hey want to know the naturo of tho medicines they aro desired to swallow, and demand to have the mysterious Latin lingo of the profession translated into plain Kng-lsh. Kng-lsh. The Invalid World understands at last that VIGOK is the great antagonist an-tagonist of disease. The feeble decline to bo utterly prostrated by depleting pills and potions, and turning from such mendicamcnts with loathing, judiciously place their trust in a remedy reme-dy which combines with the properties of an Alterative those of a pure and wholesome Tonio and Restorative. It is now about twelve years since this grand desideratum waa introduced under the name of PLANTATION BITTERS, and from that time to tho present its progress has been without a parallel in the history of proprietary medicines. With tho spirit of tho sugar cane the most nutxicious or all stimulants lor its basis, and medicated solely with the juices and cstraots of rare vegetable specifics, euoh as Calisaya Bark, the best known Tonio that the world produces, pro-duces, and which makos it by all odds the most unobjectionable invigorant, corrective and general alterative that has ever been placed by science within the reach of the sick, the suffering, and the despondent. Hence it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation Bitters is to-day tho most popular popu-lar Tonio on either aide of the Atlantic HUMI ISWIB LIJIEIT JTOR MAJX AJS'Ji BJEAJST. Probably few articles have evor had so extensive a sale, while none have boon more universally boneticiaL than the celebrated Mexican Mustang Liniment. Lini-ment. Children, Adults, Horses and Domestic Animals, are always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, that no family can p&sa a single season without some kind of an emolliont being necessary. neces-sary. It becomes a matter of importance import-ance then to eecure the beat. The merits of tho AIksican Mtjstano Liniment are well known throughout the habitable world. Prom the million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has ever reached us. It is recommended re-commended for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, KheumaLiim, Bwollings, Biles, Chilblains. Chil-blains. &c, upon man, and for bpavins Founders, King-bone, Poll Evil Scratches, Wind-Galls, Hoofale, Sac , upon horses, IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF HORSES, "This is to certify. That tho Mexican Mqb-tang Mqb-tang Linimonlhas boon extensively used in our stabled throughout tho country (wo have 2,5o0 horses) with the greatest bonofit in all cafes of tails, kickf, sprains, lauionoss, itiff-ceaa. itiff-ceaa. etc. Many of oar men havo had occasion occas-ion to uso it in thoir families, and all speak of it in the hiKhoit tornid. Ono of our men got kickeU and badly cut and bruised: as usual, us-ual, tho Mustang Liniment was resorted to; tho lameness was removed, and he was almost al-most well in lour d;us. Wo can cheerfully recommend it as a raluable preparation for moo or boost. Yours respectfully. J. DUNNING, Foreman of Adomi & Co'g. Eip'b. Stables, "We take srat pleasure in recommending the Mexican Miuung Liniment aa on indispensable indis-pensable and YAlunblo article and tho best wo have evor Ujod for Sprain, Soros or Linlls on hurscs. Some of our mon have also used it fur sQvero burns and soro., as well as rheumatic I'ains, and all say it acts like mafia. J, II. HEWITT. Foreman. For American Eiprois C.. 1) Waii S;:ecU IlarJcn's Lipresrf Co., 71 Broadway; Pullen, Viruil .t Co., Hi pres Co.. II Wall Street; W-illi, F.'-rso i Co., 11 Wall Street. Over three hurMrwi livery sutblos in theci'y of iS'ew York aione are using the lixxu a- Mustang Liniment, in all of whiuh il gives unusual eaUafao-Uoo, eaUafao-Uoo, ti.de urrri'.':i !-d rrt-ej have nni;r-Uken nni;r-Uken to counterieit thii Liniment. Ihe sen'iine is wrafi id m a tine "Steel Pla'e" I (Erivint. Tvit2 "Q. W. We :bruk. Chemist." Chem-ist." and "Trade Mark. MEXICAN M US-TAN US-TAN ti LINIMENT," engraved across tho face of each wrapper. , The whole bears the proprietors' private United States Revenue Stamp, and not a common stamp, as mod. by (ixaeirii'j. Lrus Mascfactcftho Co., HI M Park flm. H. Y. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS THEATRE CHANGE OF TXEUBt Doors open atTJa. Commence at 8 o'alock. FOUR NICHTS ONLY! - Commencing On MONDAY, MAY 13th, 1S72. Grautl Musical and Artistic Combination Combin-ation of the Original BERGER FAMILY' llil SWISS BELL RIXGERS And tho Renowned IJuuiorist and Facial SOL. SMITH' RUSSELL, Vocalists, Harpists, Violinists, Lady Oroliestra( Young Ladies' Silver Cornet Band. MISS ANNA BEKGJER, Tho only Lady Cornet Soloist in America. MISS ALEXINA BRANDT, Soprano. MR, fredTgTberger, Leader of Band. miss josiFberger, ' Alta Horn and Bell Player. MR. HBNRYlskRGER and MR. R. D. RUSSELL. MISS NELLIE E. KNAl'P, Tho Accomplished Soprano, MR. ERNEST THIELE, Flutist and Violin Virtarso. MISS ETTA-BERGER, With her staff of thirty-four Silver Bells. And other Vocul and Instrumental Talent -will appear In a PROBRAMME OF EAHE EXCELLE5CE Usual Prices Of Admission. THURSDAY AFTERNOON GRAND MATINEE. ' GEO. V. M. B0UTELLE, Civil Engineer and C. S. Mineral Surveyor for Utah. Applications for tho Surveys of Mines for a U- d. fatont and the preparation of the necessary diagrams and papers, will rooei?o personal and prompt attention. Surreys, Estimates and Drawings and all work connected with tho profession carolully and correctly performed. Uftici in tho Building occupied by the Surveyor General's Ollico, opposite tno Townsend House, Salt Lake City. BRFERENCEB : Gon. C- C- Clements, U.S. SarveyorUonoral: Hon- J. M. JUooro, Postmaster, Salt Lako City. Dr. 0. 1). Cass, Presidont Bank of Coxinne; Hon. O. J. Hollister. U.S. Collector for Utah; Won. Goo. K, Maxwell, Kcgietor U. S. Lund Office. mylo NOTICE TO MINERS. PERSONS buying Mining Claims of William Wil-liam Lewis, on tho Southern Extension Of the SUNBEAM LODE, Tintio Mining District, are notified that I hold a Deed lor feet on that ground-mylo ground-mylo MUuE: CLUi'F. JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Mnln Street, Suit Lake City, (In Raid's Building.) City Lotf. Stores, Houses, eta., bought, sold and leased. Loans negotiated lor parties on reasonable terms. mylo NOTICE ! 1'HE Co-partnership heretofore existing between tho undersigned, under the linn name of CALDEK, SJiAKS & DAYNEi, was on tho 30th day of April dissolved by mutual consent, D, O. Caldcr, S. W. Sears and William Cold or, known undor tho firm I suiiiD of Calder & Sears, will continue tho business, collect all dobts and assutno all liabilities of tho lato firm. D. U. CALDEll, S. W. BEARS,, WILLIAM UALDER, JOHN DAYS Ed. i mi 15 JOii. J. DAiNES. RAILROAD WATCH. Travelers by Railroad frequently find their watches completely demoralized by tho continuous con-tinuous jar of the train. To overcome this difficulty has long been a problem with watohmakcrs, and it is now successfully accomplished ac-complished in tho now grado mado by tho AMERICAN WATCH CO. Of WALTUAM. This Watch is made in the most substantial substan-tial manner, on the most approved principles, princi-ples, and combines all the roeont improve ments. It has a new miorometrioal regulator, regu-lator, by which tboslightest variation can bo easily corrected. It is carefully adjusted, and may be entirely roliod on to run accurately, accu-rately, wear well, and ENDURE THE HARDEST USAGE, without any derangement derange-ment whatever. We confidently res o mm end this watch to Lho trodo and the public as the BE3T WATCH FOR THE PRICE IN THIS MARKET. Tho full trado-mark ongraved on the plate of oh watch is "AMERICAN WATCH CO-, CRESCENT-BT.. WALTUAM. MASS.," and it is distinctively known as tho CRESCENT-SI, Watch. For sale by all leading Jewelers. ItOBUINS & APPLETOJV, GENERAL AGENTS. mylj 1 BOND-ST., N. Y. ANOTHER EXCURSION ON THE BRINY DEEP. The Steamer ''CITY OF CORINNE1' Will make A IV EXCURSION TRIP ON Great Salt Lake, On SATURDAY NEXT, May ISth, From LnWt Side, on tile U. C. 11. H. Train connecting with the eieamer will le.ive ihe U. C. K. K. Depot jl o'clock, a-m-, au 1 returninc will arrivo at 7:.Jj p.m. t are fur the round trip, including transfer fcy wagon fruin the car to fltaouibu.it Jandintr and return, Si.UU. Dinner served on board in a stjle un.-ur-pae.-cJ on tho Paiinc C-jji at an esua uhsrie of SI.OU. All the luiurifc of ta season to be had on board a', Sl. Like pricri. Evcy care will bo taken tu have ihe company ee-lejt. ee-lejt. ana lo uu.ke tho trip thoroughly enjoyable. en-joyable. Tickets for sale at the i"tce of H . 8 VTA-C'.'Bs VTA-C'.'Bs CO., Kimball's Blo-k. Procure them early as only a limited number will be euld. N. B. Apirty of Ono Hundred or mure, withing at any time to make an e-uraion on the ; learner, can bo accommodated by no-lily no-lily idc us, in time to make necessary preparations. pre-parations. ByU U B JACUUS fc CO, MISCELLANEOUS. A. P. HOTAUNG&CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR TUB J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AXD IMPORTERS OP FINK WINES AND LIQUORS, 431 Jackson Mi Snn Francisco. a!'.) J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY. C P. MOORMAN & CO., Louisville, Kentucky, Distillers. The Ti-Bile and Consumers arc notiflod that the above is tho only genuine brnnd of Cutter whisky, and that the nndorsiKnod ro the sole Agents for the same. All other brands claiming to bo "Cnttur" whisky are only iioor imltntloin. In order to prevent pre-vent fraud, lho nnmta of tho Agents ore burned m each barrel, and blown " cm-b bottle, with a fnu-slui tie signature signa-ture of tho firm covering the oorks. None other genuine. A. P. UOTALINO A CO.. Bole ABonts for tho Pacifc Coast. 411 Jacksou fcHroct, dan Frnni'iFcn. California. ClNMSti'l'ON fcCO., AgonU for Salt Lako and Utah, &21 TO TillO X It A. 13 10. For Sale In Store and Warehouseai barrels J. U. Cutter whisky, 500 barrels Daniel Boone whisky, 4.V) barrels Eldorado whisky, ST.') barrels C. A M. Chicken Cock whisky. ")0 barrels Old Bourbon whisky, ;i75 barrels Marshall whisky, l.li'JO barrels other popular brands Ky. 5,000 oases J. H. Cutter whisky. Alao In Store and Bo ml: 2"0 H casks assorted brands French brandy LiM octaves " " " " f.l) nit.PN Holland din. mlA onsks Port Wino, assorted brands 175 octavos " " oasks Sherry Wino " " 260 oetaves " " " " Orders Solicited. A. P. HOTAX1NG . CO., 431 Jacksor Streot, San Francisco, California. fllesira. lili.MIjlOT()N Si, CO., oui Agents for Salt Lako and Utah. ail ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Ill the Supreme Court for the District Dis-trict of Utnli, In tho matter of " Riggs, Lechtonbcrg 4Co In Bankruptcy. Bannrupt, J UNDER and by virtao of nn order of oourt in tho abovo matter, I shall, on Wedno'day, May 15th. 1S72i at 10 o'clock am., offer at public auction to the highest bidder for cosh, at tho storo on East Temple street formerly occupied by Risks, Lcohten-bcrg Lcohten-bcrg & Co., tho following personal property, to wit: Tho Btock of goods now in tho store, consisting con-sisting of General Merchandise, and shall continue said sale from day to day until disposed of mylO JO GORDON, Assignee. FIRE INSURANCE. HOME INSURANCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. M.A. DAUGHERTY, JACOB PEETRY, Presidont. boorotary. Cash Assets - - $871,152.81. By reason of a heavy casli capital and a largo business, well distributed, we offer to tho public indemnity that is second to nono. Our Chicago record is a guarantee of prompt and equitable adjustment and payment pay-ment of losses. H. R. MANN, Agent. OfDcei Banking House of A. IV, Whit &, Co. Post Othoe Box, No. 554. inylO To Whom it may Concern. WE, the undersigned. George N. Savago and W . II. Ragor, claim and own two hundred and twenty-five (225) feot in tho Rod Pino ledge in Dry canyon, latterly known as the Iris and etill later known as tho Koar-aargo, Koar-aargo, said claim having been located June 187U. by W. H. Ragor, ot al., and duly record re-cord cd and tho law complied with in other respects. And we hereby caution parties not to trudo or barter for said claim without our sanction or conscn.. q gVAOE, W. H.ltAtiER. Salt Lako City. April 30, 1870. myl REMOVAL. Geo. Clnivk has removed his barborins establishment from 2nd South Stroet tc tho third door south of tho City Liqaoi Storo, (up-stnlrs) where ho would b ploased to see his friends und patrons. mylO NOTICE. THE annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of tho Utah Central Railroad Co.for Lh Election of Officers Will bo held on Saturday. Juno 1st, at 10 am. at tho office of President Young. GEORGE SWAN. Secretary. Salt Lako City. U- T., May 10th, 1572. my 10 W.T.REYXOLDS &. CO., E. B. KADRISKIE San Francisco. Salt Lako City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE TOR SALE A HNE LINE Of WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AGENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB JR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED V1TQ THE HOUSE. MAIN STREET, Two doom tsoutn of 'Wells, Forgo A Co'i Bnuk. myo B.W. Allex & Co., 47 Uroadway, Now "Vorli. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office, S. L. Ciiy. Agents for Die Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY! W. S. FOsTEB, Agent, jiff THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE -V O E THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE r WILL SEW THE FINEST TEXTURES. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE WILL SEW THE STOUTEST LEATHER. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. FOR SALE BY CALDER & SEARS, 37 East Temple Street. nil 8 ; SAM FRANCISCO TRfiDE. MINERS' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Co-Operative, 233 first Street, Snn Francisco, Angell, Palmer & Co., 1 n27 MANAGERS. ; BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WHOLESALE TIIADK, Weaver & Taylor, ' US Front Strcot, San Francisco, California. 1 al2 fl, C. DSETZ 5 CG. IMl'OBTERS OF PAINTS, OILS, ', Varnishesand Lamps, Ho. 224 FRONT STREET. Bet. Sacnuueuto A California, Ban Frtnclico m A. J. GRIFFITH, Dcalor In aft$!ylS& all kinds or FZOI&LXD SMOHLBD SALMON AND HERP.1MGS, ml Waihlngton Strtct, All kindi of Dried, Smoked ud Pick lad Piah OooiUutly on hand, J4 R0SENBAUIY1 & FRIEDMAN a dt Battery St., Snn Fran, Importers and W holes ale Dealers in French, English, Go-man and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, .Hosiery, Cornets, Itibbons, And fall lino of Sninllwares. in6 GRAND liOTJEJL On Mwltst, Now Montgomery and Uccond Btrooio. SAH FRAWOiaCO, CAIi, JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors, a MlOHASL K.AKI. T. N. Wa5D. WAND, KANE & CO., (Succeiior to Hunter, Wand A. Co.) Importers and Wholesale Doalers in ffLES iD LIQUORS. Proprietors of Hunter's California Whoat "7"Ja.llJL.oy . Also AirenW for Joseph S. Finca'i celebrated Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY 6UT mad 009 FrontSt., near JutkiOM, SAN F&A3CISCU. LAZARD FRERES, Importors and Jobbcra ol Foreinn and Do-uieJiic Do-uieJiic Fancj and Sut-lo DEY GOODS. Drpot of (?.-.. M'l'n.f&tlurtdat the : Miaaion and Pacific MUlb, (XmidaCed. b'A5 A. &7 Market -St., San Kra njl8 l'xris : 3 Run Do L'Uohi'ju E. MARTS E3 & CO. WMcsalB Lipor Dealers, 108 tfroMt Street, Ban fr'ianclato Proi-rioUm of HlLLILll'S U JET 11 A ULDBOl'KBOK And aola agenu for , t, CUTTLR S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKItS Const&aiLr on han't, a full assort moot of all the artl Brand or Whlaklce, : Kln Urandlt j Foreign and Domaitlo Wlnti, UQ lllttara, Cordlali, a SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, IMPORTANT WORKS ' -ON- MINES AND MINING Lrcnl Titles to mining Claim! im V ater ItlKht. Hy Uri-nory Ynlo. $7 W. Froctitai of liolit and Silver Kx- tractlon, forUcneral Uic. By Quido Kiinel. !S ly, SnLpliiirrti, "Wliat they arc, How i Asunyed, and How Worked! By Wm. Bitrntow. tl w. The Mlitlnc and Metallurgy of tiold and silver. By J. Arthur Phil-; Phil-; Hps. Sl:i Ml. Tlie Metallurgy of Lend, Including Deullvcrlxatlou, and Cniellatluu. By John Perov. $LStio. A Manual of Practical Assaying. By Juhn Mitoholl, K. C. S. $ia U0. Crooke'M and ltohrlR' Trentla on Metnllurfy, In ihrtc vol. Vol. 1. Sliver and Lend, Vol. 11. Conper andiron. Vol.111. Steel and Fuel. Each vol. sold soiiarately fit tlOOO per tol. Tlie Klctullurgy and Mining of Copper. Cop-per. By A. B. Pittgitt. M. 1). (1 A Treatlae on Oro Deioiilta. By Bern- hard Von Cotta. $1 50. A System of mineralogy. By Jamas D. Dunn. M. A. gli) IM. Any of the above work scat by mall on ro-coipt ro-coipt of price in ouin, cr iu ixjuivalont in ourronoy. Wo also have In addition to tho abovo. a larsro assortment of SoieniiOo, Standard and Miscollanoous Books, Blank Books mid Sutionery. CataloKuoa furnished on application. appli-cation. Aiidrcis A. ROMAN & CO. i Pnbliahera, llookaellcaa, lmjiortere and fitatloiivra. No. 11 Montgomery St., Lick House Block, tan yrauoitco, California. aij E3TABLIBHKD 18 6 O. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, m awl 216 Front Street, San Francisco. CRAY, JONES & CO. DEI'OT O 1" TUB SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS CF OfK SOLE LEATHER, No, 118 Buttery Street, SJN FRANOISCO. Edmund Joses, ) q. p,,,. Bamuel O. Onr, Jcsaa Bosroa J anU Uru- Ban FranciBCO. ap6 EaUbiished in 1851 . C. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Stroot. between Jackson and Pacific. SAN FRANCISCO. aS L. A. Boudoreon, T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importors and Jobbers of CIGARS AM TOBACCO, (Proprietors ,f La Espanola Cigar Factor;,) Sole manufacturers of the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Stree. Between Washington and Clay, SAN FRANOISCO. apt CALIFORNIA CRACKER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Fancy Crackers, Caies & Biscaits, 803 Battery St. near Broadway, BAN FRANCISCO. b E.A. FARCO & CO., Importers and Jobber of Braif es, fines Mfl Liprs, 3XG Front St., oor. Commercial D. b. Nth. f-3 SAN FRANCISCft X. CHIELOTICH. Will E 13001. B I. HCSL U. CHIBTjOVIOH db CO., importer and wholesale dealers In FINK WINES OL LIQ.VOR8, SOLE iOESTB FOR JESSE, M30RE & GO'S FINE 0L0 BOU3B0N AND RYE WHISKIES. DIRECT TBOU LOtJIBTILLI, II. 601 Front St.. SAN FRANCISCO. B1ICI1KLS, FRIEDLANDUR dc. CO., 1KP0BTII8 OP Furnishing and Fancy Goods, iVb. 7 -J" 9 Battery St., Oriental Block) San Francisco, California, Solo Manufacturers of the IMPfiOVliD YOKE A M Eld CAN 8UIBT. a 11 J. Q WOOSTEB,. . D. BI1ATTECI. WQOSTER & SHATTUCK, comrassioN kerceants And Wholesale Deivl on la Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Lard, HAMS, BACON, ETC., 317319 Front t,tcor. Commercial, SAN FllANCISCO. li PARKER, WATTSON & CO,, ! (Saocesaors to WoLl k Co.,) Importers and Manufacturer of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 235 Front St., cor. Sacramento, a5 SAN FHANCISCO, CAL. MURPHYjGRANT&CO. Im porters of American and Europn staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CAL.IFOR.aiA, Call tho attention of tho Trade to thill and oomplote stook ot FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, IWhieh thoy are now roceivim direct frooi. European Manufaotureri. oomtruuu ia part-French part-French Blcrlnoe, Wool Satlnea, Wool Plaldi, Preneh and Oenua, IrUh and French Popllnij Kmpren Clotbi, T am tee , black end colored, Velveteen, Alpaca, bUei and toJo"' SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, Kid. Book. Briin (Ladioi-. Miua', Gents' Underwear Aad lU kladi of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, complete la all 1U braocbe U lilte Good, Handkerchief, Whirling Llucm, Ciu 11 1 , vLite atid colored.' . He uiatk, lruwn lm eel ''f.3 1 ow.l., Utfti. Wc-f. J1 KApUln and kite. LOAL: COAL!! GRASS CANYON COAL I M I am pr.puod lo foroiib ""lC',Jl part, of tho dr. Ord !. '" , boo'-. ut lomplo Bu. will rcc.i """" altoaUoa. . . ..nl. e. J. |